daddysfavlittlegirl · 2 years
Pedro Pascal exists:
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meredith-harper81 · 1 year
I’ve Always Loved You💔
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She Moved On
Chapter 1:
Paring : Chris Evans x Lana Parker
Word Count: 2k
Chris Pov
I had already gotten messages from my family and friends wishing me all the best and saying they couldn't wait to see me super soon.
I look up from my phone, and the black SUV arrives. I open the door and get in.
"Ready to go, Chris?" Megan asks me as she hands me a Bud Light seltzer.
"Ready as I will ever be," I smile, opening the can and taking a sip to cool my nerves. I am so nervous and excited about tonight. It would be my last premiere for awhile, and nobody knows just yet.
"Okay, so nobody knows the news except for me and your agency, so when the media ask about your next project, just try to project them away from asking more questions, or I will try my best to drift the question away," Megan tells me, and all I do is nod.
The driver pulls out of the driveway, and we are on our way to the Dolby Theater.
After a twenty-minute drive, we pull in, and I can hear people shouting. I get out of the SUV and wave to some people, and Megan directs me along to the carpet to take some photos and answer some questions about the movie.
I'm waiting in line and can't help but notice Ryan and Ana both have their families with them tonight. Ana brought her boyfriend Paul, and Ryan is here with his kids and wife, and I feel a little jealous of them and their loved ones tonight.
Normally I would bring my brother or family to events like these, but everyone is busy living their lives.
I take some pictures, greet some fans, and answer some questions about the movie and some even about what I'm wearing tonight, and then we get pulled into a group photo with the rest of the cast. I look around me, and everybody just looks so happy and content, but the dagger in my heart is bleeding out bit by bit every day. I just wish she was here to support me like she always did.
After we got introduced on stage, I am sitting by the bar, and for some reason, I can't get her out of my head tonight...
'Lana Parker'
The only love of my life.
We were once engaged in 2019 and even supposed to get married, but I ended things with her on a bad note, half of which I don't even remember.
I just remember walking out. It was one of my biggest mistakes, and I still regret it to this day.
It had to do with my career. We were supposed to get married, and I was going to quit acting, but—I can't remember—I lashed out at her and woke up the next morning and left her.
I sold my house and moved to LA, and most of my belongings were placed in a storage unit with the help of Ma and Tara. I stayed down here during the lockdown and just worked for three years.
My family was really mad and didn't talk to me for a few months, but eventually we made up when Shanna got married. Now that Scott is engaged... I'm thinking about going back to Boston and trying again with her unless she's moved on or found someone else.
I was deep in my thoughts when Ana came up with her boyfriend, Paul.
"Chris I want you to meet Paul," Ana says.
I get out of my seat and pull my hand forward to greet him.
"Oh yeah, man, how are you? I say I'm pulling him into a hug.
"Good, good. Huge fan," he says and pulls back.
"Thanks. Nice. So let's get a picture. I say, breaking the awkward tension. He nods, and Ana takes the photo.
"And I guess Paul is on to his next victim," Ana jokes as she orders an old-fashioned.
I smile and finish my beer.
"So rumors say Chris Evans is retiring soon? Is that right? She asks me, taking some of the beer nuts I have in front of me.
My head is hung low, and all I do is nod.
"That's great, Chris. So are you planning on settling down with Lana soon?"
I look up at her, and she immediately has a look of regret on her face.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to; it just slipped out since you guys were last together," she says.
"It's okay. Umm, I'm not sure. I need to get to Boston first," I say, looking at the time, which reads 6:45 p.m. I get up and tell Ana to have a good night.
I decided not to go to the after-party and just head back home to Dodger Stadium and finish packing.
Once the car service arrived at the gate, I gave him some cash and walked inside, where I was greeted by Dodger. I know he is probably hungry, and with all the moving boxes and things, I can't find anything.
"Yeah, Bubba, hold on," I say, finding the bag behind some random moving box near the living room. I scoop a few cups and place them in his dog bowl.
Meanwhile, I head to the bedroom, change out of this suit, and take a much-needed shower to wash all the stress of tonight off.
After my shower, I warm up some leftovers from last night and sit down to eat when a whiny Dodger comes by with his puppy eyes.
Which either means he did something bad or wants me to grab his favorite dog toy, which he probably tossed somewhere.
