#But have jam shaking film like a coconut
tinnchan · 1 year
Film Thanapat hearing he won Best Actor
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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- So like- you guys have seen those good review videos on snapchat right?
- Where these public figures will try trendy food and rate it
- So Atsumu is there as a popular volleyball player, known for having a loud charismatic personality
- And you’re there too
- You can decide what it’s for: maybe you’re an up and coming writer promoting your book, a content creator on social media, a noteworthy chef, whatever-
- You’re both sitting side by side
- You’re Introducing yourself when Atsumu gets a whiff of you
- You smell good- you can decide what it is, maybe your perfume/cologne, or your shampoo
- Whatever it is it makes Atsumu feel like he’s drunk
- All lightheaded with a flush creeping up his neck
- It’s attraction at first sniff
- When he gets past the smell and takes a look at you, well dang you’ve kinda got a cute face huh?
- Maybe not something as flashy as the models/athletes he see’s
- It’s something gentler
- You’re still cute though
- You on the other hand-
- You look calm
- But I promise your soul has left your body and it is currently on another plane of existence SCREAMING INTO THE VOID
- You knew an athlete was going to be doing this with you
- But you didn’t think it was THE ATSUMU MIYA
- you’re a huge fan
- Would it be unprofessional to ask him to autograph something for you?
- Before either of you can mess up this feeble attraction you have (you with your fangirling and him with his bad pick up lines) they bring out the first thing you guys are trying
- “Oh, it looks like one of those grain bowls!” You say
- Atsumu nods next to you
- “I see some mixed grains-“
- “A lot of olives and tomatoes”
- “There are two dressings!” Cue Atsumu making the Pikachu meme face
- Lololol
- “I’m struggling to mix it tbh” you confess and Atsumu nods beside you
- “Oh I gotta great idea!”
- He makes a little well in the middle of his plastic bowl, puts both his dressing in there, closes the lid, and shakes it.
- While he’s shaking it, the bowl slips from his fingers and flies across the room, landing on the floor and spilling everywhere
- You both look at it, and then at the crew
- “Y’all wouldn’t happen to have another one?”
- You end up having to share yours with him
- “It’s good!” You say, but your eyebrows are threaded and your expression says otherwise
- Atsumu gives you a skeptical expression
- “I mean- it’s not bad it’s just-“
- “It’s hella bland” Atsumu finishes and you nod
- “Yeah they’re really giving us nothing here”
- “It needs some acid, y’all wouldn’t happen to have hot sauce would ya” Atsumu asks
- And to his surprise, your hand dips into your bag and you pull out a bottle of hot sauce
- You put it on your portion before offering it to him
- “So does everyone carry hot sauce in their bag now?” He asks, half teasing and you shake your head
- “Nah, just me and Beyoncé”
- Atsumu laughs
- The verdict?
- “It’s good with the hot sauce,” Atsumu says in between bites
- “It was better with the hot sauce” you nod in agreement
- “Also, that was a lot of food! I couldn’t finish my half, so I feel like it’s a really good quantity”
- You look over to Atsumu who’s polished his portion
- “Unless you’re Atsumu,” you say with a giggle
- “Unless your me,” he says with a grin
- You guys are really vibing tbh, and the crew picks up on it too
- It’s always cool when the guests are good to work with, it makes everyone happy
- The next thing they bring out is a matcha latte
- “Oooo I like that foam on top”
- Atsumu stirs his drink getting the matcha evenly in it
- “They have that lid on top to sip from, that’s how you know they charged you too much for this drink” Atsumu jokes and you laugh
- You got a cute laugh, he thinks
- A smirks curling on his lips but it promptly disappears the second he takes a sip
- “Oh that’s terrible”
- “It’s really bad”
- You’re gagging
- “I didn’t think they could make matcha this bad”
- “They literally charged y’all $15 to give ya grass in a cup with some coconut milk huh?”
- Verdict
- “No”
- “Never”
- While the crew is getting you ready for the next course you guys chat a little
- “So you guys have a game next week right?” Atsumu perks up at that
- Ah so you’re a fan?
- Well that helps his odds
- “Yeah, it’s supposed to be a tough one.”
- “I like your odds though” and it’s true you think their odds are super good, they’ve got Bokuto and Hinata after all
- Plus they’ve all got really good communication with each other
- “Well maybe ya can stop by at my next game and see the outcome for ya self”
- Atsumu’s not joking he’s being serious
- But before you can say anything it’s time to film again
- The last thing you guys try is a three-tier cake
- “It looks pretty,” you say, it’s layers of cream with a nice thick layer of strawberry in the middle
- “ ‘s not enough jam” Atsumu appraises
- “Big strawberry fan?” You ask and Atsumu shrugs
- Normally he’d say something like ‘let me take to dinner and then you can find out
- But he doesn’t wanna put you on the spot on camera so he shrugs
- “I’d rather have fruit than cake ya feel?”
- You nod
- “Fruit, nature’s candy,” you say with a very serious expression
- Atsumu laughs so hard he cries
- You both take a hesitant bite
- After all, that matcha latte looked good too
- “Bruuuuuh,” He says immediately after
- “Can we get another slice?” You ask between bites
- “Is it soaked in something?”
- “I think it’s like a cream?”
- “The cake is soaked in a cream liquor,” the crewman behind the camera tells you
- “I don’t even care that I’m not supposed to have alcohol,” Atsumu says shoving cake into his mouth
- “It’s so good!”
- Verdict
- “We ate too much, and ... it’s somehow hard to breathe?” You’re slumped back in your chair and Atsumu is in a similar state
- “It’s all that sugar” he shakes his head
- “Worth it though”
- “Oh one hundred percent”
- And that’s a wrap
- “It was really fun working with you guys!”
- The producer shakes your hand and you tell him it was a pleasure to work with him as well
- “Yeah, it’s always nice having happy couples in y’know? Always brings a good vibe to the space”
- Atsumu doesn’t miss the way you turn bright red
- “O-oh no we’re not a couple!”
- You with the great Atsumu Miya? No way
- You’d probably faint if he tried to hold your hand
- The producer gives you a confused expression
- “Oh? Well then maybe you should be”
- You don’t miss the devilish smile on their face as they walk away leaving a short-circuiting (Y/N) and A grinning Atsumu
- You turn to him, hoping to see him in a similar state
- But he’s just grinning at you
- “Well ya heard them, let’s go get some coffee to make up for that crappy one”
- You’re just blindly following him wondering if this is a prank or a dream
- “I know a place that has an actual good matcha latte, if ya like those that is”
- And you’re standing on the edge
- You could easily tell him no you don’t like matcha lattes at all, or that you have somewhere else to be
- You can just walk away
- But when you look into those bright brown eyes the words rumble right out
- “I would love that”
- “Hey ‘Sumu,” he shifts beside you, the arm that’s sling over your shoulder shifting slightly
- “They invited us back to the show,” you say showing him the email you got
- “That producer did say they like couples,” he says with a grin, squeezing your shoulder
- “As long as we don’t have to drink that matcha latte again”
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she-writes-words · 5 years
Summer Lovin’ Chapter 1
Pairing: Harry Holland x Original Female Character
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mild Language 
Toni Thompson met Harry Holland after befriending his brother at an awards show. Tom's group had welcomed her in and practically acted like they'd known her their entire lives. Somewhere along the way, Toni fell hard for Harry, but nobody knows... Except for Zendaya. The group embarks on a summer trip together, one that they'd been planning for quite some time. How will Toni deal with her crush on her best friend's younger brother? Will they come to admit their feelings? Or will her fear of losing her best friends stop her from chasing the possible love of her life?
A/N: This is my first full-on fanfiction and my first writing for the Holland twin. I’m not sure how many chapters this will be, but please enjoy. Constructive Criticism is always welcomed!
Chapter 1  Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
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Driving up the California coast has always been my favorite thing to do. What made it even better was doing it with friends. Tom and Harry were currently seated in my car, jamming to a playlist made specifically for this road trip. A few cars behind us was Zendaya, Jacob, and Harrison. I peeked back at them from my rear-view mirror, smiling to myself.
I had met Tom a few years back at an after party. He wasn’t paying attention, obviously in deep conversation with someone, and bumped into me, spilling his drink down the front of my dress. I had cracked a joke about that being some way to get a girl’s attention. After what felt like a million apologies later, we had settled into a comfortable conversation, whoever he was talking to was long gone by now. We ended up exchanging numbers and continuing to talk the rest of the night via text. My nickname TeeTee came about thanks to that being what he put me under in his phone.
Suddenly a beautiful friendship had blossomed between us and we quickly became the best of friends. That’s how I met the rest of his inner circle consisting of his co-stars Zendaya and Jacob, his best friend from Haz, and his brother Harry. Sure, his other family was close to him and he did have other friends, but these were the ones I had gotten closer to.
Most of my free time was spent with Tom or Zendaya. He would occasionally spend a few days with me in Vancouver or L.A. when he could. If he was in L.A, usually Zendaya and I were as well. I had even been to London a few times, so I had gotten to know his family well. Zendaya and I had gotten close out of sheer luck thanks to us living so close to each other in L.A.
Now Tom’s younger brother Harry was a different story. Much like his brother, we had hit off almost immediately and he became part of my inner circle. When his brother didn’t have him hanging around and he wasn’t off doing a project of his own, he would stop in to see me when I’d be filming. Not only was Harry my best friend, but he also became my crush. A crush that I couldn’t tell Tom about out of fear of losing our friendship. Zendaya knew, but that was because she forced it out of me after a small get together he was at.
This trip we decided to embark on was something we didn’t get to do often. The six of us had decided to take a small road trip to a coastal beach house that a friend owned. The guys had all flown into LAX just for this trip. To say we were all excited was an understatement. It was only a few hours outside of Los Angeles, but come on, a trip is a trip. To get away from the hustle and bustle of the city with our favorite people is a must.
Getting off the highway and making a few turns, I could finally see the residential area near the beach. I smiled over at Tom who was still enjoying the music playing through my speakers while playing with his phone. “We’re here, ya know. Just a few more minutes until we get to my friend's place.”
Tom and Harry whipped their heads up from their phones in excitement. I smiled at the giddy men and rolled my windows down to take a deep breath of air. The smell of ocean water mingled with the scents of the flowers and trees lining the roads. It brought a peaceful sensation to my body that made me just as giddy as the grown men in my car. Beside me, Tom was taking a video with his phone, letting out a low whistle. In the back, Harry had his camera out, really when did he not have it out, and a goofy smile plastered to his face.
I pulled the car to a stop in the driveway of a gorgeous beach house and suddenly the only noise heard throughout the car was our breathing and the music. We were all just so in awe as we took it all in. The beach was just a few minutes away by walking and you could smell the strong ocean scent from the house. From the front, we could see the beautiful double door entry and a beautiful balcony attached to an upstairs bedroom. It was magnificent, to say the least.
Our attention was pulled away by the sound of a car pulling up next to us, a beaming Zendaya waving at us from the driver’s side and Haz and Jacob animatedly talking in the back seat. I patted tom’s leg and motioned to the friends beside us. “Think that’s our cue to get out, don’t ya think?”
“No, I thought I’d let them drag me out of the car,” he snarked back, a bright smile on his face.
“Fuck you, Holland.” He laughed at my sad comeback and I decided to get out of the car before I thought of something better. The moment I had closed my door, I was practically tackled to the ground by Zendaya. I could pick up a strong scent, but not overwhelmingly so, of coconut coming off her hair and skin as she tightened her arms around my upper body.
