#C: Sumeragi Hokuto
jjblue1 · 7 years
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As it seems the picture and the translations for Shoten 6 Tokyo Babylon story has disappeared from the net I’m going to share them.
The translation was done by iamsocool12345 and it’s shared here merely because it’s not available anymore anywhere as far as I know. Should iamsocool12345 ask for me to remove it, I’ll do it.
Now... since I know many people wonder about the last pic in which Seishiro put a ring on Subaru’s finger... well it actually isn’t a single spread picture.
That’s how the scene looked like on the original magazine.
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As you can see you would have to turn the page to see Seishiro.
Now... I’ve placed all the other picture in order except those last two because it’s nice to see them as a spread page... but remember, in the original they wouldn’t have looked like one.
Tokyo Babylon - Shoten Translation *********************** BABYLON Ancient capital of Mesopotamia. In the 18th century B.C., Hamurabi, ruler of the kingdom of Babylonia, claimed it as such, and the city prospered, as a thriving political and cultural center. In time, however, the people of the city began to grow proud of this prosperity, and challenged God's authority, building a tower called "Babel" that would reach up to Heaven. Unable to forgive this indiscretion, God struck the tower down, and with it, destroyed the common language of the people. People are now doomed to repeat themselves constantly, a mark of their foolish act against God. Woe to Babylon, City that suffered the wrath of God. "He seemed pretty cool, didn't he?" Hokuto muses, sipping happily on Subaru's iced cafe au lait. Subaru isn't quite sure what Hokuto's talking about. He tilts his head. "Who?" "Sei-chan." "Oh. Seishirou-san." Hokuto's already started calling Seishirou "Sei-chan". It took her all of three hours after first meeting him, but then, she's a little more...friendly than most. [1] This is Heinesen [2], in Shinjuku's Kabukichou. [3] Not exactly the first neighborhood you'd recommend to anyone as a nice place to live, but it's still got its fair share of quality apartment complexes. All of them with very good security systems, of course. And our hero is Subaru Sumeragi. He's 163 cm tall [4], 16 years old, and he's just been accepted into his first year at CLAMP Campus Academy's high school. He has one sibling: a twin sister, Hokuto Sumeragi, who's currently lounging on the sofa across from him, with a smile. Like some of you might already know (after reading Shoten 5), Subaru-kun goes to school and "works" at the same time. He's an onmyouji. Lately, his profession has gotten lots of attention from newspapers and magazines, and a lot of people have heard about what onmyouji do. They're well-versed in astronomy and study the calendar very closely, in order to perform fortune tellings, and other special spiritual rituals. In fact, people like Subaru-kun have started to show up everywhere in popular media, lately. [5] It seems like everybody has read "Kujaku-ou" [6] or seen "Teito Monogatari" [7], and they've noticed these characters who have incredible power. Abilities beyond what any normal human being can do. Sumeragi Subaru-kun is one of these onmyouji. As a matter of fact, they're growing increasingly rare in our day. So much so that, if he let it, publicity would completely overwhelm his life. Sumeragi Subaru-kun is an onmyouji. He's adorable, still just a high school student, and he might not seem like the sharpest kid his age, but when it comes to onmyoujutsu [8], he's at the very top of his game.The 13th head of the Sumeragi family. It's a position that claims quite a bit of respect. But with that respect also comes its fair share of difficulties. Subaru-kun keeps a smile on his face, but in a profession this uncommon, it's easy to feel spread thin. His line of work can be tough. And it is work for him; he gets paid for what he does, and because of that, he feels like he can't take on any case half-way. He has to go all out, every single time. Subaru-kun has come up against some pretty unpleasant situations, but he does his best to try not to let sort of thing affect him too much. Which is easier said than done. Sometimes, he can get a little depressed, but we'll leave that for another time. For now, something else entirely is bothering Subaru-kun. Something that has nothing to do with his job...or so he's trying to tell himself. Still, he can't help but wonder if... "Hey, Subaru!" If... "Earth to Subaru! Hello~ooo? Subaru!!!" Subaru looks up suddenly, to find Hokuto hovering over him. "You were thinking again, weren't you? You're always doing that! Getting lost in thought, and shutting yourself off from the rest of the world... And I'd bet money you were just depressing yourself over it, too, whatever it was. Would you cut it out already?" She looks down at him, and... Er, well. Subaru had thought she'd been hovering over him, but it turns out she's just sitting on his lap. "Here. Phone's for you." He hadn't even heard it ring. Subaru thinks she might be right; he really doesn't pay enough attention to what's going on around him, and it could get him into trouble, one of these days. What if someone came into his room uninvited, and he didn't notice? Although he can't really imagine that anyone would want to. A thief, maybe? But it's not like that sort of thing happened very often, anyway, and...