I get up and start looking under the sofa, and I'm about to give up when I find the darn lizard's tail hidden under the curtain.
I walk over and lift the curtain, pick up the stuffed animal, throw it across the room, and step on something cold.
I pick it up, and it's a gold infinity necklace. I open the clasp, put it around my neck alongside my Christopher necklace, and go back to eating dinner.
I remember Lana losing this necklace when I brought her here for a week, and she loved this necklace in an Instagram ad. I bought it for her and surprised her, and the look on her face when she lost it was devastating.
I wonder if she's doing well or has moved on. I haven't had the time to keep a tab on her, but I miss her so much.
I pull out my wallet and put my hand over the picture I have of us laughing, taken at Ma's house one Christmas. She is sitting on my lap, laughing at something I said.
I take out the engagement ring I remember taking off of her and throwing it.
I regret that day so much. I was so drunk, I don't even remember it. Ma was the one who found the ring and gave it to me at Shanna's wedding, and since then I've kept it in my wallet.
I was leaving LA for good and leaving my house to my pal Jimmy to look after and move into.
After dinner, I take all my boxes with my personal belongings and place them in my room. I will deal with them later in life if ever needed. I call Ma, letting her know I will be home by early lunch, and she answers very coldly and tells me it's okay.
And after tonight, I'm ready to settle down and start a family of my own.
I mean, I'm forty-one, for crying out loud. These swimmers are even more likely to drown if I don't plant them somewhere.
I started up at the ceiling, daydreaming about how my life would have been if I didn't leave Boston; maybe I would've had a family of my own... I turn off the lamp and Dodger layers next to me, and I give him some cuddles and try to get some good shut-eye.
I've just landed in Boston, and before I left LA, I met up with Megan. She told me to just give her a call, and she can have statements sent and ready for the press. She gave me a hug, wished me all the best, and hoped I got the family I'd longed for.
I grab Dodger's leash and have him sit in the car as I load my things in the back. I run over to the other side, and the Uber takes off for Ma's home.
When the driver drops me off, Dodger runs off to the front door while I am slowly wheeling in my two suitcases.
I walk over to the front door and ring the bell and knock, but nothing happens.
I look under the mat and see the spare key. I use it and let Dodger in, and he starts to sniff around and bark, plants himself on the sofa, and goes to sleep. I walk further into the house.
"Ma?" I walk over and see a note on the table with a key.
The note said my room for a while is in the basement, and this is the key for the basement, and lunch is in the oven, and Ma is out with a friend.
Since when does Ma go out on a Friday afternoon? I shrug it off, and I wheel my things down to the basement.
I head downstairs, walk into one of the guest bedrooms, and decide to take a shower. After my shower, I head back upstairs and notice Ma is still not home. I heat up some food, eat it, and decide to take Dodger on a walk to his favorite park, which we used to go to all the time.
I pull on some running shoes and take his leash, and we take off. I text Tara, letting her know I need to find a new place, and we decide to meet up for dinner at Ma's tonight.
I've known Tara since I was in middle school; she has been one of my all-time best friends, but she and Lana never got along. I sort of remember Tara always bringing something up about Lana being selfish or using me for her money.
Recently, Tara got a divorce, and I wasn't there. I feel like a shy friend, so I also need to make up for that. Ma is inviting all my siblings for dinner tonight, and I called Tara and invited her as well.
I arrive at the park, and as I let Dodger off his leash, I notice it isn't busy for a Friday afternoon. Which I find a little strange.
I walk over to one of the beaches and take a seat, watching Dodger jump around, waggling his tail. I had a huge smile on my face. I really missed this place, and by the looks of it, so did Dodger.
After I let Dodger run around in the dog park, I called him over, and just as I put on his leash, he took off, catching me off guard. He starts to run in the other direction, running at full speed.
"Dodger! Bubba Stop! I yell after him, trying to catch up, but he is not stopping; in fact, he is running faster now.
What has gotten into him?
Dodger keeps running off across the dog park to the larger area of what looks like a children's park.
As I catch my breath, I hear a little baby crying, and Dodger is running faster.
I catch up to Dodger, and when I look up, I see him lying on top of a little girl as she giggles and Dodger licks her face.
