Creating Happiness
Disclaimer: I do not own FBI Dick Wolf and CBS do. Not beta'd.
Genre: General
Rating: K
Awe and Allure
Jubal's POV
I am in total awe. I have always seen Isobel's nature shine through brightly each and every day. But today was different. Seeing her walk down the aisle with Jess escorting her, it seemed like she was floating down the aisle instead of walking. She looked stunning in her strapless mermaid gown and the ruffles added to the allure. Now we are dancing our first dance as husband and wife. I wrap one arm around her while holding her hand with my free hand and pulled her close. I leaned in and whispered, "You are so beautiful, Izzy. You have made me the luckiest guy ever. I love you."
Isobel's POV
I have to admit when Maggie, Kristen, and Emily had suggested I step outside the comfort zone of my usual wardrobe for a wedding gown . The wedding gown that they chose was strapless and had ruffles at the bottom. I was a little hesitant and skeptical. But when I tried it on, I was in awe, it fits me like a glove. That was the first. Then when I saw Jubal's face at the head of the altar as I was walking down the aisle. There was a glow on his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. Seeing face, I am glad I choose this dress.
Jubal has indeed made me very happy. He has completed my life in more ways than one.
Jubal sighed. He had been racking his brain for the most perfect gift for his girlfriend, Isobel Castille. She was elegant in so many ways. He was baffled and amazed at how she had agreed to be his girlfriend. All he knew was that her gift had to be absolutely perfect.
Looking into the mirror, Isobel sighed. There is one thing that Isobel didn't have for a long time. An immediate family. While Jubal had his two children from his first marriage, her parents have long died, and her sister is incognito somewhere in Europe. But together they did have Maggie, OA, Scola, Kristen, and Jess, Clinton, Kenny, Hana, Sheryll as family. However, Isobel longed for something more.
That was all about to change. In two months, she, Isobel Castille-Valentine, and Jubal Valentine would become parents to twins. Sure she felt like a beached whale now, but the whole journey was an incredible one for her and for Jubal.
Right then, she felt a pair of strong arms wound around her waist, and the rough hands settled and whispered, "You're beautiful, Isobel."
Isobel smiled. But before she could say anything, they felt two sets of feet kicking up a storm.
Yes, she was about to have a family of her own.
Kiss (1st as husband and wife)
Once the priest said, "With their love for each other clearly shown. By with the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jubal, you may kiss your bride."
Without wasting another second, Jubal stepped closer to Isobel and brought her in for a kiss. But he had a surprise in store for her. As she wound her right arm around his shoulder, he placed his left arm on her waist while his right hand held on hers. Jubal then held her close to him, and as their lips met, he did a slight turn and dipped her, surprising her and delighting their guests.
When he got her on solid ground, he leaned his forehead against them and whispered, "There will be more later, Mrs. Valentine."
Isobel smiling and said, "I will be holding you to that, Mr. Valentine."
It was one of those days where Isobel was extremely lethargic. Any food and drink smell made her stomach turn. Only a few things she was able to stomach were mineral water, ginger ale, and soda crackers.
As if that wasn't enough, coffee made her run to the bathroom to retch. This could only mean one thing.
After her team solved an easy case and her endless meeting. She went to the local 24-hour pharmacy and picked up five pregnancy tests, and headed home.
After all five came positive, she smiled. She and Jubal were expecting!
Jubal relished the new possibilities in his and Isobel's life. This was especially true now that they were expecting twins!
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A/N 2: Thanks for reading Creating Happiness
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Here is the to Alana de la Garza, best actress on her day! 
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One and Only Heart Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I don't own FBI, the show belongs to Dick Wolf, and CBS do.
A/N: There's a nod to Law and Order from Season 17 onward, see if you can spot it.
Mention of/Spoilers for: Most Wanted (FBI Season 1 and Episode 18 and FBI: Most Wanted Pilot) and Closure (FBI Season 1.18)
Meanwhile, Jubal was upstairs taking it easy.
He just wanted to rest following a severe case where a judge was forcibly taken across state lines into New Jersey. The abductor threatened to hurt the judge if his demands weren't met. In the end, they got the judge freed, and the criminal captured without further incident. He now planned Sunday go up to Scarsdale as a special surprise visit and spend time with Tyler and Abigail.