- "The phone, I said! Geeze! You're totally impossible!" Oops! There he goes again. He's really got to break that habit... "Who is it?" "Loverboy." "L-Loverboy-san? Who's that?" "You have got to be kidding me." Subaru takes the receiver from Hokuto. "H-Hello? This is Sumeragi." "Hello, there! This is Sakurazuka." "Oh! Seishirou-san!" Hokuto jumps up, spins around, and starts hopping in place excitedly. Energetic would be an understatement. Have you ever in your life seen twins with two more opposite personalities? "I'm sorry that I kept you so long today." "N-No, it's fine! I had fun." "Well, there's something I forgot to give you when I dropped you off at your apartment." "Huh?" "Do you think you might be able to stop by the hospital on your way home from school tomorrow?" "S-Sure..." "Great. Be careful tonight. I know it's been really hot out, lately, but make sure you don't catch a cold from running the air conditioner, okay? [9] Have a good night." "O-Oh, um! Okay! G-good night!" Subaru sits blinking at the cordless in his hand. "So!? What did he say!? Tell me everything!" "Um... He said there's...um, something he wants to give me..." "Presents! Starting in with the fancy gifts already, in order to win over your affections! Ooh, he's good, he's very good!" "I-I really don't think he's trying to 'win over my affections'..." "But what on earth could Sei-chan be thinking!? He knows you're head of the Sumeragi family, and he's the Sakurazukamori!" The Sakurazukamori is part of the Sakurazuka family, another famous omyouji clan, like the Sumeragi. Except...the history of the Sakurazuka family is a little less prestigious, and the Sakurazukamori doesn't exactly make his services known to the public. Supposedly, though, the Sakurazukamori considers himself above ordinary moral restrictions, and buries all of his victims in a grave called the "sakurazuka". [10] Basically, the Sakurazukamori acts as the Sakurazuka family assassin. "We don't know that for sure! The Sakurazuka family is so mysterious that even other onmyouji can't tell the truth from legend, anymore. These days, anyone could be the Sakurazukamori. Just because Seishirou-san's last name is 'Sakurazuka' doesn't necessarily mean anything..." "Well, we know that the current Sakurazukamori is a man! Obaa-chama told us so!" [11] "But that doesn't mean that it's Seishirou-san!" "He didn't exactly deny it, did he?" "He didn't say yes, either!" "Oh, come on, Subaru! What's wrong with you? It'd be so much more interesting if you were head of the Sumeragi and he was the Sakurazukamori!" "...You're crazy..." "You dummy! Don't you realize what you're doing here? Every single day, I turn on the TV, and what do I see? Perestroika, Kuwait, Iran, environmental pollution, water shortages... [12] But you know what? That's all fine, so long as girls like me can still have our fun! But will boys like you let us!? No! Instead, you have to go and ruin everything!" "...If all girls think like you, then I'm a little scared..." "Sorry to make you come out here like this." Seishirou bows low to Subaru from just inside the hospital. Subaru bows back. "But I had some business to attend to in Ikebukuro [13] today, so I stopped in at this little restaurant called Melos [14], and brought us back some tiramisu. Huh? Where's Hokuto-chan?" "Oh, um, she said that Marui [15] was having a bargain sale today..." "Aha. I understand. That definitely takes priority," Seishirou nods vigorously. "Well, let's not stand out here all day. Come on in and tell me how school was. Are you getting used to it?" Subaru follows Seishirou into his examination room, where Seishirou sets out the tiramisu and some tea. "Yeah. There are so many new faces, but... But it's a lot of fun." "Mmm. CLAMP Campus is a good school. Even if they do get a little carried away, from time to time." "Where did you go to school, Seishirou-san?" "Would you like some more tea?" Seishirou changes the topic so smoothly that Subaru figures he must not have heard the question. "S-Sure. Thank you." "Actually, I got this tea from Krishna-san. He went home to India for a wedding, and brought some back to Japan with him. He must have felt very nostalgic, visiting home for the first time in so long." [16] "Have you lived in Tokyo your whole life, Seishirou-san? Or are you..." "What wonderful weather we're having today, hmm?" And then it dawns on Subaru: apparently, Seishirou doesn't want to answer his questions. "So what did you learn about today at school?" "Um. Well, actually, the evil Imonoyama Shopping District Secret Association showed up right in the middle of class, and then the CLAMP Campus Defenders Duklyon came in to chase after them, and things got a little crazy, and that was sort of the end of the lesson, right there." [17] "Ahahahaha! As interesting as ever, then!" Seishirou laughs, long and hard, and Subaru starts to wonder if he really might be the Sakurazukamori, like Hokuto had said. After all, he seems to be avoiding Subaru's questions about his past... For the briefest instant, Subaru feels his heart ache. "What's the matter? Is the cake no good?" "Huh!? Oh! No! I-It's delicious!" "You looked so sad for a second there. Are you sure you're alright?" "I'm fine! It's nothing, really! Honest!" "Hmm. Alright, then. Although