The little girl is cooing to Dodger in some sort of baby nonsense...
I find it weird that Dodger only plants himself on humans he knows, and he is fully playing around with this baby he's never met.
"Dodger, you don't do that," I say, and I grab his leash, pulling him a little back off of her. I get a good look at this girl; she is wearing overalls, has pigtails, and has bright blue eyes.
I look at her jeans, and they are a little ripped, and she has a cut. I'm guessing she tripped on the tree root. I look around us, but I don't see anyone near us. I wonder where she came from and where her parents are.
"Swilly Doggy," I hear the little girl say as she is underneath Dodger and still giggling. I smile and move Dodger a little off of her.
"Hi, my name is Chris, and this is Dodger," I say, smiling and getting on her level.
"My nawe is Awia," she babbles as she pets Dodger as he starts to lick her tiny finger.
"Well, nice to meet you, Awia. Where is your mama? I say it, and then I hear it.
"Mawa," she says as her head turns, looking around.
"ARIA! ARIA, HONEY, WHERE ARE YOU? I hear a voice coming closer.
Just as I was turning, Dodger got up and ran across the grass, and I pulled him by his leash this time.
"Oh, my God, Aria. Here you are." I hear a voice coming closer. The voice... Lana's voice.
It's like the wind is sucking the wind out of me. It can't be, and then I see her standing far across the sidewalk. Her hair is in a ponytail, and she's wearing jeans with a black long-sleeved shirt. She's more beautiful than I can remember. Dodger gets up and runs toward Lana, almost taking her down.
Lana makes eye contact with me and wastes no time running up to the little girl and grabbing her, pulling her to her chest as she lets out a deep breath and kisses her head.
"Aria doesn't scare me like that. You were supposed to stay with Steven," she says.
"Ouchie, mawa," Aria says, pointing to her leg.
"Mawa, look dodgy doggy, Aria says as she gets distracted from what she was saying. Lana holds her close, kissing her chubby cheeks.
Just as I was about to say something, another man walked up to them.
I look over, and I don't see Lana wearing a ring or even this man.
"Oh my god, Aria," he says as he reaches and rubs her back, and Aria clings to her mother.
"Thank you; have a good day, Mr.," she says, leaving me and Dodger both baffled.
'Mister?' Did she really call me Mister?
"LANA!" I yell after her and I see her walk faster.
I see Lana walking away as Aria is babbling some more baby talk and waving to us, and Dodger is barking and nudging my leg to follow.
I am just frozen. Lana moved on and now has a baby. Maybe she's even married. I couldn't even get a word in, and she just walked away like nothing had happened. She didn't even acknowledge me or Dodger, and she just walked away. Did she not recognize me? I'm utterly shocked, as Dodger is whining.
I walk home with so many questions in my mind. I open the front door and take my shoes off, and Dodger runs into the kitchen, and I can smell Ma making something. I follow Dodger, and I walk in and see Ma in the kitchen cleaning up.
"Hey Ma," I say, walking over and hugging her.
"Welcome back home; how are you? She asks
"I just saw Lana in the park with her daughter," I say, and Ma's face changes all of a sudden.
Yeah, she had a baby two years ago after you left," Ma says while she rubs my back.
"I'm so sorry, Christopher," Ma says as she rubs my back.
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened between the two of you? Ma says, and I just look at her, and she frowns.
"You should get ready for dinner; everyone is coming soon. I nod and walk downstairs to get ready for tonight.
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
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thatreader-aleyuh · 2 years
Imma stick beside him 🥰🥰
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eccentricallygothic · 8 months
Not to be vulgar but I love Chris Evans' nose.
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adoreyouusugar · 2 years
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OOOO WEEEEE I WOULD SLURP HIM BAD something about when he has this little ugly stache…delicious
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stevesbanana · 2 years
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Still mad they weren’t under my tree for Christmas
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justratbrainsoup · 2 years
i was going through my google photos deleting stuff and i came across these 🫶🏾 i want him to shave his head again bc he automatically gets 10 times hotter
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mississippifangirl · 1 year
I forgot I needed to post this here too
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The devil may work fast, but nobody works faster than fanfic writers writing imagines about Chris evans being the sexiest man alive
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cookingwithtoil · 6 months
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meredith-harper81 · 1 year
I’ve Always Loved You💔
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He Broke Us ...💔
Chapter 2
Paring : Chris Evans x Lana Parker
Word Count: 3.5k
‼️More Chapters are uploaded on Wattpad.. link in my bio :)‼️
Lana Pov
Aria is babbling some baby nonsense while standing next to my legs as I'm locking up my front door. We are headed to the park to have a late lunch today. All of a sudden I have a feeling like someone is watching me, and I turn around and grab my chest, trying to calm my breathing as if it's just Steven.
