alectoperdita · 2 years
So I wrote a bit for that gang boss!Jou and defense attorney!Kaiba idea. Originally, I had wanted to start it in media res with them already in a relationship, but as soon as I sat down at the keyboard, I spat out a first (re-)meeting and backstory.
Might keep poking at it but not sure what I have here besides some vibes.
But in the words of the impeccable @elexica, the booty is privileged and confidential.
Rated T, has smoking and suggestive language
Read on AO3
"Who are you?" the man asked, tonguing the inside of his cheek and puffing out the darkening bruise marring his skin.
A sharp golden gaze swept up and down the length of Seto's body. While it was mostly critical and cautious, a note of appreciation bled through, and if he had to guess, it wasn't in admiration for his stylishly fitted suit. Judging by the loud crimson blazer and tartan plaid slacks, Seto's choice of a classic black suit was a far-cry from his personal preferences.
People dressed for the job they wanted. For Seto, it was the part of a respectable attorney. The other man screamed punk, well, he might've been a punk ten or more years earlier. No, Seto's client was obviously a mid-tier sub-lieutenant with punks under his direction to do his dirty work for him.
Seto was no stranger to clients like this. And most importantly, he wasn't a stranger to this man specifically.
While the appearance—strong square jaw, atrociously bleached hair, and flashy ear piercings—may have changed in the intervening decades, his name had not. Unlike Seto, Jounouchi Katsuya never escaped the orphanage before he aged out. Based on his current situation, it wasn't difficult to surmised what kind of life he led after he finally left that dreadful place.
If not for that name, Seto wouldn't have recognized his once childhood friend. As Jounouchi currently peered at him without a spark of recognition.
But that was a matter to address later. Or maybe never.
"Your lawyer," Seto answered brusquely. "Yoshimori-san sent me."
Breaking eye contact, the blond man stuck a pinky into his ear, reclining and crossing his legs. He looked more like he was lounging at a club than being held for police interrogation. "Good old Yoshimori, ya can always count on him to have yer back."
"Then keep your mouth shut so I can get you out of here," he growled.
His client threw up both hands in capitulation, flashing a surprisingly dazzling grin, split lip and bloodstained teeth and all. "You're the boss."
Seto addressed the detective lingering by the door, as if he was guarding it. "As I understand it, the other party doesn't wish to pursue charges. Not to mention, he's admitted to instigating the fight. It was a misunderstanding. You have no reason to hold Jounouchi-san any longer."
The officer, Sergeant Honda Hiroto as he previously introduced himself, hemmed and hawed. "We're still verifying Mega's liquor and business license."
"Which is Community Safety Bureau," Seto countered. "That shouldn't concern CIB."
He knew how the game was played, though. OCCB and CIB had to make regular shows of force to placate their superiors, which meant scheduled sweeps through the clubs and bars in the nightlife district, seeing what they could catch in their wide trawling nets. Last night's catch included his rambunctious client. But after nearly 10 hours, the police had yet to charge him and they made minimal efforts to keep Seto from seeing him.
In other words, they had nothing and were just trying to run out clock on 48 hours.
"Yeah, I'm just an honest businessman," Jounouchi slumped forward to interject. "And that asshole totally started it. He couldn't keep his hands to himself and was hassling the girls. I wasn't about to let him—"
Seto silenced him with a sharp glower. Jounouchi shut his mouth with an audible click before miming a zipper closing over his lips.
"As Mega's manager, Jounouchi-san has a responsibility for the safety of his staff. If anything, this was an act of self-defense. But if you insist on charging him with assault, I expect a similar charge levied against the other party," Seto said before fishing his phone out of his pocket. "Head Prosecutor Mitsurugi might have something to say to that effect."
As much as Seto disliked name-dropping the prick—not to mention the disgruntled phone call he was bound to receive later, it lit a fire under the cop's ass. But it still took almost an hour to process Jounouchi's release, more dragging feet to mainly inconvenience the gangster. And while billable hours were always appreciated, Seto simply wanted to go home and collapse into bed, sleep a dreamless slumber. Going straight from a two-day depo to handling a new troublesome client wore even him thin.
By the time they left the building, the sun vanished beneath the horizon once more.
"So, do I gotta pay you or what?" asked Jounouchi, rocking back and forth on the ball and heel of his feet. There was a touch of self-consciousness to the action that had been absent inside the police building.
In comparison, Seto's posture remained unnaturally stiff. "It'll be billed to Yoshimori-san's account."
"Aw cool. I mean I'm good for it even if he wasn't. Just ain't got the cash on me at this second." Jounouchi said quickly. He stared at Seto's face for several long seconds, before looking away, jamming his hands into his blazer pockets, and re-emerging with a carton of smokes and a lighter.
"You'll want to do that somewhere else. Unless you want Domino's finest to cart you right back inside," cautioned Seto.
"You're right. Guess that's why you make 'em big bucks." With the unlit cigarette already pinched between his teeth, his eyes crinkled with laughter.