I was always amazed when I saw Z. She was an effortlessly beautiful girl and I always felt that I could never compare to her. It wasn’t a competition, of course, but it just didn’t seem fair that a woman could look that flawless. She would be in the simplest clothes and a bare face, just like she was at this moment, and she’d still look drop dead gorgeous. Her dark curls were so much prettier than my frizzy pink ones currently in a high ponytail atop my head. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I squeezed her back and chuckled.
“Nice to see you too, Z. It’s not like I just saw your face a few hours ago.”
“I’m just so excited to spend the next two weeks with you guys. It’s going to be amazing. I have so much stuff planned for us!” The girl was radiating excitement and energy, how she has so much I have no clue.
The guys had made their way up to us while Zendaya continued to ramble on about her plans. After a side hug from Haz and Jacob, we made our way up to the house. Zendaya was chatting with Harry and Tom about all the popular photo spots around town and how she was so excited to see the scenery and sunbathe. We all knew Harry’s camera would be attached to his face for a good part of the trip.
My attention was caught by a cool breeze lifting wisps of curls off my neck. I turned my head as if to follow the breeze and caught sight of the sun slowly starting to set. It was beautiful, no doubt about it. Just like Zendaya, I couldn’t wait to get more of the scenery. Something about the way the glow of the sun peeking through the trees just made me want to leave all my worries behind and never leave. I knew I couldn’t wait to get out and frolic on that magical beach.
The sound of someone’s fingers snapping in my face brought me back to the here and now. “You alright, love?” That accent. The one that belonged to my best friend. I laughed, looking up at him and patting his shoulder.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Got a little too wrapped up in my daydreams, I suppose. Don’t worry about it.”
Tom stifled his laugh as I brushed past him walking completely into the house. The discussion of sleeping arrangements was in full swing once I finally found myself in the kitchen. Trying not to disturb anyone, I quietly slid in next to Harry who smiled at me and threw his arm around my shoulders. Leaning up on my tiptoes to better reach him, I whispered into his ear “So what did I miss?”
“Tom’s bunking with Haz, you’re bunking with Zendaya, and Jacob and I are on our own.” He shot me a wink before turning his attention to Jacob. “I’ll take the upstairs if you’re cool with it, man.”
“Sure, man! Guess that means I get the lower level all to myself unless you want to join me, Harrison,” he sent a wink Haz’s way causing Z and me to fall into a fit of giggles as Haz jokingly threw himself into Jacob’s arms. Jacob was always so down with the flow and I really admired that about him.
I nudged Zendaya’s arm with my elbow. “Hey, Z, show me to our room?” With almost too much excitement, she grabbed my arm pulling me out of the warmth that was Harry’s arm and directed me up to the stairs a few feet away from where the group was stood.
“So ours is the master on the right. It’s got two kings and a kickass tub,” she whispered in my ear so as not to make the other guys jealous. I could hear the gloating in her voice. “Oh, and boys.,” She yelled down the stairs. There was the sound of shuffling and muffled voices, then four heads peeking up the stairs. “Get your crap sorted and we can head to the beach before it gets too dark.” And with that, we were off to check out or room.
A few hours later we found ourselves around a fire pit on the back porch, each of us with a drink in our hands. It had been a slow and peaceful night so far. Most of our night was unpacking our luggage, walking the beach, and then hunting for food. Between the excitement of the night and our drive earlier in the afternoon, we had all decided we were too tired to much. A night of games was the perfect ending to the night. I was sandwiched between the brothers with my head resting on Harry’s shoulder and a hand gripping a glass of wine. How natural this felt. Across from us Sat Haz who was talking to Zendaya and Jacob, arms flailing about as he explained something.
As I was thinking over the events on the beach, I started drifting in and out of the conversation. The breeze was so peaceful and serene as we were walking the shore. The guys were all bullshitting around when suddenly Haz races towards Tom with a hand full of sand and manages to get it down his pants. Zendaya and I stood back laughing as Jacob joined in, getting wet sand and stuffing it in Haz’s pants. Harry was standing off to the side taking pictures of the sunset and the wrestling match, chuckling at the stupidity of his brother and friends.
What happened next reminded me of those slow-motion moments in movies. The last bit of sun that was shining dropped down hitting Harry in such a way that it lit his form up in a beautiful golden glow. My breath caught in my throat and I couldn’t look away. Deciding I didn’t want to lose this moment, I took my phone out and captured a photo of Harry before he could look my way. His breathtaking smile, the way his eyes crinkled up, and the halo around his gorgeous curls. Oh, it was just-
“Strip poker!”
My head snapped up from its place on Harry’s shoulder, startling the two boys next to me. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I think I got a bit lost,” I chuckled breathlessly. I looked over at Haz whose look of utter glee slowly fell as he realized he scared me.
“You scared the shit out of me, Toni,” Tom laughs, placing a hand over his heart.
“I’m sorry, Tommy,” I giggled, patting his back. It was all laughs between us after that.
“So, is that a no for strip poker?” Poor Harrison really wanted to get people naked tonight.
“That is a hard no. Sorry Harrison, but I’m shit at poker and really don’t feel like getting naked in front of you guys,” Z patted Harrison on the shoulder with an apologetic look on her face. It was no secret that the two of us sucked at card games. Haz knew this, he was just being a little shit about it.
“Well, how about truth or dare,” I suggested. The faces around me lit up with mischievous grins. We might be a bunch of twenty-somethings, but we’re still a bunch of high schoolers at heart. “Cool. Harry, you’re the youngest. You can start.” I moved to the seat across from Z to even out our position. Sipping the wine in my hand and humming in pleasure at the taste, I watched Harry shift his eyes across the circle, landing on his brother. Tom looks at him with a confident smirk.
“Truth or dare, bro?”
“Come on, mate. You know me. Dare!” And there it was. Cocky Tom who thought he was invincible. This side of him only came out around people he felt really comfortable with. And maybe when he had a little alcoholic his system to loosen him up.
He pretends to think about it for a moment, flicking his eyes between the only other guys out here. Looking back to his brother he grins. “I dare you to give Jacob a lap dance.”
I rolled my eyes and snorted at the childish dare. “My God, Harry. What are we, fourteen?” He glares at me as I continue. “We’ve all seen his cross-dressing performance, yeah? I bet he’ll actually enjoy this!” I arched an eyebrow staring at the older Holland brother and smirked at him. I cover a giggle with my hand when Tom glares at me, knowing it will just further irritate the man.
“Fine. In your underwear.” And suddenly the group, minus a red-faced Tom, howled with laughter. A middle finger thrown in the air by said man, and he was riding himself of his clothing as slow as possible.
After fiddling with her phone for a moment, the beat to Beyoncé’s Naughty girl started flowing through the speakers. Neither of us could hold back our cackles at the expression written all over Tom’s face. Attempting to ignore the two women laughing at him, Tom begins to perform the most cringy lap dance I have ever seen. Not that I’ve seen many.
Did it look like Jacob minded what was going on? Not at all. In fact, he looked quite ecstatic at the man gyrating his hips over him. Occasionally Tom would do something funny like smacking his ass, putting Jacob’s hands on his abs, or hip thrusts. The five of us were nearly choking for air by the time he had finished his dance, the music fading out and changing to another upbeat one. Not wanting to be made fun of anymore, Tom huffed and threw his clothes on as quickly as possible and picked the next victim.
It was all childish dares and truths after that. Drink a nasty concoction of multiple liquors, confess your undying love to someone in this group, what’s your most embarrassing sexual encounter, or send a dick pic to the last person you texted. Poor Haz got that one and I feel even worse for the poor lady he’s been chatting up. Haz brought it full circle by daring Tom to stick his hand through the fire. Lame and simple, sure. But it freaked him out enough which was the best part.
“Oh Harry, my dear brother,” he coos. Well, shit. Harry is in for it now. “Truth or dare?”
All eyes are on Harry as he grins. “Dare.” We all awaited what we thought would be the most epic revenge dare. I should have known neither of us would get away from his wrath so easily. Between his brother’s silly dare and my teasing, Tom was out for blood. He enjoyed watching people squirm.
“Make out with Toni. For two minutes.”
Z hoots with laughter when I spit out the mouthful of wine I had just sipped. I couldn’t help but shoot her a nasty glare. Turning my irritation towards the older Holland, I scowled at him. ”Do not drag my ass into this, Thomas!” I warned. All it earned me was a chuckle and slight head shake.
“It’s either you swap spit, or he has to strip, bare ass, and run down the street. Which would you rather have happened?”
Letting out a soft sigh, I motioned for Tom to switch spots with me, shooting an empathetic look towards Harry. As I sat down next to him, I placed my wine down on the table and smiled. “I’ve had some pretty bad kisses, I’m sure this will be fine. No big deal,” I muttered. There was a faint blush that crept over Harry’s face and it made his sweet freckles obviously stand out. My god, can he get any cuter?
“Totally not a big deal,” he whispered. There was a level of confidence and a hint of eagerness to his voice.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tom putting a timer up on his phone. “On the count of three. 1..” I could feel my hands get clammy as I braced myself. “2…” My breath was shaky, and I prayed that Harry couldn’t hear it as I closed my eyes and leaned in. “3!” And suddenly the softest pair of lips were covering mine.
I shouldn’t have been shocked, I knew it was coming, but nothing could have prepared me for how wonderfully awkward yet sweet it would be. It took us a moment to find a steady rhythm and not squish noses too badly. The gentlest puffs of air from Harry’s mouth hit my face as we parted our lips, changing the angles of our heads. The burning heat from his hand couldn’t be missed when he placed it on my waist, the other wrapped around the side of my neck. I could hear soft snickering from the group around us, but I was too far gone to care. I threw myself into this kiss, making sure I’d leave a lasting impression on the younger boy. Propping a knee up on the couch to press myself against him, I tilted my head to the left, deepening the kiss.
The sparks were flying, at least they were to me. All I could hope for was that he felt the same way I did. This kiss, this closeness, it was something I had only dreamed about before now. This was sweeter than any dream I had. A soft moan slipped past Harry’s lips. The sound of his moan and the feeling of his tongue on my bottom lip shook me from my mind and had me pushing back off of him, taking deep breaths. Eyes wide, staring at Harry, I wiped the saliva from my lips and scooted back to my original seating. Peeking over at Harry, I could see the blush on his face as he ran a hand through his curls.
“Your time was up like a minute ago,” Zendaya chokes out. Her face was pink from laughing and there were tiny tears in the corner of her eyes threatening to fall. I shot her the bird and grabbed for my drink, downing the rest of the contents.
“Well, Zendaya, I think it’s your turn. Truth or Dare, babe?” I shot back with a smirk. With that, the game continued on, pulling the attention away from Harry and me.
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americanowrites · 6 years
All I Want
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It was movie night. Apparently this was a tradition; one Harry had made up when I tried to back out of it. He was adamant, armed with the idea that I ‘hop on the tube and come over’, even after I’d pointed out the time. Lucy wasn’t home or else she’d never let me leave the house at nine in the evening. So that was how I found myself sat on Nick Grimshaw’s sofa, with a glass of specially bought Dr Pepper, holding a bowl of popcorn whilst trying to avert my eyes from Harry Styles’ bum.
It was a sight I was finding hard to resist, especially since he kept wriggling about. It was like he was trying to make me faint. His bum was all I could think about, concentrating on the curve and the tightness of his jeans, feeling very much like a pervert. But it was better than thinking about the other thing. The thing that had plagued me day and night since it happened.  
Seventy two hours ago we were kissing.