"Steven, you scared me; don't ever do that again," I say, grabbing my chest and looking down towards Aria.
"Mommy is scward. Swtevn bad.." Aria babbles, and I can't help but smile. I take her little hand in mine, and my other hand grabs the picnic basket.
"Steven is bad, Aria," I say, picking her up and placing her on my hip, shooting Steven a wink.
"So Lana, you guys are headed to the park, I assume?" he says as he fiddles with his keys.
"Yes, we are; would you like to come along, Steven?" I asked him, already knowing his answer, and trusting my gut, I packed some extra sandwiches.
"Are you kidding me? I would love to," he says as he backs up to let us pass by.
Great, we will meet you there," I say, taking Aria's hand and waving back to Steven as he waves back.
I walk down the stairs of my apartment complex and walk towards my car. I put Aria in her car seat and kiss her little hands, and she giggles. I place our picnic basket next to her and walk around to the driver's side.
"Ready baby?" I ask her as I put my seat belt on and turn the AC on.
"Yeah, mommy," she says.
I smile and turn some music on. I play some Disney songs and pull out, driving towards the park.
Steven was our neighbor in the apartment complex I live in; he moved in when Aria was about seven months old and has been trying to take me out on a date since. I don't think I'm ready to date again, but he is good company and cares for Aria, and I like to think Aria likes him, so I friend-zoned him, but that doesn't stop him from trying.
Once we arrive at the park, I help Aria out of her car seat, he grabs her Mickey Mouse, and I grab the basket. While we wait for Steven, I apply some sunscreen to her arms and her adorable chubby face. After we see Steven pull in, we walk towards one of the play structures and sit down as we watch Aria play. After Aria is done playing on the playground and swings, we walk over to a shaded area.
This is a big park and has three sides. A huge dog park, a kid's park, and a hill where you could have a picnic and hang out with your families.
Okay, my sweet girl, here is your jelly sandwich, crackers, and apple juice," I say as I hand her some napkins and tuck them on under the overalls she's wearing, and we start eating. Steven and I fall back into a conversation about my next book release.
I'm a children's book writer (for the Lucky Dog series), and I stopped writing after having Aria, but recently something inspired me to start writing again. I'm almost finished and waiting to hear from my publishing company. I'm excited to start publishing again. It was the one thing that could shut me out of the real world and help me focus on having a little me time while Aria would nap.
Steven, could you please watch her as I throw away this trash? I say, getting up after we finished eating and Aria insisted on walking around to look at the little flowers around the park.
"Sure thing," he says, grabbing Aria and throwing her up in the sky as she giggles. I pick up everything and place it in the trash bag I brought with me.
"Okay, thank you; I'll be right back," I say, walking away from them. I'm walking towards our car, where I saw some trash cans earlier.
Surprisingly, today the park isn't too crowded, and there are only maybe five families out, which is shocking. I throw away my trash and walk back toward where I left them.
I walk over to Steven, who is sitting on a bench while he is talking on the phone, but I can't see Aria anywhere. I run towards him.
"Steven! Where is Aria? "I'm panicking, looking behind and around him, but I can't see her anywhere.
"Oh, yeah, she was right here looking at the flowers, I swear. I am so sorry," he says as he puts the phone down. He gets up and looks for her, calling her name.
"MOVE!" I yell at him as my blood is boiling and I'm getting scared. Maybe she was taken or ran towards the oncoming traffic... I ran back to where we had lunch.
My heart is panicking, and I'm about ready to cry when I can't see her anywhere.
"ARIA!!! ARIA!!!" I yelled, running around trying to find her.
Where are you, damn it. Aria? Please come back.
I run across the park while Steven runs to the other one, and I'm running around when I hear her giggling... I run faster, and I see her near a tree, under a dog, and a man kneeling near her.