Following a quick meal, he turned in but was feeling restless. So, he picked up a book and began reading. However, he couldn't concentrate as there was a person on his mind. Isobel. While they had that argument, he still cared about her and was worried about being with the guy she was with. On his own time, he had done a background check on Axel, and while he did come up clean and no records, it was his photo with a smug smile that worried him on how badly Isobel could be hurt.
He had noticed Isobel from the first time that his team met up and met with her team at the time, the FBI Fugitive Task Force, to catch the killer. To him, it felt like he saw her somewhere before or they had worked together in a previous life, but couldn't place it. He had pushed that thought aside, and they got to work. When the case was solved, and they never crossed paths again. Until, of course, Dana resigned and retired, and Isobel became their Special Agent in Charge.
Fast forward to the present time. When the case concluded, he had noticed how Isobel left in a hurry. He didn't see her in her office, which was odd; she was usually the last to leave though she may be in a meeting. But when he asked around, he got the same answer, there were no meetings. He began to worry about her and hoped that something wrong wouldn't happen.
Fruitlessly trying to read the same page three times, he gave up and got ready for bed. Just as he was about to get in bed when he heard a knock on the door, he thought, who could that be?
Not sure what to think, he headed to the door. He set his weapon aside and opened the door when he checked the peephole and saw who it was. There stood Isobel Castille in a heavy overcoat. Instead of looking stoic, she looked sad. Her mascara was smeared, evident that she had been crying. Sensing something was wrong. Jubal pulled her in and closed the door. Sensing she needed a hug, he pulled her in and asked, "Isobel, what's wrong?"
Isobel bit her lip and replied, "It's over with Axel. I went home, got dressed up and over to our usual meeting spot, and caught him red-handed kissing a buxom strawberry blonde. I had a feeling that he had been unfaithful for some time."
When he heard what Isobel said, Jubal ground his teeth. Axel. Axel Whittaker. That SOB. Jubal knew he had been all wrong for someone as fierce, reliable, and independent as Isobel.
He led her to the couch, and they sat next to Isobel. As a friend who cared, Jubal wrapped his arm around Isobel's shoulder. While she stiffened at first, it wasn't long before Isobel had her head on his shoulder. The two of them remained silent and Jubal let Isobel talk when she was ready to. A short time later Isobel began talking, "How could I have let his personality and charm sway me? We have faced people who are just as slimy, and we were always on guard. Yet with Axel, I let my guard down. I feel stupid. I should have pressed the issue."
Hearing her, sniffle broke his heart. Though he had been divorced for a little while now and hadn't seen anyone socially, here was the one woman he loved her the first time he saw her. However, he stayed away following their heated discussion. Until now, that is.
He reached for the tissue box and handed it over to her. She took a few and wiped her tears, and along with that, her smeared mascara. Jubal breathed in and out; he hoped that now was as anytime an excellent time to reveal his secret.
Clearing his voice, Jubal began. "Isobel, if you had pressed the issue, he would have hurt you even more. A strong woman like you deserves someone better than that punk. You deserve someone better, baby."
Jubal realized what he had said. But before he could take it back, Isobel sat up straight, looked straight into his eyes, and asked, "Jubal, did you call me what I think you called me…baby?"
Like a schoolboy who was caught staring at the prettiest and popular girl he thought oops, way to go Jubal, you are so busted. You'll be lucky if Isobel doesn't do something to subdue you.
Seeing Isobel stare at him, he turned around and faced her and said, "Isobel, here's the truth. Since the time that we first worked something to stir within. I wanted to talk to you, but I had my problems and we had the case to solve. After the case I thought I would never see you again, then when you came in after Dana left I was doing a mental happy dance that you were back. Byt then I knew I was ready to ask you as my problems were settled. Then suddenly you began dating that jerk, and I will admit I was jealous. I wanted to say something, but after our discussion, I stayed away as you had asked."
Now she knew the whole story, Isobel was touched. She had no idea that Jubal felt this way about her. The truth was she liked him too. Since she was apt not to let anyone in on her personal life, and suddenly she was involved with Axel. She hadn't meant to make Jubal jealous, or did she?
