#So chop-chop Stella!
stellaluna33 · 5 months
I bought a vintage umbrella with a long parasol-style handle online, because I was getting cold feet about re-covering the antique parasol I already have (like, YEAH, the silk is shattered, but the fabric is SO PRETTY, and they literally DO NOT make fabric like that anymore!* 😭), but... Guys. Guys. I have to stick with the original plan and just use this as an umbrella, because... Well, first of all, this umbrella is HUGE! Which is FANTASTIC for an umbrella! And LESS fantastic for me having to buy enough silk to re-cover this thing as a parasol. 😅. And the existing fabric, while dirty, turns out to be the sort of dirty I can clean. But also... I have needed an umbrella and this is the most majestic, unbearably elegant umbrella I could ever hope for, and DANG IT! I want to be unbearably elegant in the rain! Guys, the handle is So Long and ornate, it doubles as one of those fancy walking sticks, and when I finally make that grey walking suit I bought fabric for like 8 years ago, I will be SO DISTINGUISHED you will not even believe it.
(*Ask me if you want to know more about the gorgeous parasol fabric, haha)
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alltheirdamn · 6 months
Killing Me Softly | (Joel x teacher!f!reader)
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Chap. 3: Violent Delights
Chp. 3 Summary: Every ounce of your resolve fades away as Joel finds his way past your walls. Rating: 18+ MDNI Word Count: 8.5k Warnings: pre-outbreak AU, language, mutual pining, slow burn, angst, banter, sexual tension, heavy kissing, cliff hanger (sorrrrryyyyy) A/N: This one may or may not kill you guys... sorry in advance & please don't hate me. I'll make it up to you <3
Masterlist | Ko-Fi
As Boston came into view from the window of the plane, your anxiety began to skyrocket. Exam week flew by, and now it was finally fall break. You had spent half a day scrambling around the house trying to pack while planning when to call a taxi so that you wouldn’t miss your flight. Putting the stress aside, you had made it in time and found yourself trying to ease your mind with a stupid romance book on the flight. You weren’t huge on reading romance, but it was mindless and passed the time as you soared over the states. 
Joel never reached out after he sent himself your number. You didn’t reach out either, which took a lot of self-restraint. You commended him for having just as much restraint because you were sure he’d cave and call you at some point. But the silence was blaring loud, and maybe he only wanted your number ‘just in case.’ You wouldn’t get your hopes up anymore.
You were coming down the escalator when your mom and two sisters came into view. Stella, your youngest sister, was the first to run and wrap you up in a big hug. Her black hair was chopped shorter than before, and she had a bright smile plastered on her face.
“Sis!” She squealed, squeezing your shoulders.
“Hi, Stell,” you laughed, hugging her tight.
“Look who’s home at last,” Beth said, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Stella swing you back and forth.
Beth was younger than you by two years, while Stella was newly eighteen and still full of life. You and Beth hadn’t been very close since you left Boston, the bitterness of your absence still lingering between you both. 
“Hey, Beth,” you sighed, opening your arms to invite her into a hug.
She was hesitant at first but finally caved and hugged you back. It was brief, but you’d settle for it. Your mom was the next in line to hug you, her voice shaky as she welcomed you home.
“Don’t cry, Mom,” you laughed, pulling away.
“I’m just happy you’re finally home. We missed you a lot.”
She took your luggage and guided you through the airport down to the parking garage. Stella lingered close, wanting to hear about your life in Austin and how teaching was going. Beth, on the other hand, hung back and kept quiet. You knew things would implode at some point during the week, but until then, you’d just have to acknowledge the ticking time bomb in the background.
“Where’s dad?” You asked your mom, climbing into the front seat.
“He’s home grilling up some steaks for dinner. He hasn’t stopped talking about you coming home since you booked the flight. He’s missed you the most,” she sighed.
“I missed him too,” you muttered.
It wasn’t lost on you that leaving had caused a gaping hole in your relationship with your entire family. Even if they weren’t the biggest fans of Bennett, they continued to support you through your decisions to move with him and uproot your life. After he left, they begged you to come home, but you knew staying in Austin was what felt right. You had a job and a home; leaving was admitting defeat. You wouldn’t let him strip away the life you had made; you wouldn’t let yourself be a failure. 
The city blurred by as you neared your childhood home. You kept your eyes closed when you passed down the roads Bennett had once driven you, hoping you could force the memories away. But they still lingered. The past always seemed to linger. Stella and Beth chatted quietly in the backseat, leaving you in silence as the house appeared. Nothing had changed: the white brick chipping around the edges, the hedges in the front yard overgrown and unruly. You expected to feel at home, seeing the house again, but it didn’t feel like it once had. 
As you unpacked the trunk and hauled your luggage inside, you heard your dad’s voice floating from the back deck.
“Is that my girl?” He called out, walking through the sliding doors with his grilling tools in hand. 
“It is,” you smiled, dropping your things at the door.
“Hey there, peanut,” he greeted, awkwardly hugging you as his hands were full.
“Hey, Dad,” you whispered.
“Missed you, kid. How was the flight?” 
You trailed him out onto the deck, the smell of smoke mixing with the autumn breeze as it passed through the trees lining the backyard. You had missed seeing the seasons change, the yellowing of the leaves, and the crisp air that seemed to linger throughout the day. Nothing would beat the East Coast in the fall, even if you liked living in Texas now.
“The flight wasn’t bad,” you shrugged, sinking into a lawn chair as you watched him flip the steaks. “I don’t know why four hours in the air felt so long.”
“You know, you could avoid it if you moved back home,” he suggested.
“I like living in Austin,” you argued. “I have a good job, and I’m happy there.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t happy. All I’m saying is that you can always come home.”
You remember him saying the exact same thing after the wedding ceremony went to shit. Two days after the incident, your dad was consoling you on the couch, holding you as you cried and urging you to come home. You can always come home, peanut. 
“I know I can, Dad. Can we please just drop it?”
Your dad chuckled and made a pact with you not to repeat it. You only hoped your mom and sisters would do the same.
Dinner passed under a heavy silence. No one knew how to speak to you without possibly mentioning Bennett… or ‘the incident’ as they liked to refer to it. You awkwardly made small talk between your parents and Stella while Beth sat and pushed her food around. You stole glances at her ever so often, trying to form a plan when you could talk to her. Out of everyone in the family, your absence hurt her the most. She had been the most vocal about your issues with Bennett, which was to your detriment since you had confided in her the most. She gave the harsh truths and tough love, going so far as to try and talk you out of the engagement. In your love-struck haze, you hadn’t listened to her and found yourself defending Bennett—defending your emotions. You wished you had listened to her. 
“So,” your mom started. “Any new love interests?”
You gave her a pointed stare, stabbing the steak on your plate. This was the last thing you wanted: explaining yourself to them. 
“No, Mom. There’s no one to speak of,” you huffed.
“C’mon mom,” Beth laughed, chiming in. “You know she’s still wallowing away in that big house all alone.”
“Beth,” your dad warned. At the same time, Stella whispered, “Beth, don’t.”
“No, it’s okay.” You smiled through your teeth, glaring at Beth, who sat back in her seat with a smug expression.
“You did this to yourself, you know?” Beth said, cocking an eyebrow.
“Did what?” You questioned.
“We all warned you about Bennett. You knew he was no good, yet you stayed. And look! He left you.”
Her words cut deep, deeper than you wanted to admit. You kept your expression stony, not feeding into her words.
“Beth, you need to stop right now,” your mom nearly growled. “You’re out of line.”
“Let her talk, Mom,” you said. “She needs to get it out.”
“Oh, I need to get it out?” Beth snapped. “You’re the one fucking sulking about Austin, pulling this whole ‘woe is me’ bullshit. The signs were all there! Get over yourself. It’s been two years, sis. Move on.”
“Just because we don’t talk doesn’t mean I haven’t moved on,” you exhaled. “I’m still healing from it all, and I’m sorry I’m not including you in that. I didn’t know you needed access to every part of my life.”
Beth slapped her hands on the table, rising to her feet to stare down at you over the plates of food. You shrunk back, trying to keep the tears at bay. She was going in for the final blow. 
“You came to me for advice, and I gave it. You went ahead with the engagement and still ended up alone. He was never going to marry you. You’re a fucking mouse too afraid to defend yourself, and he knew you wouldn’t fight for him back. He’s probably glad he didn’t marry someone as stupid as you. You can’t see the warning signs even when they’re flashing in your face!”
That was it. That was the breaking point. 
You tossed your napkin onto your plate and removed yourself from the table. You drowned out your parents' voices and Stella’s yelling for you to come back as you ran towards the door. 
“Run!” Beth called from behind you. “Run like Bennett did!”
You barely made it out the front door before crumpling to the ground with tears streaming down your face. Staying with Bennett didn’t just hurt you; it hurt everyone. They wanted the best for you, and you didn’t see that until it was too late. Your relationship with Beth had been shattered because you had thrown all the blame on her. You blamed her for every traitorous thought you had about Bennett; you wanted to blame her for your doubts and unhappiness. But it wasn’t her. It was you. Everything was your fault—it always was.
Stella’s small voice saying your name roused you from your crying as she joined you on the porch. Wrapping her arms around your shoulders, she leaned into you and let you cry out every bottled-up emotion. 
“I’m sorry, Stell,” you sobbed. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you guys. I’m sorry I left. I’m sorry I never came home.”
“Shhh,” she hushed. “No one is mad at you for staying in Austin. We understand why you stayed. Beth is just hurt. You shut everyone out, but you shut her out the most. She just misses you.”
“All I do is fuck everything up,” you muttered. 
“No, stop that,” she argued, rubbing a hand over your back. “None of what happened is your fault. You deserved love, and he wasn’t the right one. You’ll find it again.”
“I stayed for too long. I should have left him long before the wedding. I was just hoping it would fix everything.”
“How were you to know?” She sighed. “Just because he was shitty doesn’t mean you can’t be sad. What he did was totally fucked up, and you didn’t deserve that.”
“Tell Beth that,” you laughed through a hiccup. “She thinks I deserved it.”
“She’s hurt. She doesn’t mean those things.”
“But she’s not wrong.”
Stella sighed, pulling away from you to level you with a sympathetic look. 
“I think you guys need to talk it out. Maybe not right now, but when you’re ready,” she offered.
“You’re the young one,” you groaned. “You shouldn’t be consoling your older sister like this.”
“Hey, someone’s gotta be nice to you,” she smiled, quietly laughing.
“Thank you,” you whimpered.
You fell back into her arms and stared aimlessly at the trees blowing in the wind. After a few quiet moments, you finally pulled yourself together and shuffled out of her arms. Stella watched you wearily as you stood, brushing the dirt from your pants.
“I think I’m gonna go for a walk to clear my head,” you announced. “Tell Mom and Dad I'll come back in a few.”
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“I’ll be okay, Stell. I promise. Thank you again,” you sighed, kissing her head.
Dusk fell over the neighborhood as you wandered between the trees and houses. A few neighbors walked their dogs while their kids ran through the streets playing ball or riding their bikes. You never wanted to be out and interacting at home, but you didn’t mind it here. There was no risk. No one would stop you and inquire about your life like they would at home.
As you rounded down the next street, your phone started ringing in your back pocket. You whipped it out and saw the one name you had been waiting for the last week: Joel. Part of you didn’t want to answer; you weren’t in the right headspace. But you had waited to hear from him, and honestly, he was probably the only person to sway your mood for the better. Sucking in a breath, you answered.
“Hello?” You said, hoping your voice didn’t betray you.
“I got a bone to pick with you,” Joel huffed, clearly joking.
But after the events of dinner, his words felt like another punch to the gut.
“Why?” You asked nervously, pulling the phone away to sniffle back more tears.
“I finished Romeo and Juliet, and I—. Wait, are you alright? Why does it sound like you’ve been cryin’?”
You let out a sad laugh; of course, he’d see right through you. He always managed to do that.
“Because I have been,” you sighed. There was no point in lying to him when you knew he’d continue bugging you. 
“What happened? Are you alright? Do y’need me to come get you from somewhere?” God, he sounded so sweet when he was worried.
“I’m fine, Mr. Miller. I’m not even in Austin right now, so you’re off the hook on that offer.”
“Where are you?” He pressed.
“Boston. I’m visiting family over the break,” you explained.
“You from there?” 
“I am.”
“I didn’t take you as an East Coast type of girl, but it makes sense with how stubborn y’are,” he chuckled.
“Yep. That’s me.”
“Alright, I ain’t gonna let you get off the hook this easily. What’s goin’ on?”
You rounded back down another street, holding your phone tighter against your ear, hoping you’d catch every breath in the receiver. Hearing Joel’s voice was enough to soothe your heart after a terrible night.