"ARIA, OH MY GOD, ARIA!!!! I yell, running towards them, and I see the dog get up and be pulled again. I run closer, and the man on the ground gets up, and I freeze in the spot.
"NOO! It can't be. Chris! What is he doing here? Why is he here?" I mumble to myself.
I lock eyes with him, and he has the same look as me. I see Dodger, and he runs towards me, almost knocking me down. I push my emotions aside and run over to Aria to pick her up.
"Mommy lowk doggy," she says. I pick her up from Dodger as he licks my leg.
Aria is babbling, and I see her jeans are a little ripped, so I'm guessing she fell down.
I look back at Chris, and he was about to say something when Steven runs up and stands next to us, and before Chris can say anything, I speak up and stop him from saying anything.
"Thank you. Have a nice day, Mr.," I say and walk off with Steven.
"Bye bye, doggy. Mawa Iowe doggy," Aria says as I kiss her cheeks, walking off, not daring to look back.
I walk off, and the tears are falling down fast. Steven seems to notice, and he tries to take Aria from me, and I just hold her tighter. I walk over to my car and unlock it.
I buckle Aria in her car seat as she is babbling about Dodger and trying to tell Steven, and I kiss her head while handing her a cardboard book, and Mickey and I shut the door.
"I'm so sorry, Lana," Steven tries to say something, but I wipe my tears and tell him I will see him soon and talk later. I get in the car and drive off, pushing the emotions aside for Aria. I cannot break down right now.
I'm rocking Aria in her bedroom, putting her down for bed after I've given her a shower and cleaned up her cut, and my thoughts are all over the place.
What if he knows and is here to take her away from me?
Why is he back now?
Has he moved on?
After two years, why is he back?
"Mawa..." I hear Aria say, tucking on my shirt, taking me out of my thoughts as I rock her.
"Yes, baby..." I whisper.
"Twat was daddy, with doggie in pawk? Aria asks me, and my eyes are holding on to the tears, not allowing them to escape just yet.
"Yes, yes, baby.. daddy was in the park.. he is back from work.." I say this as I put her in her crib or toddler bed.
"When he comes to live with us..." Aria whispers as her eyes get heavy and her breathing slows down as she falls into a slumber.
I kiss her forehead, turn on the sound machine, grab the baby monitor, and walk out, leaving the door a little open.
I walk into the kitchen and grab some water and Tylenol, then walk into the living room and place the baby monitor on the coffee table.
After taking two Tylenols, I chug the water and break down in the living room. Why was he back in Boston, and why didn't Lisa say anything this afternoon when she came by?
I will not let him take my baby away. After all, he did. And the fact that the Dodgers recognized Aria breaks my heart. He always knew before I could even find out.
I met Chris when I used to volunteer at Miles Elementary School's clubs program. My first book series was coming out, and I would come out to the children's library and read my books to the after-school kids in clubs, where Chris walked into my life and stole my heart and made me feel like the luckiest woman alive until he fucked up and threw it all away, while taking my heart with him.
Flashback (2017)
"Carly, which one is he in again? I ask my sister.
"Chris is in room 2b next to the library; just walk in and you will see him." Okay, thanks. I think I can figure it out. Bye, Carly.
"Again, thank you, Chris," she says, and I can hear Stella and Ethan arguing about something in the background.
"Any time," I say, hanging up and getting out of my car.
I hang up the phone and walk into the school office. Carly had an appointment with the big kids, and I need to pick up Miles from after-school clubs. The lady in front has me sign in to a log sheet. She hands me a sticker to put on, and I back up and bump into someone. I hear a thump, and I look down, and I see all her things on the floor. "Oh my," she says in the sweetest voice.
"I'm so sorry," I say and help her up, picking up her folder and book. I get a good look at her, and she is just drop-dead gorgeous.
"It's okay," she says. Before I can say anything, she walks over behind the counter, grabs a patch, and walks by.
I shake my head and walk towards the door of the office to walk onto campus. I look for the library. I spot it on the other side of me, and I run over, and I see most parents inside lined up along the glass wall looking at other children. I walk into the room and see all the kids on the floor waiting quietly. Just then she walks in with a book and introduces herself as Miss. Parker. She starts to read her book, and I can't help but actually listen to the whole children's book.