I have to admit, it's a little suspicious of you to deny it so strongly." Seishirou laughs again, and reaches to refill Subaru's cup. "Oh, that reminds me! How about we get to what I called you over for, hm?" "O-Okay!" Still smiling, Seishirou reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box, covered in red velvet. "What's that?" "Open it up and see for yourself." Subaru flips the box open...and freezes. "Th-This is--!" "A ring. The size should be fine, hopefully. I've got a knack for things like that." "Wh-Who are you going to give it to?" "Ahahahaha! Why, you, of course, Subaru-kun!" "W-Wha-! You-! H-! Hold on!" "Don't worry, I don't mean to tie you down with this. It's just that it seems like so many people have been getting married lately, doesn't it? Even at Iserlohn and Heinesen [18], I feel like I know at least 10 couples who've decided to tie the knot." "Y-Yeah, I've been invited to a few of them too, but..." "Veterinary hospitals might be hospitals, but they're still businesses! I started worrying that, one day, I might not be able to afford a ring anymore. So I went out and bought this for you yesterday, while I know for certain that I've got the money to." "But I can't accept this! It's so expensive!" "You won't take it because it's expensive, or because you don't want to?" "What?" "Because it really wasn't expensive it all, Subaru-kun. You believe me, don't you?" "Well, I do...-" "Then you'll take it!" "Seishirou-san!" "I promise I'll do everything I can to give you the wedding you deserve. And I'll be a devoted husband, day in and day out! You'll look after me, won't you, Subaru-kun?" Looks like Subaru-kun doesn't have much of a say this time around! Don't worry, Subaru-kun! We're sure he'll make an honest bride out of you, soon! *laugh* *********************** [1] A cursory note I'd rather ignore, but obviously, "chan" indicates a certain closeness that most people don't really feel they've achieved in 3 hours. [2] Heinesen is a tricky one. It's a German name, but I found out that it was also used as a location in an '80s manga called Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (in English, Legend of the Galactic Heroes), which is where CLAMP probably lifted it from. I think they mean it here to serve as the fictional building/complex that Subaru and Hokuto are living in. [3] Like the text tells us, Kabukichou in Tokyo's Shinjuku district is...lively. It's well-known for being active at night, with its fair share of restaurants, love hotels, bars, etc. It wouldn't exactly be my first choice if I were looking for a place to live, either, but in with some of the seedier stuff are some really classy clubs and restaurants. [4] 5'4", for those of you as metrically challenged as I am. [5] Actually, Japan really did see a sort of pop-occult boom in the '90s. 1999 was coming up, for one, and young people especially started to really get into stuff like that. Think of the fortune telling and matchmaking and apocalypse fear that we see in Tokyo Babylon. [6] Late '80s/early '90s manga (translates to Peacock King), with gods and demons and magic spells, and exorcisms, and all that sort of thing. [7] '70s novel turned into late '80s/early '90s live action film and anime (translated as Doomed Megalopolis in the US). The main villain is an onmyouji. [8] Onmyoujutsu is onmyouji magic, or "yin-yang magic". [9] Okay. Korea is notorious for this sort of thing, and I met a girl from Brazil who believed it. I don't think I've come across any Americans who really believe this, but I could be wrong. Anyway, the idea is that an AC or fan, especially if left on overnight in a room that you're sleeping in, can make you sick. I... I mean, maybe if you set your AC to record low temperatures? I only make a note here since reading that line in English out of nowhere like that would probably make me think Seishirou's even stranger than I'd imagined. [10] Literally, "cherry blossom grave". [11] "Grandma", but I don't feel comfortable translating it as such, since the "chama" is distinctive. Think "chan" + "sama". Subaru simply uses "obaa-chan". And everyone in English has their own cute grandmother diminutive, anyway. [12] As in depressing early '90s news. Perestroika refers to Gorbachev's doomed economic reforms, then we've got the Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm, the hole in the ozone layer, etc. [13] Big, busy commercial district in Tokyo. Sunshine 60's there. Lots of department stores and activity. [14] "Melos" might be the name of a real restaurant somewhere, but probably not in this case. If anything, I'd say CLAMP's throwing a quick nod to Hashire Melos! (Run, Melos!), an '80s anime movie, remade in the early '90s. [15] Marui's a big, famous department store, well-known for women's fashion. The logo for the store reads "OIOI", but it's pronounced "marui"..."maru" for "zero" and "i" for "one". [16] Errr. I'm pretty sure Seishirou's referring to Krishna, the CLAMP character who appears in some of their earlier stuff. He works at CLAMP Campus as a professor, I believe, and looks pretty much like Ashura-ou? I think? If you've got any more info, let me know! In any case, I doubt Seishirou's talking about Krishna, the god. [17] See CLAMP Campus Defenders Duklyon, if you haven't checked it out already. That's more or less the plot of every single chapter. [18] Iserlohn seems to be another German name/location in Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu. See note #2.
