#But no. No... This thing is probably real gold-filled with actual engraving. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
stellaluna33 ยท 5 months
I bought a vintage umbrella with a long parasol-style handle online, because I was getting cold feet about re-covering the antique parasol I already have (like, YEAH, the silk is shattered, but the fabric is SO PRETTY, and they literally DO NOT make fabric like that anymore!* ๐Ÿ˜ญ), but... Guys. Guys. I have to stick with the original plan and just use this as an umbrella, because... Well, first of all, this umbrella is HUGE! Which is FANTASTIC for an umbrella! And LESS fantastic for me having to buy enough silk to re-cover this thing as a parasol. ๐Ÿ˜…. And the existing fabric, while dirty, turns out to be the sort of dirty I can clean. But also... I have needed an umbrella and this is the most majestic, unbearably elegant umbrella I could ever hope for, and DANG IT! I want to be unbearably elegant in the rain! Guys, the handle is So Long and ornate, it doubles as one of those fancy walking sticks, and when I finally make that grey walking suit I bought fabric for like 8 years ago, I will be SO DISTINGUISHED you will not even believe it.
(*Ask me if you want to know more about the gorgeous parasol fabric, haha)
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