Seto couldn't say what force compelled him to follow the other man. Not nostalgia. Not really. He didn't know this Jounouchi. The boy from his memory sported dark black hair, shaggy and often falling over his brown eyes. At twelve, he'd been gangly, taller than Seto. Now Seto, who didn't hit his growth spurt until his late teens, loomed over him, and Jounouchi had filled out, especially around the shoulders. No wonder Jounouchi didn't recognize him.
Curiosity, perhaps.
Or maybe a search for closure. Then he could bury those memories after tonight.
They rounded the corner, where they found a designated smoking spot. Jounouchi sagged against a wall and flicked his lighter to life, then paused. The small dancing flame illuminated his face, glinted off his gold piercings and chain jewelry, alit his hair with orange.
"Did you want one?" he asked, curiosity and something else shining from deep in his eyes.
Seto could bid him a good night here. He did his job. That was the only reason for his presence. Instead, he reached into his inner jacket pocket and produced a slim black electronic cigarette. "No thanks. I have my own."
Jounouchi made a faint huffing noise. "Mr. Fancy Pants here."
The fire seared the cigarette's tip and ignited a red cherry. In contrast, Seto's e-cig emitted a calming blue light. They puffed withing seconds of each other, smoke streaming out of their mouths and noses only to twine together and ascend into the darkening night sky. For several moments, there was no conversation. Merely sharing the same space as they each partook of their vice.
Unsurprisingly, Jounouchi broke the silence first. He was quick to get antsy even as a child. But there was a kind of mindfulness and purpose of action that Seto hadn't seen in their youth.
"Are ya sure we haven't met before? You seem familiar." Jounouchi tilted his head as he considered Seto at length. After another beat, a cocksure smile spread across his lips. "Maybe you've been to Mega before. But I'm pretty sure I would've bought you a drink in that case."
Seto coughed. And it wasn't due to the smoke suddenly pooling in his lungs. "No. I've never been."
Jounouchi's face lit up. "You should come by sometime! Like tonight. Bet you could use a good time after a long day of hanging around all them stuffy lawyers."
"Need I remind you that I'm a 'stuffy lawyer' too?" Seto asked stiffly.
Laughter peeled out of Jounouchi. He lurched forward and strung a muscled arm around Seto's shoulders. His warm breath washed over Seto's ear as he spoke in a hushed suggestive tone. "Aww, you're too cute to be walking around with a stick up yer ass unless... I'm sure we can take that to a love hotel."
Heat swept through Seto like a wildfire. It dried his mouth. His mind blanked. Jounouchi was flirting with him. Trying to pick him up with zero regard to who Seto was—a stranger, a lawyer who hauled his ass out of the police station not minutes ago, his childhood friend he hadn't seen in decades and apparently forgot about.
His first kiss, an innocent one they snuck under a shadowed canopy when they were thirteen. Faster than lightning and never to be repeated again. But it lived on in Seto's memory, a shimmering spot in an otherwise bleak childhood.
For an instant, he considered letting that invitation play its course. Whether it ended with a drink at the club that Jounouchi now managed or them tangled between each other's sweaty limbs and the hotel sheets. Criminal record or not, and there was decidedly one, Jounouchi had grown into a devilishly handsome man. His touch already set Seto aflame. And it felt like forever since Seto had that chance to indulge with a like-minded individual.
His profession was a painfully conservative one. Even if there were those willing to get into bed with the mob.
So why not actually get into bed with the mob?
A roll in the hay. A fun romp for everyone involved. No strings attached. No muss, no fuss.
Slowly, Seto exhaled. He powered off his e-cig and slipped free of Jounouchi's arm. "Have a good evening, Jounouchi-san. Should you need legal counsel in the future, you can get in contact with Kaiba and Ishida."
He didn't bother leaving a business card. Instead, he swiftly cut across the lot toward his car.
"Don't be like that. You could at least give me a ride!"
"I don't think we're headed in the same direction. It's easy to catch a taxi in this area." He said without looking back.
Jounouchi gave chase, though. "Ain't got cash. Think they nicked my spare change."
His footsteps quickened. "Then file a complaint at the station."
"Hey, bro—"
"Don't call me—"
Seto stopped in his tracks before pivoting sharply. "What did you say?"
"Seto. That's your name, right?"
Jounouchi slowed to a stop, huffing as he bent over and braced his knees. This time, the smile he flashed was more dopey. It was almost as fond as yesteryears.
But they were both changed. Grown. Too many lost years stood between them now.
Seto's mouth dried a second time. "I thought you'd forgotten."
As Jounouchi straightened, he dropped his cigarette and stamped it out beneath his heel. Seto remained glued to his spot as Jounouchi closed the distance again. Yet he startled when a warm, calloused palm cradled his cheek.
And he was struck by the strangeness of peering down at Jounouchi's face when the reverse had been true last time.
"Forget those gorgeous blue eyes? Never," muttered Jounouchi. He stood so close that Seto could smell the tar on his breath.
Despite the tender gesture and words, annoyance crested in a wave. It bled straight into his speech. "So was all that before your idea of a sick joke?"
"Nah, I meant it. I mean, I was totally trying to pick you up. And you seemed familiar. Then it hit me when you walked away. I... I can't believe it's really you. Why didn't you say something earlier?"
