#COVID-19 Impacts On After Sun Care Products Market
market-insider · 2 years
After Sun Care Product Market Driven By Rising Consumer Awareness Related Harmful Effects Of Chemicals On Skin
The global after sun care products market is expected to reach USD 1.64 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 4.1%, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Rising consumers awareness especially, among the millennials regarding the harmful effect of the sun rays on the skin has driven the after sun care products in the market. Moreover, natural and organic after sun care products are gaining traction among a growing number of consumers, driven by the rising consumer awareness related to the harmful effects of chemicals on the skin. Usage of organically-sourced ingredients in product formulations is anticipated to surge in the next few years as per the trends observed in after sun care products consumption.
After sun care products are available in a wide variety of types, variants, and others to suit the requirements of a varied set of consumers. The demand for after sun care products with natural ingredients is increasing rapidly owing to their various benefits to the skin, such as protecting skin because of the exclusion of harmful chemicals from it, further propelling their demand in the market.
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The mass segment contributed a majority of the share to become the largest division in the global revenue in 2021. Easy accessibility of after sun care products at a reasonable price to the consumers has driven the after sun care products in the market.
The lotion segment contributed a majority of the share to become the largest division in the global revenue in 2021. Lotion usually has around 5 to 25 percent of oil-soluble substances and oils in it. Thus, they get easily spread and absorbed quickly into the skin. Thus, making it the most popular form among the consumers. Moreover, lotions are available for all types of skin in the market. Thus, the aforementioned facts have driven the growth of the market in terms of value sales.
The e-commerce segment is expected to register the fastest CAGR from the year 2022 to 2030. E-commerce retail sales are expected to witness substantial gains in the coming years on account of rising consumer spending, growing population, and wide availability of products. In addition, the introduction of mobile shopping apps for after sun care products such as Amazon, Nykaa, and others along with the availability of safe & convenient payment gateways are contributing to the growth of the online retail industry.
The market is fragmented in nature with the presence of a large number of international players and a few regional players. Unilever; The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.; Shiseido; MacAndrews & Forbes (Revlon); L’Oréal S.A.; Coty Inc.; Clarins; Beiersdorf AG; Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.; and Bioderma Laboratories.
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inick4u · 4 years
Tame the Dragon
It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. It culminated in one of the most famous scenes in recent history - the fall of the Berlin Wall. An end to the Cold War was declared at the Malta Summit three weeks later, and the reunification of Germany took place in October the following year. It took US (and west) around 45 years after world war-2 to claim the triumph over mighty Soviet Union when it got dissolved in Dec 1991. The similarities between communist USSR and present day China in their hegemonic, expansionist, tyrannical, authoritarian, Orwellian regimes are not unfathomable.
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Rise of China, its Military and Economical Potency
Rise of china started in 1980, due to initiation of economic reforms and trade liberalization with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 9.5% through 2018, a pace described by the World Bank as “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history.” Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every eight years and helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty and becoming second highest GDP around 13.41 trillion USD in 2018.
In terms of Military strength, Second only to the U.S. and Russia, the Chinese military continues to grow alongside a local burgeoning Military-Industrial Complex with around 21 lakhs active personnel and around 175 billion USD budget.
Threat of China to India and stability of world at large
Chinese leadership interpreted 2008 financial crisis as decline of US supremacy & inadequacy to maintain stability in economy. First manifestation of China asserting its belligerent policies started in March 2010 with its expansive claim over South China Sea. Chinese claim over South China Sea was projected as their core interest and non-negotiable like Tibet and Taiwan. In November 2012 at 18th Party Congress of CCP ,Hu Jintao who was loathe to be seen as weak in foreign policy, especially in the context of a rapidly growing concern about social stability and regime legitimacy was succeed by Xi Jinping. After that number of steps undertook by PRC to increase their stakes in world stability. In series of that, Launching of Belt and road initiative in 2013 widely seen as agenda  to threaten sovereignty, export sub-standard norms and practices, ensnaring developing countries with debt dependence and then translating that dependence into geopolitical influence. China’s actions in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Malaysia are central to the “debt trap diplomacy” debates. This was followed by numerous controversies over dubious cyber activities, maritime and land disputes with its neighbor (such as India, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines), ethnic atrocities on Uighur Muslims in Xinxiang, curbing anti-china protest in Hong Kong and Trade war with US.
By any parameters, one can safely conclude that china has been overtly challenging US and west domination on world affairs in all facets over a decade now and pose severe threat to regional & world stability.
On domestic front, New Delhi has been very skeptical and apprehensive about Beijing and its hawkish polices after trauma of 1962 war. The event of Doklam, raising Kashmir issue in UN, blocking India’s entry into NSG (Nuclear Supplier Group), Supporting jihadi terrorist on international forums, pact with Pakistan for CPEC with an aim to undermine India’s sovereignty and now killing of 20 Indian soldiers in Ladakh by PLA has unsurprisingly conveyed the devious plot of evil Xi-Jinping regime to destabilize India.  China is also following the strategy of containing India in maritime region by establishing bases for the forward deployment of their naval assets and to gain relative advantage and leverage Indo-pacific region.
Now, outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic allegedly originated in wet markets of Chinese city of Wuhan and its information suppressed by China has really triggered the conflict between world and China wide open. The world is now badly suffering with devastating effect of Covid-19 at all fronts and wants to hold the Chinese government responsible for hiding the information unscrupulously.
Infiltration of China in Indian Economy
We need to understand few basic facts about infiltration of China in Indian economy before going into the debate of boycott China campaign. India is running biggest single trade deficit with China comparing to any other country. The imbalance has continuously been widening year after year to reach USD 58.04 billion in 2018. Over time, our raw material-based export commodities of largely agricultural and pharmaceutical products have been overshadowed by Chinese exports of machinery, power-related equipment, telecom, organic chemicals, and fertilizers. Many Chinese electronic, IT and hardware manufacturing companies are also having operations in India. These include Huawei Technologies, ZTE, TCL, Haier etc. Chinese mobile handset companies Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo, Realme occupy nearly 75% of Indian mobile handset market.
Apart from the bilateral trade, Chinese investments in a country come through direct, routed and through corporate penetration in technology and infrastructure sectors. Officially, China's FDI in India stands at over $2.34 billion. Some observers and think tanks report a higher investment including rerouted ones. They put the Chinese investments in India at over $4 billion. Some of our shining brands having massive Chinese investment are Ola, Flipkart, Swiggy, Paytm, Snapdeal, Zomato etc.
 Can Boycotting Chinese Product help?
Any people movement of boycotting Chinese Product is not only going to be very futile engagement with very less dividend but shows our approach of banalisation of very complex international matter with united  jingoism. Almost every experts are opining to the contrary and also we don’t have any history of such successful attempt or study of consumer boycotting in attaining self-reliance or penalizing the “enemy” nation.
The range of goods that we import from China is immense: consumer durables such as electronic goods, smartphones, industrial goods, vehicles, solar cells, and essential pharmaceutical products including tuberculosis and leprosy drugs and antibiotics, among many others. It needs to be acknowledged that China has increased its export to Africa, Europe, US and its dependence on export to India is not great (2% of its total exports). So even if Indians boycott all the goods imported from China, it will not make as big an impact on China. On the other hand sudden throwing out Chinese firms may impact Indian industries and tech startups due to lack of investment, raw material and low cost capital investment. Another impact could be further worsen of unemployment rate which currently stands at alarming 24% rate.
USP of Chinese goods has been its affordability and availability. With a careful study of global society’s multi-cultural needs – some of the cheapest saris, toys, Diwali firecrackers and god idols in India come from China.  In our country where 75% of population only managed to earn Rs. 33 per day, consumer eventually prefer to go for the cheapest available option in the market. So call for boycotting anyways going to diminish sooner or later without achieving its goal.
 Ways to counter the bully
To quote great ancient Chinese General and Military Strategist Sun Tzu “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Conventional warfare cannot be a viable option to counter a nation which is 5 times bigger in GDP and 3 times bigger in terms of military spending. Hence opening remarks of this article about history explains why India needs a long term, stable, prudent multilateral strategy to counter china and can be classified as follows.
a) Economic Reforms, bilateral and multilateral Trade agreement – It’s not intricate to understand that reason China is able to challenge US is because of their sustained economic growth. And this is an undisputed opinion in the world that India has failed to reach its potential after forced Liberalization of 1991 (explanation needs another article).  
An efficient government is one that draws down its intervention where it is distortionary and goes big where it needs to—is a better goal. The Indian state has made the wrong call too often. We have already lost a decade for structural economic reforms and cannot be further delayed. The Clarion call of Atmanirbar Bharat should not be misconstrued to the policy of protectionism and disruption. Though it’s impossible to suggest any magic wand to overturn India’s economic woes (going on now from long time) in few paragraphs but let’s discuss some basic concepts.
India is inadequately formalized, financialised, urbanized, industrialized and skilled. There are fundamentally two different part of economy i.e. Rural and Urban economy. Rural economy is mostly based on agriculture and constitute 65% of population. Agricultural reforms should ensure easier access to inputs like seeds, technology, power, finance and insurance. They should effect greater connectivity, both virtual and through logistic networks, of the farmer to warehouses, rural industry and final consumers.
Some bold steps for Land and labor reforms need to be undertaken. Though some states like MP and UP made some labor reforms but union government’s formulation with wider consultation of industry and trade unions required.
India, with its massive domestic consumption, can hunker down and resolve to boost domestic demand in the coming months. Government must put more money in people’s hands by creating more jobs through huge public investment projects that bring about new national assets. The government also needs to go further in reforming the banking sector & financial institute, including stricter regulations over lending and enhanced supervision from regulators. Government must work on issue like Simplification of GST, elimination of red tapism, avoiding crony capitalism, low tariffs to attract foreign investment, encouragement to startups etc.