Making a quick decision it was now or never. Isobel leaned in and, with their lips a mere inch from each other. Knowing what would happen next, he placed a hand on her cheek and caressed the gently and asked, "Are you sure Izzy? Cause once we cross the line, there’s no going back."
Isobel loved the way her Jubal name just rolled off his tongue. Now she needed to figure out how he found her Jubal name. Leaning even closer, she whispered, "Yes, I’m sure. Just shut up and kiss me already, Jubal."
Jubal replied, "As you, my wish, my lady."
Jubal tilted his head, and when their lips collided the stars aligned. Their first kiss was sweet and unhurried, promising of what was to come. As they continued kissing, alternating between slow and passionate as she placed her hands on his face, and eventually on his neck. Just as their hands began to roam around each other's clothed bodies when suddenly he broke the kiss, causing Isobel to groan, "You better not be having second thoughts I swear I will hurt so badly that…"
Jubal smiled, "No second thoughts."
Taking her hands in his, relishing how skin felt soft against his rough skin. I just realized I should be doing this the right way. I would love to take you on a date first and before proceeding to um extracurricular activities."
Isobel softened. She loved Jubal's sense of being the proper gentleman. Caressing his jaw and framing his face with her hands, she said, "We could, but with our cases and my meetings, it could take a long time before that happened. Plus, I have something that I want to make good use of."
She stood up and took off her coat to reveal a sequined dress with a v-neck dress and a slit that showed her legs. Isobel pulled him up and asked, "Do you like what you see so far?"
Jubal couldn't take anymore. Now he wanted her. He stood up and answered in a low growl, "You bet I do Izzy."
He led her to his room. Once they were in and the door was closed and locked, he turned around and walked to her.
Taking her hands, he pulled her into his arms. Isobel had always imagined what it would be like to be in his arms. Now she never wanted to leave. He went in for a kiss, which started at a steady pace. However, as the intensity of the kiss grew he let his hands roam her body. Isobel's hands moved up into and soon tangled in his hair with his arms wound tightly around her waist. As they continued making out, Isobel let her fingers move in under the shirt to roam his body. The sensations that her fingers left caused him to groaned at her touch, leaving hot sensations on his skin. Soon his hands found the zipper on her dress, and he lowered it.
When the air became a necessity, they broke the kiss and breathlessly backed up and removed their clothing. Jubal pulled off his shirt as she pulled dress down and expose her scantily clad body. They both got a look at each other, each getting turned on even more than before. There stood Isobel in a blue lace bra and panty set. A set that hugged her body so well it looked like it was a second skin. He never thought he would be able to see Isobel in lacy lingerie. All he remembered was wow, she’s so stunning.
Meanwhile, Isobel thought the same thing. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever have felt that she would see Jubal in something more casual than what he wore at work, hence his shirtless look.
Breathe Isobel. You’re not be going to do much if you can't get your heart rate lowered enough.
Jubal came closer to her, and he whispered, "Izzy, you’re so beautiful and so gorgeous. I want you so bad."
Isobel replied in a voice dripping with desire, "Take me and make me yours."
He took her back into his arms and kissed her. He briefly pushed her against the door. But instead of starting another kissing frenzy, he leaned in and began lavishing kisses on her neck. As he continued to let his lips roam everywhere, Isobel sighed in pleasure and tilted her head to give her lover more access. As the ministration continued, she once again threaded her fingers in his thick curls.
When he came up and met her gaze, she slyly grinned and knew what to do. Jubal smiled. He swept up Isobel and carried to the bed. He got on and laid down, he pulled her down to him, and soon their lips touched off another passionate and heated kiss in which their tongues dueled for dominance. Not long afterward, they helped each other out of the remainder of the clothing and made love deep into the night.
Early the next morning, as the sun rays, shining through the curtains and Isobel stirred from her slumber. Try as she may, she didn't want to wake up as that would mean the end of a kind dream she was having where she spent the night with the man she truly was meant to be. She tried to move but felt a strong arm around her and a warm body that spooned against her. She turned her head and saw a sleeping Jubal holding her close to him.
