1coin-and-2lights · 4 years
A long time coming
Clad in a festive yet subtle jumpsuit, the pacifist finished his meal. With a delighted grin, he softly pat his stomach.
“Waaa~ This place was amazing! The food. The ambience. The vibe—Everything! As expected from my *refined spouse*~ ohohohoh”
He giggled, brushing a stray strand from his face. The other sitting opposite smiled, a little bashful but flattered more than anything.
“Spouse you say? Interesting. The knot hasn’t even been tied yet.”
He jested almost with a playful grin which threatened to shift as his hand was clasped. His lover, wearing the most pleasant smile, his vocals laced with warmth.
“We tied the knot a long time ago, Chara...I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just recently that we’d agreed within ourselves that we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives...”
Almost defeated, the first human sighed taking in those words. His heart had never been so full, especially with the one person he’d never imagined to be his world sitting before him. Smoothly, he responded, clutching an item that’d put everything in motion safely within his pocket. Crimson orbs flicked upwards to regard him. Fuchsia orbs stared back.
“When you say it like that, it almost feels like foreshadowing...” There was a pause. “You look beautiful... Juliet.”
A gasp of delight and the second human was practically squealing. Blushing a fresh, rosy pink. The other continued.
“I think today is the only day I can take your annoying squealing sounds...”
“Hm? But why? Is today important?”
The redhead deadpanned. “It’s Christmas Eve, isn’t it? Come on. You’ve been blabbing about it since December started.”
“Ohhh...” A short pout and the pacifist retorted. “It’s not bad to be excited about Christmas, Luque.”
“Hoh? So you use my achilles heel to complain? Honestly, I should probably stop underestimating you-“
Low and behold, this only brought Juliet to whine more.
“Stop implying that I’m the mastermind here! It’s not even that much of a weakneeess! Not like Ro at least.”
“A romantic dinner and here you are bringing up another man’s name.. Hhh... what am I to do with you...?”
“Stop playing so innocent!-“
“So I’m guilty?”
Just like that, the pacifist appeared to simmer down, shrinking into a timidity that the other always brought forth from him. However, he didn’t back down for long. Scrunching his fists in his lap, he worked up the courage to retort once more... but still with a wavering cadence.
“Y..yes... y-you’re guilty.... very guilty..”
There, a wide smile drew itself onto the antagonist’s face, showing off his own naturally rosy apples. Pride. Juliet had come so far ever since they’d started their relationship. Even before their knowledge of future children or anything, he could truly say that what they have has truly blossomed and will without a doubt be everlasting. That in mind, he smirked.
“You know, I always preferred seeing you with your eyes open. The truth laid before me.. something you can’t run from. But eventually, those same eyes became like precious jewels. They match your soul... embellished by your personality. You’re definitely a case and a half, Julieau...but that case is someone that I undoubtedly want to spend all eternity with.”
The redhead spoke clearly, every word holding the weight of truth and emotion as he went on. He knew that he himself had changed on this journey.... he’d found happiness.
Juliet had appeared to be bracing for something absentmindedly, fidgeting at times as he hung onto every word. His cheeks grew redder—heart fuller. Soul...excited. And with all of that, his senses were set alight as a small, navy velvet box was flicked onto the table, clanging against the wine glass.
Chara was beyond proud of himself as he watched bewilderment and shock gradually spread across the pacifist’s face. That said, it was short-lived, or rather the tables were turned once Juliet adamantly demanded for his hand— the look of determination in his eyes. Burning. He couldn’t refuse.
Handing over a milky white palm, a red velvet box was placed in his hand. More shock set in.
“Great minds think alike huh~”
Juliet chirped, nonchalantly taking his navy box and opening it. There lay a ruby ring— ‘coin’ carved into it. Bubbling happiness settled to the warmest fire imaginable within his core.
On the other hand, Chara was fuming. Now. It was his turn to whine.
“Y-You can’t just propose to me when I proposed to you— do you know how long I’ve been planning and calculating this...?! Out of everything that our timeline has already decided, I wanted to do this on my own!”
“A-are.. you actually getting mad at me for proposing to you??? I’ve been planning too, Luque..! This is important to me too...” Sounding a little saddened, he bounced back with more determination.
“It was my choice to revive you. I was the one who split my soul and I was the one who chose you. I wanted. You. So this is as much my thing as it is yours— I love you too! Remember??”
The redhead faltered, his face heating up faster than he could try to control. It was humiliating but at the same time, he couldn’t be more impressed by the one who’d soon be his wife. Trying to regain his composure.
“Damn... imagine that you almost beat me to it... that’s one game I’d never want to lose...”
“What game? Who loves who more?”
“Quit making it seem so dumb...”
“Why not?” Juliet giggled lightheartedly. “It’s adorable~... You don’t have to be afraid to let your soft sides show... I know there are things you struggle with and.. I’ve dealt with them for a very long time- not gonna stop now. You know you can trust me.”
Such reassurance was irrefutable and slowly but surely, Chara settled down.
“Trust... heh. Yeah. I.. do trust you. Seven years... And now I can... actually call you my wife. Imagine that...”
“I was yours the moment you got me. You could’ve started whenever~” He jested flirtatiously.
“At least I know one thing you can’t beat me to.”
A sudden utterance that left the pacifist perplexed. As the first human rose from his seat and came over, he gasped as he was pulled to his feet. And without a moment to hesitate, he was kissed passionately. With that, he threw his arms around the other’s neck to return the sentiment—it was so much warmer than any of their kisses prior. Their souls were beating in sync, a short applause given by the audience seated around them.
As they parted, a loving expression was exchanged as they muttered a few words. Chara was first.
“Will you marry me, Julieau?”
“Is that even a question~?” Juliet giggled before returning the same question. “Will you marry me, Luque?”
Not even a second to hesitate. “Wasn’t I the one who presented my box first? What do *you* think?”
A short bout of titters and their boxes were exchanged. Solid eye contact, they slid their rings onto one another before sharing a lover’s embrace to seal it off.
Juliet chirped once more.
“Seeing a suit on you and your hair tied back like that is probably one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen~”
A knowing smirk was given in response.
“A little too early to be pushing my self control right now, don’t you think?”
“Ohohoh~ My flirtation knows no bounds Foilorié~”
“Oh I know, Pernier.”
“So... which name are we choosing?”
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1coin-and-2lights · 8 years
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((Coin/Charisk sketch dump again. First is the first date that goes with the fic I just wrote. Second is a little alice in wonderland sketch of them. Chara is Chesire cat and Juliet is Alice. Juliet is abused and shaking because of the treatment he gets in wonderland — I did this because the inhabitants of wonderland aren't particularly nice to Alice when she first arrives so why not make it worse? Last one is just another crossdess pic of Charamel. I know he doesn't look very similar to the other front view pictures of him mostly because I'm still developing his design. It varies right now which is very annoying but I need it in order to progress.))
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