Seto bit his bottom lip. Jounouchi's eyes darkened, but not from want or arousal. A black cloud swept over his face. His hand fell away like a rock.
"Oh, I see. Can't be seen associating with the riff-raff," he snorted. "Well, thanks for the rescue, I guess. See ya in another 15 years."
With a mind of its own, Seto's hand shot out, seizing Jounouchi's wrist so the other man couldn't slip into the dark and vanish from Seto's life again. "Don't put words into my mouth," he spat through gritted teeth. "This isn't a good place to discuss this."
This being the middle of the police headquarters' visitor parking lot. Where any law enforcement official could come across their unexpected heart-to-heart.
Without releasing Jounouchi's hand, in fact his grip tightened, he pulled Jounouchi along to where his car was parked two aisles over.
The gangster let loose an impressed whistle when Seto unlocked the vehicle, a Lexus sedan. "You are doing well for yerself, ain't ya, Seto?"
The use of his given name made his skin crawl. But not enough that Seto considered abandoning him at that parking lot. Jounouchi didn't wait for an explicit invitation before he slipped into the passenger's seat. Resting one hand on top of the hood, Seto took a fortifying breath and hoped he wasn't making a mistake.
"So where are we headed?" asked Jounouchi.
"Seatbelt," he grumbled before keying the ignition.
"Yeah yeah yeah."
With his passenger buckled in, Seto navigated his car out of the lot and into Domino's streets.
Less than a minute passed before Jounouchi repeated his question. "Where are we going?"
Seto was still considering the options. For once, he didn't have a plan, much less know what his desired end goal was. Keeping his gaze fixed on the road ahead, he eventually replied, "You asked for a ride."
"Hmm, a 'ride,' huh?"
Something landed high on his right thigh. A quick downward glance confirmed it was Jounouchi's hand. Seto white-knuckled the steering wheel.
"Jounouchi," he growled as a warning.
A sigh, then Jounouchi's hand retracted. Seto's leg tingled in the wake of its departure.
"You seriously need to lighten up. You don't wanna talk. You don't wanna fuck. Whaddaya want, Seto?"
Jounouchi's gaze bore into the side of his face, and Seto hoped it was dark enough to hide the heated flush flooding his face.
He cleared his throat before declaring, "I want a drink."
Jounouchi hummed. Hard to tell if it was in agreement or in acknowledgment, though.
When he leaned forward, Seto couldn't help but tense. But Jounouchi was fiddling with the buttons on his dashboard until the radio blared to life. It was still tuned to the same talk news channel that Seto listened to on his morning commutes. A female announcer was in the middle of presenting the world news, and she barely got three sentences into a story about oil prices before Jounouchi jabbed another button, cutting her off. The other man cycled through the channels, never lingering for more than five seconds. Seto left him to it. It was better than making awkward conversation or enduring Jounouchi's attempts at flirtation.
Eventually, Jounouchi settled on a station playing jazz. As the crooning sounds of a saxophone played from his stereo speakers, Seto arched an incredulous eyebrow.
Jounouchi must've caught his look. "What? I can class it up if I want."
Something close to laughter huffed out of Seto. He made no further comment for the rest of the drive. Thankfully, neither did Jounouchi. Seto's own thoughts were already loud enough to drown out the music.
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botiga-sabate · 4 months
Sabata Mocasin de Tacon Quadrat i plataforma Negre i Beige amb Copete Wikers E-140 Elaborats en pell xarol als sofisticats colors negre i beix, ofereixen versatilitat i estil. La seva plataforma de 2 cm i taló ample de 6.5 cm proporcionen una elevació còmoda i estilitzada.
Tant el folre interior com la plantilla estan confeccionats en pell, fent d'aquestes sabates una declaració de moda retro que afegirà un toc únic a els teus conjunts
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collegelives · 7 months
Indian-American Couple, Twin Sons Found Dead At Their Home In California
An Indian-origin family from Kerala was found dead at their home in US' California in an apparent case of murder-suicide. The family have been identified as Anand Sujith Henry, 42, his wife Alice Priyanka, 40, and their 4-year-old twin children Noah and Neithan.
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Cops found the bodies after one of the family's relatives sought a welfare check as nobody in the house was attending the call.
The Indian-American couple, Anand and Alice, were found dead with gunshot wounds inside a bathroom. The twin children were discovered dead in a bedroom, with the cause of their death still under investigation.
After arriving officers were met with no response, they searched the perimeter of the home and did not see any signs of forced entry into the house. Finding an unlocked window, officers entered the home and located four people dead; 1 adult male, 1 adult female, and two children," police said.
A 9mm pistol and a loaded magazine were recovered from the bathroom.
The couple had purchased the house in 2020 for $2.1 million, records show.
An initial assessment by the police suggests a possible murder-suicide scenario, though they have not ruled out other possibilities.
"Based on the information we have at this time, this appears to be an isolated incident with no danger to the public as we are confident the person responsible was located within the home," the San Mateo police department said in a statement.
The family, originally from Kerala, had been living in the United States for the past nine years. Anand, a software engineer, and Alice, a senior analyst, had relocated from New Jersey to San Mateo County two years ago. Described as friendly, hardworking, and devoted parents, the couple was well-liked by both neighbors and colleagues.
