illegiblewords · 2 years
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Navarre Shepherd
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pentagon 2
Sequel to Pentagon requested by @empress-with-the-crown ess-with-the-crown. 
Pairing:  El Desperado/FC/Bushi/Pentagon Jr.
Category:   Little bit of smut
Word Count: 2473
Warnings: Language, oral sex
There will be one more part to this because the boys aren’t quite done butting heads yet
Two months had gone by since the incident with Bushi and Desperado over your infatuation with Pentagon Jr.  Your obsession hadn’t faded, but you had learned to hide it better.  Things had been strained for a few weeks as both Bushi and Desperado were hurt by what they saw as your betrayal, but the three of you had settled back into your rhythm and things seemed to be on track.  They finally had some time off and you all had decided to take a trip to Florida for a week’s vacation.   It was much needed and many hours had been spent lying on the beach before returning to your massive hotel suite and making love on every available surface.   You were walking with a constant delicious ache between your legs that was borderline to being painful.  
Things had been going quite smoothly and then he showed up.   All the pictures and videos in the world couldn’t have prepared you for how gorgeous he was in person.   Desperado and Bushi were enjoying a beer, eyes on the baseball game on the outdoor screens at the beachside café you were having a late dinner at.  You were immediately captivated as a rowdy group of men crowded into the outdoor patio area.  They were quite obviously wrestlers, most of them still in their gear.  You surmised a local show must have just concluded.  That would have been the end of it if your eyes hadn’t landed on him.  Your breath hitched as you saw Pentagon Jr.  in full makeup taking up a chair at their table.  
You stared transfixed for quite a while, absentmindedly drinking your cocktail as Despy and Bushi remained oblivious to your distraction.   Until they weren’t.  And that’s when everything went to hell.
“Babe!”  Bushi said for the third time turning from the TV in aggravation to see why you were ignoring him.  He expected to see you staring at those photos on your phone; the ones you thought you were so clever in hiding.  Instead he saw you staring with blatant lust at someone on the patio. Following the line of your vision his fist clenched around his beer bottle as he saw Pentagon Jr. at the other end of your gaze.  Elbowing Despy in the side he caught the other man’s attention and pointed out the source of your fascination. 
“Apparently she didn’t learn her lesson.”  Desperado said with a rueful shake of his head. 
“Apparently not.”  Bushi concurred with a slow nod.   You remained oblivious until your boyfriends rose from the table and approached the wrestlers.  You heart almost stopped as you watched Bushi greet one of the men with a hug.  You hadn’t realized he knew any of them.  You squirmed in your seat as introductions were made and Desperado and Bushi joined the table at the end next to Pentagon.  You only semi-relaxed as they seemed to be immersed in conversation and not paying Pentagon any undue attention.
It was only after they had been talking for a while, leaving you to stew with your imagination on overdrive that Desperado called you over, planting you on his lap while introducing you to those at the table.   You leaned back into his chest, head on his shoulder with his hand on your upper thigh.  Of course you couldn’t help but notice that you were sitting right next to Pentagon; close enough that your knee was practically touching his thigh.   You tried to focus on Desperado and Bushi, you really did; but you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering into naughty territory, or your eyes from staring at that thick thigh that was taunting you. 
As the evening progressed, one by one the other wrestlers disbursed while Bushi and Pentagon became engrossed in a conversation about wrestling until only the four of you remained at the table. A feeling of dread began forming in your stomach and you found yourself praying desperately for Pentagon to excuse himself and leave. However he didn’t seem so inclined, conversing with your boys about their excursions in Mexico. The wait staff delivered another bucket of beers and then left your group to itself on the patio.  Desperado’s hand crept higher up your thigh and you stiffened in his hold as he cupped your crotch, heat seeping through your pants.  You glanced nervously at Pentagon hoping he wasn’t paying attention to Desperado’s actions, but of course he was. 
