#CRM with call recording
abs765 · 2 months
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leadsrain-blog · 1 year
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prettyinpwn · 1 month
I know I'm gonna sound like a crazy old broken record... but hear me out. Lots of speculation as to the true purpose of the thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com thing beneath the cut.
So... does anyone else feel like the ARG website is... odd? Like it's leading to something more coming? And before anyone screams, "Well, ackshully, Hirsch said he doesn't want to do a Season 3-"
YES. I KNOW. He said no Season 3 a million times. I was there when he told us Season 2 was it for the first time. But what he didn't say, however, was, "No more Gravity Falls anything... EVER.". Hence why we've gotten Journal 3, Lost Legends, and now The Book of Bill. Hirsch is veeerrrrry comfortable making more GF stuff.
And as someone that studied programming in college, I can tell you, this website does not seem like it was easy or cheap to make. It's effectively a single screen point and click game in a browser. Looking at the code, it seems they did use a framework called Bridgetown, lacing in looped animated MP4 files with clickable assets on top that make up the interactive elements (e.g the computer), with a lot of content made for the website itself from image files and text for each prompt a user might type. Sure, it's not the most difficult thing to program, but it's a lot more complex than, say, the searchfortheblindeye site back in the day.
That, and as someone who has worked in the corporate world, I'm sorry, but you don't pour this much effort/money into something that is just "lol cool things after product for funsies". If this was just for The Book of Bill, the smart marketing decision would have been to make the lofi album and the website, tease fans with both of them, and let them lead to an announcement of the book itself to tempt them into buying it, not the other way around. Like... Disney ain't gonna do that just out of love for fans. It's Disney, come on. They do things for money.
It's possible that Hirsch paid for it himself just for the fans, but I doubt it. Wanna know why? Because of the website's security certificate and ownership. Let's take a gander at this:
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There are two odd things here. One, the range of the expiration. Most security certs last 1-2 years, at least they did at one of my previous places of employment (and we had like 50+ of them). This one expires November 7th, 2024. Odd, but maybe they only want the website up for a few months? Anyways, as an aside, everyone keep an eye out for November 7th, 2024. Could be nothing, could be something.
The other weird thing is the domain holder. Looking it up on ICANN, it gives this address:
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Look that up on Google Maps, and it takes you to a company called Dun and Bradstreet. Long story short, the company does a bazillion things, but the main thing we're talking about here is:
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Oh gee, Sales and Marketing. And their Sales and Marketing tools? Basically, they use data to tell companies who their audience is, so that they can market to them. Now, why would Disney care about this for a fandom for a show that's been done for almost a decade, just for a book that was released before said website (so we know they're not gathering marketing data for the book)?
Well, if I were to guess... long story short, all this stuff is a tactic to gauge who the Gravity Falls audience is now. Release the book, make some dough and fans happy, tie in a secret marketing data collection gimmick (AKA the website) using D&B as a vendor to hook the data into your CRM, send fans to a website to collect marketing data, and shabam. Now you know who the target market is all this time after.
And why in the hell would a company care about that? You tell me. Why care about who a target market is if you're not planning on marketing something to them later?
It could be that Disney is planning something similar to Gravity Falls and wants to gauge if there'd still be a market for that kind of show. Or... it could mean that Disney is planning on something more substantial related to Gravity Falls or Hirsch pitched it, and they were like, "Well, wait, let's collect data on this, first, so we'd know if it'd be a good business decision.". Not sure.
I mean, maybe I'm crazy, but doesn't this seem fishy to anyone else? If anyone else has any hypotheses as to why Hirsch and Disney have a Gravity Falls website owned by D&B, let me know, but to me... this smells... very... marketing oriented. And Hirsch doesn't seem like the guy to pour his own money into hiring an outside company to gather marketing data, that seems more up Disney's alley.
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#24: The Helplessly Devoted  (1.03)
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Even when they have conflict, Rick and Michonne are still so hopelessly devoted to one another. And in the following events, Pearl will be none the wiser that she has just sandwiched herself in the middle of a whole marital fight between a 'helpless' husband and his wife 😋...
So Michonne is back on her consignee shift when Pearl calls her, saying, “Bethune.” The way Michonne had ditched being Dana I’m almost surprised Michonne turned around when Pearl called for Bethune lol. But in the following scenes, Michonne is willing to play along with the CRM a little bit longer as she remains devoted to getting her and Rick back home.
When Michonne does turn around she sees Rick standing by Pearl and Michonne looks right at her husband as she approaches the two at her own pace.
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Pearl formally introduces herself and then says, “You know Sergeant Major Grimes, obviously.” And Michonne knows that man in every way possible and better than he knows himself, so yes. 😋
Michonne looks over at the father of her children and says, “I do.” And I’m chuckling during this whole exchange cuz each one of them is giving comedy to me. 🤭
Pearl tries to posture as intimidating when she asks Michonne if she enjoyed orientation and her first trip to the city. Thorne is way out of her depths trying to throw her weight around with Michonne.
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Michonne is just like, “Yeah. I saw some…interesting artwork.” as she shoots a not-so-subtle frustrated look at Rick. It's funny how the way she says this here you’d never guess her scene with Benjiro was as heartfelt as it was lol.
But hey, she and Rick are in front of outside company and still in a fight technically so I guess that's why she gives Rick that look and doesn't let on to how touched she actually was by her exchange with the portraitist.
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Also, the way Rick looks at her and then looks down. I wonder what he’s thinking learning Michonne met Benjiro, the one person in the Civic Republic that he seemed to willingly talk about his girls with. 
Pearl picks up on Michonne’s energy here and says, “Not so enthusiastic, eh? Is that life not for you?” Nope. And then Michonne shows no traces of Dana when she asks, “Do I have a choice?” I love that she wanted to push back a little bit especially when it comes to 'choice' cuz the CRM stayed thinking everyone has choices when they really don’t here.
Like I feel like Michonne is speaking on behalf of her and her husband cuz she’s like y’all don’t actually give people choices for real which is why Rick is here in a a CRM uniform and not home with our kids. 😒
But I love seeing Rick’s face when he hears Michonne ask this. He shoots a subtle look over at Michonne like ‘hey now that’s a little too A-ish.’ 😂 And he definitely looks like he's thinking, 'there my wife goes showing who she is again.' #DirectQuoteFromHisMind 😋
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But uh, Rick, doesn’t this all look familiar? Breaking the kill record, giving attitude to high-ranking officials, A-ing it up - Michonne is just like him for real when he was a consignee. And again, Michonne has been an A since day one so really he had to know it was bound to go like this.
