#CUTE Morgana content everyone take a picture it never lasts
morgana-ren · 4 years
Here's a sappy idea: that tidbit where Tomura is sitting on the bathroom floor, talking to you while you're in the shower, bored and missing you already (even though you've only been 10 minutes) might as well invite him in and wash his hair and watch him try to hide his blush from all the nice, gentle affection.
Remember how I always say I’m bad at answering asks? This is from like well over a year ago.
I’M SORRY BATHY TOMURA ANON. and every other anon in the graveyard. I love you all.
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Anyway, clingy boyfriend Tomura who sits on the bathroom shower and plays his switch because he just doesn’t like to be away from you. It’s just automatic for him; you get up, grab your towel and a new set of jammies and he just gets up and follows you in there. Plops down on the tile right outside the bathtub and goes right back to playing whatever it was on his handheld.
You can sit and relax under the hot water for as long as you’d like, but no matter how long it takes, you can always count on your companion sitting cross legged just outside the rim of the tub, occasionally wiping away the steam from his screen with the sleeve of his shirt. Even as his skin gets damp and he starts to sweat, he never leaves. Most he will do is crack the door to the bathroom a tad, and proceed to immediately kick it shut with his foot when he thinks he hears someone coming.
Most of the time, he’ll just play patiently while he waits for you to finish, but sometimes, sometimes if you’re gentle, you can coax him into the water with you. It takes a bit of effort. Soft coos of affection and maybe even a little begging, but eventually he’ll shyly shuck his clothes off and force you to turn around as he slips into the water behind you.
When he lets you turn and look at him, his cheeks are ruddy and not because of the hot water. No matter what dynamic you two have in the bedroom, he’s not used to the soft, loving affection you offer him, and baring his entire body before another person in a non-sexual manner is still very uncomfortable for him. His bony arms try to hide his shame, and he lets the water slop off in droplets from his hair and onto his face as his bangs slick down around his cheeks.
His muscles are still tensed as you bring the shampoo bottle to his head and apply a liberal amount before rubbing your fingers gently through his wintery hair. He might quietly scold you once or twice for letting the bubbles drip down into his eyes, but it’s mainly just his defense mechanism. He quiets down when you lather it into his hair, massaging his scalp with your nails and rubbing your thumbs onto his temples.
When he relaxes enough, he won’t fight you as you slick his hair back and pull him into the water to rinse it out. Stroke his back and work on his shoulder muscles as you put the conditioner in his hair and eventually he becomes a big pile of jelly.
He’ll kick the stopper down with his feet and turn the shower off, pulling you down into the bath with him, your back against his chest. Maybe you’ll nuzzle into him as he gently kisses the top of your head, or maybe he’ll twirl your wet tresses between four of his fingers. Maybe he’ll just quietly sit there as you trace your nails along his wet arm and soggy fingers, eventually interlocking with him. He won’t talk, not much anyway, so the soundtrack to your romantic moment will be whatever music beeps from the pause screen of his switch, but it doesn’t impact the moment. Between your vulnerability and his, neither one of you are thinking too hard about it.
He gets the towel first, though.
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