#But her primary goal was to release the people in jail she already knew (like Miss Merry Christmas and Mr 4)
moongothic · 10 months
Crocodile's inability to truly get people to follow him is so interesting though, because in that way he's like the polar opposite of Luffy, who has the ability to draw people in and get them to follow him instead
And like it's not surprising Crocodile can't get anyone to be truly loyal to him (Daz Bones aside), since his primary method to get people to do as they're told is through (threats of) violence and money (if he has any). Like yes, that will get people to do as they're told, but you can't buy loyalty, you can't beat people into trusting you. And so, when shit hits the fan, who the fuck would stay for you, when you're like that
Of course, Crocodile is like that due to his trust issues, and god only knows what caused those trust issues. It's possible he was always like that, or past trauma caused him to become like that-- if it's the latter though, even if he was like more trusting of others once in the past, people still didn't stick with him in the end. The trust was one-sided
I think this also reflects in a really interesting way in Cross Guild actually, 'cause like. Despite being scared shitless, not even Buggy is willing to keep on taking Crocodile's shit. Even that clown has his limits before he starts a mutiny against Crocodile
And while Buggy hasn't really done anything to "earn" his current position in the world (like he hasn't Proven Himself in Combat, he's just Faked It Until He Made It), because he has treaten his underlings with basic kindness and respect, even if he's been lying through his teeth the whole time, that has been enough for Buggy to gain his followers' trust. And that's why Buggy's able to rile up people to follow him. While Crocodile can't.
Unironically makes me wonder what Daz sees in Crocodile that makes him want to follow Croc to literal hell and back
And I wonder what it really would take for Croc to be able to inspire people to follow him and be loyal to him, if it's even possible
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Remember Me Pt 9.25
// Alright, scheduling has Already fucked me over This is attempt two!! Hope you guys like it!! Mentions are:
@scarletxwonder @shoot-me-with-a-crayon @the-strawberryfarmer @prettyboysjello @pika-blur @softgreysweatersbutwithfanfic @vampirzyca13
  It was the most alive Cole had felt in 3 months, the strain on his mental state from forcing himself to smile as Hank grew so close to “Connor” physically pained him.  Even the stress of telling Markus he needed time to himself for now was melted away as he chased the bastard responsible for it all. It was pushing his limits to keep up.  The PL600 was using every Parkour trick in the book to evade the detective model.
    “Michael, stop!” Connor demanding, he was not having it, his synthetic  respiration working overtime to keep him cool. His feet taking sliding steps on snowy ground as he gained, and lost his ground in the chase.  He, right now, was not focused on protecting Hank. That was Richard's goal. They could go and talk at the chicken feed Hank asking for the umpteenth  time why he never sees Richard eat. Connor took the lead on his own for space, to be him.
   He would get his revenge.  The PL600 tried lunging up another wall, however Connor decided  enough was enough. The detective lunged forward putting his foot at against the wall and pushing upwards, instead of catching the wall to pull himself all the way up his hand caught hold of the suspects ankle. Connor letting gravity pull both of them down.
   The suspect had  busted his jaw and neck off the edge of  the wall when he hit the ground the PL600 crawled to sit against the wall. Connor stared at the bored looking on the deviants face, and he  pinched the bridge of his nose. “ 01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111 00100000” The damaged model said with a grinding glitching tone.
   Connor stepped forward and knelt in front of him and took hold of his arm probing his memory, to see what he had done to Hank.
    Michael was busy that night outside of Jimmy’s already on the run, he just needed money to get a place to stay.  When he had approached the woman to ask, he placed a hand on her shoulder. And asked her, she turned and reached in her purse, she pulled out pepper spray spraying it in his eyes. His vision shorted out temporarily , and he punched the woman out of instinct.
    She had started yelling punching and kicking at the blinded machine. He kept munching her until she stopped shouting. Then he heard Hank, “ Put your hands on your head and step against the wall tin can.”
    Michael did as he was told stepping against the wall, listening for Hank’s footsteps. Closer, CLOSER. “Alright bud,  you ha-” that was close enough. Michael turned and decked the man in the face, grabbing Hank by his scraggly greasy hair and started hitting his head against the brick until he felt the tension of the hair holding the man's body weight.     
    Michael dropped him and stumbled away.
  What Connor decided to show him was, ‘why him.’  
   Connor showed him an image of Hank and him in the department break room. Gavin was bragging about taking down a single deviant. Hank laughed, patting Connor’s back like he used to do.  When he was Connor. “ Son, what was that fancy nickname they gave you when you got here?”
    “They called me the ‘Deviant Hunter’ or ‘Plastic Asshole’, dad.” Connor smirked he had already known where this was going.
    “Alright, and how many deviants have you fought?”
    “At least 42 by now.”
    “What is the largest number of deviants you took on as a group?”
    “3, Hank.”