“Really,” you insisted. “We don’t need to talk about it.”
“I reckon we do. I bet you’ll feel better after.”
“I reckon I won’t,” you mimicked his accent.
Joel let out a low chuckle, clearly amused by your response. It garnered a smile from you as you pictured his lips turned up on the corners, the bottom lip pushed out and pouty like they always were.
“My family isn’t happy with me for staying in Austin. They think I should have moved home a couple of years ago,” you explained. “I’ll spare you the bad parts, but I should have come home. It would’ve made it easier on everyone.”
“But would it’ve made it easier on you?” He asked.
You stopped walking and pinched the bridge of your nose to hold back the coming tears. Of course, he saw it from the latter. He wasn’t siding with your parents, but he didn’t know what you had done and endured to deserve their bitterness.
“Probably, but it doesn’t matter. Listen, you don’t have to worry about me. We can talk poetry instead,” you offered.
“If that’s what y’want, and for the record, I’m gonna worry about you.” You could hear his smile through the phone.
“You don’t need to, Mr. Miller.”
“Joel,” he sighed. “Y’know, you can say my name.”
“I know, it’s just—.”
“All formalities,” he finished. “I just wish you’d quit that because I think we’re far past it by now.”
“I’m trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism,” you laughed. 
Your house was slowly coming into view again, and you felt the nerves creep back in. Eventually, you’d have to face them again, but right now, all you wanted to hear was Joel’s thick accent and husky voice. 
“What’s so wrong about bein’ unprofessional?” He joked.
“A lot, Mr. Miller,” you sighed. 
There was a brief pause on his end, and you bit your lip, wondering if he understood the meaning behind your words. You'd be completely vulnerable to him when you crossed the threshold between professional and unprofessional. Your restraint would melt away, and he’d win. 
“Should I be callin’ you Miss Smith again?” He sounded serious. “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable and all that.”
“No,” you said all too quickly. “Call me by my name. I—I like it.”
You fucking idiot. 
Joel spoke your name in a lower voice, sending a shiver down your spine. Your steps back to the house slowed as you tried to control a strange urge rushing through your body. Was he teasing you? Was he actually doing that? You had to reel back in all the unprofessional thoughts swarming your head… especially the ones wondering how your name would sound when he was inside—. Stop that. 
“What’re you doing?” You exhaled. 
“Sayin’ your name,” he countered. “Y’said you liked it.”
“Yeah, I do.” You were beyond flustered and hot. “You’re—never mind. I should probably get inside and make peace with my family. Don’t think I forgot about Romeo and Juliet; I still want to hear your thoughts.”
“Call me tonight before you sleep,” Joel said. Oh, Christ. “I ain’t gonna remember the story if I wait any longer.”
“We could’ve talked about it earlier,” you chuckled. “You got sidetracked asking about me.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
You were at the edge of the front yard now, staring blankly at the porch light flickering against the nightfall blanketing the house. You couldn’t stay outside forever or on the phone with him forever—no matter how much you wanted to. 
“I need to get back to my family,” you sidestepped. “I’ll call tonight, okay?”
You smiled to yourself, gripping the phone tighter in your hand. Damn this man, and damn his charm.
“I promise, Mr. Miller. Goodbye.”
“Bye,” he whispered, your name falling off his tongue one last time.
You were so screwed. Completely and utterly screwed. 
The house was quiet when you walked through the front door. Your mom and dad were lounging in the living room, flipping through channels, and Stella sat at the dining room table, working on her homework. Beth was nowhere to be found, which you figured would happen. Your mom glanced up from the couch with the same sympathetic expression Stella had given you earlier, and quite honestly, you were sick of it. You were sick of being pitied. You were sick of people being sad for you all the time. Yes, you were sad—all the time—but you wanted to be alone in your healing. You didn’t want to feel worse about it all from the people meant to support you. And you knew deep down they did support you, but it didn’t always feel that way. 
You needed to talk to Beth, or this entire week would be hell. 
“Is she up in her room?” You asked your mom.
She gave you a slow nod and then returned to watching the TV. She didn’t have to say anything; she knew why you asked.
Upstairs, your house was divided by two hallways. The left hallway had your parents and Stella’s room, and down the right was yours and Beth’s. You had spent so many nights with her tucked in the bed with you, staying up late talking about anything under the sun and always being each other's best friend. But that all disappeared when she realized how terrible Bennett was. Leaving Boston broke her heart, and in turn, Bennett broke yours and destroyed everything left between you and your family. 
After a sharp inhale and one final wipe of your eyes, you knocked on her door, hoping she’d let you in. The silence behind the door cemented the fact she knew it was you, yet the door opened and revealed Beth just as disheveled as you were. Her long brown hair was tossed up into a bun, and the makeup she had worn earlier was gone, a redness rimming her eyes in its place. You wanted to wrap your arms around her to apologize for everything, but Beth wasn’t that person. She didn’t want affection. She wanted words. 
“Can I come in?” You asked.
She nodded slowly, cracking the door open wider to let you step into her room. It was just as you remembered it: the fluffy white bed in the corner, the scattered polaroids on the wall, and the full-length mirror propped in the corner that you had gotten ready in front of before. Beth sat on the corner of her bed, her head hung as you joined her.
“I’m sorry,” she started. “I was a real bitch at dinner.”
You leaned into her, resting your head on her shoulder.
“You kinda were,” you chuckled. “But I understand. I shut you out. I shut everyone out, honestly. It’s easier to be alone.”
“No, it’s not,” she argued.
“Maybe, but it’s what I thought was best for me. You were right about Bennett, and I didn’t listen to you when I should have.”
“You may be older, but you are so stupid.”
You laughed harder at that, feeling her hand reach around and grip yours. You squeezed her fingers, your chest rising and falling normally. You missed this Beth, the one that could make light of the worst. 
“You know I couldn’t have come home, right? I made a life out in Austin, even without Bennett. I even went to his law firm and asked where he had gone, and all they said was that he took a job out of state. I was so scared he came back here, and if I came back to Boston, I’d see him again.”
“Why are you so afraid of him?” She asked.
“Because he broke my heart worse than I could have ever imagined. I don’t know what I’d do if I saw him again, Beth. I’d be terrified.”
Beth glanced down at you, shrugging you off her shoulder so you could meet her eyes. Tears swam in her blue eyes, rolling over onto her cheeks.
“You’re stronger than that. You always have been.”
“I don’t feel like it sometimes.”
She sighed, brushing away tears you hadn’t realized escaped your eyes. 
“Don’t let some shit guy ruin your life. You deserve to be happy, sis. There’s going to be someone so much greater out there.”
Flashes of Joel’s dark eyes and curly hair swam into your mind when she said those words. You didn’t want to believe Joel would be that person, but even your mind betrayed you. You willed it away, hoping you’d keep any thought of him lingering in the back of your head.
“I know,” you said. “Eventually, there will be.”
“There’s already someone, isn’t there?” She quirked an eyebrow.
You wanted to deny it and lie, but you wanted your friendship back. So, you told her everything, starting at the father-daughter dance and leading up to the phone call that had just ended. Beth had a massive grin while you spoke, nodding with every detail you shared.
“So… you’re gonna give him a chance, right?” She questioned.
“I can’t. He’s my students’ dad, and I can’t do that. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Then sneak around,” she pressed. “Here’s this amazing guy who’s obviously into you, and you’re gonna let that slip away because of what’s right and wrong?”
“What would you do?” You exhaled, falling back against her bed. You stared at the ceiling fan, watching it twirl in circles, hoping an answer would be hidden in its blades.
“I’d have amazing sex with him,” Beth chuckled, laying back beside you. “And then maybe fall in love, I don’t know. But sex for sure.”
“You’re terrible,” you giggled. 
Beth laughed along with you, shuffling her body closer so both of you were shoulder to shoulder. Coming home would feel like this again, but coming home would mean losing everything all over again. You’d lose your job and the house you loved so much… and you’d lose Joel. For some reason, the idea of not seeing him around made your heart ache in ways you hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe Beth was right; maybe you’d give Joel a chance.
It was well into the night when you finally found yourself unwinding in bed and curling under the covers. You held your phone close to your chest, wondering if it was too late to call. In Boston, it was nearly midnight. Austin was only an hour behind, but you knew Joel worked early with his company. You didn’t want to assume he’d be asleep already, but the chances were slim he was awake and waiting for you. 
You dialed his number anyway.
It barely reached the second ring before he answered, your name as sweet as ever rolling through the receiver.
“I didn’t think you’d call,” he said. “Figured you forgot all about me.”
“Never,” you whispered, trying to keep your voice down. Everyone was asleep in the house, and the last thing you wanted was for them to hear you talking on the phone late at night like you were a teenager all over again.
“Y’figure everythin’ out with your family?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s all good now.”
“Why’re you whisperin’?” He chuckled.
“Because everyone is asleep,” you tossed back.
“Sneakin’ around late then, huh?”
“Don’t tease me, Mr. Miller.”
“I’ll tease all I want,” he countered.
You blew out a breath, rolling over in the bed. With your knees curled up to your chest, you listened to Joel’s soft breathing and wondered if he was in bed, too. You wondered what he looked like, stretched out against the mattress, and if his body was as warm as his smile.
“Are you going to tell me about Romeo and Juliet? Or are you just going to sidetrack us again?” You asked softly.
Joel let out a heavy sigh, and you could hear rustling behind him. He was in bed, and for some reason, that enticed you. 
“You coulda warned me that they both die,” he started. “If it weren’t for Paris, they coulda had a happy ending!”
“The whole point of the story is to have a tragic ending. Shakespeare warned everyone in the foreshadowing, with Montague saying, ‘These violent delights have violent ends.’ It’s supposed to be a story about the chaos of passion.”
“Still ain’t makin’ up for the fact they never got to be together,” Joel grumbled.
“Not every story is a happy ending,” you exhaled, wincing at the words you spoke. You didn’t die because of Bennett, but the story hit too close to home. Between the chaos of family and the violent ends of your relationship, you had nearly become Juliet, killing herself over a man. Not literally, but the pain after the wedding was a death within itself. 
“Why d’you like it so much?” Joel asked.
“Wasn’t that your job to find out?”
“I’m not gonna lay here and make assumptions ‘bout you, but I get the feelin’ you’re a lot like Juliet.”
“Maybe,” you muttered quietly. 
“Who’s Romeo then?”
He didn’t sound angry, but you knew he only asked because he wanted to understand you better. And fuck, if that wasn’t a turn-on in itself.
“He’s the one that left me at the altar.”
There was a heavy silence from his end of the phone. You wanted to take the words back and shove them deep within you where the world couldn’t hear them. No matter how many times you said it aloud, it never felt easier. But it was the unfortunate truth; your love story had a tragic ending.
“Jesus fuck, I’m so sorry,” Joel exhaled.
“Don’t be. I’m okay.”
“Whoever did that didn’t deserve you. Perfect girl like you ain’t deserve someone that shitty.”
Perfect girl.
You had to clench your thighs together at the way his voice roughened when he said those two words. You wanted to play them on a loop over and over until you were mindless. Bennett never called you perfect—beautiful, maybe, but never perfect. He knew you for five years and never said it; Joel knew you for a month and not only said it…but believed it.
“I stayed with him a lot longer than I should have.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Joel offered, his voice gentler than a moment ago.
“Not right now,” you whispered. “I’ll make you a deal.”
“I’m listenin’.”
You were playing with fire now, and maybe it was the vulnerability of the day catching up to you, but Beth’s words were stuck in your head. There’s going to be someone so much greater out there. 
“Ask me anything you want over dinner.”
Silence. Dead silence. 
You held your breath, waiting for a response, waiting for anything. You could handle rejection, or at least you hoped you could. You hadn’t put yourself out there since Bennett left, and the idea of being unlovable was hard to wrap your head around. Did he ruin you to the point of no return? Was there any hope left?
“I’m not gonna take y’out to dinner and talk about your ex-fiancé,” Joel grumbled. 
“Oh, okay, yeah. I understand.”
The tears were welling in your eyes now, threatening your composure. He didn’t want to take you out anymore; that was fine. Who would want to deal with the broken pieces left in the wake of your past?
“If I’m gonna take you out, it’s gonna be a proper date where I get to know you,” Joel lowered his voice, the sound echoing through your head.
“A date?” You laughed nervously.
“Yes.” He said your name in a stern tone that stalled your breathing. “Quit bein’ all professional, and let me take you somewhere nice so I can really get to know you. That’s all I been wantin’ to do.”
“I’ll make you another deal,” you offered.
“God, you and your damn deals. Alright, let’s hear it,” he chuckled.