She thought to himself, what did she do deserve a man as special as Jubal. Their passionate lovemaking last night was filled with so much desire and hunger. While she had wanted to show him how much she wanted him, he had insisted on helping her heal and making her feel loved. They had alternated in slow and languid and wild and frenzied. The way his hands roamed her body touching and caressing her caused the nerve ending in her body to go into overdrive. Isobel shivered just thinking about it.
Not able to resist anymore she leaned in and kissed him on his nose, she kissed it a couple more times which got Jubal to stir. Jubal didn't want to wake for he was having the best dream where he was making love with a beautiful brunette, but when he couldn't hold on any longer, he awoke and saw Isobel smiling at him.
Jubal thought quickly, so last night wasn't a dream. It was for real, and dang Isobel looks sexy even with bed head.
Jubal leaned and kissed his lover on the lips, which led Isobel to deepen the kiss. When they parted to get the air, he smiled and said, "Good morning, beautiful."
Feeling her heart miss a few beats, Isobel placed her hand on his face and whispered back, "Good morning to you too handsome."
A few more smooches later, Isobel said, "Last night was incredible."
Jubal responded with a gentle kiss on the forehead. He switched from his right side and laid on his back and pulled Isobel and held her close—he was amazed at how their bodies fit together perfectly.
Wrapping his arms tighter around Isobel, he asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do this morning?"
Isobel snuggled closer to Jubal and answered, "All I know is I want to be with you."
A/N 2: Thanks for reading chapter 2 of One and Only Heart. As always reviews are appreciated.
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One and Only Heart Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I don't own FBI, the show belongs to Dick Wolf, and CBS do. Bruno Mars owns Marry You
-Two years later, January 2022-
Today was the day that he Jubal Valentine would be marrying Isobel Castille, the love of his life. He was indeed happy and blessed. Taking a deep breath, he made one last check before heading out with his groomsmen OA, Scola, and Jess for photos. When that task was completed, one of the groomsmen was to go and get Isobel and escort her down the aisle.
Once all the photos were taken, they headed to the altar set up within the Penthouse at Fifth Avenue and time to get the wedding underway.
As he waited with the groomsmen, he went into deep thought. It had been a long journey to this day but one that he wouldn't trade. For the first six months of their new relationship, they were able to hide from everyone. Still, when agents (and the Fugitive Task Force agents) figured it out, they were all happy. Their boss or rather, Isobel's direct boss found out and called them in. While Isobel or Jubal could have been transferred elsewhere, their agents backing them up saying they remained professional, and their closing rate wasn't even affected, even though they were together. The director let it slide as long as they kept their personal lives out of work. Sure they had their fights, but they never went to bed angry.
Their co-workers weren't the only ones who were happy, though. Jubal's children Tyler and Abigail, were happy for their father. While the divorce was hard for the children, they grew from the experience and matured beyond their years. They had seen their mother find love again and knew that their father also deserved the same happiness. Samantha also surprised them. Sure she knew there was a possibility Jubal would eventually starting dating again, she knew Jubal deserved to be happy.
Meanwhile, Isobel Castille was waiting in the bridal dressing room at Penthouse on 5th Avenue. It had been two years since she and Jubal declared their love for each other. A whirlwind romance followed, but she wouldn't trade it for the world. They moved in together nine months after the night they declared their love for each other, and despite the arguments, they were deeply in love.
Isobel smiled. Today is the day she and Jubal would join their lives together. As she waited for the person to come who would walk her to the ballroom, that would be the altar.
As she continued to wait, she thought back to the day that Jubal made her all dreams come true.
~A year earlier, January 2021~
It was one of those days where the case they receive was solved in a matter of hours, which was good news for them. Today a big event was going to happen and everyone on the team. Once OA, Scola, Maggie, Emily, and Kristin had been briefed by Jubal and Isobel, the team all left in a hurry. Jubal knew why, but Isobel didn't. She went to her office and get her stuff, and she was going to head home, hoping to get some food and shut-eye.
When she got out of her office, Jubal pulled her hand and said, "Isobel, I know that you are tired and need food, but I have something I need to show you."
Following a cab ride, they arrived at Grand Central station, Isobel asked, "Jubal what is going on?"