After she finishes, I can't help but start clapping, breaking the silence, and all eyes are on me as if I needed that. I smile and fidget with my baseball cap and thank God for Miles as he and the other kids start to clap, breaking the awkward silence, and I just smile and kick my feet.
Miles is clapping on the floor with his kindergarten buddies, up to me with his copy of the book.
"Uncle Chwis," he says, catching everyone's attention yet again, and Miss. Parker smiles.
Everyone soon leaves the room as the kids go to grab their belongings from the gym, and I'm left alone with Miss. Parker.
"So Uncle Chwis, you crash all of Miles's afternoon clubs; am I just the lucky one today?" she says mockingly while she grabs her things and walks up to me.
Uh, no, actually, your voice is just so soothing, and I loved your book...and well, um, this is my first time crashing anything," I say, reaching behind my neck and rubbing my hair, and she just laughs.
"Well, thank you, and I'm honored," she says.
"Um, hi, my name is Chris," I say, reaching for her hands, which she takes and are so soft and smooth as she shakes my hand.
"Miss. Parker, nice to meet you, Chris," she says, smiling, and lets go of my hand.
"So, Miss. Parker, do you have a name?" I say I'm trying to shoot my shot, and I smile back at her, and I can see her cheeks brighten as she blushes.
"I do, Captain America, but you're going to have to excuse me; someone there is calling me. See you around," she says as she leaves me stunned, so she knows who I am. I walk out behind her, and Miles runs up to me, and I grab his backpack, leaning it over my shoulder. I grab his hand, and we walk out towards the parking lot over to my car. As we reach the car, I open his door, place his backpack down, and help him in. I see he is holding a copy of The Lucky Dog. I snatched it from him.
"Hey, twats mine," he says as I grab his little hand, shoo it away, and run my fingers through his hair.
"I know I'm just looking after it." I say, and I buckle Miles in and flip to the back of the book.
Ahhh "Alana Parker".
... A few days later
Chris ended up picking Miles up the next Monday in hopes of seeing Lana again, and to his luck, she was there in the library. He smiled and entered and sat through the whole reading again, and this time he tried to be more subtle than last week.
After Lana was done and the kids went to grab their belongings, Chris took the chance and walked over to Lana.
"So, Miss. Parker, or should I say Alana,"  you have a beautiful name? I'm walking up to her.
"Ahhh yes, Chris. Thank you. My grandparents named me," she says, and he hands me a signed copy of her book.
"So you don't come every Monday and can read at home now?" she snickers while handing me a brand-new copy of her book.
I smile and take it.
Chris ends up asking Lana on a date, and by the second date, he falls in love with her, and he falls hard.
End of Flashback
Lana pov
I cannot believe he is back. It's all a big shock to me.
Chris and I hit off pretty quickly after our first and second dates. Five months into dating, I moved in with Chris and put my apartment or home out to lease for someone. A year later, he had to go back to work to promote the last Avengers, and I stayed back in Boston to finish my last book for series one of The Lucky Dog.
We couldn't live without each other and would always call when we weren't working. After 6 months, he came back after the premiere of Endgame. I met his family and friends, and he met my grandparents, and I loved my life.
In late 2017, after just dating for a couple of months, Chris proposed, and I said yes. We told everyone the news in February 2018 that Chris was taking a break from acting, and we agreed to get married in 2019. We had a date and everything. Everyone was so happy for us.
That night it was one of Chris's friends, Tara's birthday, and I wasn't feeling to go, so Chris went to celebrate and I stayed home with Dodger. I hadn't been feeling well for two weeks at the time, and I had placed an Amazon order for some pregnancy tests that just happened to be delivered the same night.
I remember wasting no time and taking a test, and when it came back as pregnant, I jumped up and down. I was with Dodger when I found out, and he was nudging my leg when I found out he was barking along. He had been extra clingy and lying on my tummy the whole week, so that explained that.
I was in our bedroom at the time when I heard the front door open, and I hid the test in my back pocket. I wanted to surprise Chris in a cute way, but that went out the window when I heard his footsteps, and I wanted to tell him right away that he was about to become a dad. We would often daydream about having a little family of our own, and I couldn't believe it was happening.
As soon as Chris walked in the room, he was super drunk—more drunk than I've ever seen him—and he was so angry that night.