India’s Spending on R&D is very low. In the process of self-reliance, it becomes paramount that along with improvement in our education systems we must spend on R&D of technological development. Eg. India has quadrupled its imports of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. 175 million such batteries were imported in 2016, 313 million in 2017, 712 million in 2018 and 450 million in 2019. About ¾ of this import comes from China causing surge in our import bill. With Robust R&D Infrastructure, increasing import tariffs and assisting our indigenous industry, this can be easily overturned in a span of 3-4 years. Same can be applied to electronics industry, mobile handset industry and some low cost equipment’s which now heavily depending on China.
Trade agreements with like-minded countries in non-sensitive sector will also help in much needed infusion of funds and making our products competitive globally and exportable.
This is long haul process and needs stable, strong vision and may not get us the headlines but surely will help to transform our economy.
(In April, the United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) reported that for the first time in 40 years, China had applied for more patent applications than the U.S. including artificial intelligence, brain science, dark matter, genetic engineering and quantum computing and communications. These are areas at the cutting edge of science. No wonder why China’s firm Huawei is pioneer of 5G technology.)
 Most of things mentioned here are very conceptual, subjective and aspirational. The downturn of Business friendly Chief Minister to the Prime Minister governing with heavy centralization, rhetoric, popular slogans, Communal division is tragic and still anew in our mind. But hope some sanity prevails because history won’t be as forgiving as present day electorate.
 b) Military & strategic Co-operation with World Powers & Alliance with geo-political Anti-China Forces – Well the good news is that in the post COVID era, threats of rise of hegemonic China are acknowledged by all. Many countries including US like Australia, UK, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan have started aggressive opposition of Chinese polices. Hence analogy of Cold war -2 is not mere catchphrase. And threats posed by Beijing demand a ‘more global approach’.
India should realize that higgledy-piggledy strategy against China and non-alignment wouldn’t give the desired result. Strategic military co-operation without compromising the autonomy would play the most vital part in foreign relations. The expansion of G7 is being deliberated and UK is keen to have India join the D10 alliance. India already participates in the Quad (with Australia, Japan, and the U.S.) and in the Indo-Pacific Strategy, both U.S.-led anti-China platforms. Alliances would help to promote a coordinated response between friendly states to challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China. By developing a common set of principles and frameworks (diplomatically and militarily) that transcend conservatism will be able achieve the goals.
Regional players like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea are challenging Beijing draconian approach in the region. India should join their voices and the first step would be recognizing Taiwan and setting up diplomatic relation with them. India should also raise the concerns of Chinese policy towards Uighurs , Hong Kong and Tibet on international forums more often than not.
 c) Peace on Domestic front – In pursuit of competing with a giant china and its proxies like Pakistan, the importance of peace and law & order on domestic front cannot be over emphasized. The prospects of being a democratic country is our biggest strength vis-a-vis China. However our insidious political class across the country has been indulged in sabotaging the democracy and interested in only grabbing the power.  Without really going into the narrative of our Indian ethos and ancient culture of accommodating people of all beliefs, I want to underlay that the basic principle of wealth and prosperity is peace. Dangerous religious and Caste trends could destroy the social fabric of the nation in the long run. Alienation of Minorities should be reversed. Instances of communal riots across states, violent agitation of Jats in Haryana, perpetual violence in Bengal demonstrate very grim portrait of our society. The soft power of demography, importance of communal-social harmony and the need of unity against foreign enemy cannot be overlooked. Though it seems very trivial but in my opinion this is very crucial and hardest step of all.
 Lastly it’s not a question of belling the cat, its how well world take snipe shots to kill this beast.
(Views expressed here are mine while source of most figures is google search)
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5 best international destinations to visit post COVID – 19
The COVID – 19 pandemic has devastated humanity as never before. With multiple countries under strict lockdowns or restricted movements. It has caused a severe blow to the economics of many countries. Multiple businesses and industries worldwide have been badly affected (though some continue to prosper even through this pandemic). One of the worst hit is of course the tourism industry comprising of airlines, hotels and other hospitality related services such as transporters, embassies and visa related services, restaurants and many other ancillary service partners. Having said that tourism is resilient and will bounce back for sure just as it did post the SARS in 2013. The biggest question is what will one’s travel itinerary in the future look like and which regions in the world will be safe to travel in the future? Some of the factors which will perhaps determine this will be – proximity to home, airline capacity, especially to bring back home in case of any eventuality, destinations which were less impacted and/or have better health facilities and also insurance covers.
I am listing down some international destinations that maybe explored post COVID – 19 taking into account multiple factors that work in favour of these destinations. For those who are ‘travellers’ and are looking at continuing to travel once airline services resume and it is safer to travel, here goes –
Country                 Total cases        Active Cases         Deaths
New Zealand           1499                   45                         21
Taiwan                     440                     35                          7
Vietnam                   324                     61                          0
Thailand                  3031                  118                         56
Hong Kong             1056                    27                          4   
 New Zealand:
As on date New Zealand has reported 1499 active COVID – 19 cases with around 21 deaths and 93% of the infected cases have recovered successfully. New Zealand has a definite advantage over many other countries. Constituting 268,000 kms of total land area and a population of approximately 48 lakhs spread out between the North and South Island and any neighbouring inhabited island – It is not a large country and is fairly sparsely populated and yet has the comforts of being a developed country.
Ø  Known for its surreal natural beauty, few destinations can boast of so many natural wonders and experiences packed into such a small area. Snow capped peaks, rain forests, coastal glaciers, large geothermal areas in Rotorua with bubbling mud ponds and hissing streams – New Zealand has it all. Queenstown is a hotspot for adrenaline filled sports such as white-water rafting, luging, jet boat riding, skydiving, hiking, mountain biking, heli hiking, bungy jumping at the Bloukrons Bridge (one of the highest bungy jumps in the world)– the list of outdoor activities is endless.
Ø  With options of self - drive vacations as well as seat in coach holidays, one can find a wide variety of accommodations ranging from budget to luxury as well as quaint bed and breakfasts.
Ø  For the sports lovers, the cricket season in New Zealand will start from July with matches with West Indies followed by ICC T20 on Oct which could be something to plan for. Oct onwards is a good time to travel to New Zealand right through till the beginning of March, to experience summer in New Zealand.
Ø  With simplified e visa processes, correct documentation and timely application of visas, obtaining the New Zealand visa can be a breeze.  
Ø  Well connected with multiple airlines such as Singapore Airlines, Malaysian Airlines, Thai Airways, Air New Zealand and Emirates as well as low cost airlines such as Jet Star, it is a destination which can combined with a stopover in a South East Asian hub as well.
Ø  Considering the size of the country and its population, social distancing should not be a challenge when travelling through New Zealand.  
Ø  New Zealand has around 40 public hospitals spread across the country in cities and larger towns. Both public as well as private health care in the country is excellent.
Ø  All the major insurance companies offer multiple type of travel insurance products for New Zealand and are expected to offer products inclusive of COVID -19.
Ø  Best time to visit: September to November (Spring) with temperatures averaging between 13 – 20 degrees, December to February (Summer) with temperatures averaging between 19 – 25 degrees
Considering its geographical (not to mention lack of political) proximity to China, Taiwan has done an exemplary job of managing COVID 19 and its implications. While relatively unknown. Taiwan offers wondrous vistas, lively traditions and cultures. This year in 2020. Taiwan celebrates ‘the year of mountain tourism’.
Ø  Shaped like a leaf, the island covers 36,000 square kms with 23 million people living in it. Though not a very large country and while it is fairly densely populated, its immediate action and advanced deployment, sufficient availability of PPE for medical personnel and effective use of technology has helped the country tremendously in successfully handling this global pandemic far more effectively than most other countries.
Ø  Some of the popular ways of discovering Taiwan are trekking in the magnificence of the cliffs at Taroko Gorge; taking a ride on the Alishan Forest Railway and experiencing the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds; hiking up to the summit of Northeast Asia's highest peak, Yu Mountain (Yushan). You can also soak up the sun in Kending (Kenting), Asia's version of Hawaii; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; wander through the East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu – overall a lot of fun family activities after being confined to our homes for so long.
Ø  For true shoppers at heart, Taipei offers many night markets where you can combine a very satisfying shopping tour with a street food tour and try some amazing local fare and even a unique shrimp fishing experience.
Ø  You can enjoy a cycle tour near Sun Moon Lake as well a sample local wines and tea made from pure spring water.
Ø  Well connected with many airlines’ ex India such as Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Airlines and low-cost airlines like Air Asia, connectivity is easily possible from many Indian cities though fares are a little towards the expensive side.
Ø  Taiwan has emerged as a hotspot for medical tourism with sophisticated medical technology, well-trained medical professionals, strategic geographical location, stress-free VISA process and most importantly affordable cost-effective quality treatment. With a wide range of government and private hospitals spread across the country, makes it an ideal destination to travel to even as we wait for a vaccine for COVID – 19.
Ø  Popular among both business and leisure travellers, Indian nationals can now travel to Taiwan with a free visa, which can be applied online, thus simplifying visa processes.
Ø  Best time to visit Taiwan: November or the first half of April. The weather is cooler in November while in April you will get to see nature in its full bloom.
Vietnam has been another interesting statistic in so far as battling Coronavirus is concerned. With only 288 cases and no deaths till date, inspite of a relatively weak healthcare system and a low budget for combating the virus, Vietnam is a case study in how this virus can be beaten against all odds.  Effective 23rd April 2020, Vietnamese government has lifted social isolation rules and allowed opening of many non- essential services including restaurants. Domestic flights have resumed operations as well. Though Vietnam has limited and not necessarily international level medical facilities, I have still continued to include the same in my list on account of close proximity to India especially for those on a relative budget and looking for a short break. Vietnam boasts a variety of experiences for families as well as couples and can be an expensive luxury holiday or a relatively basic holiday if looking for a budget one, though airfares can be a little bit of a deterrent sometimes even if booked well in advance
Ø  Vietnam follows a very simple, inexpensive online e visa process for Indians, which is not complex and does not need to be planned weeks in advance.