Jubal took her hand, said, "There is something I need you to take a look at."
Isobel looked at him oddly but decided to follow him. Jubal added, "I promise this will be worth it."
Once they reached the balcony, they saw people milling about, but when the song a few people started dancing soon, there was a flash mob. Isobel had seen this happen on tv when it was aired but never in person until now. There she recognized a few of her agents: OA, Maggie, Kristin, Stuart, Emily, the Fugitive Task Force Team, and even their three intelligence analysts Elise Taylor, Ian Lim, and Kelly Moran dancing. Now she was wondering. She looked over at Jubal.
Jubal smiled and said, "Wait to the end of the song."
Isobel did and when the song ended when she saw Maggie, OA, Kristen, Scola, and Emily, each holding a one-word sign. When she read what it spelled, she gasped. She looked down, and she saw Jubal on one knee. Taking a deep breath, Jubal began the speech he had been rehearsing. "Isobel, the first moment we worked together a few years ago, I knew you were someone special. When you came in took command effortlessly, it cemented in me that you are a strong woman that I love. I love your focus, no-nonsense attitude, and, best of all, tenacity. The time we have spent together has made me a better man and inspired all the time. Now that I have you in my life, I can't imagine my life without you."
Following a few moments, Jubal asked, "So Isobel Castille, will you become Mrs. Valentine?"
Isobel, who was so caught off guard that she was now crying tears of joy. No man had ever gone to great lengths to help heal her heartbreak like Jubal. Seeing the ring in nestled in the velvet cushions made it all more real.
Isobel breathed to steady her heart rate and with a little movement of moving her West Point Graduation ring from her left-hand ring finger to her right-hand ring finger. A sight that didn't go unnoticed by OA who whispered to whoever was listening, "It's a yes."
While she was unable to form any words, she nodded with a smile on her face. She placed her left hand in his. Jubal beamed. He took the ring out and slid it on to her side. He stood up and kissed her. The agents and their colleagues who Jubal place the ring on their boss' hand and went wild, knowing the answer was definite.
When he broke the kiss and with her in his arms, he shouted, "She said yes!"
When they heard the answer, the rest of the crowd cheered louder and clapped harder.
At that moment, a knock on the door pulled Isobel out of her thoughts. She called out, "Who is it?"
A familiar voice she knew wasn't Jubal, but his closest friend answered, "It is I, Isobel."
Isobel smiled. She got her wedding bouquet and went to the door. When she opened Jess saw her for the first sincie last night at the rehearsal dinner. He was in awe.
Catching his stare Isobel asked, "Are you okay? Is it my makeup?"
Jess recovered and answered, "No, I'm fine."
Jess added, "Wow, Isobel, you are gorgeous. Jubal will be bowled over for sure. I am happy for you two."
Giving her a kiss on the cheek Jess offered his arm, he asked, "Are you ready to go marry your groom?"
Isobel replied, "Yes, I am."
With that, she was soon on her way to being the next chapter of her life.
A/N 3: Thanks for reading chapter 3 of One and Only Heart. As always, reviews are appreciated.
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One and Only Heart Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don't own FBI, the show belongs to Dick Wolf and CBS do.
Author's Note: First I want to thank April Heather for the inspiration for this story and being the brave one to being the first to post an Isobel/Jubal fanfiction. I had watched the show for a little bit during its first season. However, when Alana de la Garza made her debut, I literally watched every episode this season all the way through. As I watched the show and thought if she was single or not This idea came from when I thought the ring I saw on Isobel's hand was an engagement ring and wedding ring combo, but it wasn't. After I read that Isobel graduated from West Point when I realized it was her West Point ring. Ok, enough ranting! Now on with the show.
A/N 2: Not beta'd so any errors that appear are my own.
Story Premise: Isobel hid the fact that she had been trying her hand at speed dating. It fails miserably and she turns to Jubal for comfort
-Early January 2020-
Isobel sniffled. It was a bitterly cold night, but that wasn't what was bothering her. Six months ago she started going to speed dating events. Most have turned out to be duds, either too old, too young, too narcissistic or just plain creepy.