According to court records, Anand had filed for divorce in December 2016, but the separation did not go through in court.
San Mateo County's Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has taken over the case, working alongside the San Mateo County Crime Lab to collect evidence. The bodies have been taken into the custody of the San Mateo County Coroner, who is working to positively identify each individual and notify next of kin.
The case bears an eerie resemblance to a recent case where a wealthy Indian-origin couple and their teenage daughter were found dead in their $5 million mansion in Massachusetts.
In the last month, at least seven Indian-origin people have been found dead in the US. US envoy to India Eric Garcetti reassured that the US is committed to making sure it remains a safe destination for Indian students.
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todosobreballenas · 1 year
Mundo Ballenas: Japón vuelve a perder fuerza en el escenario global
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Japón sufrió un duro revés en relación a su postura pro caza de ballenas en la reunión anual de la Comisión Internacional de Ballenas (IWC, por sus siglas en inglés) que se celebró en la isla de San Cristóbal y Nevis en la zona del Caribe.
El conjunto de naciones a favor del proteccionismo ballenero derrotaron la propuesta presentada por la delegación japonesa que bregaba por lograr consenso y permitir a algunas de sus comunidades costeras la caza de ballenas para el consumo y comercialización local.
Sin embargo, según informaron fuentes participantes de la reunión , la puja estuvo pareja ya que señalaron que en esta oportunidad, Japón perdió su moción tan sólo por un voto, ya que el arribo tardío de algunos delegados sumó el apoyo a las propuestas en favor de Tokio.
La votación se realizó en sucesivas rondas. En la primera etapa del sufragio , Japón perdió sorpresivamente dos votaciones que eran clave en su intento reiterado de poner fin a la protección internacional que ejerce la CIB sobre la caza de especies hoy resguardadas como son las toninas y delfines .
En la segunda parte de la votación, Japón no logró que se aprobara su proyecto en relación a la suspención de que los votos fueran emitidos en secreto. Con su pedido Japón buscaba ejercer presión sobre los países contrarios a su postura, pero no logró su cometido y la votación se desarrolló como se acostumbra en cada reunión. Y, en esta segunda instancia, tampoco pudo derribar la barrera que protege en la actualidad a las ballenas de ser cazadas en los mares del mundo.
Un verdadero juego político de fondo entre los países de la CBI
En el trasfondo de la votación, según dicen los expertos , se jugaba el equilibrio de poder al interior de la Comisión Internacional de Ballenas, que había sufrido modificaciones en esta oportunidad. El motivo fue la incorporación de cuatro nuevos países al conjunto de naciones que conforman la CIB ( IWC) en donde tres de ellos sumaron su apoyo a los pedidos y mociones de Japón.
Pero , esta situación desató el reclamo de las organizaciones proteccionistas de ballenas quienes pusieron de relieve ante los delegados a la reunión, que no debería prevalecer el criterio de que el futuro de las ballenas y los delfines dependa de un juego político numérico entre los países que integran la CIB.
Giuseppe Raaphorst, integrante de la comisión danesa para la pesca de ballenas, elevó una propuesta con el objetivo de lograr la unificación de los ministros en la reforma de la CIB, a la que calificó como una organización que debería “aggiornarse” para funcionar más aceitadamente y responder con celeridad a las necesidades concretas en beneficio de las ballenas.
Proteger a las ballenas es la prioridad número 1
“La CIB debe poner los medios adecuados para enfrentar de modo positivo y efectivo las necesidades conservacionistas ambientales que se requieren hoy, para estar a la altura de las circunstancias. Se debe buscar una forma de gobernación muy elevada y altruista. Una gobernación que promueva la toma decisiones efectivas y eficaces y siga adelante permanentemente avanzando con acciones de conservación en cada rincón del planeta. Creo que si la CBI no avanza, retrocede. Si la organización retrocede debe buscar replantearse su misión ya que su función es de crucial importancia en los tiempos que corren” agregó el comisionado danés.
Lo sorprendente fue que la propuesta de reformas alzada a la CBI causó divisiones al interior de la comisión de naciones participantes de la reunión anual. Mientras que los países que buscaron la protección de las ballenas apoyaron las reformas propuestas por el comité directivo de la CBI, las naciones que desean el levantamiento de la veda a la caza optaron por una modificación al esquema presentado por Japón.
Según el plan nipón , los países que buscan el permiso para la activación de la caza están listos para unirse a espaldas de la CBI para planificar una nueva estrategia para implementar en el futuro cercano. Las naciones que en la actualidad se oponen a la caza comercial de ballenas como , Australia, el Reino Unido y Nueva Zelanda, consideran que ,desde hace varias décadas, las ballenas son animales cuya conservación es de vital importancia para la humanidad y que no deben ser cazados sino protegidos bajo toda circunstancia.