     Hank smirked, looking at Gavin.  “Shut the fuck up, Reed.”
  Then Connor  showed him walking into visit Hank  the first time, and him being called Cole. The agony at being forgotten as a friend and son, or person for that matter. And the fact Hank held Cole comforting him hurt more.
  “You ruined my life, he was only going to arrest you. They would have probed your memory  and saw that she hurt you first. You would have done time for her murder. But your immortal.   It wouldn't have mattered. Don't ask why you when you did this!” Connor yelled as he broke the connection. It infuriated vhim to know Hank had been assaulted like that because he, as an immortal, was scared to pay for a self defense crime. He enjoyed the fear on the deviant’s face as he recognized Hank's voice. The detective snatched the android by the hair like he had done to Hank and smiled gently.  
  “What is my name?” The detective smirked as the android grabbed  his hand. Connor slammed his head into the wall. Michael's hands dropped to his sides knowing not to fight back again.
   “01010000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111” It pleaded in the glitching  damaged tone. Connor shook him by the hair and then demanded again. His tone dripping in fury, threatening to pour out the lid of the jar.
  “My. Name . Michael “
   “01000100 01100101 01110110 01101001 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01001000 01110101 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010”It groaned, not looking the detective in the eyes.  Connor could see the things stress level rise into the eighties and grinned again smacking it against the walll again. He chuckled darkly.
     “I have two missions, Michael, a primary, and the alternative. I always accomplish my mission. You choose the way this is going to go.” Connor  growled, abruptly letting go of the deviants hair. The deviant stood slowly, and put his hands behind his back. Connor grinned stepping forward and put the cuffs on the android.  And Connor started walking him back to the ladder hands loosely holding his cuffs.
   Connor analyzed the deviant’s current state and noticed how fragile he was.   It was what the detective had been feeling the last three months. Instability, fear, suffering.  He deserved to pay and he would pay in prison, Connor knew that.
   ‘It'd  only take one phrase, Cole and it will make you feel better.’
   “ No Amanda, go away.”
   ‘So you're just gonna let him get off easy in the courts? Get a few years jail time  and back on the street to hurt others?’
    “Amanda, Do you know what prison guards do to people and machines who assault  officers? There aren't enough parts in Cyberlife to save him!” Connor said to the woman in his head before he  realized what he'd done too late. As he shoved Connor to the ground and jumped from the roof. “I really dislike you Amanda.”
   ‘You're  welcome.’
  Connor climbed down the ladder with a sigh, looking at the corpse. He had only meant to scare him, and release a little stress. He stopped soon enough to calm down he knew it.  He nudged Michael with his foot. Nothing, he pulled his radio out. Sighing.
   “Connor, the PL600 is apprehended, however he self destructed  while on the way down, it's dead.” RK800 said bitterly calling the other his name.  He would never get used to it, it was infuriating, and he couldn't look at Richard and compose himself anymore. He got sarcastic and rude. Hank corrected Cole for it constantly.
   “Alright, Cole, we are on the way Hank's calling for a pickup for the machine, he is asking if you're alright. “
   “I'm  fine, when you get here, you am going back to the precinct to file the paperwork.”
   “Got it.”
Mental instability ^^
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steelmistsrp · 8 years
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Congratulations && welcome, Royan !!  You have been accepted for the role of The Informant: Axel Ladrian.  Please be sure to make a separate blog for your character &&send it into the main within 48 hours !!  Once that is submitted we will invite you to join the OOC blog && an option to join our skype chat if you should so choose !! Any triggers you (and other applicants) have submitted have been added to our trigger list.  Please be sure to read our Welcome Checklist as you begin to get started.  The Follow List && OOC page will also be updated for you once your blog has been submitted.  Thanks again for you application && we look forward to writing with you !!
Royan, you’re a rockstar.  Axel is the perfect trash child.  High quality trash, even. Recycling if you will.  While all of us are already familiar with your writing style && what you’re capable of, you’ve once again blown us away.  Even though you’re not that familiar with the verse you’ve managed to fit him into the world perfect.  We can’t wait to see what fun or horrible shenanigans this little guy gets up to, and we’re thrilled to have you join the game.  Thanks && Welcome !!
Name: Royan Age: 21 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: CST Activity Level: 6-7
Skeleton Name: The Informant Character’s Full Name: Axel Thierry Ladrian
Axel - It means “My Father Is Peace” and I got a kick out of it because farthest thing from the truth. His father wasn’t peace, his father was stress and despair and a death passed over by everyone that wasn’t his immediate family. Thierry - So, in honesty, I just love the name Thierry but I also googled what it meant and it means “Ruler Of The People” and it’s just so not the Informant that it had me cackling. He is the furthest thing from the Ruler of the People. Maybe he could be more prominent in the trash people but def not anyone else lol.