Tonight's guy took the cake, Mr. Taken, aka Axel Whitaker. They had clicked one night three months ago and started dating shortly thereafter. It was going well or so she thought. She learned many things about Axel Whitaker. He was a thirty-something trust-fund baby working as social media influencer for fashion and, despite having money, made more money from sponsorships.
Continuing to walk, Isobel remembered how it grew from there. She liked the attention. He wasn't even scared off by the fact that she was an FBI Special Agent. From that time on, she casually dated Axel. But there was a problem. Half the time, he would be attentive, but the other half, he was distracted. Where she would be on alert, she had let slide with him.
When he was attentive, he was sweet and charming and showered with her with gifts. She tried to turn the gifts down, but he persisted. While all this was going on, she did to a background check on him, and he came out clean and no drugs when everyone on her team noticed a pep in her step but decided not to interfere with her personal life because it wasn't their placed to do so. Not Jubal. He asked and got his answer. He could have let it go but didn't and said, "Isobel, I want you to stay away from him. There is something about Axel I don't like. Just be careful."
Infuriated Isobel said in a stern tone, "Special Agent Valentine, I stay out of your personal you stay out of mine."
That was that. Jubal left, and they tried to maintain a tense working partnership. The others noticed but kept quiet as they knew Isobel isn't to be messed with. While she continued seeing Axel, she continued staying the way she had always been stoic, reliable, and no-nonsense and batting for them when politics came up.
As fast as he was loving and warm Axel became cold and distant. No text, emails, or calls. When they did meet up, he wouldn't make eye contact or caress her hand like he normally would; he was always distracted. She had her suspicions but kept quiet as she thought he had important meetings with sponsors.
That got her thinking she wanted to end the relationship since it was now not going anywhere. Little did she know was that she didn't have to.
Once their one of their cases ended, she debriefed the team when she got a call from Axel saying he wanted to meet up with her at a cozy Italian restaurant they had gone a few times. She hurriedly left. When she got home, she began to get ready. She showered, shaved before applying the best lotion that she used rarely. She got dressed in all her special occasions only and got her makeup on. When she was ready, she headed out.
She took a cab to the cozy Italian restaurant place within twenty minutes. Just in the door, she got her rude awakening. There in the waiting area Axel, her boyfriend of three months, was kissing another woman.
Isobel steamed. How could she have been blind to him acting distant and distracted? Seething with anger, she snuck up to them. She tapped on his shoulder, and when they broke and turned around, she slapped him hard. Apparently it was loud enough to attract the attention of the restaurant patrons there. Without giving the other woman or Axel to react, she shouted, "Axel, you bastard! How dare you do this to me?"
Instead of cowering, looking sorry or guilty, Axel stood up, got in her face, and said in a callous tone, "Isobel, did you think that I loved you? I never did. As you can see, Shelia is the one for me and always had been. I realized that she gives me more attention. Now get out of my sight, or I will…"
Isobel added, "Or what call the cops? Don't forget, I'm a Federal Agent. Don't worry, I'm getting out of here."
Now here she was all alone. Tonight would have been the beginning Isobel had been hoping for, but alas, it wasn't to be. Without realizing she was standing in front of a familiar apartment building. The person who knew about Axel. Jubal Valentine. Maybe he had been right about Axel and how she should have been more cautious. Usually, she would have to say call up first, but the guard says the machine was going to repair. She gave her name, and who she was here to see, the guard recognized her and let her in and headed up.
Despite their argument that they had, she hoped that seeing him would help.
A/N 3: Thanks for reading chapter 1 of One and Only Heart. As always reviews are appreciated.
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Their Children
Disclaimer: I don't own FBI, Dick Wolf and CBS do.
Author's Note: Hey everyone! Yes I changed my penname to reflect my current shows. Hello, fanfiction readers! I am now ForeverJaggedCSI85. I changed my penname to reflect my favorite shows Forever, CSI: Miami (and still reflect CSI And CSI: NY), and JAG.
A/N 2: So here is a follow up to the Isobel/Jubal story that I posted a few weeks ago, enjoy! Not beta'd so all errors that appear are my own!
August 2022
It finally happened. Following a long fifteen hour pregnancy, their twins made their loud debut. She knew the statistics that older women were more likely to conceive twins and lo and behold it happened.