You were caught off guard when Desperado suddenly pushed you off his lap, making you fall to your knees at Bushi’s feet.  Humiliation burned through you as Pentagon watched with the action with a bemused expression.  Bushi laid his hand on the top of your head tapping his fingers in a condescending manner as you kept your eyes firmly on the ground.  You couldn’t believe they were doing this to you.  In front of him no less.  Scratch that, you could believe it.  You knew exactly what they were doing.  They were going to humiliate you as further punishment for your disrespect. 
Bushi’s fingers threaded through your hair and your head was pulled back, forcing you to look right up at Pentagon as his expression shifted from bemused to disgust.   He looked between Bushi and Desperado as he gained an understanding of the situation.
“She is the woman of you both?”  Pentagon asked looking between the two men with curiosity.
“She is.”  Desperado confirmed.
“Perhaps you’d like me to leave so you can get back to whatever this fucked up arrangement is.”  Pentagon began to rise, stilling as Desperado raised a hand.
“We’d actually like you to stay.  You are after all the reason we joined your table. We’re offering to share her with you.”  Bushi said.  Pentagon’s eyes widened, and he looked from Bushi to Desperado before looking down at you.
“I ain’t interested.” Pentagon said shaking his head immediately.  Whatever these three cabrons were up to he was pretty sure he wanted nothing to do with it. 
“What’s the matter Pentagon?  You aren’t into fucking hot chicks?”  Desperado challenged with a smirk.
Pentagon’s lip hitched up in a sneer and his fist clenched as he glared at Desperado. 
“I fuck hot women all the time.  I don’t need to play with one who already has two men at her side.  What’s the matter puta, two dicks not enough for you?” Pentagon asked you. 
“It’s simple.  She belongs to us.  Though she seems to have forgotten that.” Bushi stepped in seeing things about to fall off the rails.  In order for their plan to work he needed Desperado to reign in his temper.  “We want her to get you out of her system so we can move on with our lives.” 
“And it’s necessary that you two be present for that to happen?”  Pentagon asked. 
“We aren’t just letting you take her by yourself.” Bushi said firmly.  “She’s ours.”
“You’re telling us you’ve never shared a woman?” Desperado asked incredulously.
“I share whores.  I don’t share my woman.”  Pentagon said flatly.
“Well, our woman is a whore, so that’s a non-issue.  And she’s not your woman so why do you care?”  Bushi said bluntly making your face flame red as Pentagon’s attention focused on you.
“I suppose I don’t.”  He asked, his blue eyes piercing as they stared down at you. 
“We’re offering her to you on a silver platter.  Something that doesn’t happen very often.  But she can’t seem to get you off her mind so we’re driven to unconventional methods.  Tell him what you want to do to him.”  Bushi said giving you a shove on the shoulder.  You looked up at him trying to shake your head in denial but unable to do so in his grasp.  Knowing there was no way out of what he wanted you to do your shoulders slumped in defeat.  You knew exactly what he wanted you to say.  Desperado and Bushi had made you tell them in very explicit detail what you wanted Pentagon to do to you, and what you wanted to do to him.  Repeatedly.  They knew very well.  
“I want to fuck you.” You said softly already knowing they weren’t going to let you get away with that simple explanation.  
“Oh, come on babe.  You can do better than that. Did you forget what you told us?”  Desperado asked nudging you with his foot.  ‘You remember when you had the leash on?  You didn’t forget did ya?  Remember how Bushi’s belt made your ass bleed while you choked on my cock?”
 “I remember!” You shouted glaring up at him.
“Then look him in the fucking face and tell him.”  Bushi snapped yanking on your hair again to force you to look at Pentagon’s face.  Pentagon who looked entirely unamused by your entire exchange.   
“I want you.  I want to suck your cock and choke on it.  I want you to fuck me hard and deep.  I want your hand around my throat and you to pull my hair.  I want to feel you deep inside my pussy.  I want you to do anything you want to me.”  You said quietly feeling the flush of embarrassment rising through you as you held Pentagon’s gaze.