Pearl tells Michonne to come with them and as they head to the car. Michonne has a moment of just smiling to herself and I had to think for a sec about what I interpret that smile to be about. She almost just seems unfazed by all this because she knows any person, place, or thing that needs you to be docile for them to be powerful isn’t really about that life and is definitely not like her.
So she’s simply unmoved by all things CRM after assessing them enough to know they're not like Richonne. And she's right once again.
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So then Pearl and Rick take Michonne to the rundown arena where Okafor had taken them to reveal his plans. It’s interesting now seeing Michonne in the very place where Rick was first presented with the idea of giving his life toward Okafor’s mission. 
Michonne asks, “What is the place?” similar to what Rick asked when Okafor brought him here. Pearl says, “It’s what the city would have become if it wasn’t for one man.”
Michonne says, “It was bombed?” and Pearl is ready to get to more personal matters as she says, “Yeah. Now I don’t know much about you. You emerged from the woods and saved someone very important” and as she speaks Michonne looks so pretty with the moonlight lighting. 🤗🌙 That really is another TOWL blessing - the much-improved lighting. 🙌🏽
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I like hearing Rick referred to as 'someone very important' because little does Pearl know she’s talking to the person who Rick is most important to. Like that’s the funny thing about this arena scene - two separate conversations are going on. A married couple is in the middle of a fight and communicating with their eyes and then secondary is Pearl’s whole deal.
I also love how in this scene, the one who feels most in control is the one without the weapon. Just saying. 💁🏽‍♀️ Chonne’s that girl. Because just standing there she has Pearl seeming a bit intimidated by her and trying to posture to overcompensate, and she has Rick ready to act up if Pearl tries anything. 
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As Rick stands behind Pearl and watches with bated breath for how his wife will respond to all this, Michonne stands there smiling at Pearl. Pearl says, “Sergeant Major Grimes saved my life once. I would call him a friend but friendship seems like something that doesn’t exist out here. It’s too light. Too soft.”
It’s interesting seeing Michonne get to hear about Rick from someone else - someone he’s spent the last 7 years around too. And especially interesting when she has to listen to Pearl say, “He’s my family now. My only family.” Pearl, if only you knew who you were talking to. 🙃
Plus, I was like Pearl, girl, your 'family member' has been inhaling Dana recently so plz be calm cuz you don't know your relative like you think you do. 🙂
Michonne blinks and tries to maintain her smile hearing this as she looks over at Rick, and I feel like there are layers to what Michonne may be thinking and feeling right now. One of those feelings seems to be a shade of sadness and hurt because she’s had to go without her husband for years while this other lady gets to talk about him as her family.
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I think in her look there’s also an element of 'well ma’am, you’re going to be losing your only family very soon once I pluck him up out of this place.' When she looks at Rick too hearing this I know she’s just like 'oh I didn’t know I was meeting my husband’s family tonight' lol.
Rick looks at Michonne and sways a little bit because he just seems very anxious over this whole moment. I'm positive Michonne doesn’t doubt at all which family member in this arena Rick prioritizes and has the most loyalty to, but Rick’s look at Michonne almost feels like he wants to assure her that 'I know how this all sounds, but I promise I'm still not with them.'
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Pearl says, “My question is who are you?” And Michonne says, “Just Dana” which I always am like doesn’t saying 'just Dana' sound a little more suspicious than simply saying Dana? lol 🤔 But Michonne is aware of where Pearl is going with this so she’s like let me just nip whatever you're insinuating in the bud now and let you know I really am just Dana.
Pearl says, “This is not the moment for humility, Dana.” So then Michonne answers unfazed saying, “I’m a survivor.” Gospel. She’s one of the best survivors there is. Pearl pushes back saying, “A survivor wouldn’t have run out of the woods to save a man who was about to have his throat cut.” It’s funny hearing Pearl say this when she’s talking to the very person who was about to cut Rick's throat. 
Michonne says, “Well, I did. And I survived” and her tone is again giving unfazed like 'my story is pretty straightforward forward so...
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Pearl asks, “Why did you save him?” and Michonne knows the angle she's supposed to take so she says, “I was looking for people. It’s safer with people.” And she’s not lying. She was looking for a person and she found him and it happens to be the person she feels safest with. 👌🏽
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Plus, I do think on her TWD journey from lone wolf to family woman and community leader, Michonne really has built a real appreciation for the value of being with people.
Pearl wants to know specifically, “Why did you save *him*?” And the list of reasons why is longer than Pearl could ever know. But the true answer that she can't say right now can pretty much be summed up as - she saved him because he is the love of her life. She’d do anything for him, including save him time and time again.
I like hearing this question for how it almost serves as a moment of reflection of not just Michonne’s most recent way of saving Rick but how she saved him in so many ways in TWD. 
Michonne pauses for a brief moment and then looks from Pearl to Rick likely thinking 'how do I say something other than because I’m madly in love with my husband and have been even for the last seven years apart?'
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And when she looks at Rick, he also looks at her again nervous about how she’ll respond.
Michonne says, “It didn’t seem…” and Pearl cuts her off saying, “It didn’t seem what?” Which…don’t be interrupting Michonne now. Like she was about to finish her sentence girl, dang. Pearl tried it a little bit with that.
But Michonne maintains her composure as she's very good at doing and says, “It didn’t seem right. He was on the ground helpless...”
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And then this is where Pearl tried it a lot a bit because she starts condescendingly laughing when Michonne says this. Which, Pearl...
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Pearl was low-key giving me secondhand embarrassment by unknowingly approaching Rick's wife like this. Like over here snickering while talking to the woman who Rick has the deepest relationship with on the planet. 🥴
And while yes some lies are being told to Pearl right now, Rick being on the ground helpless ain’t one of them. He was about ready to accept his fate and bid this world goodbye when he had that katana to his neck.
But Pearl thinks she knows Rick so well as she says, “Him?” And then turns around to look at Rick with some kiki energy as if she and Rick would both would find this amusing.
Meanwhile, Rick is standing there just trying not to appear as stressed as he really feels by this whole thing lol.
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Pearl tells Michonne, “I can’t imagine him ever being helpless” and that right there is another indicator that she doesn’t know Rick like she thinks she does.
Rick is an admirably strong man but he has absolutely had some moments of helplessness. He’s resilient so he always bounces back from the moments of helplessness, but Michonne has seen firsthand Rick be that way several times before, and she’s often been the one to help him.
I’m sure Rick is like 'Pearl, I appreciate you thinking I could never be helpless but I have been and 'Dana' has seen it all so...
