cubeevo · 7 months
The principles of good web design
The process of designing a website is quite personal. The building blocks of a great website are by no means an exact science. Nonetheless, there are plenty of useful guidelines and principles that can help and assist you in creating a website that has good usability and aesthetics. But how do you know which design principles make or break a website? Oftentimes, design is about bending the “rules”, Even so, it is crucial to understand the foundation of what makes a website polished and functional. Here are some tips and tricks to help you construct your very own web design.
Use web friendly fonts
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Utilise negative space
The word negative has always been associated as a cynical term, but what if I tell you that the use of negative space is one of the most common and popular ways to improve the layout of your website! The empty space between the components of your design such as the graphics, texts and icons is called negative space or white space. This design principle is especially significant in web design. The worst thing that can happen is when a user feels overwhelmed on a website that is too complicated and complex. Crowded and cluttered text with no utilisation of negative space can hinder the readability and attention towards crucial information, by using negative space, you can streamline a much better user experience.
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Stick to a consistent design 
Simplicity is key. A common quote not only in general but in web design too. One of the most important aspects of web design is its design. Maintaining consistency isn’t about just using the same fonts and colours across your platform. It is about applying the same consistency throughout your website layouts. Keeping consistency strengthens the credibility and impression of your brand by a significant margin. Be sure to stay cautious around various visual elements that have a variety of image and letter sizes. It could be a difference-maker that makes a website a chaotic mess or a harmonic synergy.  
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cubeevo · 7 months
How to create a user-friendly website
What is considered a user-friendly page
A user-friendly website should be a simple, easy-to-navigate website for all visitors that come across your website. The underlying and most important aspect of a user-friendly website is its accessibility and usability; it must be able to direct users to the appropriate content as quickly as possible with minimal downtime. This is crucial because it leaves a lasting impression for all your future interactions between you and your potential audience. It has now become a requirement to invest in a user-friendly website, and without one, you will be left behind. Here are some tips and tricks for improving the user experience on a user-friendly website. 
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User accessibility/ UX and UI design
Go for a website design that prioritises the user and their needs before anything else. When you adopt this approach, it becomes much easier to identify problems within the website and also in the user experience. Navigation should be easily accessible; select a structure that allows the user to go where they need to go quickly and efficiently. Things like menu placement or using specific designs for different tabs and platforms to facilitate ease of navigation are good factors you need to consider while designing the website. Avoid hidden menus, as they will disrupt both usability and SEO.
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Colour selection
Colour is an important aspect when it comes to designing a website. The human brain is wired to identify different colours with specific traits. For example, green can represent tranquillity, while blue can represent inspiration or imagination. By pairing each primary colour with a different hue, you can completely transform your website with different colour combinations. It is key to select colours that represent your brand and its principals and values. Keep the colours and pages simple, complex combinations will make your information hard to consume. Give your target audience what they are looking for, nothing less.
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cubeevo · 8 months
How does advertising help society
It is often mistaken by many that the sole purpose of advertising is to ONLY generate new customers. While it may be true to a certain degree, advertising plays a much bigger role in society than one may think. Although its primary objective is to sell, it can also be used as a way to serve and bring attention to a particular cause or problem. 
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So how does it actually help society?
Educating consumers about new products and services
Advertising greatly assists in understanding new goods and services. The majority of the time, consumers are generally unaware of new products or services. With advertising, consumers are able to benefit by learning about them and making a wise purchasing decision.
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Promotes competition between different brands 
Competition is inevitable in the world of advertising, but for consumers, it becomes a win-win situation. Competition among businesses oftentimes will lead to competitors lowering prices and improving their products and services to remain competitive because they feel pressured by existing consumers, potentially switching brands.
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Supporting the media 
Over the years, the evolution of media has transformed decade by decade. It has now reached a state that is fully digital. With that comes the rise of news and media outlets such as the BBC. But with such easy access to the internet in the 21st generation, digital advertising has become a vital part of advertising success. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are being utilized for advertising. This promotes the creation of more high-quality services and entertainment.
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cubeevo · 7 months
Techniques To Optimise Your Website Performance
It is no secret that websites are vital for businesses. They play a factor in establishing a positive or negative impression of your products and services. Therefore, a website should always strive to be user-friendly, intuitive, and simple to use. But oftentimes, when it comes to building a website, designers tend to get caught up in things such as website layout, content, or design. One aspect of that that is often overlooked that keeps websites operational and fast is performance optimization. Website speed is a vital component of an effective website; it leads to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and a high SEO rating on search engines too. In this article, we are going to share with you the techniques on how to optimise your website performance.
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What affects website speed and why is it important
 According to research, a user will wait anywhere between 1 and 3 seconds for a website to load before losing focus. If information is not displayed by your website before this time frame, it is likely that they will just close the window. Faster websites will improve the overall user experience, have higher conversion rates, and rank higher in organic search results. A slow and inefficient website will in turn damage your brand and cost you more money, so it is crucial to increase the speed at which your web page loads. But before we go over the techniques for optimising your website's performance, we first must understand web performance optimization and some of the most common reasons that cause a website to be slow. Web performance optimization refers to how quickly a user’s web browser is downloaded and displayed to the user and the study of how to improve it. Factors such as:
Large image sizes
Traffic volume 
Bad network connection
Excessive widgets or plugins
Outdated browser 
Poor server
are common reasons that slow down your website's speed, Although they are common, they are not the only ones that cause a website to load slowly. There are a plethora of options you can take to improve your website's performance, but before that, it is highly recommended to first test your website’s load time before you begin troubleshooting. 