Ø  One of the most underrated destinations in Asia, Vietnam is popular for its amazingly beautiful beaches some of them relatively unexplored, national parks, historical monuments and bustling nightlife. Cities as vibrant as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh , overnight on a junk boat at the dazzling UNESCO World Heritage site of Halong Bay, hiking through Cat Ba Island, visiting and staying with locals in some of the most spectacular rural villages in North of Vietnam, visit the world’s largest cave in Pho Nha National Park, enjoy relaxing cycling expeditions in Hue or Ninh Binh as you walk around or drive past karst peaks and sail pas Tam Coc’s rice fields, meet up with local tribes in Sapa or find romance in its love market, see the recently opened Golden Hands Bridge in Da Nang and enjoy its French flavours or head on a food trail in one of the cities in Vietnam – the list of experiences is endless.
Ø  Combining a trip to neighbouring Cambodia is also a wonderful option as you will get to see the massive and most important archaeological site in South East Asia – Angkor Wat temples.
Ø  The best medical care in Vietnam is in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, though most medical concerns can be treated competently in many smaller towns and cities. ... SOS International has clinics in Vung Tau, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City, providing good but expensive outpatient medical care
Ø  All major insurance companies offer multiple products that cover Vietnam.
Ø  The best time to visit Vietnam is during December through February when temperatures are milder and rain is minimal. Vietnam's long, narrow shape means that the three primary regions (north, central, and south) experience different types of seasons and weather events throughout the year.
Thailand is perhaps the most ‘been there, done that’ destination in this list. Nonetheless I am including the same as I feel that the destination has great potential on account of a lot of unexplored experiences it has to offer.
Ø  Fantastic connectivity PAN India with option of more expensive full service carriers as well as budget LCC carries combined with amazingly tourist friendly and well organised seat in coach as well as private service and a wide range of accommodation options, gives one a wider price range to choose from depending on budget.
Ø  Apart from the pristine, dreamy beaches, ancient monasteries and coral reefs, food trails that are a treat for your taste buds, adventurous water sports, historical sites  and of course a flourishing night life– there is still a lot undiscovered by many Indian travellers.
Ø  Bangkok, the capital, in central Thailand, is regarded as a modern hub of various cultures, faiths and experiences. Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai to the north cater to those looking the quiet countryside and to spend time in the wild. Down south, beach destinations such as Phuket, Krabi and Koh Samui and island resorts in Khao Sok or Koh Yao Yai and many others, offer some of the best tropical experiences by the sea. On the western end, the Hua Hin region is popular for resorts where one can relax luxuriously. Finally, towards the east, Ubon Ratchathani is a spiritual and historical escape where one can immersively learn about Buddhist and Thai culture.
Ø  Generally speaking, the standard of medical care in Thailand is good. Thailand has world class international standard hospitals in the larger urban centres, with reasonably good medical facility in rural Thailand.  
Ø  Normally I do recommend Thailand as a year- round destination as the countryside is stunningly beautiful in the monsoons and though it rains, it will not disrupt your plans largely. Having said that if you are looking for a perfect weather to travel in, then November through till April is a dry season with temperatures ranging from 29 degrees to 34 degrees.
Ø  Before the COVID- 19 pandemic, Thailand was offering free e visa on arrival. Butan update is awaited on the same from the Thailand embassy. The process of obtaining visa before departure is fairly hassle free and does not take more than 3- 4 working days under ordinary circumstances.
 Hong Kong:
Considering its proximity and accessibility to China, this is another country that has done a remarkable job of managing the pandemic. One of the 1st countries to be hit by the same, Hong Kong is today one of the most ‘almost COVID – 19 free’ countries on the list. What makes this remarkable further is that the city-state has achieved this without the kind of de facto police-state curfew that India has resorted to. While people did work from home and some of the theme parks as well as attractions are closed to avoid community transmission, eventually restaurants opened, people continued to go to parks and favourite hiking routes but nearly everyone wears a mask and maintain social distancing.
Ø  Bustling streets, mouth-watering authentic cuisines, nature reserves and teetering tower blocks, old world markets amidst neon jungles, diversity in its various contradictions - Hong Kong is by far one of the most dynamic, overwhelming city I have ever has the opportunity to visit, A great pick for a family destination, Hong Kong offers a wide range of attractions for all age groups combined with all the privileges and comforts one can enjoy in any well-developed country. Apart from child friendly attractions such as Ocean Park and Disneyland, this multi culture destination also hosts many world class sports events especially rugby and horse racing.  
Ø  It is only an hour’s ferry ride from Macau, a mecca for those interested in casinos and night life and Las Vegas style hotels on ‘The Strip’ with internationally acclaimed shows. Just perfect for those who cannot make it to Las Vegas as yet!
Ø  Hong Kong is extremely well connected to many major airports in India. The airfares as well as hotels are a little on the higher side and I would recommend booking the same early.  
Ø  Critically, Hong Kong has one of the world’s best public healthcare systems, experienced at dealing with challenges such as the avian flu in 1997 to the H1N1 in 2009. 
Ø  Once again, an all year-round destination, the best time to visit Hong Kong is from October till April. For those who enjoy cultural experiences and local festivals and food, I would recommend considering a trip to Hong Kong in January & February though.
 COVID – 19 is not yet a thing of the past globally nor is it an issue we can ignore, So it is time we start working around it and figuring out solutions to stay safe when travelling. Airlines, hoteliers, transporters – everyone involved in the business of hospitality are figuring out solutions in terms of contactless travel, regular sanitisation, norms of social distancing and many other issues which are likely to come up once all of them are allowed to operate as usual. There is definitely a new ‘normal’ that we all need to adjust to while travelling in the future. In a business where human touch and conversation is all about hospitality, be it on land or in air, we may be looking at reduced human touch just to be able to stay safe and travel. So be it then!
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Why life insurance plays a key role in closing the racial wealth gap
Life insurance can help close the racial wealth gap within the Black community
Traditionally, life insurance was marketed to the Black community for burial expenses, not as an investment tool, and Blacks were given higher premiums for lower death benefits.
According to financial advisor Rosalyn Glenn, life insurance can be a powerful wealth-building tool — even during your lifetime.
Permanent life insurance can be a particularly good option because it never expires and there’s a cash value you can borrow against.
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The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the disparities and health inequities that fuel a lack of trust between the medical profession and the Black community. Stories of Anarcha, the Tuskegee experiment, Mississippi “appendectomies,” and Henrietta Lacks are reminders of how the medical community misused Black patients. Even today, 40% of first- and second-year medical students endorsed the belief that Black people’s skin is thicker than white people’s, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Similar to the Black community’s mistrust of the medical profession, there is a mistrust of the financial industry. The FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, said its purpose was to disrupt, discredit, and prevent the rise of a Black Messiah that would unify the Black community. And when there has been wealth in Black entrepreneurial centers like Black Wall Street and historic Beale Street, they were destroyed from racist attacks and replaced with white-owned businesses.
The economic impact of COVID-19 combined with pay inequality and institutional racism continues to create barriers to generating wealth in the Black community. But despite the setbacks of 2020 and the past, in the words of poet Maya Angelou, “still we rise.”
Closing the racial wealth gap will take time and effort on many fronts, but according to Rosalyn Glenn, a financial advisor, ensuring you have adequate life insurance coverage — and understanding how it can build wealth not only after your death but during your lifetime as well — is an important step.
‘Life insurance is for the living’
“Life insurance is for the living, not the deceased,” said Glenn, who has dedicated the past 30 years to educating and helping to build wealth within the Black community. “You want to make sure that your family is taken care of, but we’ve got to start thinking about life insurance as more than just something to bury me with.”
Glenn noted that there are three main features of life insurance:
Death benefits to leave a legacy.
Generate income over time for retirement from the cash value built up.
Tax-deferred benefits.
Glenn is passionate about educating the Black community and explaining that no matter what your income level, you can use life insurance to drive your financial plans — not just after your death, but during your lifetime too.
Glenn said that African-American baby boomers strongly believed in life insurance. “I can remember my grandparents paying the insurance man each week. But I also remember that when it was time for us to use that insurance policy, it wasn’t there because we didn’t understand how it worked.”
For years, life insurance had been marketed to the Black community as something for after you die, not as an investment tool. Recall Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun.” The family is finally able to move to a better neighborhood due to the insurance policy after the death of the father.
“For decades, it was a standard practice at some insurance companies to charge Blacks more for products and offer them small face amount burial insurance that provided little value for the premium paid,” according to Forbes. Studies show that even when they have life insurance, most African-Americans are underinsured. Many have what is known as final expense insurance that essentially covers the funeral and burial costs.
However, the benefits of life insurance as an investment tool are apparent when looking at the career of rapper and entrepreneur, Master P. He started his rap label from $10,000 his grandfather left him from a life insurance policy and now has a $250 million business enterprise. Imagine how much more could have been accomplished with more!
How to get the most out of your life insurance
Start with a budget
Glenn said, “Financial wellness is to be thoughtful about your income, expenses, and knowledgeable about your household. Everyone needs a budget and directing their income to sustain their livelihood. COVID-19 taught us what we can do without before we thought we needed.” She noted that for some two-income households, losing one income can put families below the poverty level. She recommends these steps to achieve financial wellness:
Identify what you need versus what you want.
Live within your means and establish a debt reduction plan if you are over-extended.