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I feel like too this goes to show how Rick and Michonne know each other so much more vulnerably than others know them. Like so many perceive Rick and Michonne as just strong and having it together, but the two of them know a far more human side of each other.
Also, it’s funny how Rick does not move a muscle during this particular moment between these two ladies. 🤭 #Skressed
Michonne seems to remember that she and Rick are supposed to be strangers more than Pearl does so she has to remind Pearl, “Well, I don’t know him.”
The way she says it, she’s not feeling Pearl's energy clearly. Plus she’s showing a lot of restraint with Pearl laughing in her face and acting like she and Rick are so close when Michonne is the reason Rick has one hand right now.
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Michonne’s line saying she doesn’t know him has some real weight to it because one; she knows Rick very well and as intimately as one can know another person, but also two; she is also in a space currently where she’s trying to figure out who the Rick before her is now.
She knows her Rick deeply but this Sergeant Major Grimes is someone she doesn’t know fully as she’s still looking for the Rick she once knew. It feels like it makes her sad to know that there actually is a little truth in that line when she says she doesn’t know him. 
Then Michonne looks right at Rick as she actually starts dropping some truths about the situation, stating, “But he was about to die…if I wasn’t there.” The way her face gets serious when she looks at him and says that - she and Rick both know how Michonne would have packed him up in those woods had he been anyone else.
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Rick again is doing the mannequin challenge as he stands completely still and stares at her. I’d love to know exactly the thoughts that are supposed to be going through his head right now. I know one of them is ‘Michonne looks super pretty under this moonlight’ but I wonder what his other thoughts are regarding this situation too lol. Probably 'yeah that’s the truth I was about to meet my maker in those woods.'
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Then Michonne turns back to Pearl and I always love her delivery of this next line because it’s said like such a mom. Almost like this is how she’d talk to Judith and RJ when trying to help them learn a useful life lesson or something. She says, “I don’t want to see anyone get killed. Especially anyone that seems *helpless.*” I love how she’s doubling down on the fact that 'helpless' was very much the right word to use for their circumstances.
And I like how Michonne also likely feels that even beyond that day they reunited in the forest, Rick still seems helpless here with the CRM. I mean he straight-up told her he asked for help and didn’t get it. And so in that sense, it’s also like she wants Rick to hear her saying 'I don’t want you to die here. And you clearly need help to get away from all this which is why I won’t leave you behind.'
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Pearl decides to let Michonne in on a secret. She tells Michonne that she’s here because of her since people like Michonne are not normally let in. She says, “You’re a leader, what we call an ‘A’” and Michonne even listens to this like an A when they cut to her. 🤭
Pearl says if Michonne were allowed to live in the city she wouldn’t just keep her head down and do everyday things, instead she’d “look for answers.” When Pearl says this she puts her hands on the knife behind her back and again I was like Pearl, that puts you in more danger than it’ll ever put Michonne in.
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And why? Because of that man Rick Grimes. 😋
The second Pearl touches that knife, Rick grabs his gun from out of the holster.
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Pearl is right in saying that Michonne would “ask what happened here and why and to whom” She’s been a good investigator of places since Woodbury. Pearl continues, “and you’ll seek justice based on a feeling in your gut, a feeling you can’t name” and I love how Michonne’s standing there listening with a baddest-chick-in-the-game stance. 👑
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And then Michonne gives Pearl this interesting look, almost like she’s trying to let Pearl know 'honey, whatever you got going on behind your back you’re going to want to think twice about.' Like Pearl is actually the most helpless one in this arena because one wrong move and she's getting taken out. And it won't be by Michonne... it'll be by Pearl's 'family member' behind her.
Michonne knows if Pearl attacks her, Rick’s gonna rightfully take her out so it’s almost like Michonne’s look is saying 'Pearl, chill for your own sake.' She doesn't want to see anyone get killed tonight, and seeing Rick with his gun out she knows that's very much on the table rn for Pearl.
Also I like how part of why Michonne feels so unthreatened here is because of how safe she always feels with Rick. She knows he's not letting anything happen to her.
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Pearl asks if Michonne would take the chance to have access to the secrets and answers of this place to get the whole picture. Michonne asks, “You would give me the answers?” Pearl says, “A chance very few get. Very few in the entirety of this force. Very few in the world”
And then they cut to Rick looking extra stressed rn. He raises his gun a bit and puts his finger on the trigger which always stands out to me. Because when Rick had to put a gun on Michonne in ep 2 he didn’t even want to play around with putting his finger on the trigger. But here, despite being a gunslinger who could have probably whipped out his gun in no time had Pearl charged at Michonne, Rick doesn’t want to take any chances. So he has the gun raised and ready to go if need be.
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And that’s sweet that he’s so ready to protect Michonne in this moment regardless of their current conflict. Had he taken out a Command Sergeant Major like Thorne right now it would have had him in very hot water and made such a mess of things, but he’s willing to make that mess if it means ensuring Pearl doesn’t so much as scrape Michonne with a weapon.
Michonne plays along as she says, “I would say…yes.” (You know we always love a little 'say yes' moment. 😋) And I know Michonne can see Rick with concern on his face and his gun all the way out and so I personally feel like that’s why she looks at Pearl again with this smile like don’t do anything stupid now Ms. Thorne cuz she knows Rick won’t hesitate.
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Pearl puts down the knife behind her back and speaks to Rick to inform him that Michonne will be joining them for “clearing operations at Cascadia Base.” Pearl tells Rick to ensure Michonne is properly equipped with provisional BDU and Rick says his first line of the scene as he asks. “Weapons?”
Then Pearl looks Michonne up and down and says, “Killstick only” before letting Consignee Bethune know she can return to the vehicle. I feel like it’s clear Michonne intimidates Pearl which seems to bother Pearl since she’s the one supposed to be doing the intimidating. 
Then in a moment that contrasts the sweetness of Richonne's passing by moment earlier in the ep, this time Michonne walks by Rick and lets him know this marital fight is still going when she sideyes him before walking away.
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The way she’s just strolling out of there at her own pace and then gives that look down before looking right at him - it makes me giggle every time. 😋
She said 'and scene' on 'Just Dana' and let Rick know he's still dealing with Michonne Grimes. 🤭🎭
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Michonne really can communicate so much without saying a word. She’s too through with all this CRM stuff and she wants Rick to be too through with it too.
Rick reacts knowing his wife is still mad but before he can sit with that, he’s having to ensure Pearl stays on their side. 
Pearl looks like she’s more shook than Michonne ever was after their encounter and Rick approaches saying, “That was good. You’re good at this.” But the way Michonne felt in control the whole time I feel like he’s lying saying Pearl was good at this lol.