I didn’t even know why I kissed him, why I fooled myself into thinking it was something he wanted. I think I caught a couple of his glances and added them up with the touches and smiles and his overwhelming kindness and came up with some warped sum that he liked me.
He hadn’t mentioned it, so neither had I. I wasn’t even sure if he even remembered it, but judging by how much he complained about his hangover and the headache he’d had, I found it hard to believe he remembered anything from his party. I remembered it though; every detail was etched into my skull, replaying over and over. I kept thinking about the feel of his hands on my back and the way his breath mixed with mine, the minty taste of his tongue mixed with the vodka we’d been drinking.
 I needed to know if he remembered; I was going mad thinking about him thinking about it. Was him not talking about it his way of telling me it was a onetime thing and that he regretted it? I knew Harry Styles; I could only imagine the list of girls he’d kissed. Maybe I just happened to be there at the right time, when his mind was cloudy enough and his hands and lips desperate for the taste of someone. There were a lot of girls at his party; it could’ve been anyone.
 But he picked me. Surely that meant something?
 Of course there was the possibility that he was so drunk that he didn’t even know who he was kissing. I thought I remembered him saying my name, but I was convinced that I’d imagined it. I was deliberating with the idea that I’d dreamed the whole thing.
 I was beginning to wonder if that’s why I was here, so we could talk because I was thinking that it was something was needed to do. If we both remembered the kiss then we couldn’t just ignore it. Friends didn’t kiss each other at parties. No one kissed like we had and then pretended it didn’t happen. Nick was out, we had the house to ourselves, we could talk about it, about what it meant and what was going to happen. But so far all we’d talked about was the weather and the new teabags Harry was trying, he was bored of Twining’s and had found a little tea shop in Camden earlier. We’d talked about everything but the kiss and we’d definitely not had another round of kissing, and while I knew it was silly, a part- a big part- of me wanted to have another taste of his lips, I wanted to practise with him a bit more.    
“This had better be good.” He interrupted the imagined scene I was beginning to conjure of us kissing on the sofa I’d snuggled myself into, and lifted the DVD case above his head, one hand still fiddling with wires behind the TV.
“And you had better not break that TV, are you sure you know how to work it?” I was sceptical about his ability to work anything; he wore a confused expression whenever faced with something electrical, let alone the 3d widescreen TV that he was currently faced with. I had visions of him electrocuting himself and going up in flames. “Because you kinda pose a fire risk with the amount of product you use on your hair.” I shovelled a mouthful of popcorn into my mouth, the bowl already half empty, I would have been embarrassed but Harry had eaten most of it, I was just getting my fill before he came back.
“Hey, this is all natural. I just shake and go.” He dropped the case onto the rug and gripped the entertainment cabinet, the TV wobbled above him.
“It’s going to fall and you’ll die.” I mumbled through my full mouth, but he had no trouble hearing.
“It won’t fall.”
“How much are you willing to bet?”
“Shh April. I’ve nearly got it.” I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see and hauled myself off of the sofa. This needed a woman’s touch.
“Move out the way.” I pushed his shoulder, causing him to lose his balance and topple to the floor. He lay hunched up, staring up at me with a scowl on his face.
“I nearly had it then.” He pouted like a two year old, all he needed to do was stamp his foot and his transformation would be complete.
“You’ve been saying that for the past half an hour. I’ve got things to do tomorrow, I can’t be late home.” Harry scrunched his face up at my comment and lifted his arm, glancing at his watch.  
“You’ve got plans? I thought we could do something.” He frowned slightly and my heart leapt at the adorable look on his lovely face.
“Next time ask a girl in advance,” I jammed a wire into the back of the TV, causing the screen to illuminate and Harry to groan. “There we go.” I grinned down at him, failing to contain the smugness inside of me. I watched as he rolled his eyes and stood up, his legs bending in ways I didn’t think natural.
 “Is twelve hours not enough warning?” He stuck his hand into the bowl, dropping a few pieces of popcorn as he stuffed his mouth. He looked at me whilst he chewed, rising his eyebrows.
“Your eyebrows are like slugs,” I pointed out, making him scowl and pucker his lips. “Like cute fluffy slugs.” I tried to amend my observation.
“Slugs are not cute or fluffy.” He dramatically swooped his face away from me, causing me to laugh and him to look even more offended.
“Now, now Curls, don’t get upset.” I reached across and messed up his hair, the softness never failed to amaze me, neither did the pure scale of it. How he had so much hair, I’ll never know.
“Too late. I’m devastated.”
“Aw. How do you feel about the nickname fluffy? Because I’m liking it.” He jabbed a button on the remote, I guessed that was my answer.  
“This had better be good.” He repeated his earlier statement, one which I’d ignored. We’d argued enough over the film, with me finally winning after promising I wouldn’t talk all the way through, apparently I had a habit of doing that.
“I love a superhero film.” Harry sighed at my side, acting like it was a huge toll on him to watch. We were sitting fairly close together his weight causing me to lean into him, so I felt the sigh as well as heard it.  
“I hate them.” I spun my head to face him, my mouth hanging open in disgust.
“What? Who are you? How can you hate them?”
“Because,” He shrugged, like it was no big deal. It was a big deal, superhero films were my favourite kind, rivalled for my affections with horrors. “They’re just ridiculous, and so unrealistic, and they cause loads of damages with like no care about the cost. Who pays for it? Who has to clean up the mess left by dudes flying around saving the world? That’s what I’d like to know, why don’t they ever show you that?” We sat staring at each other, him with his brows raised like they so often were and me with my mouth hanging open.
“That’s not what they’re about. And who wants to see that? I reckon you’re the only person who’s ever even thought that.”
“Well more people should. It’s something that needs addressing.” He was smirking now, his eyes failing to meet mine.
“So what, you hate an entire genre of film, because it causes too much of a mess? That is so beyond ridiculous.” I was shaking my head, so I didn’t see him reach into the bowl and lift a handful of corn out, and I didn’t see him launch it at me.
 Popcorn splattered across my face, jabbing me in the eyes before falling to my lap, one piece even hit my tongue before falling. I stared at the clusters in my lap, before I glared over at a smirking Harry.
“Do you want me to knock that smirk off your face?” I spat at him, the smirk growing and his eyes twinkling.
“Ooh, is that a threat? Gonna try some superhero moves on me?” His eyebrows wriggled at me, the slugs were taunting me, goading me.
“Oh yeah and I plan on making so much mess.” Harry laughed at me, rolling his head back against the sofa; he didn’t see me fling myself at him. It wasn’t as agile and fluid as I would have liked, our arms and hands collided, and I fell into the arm of the sofa, my face squished against the cream velvet. Harry wriggled underneath me, attempting to knock me off, laughing whilst moving. And before I knew it, I was laid on my back, my legs hanging off the sofa and Harry spread out on top of me. He was grinning down at me manically, his hair falling around his eyes; he shook his head in an attempt to move the brown strands out of his eyes. His smile never faltered and neither did mine.
“Are you reconsidering your threat now?”
“You sure?” He shook his hair against my face; an overwhelming scent of Coconut smothered my nose. I could feel the warmth of his mouth ghost over my face, washing over my lips, I felt my tongue dart out, wetting my lips as I struggled to inhale as much of him as I could.  
“Get off me. I can’t breathe.”
“Never,” He wriggled around, trying to shake me; all he did was stick his elbow into my chest. “Your elbow is stuck in my boob!” He didn’t let a second pass before he sprung off me and stood up. I could see a tinge of red on his cheeks, and I couldn’t decide if it was because of embarrassment or excitement about our little fight.
“Um. I… I’m s- sorry. Did I hurt you?” He pressed his teeth into his bottom lip slightly, the sight made me feel dizzy.
“No, it’s just fat. Hardly any feelings at all.” I shrugged it off, because I didn’t know what else to do. He smirked a little before replying.
“That’s not what other girls say.” He added a wink that had me rolling my eyes.
“You are terrible. I dread to know what chat up lines you use.”
“Shall I hit you with a few?” This time he added a pout to his wink, resulting in a rather attractive face, which had my heart twisting and my mouth turning up into a smile.
“Save it. It’ll take a lot more than chat up lines and a wink to get me in your bed.”
“Who said anything about a bed? I was thinking the rug would be a good place. Nick had it steamed the other day.”
“Eat your popcorn and watch the film Styles.” I laughed, trying to disguise the sound of my heavy breathing.
  Captain America had just flown the plane into the ocean when Nick walked through the door. My stomach immediately started churning; I’d met Nick before, at Harry’s party and again the day after the party when Harry kidnapped me and forced me to come and look at Nick’s new rabbit. Harry said it was the coolest rabbit ever yet all I saw was a ball of grey fluff that didn’t do anything but stare at us. Harry and Nick were insanely offended by my lack of enthusiasm and demanded I make dinner as an apology. After being bugged for over an hour, I finally relented and made fajitas. Nick and I had chatted whilst he chopped the peppers and I fried the chicken, but Harry had been there acting as a buffer, adding puns and jokes whenever he saw an opening, which was often. I still felt nervous around Nick and I didn’t even know why.
 But, I mean it was Nick Grimshaw, I listened to Radio One every morning but in all honesty I found him a bit annoying, so I didn’t know how to act without letting him know that I wasn’t his biggest fan. Plus I was sat on his sofa, with a sleeping Harry Styles on my shoulder. I wasn’t sure if this would strike him as odd or normal. Did Harry often have girls over?
“He actually let you watch this? You must have magic powers; he normally acts like a right bitch whenever I want to pick the film. Odd seeing as it’s my house,” Nick’s voice echoed around the room, causing Harry to mumble something and press himself further against my body. His face now pressed against my collarbone and his knee resting on top of my leg.
 “He’s asleep? Is this a recent development?”
“I think he lasted about ten minutes.” Nick shook his head and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl at my side.
“Kid falls asleep anywhere. I once found him on the toilet, dead to the world. Who falls asleep on the toilet?”
“Fucking hell Nick. Stop talking so loud.” Harry grumbled and stirred next to me, his voice rougher and lower than usual, the words almost catching in his throat. He made no attempt to move away from me as he reached up to rub his eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep on the sofa if you don’t wanna be woken up. You’re practically dribbling on the poor girl.” Nick pointed at me, Harry replied with a middle finger.
“I don’t dribble.”
“Her shirt would suggest otherwise, Harold.” Nick laughed when Harry lifted his head; sure enough there was a dark patch on my t shirt exactly where Harry’s mouth had been. “Either that or you were trying to suck her.” I laughed, failing to stop my cheeks from turning red. “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen him try.” He laughed as he strolled into the kitchen.
 The way Harry groaned and tutted, I think it was Nick’s favoured way of annoying Harry. He was now sat up, with his legs crossed, just like me. His fingers were rubbing against the hem of his jeans, which he was watching with interest.
“Sorry for dribbling. Must have been comfy.” He laughed softly, it sounded tame compared to his usual laugh.
“No worries, I guess I make a great pillow. Nice and plump.” I tried to laugh but the sound caught in my throat.
“April.” Harry sighed and shook his head; I don’t know why he was disagreeing. But then again, it was the polite thing to do and everyone knew Harry was polite.
“Do you mind driving me home?” I looked out of the patio doors, a black mirror greeting me, we hadn’t pulled the curtains on, and so I could see our reflection staring back at me. Harry lifted his head and stared at it too.
 We looked odd; he was over a head taller than me even whilst sitting and his long lean body contrasted with my short round one. However we were both wearing plain white t shirts and black skinny jeans, almost like we planned it. He looked perfect and all I could see was my messed up hair, my patchy skin and my fat roll straining against my t-shirt.
