orange1896 · 1 year
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29210201211 盖板0425-5030 4110000727085 碗形塞90003989294 12273935 29030037221 丝锥E2031406-M10 29220013841 锥齿轮垫片 6900019645 非公路自卸车 KKZW4120001087 活塞杆总成24A612720 4120002936006 LG956L轮胎式装载机 21197257 FXG6207-DCF 皮草防护液 29370018831 优先阀 VLH-240 F31Y1-14810F 钢管 4110004276011 销轴8216-MN-A00041 26220000751 卡子胶条 4110001592065 地脚螺栓M24*700 11214656 管夹 28350002461 直通接头1CO-26-16 26280004911 喷油泵部件ZH4102G41-13100 2120900660 行星轮轴 4120005318 LG956N宣传册 26120003991 STEEL TUBE F612600070031 轴套 28100011461 调整圈403212X4 26441012551 转换按钮 C10VN 28141007191 压板 6231000552 NIPPLE_STRAIGHT ORFS 29170067213 吸油胶管 1125789 29070016401 安全滤芯 29330037991 衬套 4019000012 转向缸油封-试制 11212407 缸筒24A030480 4120010634 排气软管 26141012701 钢管 26030003201 转向缸总成 11219171 旋转锉C1020M06 ZJ2707010114001 风扇联轴节M16BL015 29330022531 动臂总成 29290046021 附件标识包 29330068741 垫圈GB97.1-16EpZn-300HV 4110004063153 胶管F481CACA081004-600 4022000004 螺母GB6184-M14*1.5EpZn-10 29260003021 生产急需转序申请单 4110002633003 六角法兰面螺母90012290004 4043001469 六角螺栓983271 29141010381 火花塞610800190174 26013003621 空调总成 F1013015A52D 钢球0635460027 4120018285 碗形塞612600013581 4190000793 优先阀YL1-150 4110002462 孔用弹性当圈 11218245 SEAT_RH COVER MTG 4043003989 散热器进水管 4043003400 左动臂缸小腔钢管 4130003126003 密封垫片1J550-3367-0 4110001150007 换气过滤器 6410000178 前侧玻璃 28220003571 垫片C24AL-7N0200+B 4110001058115 轴承 6210-2RS 28180005601 仪表安装面板 12749494 塑料立体袋8丝*2000mm*1200mm*3000mm 6373400795 进气门座圈611600040006 29340052291 铰接架 4110001949040 后车架JR968 4110001654070 LG952H、952L装载机流水线装配自检记录质记45-9号 4110000556260 钮子开关 4013000208 回转轴8ZWII14Y3L-01 7200001537 正时齿轮室盖垫片490BPG-16002 4120002282 风扇660_ZRong 4110000509351 轴套H=16.25 55A2537 4110015676140 L969F线束总成 3110901072 标准斗2.7×3016(耐磨板) 3110500069 上架 29250009481 打桩机动作控制钢管1 2060900504 传动轴总成 3060700100 覆盖件附件 6261000105 AUXILIARY MATERIAL(12/55/26/40/26/136/2) F21N6-01220 侧卸油缸HSGK-125*70*500-860A 8284913 135M仿桃木020300400032 29211000451 盒式油封cassette3-170*200*15 4120000084039 PLATE 29170080071 活塞 4110003226206 转向泵总成 2060900317 三角筋板LGB314-100*100*12-D 9419-31010 14568823 座椅支架 4120000376 胶管F481CFCA101006-3000 29330034121 视频电源转接线AE-CB112 11218368 钮子开关 6410000082 轴套 GB5783-M10*50EpZn- 4110003834013 高温手套 9110000045 螺栓GB5785-M30*2*120flZnyc-10.9-480 26240010171 摇臂大 29370017481 筋板 29250022981 上固定板 28270011331 海绵 6217000067 空压机润滑油管13032211 6264000476 LG6250E标识包 11221930 托架4460215214 11216964 连杆 4110000999016 三通 14406352 套ZL30D-11-40 11225467 刀片 TPGH110304L-TN60 1590100006 机用铰刀Φ11H12 28250022231 二轴7DS180-1701105 6410003234 100破碎器外套 29240001012 下铰接上板 FP420-042051 钢管 26410005911 报警按钮开关LD62Z-050 6900007213 O型密封圈 4110002654029 矩形板LGB310-160*63*16-4R20-Q235B 14406930 29270018721 一档倒档被动片销 4110004330 500小时保养包 11216932 A513差速器左右壳 14406715 4110000016002Y 丝座 14406652 6410002281 内六角螺栓03.01.01.00396 29370024172 ROUND NUT 29070019221 发动机总成WP6G125E22(DHB06G0259)维修包 LG2190901264-1 密封垫片ZL15F.2.5.1-5 29050030411 LG956L铲斗模块 E3626115AK9 BUCKET CYLINDER 6105QA-1007053 4190003024008 油散进油钢管总成 4110003401025 右前盖板 26220002271 专用工具1899320 4120010998 