“When I’m back, ask me on a proper date.”
“Haven’t I already done that? The offer still stands, y’know.”
“I wasn’t ready to say yes when you asked. I think I’m ready now.”
“Bout damn time,” he laughed. “I swear I’m a patient man, but I’ve been goin’ out my damn mind waitin’ for you.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. That was always the default response these days.
“You’re worth waitin’ for, I promise.”
You were at a complete and total loss for words. How did Joel always say everything you had always wanted to hear? You tried not to compare him to Bennett, but this was far beyond anything you had received in the past. It was foreign but so sweet. You allowed yourself to take the plunge; now, every risk was heightened. If the heartbreak Bennett had caused was this bad, you hoped never to find out what losing Joel would feel like. 
“Y’still there?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m still here,” you whispered. You didn’t realize how long your thoughts had silenced you. “I’m looking forward to you asking me.”
“And I’m lookin’ forward to askin’…again.”
You smiled to yourself and shoved your head further under the covers. You could hear Joel yawning on the other end of the phone, and you realized just how late it was. You could listen to him talk until you fell asleep, but you wouldn’t keep him any longer.
“Go and get some sleep, Mr. Miller.”
“Y’sayin’ I’m old?” He grumbled.
“I’m saying I can hear you yawning over there,” you quipped.
“Alright, alright. Maybe we should both be gettin’ sleep. Can I call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Goodnight,” he whispered.
“Goodnight, Mr. Miller.”
The rest of the week went smoother than you had imagined. After the conversation with Beth, you both fell back into the familiar routine of being close. You’d catch her sliding you small smiles while you were out around the city, a deep concern crossing over her eyes, knowing how hard it was to relive the memories. Boston hadn’t changed, making it easier knowing you had made the right decision to leave. Stella introduced you to her new boyfriend, and your parents cooked a huge dinner to include him in a family evening together. And every night, you’d stay up late talking to Joel on the phone. 
He told you tiny snippets of his day and what had happened at work while you shared pieces of your day traveling around town with family. You noticed how he sidestepped or avoided asking deeper questions about you, and it was sweet knowing that he really wanted to wait for that date to ask those questions. Those late-night talks became something you looked forward to, even if they were filled with mundane things to chat about. 
Friday came quicker than you expected, and you were fidgeting to get on the plane home. Joel had asked the night before when you were landing and insisted on being the one to pick you up from the airport. You were struggling to continue saying ‘no’ to him, and frankly, you wanted him to be the first person you saw when you arrived. 
Austin’s skyline was dotted with lights as the plane touched down in the evening. Those few hours on the plane felt like an eternity, but as you scrambled down the tunnel into the airport, you felt a surge of excitement flowing through your body. Something had shifted over the week between you and Joel; that line between professional and unprofessional slowly disappeared. You were losing the battle inside you to keep your distance from him, and God made it so easy to do that. His charm kept you coming back for more, and the idea of what could happen between the two of you was terrifying, but the risk was beginning to look less dangerous. You felt comfortable, which was far from what you felt with Bennett. You always had to be the best version of yourself, the perfect image of a perfect girlfriend and fiancé. But you realized with Joel, you could let your control slip. He had seen and heard your vulnerability more times than you wanted to allow, yet he didn’t run away. 
He didn’t run away.
That thought slammed into you as you walked through the airport, knowing you weren’t walking towards an empty altar. You were walking towards a man willing to wait for you—for the first time. 
As you made it through the crowd of other travelers, you finally emerged into the lower level of the airport, your eyes darting around to find Joel. In the chaos of bodies walking around, his tall figure stood above the rest, a small bouquet of flowers in hand. Your steps slowed as you approached, your eyes shifting from the flowers to his welcoming smile. 
“What’s this?” you asked, your cheeks pink from running or seeing him; you weren’t sure.
“Figured it would be a nice way to welcome you home,” Joel smiled, handing them to you. 
The flowers were an array of colorful carnations, their orange and pink petals standing out against the green leaves surrounding them. You took them from him and watched as he replaced the flowers in his hand with your luggage, insisting on carrying them for you. He wore a multi-colored flannel, the material stretching over his back and shoulders as he lifted your bags. You stood back, mesmerized, as he led you toward the parking garage. 
“Thank you again,” you said. “I know you had a long work day, so thank you for driving out here.”
Joel looked over his shoulder and smiled at you. You noticed the scruff on his face was a bit grown out from the last time you saw him, but those bare patches still stood strong. There was a strange urge inside you to kiss them and feel the warmth of the skin underneath. 
“It’s no trouble at all,” he said. 
His truck was parked far back in the parking lot, which made the walk together longer than you expected. The smell of the flowers enveloped you as you held them close to your chest. You could only count a handful of times Bennett had gotten you flowers and could count even fewer times he actually picked you up from the airport. Any time you went home to visit family, which was far and few, he used the excuse of work to avoid being there for you. 
Joel lifted your luggage into the backseat of his truck, turning to you once he shut the door. He spoke your name softly, staring down at you as you gave him a curious look. 
“Well, since you’re home now, I’m just gonna ask it,” he started. “Would you go out to dinner with me?”
“I’d love that,” you smiled, a blush crawling up your neck. 
“Good,” he nodded. “I hope you’re hungry.”
“Wait, you mean right now?”
Joel leaned closer to you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“I told you I’m a patient man, but I ain’t waitin’ any longer. So get your stubborn ass in my truck, and let me take you out.”
“You’re relentless, Mr. Miller,” you rolled your eyes. 
Joel opened the passenger door for you, waiting patiently as you climbed in and buckled yourself. 
“I’m gonna make sure you stop callin’ me that by the end of the night,” he said, his eyes trained on you. 
Your breath stalled, and you wondered about the meaning behind his words. Joel probably didn’t mean it sexually, but that’s exactly where your brain went. This was only a date, nothing more, nothing less. You were already giving into him with this; you wouldn’t give in any more than that—no matter how badly you might want to. 
“We’ll see, Mr. Miller,” you smirked.
Joel’s brown eyes darkened at your challenge, and you hoped he didn’t notice how your thighs clenched to quell the warmth pooling inside your stomach. You were staying strong on this one; saying his name meant giving up control entirely. If you gave up the control, you’d give up everything, and you weren’t sure if you could do that to yourself—not yet, at least.
You made small talk with Joel on the drive to his chosen restaurant. It was a casual steakhouse, but you were obviously underdressed from being on a plane for nearly four hours. Joel wasn’t much better either; his attire always seemed too casual and messy. Oddly enough, it was growing on you. You couldn’t imagine him wearing suits or dress-casual attire; it didn’t suit his persona. He was rugged through and through, and you liked that. You had judged him so early on, but the carefree way he carried himself amplified your attraction to him. Bennett always wore some bullshit suit and tie for work, looking overdressed and uncomfortable. Whenever he wasn’t working—which was rare—he still looked like a pretentious East Coast snob with his dress slacks and polo. God, the more you thought about it, the more it pissed you off. 
Once Joel and you were seated at a table and ordered, you found yourself squirming in your seat. Joel’s eyes were warm and unwavering in the restaurant's lighting as he focused on you. With his hands folded on the table, he kept his body pressed forward just to get closer to you. 
“So, I know y’told me you had sisters,” he started. “Beth and Stella, right?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded, sipping the red wine before you. You hadn’t planned on drinking, but your body demanded some sort of aid in numbing the nerves coursing through your veins. “Stella is the youngest. She’s eighteen. She graduated high school this year and started attending Boston College in September. Beth is two years younger than me and works in graphic design for a company in downtown Boston.”
“If Beth is two years younger, that makes you…”
“I’m twenty-seven, Mr. Miller,” you chuckled. 
Joel’s eyes widened a bit, most likely as he realized the age gap between you both. Clearly, he had to have noticed by now, but his reaction was still comical. You nervously bit your lip, wondering if the distance between your age would make him less interested. It’s only a date, you reminded yourself. He wasn’t interested in you that much. 
“Shesh,” he whistled, leaning back into his chair. “I ain’t take you to be that young.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” you muttered. 
He shook his head, reaching for his beer, and you watched him take a long sip before responding. 
“No, it’s not like that,” he reassured. “Y’just surprise me, that’s all.”
“How so?” You asked, leaning forward. 
“Y’act so mature sometimes,” he explained. “You’re big on actin’ professional and adult-like.”
“It’s my job,” you said.
“Bein’ a teacher shouldn’t stop you from enjoyin’ your twenties,” he countered. 
You sighed, nodding along to his words. A lot of things had stopped you from enjoying your twenties, like a particular asshole you thought you’d spend your life with. Being young and careless was never something in the cards for you, and honestly, the closest thing you had gotten to that was the night Joel saw you at the bar. 
“Do you feel like being a young dad did the same for you?” You asked. 
Joel inhaled sharply, scratching the back of his neck. You began to realize he did that a lot; in nervous moments, in moments he was deep in thought, in moments he felt awkward. Right now, you assumed it was because he was trying to formulate some sort of response. 
“I ain’t really had a choice in it. When Sarah’s mom left, I was pretty lost tryna do the ‘dad’ thing. I had to juggle between work and bein’ present, and Tommy was young then, too, so he couldn’t help much. I just tried my best and learned as I went.”
“How old is Tommy?”
“Younger than you,” Joel laughed. “He’s twenty-five.”
“Oh gosh, you guys have a big age gap, too.”
“That we do.”
The waiter brought your meals, forcing the chit-chat to stall while you indulged in the steak and side dishes in silence. Occasionally, Joel would hum as he ate, glancing up at you to see your reaction to the flavors as well. You returned his curious eyes with soft smiles, indulging in how he looked at you like you were something he hungered for far more than the food in front of him. When the plates cleared and your napkins were disposed of, Joel asked the waiter for another round of drinks so that you both had no option but to remain seated in each other's company. 
“What made you want to be a teacher?” He asked, smoothing down the flannel over his stomach.
Your eyes caught onto the movement of his hand as it brushed down his navel, the veins flexing as he readjusted himself in his chair. Joel dipped his head slightly to draw your attention back to his soft eyes, and you instantly felt caught in your actions. 
“I’m not sure, honestly. I’ve always loved literature, and the idea of teaching young kids about it just seemed appealing. There’s a lot of power in words, you know? I want to show them that.”
“That’s pretty poetic of you to say,” he smirked. 
“Well, I hope so. I literally teach poetry for a living.”
Joel chuckled quietly, the lines around his eyes crinkling as his smile stretched across his face. Was it terrible that you were picturing him kissing you? Despite every thought in your head that shouted at you not to think about it, it was all you could focus on. 
“Do you enjoy your job?” You countered. 
“I do, most days. Tommy and I are tryna start up our own business one day, but it ain’t in the cards yet. I need to save up a bit more and hopefully work on gettin’ permits and all that before I can actually do it,” he explained. 
“I believe in you,” you said softly. “You’re a hard worker, Mr. Miller.”
“Well, thank you.” His cheeks reddened at your words. 
Both of you sat in comfortable silence for a moment, stealing shy glances and laughing at the emptiness of words. Joel had said he wanted to get to know you more, but the questions seemed far and few. In your mind, you considered that a second date could be in the cards, seeing as though neither of you had yet tired of the other. Even in the quiet moments, Joel had remained completely enraptured by you, never letting his eyes stray too far from yours. 
“Y’ready to get home?” He asked once the bill was paid for.
“I suppose so,” you shrugged. 
Joel’s hand was firm on your lower back as he guided you out of the restaurant and back to his truck. The featherlike touch against your clothed skin was enough to awaken that warmth back into your body, the feeling of it blooming inside you with each step. Inside the truck, you watched as the streets blurred past as Joel drove toward your home. The night was ending, yet you still ached at the thought of him leaving. You didn’t dare to take anything further, and you still didn’t know if that was something he wanted—or if it was something you wanted. 
Seeing your tiny home was a breath of fresh air as Joel put his truck in park. You gathered the flowers from the seat and quietly helped him unload your luggage. The tension between you thickened with each step as you approached the front door. Turning to him, you smiled and squeezed his arm.
“Thank you,” you said, hesitating by the door. “For tonight and everything.”
Joel’s eyes sparkled under your porch light, the darkness of his irises illuminated and dancing in the shadows. He had shrugged off his flannel after hauling your luggage from the truck, and now it hung over his arms, exposing the corded veins running from his hands to his biceps.
“Of course,” he said your name softly. “Y’look beautiful tonight, by the way. I can’t remember if I told you that or not, but really, you’re beautiful.”
Your cheeks warmed at the compliment, and there was no way of hiding the redness creeping over your face and neck. He watched you with a hungry gaze, his eyes roaming your body. Even if you only stood in a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, Joel looked at you like you were bare before him. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I—I know I look like shit, but thank you.