Flashback (2019)
"Dodger looks like Daddy is back. Let's surprise him with your little brother or sister. I coo to Dodger, and Dodger barks back. I get up from the ottoman in front of our bed.
I can hear Chris come up the stairs, and out of nowhere I hear glass breaking.
I run out of the room, and I see Chris standing on the stairs, pulling the picture frames of us from the walls and dropping them on the floor, breaking them.
Chris, what are you doing? I say as he stops and looks my way, He looks mad; he is super drunk and can barely walk in a straight line. He walks past me into the room, and I follow behind him as Dodger is behind me whining.
Chris walks over to the bed and falls down, and Dodger runs up to him. I'm still standing by the door, shocked at Chris's behavior. I've seen and been around him when he was drunk in the past, but he's always super cuddly and soft. I've never seen him this annoyed or angry. Dodger gets on the bed and starts to bark and lick his face, which leads Chris to jump up and take Dodger and walk him towards the door and push him outside, and he looks at the door and looks my way.
"Chris, you're scaring me? I say as he walks over.
"SHUT UP!" He yells and I jump. He's never screamed at me.
"Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris... do you ever shut up, Lana? You're so annoying and ugh," he spits out, walking towards me and taking my hand in his.
"Baby.. I-,"
"Don't call me that," he spits out.
I don't have the words for what's happening, and Dodger is barking outside the door.
Chris cages me in, takes my left hand, pulls my ring off, and waves it around in my face.
"You're the mistake, Lana," he slurs.
"GET OUT! I don't want you here," he says as he throws the ring somewhere in the room.
"Get out before you ruin my life." He screams and pushes me out of the room, locking it behind him, and I hear him throwing stuff around.
End of Flashback
I remember him pushing me out, and I stayed out all night long, crying for Chris to open the door, but he didn't. The next morning I woke up on the couch and looked around. It was quiet, and the time was 6:30 in the morning. I went to the gym to check on Chris, and when I didn't see him, I ran upstairs and into the bedroom, and to my surprise, he wasn't there. I thought he and Dodger went on a morning run until I went to use the bathroom and most of Chris's things were gone and so was Dodger, but there was a note on the bed.
Lana Parker
I can't do this; you are in the way between me and my career. I need to go back to LA and try to save my career after Captain America and land some films, and you are in the way. I realized I do not want the same things as you right now, so please leave and never contact me or my family again.
Chris Evans.
I cried and cried that day and remembered I was pregnant with his baby—our baby—baby Aria.
I left Chris's family alone, emptied out his house, and moved back into my old apartment. I ended up blocking everyone I knew of his I went to the doctor when my morning sickness started kicking in, and I found out I was at least 14 weeks pregnant. I was only 5 months old when my grandparents passed away. My only family left wasMy parents were both killed in a car accident, and my grandparents raised me. They were both very successful and had a lot of money left for me and my baby. Grandma eventually found out I was pregnant, and I lied to them and said Chris was away filming. I still regret not telling them the truth; it sometimes haunts me in my sleep. I sold some land they owned in Europe, and I and Aria are good for a lifetime.
When I was nine months pregnant, Lisa ran into me at the supermarket and found out I was pregnant with Chris's baby, and eventually, all the Evans found out. Now Lisa comes over every Friday for lunch or breakfast, and Aria meets her aunts and uncles for holidays, but now that Chris is back, I don't know anymore.
I gather myself off the floor and walk towards my bedroom and into the bathroom. I wash my face and get in the shower.
"You will not let him win Aria," I tell myself in the mirror as I dry my hair.
I walk into my bedroom, place the baby monitor on the nightstand, get into bed, and think of ways to explain to Aria now that her father is back and she's seen him.
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
@fluffymisha97 Did you hear about Chris getting Sexiest Man Alive?
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peaceofkrys · 2 years
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Chris JAMAL Evans …well deserved🥰❤️‍🔥
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restinslices · 9 months
I love Steve but if I was in the MCU and he left me for some old bitch I swear to you I would’ve time traveled, found him and beat his ass in front of Peggy. Bro would’ve wished Thanos killed him. Idk how everybody was so cool with that. I’m kicking his old ass in the back of his knees.
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p-c-ba-dcforever · 1 month
Zatanna pt 3
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