Pearl immediately grasped that Rick’s wife is a force to be reckoned with as she says, “Yeah she’s strong Rick, and I’m not Okafor. We don’t mess with security. For all I know she could be sprinting toward the river.”
Pearl also reveals she noticed how obvious Rick was with his gun when she says, “You drew your sidearm” and Rick stays having to be Quick On His Feet McGee as he tells another lie and says, “You drew your knife, I was ready to back you up.” When really he was ready to pack you up, Thorne.
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Then Rick makes a passionate case for Michonne as he says “And she’s not running for the river you can bring her along.” I know Rick is probably thinking 'trust me, I know from first-hand experience that Dana is not running for the river cuz I already tried to get her to do that and she said no.' 😂  
Pearl says she’s not going to be responsible for a vulnerability and she thinks she knows it all now and sees why they're out here doing this. And then she again reminds Rick, “I’m not Okafor” which is true because she is not an A. I’m convinced.
Rick is left standing alone as he realizes the CRM seems to have converted Pearl, and quickly too, so now he has no more inside allies. But he does have Michonne, he just needs to start realizing that.
In a way, Rick and Michonne being so devoted to each other is making them take different approaches to how to save each other. But even when on different pages, we soon see in one of my favorite TOWL scenes behind a boneless tree that Richonne still can’t resist each other. 😏👌🏽
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emsee22 · 6 months
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This is about Heath and the PPP card. I actually don't believe the PPP is part of the CRM and I don't believe Jadis is the one who took Heath. A Above, I attached a picture of what Jadis looked like in season 7, as well as a screencap of a blond woman you can see ushering Heath into the tarp on the bridge when Tara and Heath get separated. The fact that we see this woman before Heath comes out to help Tara shows me that whoever took him was nice enough to let him help Tara (I don't think Jadis would have let him help her). The woman is wearing a colored jacket, while the garbage people all wear black. The hair also looks nothing like Jadis, and is more a bleached blond.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSjMnMZGHR4 I think the PPP might actually be a group that is standing against the CRM, and not actually a part of it. I think this because, although I have not seen Tales, the Davon character had similarities to Beth in how he valued human life. I don't really believe that the CRM values life in this way, given they kill & experiment on people. This is assuming that Davon is part of the PPP and knows what it is, rather than having picked up the card in the same type of circumstances that Tara did.
TPTB reminded the audience of Beth and linked her to Heath at the beginning of the episode Swear 7x6 when Heath made a few very Beth-like comments. First, he mentioned how people use others. He also mentioned that they are just surviving, not living. Lastly, he said her last words verbatim "I get it now." Beth was linked directly to PPP in the Bulletproof Picasso video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNHJ7zz16bY
With this in mind, PPP might actually be Georgie's group, and PPP might actually be the Phillipians Prayer Model . Georgie first turned up in the episode called The Key, and all she asked for in return for the knowledge to build was records (Beth "It's been a long time since I heard a record" Slabtown 5x4).
"14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain." Phillipians 2:14-16 This led me down the path of searching what a seahorse symbolizes in the Bible (due to the seahorse key Maggie used to find the Beth walker in the trunk of the car in 5x10 Them)
"God provides you with food and shelter, Jesus to swim through life with, and the promises of His Word to hold on to. Like the seahorse, you may sometimes have to hold on and wait for God to deliver His promises — but He always will, and at just the perfect time."
"A protective bony armour cleverly protects it from imminent danger. So strong is this armour that it is almost impossible to crush a dried dead seahorse in your hands. Its tough skeleton makes it unappetizing for predators, so seahorses are usually left alone." **I know Angela Kang said Jadis traded him, but I think there is a possibility that she was bluffing to throw the scent off a bigger reveal**
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micewithknives · 1 year
Do you know a lot of Aboriginal history?
So I work in what is called 'consulting archaeology' in Australia (what the USA and Canada apparently refer to as 'CRM'), and so i do work on a lot of projects relating to Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Aboriginal history, however, is a widely diverse concept, both in culture, time, and space. (And this is not even mentioning Torres Strait Islander people and history, which is a different category). There are more than 250 surviving Indigenous languages in Australia, and scientific research shows evidence of a history stretching back at least 65 000 years.
I cannot, and do not, know more information than a few drops in the water of such diverse history (and in the case of closed cultural practices, secret-sacred history/artefacts/knowledge, and restricted knowledge, nor should i know more than this).
I also, for the most part, tend to work in the eastern and southern areas of Australia, meaning any regional Aboriginal histories that i know for work exclude the vast majority of histories in the rest of Australia.
So do i know about some of Australia's Indigenous past? Of course. Its not only a requirement for my job, but also fascinating and diverse and an overwhelmingly important part of my country's past, present and future. And i wish it was a more acknowledged and taught part of our schooling in Australia.
But i do not consider myself to know "a lot of Aboriginal history". I have barely scratched the surface. And there are some parts that i will not, and should not, know or have access to as a young, non-Indigenous woman. And this is something that i respect. And i will forever be accepting (culturally appropriate) ways to learn more of it. I dearly love the fact that working in archaeology gives me more opportunities to sit down with community members and Elders, and learn parts of their history and stories from them. Not just the anglo-european written records of the past.
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hostpyters · 4 months
Reply.io is a sales engagement platform designed to help sales teams automate and manage their outreach efforts through multiple communication channels. It aims to streamline the process of engaging with prospects and customers, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.
Below is a detailed review of its features and functionalities:
Key Features
Multi-Channel Outreach:
Email Campaigns: Automate and personalize email sequences to reach prospects effectively.
Phone Calls: Integrates with VoIP services to facilitate direct calling from the platform, including features like call recording and logging.
Social Media: Allows outreach via LinkedIn, including automated message sequences.
SMS and WhatsApp: Supports text-based outreach through SMS and WhatsApp for more direct communication channels.
Automation and Sequencing:
Automated Workflows: Create automated workflows that sequence multiple touch points across different channels.
Conditional Logic: Use conditional steps to branch sequences based on recipient behavior, such as email opens or replies.
Task Automation: Automate repetitive tasks such as follow-ups, reminders, and updating CRM records. Personalization and AI:
Email Personalization: Use dynamic fields to personalize email content, increasing engagement rates.
AI-Powered Suggestions: AI tools provide suggestions for improving email content and outreach strategies.
Personalized Videos: Integrates with video messaging tools to include personalized video content in emails.
Integration and API:
CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with major CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive, ensuring data synchronization.
API Access: Provides API access for custom integrations and automations, allowing for greater flexibility.