Start young when you’re in good health and insurance premiums are cheaper.
If you didn’t start young, start now. You may not be able to fully catch up, but you can certainly lessen the harm that could potentially be done by not making that change right now.
Have a blend of permanent and term life insurance
There are two types of life insurance: permanent life and term life. Permanent life insurance never expires and is more expensive because in addition to a death benefit, it has a cash value component that you can borrow against during your lifetime. You pay more in the early years of the policy — which makes having a budget extra important — and that earns interest creating cash value. However, the premiums decrease as you age.
Term life insurance covers a set time period only — usually five, 10, 20, or 30 years. If you die during that period, your beneficiaries get your death benefit. If you live beyond the term, you have to re-apply for insurance, which becomes more expensive the older you get.
Glenn said that only having term life insurance is not a good idea, especially for the Black community. She recommends blending permanent and term life insurance, because permanent life insurance is a tool to build wealth and leave a legacy in the Black community. She noted that traditionally due to lower-paying jobs, African-Americans have lacked other ways to build wealth, but a permanent life insurance plan is a starting point.
She said, “If you can’t afford permanent life insurance, then get a term life insurance policy with the goal of converting it before the end of the policy.” The goal is “getting us to live beyond today and think about how decisions we make now determine how we will live later in life.”
Glenn recommends “making sacrifices along the way so you’re not forced to make them at the end of life.” That is where having a permanent life insurance policy helps offer income during your lifetime — to pay for college, a second home, or fund a business.
Many people think that their employer-provided group life insurance is enough. However, Glenn notes that this “doesn’t follow you when you retire and even if you’re able to turn it into an individual plan the cost would quadruple.”
Convert your term life insurance to a permanent policy to prepare for retirement
Glenn notes that life insurance is the optimal way to prepare for retirement. She explained that you “can use life insurance to generate income for yourself in retirement because the permanent life insurance policy builds up cash value so when you’re 65 you can set it up to pay you a monthly income.”
She cautioned that she has met many 55 and 60 year olds who had term life insurance but didn’t convert it. Now they are older with health challenges and can’t afford to pay premiums to insure themselves.
Some term life policies cannot convert. For those that can convert, there is usually a window of time that you can convert. However, competing life insurance companies may offer to convert your term life policy. You do not need to submit to additional medical underwriting because your policy would convert at the health rating under the original term policy. Your health insurability is locked from the time your term life insurance became effective.
When you make the conversion from term life to permanent, understand that there are different types of permanent life insurance policies, like whole, universal, and variable life. It is important to talk to your insurance agent or financial planner about the differences between the various permanent life insurance policies to understand what works best for your situation.
Find a financial planner you trust
Glenn said, “No matter your level of income or socioeconomic status, you will need a financial advisor or planner at some point in your life as you are accumulating savings into an income stream.” She said the benefit of working with a planner is to “think strategically about what you’re trying to accomplish and plan for possible market downturns to help you ride through the storms.”
Business Insider contributor Malcolm Etheridge previously wrote: “According to the Certified Financial Planner Board, in 2019, about 1.5% of Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) in the United States were Black. To put hard numbers to it, there are just 1,355 Black CFPs out of roughly 87,000 total practitioners. Those numbers are not only dismal, they are not improving fast enough.”
Glenn understands that there is a lack of trust between the Black community and financial professionals. She recommends building a relationship with someone in the financial industry. She noted that although there is no association or website for Black financial planners and advisors, readers can browse the Brokercheck to find financial planners of color — and the CFP Board site is another great resource.
Credits: Ronda Lee
Date: Sep 16, 2021
Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/life-insurance-close-the-racial-wealth-gap-2021-1
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blueweave8 · 3 years
Tartaric Acid Market Size, share, 2022-2028
A recent study by the strategic consulting and market research firm; BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the global tartaric acid marketwas worth USD 262.7 million in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 387.5 million by the year 2028, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% over the analysis period of 2022-2028. The expansion in the tartaric acid market can be primarily to the burgeoning demand for tartaric acid as it finds a wide range of applications in the manufacturing processes in wine, pharmaceutical, and other end-user industry products. Moreover, the demand for tartaric acid has evolved in the food industry over recent years, owing to its extensive usage as a result of its natural properties.
Soaring Awareness Among Consumers Regarding the Health Benefits of Tartaric Acid
The rising awareness among consumers regarding the health benefits of tartaric acids, such as boosting metabolism, increasing production of collagen, enhancing energy generation in the body, and excellent digestive aid contributing to the market growth of the global tartaric acid market. Moreover, tartaric acid is widely used in pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, and personal care products. For instance, in pharma industries, tartaric acid is used to coat the surface of medicine and heart treatment, which acts as a key market driver in the present and coming years.
Grapes & Sun-Dried Raisins Segment Is Projected To Be The Fastest-Growing Source In The Tartaric Acid Market
When compared to other tartaric acid-containing fruits such as apricots, tamarind, and apples, grapes and dried grapes, often known as raisins, are the only fruits that contain considerable levels of tartaric acid in temperate regions of the world. Grapes are mostly used for wine production, and growth in the wine industry in terms of utilization is attributed to the bigger market share of grapes & sun-dried raisins amidst other sources. European countries constitute a majority of grapes production across the globe, and a significant amount of grapes goes for the making of tartaric acid, which is the key factor supporting segmental market growth.
Request for Sample Report @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/tartaric-acid-market/report-sample
Growing Demand from EMEA Expected to Be A Key Market Trend
EMEA (Europe, The Middle East, and Africa) is one of the major clients of tartaric acid in the global market. It is the largest market for tartaric acid due to the high requirement of wine from European countries. However, the aging population in the region does not consume wine often; the middle-aged population only is inclined toward consuming premium wine. Consequently, wine producers have started releasing wine in smaller packages and affordable for middle-class consumers. Also, the good grapes production and excellent weather conditions in Africa result in the production of wine with suitable acidity and sugar levels, which is expected to drive the global tartaric acid market growth during the forecast period.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Global Tartaric Acid Market
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global tartaric acid market. The lockdowns in major countries had completely shut down tartaric acid industries for several months. Since the COVID-19 has disrupted the supply channels reduced the workforce in companies of tartaric acid due to social distancing norms, the tartaric acid market has been negatively impacted. Also, it has lowered the market demand as people have decreased their per capita expenditure in several countries. However, markets have begun to return to normalize after the lockdowns were removed. So, the hope for tremendous growth in the coming future surely persists.
Asia-Pacific Accounted for Largest Market Share in the Global Tartaric Acid Market
The Asia Pacific is the most important tartaric acid market due to the high population growth well-established healthcare and food industry. It is the largest producer of grapes and other sources required for obtaining tartaric acid naturally. In addition to this, the region has a well-established food processing industry, which is also growing at an exponential CAGR and is predicted to add to the industry's well-being in the upcoming years. In recent years, the industry has witnessed a slowdown due to fluctuating raw material costs and economic conditions. Moreover, rising concerns about obesity and heart-related diseases worldwide resulted in the change in demand from synthetic to natural tartaric acid. This trend may result in an upswing in the industry going forward. Moreover, cheap labor costs contribute heavily to the expenses incurred by manufacturers based in this region.
Competitive Landscape
The global tartaric acid market is characterized by the presence of a few major players, thus making it a consolidated market. The tartaric acid market is highly competitive, with all the players continually competing to gain a larger market share. The key industry players operating in the global tartaric acid market are Distillerie Mazzari S.p.A, ATP Group, Merck KGaA, Omkar Specialty Chemicals, Changmao Biochemical Engineering, Tarac Technologies, PAHI, S.L., Distillerie Bonollo, The Chemical Company, U.S. Chemicals LLC, Henriette's Herbal, Derivados Vínicos S.A, Giovanni Randi S.p.A, Industria Chimica Valenzana, Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, Comercial Quimica Sarasa SL, Anhui Hailan Biotechnology Co. Ltd, The Tartaric Chemicals Corporation, Industria Chimica Valenzana I.C.V. SpA, and Other Prominent Players.
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BlueWeave Consulting provides all-inclusive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online & offline. We offer comprehensive market research reports by analyzing qualitative and quantitative data to boost your business solution's performance. BWC has built its reputation from the scratches by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are a promising digital MI solutions company providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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Pet Insurance Market Size, Share With Top Companies, Region Forecast 2021-2027
Pet Insurance Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Pet Insurance Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Pet Insurance market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Pet Insurance industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Pet insurance is a type of specialty property and casualty insurance policy that pet owners purchase to cover the unintended costs that arise in providing care for a pet, including veterinary services such as surgical procedures, injuries from accidents, and prescribed pet medicines. Pet insurance is purely a reimbursement program. A form of property and casualty insurance, pet insurance provides reimbursement to the owner after the pet has received required care and the owner submits a claim to the insurance company.
Request a Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Pet-Insurance-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
The report offers detailed coverage of Pet Insurance industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Pet Insurance by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Pet Insurance market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Pet Insurance according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Pet Insurance company.
Key Companies Petplan UK (Allianz) Nationwide Trupanion Petplan NorthAmerica(Allianz) Hartville Group Pethealth Petfirst Embrace Royal & Sun Alliance (RSA) Direct Line Group Agria Petsecure PetSure Anicom Holding ipet Insurance Japan Animal Club
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Market by Type Lifetime Cover Non-lifetime Cover Accident-only Others
Market by Application Dog Cat Others
Ask Enquire @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Pet-Insurance-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Pet Insurance Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Pet Insurance Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Pet Insurance Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2021 - 2027
Pet Insurance Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Pet Insurance Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Pet Insurance market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Pet Insurance industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Pet insurance is a type of specialty property and casualty insurance policy that pet owners purchase to cover the unintended costs that arise in providing care for a pet, including veterinary services such as surgical procedures, injuries from accidents, and prescribed pet medicines. Pet insurance is purely a reimbursement program. A form of property and casualty insurance, pet insurance provides reimbursement to the owner after the pet has received required care and the owner submits a claim to the insurance company.