Faceclaim: Michael B Jordan Gender and Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bi til they Die and probably after that too tbh Age and DOB: 24: Born in 527, on a particularly cold night on the 13th of Spokial Education Level:  While he would have liked to just drop out of school entirely so he could help his father work, he was forced to go to Primary and Secondary school. When he wasn’t at school, he was out getting into trouble or trying to steal to suport his family. He knew he wasn’t going to pursue higher education further after Secondary school - the streets teach him more than a classroom ever could.
The phrase “Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck” has been a bitter thought in Axel’s head for his entire life for there’s never been any justice for him or his family. When he was young, Axel didn’t quite understand why his family was struggling to make ends meet when the others with the Ladrian name lived a life of luxuary. After all, isn’t the last name Ladrian synonymous with industrial success? It wasn’t until he was older than while having certain names in this city granted power, having the last name Ladrian was as useful as metalfire without the needle.
He grew up with the memory of his father, Elard, being gone when he woke and barely coming home in time to read to him in bed. He treasured those few, rare moments with his father though, waiting patiently for him to sit by his bed with a book in his hand, no matter how many times his mother had told him to sleep. And, his father never disappointed in coming in to read to him. It didn’t matter how late it was or how early Elard had to get up, he coaxed his son into sleep with tales of old. The older Axel got, the bitterer he became but his father refused to let Axel even so much as look to the factories for a job, insisting that he should focus on his studies and try and aim to be something better.
When there was an accident at the factory, and he caught wind of his father’s death, Axel and his family was not only devastated but also scared. They didn’t know what to do and despite trying to get compensation for their father’s death, they were only laughed at by the richer Ladrians. Needless to say, it infuriated Axel and that paired with the memories of his father working hismelf to the bone made him swear to never work in a factory. He couldn’t afford to leave his family behind so he had to find another way to make money. One night out, after drinking himself silly, he ended up getting into a fight with someone on behalf on a woman. In truth, he had just needed someone to take his rage out but the woman had seen it as a show of bravery and gall so she got him in contact with the Burning Word as a reward.
Once it was explained to him how much he could make off the drug trade, it was an easy choice. Using his luck-infused chromimum metalmind, he was a natural at selling the metalfire, selling the drugs without a care to the morality of it. He never touched his own product, seeing using as a waste when he could be making money off of it. Life got easier and some of the lines on his mother’s face lessened. He was able to provide for his family in a way his father never could have even if Elard might have looked down upon the trade. Better dealing than dead though, right?
As his proficiency on dealing grew, so did his ability as a Spinner - which made his bust even bitterer. He should have known not to go out that day while actively storing but he had been given a huge opportunity to make more than a few Doxins. So, he risked his entire operation and when the constable turned it on him, he tried to fight and run. Naturally, it didn’t work out for him but they could add non-compliance to his rap sheet. He sat in that jail cell for 24 hours, seething in silence as everything burned down around him. He couldn’t call anyone for help, knowing full well that he’d be left to rot. His employers might have given him a chance but he had squandered it and was going to be left with the ruins.
When he sat across the Paragon, eyes burning with distaste, he had been surprised by her offer to let him loose if he worked for her. Most denied the deal, too afraid to even cross the Burning Word but Axel had always toed the gap of danger and he’d easily breach the gap if it meant his family’s survival. He had accepted her deal and was released almost instantly, his arrest being erased from any files. He walked home that day, chin up, jaw tense, fists clenched and feeling more like a caged animal than ever. And like a rabid, newly released animal, he made sure to pick a fight with someone bigger, taking his frustration out with every punch he threw.
Living a double life now with not a word to anyone, Axel is more dedicated to storing luck and fortune than ever. He takes his metalmind with him everywhere, considering it the only thing keeping him from ending up dead in the water.
A product of the crime and streets of Octant 4, Axel is a fighter through and through. In his work, he’s gathered a gang of loyal friends who assist him in the selling of his wares, always diligent in turning the profits back in to the Corrupter. Despite his antagonistic nature, he’s sure to never step on the feet of anyone who could truly harm his whole operation. Strong and almost feral, he lives a life of debauchery and danger but he makes sure to never take it home with him, trying to give his family a false sense of security. He’s nothing if not resourceful, finding a way to use the city, people and luck to his goals. His flaws lie in the bitterness that grows in his heart, leaving him cold and resentful to all those with a better life. Axel holds no resemblances to the affluent Ladrians, almost preying on his unsuspecting cousins when they come wandering the streets. He might follow the Pathism religion but he only believes in luck and fortune, worshipping it as much as he can. If there’s ever a situation now that jeopardizes his spinning, he’ll make sure to escape the situation quickly before it lands him in even more trouble.
Astrology: Aries Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Element: Fire Westerosi House: House Baratheon Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Extra Content (OPTIONAL): https://www.pinterest.com/reginleit/ch-axel-ladrian/
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