 He smiled at me in the reflection, it was a lovely smile, one I wished he used more. It looked confident but was hiding a tinge of shyness, not a trait I usually linked to Harry. He was so charming and boisterous that it was hard to imagine he ever had anything to be nervous about.
“Have you two eaten? I’m calling for Chinese and I need someone to share the spring rolls with or I’ll eat them all.” Nick called from the kitchen, the sound travelling easily through the open plan layout.
“Stay?” Harry’s voice was quiet, only I could hear the hilt of the words and see the desired answer in his eyes.
“Will you drive me home after? I don’t have enough money for a cab and it’ll be too late for the tube.”
“I meant stay the night.” His reply left me stumped. He wanted me to stay over? We didn’t do things like this; he always made sure I was home or that he’d left my flat well before midnight. Sleepovers were not what we did. It wasn’t what friends did. At least not friends like us.
“Harry… I don’t know.” I was biting my lip with such intensity that I was expecting to taste blood soon. We’d kissed a couple of nights ago, I didn’t think it was such a good idea to be sleeping over, not when the kiss was clearly not remembered by one of us.
“Why not? I’ll drive you home in the morning. You said Lucy was in Berlin, so she won’t miss you,” Lucy was in Berlin, I can’t remember telling him that but I must have. My brain was working to find an excuse, but I knew I’d told him I had no plans tomorrow other than reading a book I bought earlier. I had no out. And I was a little bit glad of it. “If it’s sleeping arrangements, I’ll sleep on the sofa and you can take my bed. Nick’s messing around with the other spare room so it can’t be used.” His voice was slowly gaining volume, but he still sounded uncertain.
“I have work to do, lots of work.” my mind flashed to the pile of books waiting for me.
“Are your books here or Leeds?”
“Leeds.” I admitted, a smug grin forming on Harrys face. He was good.
“So you can’t do it anyway, come on.” He nudged me, his eyes shining brightly. He was dazzling to look at when he was like this; cheeky and happy.
“Are you two ignoring me or do you have your tongues down each other’s throats?” Nick’s voice cut through the stare off taking place between Harry and I. I blushed again at his comment, he had no shame.
“Fuck off Nick,” Harry spat back, not breaking eye contact with me. I wanted to stay, I really did. I just didn’t know if it was right. “Come on April, I won’t bite you during the night and my sheets are clean.”
“I don’t have a toothbrush.” Or knickers, I added mentally.
“I have spares.”
“You have spare toothbrushes?” I knew my tone was questioning and I knew he could see my mind working to figure out why he had spare toothbrushes. This was clearly a regular thing.
“I like to take a new one whenever I go away so I buy them in bulk. It’s cheaper.”
“Guys,” Nick came and stood behind the sofa, hands on his hips. “I’m gonna pass out any minute. I need food.” I turned my head to see Nick frowning down at us. I never did anything impulsive, everything I did was thought out. I never made plans on the spot, I need advance notice. Harry was quickly changing that.
“I’ll have Chicken Chow Mein please.” I grinned at Nick, seeing his face light up at finally getting an answer. I flicked my eyes down to Harry to see him grinning too, his face was alive and I love that I made that happen.
  “I’m never eating again.” Harry groaned and rolled around on the bed, the blue cover crumpling beneath him, his hair sticking up around his head in every direction looking frizzy and knotty.  
“You’ve said that three times in the last ten minutes. No one forced you to eat the last spring roll. Or the rest of my rice. Or the Magnum.” Shooting him a hard look through the open bathroom door. From my position stood on the cold bathroom floor, curling my toes at the icy sensation, I could see him rubbing his belly, his eyes closed as though in physical pain.  
“My pride made me do it. What sort of man would I have been had I let food go to waste?”
“What type of man are you going to be when you’re sick down the toilet? I’m not holding your hair back.”
“I have my bobble. I’ll be fine.” He groaned again, I ignored him and started scrubbing my teeth.
 A few minutes ago Harry had rummaged around in a drawer and produced ten toothbrushes, in a variety of colours and told me to pick any I wanted. The way his eyes narrowed when I went for the pink had me backtracking and choosing purple. He wanted the pink apparently. I thought it was a little weird how comfortable he was at Nicks, it wasn’t like he was staying over, it was like this was his house too. I wanted to ask why he was here and why his clothes were hung up and the drawers full of his stuff, but I didn’t think I was allowed, I didn’t see why I had a right to know.
 I had decided on leaving my makeup on, I didn’t have any with me and there was no way I was letting Harry see me without it. My eyeliner would be a bit smudged but I figured I could try and work it, or rub it off. I was more concerned about my lack of knickers. Harry hadn’t seemed to realise that I didn’t have a spare pair, unless he thought I carried them with me. Or went without them.
 I could see him in the mirror of the en-suite, still dramatically rolling around on the bed. I almost wanted him to be sick, so he would learn a lesson, no one should eat that much food in one sitting, though him and Nick had both rivalled each other in terms of consumption levels. I finished my teeth, spitting the paste into the sink before rinsing it down the drain. I looked down at my legs, still covered in my jeans. I wasn’t going to sleep in them, but I didn’t want to take them off while Harry was still here. He would look and I couldn’t deal with that.
“Are you going to bed soon?” I called to him, causing him to stop his rolling and lift his head to look at me. His eyes were open now and I saw him drop his eyes to my legs; he was looking before I’d even taken the jeans off.
“I have some pants you could wear. And when I say pants, I mean boxers.” He looked back up to my eyes, I couldn’t see the green from my distance, but I could see the kindness. I was so thankful that he hadn’t offered me his sweats, I couldn’t bear the thought of trying to squeeze myself into them and having to tell him they don’t fit.
“I am not wearing your boxers.” I told him, turning the bathroom light off and closing the door.
“There’s nothing wrong with them! They’re clean and they don’t have holes. What more could you want?”
“An asteroid would have to hit the Earth before I wore your boxers. Maybe a T-shirt though?” I was fairly sure I could fit into one of his tops. He wore them big and baggy. “A big one.” I added as an afterthought.  
“So demanding,” Harry jumped from the bed, his sickness seemingly forgotten and opened a chest of drawers. I wandered over to him, revelling in the plush carpet beneath my feet, Nick had good taste.
 A view of a mass of cotton filled my eyes. Harry’s wardrobe staple was a T-shirt and this drawer contained most of them. There was a sea of black and white, the only colours he seemed to own and I watched as he reached in and pulled two out. “Floyd or Stones?” He held out two T-shirts, a black and white, I took the white one from him.
“Great choice.” He pushed down the remaining T-shirts and closed the drawer; I took it as my cue to change.
 “Looks good.” Harry told me as I stepped into the bedroom; he was lounged against the headboard, with his ankles crossed. I pulled the hem, trying to get it to cover more of my legs. I’d decided to take the jeans off, Harry would have to avert his eyes and maybe he would take it as a hint to leave so I could sleep.
“Charmer.” I sat on the side of the bed, my legs dangling and toes brushing the carpet.
“So do you need a bedtime story? I think Nick is very willing.”
“I think I’ll be fine,” I smiled at him, seeing him close his eyes. “So are you going to bed?” His eyes remained closed, but I heard him sigh.
“Oh yeah, I mean I still feel sick. But I guess I can run up stairs if I need to.” He pouted his lips, a trick he used when he wanted to get his own way. I looked away, unable to look at his lips without thinking about them against mine.
“Nick doesn’t have a downstairs bathroom?” I raised my brows at him, I was sure I’d seen on.
“It’s broken.” Harry replied matter-of-factly, his voice level and serious.  
“I’m sure you’re a fast runner.” I patted his leg, his eyes pinged open at my touch.
“Yeah, I mean it would be easier and safer if I was in my own bed.” He slowly lifted his shoulders to his ears, the pout still present.
“I’ll take the sofa. I don’t mind.” The words hadn’t fully left my mouth before he was shaking his head. I wasn’t sure what else he was suggesting, other than me going home.
“No, no. I want you to sleep in here. It’s cold downstairs.” He drifted his eyes to the mattress, looking at in with a longing gaze. When our eyes met again I instantly knew what he was thinking.
“Oh. I mean. I guess you could. You can stay in here too if you want?” I struggled with my words at first, before throwing them all out, in a jumbled mumble. Harry grinned and started nodding.
“If you’re okay with that. I promise I won’t touch you,” I couldn’t ignore the way my heart sank when he said those words. I knew he wouldn’t, but he sounded slightly disgusted by the idea. “And I’ll even sleep in a T-shirt and I never do that.” My mind couldn’t stop itself of imagining him sleeping in just his pants; I just prayed my cheeks didn’t betray me and flush.
“Come on then, I’m tired.” I managed to speak in a normal voice, my comment causing him to once again leap off the bed and dive into the drawer.
 I watched as he pulled out the black Pink Floyd T-shirt, and then casually cross his arms before hauling the plain white tee from his back. I thanked all the gods that his back was facing me, because I don’t think I could have survived the sight of his chest. The back was bad enough.
 I distracted myself from his tanned, toned back muscles by slipping into the bed. The white sheets felt soft against my bare legs and the duvet was like a cloud. I wanted to move into this bed. I stared at the ceiling, refusing to allow my eyes to move towards him again.  
“Floyd and the Stones in bed together. How exciting.” Harry laughed at his own remark, causing me to also chuckle.
“Can I tweet that? It’s good.”
“Tweet away, maybe don’t mention.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I couldn’t imagine the furore that would start if I tweeted about him and bed in the same tweet. It was bad enough if I tweeted anything remotely related to him. I tweeted a photo of a smiley face drawn on a banana the other day, and everyone replied talking about Harry. Some even said I was using him to get more followers. Which was crazy, I was already perplexed about the amount of followers I had because of Harry. I’d simply tweeted a photo of a banana Tom had thrown at me, and all hell broke loose.
  @AprilSummers “Floyd and the Stones in bed together. How exciting.”
The notifications started almost instantly.
“Your fans are fast.” I told Harry as he pulled the other side of the covers back and slid in, facing his body towards mine. He sighed lowly as he dropped his head against the pillows. I’d had a similar reaction. The pillows were so soft, that the weight of his head caused the sides to push up and restrict his view. He pushed his hand against the pillow, so he could fully see me. My body involuntarily turned towards him, my chest facing his, my eyes meeting his vivid green ones.
 I was desperately willing my mind to forget the other night and the feeling of our bodies and lips pressed together. We’d shared kisses, but this situation was a lot more intimate, there was something different about sharing a bed with someone. I was regretting my agreement to stay; I shouldn’t be doing this to myself. He didn’t remember and if he did, he clearly wasn’t happy about what happened.
 “Why?” He raised his eyebrows in question, as we sat in identical position, staring at each other.
“They’re already tweeting me. Everything I say they think is about you.”
“Well this one is.”
“Yeah but not everything. It’s just odd.”
“Does it annoy you?” His voice was gentle but probing, I could tell he wanted an honest answer.
“I find it funny. It’s the questions that annoy me.” My response had him frowning; his green eyes had dulled in the lack of light, making him looked dark eyed and a little bit dangerous.
“The questions? What questions?” He brushed a lock of hair away from his eyes; nothing was going to block his view of me.
“I get asked a lot of questions.”
“About me?”
“Yeah. And the other boys. And us.”
“They think there’s an us?” He concluded, a note of resentment colouring his tone.
“I’m sorry.” He sounded sad, a tone of voice that didn’t suit Harry. He was meant to be happy.
“You don’t have to apologise Harry.”