“Y’definitly don’t look like shit,” Joel insisted. “I’ll plan another date so y’can get all dolled up and look even more beautiful. 
“That’s not really necessary. I mean the dressing up part, not the date part. I’d like to go on another date.” You were rambling at this point.
“Sure it is. The world deserves to see y’look beautiful, even if I want to keep you to myself selfishly.”
“Stop it,” you blushed. “Go get home before it gets too late.”
“You tryna get rid of me that quick?”
“I know how much you enjoy talking,” you laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he grinned, turning to leave. “Y’have a good night, okay?”
“I will. Goodnight, Joel.”
Then you realized what you had said. 
He realized it, too. 
“Y—,” Joel cut himself off. Shaking his head, he let his flannel fall to the ground. “Fuck it,” he whispered.
Joel swarmed you, pressing you against the door as his hands came up to cup your face. Without a second to breathe, his lips crashed against yours until stars sparked behind your eyes. His mouth was warm as he devoured you slowly, drinking in every noise you made. Every one of your senses was evaded by him: the scent of his cologne drifting over your body, the heat of his skin against yours, the sound of his mouth breathing into yours. You found yourself hesitant at first, adjusting to the hardness of his body pressed against yours. He must have also realized it, his mouth slowing as he pulled away. 
“I—shit,” he muttered. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Your fingers crawled up his chest and gripped at the collar of his shirt, hauling him back to you until your mouth was a breath away from his. 
“Just shut up and kiss me again,” you whispered. 
Then his lips pressed against yours again, this time frantic and all-consuming. You opened your mouth to him, letting him taste the vulnerability spilling out of you, replacing it with desperation you hadn’t yet dared to feel. Your tongue darted out to brush over his bottom lip, and he captured it in another greedy kiss, intertwining himself with you. Joel’s hands moved to tangle in your hair, his fingers lightly pulling as he drew you in closer. Your hands wound their way around his neck; your chest flush against his until all you could feel was the rapid beating of his heart matching yours. There was no way of telling where he began and you ended; you both had melted into one. Lips, teeth, tongue… over and over again, the motion repeated, and you felt the warmth creeping up your spine the more he moved against you. You sunk your teeth into his lip, tugging it slightly, as you pulled away to gasp for air. 
“Joel,” you exhaled, panting softly. 
“Yeah, baby?” His voice was rough as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“What are we doing?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t wanna stop.”
He lowered his lips to kiss down your neck, the chill of his mouth on you prickling your skin. You couldn’t form any words to tell him to stop. You didn’t want him to stop. You were mindless and boneless in his strong grasp, completely untethered from your control. All you could focus on was the way his mouth roamed over the column of your neck, the veins that your blood rushed through throbbing under his lips. Joel’s hand traveled back around, his thumb tipping your jaw upwards so that he could kiss more of your skin. Your eyes blinked at the flickering bulb of your porch light, the sound of crickets chirping somewhere in the distance. His tongue traced a line up your neck, his teeth nipping against your jaw. You let out a soft whine as his mouth connected to yours again, the passion between you snapping into place. 
The night wasn’t ending here. You needed more. The craving was too intense to keep at bay, and you needed him in ways you had been too afraid to admit. Your fingers wound themselves into the curls at the base of his neck, holding him firm against you as you grinned into his open mouth. 
“Come inside,” you mumbled against his moving lips. 
You fumbled blindly for your keys, twisting around to unlock your door; all the while, Joel kept his lips on any part of your skin he could find. He reached around you to shove the door open, and with one arm wound around your waist, you both tumbled over the threshold.
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m4rs-ex3 · 6 months
if u haven't already seen.............. guys i was late i was fucking late for the panel give me a break
BUT here is a play by play of everything from the second i got in
[A GOOD CHUNK OF THE SECRET SCENE] if you saw this post within the first few *hours you got to see but you know what? they got to me i don't wanna be the snitch (i did on accident but its the though that counts)
opeli is being led blindfolded (which we see from opeli's pov. riveting visuals i tell you) by soren to the ✨secret meeting location✨
when she comments on the fact that it is literally just callum's office soren shuts her up bless him
opeli's like "DID BAIT GIVE BIRTH??!?!?" and soren's like no these are "rescue baits" and opeli gives them the greatest fucking look i can't even describe it to you
you've seen that leak "look it's the pearl :D""WHA""yep he's in there :)))))"
rayla says it like "per-al." just thought you should know
soren suggests forming a Fellowship of the Pearl and going to throw it into a volcano i fucking hate this show
they're all debating what to do with it meanwhile the most cryptic-ass shots of callum with the pearl like we get it he's fucked (i take it back i want more)
they finally get to him and he's like "uh????? destroy it obviously?????"
he suggests--and these are 100% his words (not actually cuz u know but its the general idea)--"smash it? throw it off a cliff? take a big ol axe and just--KA CHOP." i love him so much
rayla asks how they know it won't just release him
the way callum is so confused and conflicted and he just says "i... i don't know" oh my god by precious baby
cool ass top-down to the pearl whirlpool esq transtion into the next scene hello??
zym is being emo at a painting of his mother (the one from 4x03 yeah they just stitched that shit up it's all good)
ezran's like. huh. we oughtta do smth abt this
callum is Thinking Thoughts on the turrets(?? yk where soren does his lunges) and tossin the rune cube when he sees the star rune light up......................................
it's stella stella's there and the way he reacts to her is so precious 😭 he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up type shit
enter rayla "they told me u would be up here brooding"
(in a tragic turn of events the rayllum of this scene had my brain fuzzy so i can't remember a few chunks here and there have pity my brain has rotten)
callum's like "we have to do something i'm scared he's gonna use me. i know what we need to do ok we need to go to the starscraper"
it's honestly hilarious the way he says "and *WE.* should go" he's like "don't be gettin any ideas now this is an us thing"
and then ohoho "they have something there for you, too" (THAT was an exact quote)
he's like "PLSPLSPLS i've studied star magic i know the spells i know the runes i just need the quasar diamonds!! LET ME FREE UR PARENTS AND RUNAAN PLEAAAASSSSEEEE"
rayla is veryyyyyy opposed she's like "NO i want to help my parents as much as you"--honestly i don't think ANYONE wants to as much as him--"but i don't want my biases to affect that" BIASES?!??!! like that was the word she used i can't stop thinking about it
zym has entered his wolf child era his ass is HOWLING at the moon
soren hears him and goes "aww little guy misses his mom :((( sometimes i wonder where my mom is...." WHAT AWHAT WHAT AWHAT PJARDON SAY IT AGIAN YOU WAHGTS SAY IT AGIAND HUAH HUWH A
ok. yeah callum does not have pajamas BUT I THINK WE HAVE BIGGER ISSUES HERE????????????? HE WAS SLEEPING IN HIS OFFICE
in other news
bruv is tossing and turning and then just. ~stops.~ this can only mean good things (i think you know where i'm going with this)
he sits up. hobbles over to the door. there was a really cool transition (can u tell i respect the cinematography) and he's in the cellar holding the pearl.
he wakes up in aaravos' prison and is like "well this looks neat!" until he sees the mirror and screams and wakes up. when he realizes where he is he goes "what have i done" dude you fell asleep?? god he's never sleeping again (<- me when i lie 😈)
the description we got of this next scene did NOT do it justice it was fucking incredible
callum kicks down the fucking door (not actually) screaming for rayla
rayla TUMBLES OUT OF BED ON TO THE FLOOR, pillows in hands and unafraid to use them
"WHOA. HEY HEY ITS OKAY ITS ME! it's just me rayla. it's me. callum" i feel like he was saying the same 5 words for 7 hours it was beautiful
rayla: "callum?? jeez i could have-" *looks at pillows*
callum giggles the cutest fucking giggle and says something along the lines of "yeah, it would've hurt real bad :)"
she sits back on the bed and my guy KNEELS DOWN AT THE CORNER OF THE BED TO PICK UP HER STUFF BEFORE HE SITS DOWN NEXT TO HER and they say chivalry is dead romance was birthed and ended with this scene
he tells her about it and she goes "callum, you're exhausted. you had a nightmare. if i thought you were in any real danger you know i would-" and then ironically i forget the same line that the person from nycc did wouldja look at that
can i just mention how close they were sitting in this scene i mean i jsut thikn i should mention hwo clo
yada yada he has a lightbulb and runs off with her blanket
the iconic "i know stella.. he took our blankie :("
god knows why barius is up in the middle of the night whispering sweet nothings to his jelly tarts
callum comes in with a certain proposition mwuhahaha
rayla comes into his office and sees his aesthetic ass sewing by fireside and graciously says "ah i get it! you're taking your mind off things by peacefully knitting" so iconic for both of them
callum explains that he's stitching runes to create a protection spell when barius comes in with the """"""""pearl""""""""""
rayla DIVES in front of callum and says "what r you doing get that thing AWAY from him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she got SO protective SO fast it was blessed
callum's like au contraire 😈
ok so obviously we had all heard about the fake pearl but. you know that one guy who makes insane sculptures out of nothing but chocolate? that's what they did the pearl is brown sludge with a candy coating 💀 i'm losing my mind that is so funny to me
so yeah with the decoy out the real pearl is protected by--and callum literally said this--"a magic blankie >:)"
dawn in the courtyard--ez is saying goodbye to soren, zym, and pyrrah who are going to look for zubeia (i almost just typed zendaya i need sleep) and callum and rayla who r going to the starscraper
on a slightly lower note
scene from teaser except they did cut a couple lines in the teaser. mainly just terry going "didn't see you there,, cuz i was asleep. with my eyes closed"
he does not in fact get impaled but claudia tells him she's gonna leave him first and does just that
as she's going omfg terry's cries and pleas and "I LOVE YOU"s and "I WILL WAIT. I WILL WAIT HERE FOR YOU" was absolutely insane idk what was in the air in that recording studio but shout out to ben
i am so tired goodbye!
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campbell-rose · 3 months
Stupid fucking bitch Stolas ass ugly ass Stolas I hate him so fucking much he's so fucking annoying and a whiny little bastard what the fuck is his height so that I can measure his height of stupidity stupid hoe ass Stolas thinks he deserves love when in actuality he deserve to get thrown of a fucking cliff I want to call Striker so badly and give him all my life savings just so he can get rid of this prissy narcissistic cunt bird that I hate Blitzo may be a cunt too but he doesn't deserve to be with a gaslighting manipulative rapist whore like Stolas old ass man he doesn't even look cute he's ugly brother ugggh brother ugggh he's hideous and a little pussy because bro can turn people into stone but needs Blitzo to save him and doesn't acknowledge that he sent M&M to save him I hate this dumb bitch owl he ruined birds for me he's so bad as a character I wish Stella can just chop off his cock and shove it down his annoying pipes to shut his goofy ass up somebody tell me when this dickhead cunt shit excuse of a prince dies so that I can make it a reminder on my phone and do anything but pay respects to him his songs are good but that's it he's a pathetic waste of a fucking person and I hope he dies at the end of the season
Phew... Sorry just needed to get this off my chest.
PREACH oh my god
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choco-mooooose · 4 months
Ok off the bat things in the season 3 poster WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR WOW
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- a schoolbus shining light on her (bus hijacking incident)
- the door creaked open on her with what I think is both Loid and Yor’s… shoes? At first I thought it was just loid, and I would’ve said that’s referencing his backstory, but I think they’re there just because they’re the other main characters yk
- a play soldier helmet (😭😭😭😭)
- a volleyball (Yor and Melinda and the women’s club- I don’t remember the name right now)
- a tea set, which I think Yor had tea with the women if I’m remembering correctly
- an onion (😭😭😭😭😭) (he’s chopping onions when he’s recruited)
- I know the tag in the right-hand corner has something to do with Loid’s backstory. I think the whole corner over there is dedicated to him, just as the left corner is for Yor.
Honestly I’m not sure if the lamp has any significance, especially since it’s shining a light, but they might’ve needed another object in the poster.
I think the light making a star shape probably references the Stella she will earn this season. I wonder how many chapters they’ll cover, though. Each season/cour has covered about three volumes’ worth of story, so if this is similar, the anime will have pretty closely caught up to the manga. This poster is mostly just showing things from volumes 10 and 11, so I’m wondering if this season will just be a bit more drawn out and only include things from those chapters.
Anyways, I’m excited!! This announcement came sooner than I thought!!