销轴LGB301-95*200N*370-1000G 4110000172066 轮胎 23.5-25-24PR-L3 26430002071 雨刮器护板 29120036501 支架 28140009961 主传动总成DLQ-0008 1307036-52D/A 4120005536 散热器装配件 129C26-01890 29260015711 U型固定板 6224000302 变速操纵线束 26290020931 销轴 29370020631 高压内六角M10*25 9110000011 支杆 GB5782-M10*55EpZn- 29291021122 齿轮14546564 28230012391 摄像头 罗技(Logitech)C270 26310004381 罩 11219590 Hydraulic fluid mineral 46 29370018841 ALWAYSE万向滚珠3000-15 4041002019 回油胶管 4120000903104 HOSE CONNECTION 27160001281 密封件包24A001880S 29260036551 P-螺母GB6172.1-M20EpZn-05 6231000417 E660FL挖掘机1500h保养包 14400760 地板垫皮 29170010431 角钢50*50*4 4110002836 丝座M16*80 28020002271 黄油嘴TF120V12025 4110003377006 垫片 15601-9665-0 6900018021 下外筒总成4110001907-1 4041003018 盘 4120002545 杆 29170078771 螺栓 4120005999 开关固定板 26130010601 蓄能器固定板 11212326 钢管 14528728 26100005611 发动机回油管 490B 26330039501 葫芦行走电机0.8KW 29240017001 堵M10*1 021558 F3926855 灯架(后尾灯) 26311001471 至右动臂缸小腔钢管 29170023301 左扶梯 4120007146 P-滚动轴承GB301-51110 6410000044 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 3010900189 ______变速箱流水线装配自检记录-质记37-1号 321174-57790-A 28230016951 左支腿 4110003445095 660动臂后部样板 4120002131 螺纹接头 4120004768015 转斗缸大腔胶管 4110001921093 齿轮Z79 29290015841 驾驶室支架 4110000846169 活塞 24C106122 11223962 脚踏板 60080021AT200 板 LG2926004411 1 护板 4110000170 三叉前车架索具 29070000341Q 螺塞组件 6390203555 矩形海绵145*175*20 14577741 FB7617-110900B 叉子缸进油胶管 14612048 29370016401 弯板 14403765 4130015448 钢管 14403279 6299000239 斗杆缸前头 14403180 26120002261 六角法兰面螺栓1000295362 14401853 29240032221 后壳总成08000BH-D-AY 16042460 盖板 29170083941 弯管 4110003657033 连接座(150YW-009 上海凯泉) 26321000561 P-散热器总成LY-LG956-3 29260044973 左挡板 4120002295001 LG958轮式装载机 11170283 空气压缩机 FLG956-HDBL 散热器总成 29150018461 驾驶室线束 4110002409311 停用-钢管 29150014311 LGS812H用伊顿流体连接件 5013111GD3 弹簧座5440-3060 LG7300000900B ZL30E(A)装载机 14576233 孔板LGB343-165*30*8-2*10*145G-Q345B 4110001737 手板阀4H310-10 6264000734 压板13025100 14573953 11216774 软管LGB152-102050 1640H-1005040 29070025751 仪表台线束 4110003164051 空调延长管 含安装 4110000186140 制动盘 21909010621 弹性板总成YJSW315-20000 4110001061063 冷凝器芯812013 11038809 4110002512033 动臂缸胶管 11222171 P-管夹 2120800038 调整垫圈0630 004 038 4012000110 LFT30驾驶室总成 28030003511 液压油散热器S9113868C 6900020199 L953轮式装载机 28281009371 低压氮气室总成 GEO22LR3/4OMDA3C 28010010381 气扳机扳轴 FR385-9T-XSDP 活塞 29240016071 齿轮 E650FV3488A06A1 左上盖板 F31Q4-10010 P-销轴GB882-B8*22EpZn-35 4190000536423 平垫¢6 29170065693 密封件包 28230018961 Arm Power Supply - Edge 适配器电源线 14035 29141009321 上架 2020900065 灯管 960629 26021004031 L959F轮式装载机 GB9163-GE50ES-2RS 29090008211 1000/2000小时保养包 16010639 胶管JB8406-B22*1400 4110001028007 耙齿 4110000509195 MOUNTING BASE; CROSS MEMBER; 14626358 PIN_BRACKET TYPE(90,L216) 6420001817 前板簧总成第十一片 Read the full article
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nemainofthewater · 10 months
Q: How are you feeling? A: *coughing up blood* Never felt better in my life
Q: Are you dying of a deadly disease and/or are fatally wounded? A: Of course not
Q:Is there a world-shattering secret (about my life) that you aren't telling me? A: Of course not
Q: ...are you lying to me? A: ...
