#But yeah holy fuck this was hard but I'm hype with the result
illegiblewords ยท 2 years
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Navarre Shepherd
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my-arlington-academia ยท 4 years
My chapter 10 FeELiNgS ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘ 
Alright. Well, I didn't expect that moment from chapter 7 with Tadashi to be made public but I like how it was played in Scholar's favor instead of an inconvenience, now Scholar is getting used as a MaRkEtiNg StRaTeGy for the school. This moment is probably really hype for Tadashi stans ๐Ÿ˜‚ like wow, now everyone knows about our crush on eachother ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ oh noooo... that's terribleee /s ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
Welp, I think that making Scholar one of the judges for FAXION was a really smart move writing wise, since a lot of Scholars aren't from the fashion department. Personally, all of my Scholars on my 3 accounts wouldn't give a shit about FAXION ๐Ÿ˜… so it's cool how the MC is given a reason to care.
Now about the drama... Well... oof. Karolina's outburst was really hard to go through (which means that the writers achieved their goal: make us feel sad and angry. Congrats!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘) But yeah, I'm glad that at least Neha was being more understanding and Tadashi outright defended Scholar.
Later on I was so scared to be a bother that I decided to not bring them any snacks and missed out on the illustration ๐Ÿ˜‚
Also Tiffany? LoUiSe VuItToN? Fuck them tbh. Tiffany's comment about Karolina "gaining calories" which made her starve herself later on? And Vuitton revealing that Neha is a scholarship student on TELEVISION even though she clearly didn't want to share that?? Isn't it like, illegal? I'm guessing that it was so well kept because Neha asked Lady A to NOT make it go public. Not to mention that Neha is still a minor. Revealing that was really cruel AND Vuitton is supposed to be one of the judges, like?? The frick. I get that she's the strict judgeโ„ข I mean, every single talent show has one but still... she probably did that so Neha and Karolina will go throughsome conflict and rise above it all then become StRoNgEr or something ๐Ÿ˜’
Another big reveal was that Neha has a crush on Karolina which was actually really sweet! (*gasp* they were roommates?! ... okay sorry I had to make that joke ๐Ÿ˜‚) on a more serious note, I found her feelings to be very genuine but also I kinda feel bad for the Neha stans ๐Ÿ˜… Well I'm guessing she's going to turn around and like Scholar instead soon enough. (On a side note, Neha cried so much in this chapter! Like holy crap.)
Afterwards, I liked how Neha's and Karolina's fight was written. They're trying really hard not to fall apart but it's just not. Working. Love Neha's comments such as "Oh so Tadashi is allowed to be a scholarship student but suddenly I'm not good enough to be one?" And how she says that Karolina's motivation is misplaced and she should win the competition for herself, not for a boy. (I agree!) And how Neha flipped when Karolina said "I will win the competition." Not "we will win" as she usually says. While Karolina's problem is that she feels betrayed and lied to, the fact that Tadashi and Alistair knew about Neha's Scholarship but not her...
Later on, I loved how attentive Scholar was when she discovers that Karolina has a eating disorder and contacts Claire. Then Tegan overhears and he's so worried... oooh boy.
It's funny how this whole chapter was supposed to be that FAXION thing but as we go through those 5 days in-game it seems like the results matter less and less. Karolina and Neha's relationship is in shambles. Neha is a scholarship student and has a crush on Karol. Karolina has an eating disorder and decides to confess her feelings to Tadashi after she wins... oh and, Tadashi knew about it lol. That's legit the thing that truly caught me off-guard because so far Tadashi has been as dense as a brick ๐Ÿ˜‚
Anyway, what I meant to say is that neither the characters nor the readers really give a shit about who wins the competition anymore which is in a way, really funny. I'm guessing that the winners were Karolina and Neha, right? Making Karolina faint right at the moment where she was supposed to win, now THAT'S what I call
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Yeah well, now the question is: will they keep their win or not? Or will the judges choose another team because Karolina fainting in the middle of the results is probably gonna gather more drama from the audience and look really bad for the fashion industry. Showing how it pushes young girls to be underweight and raises the odds of them developing eating disorders later on. (Really cool of the team to give us the opportunity to skip the more graphic scenes, well I didn't because I love suffering but thanks for asking first!)
And that's about all I wanted to say about the chapter (story wise?). Now to the more technical stuff: the website kept giving me an error message. I guess because a lot of people were playing at the same time? A thing that definitely surprised me is that there was very few options in the chapter and I didn't even notice until the chapter summary pop-up at the end showing me that I only raised my affinity with Neha. Personally it didn't bother me, this chapter was really story-driven. Not really the best moment to flirt I guess? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Oh and apparently there was supposed to be a jealousy scene? But I didn't get any on my Claire account, maybe it's only for certain characters? And oh boy when Andy showed up at the end as our make-up artist? Thank GOD. It really cheered me up ngl.
It's amazing how each chapter really gives off a different feel, we have chill chapters like chapters 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9 and then PLOT hitting you in the face in chapters 4,5,7,8 and 10. It's like each chapter is a whole different game! (And I mean that in a really good way!) Honestly, if I played chapter 9 and 10 back to back I think I would get whiplash ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Hopefully I'm using that word correctly...?)
Well, in any case this ended up being really long! Thank you for reading...? ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’–
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