adventurouspath · 1 month
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Wild Skatelabera-man caught in Mexico City.
Shot with Fuji X100V
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christophermtaylor · 1 year
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Danta Beach, Costa Rica
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panamabarcade · 1 year
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¿Te acuerdas de Ms. Pac-Man, Donkey Kong o Galaga? Todos estos y otros más los puedes volver a jugar en el único retro arcade bar de Panamá y Centroamérica.
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remy45 · 5 months
Pls guys when we are criticizing US, dont refer as it as America, why? America is a continent not a country, I live in America but I dont live in USA hsjsnhdndjdjdud
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ojem-group · 2 months
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pupuseriazag · 3 months
Salvadorean artist Atilio shared this video in his social media:
English translation and transcript under the cut
"My father is being tortured by Nayib Bukele's dictstorship in El Salvador.
Atilio Montalvo, my father, is a 72 year old economist, war veteran, signer of the Peace Accords and a historical fighter for the civil rights here in my country. These days he sleeps in a 2x2 mts (6x6 ft) cell along with other 15 persons on the ground, malnourished, enduring cold weather, on pain and with a wound that every day gets infected with bacteria and infections.
My sir father, an elderly man, diabetic and with renal insufficiency that just survived a heart attack, is being accused of "terrorism". They have linked him to some "supposed attacks" that were going to happen during the inconstitutional presidential inauguration of dictator Bukele.
What can I tell you? The delirious regime of Bukele seems to have no limits, not in their cruelty nor in their fabrication of lies. He has demanded obedience from the people, to not complain and for us to swallow his bitter medicine.
If Bukele is the head of this dictatorship, the police, the prosecution office, the judges, the social welfare... They are all the hands that they use to serve us that medicine, one that is so bitter it turns into poison.
The saddest thing about this is that my dad's case is one among thousands. The fascists have always had the custom of taking advantage of broken societies by poverty, the gangs, to transform them into a delirious bunch with no capacity for empathy.
Its possible that he may die any day in the authority's hands; share this video, spread my dad's story.
Let the international community learn whats REALLY happening in El Salvador."
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almightylolosylolas · 2 years
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A dieciochero in a wheelchair.
Inmates from Calle 18 throwin a gang sign inherited from Sureños 13
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daferq · 1 year
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Lago Nicaragua
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marykyou08 · 9 months
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Yes... I have seen many videos (Tiktok more than anything) of people happy because their Wally Darling stuffed animal arrived before Christmas and I am happy for them... but at the same time sad for me... since I didn't have any the opportunity to have one (I would have liked to have it as emotional support when I am in my crises could have been nice) and I only made this image to vent. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
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🚀 ¡Prepárate para un viaje épico a través de las Crónicas de Marte! 🚀 Acompaña a los antepasado de Marte Skilltaun, el paladín de la Roma Galáctica, a como se abren paso en la historia hasta la fundación del mismo imperio Romano en las estrellas. Descarga este apasionante libro en el siguiente enlace: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Frnacisco-Araya-Pizarro-ebook/dp/B0CJQGVPHB/ref=sr_1_4?__mk_es_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1G3R3BTLCUO7W&keywords=las+cronicas+de+marte&qid=1695660066&sprefix=las+cronicas+de+marte%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4
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adventurouspath · 3 months
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In between rails.
Shot with Fuji X100V.
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christophermtaylor · 1 year
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Cabo Velas, Costa Rica
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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Grace Rivera
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latina-21 · 1 year
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Los peques ;)
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shotofstress · 1 year
I hate when gringos or other ppl say "America" and being fine with it, totally ignoring the connotations and the fact that first of all America is a continent. Must be the same ppl that think Centroamerica is North America bc who cares about colonialism and cultural colonialism, right? After all the world know the "rest" of us are the backyard of USA and who cares about all the dictatorships and years and years of cultural imperialism and colonisation.
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ryookan · 1 year
Nos preguntan los poetas de aterradores bigotes,
los académicos polvorientos, afines de las arañas,
los nuevos escritores asalariados,
que suspiran porque la metafísica de los caracoles
les cubra la impudicia:
¿Qué hacéis vosotros de nuestra poesía azucarada y virgen?
¿Qué, del suspiro atroz y los cisnes purísimos?
¿Qué, de la rosa solitaria, del abstracto viento?
¿En qué grupo os clasificaremos?
¿En qué lugar os encasillaremos?
Ay, poetas que os olvidasteis del hombre,
que os olvidasteis
de lo que duelen los calcetines rotos,
que os olvidasteis
del final de los meses de los inquilinos,
que os olvidasteis
del proletario que se quedó en una esquina
con un bostezo eterno inacabado,
lleno de balas y sin sangre
lleno de hormigas y definitivamente sin pan,
Estamos con el pueblo
porque antes muchísimo antes que cotorros alimentados
somos pueblos.
¡Estamos con una rosa roja entre las manos
arrancada del pecho para ofrecerla al Pueblo!
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