Request a Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Pet-Insurance-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
The report offers detailed coverage of Pet Insurance industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Pet Insurance by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Pet Insurance market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Pet Insurance according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Pet Insurance company.
Key Companies Petplan UK (Allianz) Nationwide Trupanion Petplan NorthAmerica(Allianz) Hartville Group Pethealth Petfirst Embrace Royal & Sun Alliance (RSA) Direct Line Group Agria Petsecure PetSure Anicom Holding ipet Insurance Japan Animal Club
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Market by Type Lifetime Cover Non-lifetime Cover Accident-only Others
Market by Application Dog Cat Others
Ask Enquire @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Pet-Insurance-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Pet Insurance Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Pet Insurance Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Pet Insurance Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Pet Insurance Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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Personal Care Packaging Market Key Companies, Revenue Share Analysis, 2020–2028
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Reports and Data has added a new report titled Global Personal Care Packaging Market to its ever-expanding repository, which aims to offers valuable insights into the Personal Care Packaging industry with regards to the market share, market size, market valuation, and regional bifurcation for the vertical. The report is fabricated with thorough primary and secondary research and is updated with the latest and emerging market trends to offer the readers opportunities to capitalize on the current market environment. For a thorough analysis, the market has been segmented based on types and applications along with an extensive regional segmentation.
 The research report on the Global Personal Care Packaging Market further provides an extensive analysis of the factors influencing the growth of the market. The report considers the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the key influencing factors of the Personal Care Packaging market. The report is equipped with the latest global scenario on account of the COVID-19 crisis. The economic landscape of the global market has been impacted by the pandemic. The report further discusses the present and future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall growth of the market.
 Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/4190
 Key Players:
Albea Group S.A.S., Amcor Plc, Ardagh Group, WestRock, Berry Global Inc., Bemis Company, Inc., Gerresheimer AG, Mondi plc, International Paper, Bormioli Rocco, Heinz- Glas GmbH, Koa Glass Co., Sonoco Products Company, Reynolds Metals Company, MeadWestvaco Corporation, Saint-Gobain, ITC Limited, Hindustan National Glass & Industries Ltd.
 Competitive Landscape: The study provides an in-depth analysis of the key competitors and their business strategies.  The report encompasses thorough research carried out by the application of advanced analytical tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis to pinpoint the growth trends and patterns. This offers a competitive edge to the reader to understand the dynamics of the competitive landscape. The report further provides coverage of strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, and partnerships, among others undertaken by the top players of the industry. The report also provides strategic recommendations to new and emerging players to help them formulate better entry and investment strategies.
Furthermore, the market is segmented on the basis of types and applications, along with projections about the key segments anticipated to dominate the industry in the coming years.
 Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/4190
 Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Rigid     Packaging
Flexible     Packaging
Material Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Packaging Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Plastic     Bottles & Containers
Glass     Bottles & Containers
Metal     Containers
Folding     Cartons
Corrugated     Boxes
Tubes     & Sticks
Caps     & Closures
Pumps     & Dispensers
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018-2028)
Cosmetic     and Beauty Products
Nail     Polishes
Hair     Colors
Eye     And Facial Makeup Products
Skin     Care Products
Cleansing     Lotions
Face     Wash
Face     Serums
Shaving     Creams
Hair     Care Products
Hair     Oils & Serums
hair     masks & packs
Body     Care Products
Shower     Gels
Body     Lotions
Body     Oils
Scented     Oils
Talcum     Powders
Perfumes     & Deodorants
After     Shave Lotions
Sun     Care Products
Oral     Care Products
Mouth     washes
 To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/personal-care-packaging-market
 Regional Coverage: For a detailed understanding of the competitive landscape, a thorough regional analysis covering North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa is offered in the report. It studies the market size, market share, revenue contribution, production and consumption patterns, supply and demand ratio, import/export, and the operations of the key players located in those regions. Furthermore, the report also covers a country-wise analysis of the industry.
 Industry Trends: The report offers an extensive analysis of the current and emerging trends in the Personal Care Packaging market. It offers insights into the trends and their impact on the growth of the industry. Market trends relating to technological developments, product advancements, competitive landscape, and regulatory framework, among others, are covered in the report.
 Market Scenario, Size, and Forecast: The report covers macro and micro-economic factors that are anticipated to affect market growth and dynamics. Along with this, the report also offers insights into the social, political, economic, and legal aspects that are anticipated to influence the growth of the market. Moreover, the report provides a thorough analysis of the size in terms of value and volume and offers an accurate forecast of the market growth and expansion till 2027.
 Request customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/4190
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 Thank you for reading our report. For more information about the report or customization options, please get in touch with us. Our team will ensure you get the report customized as per your requirements.
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India Beauty and Personal Care Market: Size, Competitive Analysis, Share, Growth, Top Manufacturers, and Outlook
According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled “India Beauty and Personal Care Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026”, the India beauty and personal care market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of XX% during 2021-2026. Beauty and personal care refer to a range of products designed for personal hygiene and grooming. Some of the common product variants include cleansing pads, deodorant, hair dyes, facewash, soap, lotion, and makeup. They are made by using different chemical compounds derived from natural or synthetic sources. Beauty and personal care products protect the skin against external factors, reduce acne, maintain body odor, nourish the skin, and promote hair growth.
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis takes over the world, we are continuously tracking the changes in the markets, as well as the purchase behaviors of the consumers globally–our estimates about the latest market trends and forecast values after considering the impact of this pandemic.
Request Free Sample Report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/india-beauty-personal-care-market/requestsample
Market Trends:
The India beauty and personal care market is majorly being driven by rapid urbanization and changing consumer lifestyles. Additionally, the Government of India (GOI), in collaboration with private organizations, is undertaking initiatives to spread awareness regarding the importance of personal hygiene. Such initiatives are escalating the overall demand for beauty and personal care products in the market. Moreover, the increasing working population has contributed to the rising purchasing power and inflating sales of premium quality personal care products in the country. Furthermore, market players are adopting innovative strategies, such as housing beauty studios with personalized beauty advisors, which is attracting a broader consumer base, thereby fueling the market growth.
Ask Customization and Browse Full Report with TOC & List of Figure:  https://www.imarcgroup.com/india-beauty-personal-care-market
Key Market Segmentation:
Competitive Landscape with Key Player:
Avon Products Inc. (Natura & Co)
Beiersdorf AG
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Coty Inc.
Kao Corporation
L’occitane International S.A.
L’Oréal S.A
Procter & Gamble
Revlon Inc.
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
Unilever plc.
Breakup by Type:
Breakup by Product:
Skincare/Sun Care
Hair Care
Makeup and Color Cosmetic Products
Breakup by Distribution Channel:
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
Convenience Stores
Pharmacies and Drug Stores
Online Stores
Breakup by Region:
North India
West and Central India
South India
East India
Key Highlights of the Report:
Market Performance (2015-2020)
Market Outlook (2021-2026)
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Market Drivers and Success Factors
SWOT Analysis
Value Chain
Comprehensive Mapping of the Competitive Landscape
If you need specific information that is not currently within the scope of the report, we can provide it to you as a part of the customization.
Other Report:
China Skincare Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/china-skincare-market
Roofing Materials Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/roofing-materials-market
Luxury Travel Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/luxury-travel-market
Optical Imaging System Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/global-optical-imaging-system
Coronavirus Precautionary Products Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/coronavirus-precautionary-products-market
Premium Denim Jeans Market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/premium-denim-jeans-market
About Us:
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
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pavanghage · 3 years
Beauty Products market Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2025
Beauty and Personal Care Market Scope: An in-depth market report includes thoughtful findings, industry facts, historical data, and statistically supported insights, and market-authenticated data. On the first-hand experience, quantitative and qualitative assessment value chain, the research report is a compilation of expert analysts, input from industry professionals, and industry stakeholders. The study also shows how many market variables have a qualitative impact on market segments and regions. The survey's data was gathered using both primary and secondary methods by the market forecasters. They used the same data to create the most recent business scenario.
Get Exclusive Sample of Report on Beauty and Personal Care market is available at:https://axelreports.com/request-sample/101718
The purpose of this research study is to help consumers gain a better understanding of the Beauty and Personal Care market. Depending on the segments, the study includes an in-depth analysis of parent industry trends, governing factors, and macroeconomic indicators, as well as market attractiveness. With the help of an in-depth list of methodologies and assumptions, it also covers accurate market estimations. The market research report covers market segments such as geographies, applications, and end-use industries, also provide data and analysis for each of them.
Covid-19 Impact on Beauty and Personal Care Market The Beauty and Personal Care market study also goes into immense detail about the COVID-19 pandemic's ongoing outrage, its impact on many markets, industry prospects, and economies of recovery. In addition, the study on geographic segmentation, manufacturer perspectives, and extensive COVID-19 results shared a wealth of information.
Segmentation Landscape: Global Beauty and Personal Care Market The research study delves into specific segments based on their form and function. This report includes sales and revenue data from the previous year as well as projections for the mentioned forecast period. This research provides important insights into the segments' understanding, as well as the importance of various factors that contribute to market growth.
By Market Players: L’Oreal Unilever Procter & Gamble Estee Lauder Shiseido Beiersdorf Amore Pacific Avon Johnson & Johnson Kao Chanel LVMH Coty Clarins Natura Cosmeticos Revlon Pechoin JALA Group Shanghai Jawha By Type Skin Care Hair Care Oral Care Color Cosmetics and Makeup Fragrances and Deodorants Soaps and Shower Gel Sun Care Products Others By Application Hypermarkets and Retail Chains Specialty Stores Pharmacies E-Commerce
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Regional Analysis of Global Beauty and Personal Care market The study was designed after researching and defining a number of factors that influence geographical development, including the region's economic, technological, environmental, social, and political status. This chapter examines regional share and volume for the given estimated timeframe. This research will assist the reader in determining the potential value of an investment in a particular area. Researchers looked at data from each country's production, sales, and producers.