“Yes I do. I’ve seen this happen before, some people we know can’t even tweet anymore and I don’t want that to happen to you. I’d tell you to ignore them, but that’s useless advice. I guess I don’t really know what to say. Just sorry.” He sighed, sounding frustrated at either himself or the situation. Or both.
“I can deal with it. I mean I have to, if I want to be your friend.” His eyes looked sad, like he was used to hearing it. Or hearing worse. I was willing to bet that some people couldn’t handle his fame or the attention; I desperately didn’t want to be one of those people. I wanted him in my life, and if I had to deal with a few fans then I would.
“I might not be worth it.”
“Oh I’m not so sure; I think this duvet alone makes it worth it.” I rubbed the top of the sheet, humming in appreciation.
“You’re using me for the bed?” he gasped, dropping his mouth in shock.
“And your sensational wit.”
“Unbelievable.” The shaking of his head caused a few strands of hair to fall across his forehead. He’d been wearing his hair pushed back lately, the fringe was gone and I kinda missed it.
“Suck it up kid,” Harry laughed, before his eyes dropped shut, I knew he wasn’t asleep, but he was going to be in a few moments. “Goodnight Styles. I’m real glad I’m in your bed.”
“Goodnight Summers, I’m real glad you agreed to be.”
 @Harry_Styles How much Chinese food is too much Chinese food?
 shes with harry, you know she is
I hate her
Shes rubbing our faces in it.
I hope a camel shits on her
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rhondanicole · 6 years
Black Music Month: Artists and Albums that Matter to Me
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June is #BlackMusicMonth, an annual celebration of African Americans’ innumerable contributions to the American–and global–musical landscape. Each day this month, I’m highlighting some of my favorite artists and albums.
Day 16
I was introduced to Lizzo by way of her appearance on Prince and 3rd Eye Girl’s “Boy Trouble,” from their 2014 release, PLECTRUMELECTRUM. The song, with its insanely funky bass line and playful lyrics, most certainly could have been right at home with Vanity 6, Apollonia 6, or perhaps Jill Jones, given its deliberate, empowered narrative. Flanked by Hanna Ford on drums, Ida Nielsen on bass, and Donna Grantis on guitar (and of course, Prince on all of those instruments and then some), Lizzo joined fellow Minneapolis-based singers Sophia Eris and Claire de Lune to grace the track. (This trio also released a single, “Push It,” in 2012, as The Chalice.) 
At the 2016 Moja Moja Pre-Grammy Brunch, the annual celebration of independent music hosted by KCRW’s Garth Trinidad and media maven Ramona Wright, Lizzo wowed the audience with one of the most energetic performances of the day. Accompanied by two dancers and all three clad in bodysuits and combat boots, Lizzo twerked, kicked, twirled, and swung her hair like nobody was watching. But everybody was, and for good reason; this sistah was BAD! If you’d walked into the Avalon that morning feeling ho-hum, after Lizzo’s performance, you believed you could conquer the world. Throughout her set, I couldn’t help but think how cool it would have been to have had an artist like her--full-figured, sex-positive, confident and comfortable in her body--to emulate growing up. But thank goodness we have her now.
Lizzo began her career in the early ‘10s as a founding member of the groups The Chalice and Grrrl Prty, among other collectives. She hit the circuit in Minneapolis and released a string of singles, both as part of various groups and as a solo artist, and in 2013 debuted her first full-length solo project, Lizzobangers. Her 2015 release, Big Grrl Small World, received good reviews and was featured on MPR’s The Current, the local independent radio station that heavily supports Minnesota recording artists. But it was her 2016 EP, Coconut Oil, that got heads turning. With the single “Phone,” a hilarious tale about a night out doing too much, Lizzo put the world on notice that she would be a force for which there was no reckoning. 
Her 2017 hit “Water Me” has been featured in TV commercials and films, and continues the theme of self-assuredness, independence, and empowerment. Lizzo’s music fits superbly in a time when other women artists such as Beyoncé, Janelle Monàe, and Solange are rewriting women’s narratives for a new generation. With songs whose themes range from “love me or leave me alone” to “I’m the finest thing walking this earth and you betta recognize,” Lizzo is the living embodiment of Prince’s iconic chant, “Can’t nobody f*ck with us.”
Lizzo landed the cover of Teen Vogue this week, and in the feature talks at length about the life experiences that emboldened her to become the artist she is today, and how she doesn’t identify herself as just one thing, in terms of gender or sexuality. Her latest single, “Fitness,” takes her message of body-positivity for all women to the next level as she sings, “I been liftin’ heavy metal/see this ass? Aint’ a rental.” Currently on tour with the sister duo HAIM, Lizzo is lighting stages a flame with anthemic jams that make you want to move something. Go ‘head, girl. Shake that thang.
--Rhonda Nicole
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Snow Cake Recipe (From Scotland)
Short Crust Pastry
9 oz flour
6 oz butter, cold
2 oz sugar
1 egg yolk
(about 6 to 8 oz raspberry jam to cover the pastry)
150g (5 oz) good quality butter, unsalted and at room temperature (if you only have salted butter, omit the salt)
150g (5 oz) superfine or Baker’s sugar (caster sugar in the UK)
3 eggs, beaten
150g (5 oz) self-rising flour, or all purpose flour with 1 tsp baking powder, SIFTED
a pinch of salt
about 4 oz confectioner's/powdered sugar
a little milk or water
finely shredded, unsweetened coconut to sprinkle on top
Oven temp 375˚F (190˚C) for pastry.
Make the Pastry Base
Using two knives of a pastry cutter, cut the butter finely into the sugar, but do not cream.
Add the egg yolk and stir to combine.
Add the flour. Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour until it has a breadcrumb texture.
Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9"x13" cake pan, pressing firmly.
Bake for about 10 minutes. Don't let it start to brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool, while making the cake batter.
Lower the oven temperature to 350° F (180°C)Make the Cake
In a stand mixer or using a handheld mixer, cream the butter and sugar until very light and fluffy. It will begin to pale in color, too.
Add about one third of the beaten eggs, and mix well at medium speed.
Then add about a third of the sifted flour. Repeat this step. Add the rest of the eggs and mix well, then turn the mixer to low and add the final flour and just mix until well combined.
Prepare to Cake for Baking
Spoon the jam evenly onto the pastry base taking care not to let it reach the side of the pan.
Place dollops of cake batter all over the jam to make it easier to spread. (Try not to let the jam get mixed into the batter.)
Spread the batter evenly all over the jam and pastry.
Pop the cake into the oven for approximately 30 minutes. Do not open the oven until you start to smell the cake and it looks well risen (through the glass). Gently insert a cake tester or skewer into the center of the cake to check that it's completely cooked before removing from the oven. Allow to cool completely in the pan.
Decorate the Snow Cake.
Run a knife around the cake, down to the pastry, then shake the pan. You should feel that the cake is loose in the pan before decorating it.
Put the confectioner's sugar in a bowl and slowly add the milk or water a little at a time (1/2 tsp) until a thick, but runny consistency is reached. Adjust with more sugar or liquid if you see the icing isn't spreading nicely. Cover the cake with this icing.
Before the icing begins to dry, sprinkle generously with finely shredded, unsweetened coconut.
Allow the icing to dry and set completely which will take a few hours. Once it's set, use a serrated knife to cut the cake into squares (cutting into 18 pieces is a good size). Alternatively, you can cut the Scottish Snow Cake into fingers or even diamond shapes. Keep covered at room temperature.
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Coconut Tartlets (Scottish Coconut and Raspberry Jam Tarts)
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Coconut tartlets, or coconut and raspberry jam tarts are a big thing in Scotland. To be honest, they’re usually just called coconut tarts. If you grew up in Scotland, you’d know and love these little coconut treats which are sold in many bakeries, or made by many Scottish grannies.
If you’re a coconut lover, add these little beauties to your baking list.
They may not look very special, but as you noticed above, there’s a little raspberry jam hidden inside that gives these coconut tarts a special touch
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2 eggs
1/2 cup (4 oz) sugar
1/4 cup (2 oz) melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups (8 oz) unsweetened, shredded coconut
raspberry jam
24 unbaked tartlet shells
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Preheat the oven to 375F (190C)
Beat the eggs. Then add the sugar, melted butter, vanilla, and coconut.
Place the unbaked tartlet shells in their tins on a baking sheet.
Put a little raspberry jam in the bottom of each shell. Fill about about 3/4 full with the coconut filling (they will rise).
Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes until top is lightly golden brown. When cool, remove from tins.
Nutrition Information: [Yield: 24] Serving Size: 1 tartlet
Amount Per Serving: Total Fat: 16g  |  Carbohydrates: 23g  |  Protein: 3g
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Scottish Snowballs | Recipe
Scottish Snowballs are a classic raspberry & coconut biscuit (cookie) treat from Scotland. I grew up with them and think it’s time they made an appearance here in the US, especially for the holidays!
You may have seen my Snow Cookies which are similar. They are made with raspberry jam sandwiched biscuits, have the same icing and just a bit of coconut, based on a classic Scottish snow cake.  I just received a comment on the recipe yesterday from a reader named Amber who told me she won a very competitive cookie contest with my Snow Cookies! That now makes three contests that these cookies have won.
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Romanian Lemon Cake (Snow White)
This lemon buttercream cake is one of my favorite Romanian cakes! I like lots of them, of course, but the Snow White cake has a special place in my heart.
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Lemon buttercream:
150 g/ 5.3 oz/ ¾ cups sugar
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons corn starch
350 ml/ 11.8 fl.oz/ 1 ½ cups milk
about 10 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, to taste (Note 1)
200 g/ 7 oz/ ¾ cup + 1 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter, soft
icing sugar
60 g/ 2.1 oz/ 1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
100 g/ 3.5 oz/ 1/3 cup + 1 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter, soft
1 tablespoon baker's ammonia (Note 2)
3 tablespoons milk
300 g/ 10.6 oz/ 2 ½ cups flour
zest of 1 organic lemon
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Use a kitchen scale, it guarantees for best results.
The layered lemon cake with lemon buttercream should be made one day in advance, it needs to spend the night in the fridge in order to become really tender and develop the flavor.
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Lemon buttercream:
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Place the flour, starch, and sugar into a bowl and mix with so much of the measured milk to obtain a thick yet runny paste.
Place the remaining milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Slowly add the flour-sugar paste while whisking all the time. Continue whisking until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil again, that will happen very quickly.
Let bubble for a few seconds while whisking, and remove from the heat. Transfer to a bowl and place a piece of cling film directly on top of the pudding to prevent it from getting skin and let it cool completely.
When cool add the freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir well. Taste after adding about 8 tablespoons and continue adding until it is as tart as you like it.
To make the buttercream, both butter and pudding have to have the same temperature, which is room temperature, otherwise, the buttercream might curdle.
In another bowl beat the butter until pale and fluffy. Slowly start adding the lemon pudding to the butter, one tablespoon at a time. Beat until incorporated.
Taste the buttercream again and add more lemon juice if you like it.
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Cake layers:
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While the pudding for the buttercream cools, make the cake layers.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 360 degrees Fahrenheit.
Beat together the soft butter and the sugar until fluffy. Add the eggs and mix well.
Mix together the baker's ammonia and the milk and incorporate that into the egg mixture.
In another bowl mix together the flour and the grated lemon zest. Incorporate into the egg mixture. You will now have a rather oily looking dough that should not stick to your hands at all. You may add one tablespoon of extra flour if you feel it necessary, it depends on the size of your eggs if you need that extra tablespoon or not.
