Patience, Customer Service, or wishing humanity the best is a lost Art.
Frequently, older folks begin tripping at any suggestion by a youngster that they are losing some skill or another. Think of memory of family contact or events, even occurrences with those critical to our memory. We may not be as quick in mind or physically as in the past. Now, we seem so much slower in our response to their request. Physically, we may use a cane or walker to get around. There…
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A Few Things on My Mind
A Few Things on My Mind
A few issues come to mind as I watch the year 2022 speed into its conclusion. First, it seems we just took the Christmas trees down from the end of 2021. How time flies is an understatement for this year. To this country’s detriment, Trump is in the news every day. Will he, won’t he, can’t he, should he, or what did he say? My only real question is, why hasn’t this individual been charged or…
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My, My, My, What a Mess
My, My, My, What a Mess
“My, my, my, what a mess” is one of those phrases from African America lore. In this usage, mess meaning the equivalent of excretion. One can surmise the situation untenable, making no sense. I love these kinds of phrases as they remind me of conversations I’ve had with members of the older generation of black folk. A phrase often uttered after discovering a major problem. It doesn’t matter what…
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Don't Take Our Kindness for Weakness or Stupidity
Don’t Take Our Kindness for Weakness or Stupidity
Author’s Note: This is the fourth article of four; all dealing with the subject of reaching certain ages in your life.  Codis Hampton II
Some day’s we wonder; if after seeming clueless to others should we say something to destroy their image of us? Naw…they think they are brilliant, let them figure it out.I posted this on my social media sites on September seventh. I included a picture of my wife…
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Checking Our Life Progress at Age Forty
Checking Our Life Progress at Age Forty
My online pastor, don’t trip, I also attend First Baptist in Pittsburg. As I was saying, a few Sunday’s ago Doctor Lance Watson of Saint Paul’s Baptist (Richmond, VA.) began a new sermon series.  The new series is entitled “Fortyish.”  The subject is as it sounds, people reflecting on their current status in life at the age of forty. Naturally, Dr. Watson looked at it from a biblical sense.
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Dalila (DD) Dynes, Philantropist & Entrepreneur
Dalila (DD) Dynes, Philantropist & Entrepreneur
Dalila (DD) Dynes, a practicing hair stylist was the owner-manager of a North Oakland Salon for the last sixteen years. Her specialty was serving a diverse clientele with varying hair color and texture. “There weren’t any salons catering to all humans, so I opened one,”she says. It was a full-service business that housed a Jacuzzi Spa and massage service. Her customers also enjoy the garden…
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Do You Like Soul Music, Yeah! Yeah!
Do You Like Soul Music, Yeah! Yeah!
t’s easy for us old fogies…lol. When was the last time you heard that term? In fact, some of you may have never heard of or referred to older folks in such a way. As I was stating, before interrupting myself, it’s easy for the baby boomer generation to flip at hearing the beginning of a song.
Most of the time, hearing the first few notes allows us to name the song, artist, where, what and who we…
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The Aging of Sporty Odie Cody calls for...
The Aging of Sporty Odie Cody calls for…
An Aortic Valve Replacement, Part 2 of 2.
Authors Note: Most of my readers know that I have no problem in putting my life experiences out there for public consumption. Especially if I think and hope that it will help someone else or at the very least explain a particular incident or personal milestone. This ordeal is one of those occasions. CHII.
The next day, I stopped by a friend and clients…
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The Aging of Sporty Odie Cody Calls For…
The Aging of Sporty Odie Cody Calls For…
…An Aortic Valve Replacement, Part 1 or 2.
Authors Note: Most of my readers know that I have no problem in putting my life experiences out there for public consumption. Especially if I think and hope that it will help someone else or at the very least explain a particular incident or personal milestone. This ordeal is one of those occasions. CHII.
I’ve accumulated more than my share of…
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An Internaional Thanksgiving
As is the Hampton family custom on Thanksgiving, my wife Sandra and I visited our son, Richie and his wife Endeliza for dinner at their house. Our wives agreed on a menu beforehand as well as who will prepare what for our little get-together.
Keep in mind that although Rich and Liza have been married going on twenty years, and together for five more, they don’t have any kids. My wife, always the…
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What Am I Thankful For In 2015?
What Am I Thankful For In 2015?
What am I thankful for on this Thanksgiving? Where do I start? First of all, I am thankful for being the child of Doreatha (Childs) and Codis Hampton. Two people whom I dearly loved and will miss through eternity. And my heavenly father for placing me in their care and guidance in the first place.
I am thankful for having such wonderful siblings as my sisters, Delores, Carol, and stepsister, the…
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