Hello everyone and welcome to the Lying Liar Who Lies Poll! This character would probably claim they were fine while literally on their death bed. Or they might have fun lying to people for fun and profit. Perhaps they just can't help it anymore - if they don't lie at least once a day they go into withdrawal.
Looking at the list of candidates, it might even be all three...
Vote to find out who's the most egregious liar in cdrama (affectionate)! Propaganda, call out posts, and write-in candidates welcome!
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Aroma Diffuser Changlin
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grim-donn06 · 5 months
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Hey ;) I don't post specific things, mainly reposts. I don't have alter accounts rn. So this blog is all of me. Everything I like and dislike. I'll make a pinned post Abt me ig *-*
+++++++++++ ABOUT ME++++++++++++++
Names: I go by my 'real' name irl. But I'm figuring that out more. So online you can call me either- Grim, Doll, or Donnie ^⁠_⁠^
+ 18 years old <3 taken. Trans male (pre-t starting soon, tips welcome :) :)
+ He/Him unlabeled queer. COME AS U ARE :⁠-⁠* Dragonkin ** Wolftherian ** Sentient Zombie
It might just be the dragon in me but I think I might be another alter human or otherkin with horns.
++ low-key becoming a gender-hoarder O⁠_⁠o thx babes •3• /lh
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+I use 'emotion labels' or whatever they r called. My partner likes them to be used sometimes. And it's become a hadit to use them if I think what I say might come across wrong without them.
+ mainly chill attitude non bothered
+ broad music taste (from punk, rock, screamo- to - kpop, girl pop, lil country, hip-hop)
+some bands and solo artists I like ⤵️
Changline, Damag3, three days grace, Ayesha Erotica, FOB, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, BTS, stray kids, twice, black pink.
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++ Stand with Palestine 🍉 Free Gaza!
++ That's all I can think of
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askranksandfamily · 1 year
Have you ever met all five of the Princesses?
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They make sure i dont ova' work or try to extend my shifts!
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She babysits Hidden sometimes, i can trust 'er with him cause she knows the medical plan, she actualy got my job at the castle for me!!
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Well, i ain't trust 'er or 'er lil fluff ball 'round hidden or princess. I also ain't like how she talks 'bout changlin's that havent reformed-.. im sure shes a good mare just, not somepony i wanna be 'round
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Fam are you a changlin child raised by druids because idt those experiences sounded very human tbh
Depends on who you ask really.
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Watched one of the best C-dramas out there and currently screaming into the void that it is over 😭
Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows on Changlin Manor ♥️🔥♥️🔥
Two brothers, one family,one name, a brilliant piece of a show! ♥️🔥
The satisfying feeling of watching a healthy brotherhood shape into an unforgettable bond is a one-in-a-million kind of experience! 🥹♥️
Fabulous Casting, brilliant acting, wonderfully well-done script brought to life, I can go on..
And I WILL, because one post would not suffice discussing this show!
10/10 for everything ❤️🔥
Got into this Universe by a dear friend, not planning on leaving it ever! Super-Happy! 😁
Xiao Pingzhang and Xiao Pingjing, respectfully I LOVE YOU BOTH WITH ALL MY HEART ❤️♾️
I am crying because it's over, I am also smiling because it happened 😂😭❤️
* on the way to immediately rewatch *
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asathorin · 10 months
Nine People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks for tagging me @thebansacredbanned! :))
Last Song: I don't remember but probably from the Arcane soundtrack, maybe What Could've Been? On second thought more contenders: possibly Taroko by August Greenwood or Charity's Letter (Two Maiden Ladies) by Nalah Aiden Palmer and August Greenwood. If all of these are wrong then it'll be a c drama ost song.
