deadn30n Β· 10 months
β—Ÿ CHARACTER STUDY ◝ β†’ π—‘π—Όπ˜‚π—Ώ 𝗖𝗢𝗲𝗹𝗼
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↳ π‡π„π€π•π„ππ‹π˜ ππ€πŒπ„: Nour Cielo ↳ π‚π‡πŽπ’π„π ππ€πŒπ„: The Gravedigger ( he prefers to keep an ambiguous presence, especially around humans ) ↳ π“πˆπ“π‹π„π’: Clockwork Desolation, Ambrosial Graveyard, Angelic Devourer, The Executioner, The Gravedigger, God's Mistake ↳ 𝐀𝐆𝐄: Infintismal. ↳ π–π„πˆπ†π‡π“: ??? ↳ π‡π„πˆπ†π‡π“: 8'6 ↳ ππˆπ‘π“π‡πƒπ€π˜: Unknown. ↳ π‘π„π‹π€π“πˆπŽππ’π‡πˆπ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: Unmarried, uninterested. ↳ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑: Agender, male presenting. ↳ πŽπ‘πˆπ„ππ“π€π“πˆπŽπ: Disinterested. ↳ π’ππ„π‚πˆπ„π’: half-machine, half-angel. composed of cosmic dust, circuitry, and dark matter. think biblically accurate angel. the more advanced form of Solstice. ↳ π‡π€πˆπ‘ π‚πŽπ‹πŽπ”π‘: Sheer white ↳ π„π˜π„ π‚πŽπ‹πŽπ”π‘: Vibrant Gold
*please note that the dragon horns are not present in the actual novel, but are instead replaced by normal human ears. outwardly he looks like any ordinary human ( minus his freakishly tall stature ), the horns are only present because i made a very rough outline of what he might look like w/ ffxiv character creator. I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ANY FFXIV ASSETS. THEY BELONG TO SQUARE ENIX.
Further information below the cut ↴
As aforementioned in Eden Cielo's biography ( his younger sibling ) I would like to avoid spoiling a majority of the content of my book, which leaves me to make a rough outline of who Nour is and how he operates as an individual. Please be aware; Nour is considerably crueler than Solstice. He isn't the type of character you want interaction with unless you understand that that's his personality ( and in no way a reflection of how i as a person feel about you ). Now, onto the information! Presented in bulleted form to make it easier to digest.
Like his younger sibling, Nour is the byproduct of God's experimentation of mixing cosmic machinery with angelic composition. Nour is God's first forray into this exploration, and his first regret. While Nour was created with perfection, God took note that something evil had infiltrated his coding when he wasn't paying attention. It was subtle, almost completely unnoticeable, but very much there. As if the devil himself were seeking revenge through corruption of that which God meant to love. As a result, and knowing that Nour would one day be stronger than God himself, this lead God to then create Eden as a way of taming the former. It was successful... for a time. However, Eden's eventual descent into human lands lead to a breaking point within Nour, causing him to decimate God's Golden Court and slaughter thousands of angels before descending into earth to chase down Eden.
Unlike Eden, Nour is known to be both violent and unkind. Due to the corruption hardwired into his coding, his personality has a habit of reflecting the same hatred the devil had toward God. The only remedy to such inflections is to be in the presence of Eden, who's gentle demeanor and soft exterior seems to suppress that coding. Though... sometimes being in Eden's presence isn't always enough to repress the rage that boils up, especially when he remembers how his younger sibling abandoned him ( as he perceives it; it's not the truth ) to go live among humans.
His original purpose in heaven was to guide the souls of recently deceased angels back into the cycle of rebirth. However, this plan quickly backfired and clued god in on his fragmented data when God began to notice those spirits flat out disappearing completely. As it turned out, Nour was luring them into a false sense of security before viciously devouring them as a way to earn God's attention. He was desperate to be noticed by any means necessary, because no sooner had he been born that God abandoned him ( another false self-interpretation of his circumstances ) and left him feeling quite bitter about it.