She remembered the day they received the pregnancy news.
-Six months earlier, February 2022-
Isobel couldn't be happier. The honeymoon and their lives were perfect, and it was going well. When they returned from Bora Bora it was back to leading the team, which she loved more than ever. However, one morning, everything wasn't working right. First, she couldn't keep food down, and then she couldn't stand the smell of coffee and wanted tea instead. Jubal noticed, but he might have an idea what it might be but decided not to ask Isobel yet as he thought it could be stress.
Then they had the case where a child was taken from her parents in broad daylight. From there it got worse. This case was particular grueling and heartbreaking. There were no leads, and it seemed as if the perp disappeared into thin air. But they had Kristen and Ian, and they were working hard. As the day wore on, she was always nauseous and had often run to the restroom to throw up. That OA, Scola, and Maggie, Emily, and Kristen all noticed how she wouldn't even touch coffee anymore, that seemed extraordinarily fatigued or the fact that the foods she once loved she stayed far away from.
Just as they were making progress on the case when Isobel swayed and OA saw it first. OA asked, "Isobel, are you okay?"
Isobel shook head (which only made her dizzy again) but said, "I am fine, Agent Zidan."
Right when OA stepped when she fainted and fell backward. This time Jubal shouted out, "Isobel!"
Everyone reacted, and Scola managed to catch Isobel just before she hit her head. OA went to get water while Ian called for the paramedics. When she came to, she was in the hospital, and Jubal was right there with her ob-gyn, Dr. Daniella Cobb.
Dr. Cobb said, "Agent Castille, you're awake as you gave your husband and co-workers quite a scare."
Isobel asked, "What happened?"
Jubal took Isobel's hand and asked, "What do you remember?"
Isobel thought and said, "I remember telling Agent Zidan I was fine, and then I blacked out."
Doctor Cobb said, "As you were brought in, I heard about some symptoms you have been having from Agent Valentine. Once we were sure that you had no brain or internal injuries, I had my hunches began running tests."
Isobel asked, "And?"
Dr. Cobb added, "Congratulations, Agents Castile and Valentine, or should I say, mom and dad?"
Both Isobel and Jubal's eye bugged out. Pregnant? This is the best news ever. Doctor Cobb went opened the door the technician wheeled in the sonogram, and they proceeded with the exam. From there, they heard the heartbeats two times over. As the tech continued moving the wand around, Dr. Cobb said with a smile, "Well, it seems you are pregnant with twins."
In shock, Jubal and Isobel exclaimed together, "Twins?!"
Dr. Cobb nodded, "Yes, they are healthy and strong."
The tech labeled on-screen Baby A and Baby B. The doctor, added, "I think you should also know that you are eight weeks along, so your babies will be due late July or early August."
Isobel looked at Jubal, and they realized they conceived their twins the last time they made love before the wedding. Seeing the love between the two agents, the doctor said, "I will give you two a minute while I go and get the sonogram printed and get your discharge papers and rest instructions ready to go."
Once the doctor had left, Jubal looked lovingly into Isobel's eyes. They knew their lives were only going to get better.
It didn't take them long to overcome the shock of Isobel being pregnant with twins, and they began to plan for the arrival, all their co-workers were thrilled when they found out. The only thing was that she became very emotional and hormonal, which caused Jubal to become overprotective and hovered-a lot. But it was all worth it when their children were born.
Isobel was brought out of her deep thoughts with Jubal saying, "Jubal, we need to think of names for our children."
Isobel said, "You know I have always liked the names, Zoey and Zachary."
Jubal thought about it and ran it through his mind matching with Valentine, hmm Zoey and Zachary Valentine. Its got a nice ring to it and fitted well.
Jubal smiled, and Isobel knew the name choices were settled. It wasn't long after when their co-workers came by with presents and hugs.
Their children made their lives even more blessed than they could have ever thought.
A/N 2: Thanks for reading "One and Only Children". Reviews greatly appreciated!
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Helen McCrory 30 Day Challenge, Day 3
What TV series would you love to see Helen involved in? 
The new CBS show FBI. Just imagine the goodie or baddie she could play.
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