Favorite Color: Hmm it used to be blue but I don't have one anymore. Too many great colours to pick from
Currently Watching: About to finish a rewatch of Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Changlin. 5 eps into ATLA and 2 eps into Hikaru No Go (c drama adaptation). Also 10+ eps into the Untamed but I;m not sure whether I'm still watching it or not.
Last Movie/Show: Watched Little Women (2019) and Treasure Planet last week so I'm reading Little Women now! I love the Marches (and Laurie) so much :))
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Probably sweet? Definitely not spicy (apologies to my ancestors) and I like sweet stuff but also I can't handle too much sweetness (and I seem to have a low bar)?
Last Thing You Googled: Christmas novels - making a quiz for a society at uni and I've decided I'll do my section on books, which made me realise I have not read many Christmassy books at all
I'm not sure I know nine people on here... anyways tagging (no obligation to actually do it, etc): @24cardpickup @thatsarealfuckinglegacy @itsyaboi-ray @thelackofsleep @loopslicydanmat @lovesickfolly
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Nirvana in Fire: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin (2017) (Season 2)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Nirvana in Fire: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin (Season 2)”
【ENGSUB】长林王府传奇 EP01 | The legend of Changlin(琅琊榜之风起长林 Nirvana in Fire Ⅱ)Chinese drama中国经典古装传奇电视连续剧
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzEZMxN-F58
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levulinicacid · 1 year
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We, Zibo Changlin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., was founded in 2007, located at Qilu Chemical Industrial Park, Zibo, China. We are a professional manufacturer of fine chemicals and focus on intermediate of pharmaceuticals, addictive of perfume, intermediate of agrochemicals, intermediate of dyestuff and additive of Polymer.
Our main products are Levulinic Acid (CAS No. 123-76-2), Ethyl Levulinate (CAS No. 539-88-8),Tributyl Phosphate(TBP, CAS No. 126-73-8) and Triisobutyl Phosphate (TIBP, CAS No. 126-71-6).
Thanks & Regards
Ms. Haylie. (Sales Manager-Export)
Zibo Changlin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
Qilu Chemical Industrial Park,
Zibo 255400, China
Phone No-0086-533-7311166
Fax No.-0086-533-7315166
Mobile/whatsapp: 0086-18660250139
Website: www.clchem.cn
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orange1896 · 1 year
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29030011221 6.45m boom, HD 9100001587 法兰夹螺丝LG6150E 14575579 直线轴承LMU-N25 6303001892 钢板t36*1990-SM490A Q1840820TF2 6264000117 左桥板 5111000401 行星轮架 4130015772 动臂支板 F11N7-40131F 液压排放滤清器11214484 D04-114-30B+A 29360021131 后摇臂 6618000094 密封垫D04205595 C3918986 4014000228 PLATE 26330040341 棒 29100100191 左转斗联小腔钢管 4110000613 机油滤清器盖1000491064 26240020421 橡胶连接管D00-206-09+A 6214000095 链条扣20A 329451-03262 进气胶管 5900000081 转向泵驱动齿轮 26171014001 LATCH_ASSY SAFETY LEVER 29390001841 变矩器总成 FKCSQ2502010KG07E 空调系统 29010025231 HEXAGON SCREW_8.8 M10X16 14573734-4 停用-O形圈201765 1660600037 密封件包 28140011801 LG958L轮胎式装载机-E5816215A36 4041015326 驾驶室 11214032 操纵箱焊接总成 14519668 6213000250 油散进油胶管 F81N1-11060 支撑圈 型号:124*1.5mm 宽5.5mm 4110003666001 左边齿 4120003686002 ER636F破碎锤管路套件 4190001670 螺钉CBGj2S-11(M16x173) 4011015237 弯板 A12-4110000054 制动钳总成 4190004412003 转斗缸大腔钢管 4120007688 空滤固定板 4110001089288 