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gamercats-fight · 4 months
Daffodil from Spiritfarer vs [REDACTED] from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. Vote for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
Daffodil - Thunder Lotus Games - 2020 - Cream maine coone cat:
-He's so fluffy and sweet! And you can hug him as Stella (he looks like he gives good hugs too!). He's the character you play as if you're player 2 in co op mode. Also, when he helps you chop trees He's so useless as he dangles from the saw. I love this orange fluffbutt!
-co-op player plays as Daffodil, plus he's just a cutie. Best idle animation
[REDACTED] - CAPCOM - 2010 - Magic black cat:
-He is DEAD and has GHOST POWERS. He can TIME TRAVEL. He has a LOVING CAT DAD as his OWNER and the only family they have left is EACH OTHER. I would go into detail but that would involve spoiling the best mystery game ever written. You should play Ghost Trick. This stupid cat has not left my brain in months. He's haunting me. Which is fitting because he is a ghost. Did I mention he's a ghost cat what is cooler than a ghost cat.
-most special little guy in the world. hes HUGE spoilers for the game btw but um. yea <3
-Because [REDACTED] is the true Schroeder’s cat, he is both dead and alive at the same time and has really cool ghost powers. Also, he can’t read!
-If you haven’t played Ghost Trick, I tragically cannot tell you the spoilers, but this cat is sweet and determined and got a sad man through some rough times.
-I played the game on stream for my friend and they said he reminds them of their own dead cat bc they look alike. A vote for [REDACTED] is a vote for Riley!
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l1li4n · 7 months
so i've been reading a lot of ana huang books recently. and by a lot, i mean the whole twisted series and the first book in the kings of sin series. the way ana huang writes her characters and the way she connects them and the way they flow seamlessly together is something i feel like i will never find in any romance series or books really. i mean i also haven't read a lot of romance. so it could be that. okay so to the real deal ranking the men i've read so far about. I have two lists actually so please bear with me.
what my logical brain which is good at reasoning and has good self preservation says:
1. Rhys Larsen
2. Dante Russo
3. Josh Chen
4. Christian Harper
5. Alex Volkov
what my heart wants:
1. Josh Chen
2. Dante Russo
3. Rhys Larsen
4. Christian Harper
5. Alex Volkov
okay that's that and i understand why y'all hate Josh. but i feel like i understand why he did what he did. and also they were both in the wrong equally as compared to the other books. like i understand what he did was horrible but i can't help it I love him.
as for my least liked Alex, I don't know I just find him very bland and meh. like yeah the sex was a-fucking-mazing to read and I love sweet sunshine Ava. but he just didn't do anything for me. Alex stans don't come for me. i don't hate him completely I promise.
and i cannot and will not stop raving about Dante Russo. he is my ideal man. the man of my dreams. i would sell all my organs if it meant i could have a man like him.
Rhys Larsen is perfect. that's it.
and Christian was an interesting person for me to read. I don't know how to feel about him. like obviously what he did was so horrible. if I was Stella I would chop his dick off. but again it's all fictitious so whatever. i feel like i could not tolerate him. he was more interesting to read than Alex though, since the higher ranking.
I will read the other kings of sin books and keep you guys updated because i love reading romance and smut obviously.
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arcadekitten · 8 months
hi!! i know that there’s probably not much there, but what is lamb chops perfect world like?? what’s stella like?? sorry you’ve just fired up 20 neurons in my brain bc of it
no don't worry the neurons are already fired up in my brain and this just gives me more reason to talk about it *cracks knuckles*
Lambchop's perfect world is one that is highly industrial. Like, dystopian levels of industrial. You'd be hard pressed to find a tree that isn't dead. The air is always orange and red and smoggy, with smokestacks bellowing dark smog endlessly. It's all a big city that seems practically endless. Everything is dirty or cracked or broken and there's hardly any salvaging it.
The streets are always violent. They might not be actively fighting 24/7 but it's a dog-eat-dog world and everyone is just waiting for a reason to hack you down! Lambchop thrives in it even if it results in him sustaining injuries himself--it just means he'll get bandaged up by his favorite girl. Stella hates this place, much like Lambchop hates his original home in Sweet No Death. Everything about it to her is awful and she's not afraid to say so. The smoke is dreadful, the people are horrid, the bloodshed is depressing. She wishes for nothing more than to fix this world into one where everyone can get along with clear air and skies, but finds herself powerless (both metaphorically and literally) to do anything about it. If she's any magic at all it's just very small stuff, like blooming a flower in whatever soil patch she can find.
She hates this place but oh, does she love Lambchop. She loves seeing him laugh, his smile. She loves seeing him happy. If there is one silver lining in the dark clouds of smoke it's being able to see him so joyful all the time. Kissing his injuries still means she gets to kiss him.
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y2sims · 11 months
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Six Misc. Hairs in The New Hair System.
colors by pooklet.
textures by remi (straight) and poppet (wavy).
binned, familied, tooltipped and compressed.
all four colors are in one .package file.
the meshes are included.
i've already done some of these hairs before, but i redid them because of the new meshes / fixes that seemed more usable than the previous ones that were available. if you have my old versions of these hairs, feel free to replace them with these new ones. *i will also be updating the links from my old posts 😊
LeahLillith Abbey - a redo
mesh conversion by @roxanna-moxie, toddler mesh by @c0smodrom-sims
12,603 polys
all ages
i previously shared this hair, here. but since then roxanna-moxie has made a lower poly mesh and c0smodrom just recently converted the mesh to toddlers as well, i decided to re-do my recolors (basically just copy-pasted them~)
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Simpliciaty Stella
mesh conversion by @charismatictrait
10,400~ polys
ages tf to ef
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
LeahLillith Rogue - original version
mesh conversion by memento
26,940 polys
ages cf to ef
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
LeahLillith Rogue - chopped version - a redo
mesh conversion by memento, edited by charismatictrait
note! this mesh edit seems to overwrite the original, so you need to choose if you want the longer version or this chopped version
*i previously shared the chopped (alpha edited) version without this mesh edit, here. i won't change that old link because that retexture should be compatible with the longer version since they use the same mesh, in case someone wishes to use both long and chopped version of this hair at the same time.
16,682 polys
ages cf to ef
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Zauma Crush - short alpha - a redo
mesh conversion by eir, edited by charismatictrait.
i shared this hair previously, here, but since the mesh was fixed and doesn't work with the existing retextures, i redid mine
3259 polys
all ages
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
Zauma Crush - Digi Edit
i decided to do this version as well because it just required some copy-pasting
mesh conversion by martini, edited by digitalangels and royalblues87
10,000~ polys
all ages (toddlers use the shorter alpha)
DOWNLOAD: sfs // mf
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2h3llandb4ck · 4 months
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Finally worked on Octavia! (With some alternative outfits bc I couldn’t decide if she should be scene, goth, or emo lol)
And here’s a small bit of lore + a short story with her kinda(?) tweaked character!
Octavia Goetia was the only egg from Stella that managed to hatch. Over and over, the couple tried for a child with a few attempts failing miserably. Finally, the couple could put aside their differences and become a loving family that would also raise a great heir to the Goetia bloodline…
At least Stella (and to a bit of extent, Stolas) saw it that way. People tend to look at the past through rose-colored glasses, right?
Octavia doesn’t really remember much of her childhood. Some fragments she could recall were of her playing in the palace’s long and winding marble halls with a servant joining her, studying the stars and developing her magic powers, and being eased from the occasional nightmare from Stolas or Stella. Octavia doesn’t really remember her father being in her life much once she turned 16. From the teenage daughter’s perspective, Stolas got busier and busier with his duties. It’s fair, considering he predicts sky events!
The last thing she expected was to hear rumors of him having an affair with an imp. Her worldview of him shattered when she found out the truth. Not only was her father cheating on her mother, but with someone from a *lower class*. Members of the Goetia family could no longer be out in public without a heckler bringing up the prince’s affair with a snide remark.
With her father trying to plant the idea of Stella being an wicked, awful wife to him, Octavia grew isolated (physically in a sense, she started locking herself in her room, and emotionally). Even if her father half-attempted to reconnect, she felt that she could never forgive him, and that made her feel overwhelming bouts of guilt. If she can’t forgive her father, she’s an awful person. Not even worthy of being the heir to the Goetia bloodline.
One night, she ran from the palace and out to the central town of the Pride Ring. Her father wouldn’t come looking for her. He would probably be more focused on his affair partner. She was eventually found by Loona, who offered to let her stay at her mildly cramped apartment. While Loona was associated with Blitz, she understood what was going through Octavia’s head and told her something she needed to hear: “if you’re not ready to forgive your dad, that’s okay.” Octavia felt an overwhelming sense of comfort; she knew that it could take months, even years to forgive her father. But until then, she knew she had all the time in the Underworld to grow and prepare for that moment.
Now, if only her father would get off his tail feathers and try to grow for both himself and the people around him instead of playing the worn-out victim card.
And that’s the story of Octavia! I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how good I’ve written it. At least it’s slightly better than “cut your dad some slack, he’s trying!!! Even though he actively ignored your ass for the entire day just to be with his boy toy!!! :3”
To close this post off, here are some headcanons I have for her! Enjoy, and have a good day/night <3
- Her music taste is composed of breakcore, heavy metal, alternative rock, and classical (to some extent)
- She doesn’t really know what kind of style she wants to dress in, so she splits it: scene fashion for her regular life, emo fashion when she’s on an outing with Loona, and goth when she was with her parents for events or for general public outings
- Her hobbies include collecting taxidermy, styling clothing, photography, making video logs, and exploring abandoned places (especially theme parks. Her favorite trip was exploring the defunct Loo Loo Land :))
- She has a bad habit of oversleeping and doesn’t take care of her physical appearance often. Her feathers are KNOTTED. She’d rather chop them off with kitchen scissors than die trying to take care of the problem. She doesn’t tell Loona, though, as to not burden her.
- Her favorite book genres are horror, mystery, and fantasy. Her least favorite genres are anything involving romance.
- Don’t worry, she got to see Azathoth’s Tears with Loona and some of her friends :) (I might write this story, so be on the lookout for that :3)
- She’s heard of Marvel, and her favorite character is Black Widow :) She actually named an emergency code after her; the code for when Stolas tries to guilt trip her is “Natasha’s blood lingers on the cold ground” (signaling for Loona to come pick her up).
- She hates floor-length skirts/ballgowns. The max length she allows is down to the knees.
- Her favorite constellation is Sagittarius ♐️
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 years
I saw Dragon Prince season 4 and hoo boy do I have thoughts (in no particular order)
First off, it's adorable how much of a magic nerd Callum is. He's grown so much and become so much stronger in two years
Stella is baby. She's living her best life with her cuddlemama and future cuddle papa. Speaking of, let Callum becalled a cuddlepapa by himself or Rayla next season
Zym and Ezran have grown up so much and it both breaks and warms my heart
Okay, so Rayla is a Dragonguard. Good to know.
Terry is my son now. I adopted him, he's mine.
I feel like Callum is just a little bit jealous of Stella getting love from Rayla
“The other elves saw me as a doe, but I knew. I always knew that I was a buck. I..chose the name Terrestrius.”....This line here. This line is gonna stick with me forever. I honestly didn't expect them to outright tell or show us Terry is trans but I'm so glad. That's gonna mean so much to trans kids watching this show. And the fact that Viren has no problems with it at all makes it even more special. Although Terry's wording makes me wonder if someone in his family didn't accept him.
Oh man I just read his wiki page and apparently Terry is still mid transition
I'm calling it now, that girl that figured out Araavos is Harrow and Ezran's descendant
Well, at least we know how loyal Terry is to Claudia.....someone get this poor boy a mug of hot cocoa, a blanket, a hug, and a therapist; he's earned it. He was 100% having a panic attack
"I'm gonna feel all the feelings!" THAT'S RIGHT YOU GO MY FUNKY BOY
Hot damn, Ezran's speech combined with Ibis and Claudia fighting was powerful...that whole scene really encapsulates what the entire show is about, I think
Zubeia gets more and more badass with every episode
I wasn't expecting the chocolate tart to be brought back but it's nice that Rex Igneous liked it. Although how could he taste so much of such a little thing?
Ohhhhh wait, I just got that! Rex means king, he's KING Igneous!
Oh man I had no idea Ezran's crown is made from Harrow's sword
That possesion scene was straight up creepy, I honestly thought Callum died for a second
Speaking of creepy, I never wanna see snake Claudia again, please and thank you
I know Callum is angry at Rayla but he needs to talk to her, really. I feel like he's using the possession thing as an excuse to not talk about their relationship. Like, I do think he's genuinely shaken up by it but he's choosing to focus on that because it's easier
Soren...god, Soren has changed so much. In just 3 years, this boy has gone from picking fights with dragons and being eager to kill them to not being able to turn away from a dragon in need. He even shed his armor for her. Season 1 Soren would NEVER have done that in a million years
Another thing S1 Soren would never do is that talk with Claudia. Man, that was deep.
