#But showing animal violence without triggers IS NOT OKAY and Veganism is not a perfect universal diet.
sparklybinder · 2 years
When you meet someone nice and realizes just know that they're an extreme vegan that shames people and does not put triggers on animal violence in their stories... Yeah :')
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veganvenom · 5 years
Updated “About Me”
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This blog contains content relating to whatever fandom is my special interest du jour, queer stuff, veganism, and anarcho-communism.
Fandoms regularly appearing are Les Misérables, The Umbrella Academy, Black Sails, Rent, Star Wars (especially the new films), Star Trek (especially Disco and DS9), Marvel stuff (especially Deadpool), and the Imperial Radch series. I also have a special interest in growing food.
I try to tag all my posts for ease of categorisation/filtering, so if you want me to tag something I don’t currently it’s no trouble, just ask! I also try to include image descriptions for most political posts, but if you’d like me to start including them for a particular fandom let me know.
You can call me Vee. I’m genderqueer (they/them), pansexual, panromantic and polyamorous, with two super-cute partners. I believe in queer liberation not gay assimilation, and am against policing identities and wary of censorship.
I’m probably Autistic, and I have a bunch of nifty mental and physical illnesses. Currently recovering from the breakdown I had about two years ago. Also a recovering alcoholic (sober for a year and a half and counting), and a survivor of years of domestic abuse and CSA.
I grew up working class but my university education (the first in my extended family!) means it'd be pretty disingenuous to claim I still am. Moving away from student-led politics has been refreshing and grounding. I’m white and a British citizen, and try to educate myself on colonialism and racism, and support comrades of colour without speaking over them. I am and always will be actively antifascist.
I’ve been vegan 8+ years and vegetarian since I was 10. I believe that everyone who is reasonably able to should avoid animal products as much as they can, but I never shame or attack individuals for not being vegan, because one can never really know their exact circumstances. I’m always more than happy to answer any genuine questions about veganism, but please don’t come to me looking to start arguments.
I’m a leftist, and slowly getting back into organising after my breakdown. My beliefs most closely align with anarcho-communism, but I’m happy to and regularly do organise with other kinds of libcoms, marxists, trots, etc. I find discussion of theory and splits over minor ideological points to be tiring tbh. The revolution won’t happen in any perfect way you hope it to, so I prefer to work on carrying out direct action and building dual power and networks of mutual aid in the here and now rather than telling people to read half a dozen old books.
If you’re a self-described liberal and confused by me saying that you’re supporting the current system instead of fighting it, and if you have no understanding of communism beyond capitalist propaganda, that’s okay. I was you once. Come talk to me and ask whatever questions you have. If I can’t answer them, I’ll try to point you to someone who can. If you believe in justice, freedom, equality and all that jazz I’m sure we’ll get along great, and we’ll soon be fighting side by side.
If someone I’ve reblogged from or talked about or whatever has done something shitty and you want to tell/warn me, please don’t message me the nasty details unless I ask for them, especially if it involves partner violence or CSA. I sometimes also find this whole cancel culture thing triggering in itself because (regardless of the content) it often closely resembles bullying, from which I have a lot of childhood trauma. If you're having to take posts out of context and dig up receipts from years ago to show you don't like someone, I don't want to hear it. Just unfollow them.
My thirst side blog is @overwhelmedpansexual, on which I reblog pics of hot famous people of all genders, though you'll see phases of me being a bit fixated on particular people for a time.
Don't be afraid to send me asks, and if we're mutuals I likely already consider you a friend so go ahead and DM me.
Love and solidarity always ❤️
[Please only interact with this post if you already follow me. Thanks.]
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