Third-Party Tools: Connects with various other tools such as Zapier, Slack, and Google Apps to enhance functionality.
Analytics and Reporting:
Campaign Analytics: Detailed analytics on email open rates, reply rates, click-through rates, and more.
A/B Testing: Test different versions of emails to determine which performs better.
Team Performance: Track team performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimize outreach efforts.
Contact Management:
Lead Management: Centralized database for managing contacts and leads, with segmentation and filtering options.
Enrichment: Automatic data enrichment to enhance lead profiles with relevant information.
Prospect Importing: Easily import contacts from CSV files or directly from integrated CRM systems.
Pros Comprehensive Multi-Channel Outreach: Supports a variety of communication channels, providing a holistic approach to sales engagement.
Advanced Automation and Sequencing: Powerful automation features help streamline workflows and increase efficiency.
Deep Personalization: Tools for email and video personalization improve engagement and response rates.
Robust Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with CRM systems and other third-party tools enhances data synchronization and workflow automation.
Detailed Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics provide insights into campaign performance and team productivity.
Cons Complexity: The extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for new users, requiring a learning curve to fully utilize the platform.
Cost: Pricing can be relatively high, especially for smaller businesses or startups with limited budgets.
Limited Free Tier: The free tier offers limited functionality, which may not be sufficient for more extensive outreach needs.
Reply.io is a powerful and versatile sales engagement platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for multi-channel outreach, automation, and personalization. Its robust integration capabilities and detailed analytics make it an excellent choice for sales teams looking to optimize their engagement strategies and improve productivity. However, the complexity and cost may pose challenges for smaller organizations or those new to such platforms. Overall, Reply.io provides significant value for businesses seeking to enhance their sales outreach and engagement efforts.
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leads-view · 6 months
The Role of CRM in Customer Journey Mapping
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In the digital age, customers expect personalized, seamless experiences at all points of interaction with a brand. To meet this expectation, businesses must have an intimate understanding of their customers' journey. One tool that has proven invaluable in this quest is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
In this blog post, we will explore how CRM plays a pivotal role in mapping the customer journey, helping businesses deliver more personalized experiences and forging stronger relationships with their customers.
Understanding Customer Journey Mapping
Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a visual representation of the customers' experience, from the first contact to the final interaction. This process allows companies to understand the steps customers go through when engaging with their brand, identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, and optimize the customer experience accordingly.
The Role of CRM in the Customer Journey
CRM software serves a critical role in customer journey mapping by providing the data and analytics necessary to create accurate, actionable maps. Here's how CRM aids in this process:
Data Gathering and Integration
First, CRM gathers data from various sources within the business and integrates them into a single platform. This data helps businesses understand more about their customers' preferences, behaviors, and needs, providing the insights required to kickstart the journey mapping process.
Building Customer Profiles
With the data collected, CRM software can build detailed customer profiles that can help form user personas. These personas serve as the foundation for the customer journey map, allowing businesses to envision the steps their typical customer might take when interacting with their brand.
Tracking Customer Interactions
CRM software tracks and records every interaction a customer has with a brand, be it via social media, phone call, email, or in-person. This trace of interactions allows businesses to map out the exact paths customers take throughout their journey, enabling a more detailed and accurate representation of the customer experience.
Analyzing Customer Behavior
CRM software also comes with analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to analyze customer behavior and identify patterns or trends. These insights make it easier to pinpoint areas within the journey where customers may encounter challenges, abandon their shopping cart, or experience a high level of satisfaction.
Personalizing Customer Experience
Equipped with a deeper understanding of the customer journey, businesses can personalize interactions and experiences at scale. Using CRM data, businesses can customize their marketing campaigns, customer service, and other touchpoints to meet unique customer needs at each stage of their journey.
CRM plays an instrumental role in customer journey mapping, enabling a holistic understanding of customers and their interactions with your brand. By integrating CRM in your customer journey mapping efforts, you can create personalized experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to greater business success.
Remember, while CRM informs customer journey mapping, the insights must be continually analyzed, and the journey updated as customer behaviors evolve. This way, you always stay connected with your customers' experiences and can swiftly adapt to any changes, ensuring you always hold the customer's perspective at the center of your decisions.
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abs765 · 2 months
ABS Dialer
ABS TECHNOLOGIES is the leader in providing Telephony solution in pan india and successfully delivered multiple successful projects to their esteemed clients. We believe in fast pace moving deliverables like Click to Call, Call Queue options, extensive reporting system and many more. We believe in developing multiple fields in the Call center software to feed each and every data effectively and smoothly. #absdialer#progressivedial#callcentersoftware#callcenterservices#callrecording#PredictiveDialer#IVRServices
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thesaleswhisperer · 8 months
Dre Baldwin on The Sales Podcast
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...
Former professional basketball player
Zig when others zag, which means sending personalized outreach
Do what doesn’t scale
“What is my competition not willing do that I will?”
He’s been making content since 2005
He has a process for researching ideal prospects
Send link to assistant to research
Assistant finds pertinent information and adds it to the CRM
He then makes the video intro
He’ll make 5-6 each day
Do enough that you can handle the replies
Related episodes and posts
Find The Best CRM For Your Team and Budget
Start Your Free 12 Weeks To Peak™
He was always a salesperson at heart but didn’t really realize it
He has a business degree and responded to a bulletin board post “make money”
It was an MLM and after a couple of meetings he learned how to disrupt the negative assumptions about making money, which his college professors never mentioned
He got into personal development
He started selling training products to basketball players who found him on YouTube
He only played one year of high school basketball then D3 basketball and made it to the pros, so people started finding him online for his mindset content
It took a while for him to realize that not everyone thought like he did
He stopped playing ball in 2015 and wanted to get into the professional speaking business
He applied to some TED talks and got accepted
Then he started writing books
Build your own audience and master DTC, direct-to-consumer
His mom was an educator who got her college degree when he was in college
He was not “found” by the pros
When he graduated college in 2004 he worked at Foot Locker store then Bally Total Fitness
He went to an exposure camp for basketball players: you pay to play for two days with 200 other players
Then he cold-called basketball agents, which was a flip in the script
He called about 60 agents and reached 20 and sent them a VHS tape that he recorded and one agent said he’d represent him in late 2005 and got him a job in Lithuania
He was blogging and sharing his videos on YouTube
He got his experience writing then other players had questions on how to play overseas
By 2009, he started thinking about how to leverage this into a business
2015 was his last season and he played with a different team every year
Not a fan of the news
Don’t follow or associate with the negative people
Find your lane in which you can succeed
Principles—never change, Strategies, Tactics—can change daily
Your mandate as an entrepreneur is to make money, which should remain very clear
If you don’t like running ads, don’t run them. Hire someone and keep your eye on them.