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Roll and bake:
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Divide the dough into four equal parts. Wrap the three dough balls that still have to wait in cling film to prevent them from drying out and set them aside in a cooler place, not the fridge but also not that close to the oven.
You will only need to butter the tin before you bake the first layer of crust.
Roll the first dough ball into a rough rectangle on a lightly floured surface, place it on the buttered baking tin, and roll again until the dough layer is as large as the baking tin: 32x22 cm/12x9 inches approximately (or similar size, it doesn't have to be so exact). And don't stress too much about having perfectly straight edges, you will cut those away before slicing and serving the cake.
Bake for about 10 minutes or until slightly golden around the edges. Take out of the oven and while holding one side of the tin with a gloved hand, run the blade of a long knife underneath the crust. Let it slide carefully and slowly onto a cooling rack.
Repeat with the remaining dough balls.
Keep in mind that the tin is now very hot, don't touch it when rolling the dough on top, and use gloves when you transfer it to the oven.
When the crust layers are baked, you can carefully staple them one on top of the other, they will not stick. Let them cool completely.
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Divide the filling into three portions. Reserve the best looking crust for the top of the cake.
Place one crust on a serving plate and top it evenly with one portion of the buttercream.
Place the second crust layer on top, press gently then cover it with the second buttercream portion.
Repeat one more time.
Place the reserved crust layer on top, press gently again, and cover the cake with cling film.
Place in the fridge for several hours or better overnight.
Cut the rough edges (and eat them), then cut the cake into small rectangles. Dust with icing sugar shortly before serving.
I used about 10 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice for the buttercream, that would be the juice of 2-4 lemons, depending on their size. I like the buttercream to be really tart, that strong lemon flavor is the best thing, but you should start tasting after adding about 8 tablespoons and decide yourself if you want more or not.
Baker's ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate should not be confused with cleaning ammonia, which is poisonous.
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Steps and tips for making lemon buttercream
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Start with making that delicious lemon buttercream as the pudding will need time to get completely cool before you add the butter and the lemon juice.
To make the pudding, you will need some flour, cornstarch, sugar, and milk. The procedure is the same as when making a regular pudding. You mix the flour, cornstarch, and sugar with enough milk to obtain a thick yet pourable paste.
In the meantime, bring the remaining milk to a boil. Slowly start pouring in the flour mixture while whisking continuously to avoid the formation of clumps.
Let the pudding bubble for about 20 seconds while stirring, transfer to a bowl. Cover the pudding with a piece of cling film directly over the surface, this will prevent the pudding from forming a skin.
While the pudding is cooling, take the butter out of the refrigerator and let it come at room temperature.
It is very important that both the pudding and the butter have the same temperature (room temperature) when you start mixing them. Otherwise, the buttercream will curdle.
Also, make sure that you don’t taste the lemon buttercream while mixing it, the spit from your fingers will also cause the buttercream to curdle.
So, once the pudding and the butter have reached room temperature, beat the soft butter until pale and fluffy.
Mix the pudding with the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Start with about 8 tablespoons and add the remaining juice to taste. I always add all the 10 tablespoons, I love the buttercream to be really lemony.
Slowly start adding the pudding, one tablespoon at a time, to the butter while beating all the time. Mix well.
How to make the pastry layers?
This Romanian lemon cake consists of four layers of crust held together by the creamiest, most delicious lemon buttercream filling.
The idea of baking four layers of crust might sound difficult or time-consuming, but it is really not the case.
The dough is rather oily and that makes it really easy to roll and it only needs about 10 minutes in the oven, a total time of 40 minutes which is really more or less about the time you will need when baking a regular cake base as well.
You should make the cake layers while waiting for the pudding to cool. The cake layers will also need some time to cool, but not as long as the pudding.
Using baker’s ammonia
When first publishing the layered lemon cake recipe I used baking soda to make the crusts. I wasn’t bothered by the light baking soda after taste, but I had readers saying that the after taste was too domineering.
I suggested the use of baker’s ammonia, although I had never used that when making this particular layered lemon cake. But I knew for a fact that baker’s ammonia is very popular in Romania and that my aunt uses it a lot when making cakes.
What is baker’s ammonia?
The most important thing you have to know is that you should never mistake baker’s ammonia with cleaning ammonia. Cleaning ammonia is poisonous!!!
Baker’s ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate is what bakers used to take before the discovery of baking soda and baking powder. Those two quickly replaced the baker’s ammonia in baking due to one reason: baker’s ammonia stinks!! Really badly!
That is why it is best to use the baker’s ammonia for making “only low-moisture baked goods like crisp cookies and crackers that thoroughly dry out during baking, lest the ammonia linger”.  
Once the cake layers are baked, there will absolutely no lingering smell anymore. Nothing at all! And most importantly there will also be no soapy-tasting after taste of baking soda or baking powder.
Bake and assemble
You will have to bake the four cake layers or cake crusts on the back of a baking tin. This is a very often used technique in Romania, there are lots of layered cakes being baked this way.
However, you can also bake the layers on a regular tray lined with baking paper, you just have to pay more attention, the layers should all have roughly the same size.
You will only need to butter the back of the tin before baking the first layer. When baking the following layers, make sure you use oven gloves as the tin will be extremely hot.
Roll the layers on a lightly floured surface in rectangles about the size of the tin. Transfer them to the back of the tin and roll or press the dough around to make it fit the back of the tin.
The edges do not have to be perfect, you will cut them away anyway before slicing the cake.
To remove the cake crust from the back of the tin, hold the tin firmly with a gloved hand and run a long knife underneath the cake layer. It works very easily, you will not have to worry about the crust getting stuck to the tin or breaking.
Place the ready baked cake layers on top of each other and let them cool completely. They will not stick to each other if stored this way.
Divide the lemon buttercream into 3 equal portions and cover 3 cake layers with the buttercream. Use the nicest looking layer to place on top of the cake.
Cover the cake with cling film, place in the fridge, and let it set overnight. The lemon buttercream cake needs time to become really tender and develop the flavor.
I also recommend using European style unsalted butter, it has a higher fat content and less water and it tastes better when making buttercream.
I used about 10 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice for the buttercream, that would be the juice of 2-4 lemons, depending on their size.
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philmytummy · 7 years
Where can you go for local music and great food? One of our top spots is  MilkBoy South Street. Executive Chef Chris Beyer has crafted an all-new brunch menu for MilkBoy’s iconic South Street location, available every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am – 3 pm. The menu offers classic breakfast foods, spins on old favorites and two signature brunch cocktails. Every Monday, Late Night Industry Brunch features live jazz music and serves brunch from 9:30 pm until close featuring Cecilia Ferneborg from 6:30 to 10 pm.
Sit back and enjoy yourself with one of the new brunch cocktails which are both fruity and flavorful. The Back and Forth Street is a mix of chai, pear, coconut rum and pineapple cider and the South Philly Slide is an update to the Screwdriver, with orange vodka, mint, orange juice and blood orange cider.
While you’re enjoying a drink, skim over the new menu where MilkBoy South Street’s brunch lineup plays on the balance of sweet and savory. The Huevo Benedicto, a Spanish play on Eggs Benedict, is served with Magdalenas, chorizo, red eye sabayon and seasonal gala apples. This dish is almost too pretty to eat, but we’re sure that won’t stop you. The Fried Chicken and Pancakes is a fun play on your traditional Chicken and Waffles. This new pairing features crispy chicken thighs on top of pillowy corn meal pancakes and honey butter. We also loved the stick-to-your-ribs Biscuit & Gravy with a hearty homemade buttermilk sage biscuit, brisket gravy and tangy brandied cherry jam.
“We wanted to refresh our brunch menu with some delicious hearty favorites,” said Chef Beyer. “Then we wanted to give Philadelphia’s hard-working service industry folks an opportunity to come together and enjoy late-night brunch every Monday night with some live music.”
Classic plates like French Toast with seasonal offering, have the option to add a scoop of house-made ice cream with unique flavors like Captain Crunch, Reeses Pieces, etc. Another favorite of customers is the massive Breakfast Burrito filled with scrambled eggs, potato, jack cheese, pico de gallo, and refried beans. There is also an option to add chorizo, bacon, pulled chicken, mojo pork, or apple wood smoked ham. The B.E.L.T is a breakfast twist on the original with a sunny side-up egg and chili mayo.
And we all know that New Years is right around the corner, so why not try something healthy and delicious? The Fall Salad with kale, romaine hearts, anjou pears, candied pistachios, maple roasted butternut squash, and herb vinaigrette  is one of the best salads we have ever had.
And Milkboy South Street also has a lot of gluten free options on their menu including the Buffalo Fries topped off with slow roasted chicken thighs, tossed in buffalo sauce and sprinkled with crumbled blue cheese and chopped celery for a little extra crunch. The Fried Brussels Sprouts are also a game changer, made with pineapple-sriracha bbq rub and served with sweet and sour sauce for dipping. The chef’s selection of Dumplings also varies in filling, but are sure to be a delightful little bite when we’re having a drink and just need a little something to nibble on.
MilkBoy is a Philadelphia-born brand, the original bar/venue/restaurant location is at 11th. MilkBoy South Street, opened in 2016 at the corner of 4th and South Streets giving new life to a legendary corner and bringing live music back to South Street. MilkBoy ArtHouse is the latest incarnation of the MilkBoy brand, recently opened in partnership with The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland. Additionally, MilkBoy the Studio dates back to 1994; MilkBoy Entertainment is an incubator for the production of film, TV and video, co-produced the recent feature-length film Slow Learners; while Shake Audio Post at MilkBoy is the place to sweeten and polish a film, video, broadcast commercial, or digital campaign with the latest in audio production facilities.
Milkboy South Street Brunch Where can you go for local music and great food? One of our top spots is 
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katiezstorey93 · 7 years
11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag
‘The Body Coach’ Joe Wicks
Number of followers: 1.8 million.
Bio: Wicks has constructed a fitness empire on showing folks the best way to have “Lean in 15.” The idea relies on 15-minute recipes, which he shares through fast and snappy Instagram videos, in addition to 20-minute HIIT (high intensity) work outs.
2. A palatable protein shake.   “I create it with water, oats, lettuce, whey protein, along with blueberries,” he advised Business Insider.
3. A jumping rope –“so that when I am travelling I could perform HIIT training.”
4. A fantastic pair of trainers. “I’ve just got new Nike Metcon Flyknits,” he said.
Fashion designer and lifestyle blogger Natasha Oakley
Number of followers: 1.9 million.
Bio: The co-creator of A Bikini A Day and designer for Monday Swimwear along with Monday Active, the lifestyle blogger is becoming known for her enthusiasm for fitness.
2. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
‘sterile Eating’ Alice Liveing
Number of followers: 570,000.
Bio: Qualified nutritionist, author, and personal trainer Alice Liveing became a Instagram celebrity after she awakened junk food and fad diets for a fit, balanced, and healthy lifestyle.
3. “Homemade almond and sea salt nut butter with apple pieces  for a bite.”
Tone It Up’s Katrina Scott
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
1.  Sea salt spray. “I enjoy spraying this on after my workout to include lovely, beachy texture to my own hair,” Scott informed Business Insider. “Additionally, it includes a brand new tropical scent so that it doubles as cologne.”
2. Sunscreen. “I work out outside a great deal, so having sunscreen on hand is critical for keeping my skin secure. I add a single pump of coverup for my sunscreen to create my very own tinted moisturiser.”