Originally published at http://todosobreballenas.com/ on June 29, 2023.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Mantova: Torna "Per Corti e Cascine", due giornate per la sostenibilità
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Mantova: Torna "Per Corti e Cascine", due giornate per la sostenibilità. Due giornate di fattorie a porte aperte all’insegna della sostenibilità domenica 14 e domenica 21 maggio Cresce l’attesa per la ventiseiesima edizione di “Per corti e cascine”, giornate di fattorie a porte aperte, che si terrà domenica 14 e domenica 21 maggio. Le aziende agricole partecipanti sono 44 e 6 i percorsi tematici per vivere la campagna: strada del vino e dell’olio, la via Postumia, la strada del riso, la città agricola, terre e acqua, Oltrepò mantovano. Ne hanno parlato alla conferenza stampa che si è tenuta venerdì 12 maggio nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Mantova il vicesindaco Giovanni Buvoli, l’assessore comunale Iacopo Rebecchi, il direttore del Consorzio Agrituristico Marco Boschetti e il responsabile degli agriturismi per il Consorzio Giovanni Borrini. “La nostra città – ha detto Buvoli – è attrattiva, non solo dal punto di vista culturale, ma anche per la sostenibilità. I percorsi segnalati puntano a valorizzare quest’ultimo aspetto”. “Gli agriturismi sono stati una felice intuizione – ha osservato Rebecchi – che ha avuto un grande successo a livello turistico, ma che può essere scoperto anche dai mantovani”. I relatori hanno spiegato che, come ogni anno, i visitatori saranno accolti, dall’alba al tramonto, e gli ospiti saranno accompagnati in visite guidate per conoscere da vicino la fonte del cibo, la maestria contadina, le tecniche di coltivazione, d’allevamento e di trasformazione. “Saranno trattati – ha sottolineato Boschetti - aspetti di particolare interesse per i consumatori, sempre più attenti alla qualità e alla sicurezza alimentare. La manifestazione è anche un’occasione per conoscere i paesaggi rurali e la campagna nel suo complesso”. Dopo la pandemia c’è sempre più bisogno di spazi aperti e di campagna. La manifestazione è anche una rassegna delle trasformazioni intervenute nel lavoro agricolo e nel paesaggio rurale, presentando esperienze e storie di riscatto e di inclusione sociale. Le realtà da visitare sono molteplici: cantine, caseifici familiari, agribirrifici, fattorie didattiche e sociali, allevamenti allo stato semibrado, laboratori di trasformazione dei prodotti. Sono aziende innovative, in gran parte condotte da giovani e da donne. L’evento coinvolge da anni i principali Consorzi di bonifica, inserendosi nel calendario delle iniziative della settimana della bonifica. I partecipanti a “Per corti e cascine”, quindi, hanno la possibilità di visitare, con guide esperte, gli impianti di bonifica del territorio aperti per l’occasione, conoscendo da vicino queste opere di straordinaria ingegneria idraulica. L’edizione di quest’anno, ha aggiunto Borrini, si caratterizza per una grande attenzione ai temi della sostenibilità ambientale, dell’inclusione sociale e della biodiversità. Si potranno così assaggiare prodotti che sono stati “salvati” come il salame “mariola” (insaccato prodotto nell’intestino cieco, che è sottoposto a una stagionatura più lunga che lo rende più morbido dei classici salami mantovani) prodotto dalla famiglia Mezza dell’agriturismo Corte Valle San Martino, dove sarà possibile visitare anche il Museo del Salam Casalin. Le proposte delle corti e delle cascine partecipanti possono essere scaricate dal sito. Le cartoguide per conoscere i percorsi e le aziende partecipanti sono già in distribuzione presso la sede del Consorzio, a Mantova, in strada Chiesanuova, presso i mercati contadini e presso la Casa del Rigoletto. Sui profili social del Consorzio, inoltre, sarà possibile seguire con continuità gli eventi programmati da ogni azienda e le modifiche intervenute in base all’andamento meteo. La manifestazione, comunque, si terrà con qualsiasi tempo meteorologico. Queste giornate, infatti, hanno l’obiettivo di far incontrare produttori agricoli e consumatori, in un viaggio alla scoperta della maestria contadina, della fonte del cibo, della biodiversità, dei sapori più genuini e del respiro dello spazio rurale. La manifestazione “Per corti e cascine” da anni presenta le trasformazioni dell’agricoltura multifunzionale, sostenibile e solidale, attenta ai cambiamenti climatici.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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dcpdvn · 2 years
Ẳng cấp phái nữ (đcpđ) đ đã trở thành nhãn hiệu ược Cib nhận cấp phát những thành phầm đó đẹp và sức khỏe cao cấp (mỹ phẩm, thực phẩm chức năng, thiết bị
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# I had my 1st job interview & i never felt so low in my life that i just, *sigh* i never thought interviewer would condescendingly question me, especially my voice! What's wrong with my voice?! And u know the worst part? When i asked when they'd contact me for result, they had to fumble for answer as if it was so difficult! I knew then that they wouldn't hire me but it stung. I wished they just straight out said they don't want to hire me; that would've lessen the blow, i think. ~bad day anon~
*he nuzzles into your neck purring as he listens to you, when you finish he looks up at you and frowns, it’s a rare sight* how dare they be so cruel to you *he reaches up to lovingly stroke your hair* i can’t imagine what could be going on in their heads that they couldn’t see perfection sitting right in front of them. *he shrugs* maybe they’re just idiots, don’t take this to heart love. let it go and move forward, they don’t deserve your time or concern. *he presses a soft kiss to your cheek* i love you, and i know very well that anyone would be lucky to have you within a yard of them.