You can do this with any aspect of your life.
You can create content like podcasts
Become findable
Be consistent
When it comes to hiring staff, give them the “brief” that needs to be clear and detailed. You need to know what you want.
If you’re an expert, I believe you should be able to produce the results and explain it to me, so here’s $100; go make it happen and explain it to me
He’s not a fan of agencies…they are looking for their next client
Are you—or do you want to be—a top 2% performer? Join his program.
Mindset and strategic tools
His first coaching client was back in 2015 via Periscope
Around 2020, when speaking gigs dried up, he pivoted to more in-house stuff
Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
Have Me Take a Look at Your Business Processes
Get This $19 CRM
Get 10% The Best Beef You’ll Ever Put In Your Mouth
Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
Visit Dre Baldwin’s Site: Work On Your Game University
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deltabposolutions · 11 months
Happy Dhanteras from Delta BPO Solutions !
May the light of Dhanteras fill your life with wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Wishing you all a very auspicious Dhanteras!
Start a Call Center Business with Delta BPO Solutions
Delta BPO Solutions is a leading provider of call center outsourcing services. We offer a wide range of services to help you start and grow your call center business, including:
1. Call center infrastructure and setup
2. Agent recruitment and training
3. Quality assurance and monitoring
4. Customer relationship management (CRM) software
5. Reporting and analytics
Delta BPO Solutions has a proven track record of success in helping businesses of all sizes start and grow their call center businesses. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can help you every step of the way.
Contact us today for a free consultation!
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markitspace · 2 years
Lead-generating Calculator with 5-star Review
At MarkIT Space, we specialise in custom lead generation tools. I’d love to show you an example of a tool we created for a software company based in Paris, France. The tool was developed in three different languages: English; French; and German. It is an online return-on-investment calculator with a results graph and custom PDF download. All leads are automatically recorded to the company's HubSpot CRM.
Here are some screenshots:
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Here’s a link to the live version if you’d like to have a further play around:
And here is the 5-star review that Marcelo Flores, the Digital Marketing Manager at innso, had to say about the project...
“Kellie is a great professional. She's very open, she gives good insights, she's proactive and she's been engaged in the project. She respected all the guidelines we gave and did exactly what we were asking for (and better). We are still working together and planning to work together for future projects. She also takes the time to call and discuss the project, despite the fact we have very different time zones.”
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mohdshoebupwork · 1 year
You will get Call Center Solution Setup
Fully scalable: Expand with your call centre all you need is either more RAM or add servers.
No limitations: like number of agent or number of campaigns etc.
Integration: It can be integrated with 3rd party application like CRM, ERP, Ticketing system or SMS marketing software etc.
Low maintenance cost: based on linux system no need to do virus, spy-ware clean up, supported by large community. Vicidial engineers are not expensive.
I'm IT specialist and developer, i also have my own call center
Here I'll provide a Cloud based call center software installation and setup
This solution includes following features:
upload leads list from csv or excel file
setup your own sip or iax voip carrier
record all calls
predictive dilaing
monitoring screen
answering machine detection
inboud and outbound and survey
crm integration
call back
softphone xlite
WebRtc (call from browser)
VoIP Balance
I provide free basic Anydesk tutorial for beginners.
Click here to Contact Me on Upwork
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duycloudgo · 2 years
6 Steps to Implement CRM Process for Businesses
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In today's digital age, customers have become demanding and expect better and more personalized shopping experiences. To meet these demands, businesses need to understand what their customers want and need and provide them with better services and shopping experiences than their competitors. This is why customer relationship management (CRM) software has become an important tool for businesses. CRM helps organizations automate their work processes and intelligently store customer data.
What can CRM do for businesses? CRM software (Customer Relationship Management) is a customer relationship management tool for businesses. It helps automatically store customer data, and classify customers by source, interested products, and purchasing activity. This system has the ability to automatically record the interaction history between employees and customers, ensuring complete care for all customers, avoiding omissions and assigning roles, and managing employee activities to help administrators easily control work efficiency and evaluate sales performance.
In addition, CRM software also integrates features such as connectivity, call support, email marketing, and automatic SMS, helping to automate customer care processes and support. It also helps manage customer profiles and group customer segments to constantly update the information and activities of each customer. The CRM system also allows for customer service management and marketing automation, helping to screen customer targets and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
6 steps to implement the CRM process The process of implementing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for businesses usually includes the following steps:
Step 1: Analyze needs and set goals Analyzing needs and setting goals is an important first step in implementing a CRM system. Before starting the implementation, the business needs to carefully analyze its needs to determine the most important priorities. After analyzing the business needs, set goals for implementing the CRM system. These goals should be based on the most important priorities of the business. Analyzing needs and setting goals is an important step to help businesses make accurate decisions about implementation and ensure that it meets their goals.
Step 2: Select a CRM system To select a CRM system that is suitable for the goals and needs of the business, it is necessary to clearly define the features and functions.
Step 3: Prepare data Preparing data is the next step in implementing a CRM system. This step involves collecting, cleaning, and organizing customer data to ensure that it is accurate and consistent.
Step 4: Train employees Training employees on how to use the CRM system is an important step in successful implementation. Employees need to understand how to use the system to optimize its benefits.
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Step 5: Test the system Before implementing the CRM system, it is important to test it to ensure that it meets the needs and goals of the business.
Step 6: Launch and evaluate After testing the system, launch it and continuously evaluate its performance to ensure that it is meeting the goals of the business. This evaluation process should be ongoing to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the system continues to meet the needs of the business.
Summary In order to connect and provide the best values and experiences for customers, CRM is an essential solution. A business that wants to develop its operations cannot be without a tool to manage customer relationships. These are the 6 steps to implement a CRM process for your business that you may need to know. Pricing levels for CRM software implementation: How much does CRM software cost in Vietnam?
6 bước triển khai quy trình CRM cho doanh nghiệp
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Trong thời đại số hóa ngày nay, khách hàng đã trở nên khó tính và mong muốn nhận được trải nghiệm mua hàng tốt hơn và cá nhân hóa hơn. Để đáp ứng được những yêu cầu này, các doanh nghiệp cần phải hiểu rõ khách hàng của mình muốn gì và cần gì, và cung cấp cho họ các dịch vụ và trải nghiệm mua hàng tốt hơn đối thủ cạnh tranh.