3. Tone It Up protein powder. “Protein is so important for forming lean muscle and also preventing soreness,” she said. “I always aim to possess protein 30 minutes after my work out. It tastes amazing at a smoothie, or mixed with either water or unsweetened almond milk in case you’re on the go.”
4. Headphones. “I am constantly jamming out while I am on a run or getting my toning moves in.” You may check out what Scott is listening to here.
5. Socks. “Nothing is worse than forgetting your socks once you head to the fitness center. I always keep several added pairs of our Tone It Up socks within my gym bag in the event!”
Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka
Number of followers: 89,700.
Bio: Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka has emerged on the likes of “The Biggest Loser” and has been even in the running to play Christian Grey from the “50 Colors” movies.
2. L-Arginine supplement.
4. “My glasses for reading whilst performing cardio.”
Girl Gains’ Zanna van Dijk
Number of followers: 168,000.
Bio: The London-based fitness blogger and personal trainer started fitness events company Girl Gains with just two friends she met through the image sharing app. The company has ambassadors all around the world, and hosts events with the goal of empowering girls in countries such as Canada, Australia, the UK, along with the United States.
1.  Glute activation rings. “I always have them in my handbag, too — you don’t know when you’ll need to activate your glutes!”
2. Trigger point boards. “I use these to release tight muscles,” he said.
Tone It Up’s Karena Dawn
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
Bio: The other co-founder of all Tone It Up  with Katrina Scott. Dawn is fitness model and a former triathlete.
1. Bandier apparel. “We’re super excited about our newest line with Bandier. It’s chic and the cloth is so cosy. We could wear these outfits daily. Occasionally we really do!”
2.  Qalo rings. “Katrina and I’m working out all the time, involving filming fitness videos, performing our everyday workout, and also our favourite hot yoga courses. All these Qalo rings allow us to still wear wedding rings without worrying about damaging or losing our rings.”
3.  Tone It Up water bottle. “Staying hydrated is critical for smooth muscle and skin healing. I don’t go anywhere without water in hand.”
4.  Lucky Jack Cold Brew Coffee. “I am a coffee man, and bright days in California call for brewed coffee. I love catching a bottle of Lucky Jack Cold Brew to sip before my workout.”
5. Goggles and a swim cap. “I love to compete in triathlons and swimming is a portion of my workout regimen. I always maintain my goggles and a swim cap available if I feel like having a dip, especially on beach or poolside vacations.”
6. Dry shampoo. “This really is vital. Just a fast spritz after a workout and you’re ready for the day.”
7. Tone It Up protein bars. “My favorite is the blueberry coconut. They’re fermented, fermented, and manufactured out of ingredients that are clean.”
‘Fitness on Toast’ Faya Nilsson
Number of followers: 124,000.
Bio: Half-Swedish, half-English fitness expert Faya Nilsson established her blog “Fitness on Toast” at 2013. It’s since won both the Cosmopolitan and UK Blog Awards “Best Lifestyle Website” accolade.
1.  Monreal leggings. “They operate both to and out of the gym, in addition to during a workout,” she advised Business Insider.
3. Skipping rope. “Light as a feather, and you can carry it in your handbag and whip it out anywhere and anytime for an entirely portable and mega-challenging workout. 20 minutes of extreme skipping can burn 400 to 500 calories, as well as that the thermogenic after-effects that keep you burning more calories daily.”
4. Powerbeats wireless earphones. “Super easy to use, they slip onto your own ears and can’t be shaken off during even a hands on sprint. And because there are no dangling cords, you won’t inadvertently pull out them with your flailing arms whilst running.”
5. Apple Watch — Sport Edition. “The action tracker thinks for mepersonally, which is fantastic since it feels like somebody’s forever got my spine, in fitness terms.”
6. Nuts and seeds.   “Crucial for any health-aware tote (unless, of course, you’ve got an intolerance). Total of vital (good) fats that work wonders for the hair, skin, training outcomes, and overall systemic well-being.”
7. Water. “I love to drink as near as you can a litre daily, so I maintain a 500ml bottle with mepersonally, just if”
8. Powerbank. “since you don’t know when you’ll need some juice on the go.”
Body From Gilles’ Gilles Souteyrand
Number of followers: 88,800.
Bio: Personal trainer and lifestyle coach Gilles Souteyrand may be better known for being the boyfriend of Instagram celebrity Natasha Oakley, but he’s also the founder and director of the Body by Gilles  Fitness guides.
2.  Bounce Almond protein balls.
5. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
Personal coach and yoga instructor Shona Vertue
Number of followers: 94,600.
Recruiting: Vertue is a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and the creator of the Vertue Method online training regime and book. She recommends that “the key to wellness is a dedication to your own self-love and self-worth.”
1. Resistance bands, “to help activate my glutes and assist me with some other callisthenics moves I am working on.”
2. Aesop Exfoliant Paste. “I spend my days going in and from filthy gyms, going from sweaty environments to cold ones — that opening and closing of the pores from not-so-hygienic places has ever played havoc on my skin. If I don’t cleanse my skin nicely (and moisturise) after training and working, I get breakouts caused by congestion. This stuff works nicely for the skin and I am all about supporting Aussie brands (for obvious reasons).”
3.  Chanel Blue Serum. “I am hooked on this item. Since using this product 17, I’ve noticed a enormous change. I don’t wear makeup, so I am all about keeping the health of my own skin to support my makeup free life.”
4.  Chanel La Solution 10. “The only moisturiser that does not leave me feeling tacky or hurt. Really fine for sensitive skin.”
5.  Type Nutrition vegan protein. “I may be a little biased, since I am one of the ambassadors, but frankly, I challenge you to get a much better tasting, high quality vegan protein that tastes good in plain water. It’s ideal because I usually have time to eat post workout. Two scoops offers me 24g protein.”
6. Rose quartz crystalclear. “This really is just straight up absurd, actually. I am a hippie and that I carry these things around with me, so much to the dismay of my poor arms and shoulders. Sometimes I Will carry up to 3kgs value of crystals in my bag because I love them a lot.”
Whether just escape bed and into the fitness center or it’s to complete that last group, the fitness celebrities help of Instagram motivate us.
But workout places that are magnificent and their fitness center visits  take a little bit more work than it may seem.
Business Insider talked to some of the planet’s biggest fitness celebrities to inquire what workout snacks, gear, grooming and beauty products, without — or exercise — and gadgets they could not survive.
The post <p>11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag</p> appeared first on fitness.
from network 8 http://www.resultsfitnessbyram.com/11-instagram-fitness-celebrities-tell-us-what-is-inside-their-gym-bag/
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resultsfitnessbyram · 7 years
11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag
‘The Body Coach’ Joe Wicks
Number of followers: 1.8 million.
Bio: Wicks has constructed a fitness empire on showing folks the best way to have “Lean in 15.” The idea relies on 15-minute recipes, which he shares through fast and snappy Instagram videos, in addition to 20-minute HIIT (high intensity) work outs.
2. A palatable protein shake.   “I create it with water, oats, lettuce, whey protein, along with blueberries,” he advised Business Insider.
3. A jumping rope –“so that when I am travelling I could perform HIIT training.”
4. A fantastic pair of trainers. “I’ve just got new Nike Metcon Flyknits,” he said.
Fashion designer and lifestyle blogger Natasha Oakley
Number of followers: 1.9 million.
Bio: The co-creator of A Bikini A Day and designer for Monday Swimwear along with Monday Active, the lifestyle blogger is becoming known for her enthusiasm for fitness.
2. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
‘sterile Eating’ Alice Liveing
Number of followers: 570,000.
Bio: Qualified nutritionist, author, and personal trainer Alice Liveing became a Instagram celebrity after she awakened junk food and fad diets for a fit, balanced, and healthy lifestyle.
3. “Homemade almond and sea salt nut butter with apple pieces  for a bite.”
Tone It Up’s Katrina Scott
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
1.  Sea salt spray. “I enjoy spraying this on after my workout to include lovely, beachy texture to my own hair,” Scott informed Business Insider. “Additionally, it includes a brand new tropical scent so that it doubles as cologne.”
2. Sunscreen. “I work out outside a great deal, so having sunscreen on hand is critical for keeping my skin secure. I add a single pump of coverup for my sunscreen to create my very own tinted moisturiser.”
3. Tone It Up protein powder. “Protein is so important for forming lean muscle and also preventing soreness,” she said. “I always aim to possess protein 30 minutes after my work out. It tastes amazing at a smoothie, or mixed with either water or unsweetened almond milk in case you’re on the go.”
4. Headphones. “I am constantly jamming out while I am on a run or getting my toning moves in.” You may check out what Scott is listening to here.
5. Socks. “Nothing is worse than forgetting your socks once you head to the fitness center. I always keep several added pairs of our Tone It Up socks within my gym bag in the event!”
Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka
Number of followers: 89,700.
Bio: Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka has emerged on the likes of “The Biggest Loser” and has been even in the running to play Christian Grey from the “50 Colors” movies.
2. L-Arginine supplement.
4. “My glasses for reading whilst performing cardio.”
Girl Gains’ Zanna van Dijk
Number of followers: 168,000.
Bio: The London-based fitness blogger and personal trainer started fitness events company Girl Gains with just two friends she met through the image sharing app. The company has ambassadors all around the world, and hosts events with the goal of empowering girls in countries such as Canada, Australia, the UK, along with the United States.
1.  Glute activation rings. “I always have them in my handbag, too — you don’t know when you’ll need to activate your glutes!”
2. Trigger point boards. “I use these to release tight muscles,” he said.
Tone It Up’s Karena Dawn
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
Bio: The other co-founder of all Tone It Up  with Katrina Scott. Dawn is fitness model and a former triathlete.
1. Bandier apparel. “We’re super excited about our newest line with Bandier. It’s chic and the cloth is so cosy. We could wear these outfits daily. Occasionally we really do!”
2.  Qalo rings. “Katrina and I’m working out all the time, involving filming fitness videos, performing our everyday workout, and also our favourite hot yoga courses. All these Qalo rings allow us to still wear wedding rings without worrying about damaging or losing our rings.”
3.  Tone It Up water bottle. “Staying hydrated is critical for smooth muscle and skin healing. I don’t go anywhere without water in hand.”
4.  Lucky Jack Cold Brew Coffee. “I am a coffee man, and bright days in California call for brewed coffee. I love catching a bottle of Lucky Jack Cold Brew to sip before my workout.”
5. Goggles and a swim cap. “I love to compete in triathlons and swimming is a portion of my workout regimen. I always maintain my goggles and a swim cap available if I feel like having a dip, especially on beach or poolside vacations.”
6. Dry shampoo. “This really is vital. Just a fast spritz after a workout and you’re ready for the day.”
7. Tone It Up protein bars. “My favorite is the blueberry coconut. They’re fermented, fermented, and manufactured out of ingredients that are clean.”
‘Fitness on Toast’ Faya Nilsson
Number of followers: 124,000.
Bio: Half-Swedish, half-English fitness expert Faya Nilsson established her blog “Fitness on Toast” at 2013. It’s since won both the Cosmopolitan and UK Blog Awards “Best Lifestyle Website” accolade.
1.  Monreal leggings. “They operate both to and out of the gym, in addition to during a workout,” she advised Business Insider.
3. Skipping rope. “Light as a feather, and you can carry it in your handbag and whip it out anywhere and anytime for an entirely portable and mega-challenging workout. 20 minutes of extreme skipping can burn 400 to 500 calories, as well as that the thermogenic after-effects that keep you burning more calories daily.”