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tomoyoo · 3 years
Generally speaking I don’t like the when the overprotective sibling goes “if you make them cry i'll kill you” EXCEPT if it's hokuto sumeragi because a. subaru was in actual danger b. his job was emotionally draining so a heart break would be too much to handle and c. SHE ENDS UP KILLING HIM ❤️
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Dando continuidade ao CLAMP in Wonderland, a seguinda animação musical traz os personagens dos trabalhos da CLAMP entre 1995 e 2006. MyAnimeList.net
Fansub: #Mirai Formato: MP4 Resolução: 704x400 Uploader: miruku-chan
Abertura: action! - Maaya Sakamoto Encerramento: Oh YEAH! - ROUNDTABLE feat. Nino
Personagens: Akira Ijyuuin (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Arashi Kishu (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Ashura (RG Veda; Shining Star; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Chii "Elda" (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Chun Hyang (Shin Shunkaden; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Eri Chusonji (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Fai D. "Yuui" Flourite (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Fay Ryu Kazuhiko (Clover) Freya (Chobits) Fuu "Anemone Hououji, Anais Araujo" Hououji (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Fuuma Monou (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Gingetsu (Clover) Hideki Motosuwa (Chobits) Hikaru (Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hinata "Hina" Asahi (Gohou Drug; Kobato.; Suki. Dakara Suki; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hokuto Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon; X) Ichirou "Icchan" Mihara (Chobits; Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer) Ioryogi “Iorogi” (Kobato.) Kakei (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug) Kakyo Kuzuki (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Kamui Shirou (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Karen Kasumi (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Karura-Ou (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kazahaya Kudou (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug; xxxHOLiC) Kendappa-Ou "Amaterasu" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kentarou Higashikunimaru (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Keroberos "Kero" (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kimihiro Watanuki (Blood-C; Drug & Drop; Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Kohaku (Drug & Drop; Kobato.; Wish) Kotarou Kobayashi (Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer) Kotobuki Sukiyabashi (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Kotoko (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kotori Monou (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; X) Kujaku (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kurogane (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Lan "C" (Clover) Maru "Maru-dashi" (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Misaki "Misaki-Chi" Suzuhara (Chobits; Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer; Kobato.) Miyuki (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth) Mokona "Larg" Modoki (Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Mokona "Soel" Modoki (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Mong Ryong (Shin Shunkaden) Moro "Moro-dashi" (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Nokoru Imonoyama (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Primera (Magic Knight Rayearth; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Rikuo Himura (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug; xxxHOLiC) Ryuu-ou "Naga" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Saiga (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug) Sakura (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Satsuki Yatoji (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Seiichiro Aoki (X) Seishirou Sakurazuka (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; Tokyo Babylon; X) Shaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) Shirahime "Yuki-onna" (Shirahimeshou) Shirou Asou (Kobato.; Suki. Dakara Suki) Shizuka Doumeki (xxxHOLiC) Sorata Arisugawa (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Souma (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Spinel Sun "Suppie" (Cardcaptor Sakura) Subaru Sumeragi (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; Tokyo Babylon; X) Sumomo "Plum" (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Suoh Takamura (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Suu "Clover" (Clover) Syaoran (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Takeshi Shukaido (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Utako Ohkawa (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan) Yasha-ou "Yama" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Yuuko Ichihara (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Yuzuriha Nekoi (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X)
Release #Mirai | download RAW h264.1280x720.ACC.MKV | download
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bloodiedsakura · 7 years
{ 🚬 } verses.