Đó chính là lý do tại sao phần mềm quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM) trở thành một công cụ quan trọng đối với các doanh nghiệp. CRM giúp các tổ chức tự động hoá quy trình làm việc và lưu trữ dữ liệu của khách hàng một cách thông minh.
CRM có thể giúp gì cho doanh nghiệp
Phần mềm CRM (Customer Relationship Management) là công cụ quản lý quan hệ khách hàng cho doanh nghiệp. Nó giúp lưu trữ tự động dữ liệu của khách hàng, phân loại khách hàng theo nguồn đến, sản phẩm quan tâm, hoạt động mua hàng. Hệ thống này có khả năng tự động lưu lịch sử tương tác của nhân viên với khách hàng, giúp đảm bảo chăm sóc đầy đủ cho tất cả các khách hàng, tránh bỏ sót và phân quyền, quản lý hoạt động nhân viên giúp nhà quản trị kiểm soát dễ dàng hiệu quả làm việc và đánh giá được hiệu quả bán hàng.
Ngoài ra, phần mềm CRM còn tích hợp các tính năng kết nối, hỗ trợ gọi điện, gửi email marketing, SMS tự động, giúp tự động hóa quy trình chăm sóc, hỗ trợ khách hàng. Nó cũng giúp quản lý hồ sơ khách hàng và phân nhóm đối tượng khách hàng để liên tục cập nhật thông tin, hoạt động của từng khách hàng. Hệ thống CRM còn cho phép quản lý dịch vụ khách hàng và tự động hóa tiếp thị, giúp sàng lọc đối tượng khách hàng và đánh giá hiệu quả của các chiến dịch marketing.
6 bước triển khai quy trình CRM
Quy trình triển khai CRM (Customer Relationship Management) cho doanh nghiệp thường bao gồm các bước sau đây:
Phân tích nhu cầu và đặt mục tiêu
Phân tích nhu cầu và đặt mục tiêu là bước đầu tiên quan trọng trong việc triển khai hệ thống CRM. Trước khi bắt đầu triển khai, doanh nghiệp cần phân tích cẩn thận các nhu cầu và mục tiêu của mình để xác định được các ưu tiên quan trọng nhất. Sau khi phân tích các nhu cầu của doanh nghiệp, cần đặt mục tiêu cho việc triển khai hệ thống CRM. Các mục tiêu này nên được xác định dựa trên những ưu tiên quan trọng nhất của doanh nghiệp. Việc phân tích nhu cầu và đặt mục tiêu là một bước quan trọng để giúp doanh nghiệp đưa ra quyết định chính xác về việc triển khai và đảm bảo rằng nó đáp ứng được các mục tiêu của doanh nghiệp.
Lựa chọn hệ thống CRM
Để chọn được một hệ thống CRM phù hợp với mục tiêu và nhu cầu của doanh nghiệp, cần phải xác định rõ những tính năng và chức năng.
Một số tính năng và chức năng cần thiết của hệ thống CRM có thể bao gồm:
Quản lý thông tin khách hàng
Quản lý bán hàng
Tích hợp email marketing
Tích hợp social media
Quản lý dịch vụ khách hàng
Báo cáo và phân tích
Đào tạo và triển khai
Đào tạo nhân viên về cách sử dụng hệ thống là một công việc quan trọng để đảm bảo hiệu quả trong triển khai này trên toàn bộ doanh nghiệp.
Đầu tiên, cần xác định nhu cầu đào tạo của từng bộ phận trong doanh nghiệp, bao gồm các nhân viên bán hàng, dịch vụ khách hàng, marketing, quản lý và các bộ phận khác. Cần đánh giá cấp độ hiểu biết của từng nhân viên về hệ thống CRM để xác định mức độ đào tạo cần thiết. Sau khi đánh giá nhu cầu đào tạo, cần xây dựng kế hoạch đào tạo bao gồm thời gian, địa điểm và nội dung đào tạo. Kế hoạch cần phù hợp với lịch làm việc của từng bộ phận và tối ưu hóa hiệu quả đào tạo.
Cần chọn đội ngũ đào tạo có chuyên môn và kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực CRM để đảm bảo chất lượng đào tạo. 
Sau khi đào tạo đã hoàn thành, cần đánh giá hiệu quả đào tạo bằng cách kiểm tra kiến thức và kỹ năng của các nhân viên và đánh giá kết quả thực tiễn. Nếu cần, cần tiếp tục đào tạo để nâng cao hiệu quả sử dụng hệ thống
Thiết lập dữ liệu
Việc thiết lập các thông tin khách hàng cần thiết trong CRM là một bước quan trọng để đảm bảo rằng doanh nghiệp có thể quản lý thông tin khách hàng một cách hiệu quả và tối ưu hóa hoạt động của mình.
Tối ưu hoá hệ thống
Theo dõi và đánh giá hoạt động của hệ thống CRM, tối ưu hoá các chức năng và tính năng để đáp ứng được nhu cầu kinh doanh và đem lại hiệu quả tốt nhất.
Điều chỉnh và cập nhật
Điều chỉnh và cập nhật hệ thống để đáp ứng được các thay đổi trong doanh nghiệp và thị trường. Việc này giúp cho doanh nghiệp có thể tăng khả năng cạnh tranh và duy trì tồn tại trên thị trường.
Lời kết 
Để có thể kết nối và mang lại những giá trị, trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho khách hàng. CRM là một giải pháp thiết yếu. Một doanh nghiệp muốn phát triển kinh doanh thì không thể thiếu một công cụ quản lý mối quan hệ với khách hàng. Đây là 6 bước triển khai quy trình CRM cho doanh nghiệp mà bạn có thể cần biết.
Các mức giá triển khai phần mềm CRM:
Chi phí cho phần mềm CRM Việt Nam là bao nhiêu?
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getoncrm · 2 years
Best Practices For Using Salesforce To Streamline Business Operations
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Salesforce is one of the world's most popular and widely used CRM software platforms. It's also one of the most customizable, so you can use it to streamline your business operations. The tools available for Salesforce users include customer service, help desk analytics, automated business tasks with AI and Einstein technology (which predicts trends), marketing automation to generate leads, and more!
The Benefits of Using the World's Most Popular CRM Software
Salesforce is the world's most popular CRM software, and it's easy to see why. Salesforce has many features that make it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes.
The software offers a wide range of customizable features that streamline your workflow and improve efficiency, giving you more time to focus on growing your business. The platform also has an active community of users who can help you learn how best to use Salesforce or answer any questions that may arise.
Understanding Customization, Apps, and Integration With Salesforce
1. Customization is the process of making changes to the Salesforce user interface. For example, you can customize your Salesforce account by adding custom fields or tabs to your home page and record pages.