变速箱总成4644 016 005 26170017141 蓄电池支架 14636193 骨架2 4190000519 软管LGB164-410079 6212000162 侧板 4120001673 燃油主滤芯 6420001715 支架 G9180 胶管F381CACF101004-1540 9992479 4110002244029 前底板 4110015767020 MT80C加长底盘+盘煤斗(54.5m3高强) RY242-1A ZJ4190000226 经济型锻打钎杆D195*L1900 4110001923110 盘 16061415 蒸发器外护罩 14405478 6900020658 右转斗缸大腔胶管 26240011781 全车垫 4110000997109 护板 FZL50C.11-2 法兰盘面接头14524*65 LGM086HWA72 动臂缸后销轴 14400874 6212000115 圆螺母M75*2 80 513 012 2130600010 TOOL_612600908020 3215001999 4030000020 转向灯HY-088Y-5LED 3214624588 4130015958 螺母GB13681-M12EpZn 29250001211 仪表台线束 3214575063 14510562 护板 3214575061 4110016143004 停用-停用-单向阀 3214574823 26360002341 动臂总成 29121006921 加长型套筒60522014 3214553484 29250000071 发动机罩总成 14881208 29100008081 世达美工刀93430 21906005711 后侧防护 90017010001 F31Q6-50131F 复合海绵 29260036131 密封圈99-965-012 29260046531 标志与标识 29420002553 橡胶衬套YD114114 4130000434 XG6207压盘 6900004717 支架 4120005030015 停用-玻璃水阀 4120001739060 草垫子(26cm笼屉用) 29260017001 油标尺套管组件AX100-1028090 29290067081 暖风机 4120000723015 右支架 4110000727262 滚轴套件 29290045111 转向合流胶管 14586062 样冲09161 6618000124 停用-回转齿圈 11221313 BASIC MACHINE 6231000571 轴接(马扎克8800-Ⅱ 部件代号:42451644394) 26121006501 前传动轴 29310008121 135M1手柄杆(933三联/两联)020300500127 4110003675014 变速泵至滤清器油管 14558808 FLG660-QSBL 后罩电气总成 4110001089138 电磁制动器 DLTZ3-15 DC99V 29030020341 二级太阳轮 E035FM3481AT9A8 主传动轴CDZP-220 14408995 垫片95X160XT2_C_PRIME ZL50F.2.1.2 29430006911 隔套 4120001985020 弹簧销2 26331045181 轴套 4120003352 喷油嘴偶件330-1112030 6216000325 后车架线束 11221758 支架 E060FQ3481AT9A2 螺栓WBM0670 4120008468006 从动摩擦片59803635 6399013705 止退销00400SP-X1 14522195 6303900097 右支撑架 15113223 14544854 G9190平地机 14401710 4120010344055 O形圈54.5×2.65 GB3452.1-82 26331040011 右下挡板 29290053191 台架 4120003494 空调罩总成 4130002874015 六角螺丝M10*220 26010007791 变频器:FR-E740-1.5K 14533605 29070021651 丝堵 F71Q6-02110F 密封件包24A001080S 28230005021 液压油散热器LY-LG956L-6-wxmx FP680-167322 传感器 LG29430006711B 驾驶室 26110009031 BRACKET_WA CHINA GPS MOUNT 16039916 发动机BF6M1013-21T2-A975 4110001126046 板 L058FL2225A29E0 下铰链 29370016011 AUXILIARY MATERIAL(15/100/45/20/22/80/4) 4110000108004 钢板t25-HARDOX400 26361001891 PLATE_WA LH COWL MTG 29030024621 减压阀20700171 B00002047 L075FW3216G29AH 壳体139850 4110000489 后车架 16050532 停用-机器回转危险标志 4120002606073 胶管F481CACE222212-590 4090000317 左侧门 L056FW3215A29A0 变速箱总成 FR225-9-BLHC 钢管 11220781 软轴 32937011 11224240 密封件包 26141014991 卡箍1000975878 M086DWA94 板1250 4130000579 加力泵LG22-JLB-A 4120008736005 转向缸胶管 4110002111112 E6460F 6.5m动臂模块 26170025711 50机滤 29400001671 软管20411-22-08TZ/20491-22-08TZ*FC686-08*4 GE15L7/8UNFOMDA3C D124000027 第6缸高压油管部件C26AB-26AB209+A GB6172.1-M20EpZn-0 11224024 加力泵LG22-JLB 14401576 空心螺栓612600190296 6293000019 三通接头 LG2990000070 底板 FKC6410000144 右前支架 5622115A2901 板 26170047861 左支撑架 6900014073 ANGLE IRON 29240031271 螺母M10X1 4120010445030 接头 29370019171 板 4120000378 转斗缸总成 4120008266217 LG920轮胎式装载机-2005214G29 26290007911 密封件包-经适件 6390901615 铲斗2.5*1998 9415-31022 4110003492168 螺丝刀世达09343 9411-91020 6261000298 O型圈 14551527 4130000963 后支腿 29260019221 过渡接头· 916A2.1.2.1 4110001100263 座 4130003002 万用表FK30C 21909010741 右前支腿 29370019941 螺栓M12X40 Q150B1240TF2 LGLG29260043861 软管LGB127-006180 F61N6-11091 小臂油缸总成 4120004032015 0 26100101651 软管LGB129-004085 29050013291 回油滤芯(液压油箱回油滤芯) 29330024881 钻头PF-801050680 4041001995 6392200720 29270016691 钢板t10×110×80 F71Q6-01271 销边防尘24R308030 GB4391-17*19EpCr 4120015873002 板 4110000081190 支架总成 8 4011000893 高压螺栓 18*230 8.8级 29290022261 软管20491-45-24TZ/20411-45-24TZ*OSD451-24* 26180021281 六角法兰面螺栓Q/SC622-M5*25-B00002108 6212000555 