#But also the selling thing is so imao. Like. Guys. Why do you think authors do that? People do not read books otherwise
crow-caller · 4 months
I see a lot of posts where people decry all these horrible books where characters talk like they're in therapy have pronoun circles and get advertised only by listing identities and never have I seen anyone decrying them actually name real books they have read doing this.
Somehow I think it might be less a common problem and more something people vaguely heard about and complain about without ever actually reading or encountering
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seasons-of-ceres · 8 years
Tagged by @hatakelegacy. I’ve been itching to do one of these, thanks, hun!
Rules: Answer in a new post the 11 questions the person who tagged you made at the bottom, and include 11 new questions you came up with and tag 11 more people.
1) If it was the zombie apocalypse and I gave you an option to hide at any big chain store (Target, Walmart, etc), which would you choose and why? Um…hm…see I’ve already thought of a giant mall or something, just because of all the different kinds of stores but…Canadian Tire comes to mind. I don’t think it’s anywhere in the States, but it sells guns alongside other typical grocery items, and car stuff, so…that sounds like a good place to make a final stand and blow shit up or something.
2) Think of a friend and name three things you like about them. Their hips, their laugh, and the fact they will humour me when I send terrible puns via text.
3) When did you have your first crush and why did you like them at the time? (If you never had a crush, talk to me about your pet Imao) Grade 4 when I was ten years old. We liked a lot of the same things, and I felt he was more mature than the other guys in my grade. I didn’t feel like I needed to hide anything from him and I would tell him anything and everything. Plus, blue eyes and dark hair is kind of a weakness for me. He is the reason I got into anime and learned how to swear.
4) What’s an embarrassing moment in your life? Aside from, like, everything? There was this one time in Grade 3 where we had this freak snowstorm, alright? Huge ass snowdrifts everyone fought over. So, these two friends of mine (I’m using “friends” loosely here) asked me to guard this one gigantic snowdrift as they went to…I don’t know, go pee. Well, it was super fucking cold and I didn’t want to disappoint them, so I stayed there the entire 30 minutes of recess – at which point they never returned – and I ended up wetting myself.
5) What’s your favourite thing about Kakashi? There are so many…geez…uh…His attitude/personality. I like that he can be all casual and then flip the switch and go total badass.
6) Do you play an instrument? If yes, which one? If no, which ones would you like to try? At one point I could kind of play the guitar, then I stopped. I did play clarinet for four years and then I stopped doing that too. Always had a thing for the cello.
7) What’s your dream job? Author. That is the goal.
8) What would you do if someone walked up to you and gave you five dollars? Honestly? Drop it and walk away. I like being able to earn things, if you just give me something I’m going to refuse it.
9) What’s your opinion on the doge meme? Love it.
10) What’s your favourite board game? Trouble. Because I am a merciless bastard.
11) Do you prefer rainy weather or sunny weather? Why? Rainy. I don’t like warm, humid places. I’m born in December so the cold just gels with me better. I also really like the smell of rain.
I tag @lolafsvoice @mercer-safehouse @titslikeahurricane @blueevileye @lenadapug @garnetarmstrong @cypherzero @ichigokage @perkigothii-geekius @over-active-daydreamer @iamanemotionaltimebomb
My questions:
1) What’s the colour of your room?
2) A centaur bursts through your front door, he is being chased by a mob of ranchers: What do you do?
3) Have you ever broken a bone? if not, biggest scratch you’ve ever gotten.
4) Do you know what your first word was?
5) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
7) Still believe in Santa Claus?
8) Would you want twenty-four hours of daylight or twenty-four hours of moonlight?
9) Favourite fairytale?
10) What language would you like to master?
11) Is there someone in your life right now you would like to punch in the face?
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