#CJC are very complex charas so theres way more i can say about them haha
pendwelling · 2 years
hiii!! i love your fics for both fandoms, especially love the way you write relationships!!; don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but do you have any tips for writing cedjeschris? i’m… trying something out…
Oh!!!! Im happy you enjoy my fics that means a lot, thank you so much 😭🛐
As for tips for writing cedjesschris, I guess I can try typing out the general things I myself keep in mind while writing! 👀
For one, Cédric is very much a "actions speak louder than words" type of person! He's the guy who rented out an entite shopping district because Eva and Christelle wanted to take Jesse out shopping but couldn't due to the complicated nature as a foreign prince and diplomatic hostage! He's also the type of person that logically knows that, as a hostage, Jesse technically isn't supposed to be keeping gifts but because Jesse is his friend, Ced lies and tells him "your assigned imperial vaults are too full" just so he can keep the girls' presents :') Cédric is a stoic and socially inept guy but he is an INCREDIBLY good guy deep down,not to mention a man of duty, filial to his parents+godmother, and considerate of his friends. He's also childish, so not making him an emotionless robot is good to keep in mind because that guy is actually the most emotional out of the trio when you think about it xDD
For Christelle, she might be the easiest to write 🤔 She's a very positive and energetic person, and is the type of gal that you'd easily get along with, with her emotional intelligence being one of her strongest fortes that makes up in her high EQ for where Ced is lacking :') <3 Being able to seamlessly incorporate pop culture references to fit her sense of humour and her context as a modern day Korean woman of the 21st century is also p important to keep in mind (which is hilarious, because no one else but her (and Jesse but she doesnt know he knows—particularly at the start of the novel) understands, so in-universe people just sort accept that she says all these wild nonsensical modern things and goes along with her 😂) She cares a lot for Jesse and sees him as a precious friend that she needs to grow stronger to protect (such is her instincts as a Holy Knight) and while she does fight a lot with Cédric, they both have a relationship of mutual respect and acknowledgment, no matter how much they bite or grab at each other's hair while sparring. ((One other key aspect about her character tho is Ham Ga-in's underlying worry that the original Christelle might one day come back to claim her rightful place, so Ga-in is actually very cautious and careful about her life sometimes, because she can never be too sure whether or not "the original Christelle will like [so and so decision that Ga-in makes]". For example, Chris keeps her hair long despite preferring short hair/easy to maintain hair, because it's not Ham Ga-in's hair, but og!Christelle's. She feels like she is "borrowing"/"has stolen" someone's body, so Christelle does her best to give her body a good life and make good decisions, so that if og!Christelle comes back, she will be happy since Ga-in took care of her life well. Ham Ga-in is actually a very complicated and complex character underneath her happy, simple, and cheerful exterior 😭)))
And finally Jesse!!! Surprisingly, he might be the hardest to write, because I feel that it's very easy for people (myself included haha!!) to fall into the trap of portraying him as a completely pure, good, and innocent person (i lose several years off my life whenever I see someone describe him as a Gary Sue too btw). Jung Yeseo is just as much of a modern-day man as Christelle, and while he's definitely way softer in temperament and can be dense, he also doesn't hesitate to privately insult and drag people through the mud in his head 😂 He's surprisingly very snarky (especially towards Cédric)! He just holds himself back because of his position as "Prince Jesse" so he can't act as casual and childish as he typically would xDD And he is definitely not a doormat—I think it's important to mention that Jung Yeseo was a law student, so that sort of gives context as to what kind of person he is. He is righteous in his own sense and can be hard-headed, and rather than being all-forgiving, he is capable of punishing and being stern when called for—a good balance on the scale of justice, shall we say (think of his reaction to Synkie and Peter! They tried to assassinate him so he acknowledges they should be justly punished, but he is also aware of the fact that they are children, and well, we all know that Jesse has a soft spot for children and animals due to his nature as a kind and caring older brother.) Jung Yeseo is a very good person and his kindness and gentle nature plays a big part in his personality, but he's so much more nuanced than his saintly image. Empress Fred even once said his stubbornness to win arguments reminded her of her husband! xD Yeseo is very smart, and while he has a better grip on his emotions than Cédric, he is dense in a comedic way (especially towards sexual advances + in terms of self-awareness) and can be awkward, but it's always enjoyable when people portray him with his snarkiness and subtle sharpness!
As for their dynamic as a whole, it's nice to remember that, while all three of them are adults above their mid-20s (Christelle is physically 19 but mentally in her 30s) they are also pretty childish for their age. It helps that the genre is lighthearted than other webnovels where each chara seems to be riddled with angst. CedJessChris' dynamic feels like three friends who have finally be set loose upon meeting each other, after a long life of hardships and shackles! They cause chaos and trouble, and feel very realistic in their friendship with the way they bond and have heart to hearts. Jesse is usually the mediator for CedChris' frenemies rivalry, but Cédric can also play the role of the only sane person when ChrisJess are up to their plotting shenanigans. And when CedJess fight, we can always count on Chris to be the one to set them straight, as well. They have a very balanced relationship!
I feel like I'm starting to go off way too long now LMFAOOJFJDKLD but yeah!!!!! A lot of what I've said are some of things that I try to keep in mind while writing, so I hope you might find them useful in any way, as well!! 😭👌 I'm curious about that something you say you're trying out 👀👀
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