Competitive Landscape: Global Beauty and Personal Care Market In this section, several primary competitors in the Beauty and Personal Care market are identified along with their detailed profiles. It enables the customer to comprehend the alliances and strategies that are used to combat global market rivalry. The comprehensive study offers a detailed microscopic examination of the entire industry. The reader will recognize the industries' footprints by learning about global producer prices, global producer share, and global vendor share over the forecast period. The revenue generated from regional pricing innovations is the basis for this report's market forecast. The potential demand from customers has been used to evaluate the Beauty and Personal Care market. To estimate the industry's global income, divided into regions, the bottom-up approach is used.
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Reasons to Buy this Report:
In order to obtain a detailed analysis of business strategies for the major key players already operating in the global Beauty and Personal Care market, as well as value chain, raw material, and industry variables.
To comprehend all information pertaining to the Beauty and Personal Care market, including market, segmentation, and sub-segmentation.
Retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, and consumers are all included in this report's analysis of distribution channels and distribution chains.
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research-analyst · 3 years
Sun UV Protective Product Market Drivers, Restraints, Merger, Acquisition, SWOT Analysis, PESTELE Analysis and Business Opportunities by 2027
Reports and Data has added a new informative research report titled Global Sun UV Protective Product Market report to its ever-expanding database, which provides an in-depth assessment of the challenges and growth prospects faced by the Sun UV Protective Product industry currently and a futuristic outlook for the same. The report aims to help the participants, companies, and readers understand the market scenario thoroughly, along with the problems or hurdles they might potentially face over the coming years.
Furthermore, the report strives to offer an accurate analysis of the market pertaining to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Sun UV Protective Product industry and its key verticals. The COVID-19 crisis has dynamically altered the economic scenario of the world and given rise to certain disruptions in the operations of the Sun UV Protective Product market on the global as well as regional level. The report is updated with the latest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, current and future outlook of the economic scenario, along with a present and future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall Sun UV Protective Product market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/438
The research report delivers a comprehensive assessment of the existing and projected market scenario to offer estimations of the anticipated growth rate of the industry vertical over the forecast period of 2020-2027. Moreover, the report also offers key solutions and methodologies to help the companies and readers overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market.
The market is further segmented into product types offered in the market and their application spectrum along with key geographical regions where the market has established substantial footing and comprehensive competitive analysis.
The key companies profiled in the report include:
Johnson     & Johnson
Proctor     & Gamble
Estee     Lauder
Avon     Products
Clarins     Group
Lotus     Herbals
Edgewell     Personal Care
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/438
By Type (Revenue, USD Million; Volume in Tons, 2017–2027)
Sun Protection Products
After-Sun Products
Self-Tanning Products
By Application Type (Revenue, USD Million; Volume in Tons, 2017–2027)a
General People
Children and Pregnant Women
Regional Analysis of the Sun UV Protective Product Market:
The report offers a comprehensive regional bifurcation of the key regions included in the Sun UV Protective Product market along with production and consumption patterns, supply and demand ratio, import/export analysis, revenue contribution, market share and size, volume and value, and the operations of the key players located in each key regions. Along with this, the report also offers an estimated year-on-year growth rate of all the regions and their key countries along with total revenue generated by each region during the entirety of the forecast timeline (2020-2027).
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/sun-uv-protective-products-market
The regional analysis of the Sun UV Protective Product industry assesses the following crucial geographical regions:
·         North America (U.S., Canada)
·         Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
·         Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
·         Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
·         Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Competitive Landscape:
Competitive analysis of the Sun UV Protective Product industry offers key data regarding product portfolio, company overview, market concentration rate, pricing analysis, and other key elements. Additionally, it offers key insights into their strategic alliances such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and collaborations, corporate and government deals, product launches, and brand promotions, and agreements, among others. It also provides details about their expansion tactics, the latest developments in products and technologies, production and manufacturing sites, and capacities, along with sales, revenue, returns, and financial standings.
In conclusion, the Sun UV Protective Product market report provides a granular assessment of the market through extensive segmentations along with analysis of supply chains, sales network and distribution network, and downstream buyers in the Sun UV Protective Product market.
Radical Features of the Sun UV Protective Product Market Report:
·         Valuable insights into the Sun UV Protective Product market to impart an in-depth understanding of the business verticle
·         An 8-year forecast estimation along with an analysis of key elements of the market
·         Technological advancements, regulatory framework, and recent developments covered in the report
·         Growth analysis and projections until 2027
·         Statistical analysis of the key players operating in the Sun UV Protective Product industry
Thank you for reading the report. The report can be customized as per the requirements of the clients. For further information or query about customization, please reach out to us, and we will offer you the report best suited for your needs.
 Also read our other reports here:
Peritoneal Dialysis Market
Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIG) Market
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Sun Care Products Market Size, Share With Top Companies, Region Forecast 2021-2027
Sun Care Products Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Sun Care Products Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Sun Care Products market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Sun Care Products industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Sun-Care-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
A including three distinct groups based on function: sun protection products, self-tanning products and after sun products. Self-tanners were the driving force behind the growth in sun care products.
The report offers detailed coverage of Sun Care Products industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Sun Care Products by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Sun Care Products market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Sun Care Products according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Sun Care Products company.
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies Johnson & Johnson L’Oreal Proctor & Gamble Revlon Unilever Shiseido Estee Lauder Beiersdorf Avon Products Clarins Group Coty Lotus Herbals Amway Edgewell Personal Care
Market by Type Sun Protection Products After-Sun Products Self-Tanning Products
Market by Application General People Children and Pregnant Women
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Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Sun Care Products Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Sun Care Products Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 2 Key Companies 2.1 Johnson & Johnson 2.1.1 Company Profile Table Johnson & Johnson Overview List 2.1.2 Products & Services Overview 2.1.3 Sales Data List Table Sun Care Products Business Operation of Johnson & Johnson (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 2.2 L’Oreal 2.3 Proctor & Gamble 2.4 Revlon 2.5 Unilever 2.6 Shiseido 2.7 Estee Lauder 2.8 Beiersdorf 2.9 Avon Products 2.10 Clarins Group 2.11 Coty 2.12 Lotus Herbals 2.13 Amway 2.14 Edgewell Personal Care
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Region, 2015-2019 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Company in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Company, 2015-2019 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Type, 2015-2019 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Application, 2015-2019 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Volume)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Sun Care Products Market Industry Analysis and forecast 2021-2027: By Product, Application, and by Region
Sun Care Products Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Sun Care Products Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Sun Care Products market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Sun Care Products industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Sun-Care-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
A including three distinct groups based on function: sun protection products, self-tanning products and after sun products. Self-tanners were the driving force behind the growth in sun care products.
The report offers detailed coverage of Sun Care Products industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Sun Care Products by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Sun Care Products market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Sun Care Products according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Sun Care Products company.
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies Johnson & Johnson L’Oreal Proctor & Gamble Revlon Unilever Shiseido Estee Lauder Beiersdorf Avon Products Clarins Group Coty Lotus Herbals Amway Edgewell Personal Care
Market by Type Sun Protection Products After-Sun Products Self-Tanning Products
Market by Application General People Children and Pregnant Women
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Sun-Care-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Part 1 Market Overview 1.1 Market Definition 1.2 Market Development 1.2.1 Current Situation 1.2.2 Aspects of COVID-19 Impact 1.3 By Type Table Type of Sun Care Products Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 1.4 By Application Table Application of Sun Care Products Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 1.5 By Region Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 Figure Asia Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019
Part 2 Key Companies 2.1 Johnson & Johnson 2.1.1 Company Profile Table Johnson & Johnson Overview List 2.1.2 Products & Services Overview 2.1.3 Sales Data List Table Sun Care Products Business Operation of Johnson & Johnson (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 2.2 L’Oreal 2.3 Proctor & Gamble 2.4 Revlon 2.5 Unilever 2.6 Shiseido 2.7 Estee Lauder 2.8 Beiersdorf 2.9 Avon Products 2.10 Clarins Group 2.11 Coty 2.12 Lotus Herbals 2.13 Amway 2.14 Edgewell Personal Care
Part 3 Global Market Status and Future Forecast 3.1 Global Market by Region Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Region, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Region in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Region, 2015-2019 3.2 Global Market by Company Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Company in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Company, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Company in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Company, 2015-2019 3.3 Global Market by Type Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Type, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Type in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Type, 2015-2019 3.4 Global Market by Application Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 (Million USD) Table Global Sun Care Products Market by Application, 2015-2019 (Volume) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Share by Application in 2019 (Volume) Table Price List by Application, 2015-2019 3.5 Global Market by Forecast Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Million USD) Figure Global Sun Care Products Market Forecast, 2020-2025 (Volume)
Part 9 Market Features 9.1 Product Features 9.2 Price Features 9.3 Channel Features 9.4 Purchasing Features Part 10 Investment Opportunity 10.1 Regional Investment Opportunity 10.2 Industry Investment Opportunity
PART 11 Coronavirus Impact 11.1 Impact on Industry Upstream 11.2 Impact on Industry Downstream 11.3 Impact on Industry Channels 11.4 Impact on Industry Competition 11.5 Impact on Industry Obtain Employment Part 12 Conclusion
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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wenickjones · 4 years
Sun Protection Product Market to Witness Astonishing Growth during Forecast 2028
The Global Sun Protection Product Market 2021-2028 Report provides an in-depth analysis on the studied market that helps to seem at the longer term requirement also as prediction. The sun protection product market Report evaluates the market by key market players, opportunities, value, trends, growth, market share, market competition landscape, recent developments and sales volume analysis. Additionally, it magnifies the chance for decision-making and helps create an efficient counter-strategy to realize a competitive advantage. The report provides up-to-date review of the present global market scenario, the newest developments and drivers, and therefore the overall market environment is given within the study.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @   https://www.factomarketinsights.com/sample/918
It provides the impact and recovery of Covid-19 pandemic on the sun protection product market. Relevant statistical data is additionally provided within the report back to recognize the challenges caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 and methods to cope up with the present scenario.