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cib-napped · 5 years
in honor of tonight’s superbowl
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pepitoblack · 2 years
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📷 Sans dessus-dessous * #escalier #escalera #stairs #architecture #centreculturel #associationculturellededax #ciedutroudeserrure #bnw #bnwpic #beauté #poétique #foto_blackwhite #worldbnw #fotopepitoblack #moment_in_bnw #tv_blackandwhite #monochrome (à Dax, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cib-h7QKFxM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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youngfcs · 3 years
Oi, cib, tudo bem?
Então, poderia me sugerir algumas atrizes (ou até mesmo modelos) filipinas que aparentam ter 17/18 anos, por favor? Obg desde já!
Olá, anon! Estou boazinha e você? Claro que sim <3
Liza Soberano (16-23)
Sofia Andres (15-22)
Chienna Filomeno (17-24)
Maris Racal (15-23)
Kathryn Bernardo (18-25)
Sharlene San Pedro (15-21)
Jane De Leon (16-22)
Krystal Brimner (17-23)
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scorpion6knives · 4 years
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Thank You From all of us at Scorpion 6, thank you to all of the veterans out there that swore an oath to defend their country, left their families and friends and became part of something bigger than themselves in service to their home and millions of people they will never meet. Your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. #army #marines #airforce #navy #eventhecoastguard #veteransday #veteran #cib #combat #combatveteran #infantry #combatinfantrybadge #🇺🇸 (at San Tan Valley, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdOsnCAO_k/?igshid=1jbfyi38dxncr
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venohaye · 4 years
San Diego Lawyers - How Can I Obtain a Traveling Permit From a Spanish Lawyer in San Diego?
A Sierra Leon Travel Authorization form is a legal document issued by the Government of Spain, the European jurisdiction for issuing travel documents. The Spanish government issued this record to travelers that are planning to travel in Spain.
It's a significant document which lets you legally travel to Spain or the European nations including France and Italy and a number of other places. Here are the legal requirements for a traveler to Get the Sierra Leon Travel Authorization Form:
To start with, the applicant should have a passport in the European state which has an open visa policy for Spain. If he does not have such a passport, he should have the relevant documents from the Spanish embassy or consulate of the home nation. Some applicants are denied entrance into Spain and will need to submit another form to demonstrate their identity and the files of their home states.
Another problem is that the applicant ought to have the required amount of money with him for the length of his stay in Spain, which will rely on the cost of lodging. By way of instance, a one-day stay may be included in the expenses while longer stays might add up to thousands of dollars.
The applicant must also prove he is 16 years old when he plans to remain in Spain for over thirty days. The applicant needs a legal certificate to prove that he is of lawful age, which can be called a CIB (Certificado de Estado de Juvenil). The CIB is generally obtained in the local government when the child turns three years of age.
Finally, the applicant must also present a proof of residence from the city where he intends to go to Spain. This requirement can be ignored by a few people who just wish to stay in Spain temporarily or if they're going there for longer than ten times. But, if the applicant could offer a copy of a lease agreement, it'll be enough.
So, how does a San Diego attorney help in getting the correct document for a tourist to Spain? An expert San Diego attorney is well versed with the procedure involved and the necessary documents which have to be presented. He is knowledgeable about the intricacies of this system and can provide the applicant with the appropriate assistance he needs.
Most of all, a San Diego lawyer will ensure that the traveler receives the appropriate document. To legally enter Spain.
When it comes to San Diego attorneys, there are lots out there. You can receive all of the information you want about San Diego attorneys at the official sites of the city. However, if you're looking for a local attorney, you might even check out the Internet.
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szepkerekkocka · 6 years
CIB legalja 1.
Kicsit tele lett a hócipőm a CIB-bel, szóval most folytatásos teleregény következik arról, hogy meddig ér az inkompetencia arrafelé.
Első fejezet: számlakivonat.
Mindenféle helyeken ezzel kell igazolnom dolgokat mostanában, igaz, ezek a helyek nem hitelesített számlakivonatokat kérnek, szóval a végére elgondolkodtam, hogy szerkesztek magamnak egy számlakivonatot Mezőbank fejléccel és Comic Sans betűtípussal szedve, hátha azt is elfogadják.
Mivel ócsó online számlám van, ezért papíros számlakivonatot persze nem kapok, ha mégis kérnék ilyet egy fiókban, gondolom aranyporral kéne kifizetni az értékes élőmunkát.
Persze 2018-ban az is meghaladja a CIB képességeit, hogy kiküldjenek havonta pártizezer PDF-et emailben.
Nem ez van, hanem menjek a netbankba.
