#CCW :\\ Headcanon
animcsus · 4 months
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OH BOY FOLKS I CAN FINALLY WRITE THIS HEADCANON. Spoilers for the TBB s3 Trailer. Personals DO NOT interact, please and thank you.
Hunting Squad;
The wolfpack often was the squad to be called in for insurgents against the republic, tracking down traitors or harmful individuals to the safety of the people of the republic. This didn’t mean that they didn’t see war fronts, they very much did. But when there was a target that needed tracked, the pack was the squad to do it. Lead by Commander Wolffe, the squad rarely let the republic down.
Wolffe had been part of hunting parties often, including against Ahsoka Tano when she was seen as a fugitive from the law. The wolves, while a surly and stubborn lot, follow their orders to a tee. They respect the held for their General, Plo Koon, was immense and often times the orders from him meant more to them than any other person.
Their attention to orders did not stop after Order 66 went out, as the wolves were split and Wolffe was sat at the head of hunting parties with his experience being overly helpful in gaining success for the Empire.
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The grey commander is best known for his ferocious tactics and ability in multi combat, from hand to hand to long range. His squad was originally hand trained by the commander, given a means of fighting that was nearly barbaric. He did not, however, train his squad after the Empire came to power, and was instead set up with a squad that had certain ability*.
At some point, Commander Wolffe joins Captains Rex and Gregor, though for now, until more information is given, we will be leaving this off here.
The wolfpack had other uses, including but not limited to being an escort group for missions that Plo Koon was sent on, information gathering, and more. As they had an ability in stealth, this all came in handy for multiple other types of stealth related missions.
*By certain ability I mean little to none
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pracses · 11 months
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Tag Drop: Commander Wolffe
From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight.
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sack-thing · 5 months
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It might not make any sense to you for now but I swear I'm trying.
Re: miasma streams and elements in FFCC (this is all headcanon).
I was imagining that when the meteorite crashed on the One Big Crystal long ago, some rifts were created underground and the miasma that the meteor-parasite started to produce from the newly formed crater went into them. (More rifts to add and deal with later; at this point w/e if it's not realistic I'm not a geologist)
The earth's crust kind of hosts all four elements and by engulfing in those rifts, the miasma eventually was infused with them, with different intensity depending on where it flows. In some places the miasma comes out from the ground because the rifts aren't always on the same level basically? The pictures in my mind are clearer but I'll draft and detail that later.
The four colored points of my map are four different main sources of elements (to differentiate from the secondary/small sources that never change in most dungeons). The miasma streams have a usual cycle -counterclock wise- that explain that the streams' elements change each year in game.
So usually those streams/elements don't merge together and just let the place to the next element. But if the rift and its flow split at some point and if the miasma stream gets stuck in an endless circle —like around Vellenge Mount and the Lynari island— the elements are forced to fuse and give birth to the unknown element.
The rift/miasma stream around the Lynari island is located underground, under the sea, so you don't have your usual physical barrier there. Buuut a little bit of that unknown element from underground somehow finds its way to the surface ON the island, at the Lynari desert. Which is the only place where we can find this element in-game, put it on the chalice, and then later cross the unknown miasma stream that blocks the path to Vellenge Mount.
The thing that still "bothers" me is like. this unknown miasma stream is very convenient for Raem, as it prevents people from coming to Vellenge Mount and destroy the meteor-parasite. I like to think that it's not a coincidence. But now the thing is to find how Raem can have control over that, since I'm using the "the meteorite crash created the rifts/miasma streams" premise hmm. Oh.
Adding some other rifts is going to change the logic somewhat, so I may have something to do with that.
Okay well that'll be a story for another time.
Edit: I realize that the element-changing cycle in game goes the other way around. Should be clockwise on my map. Whatever I'll edit things later anyway
Edit 2: Based on what we have in-game, CCW is actually correct but Earth and Fire sources should be swapped. But I really wanted the main Fire source to come from Kilanda (the volcanic island) and Earth to come from the mountains to the east. Meh.
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kattarofran · 3 years
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Sketchy comic based on that little quirky little thing Wilbur does on Reddit.
Headcanon that Wilbur’s Reddit posts’ are just c!Wilbur talking about Ghostbur to c!Tommy
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vendeavendea · 4 years
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Oh my gosh, I haven't made anything this detailed in a looong time! Probably never, actually. It took me almost two weeks to finish.
A couple of notes:
It’s supposed to be rotated 90° ccw, but I think it looks better on Tumblr as a portrait.
I headcanon that after the war they both learn how to read First Ones language, write stuff for each other, and when Adora visits them and finds the notes, she corrects all their spelling mistakes. That last part was necessary to add because I've corrected two mistakes while working on the sketch, and there may still be some left XD
Instead of the "loved" crystal, I gave Hordak a hoodie. He looks super cool in a hoodie. And cute, dammit. I haven't realised how cute he actually is until now.
I don't remember what happened to it after season 2, it was probably destroyed at some point, but I really wanted to include Hordak's hex driver because basically that was the reason these two met in the first place.
The tiny coffee mug next to Hordak's regular sized one was @whitelotusherald's idea when they reblogged my previous sketch of sleepy Entrapta.
The wooden floor is based on this tutorial video.
I want that Emily keychain sooooo badly, so please please please let me know if it's available to buy anywhere!
There was originally going to be a group selfie of the Best Friend Squad on the tablet screen, but I was super lazy, hence the like symbol.
My track for this pic is Flaws by Bastille. That song is so Entrapdak it kills me.
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askflyingpirates · 7 years
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1.) What does their bedroom look like? (Lolol i see wut u doing there, @ask-thegoldenlionpirate , asking bout her bedroom *wink wink*) ➡ Kai shares a bedroom with her crewmate Bonney (I posted a picture of her on here before I think) and another female crewmate (she doesn't have a name yet). It's mostly red and cream colors. The walls are a pinkish color, their bedspreads are cream colored with red pillows, and the carpet on the floor is red. The bed frames are mahogany and so are their dressers, although Bonney took some spare time while eating a snack to paint some cream colored designs on them. The girls are pretty well kept, so their room stays relatively neat. The third unnamed crewmate deals with plants on a pretty regular basis so sometimes the room smells like flowers. 🌼🌸🌻 Kai: It's pretty comfortable. 😊😪 Mun: AH! She fell asleep! 😨
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michajawkan · 6 years
kanatsubamarias replied to your post: Class Quest Granny of Dubious Origins is the best...
Headcanon: She was actually all of the original CCW owners. Those legendary masters were all actually just her.
That’s good and I love it immediately
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pracses · 2 years
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                                                     Tag Drop!                                             Commander Wolffe
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