[Updated: 28 April 2017 ]
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Current verses
Tokyo Babylon
Tsubasa reservoir chronicle
Fate series
Hunter x Hunter
( X/1999 - DRAGON OF EARTH. )
This is his default verse. Set in the year 1999, the year of the apocalypse, the conclusion of the bet is nine years ago. With only one eye for vision, he tends to wear sunglasses. This Seishirou is a little more than bored. He carries a pleasant, cool demeanor, but the smile never reaches his heart.
This Seishirou tends to be a cold ruthless killer who wishes for something to fill up his life.
Set in the Year of the Bet. This Seishirou works another job -- veterinarian. He runs a clinic in the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo. He masquerades as a kind man in love with Sumeragi Subaru. He evades questions prodding him possibly being a Sakurazukamori, turning them into light-hearted jokes.
This Seishirou tends to make jokes, and acts like a dork, usually having a bright smile on his face. 
The TRC incarnation of Seishirou. In this verse, Seishirou is searching for Subaru who turned him into a vampire. Seishirou has a brother named Fuuma and Subaru’s twin here is not Hokuto but Kamui. The exact canon circumstances is unknown but the vampire twins are on the run away from Seishirou while Seishirou has been dedicated to chasing after the two. He gave his right eye in exchange for the power to transverse dimensions in order to find the two.
His status as a vampire causes him to age slowly and look as if he is 23 years old.
This verse will be heavily headcanon-based.
Class: Assassin Parameters           Strength: D+           Endurance: D-           Agility: C+           Mana: B+           Luck: C           NP: C- Class Skills:           Presence Concealment B           Territory Creation C           Item Construction C
Personal Skills:           Charisma           Magecraft C           Eye of the Mind (True) B
Noble Phantasms: Sakurazukamori: the cherry blossom burial mound           Creates a reality marble summoning a sakura tree. He is able to           control the branches of the tree to entrap people on the tree. The             tree will slowly suck up the blood. Significant strength (above B)             is required to break free once trapped.
( Hunter x Hunter - CONTRACT HUNTER. )
A transmuter. Preferring to fight with his bare hands, his favourite attack consists of transmuting his straightened hand with the properties of a sharp knife (while enhancing his hand to protect himself) and stabbing it through people. Next, he also conjures up the large pink sakura tree -- the symbol of his clan -- which is capable of sucking up the corpses.
The Sakurazukamori remains as a clan of assassin in this verse, but they’re less well-known, the tales confined to the country of Japan Jappon. After killing his mother and becoming the next Head, he continues accepting odd assassination jobs as he finishes his education.
After graduating from university,  he chose to take the Hunter Exam on a whim, managing to pass from the first attempt. And from that, he finds out about nen. Just after learning the four basic principles of nen and passing the secret exam, his teacher chanced on him on a job and without hesitation, Seishirou swiftly kills him, before feeding the corpse to the Sakura tree. His teacher became missing and Seishirou feigned ignorance.
His response to killing him with a slight regret that he couldn’t learn more about nen. But he shrugs it off, for he can always learn it from others.
In this verse, while he did place bet on Subaru, he never met him again. His choice to be a Contract Hunter (they are hired by corporations to do specific odd jobs) is an attempt to brighten up his dull life. Through the jobs that bring him around the world, he hopes that it’ll bring some meager enjoyment at the very least.
And perhaps... he can meet the compassion boy again.
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