回转驱动总成JMF068R 6420002554 右轮边支承轴 4041002916 三通接头 6410004558 弯板 4120006265011 螺栓GB5785-M24*2*70EpZn-8.8 29260013901 传动油散热器S9112999C 29150023851 燃油箱总成 F11E9-4504 右侧门 29361001981 铁木结合箱-7 1150*300*170 4110000036174 送丝电机 4120005025001 回油胶管 F11N6-24530 垫圈 E020HK3481AT5A0 内摩擦片 4642 308 331 S=2.5 2929002345-1 东日棘轮头QH22D 329451-02229 14404649 停用—上油管接头1W9168 4120005569 右前配重 6900019791 阀1007000790 WZ25.6.1.25 4110003751003 六角头螺栓01111305 14406443 销轴LGB301-70*125*270-1000Y 20797911 6303003788 挡板 21713890 6390203476 销 21403962 4190000430 后车架 28270011631 SDLG-270 3070901450 螺栓WBM1230 21197201 4120008409029 门玻璃 22230205 29250007841 中冷进气管 22230206 FZ0001018 非公路自卸车 6900007521 高压熔芯0.75A 5000V FZ0000223 仪表盘Y938CE FZ0001184 BLOCK 14404896 五通梭阀 Read the full article
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nemainofthewater · 3 months
These contestants have cleared the (very, very, very low bar) to be the rare breed of cdrama father who is both a (relatively) good father* and ALSO still be alive! And they deserve recognition for this
*some of them clear the bar better than others...
Propaganda, examples, and write-ins absolutely welcome!
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jowi8597 · 8 months
15/01/2024 Yuehua Weibo update
20240115 Statement on the progress of Mr. Wang Yibo’s reputational rights protection case
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Recently, our company found that there are still a large number of network subjects on various platforms that continue to publish suspected insulting and defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo, an artist under our company, which has aroused the attention, reprint and comments of many Internet users. The release and dissemination of relevant content have seriously affected Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation and social image. Suspected of seriously infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo's right to honour. In this regard, our company resolutely safeguards Mr. Wang Yibo's legitimate rights and interests and actively protects his rights through legal channels. Now our company has made the following explanation on the progress of some of the reputation protection cases that Mr. Wang Yibo has started so far:
1. Mr. Wang Yibo and Yu** [Weibo user "Half hawthorn yysl", UID:7583092450]
The case of online tort liability dispute (honour right): Between July 2021 and September 2022, Weibo users "Half Hawthorn yys" continued to publish a number of insulting and slanderous blog posts against Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform, which seriously damaged Mr. Wang Yibo's personal reputation. After our company and Mr. Wang Yibo entrusted a lawyer to initiate a lawsuit against the real-name subject of the Weibo user, the court made a first-instance judgement on November 15, 2023, ordering Yu to publicly apologise to the plaintiff Wang Yibo for 15 consecutive days on Weibo (UID:7583092450). And paid the plaintiff Wang Yibo a total of 28,000 yuan in spiritual consolation and lawyer's fees. [Case No.: (2023) Beijing 0491 Minchu No. 14528] At present, the defendant has fulfilled the obligation of apology and compensation in accordance with the content of the judgement. At the beginning of the protection of rights in this case, Mr. Wang Yibo said that he would donate the full amount of compensation for the case to public welfare, and our company would donate the compensation in full according to Mr. Wang Yibo's wishes.