In addition to the present, the report also covers the section of competitive landscape of the worldwide market, which incorporates the market share & positioning of all the leading players within the industry. The competitive landscape analysis provides in-depth analysis of the company’s business and performance including company overview, recent investments by top players, financial information of market players, business strategy, revenue breakup by segment and by geography, SWOT Analysis, key product offering, marketing and distribution strategies, new development. a neighborhood of recent news & development has been added to the report which covers the newest information that are related with the market covering the acquisition, expansion, technology development, research & development activities, and other market activities.
Obtain Report Details @
The Following are the Key Features of Global Sun Protection Product Market Report:
Market Overview, Industry Development, Market Maturity, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Growth Drivers and Barriers, Market Trends & Market Opportunities
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis & Trade Analysis
Market Forecast Analysis for 2021-2028
Market Segments by Geographies and Countries
Market Segment Trend and Forecast
Market Analysis and Recommendations
Price Analysis
Key Market Driving Factors
Sun Protection Product Market Company Analysis: Company Market Share & Market Positioning, Company Profiling, Recent Industry Developments etc.
Global Sun Protection Product Market Segmentation Analysis:
By Form  
- Gel
- Lotion
- Wipes
- Creams
- Natural Oils
- Powder
- Spray
- Other
By Product Type      
- After Sun Products
- Sun-Care Products
- Self-Tanning Care Products
By Consumer Orientation  
- Male
- Female
- Unisex
By Ingredient
- Ecamsule
- Avobenzone
- Oxybenzone
- Titanium Dioxide
- Zinc Oxide
- Natural Oils
- Other
By Packaging
- Sticks
- Tubes
- Bottles
- Other
By Distribution Channel
- Convenience Store
- Modern Trade
- Drug Store
- Professional Salons
- Specialty Stores
- Online Stores
- Other
Regional Insights:
The report analyses the market by geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America & Middle East & Africa. Further, the regions are fragmented into the country and regional groupings:
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Reasons to purchase the report:
Identify possible investment areas supported a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide sun protection product market over subsequent few years.
Gain in-depth knowledge of the underlying factors that drive demand for sun protection product market and recognize the opportunities provided by them.
Strengthen the business knowledge in terms of industry dynamics, demand drivers, and therefore the latest technological advances among others.
Identify the main channels that drive the demand for sun protection product market, offering a robust image of potential prospects which will be tapped, leading to growth in revenue.
Channelize funds by concentrating on the continued initiatives pursued by the various countries within the global sun protection product market.
Competitive Analysis:
The key players of the market are listed during this section of the study. It helps to know the tactics and alliances that players consider fighting market rivalry. An important microscopic check out the market is given within the detailed study. The major players operating in the Global sun protection product market are
Condair Group
Honeywell International
A Bear Down Brands
Procter & Gamble
Plaston Group
Guardian Technologies LLC
Hunter Home Comfort
Research Products Corporation
Arovast Corporation
Hunter Home Comfort
Interested to Procure The Data? Inquire here at @
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pandemicstress · 4 years
Grieving through the Pandemic
I interviewed my neighbor, Elsa in June 2020 about the story of her son’s death and how the lockdown affected her and her grieving process. Elsa has been exposed to a lot of stress in her life and she can bear a great deal, but his death was an intense trauma that she did not see coming. James passed away on 21 February 2020 at 30 years old. He was living in Dubai and working as a Regional Marketing Manager for a multi-national organization.
Elsa and her son spoke at least once a week on the phone and shared each other’s ups and downs. She was getting ready to visit James in Dubai as part of a trip. When they last spoke, James said he would be there to collect her from the airport. They were both so excited to see each other after about four months apart.
Elsa is a business owner and sells custom-made merchandise at markets in various cities and on her online store. A few days after speaking to James, she was finishing off packing for a market with a friend who was going to sell her products at three markets in her absence. At around 1:30pm on Saturday 22 February 2020, the phone rang and it was a Dubai number but the call dropped. Again, it rang and the call failed to connect. She stepped outside and answered. It was Ryan, James’ friend. She knew immediately that something was wrong. Ryan told her that her son had passed away. He didn’t know the details but he only knew that James was found dead.
Elsa screamed and collapsed. Her partner, Donald spoke to Ryan to elicit more information about what had transpired. The police did not provide any details of the circumstances of James’ tragic death. She phoned his father (her ex-husband) as well as her other son to tell them the news. She also phoned the South African embassy in the United Arab Emirates but they could not provide any information without his passport number.
It was the biggest trauma she has ever experienced in her life. Her other son and her own brother came over to the house to comfort her. Elsa called her friend Cathy who they referred to as James’ ‘Dubai mom’ to let her know. Cathy had seen him recently in Dubai and he was in such good spirits. At least she had her visa organized because of the trip she was planning. Elsa’s partner, Donald, booked tickets and her son’s fiancée helped her to pack. She also brought her a herbal remedy to help with the shock.
Elsa could not sleep at all on the flight. Cathy connected Elsa with Viv who was from an organization called Middle East Assist. While they were flying, he had obtained as much information as possible from the police. Viv offered to act as intermediary to make it more efficient for the authorities to communicate the correct protocols. Viv helped them to find out that the cause of death was a fall. They also needed to arrange for the expatriation of James’ remains.
They went to James’ office building and spent some time with his colleagues who were in shock from the terrible news. His peers respected him greatly and they had strong bonds with him. For two hours, Elsa sat in the boardroom where James’ colleagues showed her great compassion and all offered her messages of support and kindness. James’ manager flew out from India to meet with her. Her son was so valued and his organization and peers referred to him as a ‘creative genius’.
After the trip to the office, they went to James’ apartment. Elsa was very connected with James and she knew instantly what had happened. His death was recorded around dawn at 6:30am. He used to love sitting on railings and watching the sun rise. He had fallen, probably being distracted by something and slipping from the railing several stories to his death. It was completely heart breaking to think of this unnecessary tragedy that took James away from her and all those who loved him.
Elsa was putting together the pieces of what happened. He had a lunch appointment with a friend on the Friday he passed away, for which he did not show up. His friend went to his place and the security guard told her what had happened. She got in touch with Ryan who was able to notify Elsa directly.
On the flight back to South Africa, they had good Wi-Fi and Elsa started making arrangements for James’ memorial. On Tuesday, she went to Modderfontein, Johannesburg to make the plans and they held a memorial on Thursday with friends and family.
The church was full and many people spoke well of him. James’ father attended the service but could not say a eulogy. They didn’t have a good relationship and it must be very difficult for him to process the grief under these circumstances. It would be James’ wish to donate to his favorite charity, Pink Table, instead of sending flowers so the family asked loved ones to make donations.
Viv was arranging the cremation and autopsy back in Dubai. The following Thursday would be the cremation. James’ company wanted to hold a memorial service in Dubai. Elsa and James’ brother applied for urgent visas flew to Dubai for the memorial.
They had to identify James’ body. After forensics has been conducted, the authorities brought his body for viewing in an ambulance. Her other son was with her during the harrowing experience. She was coached not to be emotional and say ‘no’ because the authorities would interpret it as the body not belonging to James. I cannot imagine how a mother could endure such an experience and have to withhold emotion on top of it.
James’ brother did the talking and gave a positive identification to the authorities. Elsa cannot remember seeing James’ face as the incident was so traumatic. She only recalls seeing the back of his head. She collapsed afterwards and they bundled her into the car and back to the hotel. They held the cremation and thereafter, a memorial at the Catholic church. The priest was wonderful and they did not expect Elsa to say any words at the service but she insisted. James’ brother also spoke.
Many of James’ friends and colleagues in Dubai also gave her money for the charity that James supported. Elsa was touched by how many people thought so highly of him. After the service, the 80 mourners gathered at a hotel. Elsa remembered how James would light up a room. So many people said that he had taught them something. She got a personal letter from many of his close friends detailing the impact James had on their lives. Many of his friends had spent his 30th birthday with him and for a lot of them, this was the last time they saw him.
The following day, Elsa went to spread James’ ashes. Ryan and some friends suggested going to the Love Lakes, two heart-shaped lakes with swans and koi fish. The location does not allow public gatherings so they all had to pretend it was a picnic. Ryan and the other friends brought blankets and snacks along to support the illusion. Elsa peeped thorough a hedge and found a spot where they were building a new garden. The friends all put their hands on the urn and said their goodbyes before spreading James’ ashes on the foundation of future beauty.
Elsa also had to sort out James’ belongings in his apartment as part of this trip. She wanted to see where his body landed but about seven security officers surrounded her and she almost got arrested. Her friend Ryan took them to the airport. Donald was away for ten days when she got back from the trip which gave her some time to openly grieve. That time passed in a blur.
Elsa had to take care of James’ estate which was also a challenging experience. It meant engaging with her ex-husband on a few matters and making decisions for James about his belongings and his investments. It allowed Elsa to focus her attention on doing something which was helpful, but the activity was also a constant reminder that he was truly gone.
The effect of COVID-19 was mostly felt from the lockdown perspective. In March 2020, the South African government initiated a hard lockdown for three weeks which was extended to five weeks. It was extreme in that citizens were only allowed out of their property for food and medical supplies. Exercise outside or walking dogs was not permitted and even online shopping was prohibited at first.