“So you want what every other ring rat wants.”  Pentagon said staring down at you with disgust evident on his face.  “Same words I hear from every other slut wanting my dick.”  He looked between Desperado and Bushi.  “She’s a whore.  Why would you make her your woman?  Just fuck her and be done with it.  Why would you keep her?” 
Shame filled you at his sharp words, eyes closing as you couldn’t bear to look at his disdain any more.  
“She has her uses.”  Desperado said after a moment that dragged entirely too long for your liking.  “But we’re getting off track here.   We’re not asking you to make her your woman.  Just this one time and you can go on your merry way.”  
“We want her to get you out of her system.  Obviously something has her hung up on you so we want you to fuck it out.”  Bushi said. 
“So what you want to watch?”  Pentagon smirked.  “Maybe teach you a thing or two on how to properly fuck her?”
“We fuck her just fine thank you.”  Desperado retorted with a sneer.
“Obviously not since she’s drooling over my dick.”  Pentagon chuckled.   “Maybe I’ll just take her.  Use her up and send her back to ya.”  
“Maybe you can go to hell.”  Desperado spat starting to rise to his feet, but stilling as Bushi raised his hand.
“Settle down Desperado.”  Bushi said with smirk.  “Remember what were trying to accomplish here.”  He looked meaningfully at Desperado.  Message received but still angry Desperado glared at Pentagon, arms folded crossly over his chest.  
“Good move coño.”  Pentagon said with a grin.  This was fun.  He was enjoying antagonizing these two men.  Though Bushi wasn’t giving him much, Desperado’s reactions were enough to entertain him for now.  He’d either end up fighting or fucking tonight.  Both wins as far as he was concerned.   He glanced down at you grin fading into a sneer.  He didn’t have much use for whores.  Sure they were fun on occasion, but if he wanted that he had plenty of rats hanging around the ring when he was done for the night.  A woman who regularly gave herself to two men was a different animal.  One who wasn’t satisfied with the two she had.  Wanted to add him to her little stable. Fuck that. He bet if he shoved his fingers up her cunt right now she’d be dripping.  She could put on all the airs she wanted.  He could tell she was enjoying every second of this. 
Pentagon took another long look at the woman being offered to him.  She was beautiful, no question about that.   He’d bet she would look real good choking on his dick.   Pentagon mused silently trying to decide if he was in the mood for a fight or a fuck.   Maybe he should take her for a test drive, see if she held his attention. 
“Suck my dick.” Penta said bluntly, hands already loosening the belt on his wrestling tights as you watched with widened eyes that darted around the empty patio.   Bushi gave you a shove in the back making you fall towards Pentagon who now had his cock in his fist, slowly pumping it as it hardened.  You swallowed nervously as you saw just how thick and long he was, much thicker than you had imagined in your fantasies.   With one last wary glance at your two lovers you reached out a hesitant hand, wrapping it around Pentagon’s cock above his own fist.  
Releasing his dick Penta grabbed the back of your head and pushed you onto his cock, immediately making you gag as he invaded your mouth with no care for your comfort. You finally got to feel those thighs you had been fantasizing about as your hands struggled for purchase, fingers digging into his flesh as he ravaged your throat.  Finally with a grunt he yanked you off and shoved you back, making you land on your ass at Bushi’s feet. 
Penta stood with a sneer and tucked himself back in his pants. 
“I’ve had better.”  He said turning on his heel and leaving through the patio gate without a backwards glance.  
“That’s certainly not how I expected that to turn out.”  Bushi said as Pentagon disappeared into the darkness.  Recovering your breath you sat down in Pentagon’s vacated seat.  The door to the patio opened and the waiter appeared placing to checks down on the table and making his retreat as Desperado cursed loudly.
“Did that son of a bitch leave us with his tab?” Desperado said in disbelief while Bushi could do little but laugh.  Pentagon had some balls on him.  Bushi would give him that much.  
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