2. Mr. Wang Yibo and Weibo users are "heartbroken but fascinated" [UID:5850457719] The case of network infringement liability dispute (reputation right): Weibo users "heartbroken but fascinated" have long published suspected insulting and defamatory remarks about Mr. Wang Yibo on the network platform. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to file a lawsuit with the court in accordance with the law, requiring the relevant network platform to disclose the real-name identity information of the network subject involved in the case. After the platform is disclosed, the real name will be targeted as soon as possible. The certification subject filed a lawsuit, requiring the relevant subject to publicly apologise to Mr. Wang Yibo in accordance with the law, and compensate the corresponding mental damage compensation and reasonable rights protection costs.
3. Mr. Wang Yibo and Changlin [Weibo user "Hanhan qvq", UID:7799836585] Network infringement liability dispute (honour right) case: In March 2023, Weibo user "What Han ava" posted suspected slanderous remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform, which was suspected of seriously damaging Mr. Wang Yibo's personal reputation. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to initiate the litigation and accountability procedure against the real-name subject of the Weibo user. At present, the case has been heard on page 1 of 2 pages.
After this, the court will make a judgement in accordance with the law.
4. The case of Mr. Wang Yibo and the WeChat user "Zhu Rui Gabriel Jiumen Dance Film" reputation dispute: In September 2022, a screenshot of WeChat Moments was circulated on the online platform. The content was the suspected infringing content publicly released by the WeChat user "Zhu Rui Gabriel Jiumen Dance Pictures" against Mr. Wang Yibo, which was widely disseminated. Our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have commissioned a lawyer to file a lawsuit, and the case is currently under trial.
5. Mr. Wang Yibo and Wu** [WeChat user "Xinxin", WeChat account: W1526896***] Honour dispute case:
In July 2023, WeChat user "Xinxin" publicly made suspected defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo in the WeChat group. After the platform disclosed the user's identity information, our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to file a lawsuit against Wu, the subject of the real-name account involved in the case, to the court on November 27, 2023. Wu is required to publicly apologise to Mr. Wang Yibo in accordance with the law, and compensate the corresponding mental damage compensation and reasonable rights protection costs.
The case is currently being arranged by the court.
6. Mr. Wang Yibo and Wang Lin [Weibo user "User 2233567890"
The case of reputation dispute:
Wang * continues to publish a large number of blog posts suspected of insulting and slandering Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo account "User 2233567890". Now the lawsuit between Mr. Wang Yibo and the real-name subject of the Weibo account is in the process of trial.
In addition to the above cases, there are still other cases of Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation and portrait rights protection in progress. Our company once again severely warns all network subjects to immediately stop publishing and disseminating remarks suspected of infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo's right to reputation, so as to avoid further expanding the consequences of damage and causing their own legal liability. Our company will also pay close attention to the network dynamics, continue to entrust the lawyer's office to obtain evidence and prepare for infringement content, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Wang Yibo.
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Cr. to translation: https://twitter.com/2amWangYibo/status/1746840732386877722?t=KCIX_omZqU2rdWKw_nNvsQ&s=19
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hypeptide · 9 months
Major Advancements in Asymmetric Radical Acylation Unveiled by Anhui Provincial Peptide Drug Lab and Nanjing University in Nature
The Anhui Provincial Peptide Drug Engineering Laboratory (University of Science and Technology of China), in collaboration with a team from Nanjing University, has reported the latest advances in the field of asymmetric radical acylation achieved through photoenzyme catalysis in the journal "Nature."
In recent times, the team led by Professor Tian Changlin from the Anhui Provincial Peptide Drug Engineering Laboratory (Biomedical Department, University of Science and Technology of China, and the High Magnetic Field Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences) collaborated with Professor Huang Xiaoqiang's team and Professor Liang Yong's team from Nanjing University to make significant strides in the field of photoenzyme catalysis.