4. Powerbeats wireless earphones. “Super easy to use, they slip onto your own ears and can’t be shaken off during even a hands on sprint. And because there are no dangling cords, you won’t inadvertently pull out them with your flailing arms whilst running.”
5. Apple Watch — Sport Edition. “The action tracker thinks for mepersonally, which is fantastic since it feels like somebody’s forever got my spine, in fitness terms.”
6. Nuts and seeds.   “Crucial for any health-aware tote (unless, of course, you’ve got an intolerance). Total of vital (good) fats that work wonders for the hair, skin, training outcomes, and overall systemic well-being.”
7. Water. “I love to drink as near as you can a litre daily, so I maintain a 500ml bottle with mepersonally, just if”
8. Powerbank. “since you don’t know when you’ll need some juice on the go.”
Body From Gilles’ Gilles Souteyrand
Number of followers: 88,800.
Bio: Personal trainer and lifestyle coach Gilles Souteyrand may be better known for being the boyfriend of Instagram celebrity Natasha Oakley, but he’s also the founder and director of the Body by Gilles  Fitness guides.
2.  Bounce Almond protein balls.
5. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
Personal coach and yoga instructor Shona Vertue
Number of followers: 94,600.
Recruiting: Vertue is a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and the creator of the Vertue Method online training regime and book. She recommends that “the key to wellness is a dedication to your own self-love and self-worth.”
1. Resistance bands, “to help activate my glutes and assist me with some other callisthenics moves I am working on.”
2. Aesop Exfoliant Paste. “I spend my days going in and from filthy gyms, going from sweaty environments to cold ones — that opening and closing of the pores from not-so-hygienic places has ever played havoc on my skin. If I don’t cleanse my skin nicely (and moisturise) after training and working, I get breakouts caused by congestion. This stuff works nicely for the skin and I am all about supporting Aussie brands (for obvious reasons).”
3.  Chanel Blue Serum. “I am hooked on this item. Since using this product 17, I’ve noticed a enormous change. I don’t wear makeup, so I am all about keeping the health of my own skin to support my makeup free life.”
4.  Chanel La Solution 10. “The only moisturiser that does not leave me feeling tacky or hurt. Really fine for sensitive skin.”
5.  Type Nutrition vegan protein. “I may be a little biased, since I am one of the ambassadors, but frankly, I challenge you to get a much better tasting, high quality vegan protein that tastes good in plain water. It’s ideal because I usually have time to eat post workout. Two scoops offers me 24g protein.”
6. Rose quartz crystalclear. “This really is just straight up absurd, actually. I am a hippie and that I carry these things around with me, so much to the dismay of my poor arms and shoulders. Sometimes I Will carry up to 3kgs value of crystals in my bag because I love them a lot.”
Whether just escape bed and into the fitness center or it’s to complete that last group, the fitness celebrities help of Instagram motivate us.
But workout places that are magnificent and their fitness center visits  take a little bit more work than it may seem.
Business Insider talked to some of the planet’s biggest fitness celebrities to inquire what workout snacks, gear, grooming and beauty products, without — or exercise — and gadgets they could not survive.
The post <p>11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag</p> appeared first on fitness.
from fitness http://www.resultsfitnessbyram.com/11-instagram-fitness-celebrities-tell-us-what-is-inside-their-gym-bag/
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resultsfitnessbyram · 7 years
11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag
‘The Body Coach’ Joe Wicks
Number of followers: 1.8 million.
Bio: Wicks has constructed a fitness empire on showing folks the best way to have “Lean in 15.” The idea relies on 15-minute recipes, which he shares through fast and snappy Instagram videos, in addition to 20-minute HIIT (high intensity) work outs.
2. A palatable protein shake.   “I create it with water, oats, lettuce, whey protein, along with blueberries,” he advised Business Insider.
3. A jumping rope –“so that when I am travelling I could perform HIIT training.”
4. A fantastic pair of trainers. “I’ve just got new Nike Metcon Flyknits,” he said.
Fashion designer and lifestyle blogger Natasha Oakley
Number of followers: 1.9 million.
Bio: The co-creator of A Bikini A Day and designer for Monday Swimwear along with Monday Active, the lifestyle blogger is becoming known for her enthusiasm for fitness.
2. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
‘sterile Eating’ Alice Liveing
Number of followers: 570,000.
Bio: Qualified nutritionist, author, and personal trainer Alice Liveing became a Instagram celebrity after she awakened junk food and fad diets for a fit, balanced, and healthy lifestyle.
3. “Homemade almond and sea salt nut butter with apple pieces  for a bite.”
Tone It Up’s Katrina Scott
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
1.  Sea salt spray. “I enjoy spraying this on after my workout to include lovely, beachy texture to my own hair,” Scott informed Business Insider. “Additionally, it includes a brand new tropical scent so that it doubles as cologne.”
2. Sunscreen. “I work out outside a great deal, so having sunscreen on hand is critical for keeping my skin secure. I add a single pump of coverup for my sunscreen to create my very own tinted moisturiser.”
3. Tone It Up protein powder. “Protein is so important for forming lean muscle and also preventing soreness,” she said. “I always aim to possess protein 30 minutes after my work out. It tastes amazing at a smoothie, or mixed with either water or unsweetened almond milk in case you’re on the go.”
4. Headphones. “I am constantly jamming out while I am on a run or getting my toning moves in.” You may check out what Scott is listening to here.
5. Socks. “Nothing is worse than forgetting your socks once you head to the fitness center. I always keep several added pairs of our Tone It Up socks within my gym bag in the event!”
Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka
Number of followers: 89,700.
Bio: Celebrity coach Jessie Pavelka has emerged on the likes of “The Biggest Loser” and has been even in the running to play Christian Grey from the “50 Colors” movies.
2. L-Arginine supplement.
4. “My glasses for reading whilst performing cardio.”
Girl Gains’ Zanna van Dijk
Number of followers: 168,000.
Bio: The London-based fitness blogger and personal trainer started fitness events company Girl Gains with just two friends she met through the image sharing app. The company has ambassadors all around the world, and hosts events with the goal of empowering girls in countries such as Canada, Australia, the UK, along with the United States.
1.  Glute activation rings. “I always have them in my handbag, too — you don’t know when you’ll need to activate your glutes!”
2. Trigger point boards. “I use these to release tight muscles,” he said.
Tone It Up’s Karena Dawn
Number of followers: 1.2 million.
Bio: The other co-founder of all Tone It Up  with Katrina Scott. Dawn is fitness model and a former triathlete.
1. Bandier apparel. “We’re super excited about our newest line with Bandier. It’s chic and the cloth is so cosy. We could wear these outfits daily. Occasionally we really do!”
2.  Qalo rings. “Katrina and I’m working out all the time, involving filming fitness videos, performing our everyday workout, and also our favourite hot yoga courses. All these Qalo rings allow us to still wear wedding rings without worrying about damaging or losing our rings.”
3.  Tone It Up water bottle. “Staying hydrated is critical for smooth muscle and skin healing. I don’t go anywhere without water in hand.”
4.  Lucky Jack Cold Brew Coffee. “I am a coffee man, and bright days in California call for brewed coffee. I love catching a bottle of Lucky Jack Cold Brew to sip before my workout.”
5. Goggles and a swim cap. “I love to compete in triathlons and swimming is a portion of my workout regimen. I always maintain my goggles and a swim cap available if I feel like having a dip, especially on beach or poolside vacations.”
6. Dry shampoo. “This really is vital. Just a fast spritz after a workout and you’re ready for the day.”
7. Tone It Up protein bars. “My favorite is the blueberry coconut. They’re fermented, fermented, and manufactured out of ingredients that are clean.”
‘Fitness on Toast’ Faya Nilsson
Number of followers: 124,000.
Bio: Half-Swedish, half-English fitness expert Faya Nilsson established her blog “Fitness on Toast” at 2013. It’s since won both the Cosmopolitan and UK Blog Awards “Best Lifestyle Website” accolade.
1.  Monreal leggings. “They operate both to and out of the gym, in addition to during a workout,” she advised Business Insider.
3. Skipping rope. “Light as a feather, and you can carry it in your handbag and whip it out anywhere and anytime for an entirely portable and mega-challenging workout. 20 minutes of extreme skipping can burn 400 to 500 calories, as well as that the thermogenic after-effects that keep you burning more calories daily.”
4. Powerbeats wireless earphones. “Super easy to use, they slip onto your own ears and can’t be shaken off during even a hands on sprint. And because there are no dangling cords, you won’t inadvertently pull out them with your flailing arms whilst running.”
5. Apple Watch — Sport Edition. “The action tracker thinks for mepersonally, which is fantastic since it feels like somebody’s forever got my spine, in fitness terms.”
6. Nuts and seeds.   “Crucial for any health-aware tote (unless, of course, you’ve got an intolerance). Total of vital (good) fats that work wonders for the hair, skin, training outcomes, and overall systemic well-being.”
7. Water. “I love to drink as near as you can a litre daily, so I maintain a 500ml bottle with mepersonally, just if”
8. Powerbank. “since you don’t know when you’ll need some juice on the go.”
Body From Gilles’ Gilles Souteyrand
Number of followers: 88,800.
Bio: Personal trainer and lifestyle coach Gilles Souteyrand may be better known for being the boyfriend of Instagram celebrity Natasha Oakley, but he’s also the founder and director of the Body by Gilles  Fitness guides.
2.  Bounce Almond protein balls.
5. Phone by Gilles Guide with Body.
Personal coach and yoga instructor Shona Vertue
Number of followers: 94,600.
Recruiting: Vertue is a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and the creator of the Vertue Method online training regime and book. She recommends that “the key to wellness is a dedication to your own self-love and self-worth.”
1. Resistance bands, “to help activate my glutes and assist me with some other callisthenics moves I am working on.”
2. Aesop Exfoliant Paste. “I spend my days going in and from filthy gyms, going from sweaty environments to cold ones — that opening and closing of the pores from not-so-hygienic places has ever played havoc on my skin. If I don’t cleanse my skin nicely (and moisturise) after training and working, I get breakouts caused by congestion. This stuff works nicely for the skin and I am all about supporting Aussie brands (for obvious reasons).”
3.  Chanel Blue Serum. “I am hooked on this item. Since using this product 17, I’ve noticed a enormous change. I don’t wear makeup, so I am all about keeping the health of my own skin to support my makeup free life.”
4.  Chanel La Solution 10. “The only moisturiser that does not leave me feeling tacky or hurt. Really fine for sensitive skin.”
5.  Type Nutrition vegan protein. “I may be a little biased, since I am one of the ambassadors, but frankly, I challenge you to get a much better tasting, high quality vegan protein that tastes good in plain water. It’s ideal because I usually have time to eat post workout. Two scoops offers me 24g protein.”
6. Rose quartz crystalclear. “This really is just straight up absurd, actually. I am a hippie and that I carry these things around with me, so much to the dismay of my poor arms and shoulders. Sometimes I Will carry up to 3kgs value of crystals in my bag because I love them a lot.”
Whether just escape bed and into the fitness center or it’s to complete that last group, the fitness celebrities help of Instagram motivate us.
But workout places that are magnificent and their fitness center visits  take a little bit more work than it may seem.
Business Insider talked to some of the planet’s biggest fitness celebrities to inquire what workout snacks, gear, grooming and beauty products, without — or exercise — and gadgets they could not survive.
The post <p>11 Instagram fitness Celebrities tell us what Is inside their gym bag</p> appeared first on fitness.
from fitness http://www.resultsfitnessbyram.com/11-instagram-fitness-celebrities-tell-us-what-is-inside-their-gym-bag/
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