He later was appointed both executioner and gravedigger for the Golden Court in the Garden of Eden to compliment his younger sibling's purpose. Eden was meant to be the judge and jury when it came to trying angels for their crimes, and depending on their punishment... Nour would be their executioner and funeral director; the one to dig their graves and bury them with their transgressions. This state of existence created a perfect harmony between Nour and Eden, and heaven would only fall into disarray after God allowed Eden to descend to the human city of Hellix and Nour became enraged by this.
His time spent on earth is often occupied by hunting for his sibling; harassing humans and even murdering them from time to time. He isn't all that partial to human flesh, but will gladly devour them if he reaches a certain peak of hunger. Angelic bones and skin have always held a special delicacy to him, but as he's no longer in heaven, he's learned to make due.
His profession in the human world is akin to that of a mafia boss, leading the largest underground black market even seen in the slums of Hellix. He deals in almost anything ranging from weapons, drugs, assassinations and even human organs -- they all fall under his jurisdiction. You want something you can't normally get above ground? Nour is the one to get it to you... for a hefty price. You can freely deal with him... but be warned... he isn't above betraying you for a greater goal, should the opportunity ever arise.
Though Nour outwardly claims he despises his younger brother Eden, the truth is that he still very much loves them as deeply as he did in heaven when God first gifted them to him. He saw them as an vital piece to his own existence; protecting them with his whole body and soul. They were the other half to his soul, and he named them family, brother, in the hopes that their bonds never be broken. So it's no surprise that he felt betrayed that Solstice chose humans over an immortal life, and he took is as a personal slight against himself. After all; he'd raised Eden from the moment their processors first whirled to life. He fueled them with the basic information required to act and be like the angels in heaven. As he himself was already far more advanced in machinery, it was his sworn duty to teach them in a way that harmonized with himself. He really does care for Eden, he's just complete garbage at showing it. Ah, brothers, am I right?
As Nour has existed far longer than Eden, and was properly equipped with an adequate amount of information, it's much easier for him to act and appear as a natural human than it is for Eden. So it's considerably harder to discern the fact that he's actually a mixture of cosmic metal and angelic flesh, given his personality has developed far past a convincing point. Expressions, words, physical movement -- they're all very fluid and natural for him, but he still carries that uncanny air of something monstrous and frightening behind his stoic facade.
&& that's it for now! Nour's a little more on the complicated side which is why I provided a bit more information than Solstice, but his characterization is one I'm personally enjoying exploring. I hope you'll enjoy him too! Awful evil bastard as he is... he can be quite amiable if you know how to work him just right. I'm not certain if romance is really possible with him, even though in the book he does end up falling for the angel who was formerly married to Solstice's current partner. But who's to say?
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deadn30n Β· 10 months
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➒ art by Hip Ehrlich @ Goblin. please do not take or use, thank you.
↳ π‡π„π€π•π„ππ‹π˜ ππ€πŒπ„: Eden Cielo ↳ π‚π‡πŽπ’π„π ππ€πŒπ„: Solstice Maltyr ( 'Maltyr' given after their marriage to Argun Maltyr, reincarnation of Genesis ) ↳ π“πˆπ“π‹π„π’: REVELATIONS: The World Ender, The World Eater, Clockwork Justice, God's Hand, Clockwork Judgement ↳ 𝐀𝐆𝐄: Infintismal. ↳ π–π„πˆπ†π‡π“: ??? ↳ π‡π„πˆπ†π‡π“: 7'8 ↳ ππˆπ‘π“π‡πƒπ€π˜: Oct. 31st ↳ π‘π„π‹π€π“πˆπŽππ’π‡πˆπ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: Married ( not applicable here on tumblr, however, as their husband's writer does not roleplay on tumblr. canonically though, they are married ). ↳ π’ππ„π‚πˆπ„π’: half-machine, half-angel. composed of cosmic dust, circuitry, and dark matter. think biblically accurate angel. ↳ π‡π€πˆπ‘ π‚πŽπ‹πŽπ”π‘: Dark purple + light purple highlights ↳ π„π˜π„ π‚πŽπ‹πŽπ”π‘: Electric purple
*please note that the rabbit ears are not present in the actual novel, but are instead replaced by normal human ears. outwardly they look like any ordinary human ( minus their freakishly tall stature ), the ears are only present because i made a very rough outline of what they might look like w/ ffxiv character creator. I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ANY FFXIV ASSETS. THEY BELONG TO SQUARE ENIX.