In response to the developed dual catalytic system involving thiamine diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzymes and photocatalysis using phosphorus-amino acid (ThDP) as the catalyst, various reaction intermediates, such as free radicals in many reaction processes, changes in the oxidation state of metal catalysts involved in the catalytic reaction, and electron transfer processes during oxidation-reduction, were identified and analyzed using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods. Professor Tian Changlin's team at the School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, has long been engaged in research at the High Magnetic Field Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on the identification of free radicals and analysis of electron transfer in research related to high-field EPR equipment setup, low-temperature EPR method development, and the mechanisms of chemical catalysis and enzyme catalysis, achieving a series of research results (Nat Catalysis 2023; Angew Chem Int Ed 2023, PNAS, 2023, 2022; ACS Catalysis 2023, 2021; Chem Commun, 2022, 2021; Science 2018, etc.). Recently, Professor Tian Changlin's team collaborated with Professor Huang Xiaoqiang's team and Professor Liang Yong's team at Nanjing University to make significant progress in the field of photoenzyme catalysis. Using EPR methods, they identified the free radical intermediates in the newly developed catalytic system and the electron transfer mechanism in the catalytic reaction. The research results, titled "A light-driven enzymatic enantioselective radical acylation," were published in Nature (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06822-x).
Biomanufacturing is one of the most promising green technologies for transforming industrial sustainability and is a core aspect of enzyme catalysis in synthetic biology. The combination of enzyme catalysis and photocatalysis, known as photoenzyme catalysis, integrates the diverse reactivity of photochemistry with the high selectivity of enzymes, making it the forefront strategy for developing new enzyme functions. The collaborative research team, using a combination of biomimetic and chemical simulation approaches (Figure 1), harnessed visible light excitation and directed evolution to extend enzyme catalytic functions to radical-radical cross-coupling. Additionally, by using directed evolution to modify ThDP-dependent enzymes, they reshaped ThDP-dependent benzaldehyde lyase into a radical acyl transferase (RAT), achieving a non-natural high enantioselective radical-radical coupling reaction.
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The collaborative team explored the catalytic system of organic dye Rose Bengal and ThDP-dependent enzyme using 4-methoxybenzaldehyde 1a and free radical precursor oxidation-reduction active ester 2a as template substrates. Subsequently, a small and refined mutant library was constructed through molecular dynamics simulations and semi-rational design. The optimal mutant enzyme with high substrate tolerance and substrate selectivity (enantioselectivity up to 97% ee) was obtained, highlighting the finely tuned role of the enzyme's adjustable active pocket in the stereochemical control of free radical stereochemistry (Figure 2).
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For the photoenzyme dual catalytic system, Professor Tian Changlin's team applied low-temperature (80K) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments, capturing the ThDP-derived ketyl free radical (Int. B). Through EPR spin trapping experiments, they detected characteristic six-line splitting spectra in the standard reaction system, confirming it as an intermediate benzylic radical (Int. C) and the free radical product after addition with the capture agent. This provided direct evidence for unraveling the key to the new enzyme reactivity and the source of high stereochemical selectivity.
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The collaborative development of a dual catalytic system combining ThDP-dependent enzyme catalysis and organic photosensitizer Eosin Y catalysis, led by Nanjing University and involving the team from the University of Science and Technology of China, not only transformed natural benzaldehyde lyase into a light-driven radical acyl transferase but also achieved excellent stereochemical control of a challenging prochiral free radical. Nanjing University is the first and last corresponding author unit, and the University of Science and Technology of China and the Anhui Provincial Peptide Drug Engineering Laboratory are co-corresponding author units. The aforementioned research work received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Outstanding Youth Fund, major instrument development projects, and the Ministry of Science and Technology's key research and development program.
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noleavestoblow · 1 year
Here, beside a clear deep lake, You live accompanied by clouds; Or soft through the pine the moon arrives To be your own pure-hearted friend. You rest under thatch in the shadow of your flowers, Your dewy herbs flourish in their bed of moss. Let me leave the world. Let me alight, like you, On your western mountain with phoenixes and cranes.
-Chang Jian
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gjupdates · 2 years
Dingdong (Cayman) Limited (DDL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript
[ad_1] Dingdong (Cayman) Limited (NYSE:DDL) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 13, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Changlin Liang – Founder and CEO Le Yu – Chief Scientific Officer Conference Call Participants Joyce Ju – Bank of America Securities Ashley Xu – Credit Suisse Thomas Chong – Jefferies Robin Leung – Daiwa Operator Good morning and good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank…
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