Namost a CIB-nek három online bankolási alkalmazása van:
1. A mobilapp, ami szép meg jópofa, de számlakivonatot pont nem lehet benne lekérdezni, csak sima számlatörténetet.
2. A webes alapú CIB Bank online, ebben se lehet számlakivonatot letölteni.
3. A legacy vastag klienses, Java Web Startos CIB Internet Bank, amit a fentiekkel próbálnak kiváltani, csak hát még nem sikerült teljesen, ezért az egyetlen online felület, amiben tényleg minden funkció elérhető, a fenti kettőben csak az, amit már sikerült átültetni oda is. A számlakivonatot, azt még nem sikerült, az a jelek szerint nem prioritás.
Nos a számlakivonatot abszolút platformfüggetlen formátumban lehet megtekinteni ill. letölteni:
(Az ínyencek kedvéért idetenném azt is, hogy nem, természetesen nem UTF encoding.)
A Java alkalmazásban frankón egy ablakban megjelenítenek (soronként) egy txt-t. Amit elvileg ki lehet nyomtatni (ami nem egy PDF exportot jelent, hanem valami mást, nekem nem működött, valszeg mert nincs nyomtató konfigurálva), meg le lehet menteni.
Lementettem, bevittem melókába.
Nem gondolom, hogy egy digitális analfabéta lennék, de kb. nyolcadik próbálkozásra sikerült úgy kinyomtatnom ezt a szart, hogy a (130+ karakteres) sorok fekvő tájolásban ne lógjanak le a lapról. A végső megoldás az volt, hogy bemásoltam egy MSWord doksiba, és elkezdtem formázni a nyers szöveget. Érted, azt a szöveget, amiben kötőjel karakterekből rajzoltak vonalakat a táblázat fejlécnek, meg amiben szóközökkel van megoldva az oszlopok igazítása.
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todosobreballenas · 1 year
Mundo Ballenas: Japón vuelve a perder fuerza en el escenario global
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Japón sufrió un duro revés en relación a su postura pro caza de ballenas en la reunión anual de la Comisión Internacional de Ballenas (IWC, por sus siglas en inglés) que se celebró en la isla de San Cristóbal y Nevis en la zona del Caribe.
El conjunto de naciones a favor del proteccionismo ballenero derrotaron la propuesta presentada por la delegación japonesa que bregaba por lograr consenso y permitir a algunas de sus comunidades costeras la caza de ballenas para el consumo y comercialización local.
Sin embargo, según informaron fuentes participantes de la reunión , la puja estuvo pareja ya que señalaron que en esta oportunidad, Japón perdió su moción tan sólo por un voto, ya que el arribo tardío de algunos delegados sumó el apoyo a las propuestas en favor de Tokio.
La votación se realizó en sucesivas rondas. En la primera etapa del sufragio , Japón perdió sorpresivamente dos votaciones que eran clave en su intento reiterado de poner fin a la protección internacional que ejerce la CIB sobre la caza de especies hoy resguardadas como son las toninas y delfines .
En la segunda parte de la votación, Japón no logró que se aprobara su proyecto en relación a la suspención de que los votos fueran emitidos en secreto. Con su pedido Japón buscaba ejercer presión sobre los países contrarios a su postura, pero no logró su cometido y la votación se desarrolló como se acostumbra en cada reunión. Y, en esta segunda instancia, tampoco pudo derribar la barrera que protege en la actualidad a las ballenas de ser cazadas en los mares del mundo. 
Un verdadero juego político de fondo entre los países de la CBI
En el trasfondo de la votación, según dicen los expertos , se jugaba el equilibrio de poder al interior de la Comisión Internacional de Ballenas, que había sufrido modificaciones en esta oportunidad. El motivo fue la incorporación de cuatro nuevos países al conjunto de naciones que conforman la CIB ( IWC) en donde tres de ellos sumaron su apoyo a los pedidos y mociones de Japón.
Pero , esta situación desató el reclamo de las organizaciones proteccionistas de ballenas quienes pusieron de relieve ante los delegados a la reunión, que no debería prevalecer el criterio de que el futuro de las ballenas y los delfines dependa de un juego político numérico entre los países que integran la CIB.
Giuseppe Raaphorst, integrante de la comisión danesa para la pesca de ballenas, elevó una propuesta con el objetivo de lograr la unificación de los ministros en la reforma de la CIB, a la que calificó como una organización que debería “aggiornarse” para funcionar más aceitadamente y responder con celeridad a las necesidades concretas en beneficio de las ballenas.
Proteger a las ballenas es la prioridad número 1
“La CIB debe poner los medios adecuados para enfrentar de modo positivo y efectivo las necesidades conservacionistas ambientales que se requieren hoy, para estar a la altura de las circunstancias. Se debe buscar una forma de gobernación muy elevada y altruista. Una gobernación que promueva la toma decisiones efectivas y eficaces y siga adelante permanentemente avanzando con acciones de conservación en cada rincón del planeta. Creo que si la CBI no avanza, retrocede. Si la organización retrocede debe buscar replantearse su misión ya que su función es de crucial importancia en los tiempos que corren” agregó el comisionado danés.
Lo sorprendente fue que la propuesta de reformas alzada a la CBI causó divisiones al interior de la comisión de naciones participantes de la reunión anual. Mientras que los países que buscaron la protección de las ballenas apoyaron las reformas propuestas por el comité directivo de la CBI, las naciones que desean el levantamiento de la veda a la caza optaron por una modificación al esquema presentado por Japón.