For Elsa, it felt like being in prison at home with her intense grief. Donald had to work at home as his chain of stores were all closed during that time. This meant that he was in her environment at a time when she needed the space to show her grief and it was difficult with another person around. As a result, she internalized a lot. Her weight dropped significantly and she did not have weight to lose, being very skinny already. Elsa struggled to eat. Some wonderful friends called her daily to offer support and love. When they were able to, these friends brought her soups which were easier to consume.
Her spiritual beliefs help her to cope with the loss. She spots feathers everywhere which make her think of him. She collected them and put them between her phone and her phone case to feel closer to him. Elsa thinks of him first thing when she wakes up and when she’s cooking. James was an excellent chef and she would often ask him for help and send him a photo of what she made.
Elsa joined the compassionate friends on Facebook, an opportunity for her to be surrounded by a community of people who understand her struggle. It is common that people who experience a severe trauma have difficulty in connecting with those who have not shared the experience. That can be isolating especially in the midst of a pandemic where we are not able to easily connect with large groups of friends or travel to visit loved ones. Some parents on the group have not been able to identify their child’s body or hold a funeral due to COVID-19 so at least she was able to do that.
She recalls how she felt when she first got the news and how completely distraught she felt. For the first three months, she barely slept. She felt the pain physically in her chest - a broken heart that would take years to heal. It has been a long journey to feel almost human again. A journey that required great courage and healing thorough a variety of interventions and influences.
Elsa started journaling as a form of expressing the grief. She carried her journal around with her to capture anything that came up. She also read many books on grief including Permission to Mourn by Tom Zuba and On Grief and Grieving by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler. She also read A Soul’s Journey by Peter Richelieu to understand what happened to James beyond death and to find comfort in the fact that he lives on in another form.
She went to a psychic, an experience that provided comfort that James was okay and the insight that his death happened exactly the way she thought it had. It was a relief and it brought a sense of closure. James was always a free spirit so living in Dubai had been challenging for him in complying with the many rules and restrictions. He would not have enjoyed lockdown or any of the COVID-related rules. He’s free now. The psychic told her that James thanked her for all she did for him in his life. She is grateful for how she brought up her boys and she has no regrets.
Elsa embarked on a series of healing methods to support her as she grappled with not only the trauma on an emotional level but also on a physical level. She went for a multitude of alternative treatments such as reiki, kinesiology, acupuncture and shiatsu massage. These have eased her grief and allowed the trauma felt in her body to be released to a degree. She also went for a numerology reading for James and it was confirmed that he was in the house of death that February. It was his time to go and that brought some understanding and acceptance. Personally, I think some personalities shine so bright that they cannot sustain a full lifetime.
She is an achiever and has found it very difficult to allow herself the time to grieve and focus fully on her own well-being. It has been challenging to slow down and to listen to what her body needs. Being in lockdown meant that all the markets were cancelled, her primary mechanism to sell her merchandise. She wanted to throw her focus into work to offer distraction from the grief but she felt handicapped by the inability to sell her products. She spent some time on new designs for T-shirts and clothing and this was a productive way to use her creativity as a distraction. She has lacked focus at times which doesn’t feel like her usual self. She assisted her partner Donald in his business and even in her state of grief, she was able to help him with the many arrangements that needed to be made as part of the pandemic.
Elsa has struggled to give herself permission to grieve because it feels self-indulgent. She has always been very hard on herself and expects a great deal in terms of being productive, even at this time. Simply for her own sanity, she tries to do just three things per day. She planted a succulent garden and a vegetable garden which offered a rewarding distraction as she could harvest and use the produce at home. She made sure to plant bulbs that will flower around James’s birthday as a way to honor him regularly. Elsa also reached out to friends and spent time visiting others and inviting her friends over for tea to catch up.
Elsa remarked that James’ death offered her the gift of knowing who was really there for her. One friend of 30 years did not even contact her still up to a year after his passing. Others who she didn’t expect to care, were wonderful to her. It’s hurtful to deal with the disappointment on top of the grief, but it is helpful. Elsa is a warm and friendly person who cares deeply about others. She has a large circle of friends and has been very blessed to have many people visiting and dropping off food and checking in on her periodically. This experience has shown her that she was not truly there for some of her friends who suffered losses in the past. Only once we experience these things ourselves, do we know what others need. She feels guilty and grateful at the same time.
It has been hard for Elsa to get back into exercise, which she needs since she has osteopenia and needs to do weight bearing exercise to improve her bone density. She used to do a lot of yoga but the studio went out of business due to the pandemic. She was not inspired to walk at first but sometimes sat on her patio while reading just to get some sunshine and to be outside.  A few weeks ago, she started doing yoga therapy with a qualified teacher who comes to her house. This allows for the beautiful combination of exercise and healing.
James’ brother got married towards the end of 2020 which was a challenging experience for Elsa. Her grief made it difficult to fully celebrate in the joy of a young couple starting their lives together. The wedding was a beautiful intimate celebration and some of James’ ashes were included in a pretty flowerpot as a gesture of him always being with the family on their significant experiences.
Elsa mourns for not only him but for all the things he won’t get to do, for example getting married or having children. She shares posts on social media each day and is constantly reminded by the memories that pop up of all the trips and experiences shared. These are bittersweet in that she relishes the time she had with James but she still misses him every day and will do for the rest of her life.
She knows through her reading that the final stage of grief is to find meaning but she has not reached that point yet. As I release this story, James’ anniversary is approaching which creates a sense of dread and pressure for her. All international flights are still cancelled which is devastating because Elsa planned to visit Dubai and attend a memorial that his friends are hosting. They wanted to visit the Love Lakes to celebrate his life on the anniversary of his death. She will no doubt find a special way to honor him on this day and on his birthday each year.
Life is forever changed for Elsa and she will carry this grief with her always. She is a resilient person and will keep living and sharing her kind and caring nature with the world. Sometimes we are unaware of the enormous burdens people around us carry. Let Elsa’s story be a reminder to be grateful for each moment with our loved ones, even through the arguments and struggles, and to appreciate the people we love every day.
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thetejasamale · 4 years
Aloe Vera Derivatives Market: Segments, Industry Analysis and Demand by 2025
The Global Aloe Vera Derivatives Market is expected to register a CAGR of 6.4% to reach USD 4,059.63 Million by 2025.
Aloe vera is a perennial succulent plant that is cultivated for its health and medicinal benefits. Aloe vera gel is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Polyphenols are the major antioxidant and antibacterial compound present in aloe vera. The derivatives of the plant are in high demand in pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Aloe vera and its derivatives are known for improving skin health, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and helping control blood sugar levels.        
The demand for aloe vera derivatives is also increasing due to the growth of the application industries. Rising health consciousness around the world has resulted in a shift in consumer preference toward plant-based beverages. The growing adoption of veganism has also led to an increase in the demand for plant-based beverages. Personal care is yet another prominent industry where aloe vera derivatives are widely used owing to rising awareness regarding the side effects of several chemical ingredients in cosmetics. Consumers are shifting toward natural products that are free from synthetic ingredients.
Browse Full Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/aloe-vera-derivatives-market-8298
Segmental Analysis
The global aloe vera derivatives market has been segmented on the basis of type, category, application, and region.
By type, the market has been divided into powder, gel, and others. The gel segment accounted for the largest market share in 2018.  After removing pulp and fiber from the aloe vera leaf, the remaining material is heated, and necessary preservatives are added to produce gel, which is used in various industries. In personal care, it is applicable in shampoos and conditioners, skin cleansers, moisturizers, lotions, sun care products, and styling and sculpting gels. However, the powder segment is expected to be the fastest-growing during the forecast period as aloe vera powder is an active ingredient in several cosmetic formulations.
On the basis of category, the global aloe vera derivatives market has been segmented into organic and conventional. The conventional segment accounted for the larger market share in 2018 owing to the widespread adoption of conventional farming practices. However, the organic segment is projected to grow at a higher rate due to changing consumer preferences toward organic personal care and food & beverage products.
Based on application, the global aloe vera derivatives market has been classified as food & beverages, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, personal care, and others. The personal care segment accounted for the largest market share in 2018. The anti-microbial properties of aloe vera are ideal for treating blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, scars, and acne, as well as soothing the skin and healing burns. It helps in the production of collagen, which ensures that the skin remains smooth and supple, leading to its use in their anti-aging formulations. Owing to these medicinal properties, aloe vera derivatives are used in pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, with the segment expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Regional Analysis
Geographically, the global aloe vera derivatives market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. As per MRFR analysis, Europe dominated the market, accounting for the largest market share in 2018. The North American market accounted for the second-largest market share in 2018. However, the market in Asia-Pacific is expected to register the highest CAGR of 6.7% during the assessment period.
Market Players
Market Research Future recognizes Terry Laboratories L.L.C. (US), Aloe Vera Australia (Australia), Houssy Drinks Co., Ltd (US), Stockton Aloe 1 (US), Aloe Laboratories (US), Omica Organics (US), Gift Morocco (Morocco), Shaanxi Bolin Biotechnology Co., Ltd (China), Biogenic Foods (US), and OKYALO (US) as the key players in the global aloe vera derivatives market.
Key Findings of the Study:
The Global Aloe Vera Derivatives Market is expected to register a growth rate of 4% from 2019 to 2025. The increased demand for natural products is a major driving factor for the growth of the market.
The gel segment is estimated to maintain its prominent share, registering a substantial growth rate of 6.3% during the forecast period.
On the basis of application, the personal care segment is expected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period and is projected to register a growth rate of 6.3%.
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NOTE: Our team of researchers are studying Covid19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.
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