Also I love Soren's new look, I feel like it suits him way better than his knight armor
I dunno why I expected an out of the gate dramatic conversation when Soren found Claudia. Although I am glad we still got them having that conversation
I will say though, I do wish we got more of a reaction to Terry from Soren
Can Squeaky return next season as Soren's dragon pal? Please? he's the only one that doesn't have an animal companion
"I wanna spend the last month traveling with my daughter, the most important person in the world to me" I....it's nice that you're finally learning to not be a jackass Viren, but did you forget that you have a son??? Is Soren just chopped liver to you?
That said, I do appreciate that Viren has changed. I feel like he's definitely not gonna become immortal.
Regarding Claudia's speech about human suffering....either she's been fed TONS of propaganda by Araavos or she's taking it way too personally after all this time. Like, girl, you have an elf boyfriend, calm down
Awww the return of big feelings time!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Matt Casey- Home Pt2
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"I swear I put it in here. I can't find it" Brett says looking through her bag while I'm doing my makeup
"What if Kelly comes in here?" Stella says looking at me
"He won't and anyway that's just a stupid tradition from arranged marriages. Was just to make sure the groom and bride don't see each other before the wedding and decide to run away to avoid the whole thing" I reply finishing up
"I'm not tempting fate in anyway. It's a shock this wedding is even happening"
"Got it" Sylvie pulls out a blue garter
"Oh no that's hideous"
"It's the only one they had"
"Oh no" Stella starts to freak out a little
"Ok breath. You need something blue? Here" I take off my sapphire necklace that Matt bought for me during our first anniversary
"I'm still worried about Kelly seeing the dress"
"Ok" I walk over to the door and open it "Matt? Babe? Tell Kelly if he comes in here I'll kill him"
"Severide ya here that? YN will kill you if you go in that room"
"Got it" Kelly shouts back
"Ok. Now let's get you dressed"
"Hi we're here to check in for the Kidd- Severide wedding" Matt tells the wedding venue owner
"Yeah so I tried to call her but her voicemail was full"
"Well they're here now so let's go. Chop chop these two will run away if they don't get married right now"
"Well, the Miliniac wedding is back on and I still have his deposit, so I gotta let him in. We'll get you guys in here next month"
"Oh no they need to get married now" I say
"Hey buddy listen um they hurry up and get it done, cos they got serious commitment issues, so how about I offer you a hundred bucks?" Herrmann tries to to bribe
"No sorry"
"This is a disaster"
"What now?" Cruz sighs
"We go back to the apartment?" Kelly says with Stella stood behind him
"Hey I'll be back in a second" Matt kisses my cheek and walks off towards a boat
"So YN you and Matt are doing well"
"Yeah" I reply to Gabby clearing my throat feeling very uncomfortable
"Look I don't want things to be awkward. Matt and I divorced, I don't want him back, but I do want my friend back"
"I know it's kinda weird and this is Kidd and Severides day, but can we talk later?"
"I got a boat" I hear my boyfriend say. I leave Gabby and walk over to Matt and Kelly "right there. The tour boat"
"You sure everyone can fit on that?" Kelly asks
"They only have two people signed up for the tour, so Captain Herrera said we could buy it out. Even better, he's a ship captain, so he can marry you!" Matt saves the day
Once everyone's on the boat Matt and I sit next to each other
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Not like I get sea sick or anything"
"Just breathe through it" I give Matt a nod and take a deep breath just as Stella walks down the aisle with Boden
"Good afternoon, everybody. Usually, about this time, - I'm pointing out the width of Mather Tower. Instead, the fates aligned and here we are on this ship surrounded by the magnificent city of Chicago to celebrate the union of Kelly and Stella" the captain of the ship says. I lean my head on Matts shoulder "And I understand
this one's been a long time comin so let's get right to it, what do ya say?" This makes us all chuckle. Kelly and Stella say their vows which make me cry. They have their kiss and they are now man and wife
"Wanna get married?" Matt says leaning in my ear and we clap the newlyweds
"What?" I frown looking at my boyfriend confused. Matt stands up pulling me up with him
"I asked Severide and Kidd if this was ok to do" Matt gets down on one knee, I look at the newly weds who just smile at me "YN I love you more than you could ever know. I've been planning on asking you to marry me for a while and Severide gave me the idea to ask you today, said I wouldn't do it else. So YN will you marry me" I wipe the tears that have fallen
"Of course" I yell. Matt places the beautiful ring on my finger
"What do you say? Up for another wedding?" Matt asks the captain who smiles
"Why not"
"What right now?" I ask wide eyed
"YN I don't care about the big white wedding. I just want you to be my wife and your finally home. I don't want to wast anymore time"
"We don't even have rings Matt"
"Doesn't matter. I'll buy some tomorrow"
"Here use ours for now" Kelly and Stella take there's off making me chuckle
"Ok" Matt takes my hand, since we don't have our own vows we just repeat what the captain says. We say our I do's, kiss and now we're married "I was a fiancé for .5 seconds"
"And now your my wife"
We end up parting on the boat till it's late. I can't believe I'm married now. While Kelly and Stella leave for their honeymoon Matt and I head home, put the boys to bed and head to bed ourselves
"I love you YN. Promise we will have our honeymoon soon"
"Can we go to Italy?"
"I love you to. Was the easiest yes I've ever made" I yawn cuddled up into Matt.
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crevicedwelling · 10 months
Do ur whip scorpions have a favourite snack? If so could you them some from me? They're beautiful lads and deserve it :)
they mostly eat chopped up hissing roaches, so the babies haven’t ever had the chance to have a favorite food. I do think Stella has a preference for crickets and red runner cockroaches (something of a delicacy), so I’ll toss her a RR when it’s feeding day next week
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mariacallous · 2 months
Little did I know growing up that when my family made what we called “tomato rice,” we were actually fixing a dish with a long history. I just knew that my father ate it as a child, and it was simple to make by mixing some tomato sauce into the rice pot, along with water and salt before cooking. Sometimes we also added a box  of defrosted frozen spinach if my mother or I had remembered to take it out the freezer in advance. 
This beloved and seemingly simple dish, like so much food, has a complex history. The Moors introduced rice to Spain in the 8th century, making it part of the cuisine that the Jews shared. In the early 16th century, conquistadores brought the tomato back from the New World to Spain. From there it spread eastward across Europe, reaching the Ottoman Empire and beyond, although when is disputed, ranging from the 16th to the 19th century. 
Since all the modern countries that were part of the Ottoman Empire — including Turkey, Greece and the rest of the Balkans, Lebanon, Iran and Italy – have some form of rice with tomato as part of their cuisine, I’m with those that say the tomato traveled eastward from Spain with the conversos or secret Jews who fled Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries. In fact, when the tomato reached Italy later in the 16th century, one name for it was “the Jew’s apple.”
So it’s no wonder that tomato rice, most often called arroz kon tomat in Ladino, is very much a part of Sephardic cuisines. Jews were welcomed into and thrived in the Ottoman Empire as they fled Spanish persecution beginning in the 14th century and in great numbers following the expulsion in 1492. Stella Cohen, writing about Jewish food from the island of Rhodes in “Stella’s Sephardic Table,” notes that “for the Sephardim in Turkey this pilaf made with ripe fresh tomatoes is also known as arrosito a la Judia (rice the Jewish way).
There are variations, of course, from country to country and family to family. Fresh tomatoes or tomato sauce? If using fresh, are they chopped, crushed or grated? Onions or no onions? Peppers or no peppers? 
Versions of the Italian recipe are made with tomato paste, sauce or crushed fresh tomatoes and might add garlic, bell peppers, fennel seeds and/or capers. A Persian version called “dami gojeh firangi” is made with diced potatoes and turmeric in addition to crushed fresh tomatoes. Turkey’s iconic dish of tomato pilaf is often made with medium or coarse bulgur instead of rice. And then there’s the recipe in Vefa Alexiadis’ “Greek Cooking Kitchen” that uses fresh tomatoes and ketchup, clearly an Americanized version.   
For Aylin Edelman, who grew up in Izmir on Turkey’s western coast, it’s her favorite comfort food. Her mother uses grated fresh tomatoes cooked oil to intensify their flavor before adding the rice.
“It’s a dish that brings back childhood memories of hot summers with juicy tomatoes grown under the Aegean sun. Whenever I go back to Turkey, this is the dish I ask my mother to make.” 
Ninety-year-old Paulette Nehama also has fond memories of the dish they called “summer rice” in her childhood in Volos, Greece. 
“It was most often served cold or at room temperature in late spring, summer and early fall. although my family ate it year-round.”   
In my family, too, tomato rice was always in season, warm in winter but cold or room temperature the rest of the year, making it perfect for summer cookouts and picnics. It’s a dish that makes me feel connected to my family’s Sephardic heritage, with both of my father’s parents coming from the Ottoman Empire. 
Recently I decided to try making an updated version of the dish incorporating roasted tomatoes because I so love them, along with onions and roasted garlic. Instead of the tomato sauce of my childhood, I use tomato paste cooked a bit for richer flavor. I also added cardamom, a popular ingredient in many rice dishes, and thyme for a more complex flavor. In fact, it has so much flavor, I recommend making it with water instead of broth so you can really taste the tomatoes and other ingredients. 
As good as this dish is freshly made, it is delicious leftover and will last in the refrigerator for five or six days, so make the full recipe even if you’re not serving eight people.
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Are there any more songs submitted so far that look like they're gonna be a guaranteed inclusion?
Here's the full list as of right now
Multiple submissions:
"There! Right there!" (Gay or European) - The legally blonde musical
"Therefore you and me" - Hatsune Miku (Or the E ve version)
"Soldier, poet, king" - The Oh Hellos
"How far we've come" - Matchbox twenty
"The other side" - The greatest showman
"Rät" - Penelope Scott
"Little Miss Perfect" - Written by Joriah Kwamé
"My whole family..." - Bo Burnham
"The Mind Electric" - Miracle Musical
"Ready as I'll ever be" - Tangled the series
Could use more propaganda (one or two submissions, or submissions with close to no propaganda):
If an animatic song you really like is in this category there is no need for you to submit it again if you have no propaganda, it will most likely be in. You can use the form to submit propaganda for them or you can wait until the bracket is revealed to submit propaganda for the specific poll it's in on the ask box (preferable for me ahah).
If the bracket isn't symmetrical on all sides there's a small possibility some of the lesser-known songs of this category could get chopped lol.