Further information below the cut ↴
To avoid revealing any spoiling content for the story of DEAD N30N itself, I will only be disclosing a very basic outline of their background and who they are + how they operate. Little bits of lore may further be revealed through roleplay, but for the most part this blog will remain spoiler free of the storyline. Now, onto the information! Providing it in a bulleted list so it's easier to digest.
Eden is the byproduct of God's second attempt at manufacturing the body of an angel with the hardwiring of a computer. It was his way of experimenting with technology long before humans would ever get their hands on such a thing. Nour Cielo, is the first successful attempt. However, he is both unstable and unpredictable, so God used Eden as a way to refine that work.
Originally after Eden's conception they were to become a judge in God's Golden Court, a place where angels who sinned while in heaven were put to trial. Depending on the nature of their crimes and the evidence present would determine what fate Solstice would assign them. This is what earned them the title Clockwork Justice. Solstice was also given this role as God himself was unable to pass that judgement ( his role as an all seeing, all loving god ) making that task difficult to perform.
Eden was installed with a highly advanced cosmic-driven Artificial Intelligence program, allowing them to adapt and learn from their surroundings. In this program contained a special code that linked Eden's mind to God's, allowing him to observe and study whatever experiences Eden encountered. This was later utilized in their descent unto the city of Hellix when they begged to be allowed to walk among humans and learn how to be like them. This gave God the opportunity to spy on humans and determine whether humanity should continue, or encounter the END OF DAYS: REVELATIONS. These are the reasons Eden has the titles God's Hand and REVELATIONS.
At this point in time Eden is simply on a hunt to gather as much intel as possible about humanity so they can develop and evolve to be more like them. They love humanity wholly and truly, and long to be their equal. They don't see themselves as above humans, but as an entity that walks beside them. Their personality and behaviour evolves according to who they're interacting with.
Internally Eden is filled with dozens of gears and clocks, very much resembling something along the lines of steampunk. If you get close enough to them, they can actually hear a clock ticking ever so faintly, but only if your press your ear against their chest. Otherwise, the sound is indistinguishable from the rest of the regular sounds of life.
Because Eden is part angel, they carry the ability to mold and change their outward appearance at will. They carry no discernable gender, and do not believe in gender norms / roles / etc. As these things do not exist in heaven, neither does Eden follow them. As they so delicately put it; gender is a social construct created by humans to oppress one another. Eden has given themselves the pronouns; they them & it/it's.
The body you see Eden wearing is not their true form. On the contrary, their actual form is so horrifyingly grotesque that it was necessary to construct a human-like vessel in order to allow them to walk amongst humans. Heaven and even God himself, are more closely akin to biblically accurate angels, and are more of a horror story than a good dream.
Eden later chooses the name Solstice as a way to better blend with humanity. While Eden is very much a normal name for humans, for Eden it carries a heavenly burden with it and reminds them of all the angels they've put to death in the past. By having a 'human name', it helps them feel more... well. Human. Like they long to be. They chose 'Solstice' because they fell in love with the Summer Solstice one year.
That's it for now. I think this gives a basic and rough outline of who Eden is and how they function. Like I said, further development through rp will happen and obviously as I continue to write the book :] Cheers, and thanks for reading
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