Según el plan nipón , los países que buscan el permiso para la activación de la caza están listos para unirse a espaldas de la CBI para planificar una nueva estrategia para implementar en el futuro cercano. Las naciones que en la actualidad se oponen a la caza comercial de ballenas como , Australia, el Reino Unido y Nueva Zelanda, consideran que ,desde hace varias décadas, las ballenas son animales cuya conservación es de vital importancia para la humanidad y que no deben ser cazados sino protegidos bajo toda circunstancia.
Originally published at http://todosobreballenas.com/ on June 29, 2023.
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suckmydickalexa · 6 years
fp7 steven headcanons ? sure
this is Quite long (like as in just a block of text. i am so fucking sorry) and i honestly just rambled about how steven was before toxic pine/started toxic pine/how he met everyone in the crew. if u like these ill cry tbh
hwnt. steven suptic. clearly the leader. has been a kind of crew leader before he came to los santos with other smaller gangs that eventually disbanded. before he moved to los santos, he had a short double-team going on with himself and clayton, them both going by hwnt and cib respectively. when that job died down, he joined sourcefed on a whim. he knew the business they dealt with and knew he could get some more experience and maybe even try to work himself to the top. turns out if the gang you work for starts being unable to pay its members, theyll get pretty fucking pissed off. at one point steve met james during a lowkey robbery aftermath once they had gotten back to headquarters. they both kept an eye on each other when things were going rough. it was good to have in this type of job. he also met autumn around the same time, but by the time the three of them were on speaking terms, sourcefed was getting shut down and there was nothing to be done anyways. during his work with sourcefed he also freelanced with reina in their own little two-person team, super panic frenzy (super was reina, panic was steven, frenzy was them as a whole. i just came up with that lmao) they were a key part in sourcefed while the gang still stood but now have disbanded but keep in touch. between sourcefed going under and steven beginning his own crew, he reconvened with reina and had a small run as the boys only crew. technically it is still a running gang since neither of them cancelled it, but since steven began toxic pine they havent seen each other as often. when hwnt and cib came together again it was great, they were so excited to be back together and working towards the ultimate crew that owned los santos. then they took in james after a convenience store heist gone sour, and finally autumn shortly afterwards. and, through autumn, did steven learn about the roosters. the basic owners of los santos, the ones that ran not only los santos itself, but also san andreas and liberty city. the biggest crew around, like larger than what sourcefed was. there was still other groups around, but no one bigger than the roosters. once they were affiliated with the roosters they actually had more heists to plan and to execute,  but that meant more people. more members. even guns for hire it didnt matter. steven knew parker from way back around the time he knew cib, and they had planned things but nothing ever went through. he came in to toxic pine for steven as their drug runner. he doesnt look it but it fits somehow. jeremy was next up after parker, whos apparently his best friend and happens to be an assassin. steven didnt really think twice about bringing him in. nit bc of his expertise, but because he didnt like how jeremy was looking at him so he just agreed with everything and said yes. andrew is kinda all over the place. they dont exactly remember where he came from, what he does or who he rlly is. he does help them with cars, lowjacking and keeping tabs on where they all store em. same with basically any bikes, trucks, copters, planes, etc. most of the time theyre on a skype call with him though, because hes always on the run. but he comes through faster than merryweather ever has. sami jo was, at first, just cibs tinder date but there was a hold up at where they had been eating dinner (probably just a taco bell), and sami jo immediately took action and knocked the guy out with his own gun. cib wasnt surprised that girls in los santos had basically special ops training but he wasnt about to question it. cib outright asked sami jo to join the crew and the rest is history. shes both their supply handler (along with parker) and also their getaway driver. ALFREDO IS. I DONT KNOW WHAT HE IS. WE PROBABLY NEVER WILL BUT HES PROBABLY LIKE. he probably just eats ammo. i dont know ok . jamie and mimi came as a pair. originally it was going to be just jamie, steven had actually been his sniper target foe the evening but instead jamie kind of. went through the 5 stages of grief about 4 times because they had met before and steven had been _nice_ to him, why should he kill him? (also i wanna say before jamie joined toxic pine he was Absolutely working with michael jarvis . maybe not specifically affiliated and In The Crew, but always being called bc jarvis wanted to see him) . jamie offered legit his Gun just to get out of the situation and steven just brings this info back to his crew and is like "what. do i do about this" and cib just immediately wants him in. everyone does bc famous sniper james allen mccune being in Their crew???????? like oof they got skill and power with this guy behind them. so they did, and along came with him mimi. she stays home most of the time during the heists, unless truly needed, because shes their basically fucking mercy healer. shes got a doctors background and knows how to suture in under like 3 minutes (without numbing but the boys deny it mostly) . however she is a Really good actress (and so is jamie) so sometimes theyll have either of them be distractions during heists.
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efrainpeluche · 2 years
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Así crecen fuertes y sanos los plantones en San Carlitos gracias al cuidado del amigos @jaimea0623 del @clubleodavidvalledelaluna 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌎💪🏻🌳 (en Chiriquí Province) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiB-ecCjYAx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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