"Blue lips" - Regina Spektor
"Honey, I'm home" - Ghost and pals
"Brave as a Noun" - AJJ the band
"This is Home" - Cavetown
"No children" - The mountain goats (This one has multiple submissions but all the propaganda is a variation of 'I'ts no children, come on' or 'you'll probably have too much propaganda by now so I'm not writing any' and I find that extremely funny)
"My ordinary life" - The Living Tombstone
"Ordinary" - Written by Joriah Kwamé
"Villain" - Stella Jang
"I wish you liked girls" - Abbey Glover / "I wish you liked boys" - Cover by Jasper Isaac
"A Crow's Trial" (A [blank]'s trial) - Vane
"Hey brother" - Avicii
"OrderMade" - RADWIMPS
"Rewrite the Stars" - The greatest showman
"Allies or Enemies" - The Crane Wives
"Stronger than you" - Steven Universe
"Anything you can do" - Annie get your Gun
"Love like you" - Steven Universe
"Fish in a birdcage (Rule #4)" - Fish in a birdcage
"Tongues & Teeth" - The Crane Wives
"Open up your eyes" - My little Pony
"Everything stays" - Adventure time
"Curses" - The Crane Wives
"Escapism" - Steven Universe
"Devil's Train" - The Lab Rats
"Lemon Boy" - Cavetown
"How bad can I be?" - The lorax
"Oh No!" - Marina & The Diamonds
"My R" - KurageP / cover by Rachie
"Emperor's New Clothes" - Panic! at the disco
"Father" - The front bottoms
"Little lion man" (Not your fault) - Mumford & Sons
"Under my Skin" - Jukebox the Ghost
"Saint Bernard" - Lincoln
"Evelyn Evelyn" - Evelyn Evelyn
"No matter what" - Steven Universe
"W.I.T.C.H." - Devon Cole
"Cabinet man" - Lemon Demon
"When you're evil" - Voltaire
"Touch Tone Telephone" - Lemon Demon
"Left Brain, Right Brain" - Bo Burnham
"I won't say (I'm in love)" - Hercules
"You're gonna go far, kid" - The Offspring
"Ikanaide" - Mafumafu
"Turn the lights off" - Tally Hall
"Crush" - Tessa Violet
"oo is a receiver" ([blank] is a receiver) - Hatsune Miku
"I do adore" - Mindy Gledhill
"Self-inflicted Achromantic" - Hatsune Miku / Cover by JubyPhonic
"I'm the bad guy" - Wonder Over Yonder / Caleb Hyles cover
"Line without a hook" - Ricky Montgomery
"You'll be back" - Hamilton
"Promiseland" - MIKA
"Runs in the family" - Amanda Palmer
"Boys will be bugs" - Cavetown
"Who are you, really?" - Mikky Ekko
"Feelings are fatal" - mxmtoon
"I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead" - Thomas Borchert
"Once Upon a December" - Anastasia
"Achilles Come Down" ([blank] Come Down) - Gang of Youths
"Charlie's Inferno" ([Blank]'s Inferno) - That Handsome Devil
"I cut myself" (Shaving) - Talkshow Boy
"Goodbye" (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham
"Kiss me, Son of God" - They Might Be Giants
"Your stupid face" - Kayden Makay
"Nowhere King" - Centaurworld
"Sincerely, Me" - Dear Evan Hansen
"Wine Red" - The Hush Sound
"Everything At Once" - Lenka
"Good for you" - Dear Evan Hansen
"The Bro Duet" - Moment by moment musical (by Alexander Sage Oyen)
"Cupid" - Jack Stauber
"Eight Wonder" - Lemon demon
"It's tough to be a god" - Road to El Dorado
"Are You Satisfied?" - Marina and the Diamonds
"My time" - Bo en
"Pad Thai" - Jack Stauber
"Poison" - Cavetown
"Butch 4 Butch" (My sweetheart's piano) - Rio Romeo
"It Took Me By Surprise" (The anger in his eyes) - Maria Mena
"You, Me and Steve" (You, Me and [Blank] / Your best friend Steve / Your best friend [Blank]) - Garfunkel And Oates
"This guy is in love with you, pare" - Chito Miranda (and my friend is incredibly offended nobody submitted this one)
"Hayloft II" - Mother mother
"I know I'm a Wolf" - Young Heretics
"Hurts Like Hell" - Fleurie
"Poor unfortunate souls" - The little Mermaid
"When He Sees Me" - Waitress the Musical
"Christmas Kids" - Roar
"The dismemberment song" - Blue Kid
"The Moon Will Sing" - The Crane Wives
"Never love an anchor" - The Crane Wives
"Ghosting" - Mother Mother
"Two Birds" - Regina Spektor
"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" - Set It Off
"A Sadness Runs Through Him" - The Hoosiers
I can't decide" ([Blank] can't decide) - Scissor Sisters
I'll hold preliminary polls for them to see if they get in if I need spaces to make the bracket have the same amount of matches on every side. The amount of how many will get in will be decided by how many songs are needed once the submissions close. If too many songs are needed I'll chop some of the least popular songs from the "could use more propaganda" category instead.
You can submit propaganda for why they should get in if you want, but have in mind there's a small possibility it might not be used at all
"Don't you dare forget the sun" - Get Scared
"Lover boy" (Good old fashioned lover boy) - Queen
"Blonde Boyz" - Cyndago
"Seventeen" - Heathers the Musical
"Drop pop Candy" - REOL / English cover by Kuraiinu and JubyPhonic
"Rolling girl" - Hatsune Miku
"The Ballad of Sara Berry" - 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
"Painted smile" - Madame Macabre
"Willow Tree March" - The Paper Kites
"This is war" - Thirty seconds to Mars
"Say my name" - The Beetlejuice musical
"Sugar Song to Bitter Step" - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Blood Blockade Battlefront ending)
"Nobody" - Mitski
"Beautiful" - Heathers the Musical
"Again" - Araki
"Baby Hotline" - Jack Stauber
"REVIVED" - Derivakat
"Jubilee Line" - Wilbur Soot
"Pork Soda" - Glass Animals
"Mr. Blue Sky" - ELO
"A thousand years" - Christina Perri
"Mamma Mia" - ABBA
"Best Worst Mistake" - If/then: A New Musical
"Sk8er Boi" - Avril Lavigne
"The Phoenix" - Fall Out Boy
"Why is my song not anywhere?"
Either it was an animation meme/AMV Edit/MAP instead of an actual animatic thing, most animatics are vents / not fandom or OC-related, the song is literally 20 seconds long, or it didn't have enough animatics for me to count it. With this in mind, if you think there's been a mistake or that I accidentally skipped it (or that a song is in the wrong category) feel free to tell me so in the ask box.
The songs in limbo are exceptions because of any of these reasons:
there's a specific animatic/animation with the song that is so iconic for a fandom that it could get in even if it doesn't have the animatic amount required
The song reaches the amount required, and it has never been properly referred to as an animation meme, but a lot of the animatics are the exact same format (like an animation meme)
The song has a lot of animatics, but I could barely find any that were not animatics of the source material
The song is more popular as an animation meme, but also has some animatics
The propaganda provided was just good enough for me to give it a chance, even if they don't have the animatic amount required
I'm including all songs that check the criteria I have not had time to check the lyrics of all the songs I don't know, I've only checked that they have enough animatics; so just in case: I'll check everything when submissions close, don't worry. Feel free to tell me in the ask box, but have in mind that I'm only taking the song itself into account, not the artist, so please don't flood my inbox with the artist's entire crime list.
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
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Summary: Y/N goes to visit Auggie during Thanksgiving break because he and Stella have been fighting pretty badly. Her hope is that if she helps him reconcile with his sister, he could have a reason to show Y/N just how thankful he is... but when Y/N arrives at Walker Ranch on Thanksgiving she doesn’t wind up kissing the Walker she had hoped to be kissing, and it turns out nobody is allowed to spend Thanksgiving at the Walker’s without leaving absolutely stuffed. 
Pairing: Cordell x Reader x Trey Rating: 18+ Tags: Crush on August, August’s Girl Troubles, Coitus Interruptus, Taboo Pairing, Inappropriate Relationship, Best Friend’s Dad, Threesome, ​​Manipulation, Age Difference, Sex Tape, Light Blackmail, Degradation, Dirty Talk, Loss of Virginity, Choking, Slapping, Hair Pulling, Rough sex, Implied Double Penetration Word Count: 3,963 Bingo Squares:@anyfandomgoesbingo - Voyeurism | @j3bingo - Falling Out of Love
A/N: Written as a birthday request for one of my wonderful subscribers! If you'd like a birthday fic too, check out my website for more info on how to subscribe 😊
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Y/N might have been in the same grade as Stella, but August was the Walker that she’d grown the closest to since the pair transferred to Sacred Hearts High School. August and she had gotten to be good friends thanks to the music electives they shared and the after-school jazz club, but secretly she’d always hoped that one day they might be more. The trouble was that August was still going to Sacred Hearts while she went off to a local college, so Y/N wasn’t seeing the boy nearly as often as she used to. She’d been at his party at the Side Step and they’d had a nice catch-up over an awful-tasting beer, but then he’d had to play host and try to stop things from getting too rowdy. He hadn’t been very successful and Y/N had had the good sense to abandon ship before things got too crazy and the cops showed up. 
The party hadn’t been the reunion she had been hoping it would be, which is why she came up with this plan instead.
Straightening her hair one more time, Y/N knocked on the door to Walker Ranch, the cobbler she had brought with her clutched nervously in her other hand. She was momentarily confused when it wasn’t actually any of the Walker family who came to answer the door. 
“Coach Barnett?” Y/N asked in surprise when her old school counselor and soccer coach swung the door open, its harvest wreath banging against the wood with the force of his pull. 
“Y/N, hey,” he greeted, also a little confused from the expression on his face as he glanced between her and the tin-foiled casserole dish she held. “C’mon in,” he beckoned her inside and stepped back so she could enter, closing the door behind her. “I didn’t realize the kids had invited anybody for dinner. Stella’s still grounded,” he added with a grimace.
“Oh, uh, they don’t know I’m here,” Y/N shuffled awkwardly in place. “I kind of wanted to surprise August.” She could feel herself flushing under Coach Barnett’s gaze as a knowing smile spread across his full lips. 
“Oookay, I see how it is,” he smirked. “Well, I’m sure you’ll be more than welcome. It’s always the more the merrier at the Walkers’,” he laughed, reaching out and taking the cobbler from her. “Come on through to the kitchen and we’ll see where Auggie’s hiding himself.” 
“Thanks, Coach,” Y/N smiled nervously as she followed him further inside the impeccably decorated house. 
“I’m not a coach anymore kiddo, you can call me Trey,” he smiled over his shoulder and Y/N nodded. “Hey, we’ve got a new addition!” Trey announced as they reached the kitchen, and Y/N saw August and Stella’s dad turn around from his position in front of the stove, and their grandmother looked up from where she was chopping potatoes on the island counter. 
“Oh, hey there,” Mr. Walker smiled brightly. “You’re uh, Y/N, right? Auggie’s friend from band last year?” 
“Yeah, that’s me,” Y/N took the hand Mr. Walker offered her and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Walker.” 
“Psh, It’s Cordell,” he waved away the title. “My daddy is still Mr. Walker around here. And this is Auggie’s Mawline, she’s Mrs. Walker,” Cordell gestured to his mother and she gave Y/N a cheery wave. 
“I brought a peach cobbler,” Y/N pointed to the dish that Trey had set down on the counter. “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced, I sort of wanted to surprise Auggie, if that’s okay.” She looked down at the hem of her sleeve and picked at the loose thread there in a bit of embarrassment as all the adults in the room shared knowing smiles with each other over her head. 
“That’s very sweet of you,” Mawline said graciously. “Peach is Auggie’s favorite.” 
“The kids are out in the farmhouse, if you wanted to go hang out with them until dinner is ready,” Cordell spoke up, pointing in the direction of the second house on the property. “I would tread lightly though,” he cringed, “Stels and August aren’t on the best terms right now.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Y/N nodded. “That’s why I wanted to come talk to him, I’m hoping I might be able to help them sort things out,” she shrugged again, hugging her arms around her middle. 
“Well that would certainly be a Thanksgiving miracle,” Trey laughed brightly. 
“You go on out there, and someone will come down and get you guys when the food is ready,” Cordell smiled, giving Y/N a bracing pat on the shoulder before returning to the stove, which had several pots that were on the verge of bubbling over. 
“Thanks,” Y/N nodded to everyone as she exited the kitchen and made her way across the yard.
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“August?” Y/N called out. She had knocked a few times and no one had answered but the door was unlocked so she let herself in. Once again, there was no answer, but she could faintly hear some music coming from upstairs, so she followed the sound. 
“Stella? August?” she tried asking again when she reached the upstairs hall. She passed an open door and saw what must be Stella’s room, worryingly empty considering Trey had said that she was grounded. There was movement and shuffling sounds coming from slightly further down, so Y/N kept walking, but before she made it to the next door it swung open and a flustered looking August stuck his head into the hall around the edge of his door. 
“Y/N!?” He straightened up in surprise and stepped further into the hall, awkwardly stepping forward and accepting the hug she offered in greeting. “Wh-what uh, what’re you doing here?”
“I felt like we didn’t really get to talk very much the other night, so I thought I’d come surprise you for Thanksgiving,” Y/N shrugged hopefully, immediately regretting her plan. This was stupid. What made her think August would want her to stop by for the holidays. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” August stuttered, glancing nervously over his shoulder towards his bedroom door, which he had carefully pulled shut behind himself when he’d stepped into the hallway. “Um, thing is, Y/N, I-,” he glanced behind him towards his bedroom again, looking guilty, and it dawned on Y/N why he was acting so fidgety. 
“Oh my god, you have someone over,” Y/N gasped in embarrassment, feeling her cheeks flame up in humiliation and hurt. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have come.” She turned on her heel and started back down the hallway.
“Y/N, wait!” August called after her, but she was already running down the stairs and out the front door, trying–unsuccessfuly–to fight back the tears in threatening to spill from her eyes. 
Y/N raced back across the yard, towards the Ranch house, intent on skirting around the edge and making a beeline for her car. She would sacrifice her mother’s casserole dish as another casualty of this whole failed enterprise. She made it as far as the back porch unimpeded before someone shouting her name caught her attention and she turned on instinct. 
“Y/N? Y/N!” Cordell called after her as she tried to keep running past him, but the obscenely long-legged man caught up with her in barely three strides, catching her by the shoulder and holding her back. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, crouching down to her level and trying to make her look at him. 
