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wolverine every night to deadpool
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“I’ll cover you!”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
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Hey yall! I’m back and will be bombarding you with Logan imagines!!
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Are you inactive?
not anymore 💪🏼
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Hello! I really enjoyed your ares x reader oneshot, the one where he suggests having a child with the reader who is a goddess. Like I cannot find good ares x reader content anywhere and I was so happy to find that oneshot. I don't want to pressure you and all as I too understand the strain of keeping up with the asks but darn I'm so curious how Aphrodite would react, what silly tricks Ares would pull next, how the reader would finally give in. You wrote Ares' badass yet whipped character so well!
WOW! Thank you so much! I will definitely try to keep writing about him
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I want to do this to Zoro
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Hello! This was suggested to me and I thought I’d run it by y’all: personalized stories. So, whoever wants one would pay per page, choose a character from the list (it can’t be random bc if I don’t know them the portrayal won’t be accurate), choose a topic, send me their list of descriptions, choose the length of the story, PayPal me and then I can personally email them their story.
If this is something you’d be interested in, shoot me a message. Or just message me your thoughts about it in general. I feel like $4 or so per page is fine? I have no idea.
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euphoria as anime ✨
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If we request NSFW, is there anything you would allow/not allow?
Totally depends my dude! Send it on over and I’ll edit out whatever I’m not comfy with!:))
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Any rules for requests?
There is not! Ask whatever you’d like
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Do any of you guys like One Piece? Because I’ve been itching to write about Zoro, man is finer than fine
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Y’all are HOES for Bucky. Nothing does as well as his fics
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Long Haul (Logan X Reader) One Shot
“Please-” It escaped you in a desperate whisper. It was futile, but you continued to claw desperately at the hand around your throat. Panic had risen like bile and it flooded your senses, your feet kicking aimlessly beneath you.
I’m going to die.
It was a horrifying thought. This situation should have been avoided, you should have listened to his therapist and mind your damn business. You were fucking stubborn and where had it gotten you? Huh? Here. Was it surprising? No. Had you desperately hoped to avoid it given the progress he’d made?
But that was the horrifying reality of PTSD: certain things were triggering and you could backtrack so much further than you’d ever imagined. The brain was a tricky thing, and now you were going to pay the price.
Logan’s eyes were locked on your own, those thick brows of his dipped into a menacing sneer. There wasn’t a hint of recognition to be found, he looked feral. This was the man people feared. This was the man he feared. You finally understand why he hated himself so much. Whatever lurked inside of him still had some control over his life and in the dead of night it had awoken. You hadn’t been able to react quickly enough. Who the fuck could have? This version of your boyfriend was an animal.
You were lucky he hadn’t reacted in fear-those claws of his would nestled themselves in your eye sockets or abdomen by now if he had. He would have come to and be forced to watch you bleed out on the floor at his feet. Being choked to death may not have been any better though.
Your eyes felt like they were going to burst out of your skull, the ache in your temples intensifying. Logan’s grip hadn’t loosened and you weren’t going to be able to keep this up much longer. He was going to crush your windpipe if you didn’t die from lack of oxygen.
Whatever skin you’d managed to mark during your desperate attempt to free yourself had healed by now. Tears had streamed down your cheeks long before, dampening his weathered skin. Wretched gasps escaped you now, your grip loosening as you began to submit. You were losing. Darkness pushed at the edges of your vision, suddenly slipping to the centre as your arms dropped to your sides. Your skull, which had felt like it was going to burst at the seams a few moments before, suddenly faded into a low pulse. You were going to die.
You gasped when your feet suddenly struck the wooden floor of your bedroom, your throat now raw as you greedily gulped in air. A retching sound escaped you, hands flying to your face and neck as you struggled to make sense of what was happening around you. You had erupted into a fit of coughing, eyes bleary with tears.
What in the FUCK happened?
Your heart was in your throat, ribs expanding painful as you continued to cough. Amidst the confusion and blurred gaze, you could make out Logan’s form as he stumbled away from you.
“Y/N-“ You could barely hear him over the chaos that had unfolded in your mind. A primal need to create as much distance as possible from the man who had been seconds away from killing you moments before was threatening to consume you. You didn’t want to be angry with him, this is something you’d signed up for when you’d ignored his warnings to leave him be, but you were.
And I’m scared.
“Y/N,” Logan’s arms were suddenly encircling you, cradling you against him as he pulled you up from the floor. Your breath was escaping you in wheezes still. God, your throat hurt. He was hurriedly pushing your hair away from your eyes, those massive mitts of his cupping the back of your skull as he looked you over. “Are you okay? Talk to me-hey, babe.”
You blinked, eyes still blurry with tears, Logan’s face slowly coming into focus. He looked terrified. You’d never seen him like this. Logan wasn’t scared of anything, but his usual scowl was nowhere to be found.
Afraid that speaking may cause more pain, you nodded, reaching forward to set a hand on his chest. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he’d been through so much more than any person should ever have to endure, but this side of it was absolute hell sometimes.
“God-“ His grip on you tightened, leaning forward so that he could rest his forehead against your own. “I’m so sorry-this shouldn’t have happened.”
You slid your hand up along the back of his neck and into his hair, grip tightening ever so slightly. “Don’t go self deprecating and trying to end this relationship just because we had an issue,” You managed to chuckle, though your voice was hoarse. “I know what I signed up for.”
You’d never ever let him know how scared you were sometimes. Though you were certain he could tell. He could smell your sweat and hear your heart beating.
It was quiet for a long time after that. You remained in his arms, cradled against his chest as he slowly rocked you. Logan was caught up in his own mind, fighting the urge to take off and let you live a life of peace. He knew you’d be miserable without him, that’s what you told him anyway, but the idea of hurting you was constantly looming over his head. What if one day he didn’t come to his senses in time?
“Logan?” You murmured, eyes closed. You were exhausted.
“Yeah?” His voice was gruff, somber as he stared blankly at the floor.
“Stop overthinking please. You’re stuck with me for good.” You gently tapped his chest as you spoke, smiling weakly up at him. It was going to take a few days for the guilt to subside.
“Yeah…” He cast his gaze down to you, his eyes looking especially worn now. “I know.”
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The Avengers (ALL) Masterlist 2022
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanov
The Avengers
Pietro Maximoff
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Pietro Maximoff Masterlist 2022
Picture Imagines:
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Matt Murdock Masterlist 2022
“I am an independent, intelligent intellectual Mr. Murdock!” (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Matt Murdock
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Deadpool Masterlist 2022
One Shots:
Asshole (Deadpool x Reader)
Tony Stark & Deadpool
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