#But anyways! Look forward to seeing a snippet hopefully sooner than later~
soft-serve-soymilk · 10 months
Why is my heart beating so fast for 😐 like? Are you a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog? No? So leave me alone 😞
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ambivalentangst · 6 years
hi!!! thank u so much for your awesome writing! I love everything you’ve written! for the bad things bingo, can I request “muzzled”, langst? if you don’t, it’s alright! I look forward to reading the stuff you write!
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Aw, thank you so much!! You’re too sweet. At this point I’ve accumulated about six different requests for Lance and muzzled, so I figured it was time to get them done.
Want to help me reach bingo? Check out this post for more info
tw: mentions of slavery and murderous intent
The entire fucking theme of Lance’s life for the past six months could be summed up in a few simple words: it was supposed to be recon. Recon always seemed to lead to some horrific situation where everyone involved only got out by the skin of their teeth, and today was no exception, Lance thought bitterly from the back of some vehicle that sounded suspiciously like a farm truck.
He’d come to with his hands tied harshly behind him, enough so to warrant a trip to the pods. His knees would surely be bruised as well with the way Lance put his weight on them to keep from being slammed around too much. His head pounded and the fact that the ride was the live antonym of smooth wasn’t helping. The irony of it all, the fact that it wasn’t even the Galra who had taken him down, was cruel and frankly, was pissing Lance off.
There was always a risk of the locals being caught unaware when they tried to infiltrate planet-based bases, but this went far beyond the normal shouting matches and light death threats they all occasionally endured.
He felt the truck slow to a crawl, and ground his teeth together. It was a good thing he’d been having so many races with Keith to training, and then with Pidge to the kitchen when he’d gone to the Blade and Hunk stress baked to cope. If he acted groggily he could maybe get the jump on them. He’d use his thick head (the same one teachers continually reminded him of throughout his life), bring it up against some chins, kick some genitalia, and hopefully be on his merry way into the same wilderness he’d been captured in.
No such luck. Lance knew himself to be a very good actor, but it didn’t matter anyway. They shoved him onto the ground and put a boot on his back, crackling voices being translated to let Lance understand what snippets of conversation he caught as he tried to catch his breath.
“—elevated heart rate—”
“How much—”
Lance felt something lock around his ankles too, and his chin was grasped by clawed fingers that forced him to stare into fly like, bulbous eyes. He couldn’t help but recoil. Lance had seen a lot of shit, but the universe continued to surprise him.
More of the crackling, though Lance noted the sound reminded him distinctly of laughter. “Surprise, paladin. Raiders caught sight of your lion coming in. Imagine that, a Voltron paladin here on our little rock! Exciting, isn’t it?”
Lance flashed a winning smile. “Well, someone has to make up for your incredible lack of good looks.” Lance’s face was dropped roughly back onto the floor. He didn’t allow himself to groan.
“Silence. You’re lucky we got you before the Galra. You know how many buyers there are looking to get their hands on one of your ilk? So small and beautiful, yet capable of so much destruction. Voltron is a mystery to us all.”
Lance rolled his eyes. “As much as I appreciate your admiration for my good looks,” he hoped he didn’t sound as pathetic as he looked, face mushed on the ground, “why don’t you just let me go, and we can let bygones be bygones? I don’t know if you’ve realized, but I’m trying to save the universe, which includes you, dumbass, and my replacement’s got a hot date.”
The alien and his strange eyes seemed amused. “You underestimate the thrall of the empire, paladin. Not every Galra is military. There are plenty of collectors ready to pay up.”
Lance’s lip curled in disgust. “Enjoy it while it lasts, pal. Sooner or later you’ll all get blown sky high, by the Galra or Voltron. We aren’t really in the business of letting people who kidnap us get off easy. You ever seen an Olkari prison?”
Fly dude, as Lance had elected to call him, didn’t seem bothered by the threat. Lance could hear more movement and crackling behind him, though wasn’t in a position to see anything. “You’re hardly intimidating, paladin.” He reached forward, again with those claws. Lance drew back again, or at least as best as he could. It didn’t deter the creature, who tapped the side of Lance’s neck, or rather, something on it.
Lance’s brow furrowed in confusion, and then a muscle in his cheek twitched in anger. “What the hell did you to me?” he growled, becoming aware of the protrusion very suddenly. It must’ve been able to keep track of him too, if the conversation he heard earlier was in reference to him. It was the easiest explanation for why they knew he wasn’t asleep.
His fury sent fly dude into another grating fit of maybe-laughter. Lance still wasn’t sure, but he did hate it. “You’re a new recruit for the trade, paladin. Buyers don’t like things they can’t control.” On cue, Lance gasped in agony as splitting pain all but enveloped him entirely. He writhed in his bounds, head flinging back while he desperately pressed his lips together in an effort to remain silent. When the pain stopped and Lance was done blinking back tears, he felt the alien’s hand caress the thing set into him patronizingly. Lance felt something hot and reckless spark within him. He dipped his head and bit as hard as he could.
The skin was surprisingly soft, which, gross, but effective. Lance spat out the blood he’d gotten on his tongue while fly dude howled and shook his hand, which was apparently his chosen coping method. He turned back to Lance viciously, and though he’d definitely just fucked himself over, his smug grin couldn’t be smacked from his face, proven when creature tried. “You insolent little—” it seethed, before taking a deep breath and allowing a sinister smirk of his own to spread across his lips. “No matter. We’ll just include extra equipment along with you.” Lance resisted the urge to swallow nervously. He didn’t like the sound of that.
Fly dude tossed his head over his shoulder. The sound he made, which might’ve been a name, didn’t translate. “Grab the silencer!” he snarled, looking very darkly pleased with himself as he stared down at Lance, who felt fear grip him more violently than he wanted. Fear meant desperation, which meant sloppiness. He tried to calm himself down, as another of the aliens came forward with a small piece of metal and fabric. Lance had a sinking feeling about what its purpose could be, and his suspicions were confirmed when fly dude revealed a remote Lance didn’t realize he even had. A press of the button had the same pain shooting through Lance, and he crumpled pathetically. Later, he would hate himself for it. At the moment, he was hurting too badly to even notice.
The hand Lance had sunk his teeth into was surprisingly deft, fastening the device around his jaw with a faint stinging sensation. Lance panted as the thing in his neck stopped acting like it was going to kill him, glaring daggers at fly dude. He wished more than anything for his bayard, to put a hole through his ugly head.
The alien seemed sated. “That should do it,” he remarked, as though Lance suddenly wasn’t a person, something worthy of being properly communicated with. He’d been reduced to an object with a mere muzzle, and if Lance wasn’t pissed off before, he was now. He fought hard against his binds, anger giving him strength renewed. It didn’t do anything but aggravate his skin. Fly dude was laughing fucking again. Lance wondered if it was humane to rip out someone’s vocal chords before eviscerating them. It didn’t take much thinking to answer that question. Lance didn’t care. He’d never killed, not truly, never for revenge or anything other than self-defense, but damn if he wasn’t filled with the desire now. The alien was sauntering out. Lance’s only consolation was the blood he could see drying on his hand.
“Get comfortable, paladin. Your auction is sure to be spectacular, and we wouldn’t want the goods getting hurt before they can be sold.”
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