“It’s stupid, I’m so stupid,” Y/N shook her head, trying to pull out of Cordell’s grasp, but he wasn’t planning on letting her go and after a moment she found herself collapsing into the man’s broad chest, being rocked in a big hug. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re not stupid, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Cordell murmured, letting her cry against him and petting her hair soothingly as she buried her hands in the thick flannel he was wearing. “What’s going on? Maybe I can help,” he asked gently, pulling away slightly to look down at her, but Y/N shook her head dejectedly. 
“I’m sorry, my problems aren’t your problems, and I don’t want to get anyone in trouble,” Y/N sniffled and wriggled out of Cordell’s arms, but he wrapped his big hands around her shoulders and locked her in place.
“Woah, there, now you’ve got me curious. Who’s gettin’ in trouble darlin’?” Y/N looked guiltily over her shoulder towards the farmhouse. “What are they doing in there?” Cordell sighed wearily, the weight of a father settling firmly on his shoulders. 
“Well, uh, Auggie, he had, umm, company,” Y/N cringed as she ratted out her friend. She didn’t mention that Stella had been nowhere in sight, she didn’t want them both getting in trouble. 
“Oh,” Cordell blinked, his face scrunching up in sympathy. “Oh, darlin’, I’m sorry,” he ducked back down to her level and squeezed her shoulders in an effort to be comforting. 
“It’s okay,” Y/N shrugged, even though it didn’t feel okay. “Like I said, I’m just being stupid.” 
“That’s not what I’d call it,” Cordell smiled gently. “From the sounds of it, my son is the one who’s being stupid here. You’re a beautiful girl, Y/N. If he’s missing out on that, that’s his problem, not yours.”
“Thanks,” Y/N tried to smile weakly, feeling a little dazzled by August’s incredibly handsome father calling her beautiful, but she knew he was just trying to be nice. “I’ll get going now, I don’t think staying for dinner is a good idea anymore,” she tried to make her exit as Cordell straightened up, but he spun her around and marched her back towards the Ranch house. 
“Nonsense,” he shook his head. “Come inside and hang out for a bit. Mawline went out with Mr. Walker to bring some food to a friend of theirs across town. Me and Trey could use the supervision to make sure we don’t burn down the kitchen.” 
Y/N had no idea why Cordell would want her to stick around but she let herself be led back inside all the same. She was even more confused when Trey and Cordell shared a look over her head as she slid into a chair by the island counter, and Trey then went to the fridge and got out a fresh bottle of beer, knocking the cap off of it on the edge of the countertop and then passing it over to her. She looked between the men with suspicion. They were both Texas Rangers, were they trying to trick her into breaking the law or something?
“It’s fine, Y/N, really,” Cordell chuckled deeply, the warmth of his smile setting a small blaze alight in the base of her stomach. “I know what kids get up to in college, hell in high school,” he scoffed and shared a knowing look with Trey who nodded seriously. “Trouble in love calls for a beer and some distraction, that’s all.” 
Hesitantly, Y/N took a sip of her drink, maintaining eye contact with Cordell the whole time, and he nodded encouragingly at her when she swallowed. 
“Good girl,” he praised, reaching out and patting the side of her head lightly, carding his fingers through her hair a bit under the pretense of tucking it behind her ear. Y/N couldn’t help the shiver that ran through her as the man’s fingers skimmed down the column of her throat while he walked by, heading back to the stove to inspect the pots still cooking there. 
“So, trouble in love?” Trey asked, his full lips pouting in sympathy, and Y/N nodded in dejection. 
“You know darlin’,” Cordell spoke up, turning off the burners on the stove and covering up all the pots. “My son’s an idiot.” Trey snickered into his own beer and Y/N looked at Cordell in astonishment. “I’m serious,” he continued, coming back to Y/N’s side and putting a hand on her shoulder. “He’s got a beautiful older girl like you interested in him and he’s not trying to sneak you into his room right now? He’s an idiot,” Cordell repeated earnestly, and Y/N flushed heavily, feeling her breathing ratchet up as a foreign tension began to thicken the air in the kitchen.
“If you want my opinion,” Trey cut in, coming around to Y/N’s other side and leaning casually against the countertop on his elbow, bringing his face closer to hers. “You shouldn’t be wasting your time with high school boys who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. You deserve a man who can treat you right.” 
Y/N felt like she was about to choke on her own tongue. She looked between Trey and Cordell in astonishment, eyes flitting back and forth and waiting for one of them to break into laughter and tell her they were teasing her. Cordell’s hand dropped from her shoulder to the base of her spine, pressing hot into the dip of her back. 
“There’s so much more we could show you, darlin’,” he whispered hoarsely, his voice deep and gravelly in a way she had never heard from anyone before. “Things Auggie’s never even dreamt of,” he smirked, leaning down and brushing his lips over the shell of her ear, making her shiver. 
“N-no, we can’t,” Y/N whimpered as Cordell pressed a soft kiss against the side of her neck, sweeping her hair aside. “Auggie and Stella would be mortified, they’d never forgive me. It’s– you’re old enough to be my father, it’s wrong–” her rambling was cut off as Y/N gasped when the man’s tongue slipped against her skin on his next slow kiss. This was all so wrong but something about that made it even more tempting. God, she’d never be able to set foot in church with her family ever again. 
“Trey’s not quite old enough to be your dad, would you rather it be him?” Cordell asked wryly, turning her face towards the other man who didn’t wait for an answer before leaning down and teasing his lips over her, the smallest bit of distance between them. “And forget about Auggie, he’ll get over it. I want you to think of yourself for once,” he kept whispering in her ear while Trey simply hovered in front of her, waiting for the okay to close the barely existent gap. 
“We wanna show you what it’s like to fuck a real man,” Trey rasped, his lips skimming against hers as he spoke, his tongue brushing ever so gently against the pout of her bottom lip, and Y/N was lost. She leaned into Trey’s kiss and let his mouth envelop hers. A hand at the back of her head pushed her more urgently against him, and she felt Trey’s arms wrap around her waist as he groaned and opened her lips with his tongue. Y/N had never felt so overwhelmed or so turned on in her life as when she heard Auggie’s dad growl ‘good girl’ against her ear.
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The first time Cordell slapped her Y/N reeled back in shock, not quite comprehending what had happened.
“What do you think you’re doing, you little slut?” the Ranger grunted, slapping her other cheek and pulling her by the hair back towards his cock. He slapped her again when she didn’t immediately open her mouth to take him in again, and when she gasped from the sting of his blow Cordell slipped himself back into the warmth of her mouth eagerly. “I didn’t tell you to stop sucking, c’mon darlin’,” he spat angrily, burying his hands in her hair and holding her face smashed into the skin of his hips, choking as his dick forced itself down her throat. The burn of being unable to breathe was terrifying but somehow exhilarating at the same time, and Y/N found herself moaning from the feelings of arousal that were surging between her legs. 
Trey laughed from somewhere off to the side, and Y/N knew he was still pointing his phone camera at her, recording their every move. It was an insurance policy, they said. No one could accuse anybody of anything if there was video evidence that everyone was a consenting adult. No one could blab to anybody, because the video would incriminate all of them–not that they were doing anything technically illegal, but it was certainly immoral, and taboo as hell. 
“Look at the little whore, she loves it,” Trey called from his spot behind the camera. “Auggie never would have been able to give you this, would he, baby girl?” 
Y/N moaned again in answer, not doubting for a second that August never would have been this rough with her. She never would have thought to ask. 
“Told ya we’d teach you about things he’s never even dreamed,” Cordell groaned, now flexing his hips to fuck her throat steadily as he held her in place, his grip on her hair making it impossible to move. “Fuck, you look so pretty on your knees for me, Y/N. Like you were made to take my cock like this.” 
“I bet there’s some other parts of her made for cock, too,” Trey piped up and Cordell threw his head back in laughter, groaning as he pulled out and let Y/N get a proper breath in. She doubled over on her hands and knees, coughing and gasping around the air that was rushing into her deprived lungs. The renewed oxygen racing around her blood stream was making her feel high, and it felt fucking incredible. 
“Yeah, I get the hint,” Cordell chuckled deeply, motioning for Trey to hand over the phone to him. “Get her up on the bed and show her what those holes are for.” 
Y/N felt herself being lifted into the air as Trey picked up on and tossed her onto the bed carelessly, crawling after her onto the mattress. He positioned himself at the head of the bed, lying back against the pillows and headboard, legs spread obscenely to show off his body. His cock was thick, hard, and standing to attention, dark and glistening. His balls looked full and heavy as he slid a palm beneath himself and gave them a squeeze, arranging himself comfortably before he grabbed onto the base of his cock and stood it up straight. Y/N could feel her pussy clenching wantonly in anticipation of having that inside of her. 
“Well, what’re you waiting for, hop on cowgirl,” Trey grinned, stroking himself lazily and beckoning Y/N forward. “Walker, get up here, I want a close up of me taking this baby slut’s virginity. Gonna make her squirt on my dick.” 
“Oh fuck,” Y/N whined, their objectifying talk making her weak with pleasure. Sitting up on her knee and straddling Trey’s lap, she let him guide the tip of his cock through her folds, slicking up the tip before he began to push himself inside. “Oh god, oh my god,” she gasped. This felt so much better than she’d ever imagined. It was nothing like her own bony fingers; Trey was thick and hot and somehow simultaneously hard and soft at the same time. She could feel the give and resistance of his flesh inside of her, carving her apart to fit around him like a mold. 
“Holy shit I’m gonna jerk off to this video so much,” Cordell moaned from behind them, and Y/N whimpered in embarrassment at the idea that she was losing her virginity in a threesome on tape. August and Stella’s dad had had his cock down her throat hardly a minute ago, and now he was watching her sit on his fellow Ranger’s cock and filming it for his own personal spank bank. From the sounds of his breathy groans he was really enjoying the view. If it looked as good as she felt, Y/N wasn’t surprised. 
“Oh, you did so good, baby girl,” Trey brushed his hands down her hair as Y/N collapsed forward against his chest, finally seated all the way in the Ranger’s lap, their hips grinding together instinctually as she rocked against him and tried to recover her breath. “Taking me so good all on your first try, knew you were made to be a little slut,” he growled, his hips bucking up against her slightly. 
Without warning, a hand was wrapping around Y/N’s throat and she gasped heavily, sitting up fast and making Trey groan as she fucked herself back onto his cock inadvertently. Cordell’s fingers were long enough to wrap around to each side of her neck easily, and he was squeezing against her veins tightly, beginning to cut off the blood supply. 
“Fuck him,” Cordell demanded, smacking her on the ass to sput her into moving. “C’mon darlin’, you came over to get some dick today, we're giving it to you. But you still gotta work for it.” He tightened his grip in tiny pulses, letting the air and blood make it to Y/N’s brain in small bursts as she began to bounce on Trey’s cock. The younger man’s hands crept around her body and dug bruisingly deep into the flesh of her ass, holding her apart so Cordell could watch her pussy swallowing Trey’s cock. Idly, Y/N wondered what he’d done with the phone, because one of Cordell’s hands stayed locked around her throat while the other one slid down her stomach to her clit to toy with it idly while she fucked herself. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby girl?” Trey grunted, beginning to fuck into Y/N’s thrusts when her pace started to falter. “Can feel you twitching around me. You wanna cum on my cock? Gon’ squirt real good for me and Cordi? Fuck, choke her harder man, she clenches up so tight when she can’t breathe. Fuck yeah, that’s it, shit. So good, darlin’. C’mon now. Cream yourself for us, show us what a good fucking whore you can be, yeah? Yeah, there you go sweetheart!” Trey grunted triumphantly, thrusting up harshly, the sound of wet slapping echoing lewdly amongst the three of them. “Fuck you feel so good cumming on me like that. You gotta feel it, Cordi.”
Y/N collapsed to her side onto the mattress as she regained some of her sanity. It felt like she had blacked out a little when she came, and her body was still shaking as she lay, spent and used on the covers. Trying to focus her gaze, she saw Trey and Cordell looking at her hungrily, both stroking their cocks while Trey pointed his phone towards her, scanning up and down her body to take in just how ruined she was. Y/N bet it made quite the sight.
“You– you didn’t finish,” Y/N mumbled breathlessly, looking at Trey’s still very much erect cock. 
“Oh, darlin’,” Cordell laughed darkly, reaching down and pulling her up towards him. “We’re not boys, and we’re nowhere near done with you yet.” He brought her face to his and kissed her deeply, sucking her tongue into his mouth and apparently trying to suck all the air straight out of her lungs. They both gasped brokenly when he finally let her go, his chest and shoulders heaving as he held her against him, looking down at her with hunger. “And we’re not gonna be finished until we’re both inside that cunt and filling you up with all that cum you’re desperate for. No one is allowed to leave the Walkers on Thanksgiving without being stuffed full.”
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