2. Apps are add-ons that you can install to extend the functionality of Salesforce. There are many apps available in AppExchange, which is a marketplace where third-party developers sell their applications for use with Salesforce. For example, one app might allow users in your organization to create custom reports based on data stored within Salesforce; another might help you manage projects more effectively by integrating them into existing workflows and processes (e.g., sending emails when tasks are completed).
3. Integration is the process of connecting Salesforce with other software systems, such as ERP solutions or accounting tools, so that they can share information seamlessly without employees' manual intervention at either end.
Also read: Major Benefits Of Top Salesforce Consulting Partners
Salesforce Customer Service: Help Desk & Support Analytics
Salesforce is a great tool for customer service. With Salesforce, you can automate many of your support processes and track metrics that will help improve retention, satisfaction, and loyalty.
For example:
1. Create cases in seconds with built-in case management tools.
2. Build custom forms to capture specific data points like order details or upload documents right into the ticket history tab, so they're always at hand when needed later on down the line (or even if someone else needs access).
3. Use intelligent routing rules that automatically route tickets based on criteria such as product type or account status, so agents only see relevant information when responding to questions from customers who contact them via phone call/chat/email, etcetera ad infinitum!
Automating Your Business Tasks With Salesforce Einstein AI
Salesforce Einstein AI is a tool that can help you automate tasks. It's also powerful enough to handle complex processes and data to tackle even the most difficult or time-consuming work.
Einstein AI will save you time by automating repetitive tasks, such as updating records or creating reports. You can use it to perform routine activities like adding new contacts to your database, assigning leads based on criteria set by the marketing team, or sending out invoices when an order has been placed on your website--these are just a few examples!
Salesforce And Marketing Automation to Generate Leads
Marketing automation is a tool that allows you to automate tasks such as email campaigns and lead scoring. Marketing automation aims to generate leads for your business, but you can also use it in conjunction with Salesforce to streamline business operations.
Here are some best practices for using Salesforce and marketing automation together:
Use the built-in tools available through the Marketing Cloud Platform (MC) that integrates directly into Salesforce, such as Lead Management, Email Campaigns, and Social Media Marketing. These features allow you to manage all aspects of your lead generation efforts from within one platform rather than having multiple systems that work independently. You'll have access to real-time reporting data so that you always know what's going on with each campaign or prospect at any given time.
Also Read: The Top 5 Benefits Of Using Salesforce For Fintech Companies
Salesforce is an important tool for businesses everywhere.
Salesforce is one of the most important business tools. It can help businesses streamline their operations, automate tasks and track customer service issues.
Salesforce helps businesses automate tasks by providing a platform for managing data and automating processes. With Salesforce, you can create customized programs to your needs--and then share those programs with other users in your company so they can use them too!
For example, You could create a program that automatically sends an email notification when someone joins your mailing list or enters an order through your website (this would be called "automation"). You might also have another automation set up so that whenever someone updates their profile information on LinkedIn or Facebook (again, this would be called "automation"), it automatically updates their contact information within Salesforce!
It's time to get started with your Salesforce implementation! Salesforce is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit your business by streamlining operations and increasing productivity. However, to fully take advantage of its capabilities, it's important to follow best practices for using the platform. GetOnCRM's Solutions is a Salesforce silver consulting partner's expertise that can help you navigate Salesforce and make the most of its features to improve your business's efficiency and bottom line. By implementing the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your organization uses Salesforce to its full potential and reap the rewards of efficient and effective business operations.
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hostpyters · 4 months
OpenPhone is a modern business phone system designed for startups, small businesses, and growing teams. It offers a range of features to streamline communication and improve professional interactions. Here is a detailed review of its features and functionalities:
Key Features
Phone Numbers:
Local and Toll-Free Numbers: OpenPhone provides users with the option to choose local or toll-free numbers, enhancing accessibility and professional presence.
Port Existing Numbers: Businesses can port their existing phone numbers to OpenPhone, ensuring continuity and avoiding disruption.
Call Management:
Call Forwarding: Users can forward calls to different numbers, ensuring important calls are never missed.
Call Routing: Advanced call routing options allow businesses to direct calls based on time, availability, or team member roles.
Voicemail Transcription: Voicemails are transcribed and sent as text messages, making it easier to read and respond quickly. Messaging:
SMS and MMS: OpenPhone supports sending and receiving SMS and MMS, allowing businesses to communicate with customers via text.
Shared Inboxes: Teams can share inboxes, making it easy to manage and respond to messages collaboratively.
Automated Texts: Users can set up automated text responses for missed calls or other triggers, ensuring prompt communication. Integrations:
CRM and Productivity Tools: OpenPhone integrates with popular tools like HubSpot, Slack, Zapier, and Google Contacts, enhancing workflow and productivity.
API Access: For more advanced needs, OpenPhone offers API access, allowing businesses to create custom integrations and automate workflows.
Team Management: Teams can be organized within OpenPhone, with the ability to assign numbers and manage communication collaboratively.
Internal Notes: Team members can leave internal notes on conversations, facilitating better context and collaboration.
Caller ID and Call Recording:
Custom Caller ID: Businesses can customize their caller ID to display their company name, ensuring brand consistency.
Call Recording: Calls can be recorded for quality assurance, training, and compliance purposes, with easy access to recordings.
Mobile and Desktop Apps:
Cross-Platform Access: OpenPhone is available on both mobile and desktop, allowing users to make and receive calls from any device.
Unified Experience: The user interface is consistent across platforms, ensuring a seamless experience. Pros
Ease of Use: OpenPhone’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for teams to set up and use, without requiring extensive training.
Cost-Effective: The pricing is competitive, making it an attractive option for startups and small businesses.
Flexibility: Features like shared inboxes, call routing, and integrations provide flexibility to accommodate various business needs.
Modern Features: Advanced features such as voicemail transcription, automated texts, and API access offer functionality beyond traditional phone systems.
Cons Limited International Features: While OpenPhone supports international calls, its primary focus is on the US and Canada, which may limit its utility for businesses with a global presence.
Feature Depth: Some advanced telephony features available in more established business phone systems might be missing or less robust in OpenPhone.
Scalability: While suitable for small to medium-sized teams, very large organizations might find limitations in scalability or require more complex solutions.
OpenPhone is a modern and flexible business phone system that caters well to startups, small businesses, and growing teams. Its ease of use, competitive pricing, and range of features make it a strong contender in the business communication space. Although it may not offer all the advanced features of more established systems, its integrations, collaboration tools, and modern functionalities provide significant value for teams looking to streamline their communication processes.
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