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Optimise image sizing 
Graphics and images are one of the core elements that makes up a website so it is no surprise that web designers make extensive use of its visuals. But, the load time of your website can be drastically slowed down if the images in the website are not compressed. Compressing images reduces the resolution of the graphics allowing the website to run smoother. Websites occasionally use images with x2 or x3 resolution, to ensure optimal display. However, by doing that, you are merely wasting bandwidth and making visitors wait longer than they have to. This becomes even worse i they have a sluggish data connection that further worsen the user experience. Use tools like JPEGmini or Kraken.io to reduce the size of the images while retaining similar quality. 
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cubeevo · 8 months
Impact of new technology on advertising today
It is difficult to predict how technology will affect a company’s business and advertising strategy because there are so many variables that need to be taken into account. Prior to the rise of the digital era, marketing tactics were fairly simple. Capture your audience’s attention and make sure they return for seconds. Technology was not even considered a factor that could inject noticeable change into the company. Fast forward to the present day, and technology has greatly accelerated the expansion of advertising into endless possibilities. It has completely changed the landscape of advertising by giving businesses access to fresh, creative methods to interact with their target audiences.  Let’s dive into the impact of technology on advertising today.
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Increased reach to audiences around the world
One of the biggest, if not the biggest, changes in the world of advertising is social media. It has allowed businesses to engage with customers all around the globe and reach an audience like never before. Applications such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have evolved into a new form of advertising. By personalising content using algorithms, technology has granted businesses the ability to target ads to specific audiences based on things like browser history, search queries, watch time, and much more. Social media advertising enables companies to establish a much more personal connection compared to traditional advertisements. This can raise brand awareness among their target audience, produce content that connects with them, and eventually boost sales. Technology has also improved the interactive nature of advertising with the use of ad buy. Advertisements that are displayed on digital panels, such as ones in Times Square, New York can be adjusted in real time according to the temperature, traffic, and time of day. Just by enhancing these advertisements with technology, it can boost conversion rates and brand awareness by a huge amount.
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Automation in advertising
Advertising automation is software designed and created for advertisers to allow them to advertise and market simultaneously on multiple platforms and channels. Automation makes completing repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently achievable. With the help of AI, they are able to create images, videos, and ad copy depending on the message and goals of the advertisers. Doing this also significantly lowers the cost and time needed for the advertisers. AI can also help with automating the process of ad scheduling and ad delivery. With just a click of a button, your ads can be deployed to run at any time to a specific audience.
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cubeevo · 8 months
The use of AI in marketing
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the field of digital marketing. These powerful technologies enable corporations to capitalise on information derived from data to improve client interactions, maximise advertising, and discover untapped prospects. With AI becoming more and more popular as time goes on, it leads people to wonder. “How is artificial intelligence used in marketing”. In this article, let's dive in on how AI is used in marketing!
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So how is AI used?
Content Personalisation 
AI is used to personalise advertising messages to target specific audiences. Consumer data such as purchase history, internet activity, or browsing behaviour is all collected to create personalised recommendations for potential consumers. Its ability to also anticipate and predict possible content that could be of interest to a target audience by applying machine learning algorithms to learn is vital to a lot of businesses that develop content strategies to get optimum results. This allows them to increase engagement by sending the appropriate information to their potential audiences.
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Measurement and Analysis
One of the key applications of AI in marketing is data analytics. It is able to gather, sort, and summarise vast volumes of data from several marketing initiatives and can also be used to track and evaluate the effectiveness of its advertising and marketing. AI can greatly assist companies in determining what is and isn't effective and making the necessary changes to improve. This method will help organisations save tons of time in understanding their own advertising strategy.
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Content Generation
AI is also widely used in content generation. The creation of articles or blog titles, social media posts, captions, or even content ideas. AI-generated content has quickly become one of the norms when it comes to content generation, just because it helps save so much time. With the assistance of AI, content generation has become considerably more efficient. 
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cubeevo · 8 months
How to make your brand unique with storytelling
Being able to differentiate brands is one of the most crucial factors in the cutthroat economy of today. 
Storytelling is one of, if not the most used, ways to approach this. A compelling method of making an emotional connection with your audience. 
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Begin with a story
A compelling brand story serves far more than merely just promoting a product. Making your brand stand out among a sea of similarities is one of the most difficult obstacles for any organisation. You are capable of this by creating a great product, developing a distinct brand identity, or bringing in exceptional talent. However, one vital technique that I'm seeing successful organisations adopt is brand storytelling. 
Use short and snappy slogans or taglines, or make quick but easy-to-follow videos. Prioritise simplicity, create sentences to make your brand simpler to recall. The last thing you want to be is a brand that nobody can remember. Consult a branding agency, make sure that your brand story is applicable—what kind of issues are you addressing and what kind of problems are you solving? You have to leave audiences with a clear understanding of your mission and objectives. 
You are more than just profit
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Even though it might be obvious, make sure you fully understand the identity of your company, what it stands for, and the reason behind your story. Knowing your target audience and employing good keyword localisation for potential customers will help you determine which platform to use once you have determined your values and objectives. Keep your message consistent and precise throughout the entire process.
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cubeevo · 6 years
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cubeevo · 6 years
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cubeevo · 6 years
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