#tender Shig
mushroommanstan · 1 year
Creepy Tenko part 2
Part 1:
Part 3:
After your first encounter, you became quite popular around campus as the girl who finally stood up to creepy Tenko and lived. You got invitations to pretty much every frat, a lot of free drinks at the bar, and lots of gossip buddies to sit with at lunch. And while you did enjoy the attention, you felt kind of bad about what you did.
Yeah he said some pretty nasty things, but you were the one who invaded his personal space (and then some). God you hoped you hadn’t ruined your chances with him… you really did want to get to know him better. He seemed sweet.
Meanwhile, Tenko was spending the afternoon in his room, experimenting. Hmmm, how did you grab his shirt again? Like this? … no, it was tighter than that. Maybe like this? Oh yeah, that’s it! You gotta twist it! Mmmm, perfect.
And what was it that you said to him? Those eight words that made his heart beat faster and his legs quake. Oh yeah.
‘You do not talk to me like that.’
Fuck, just remembering the way you looked at him made him struggle to take off his pants already. Those 10 seconds of complete dominance over him were going to get him through a week of jack-off material.
Again and again the scene played out in his mind. Your intense eyes, your strong grip, your unyielding tone.
‘You do not talk to me like that.’
Mmmm yeah, that’s the stuff. He worked his gloved hand over his clothed dick. His underwear chafed along his dick but it was nothing compared to what his hand would do, so he ignored it.
He grabbed the lube and tissues from the bedside table, ready to make this the perfect night as over and over you scolded him in his mind.
‘You do not talk to me like that. You filthy slut.’
He pressed his eyes shut hard, working over himself faster and faster as a different scene played out in his mind.
He moved his unused hand, applying lube singlehandedly and dipping down into his boxers. This time from the back.
Oh no y/n, your fingers are circling his tender hole! Oh please, he’ll be a good boy! Oh god please don’t fill him up with your fingers!
He was completely lost in his fantasy, beginning to finger himself with a moan.
His imagination only got more and more intense as he moved quicker, your degrading words seemingly right in his ear.
His own hand was bullying his inner walls, while his other pinches his nutsack as he envisioned your perfect foot crushing them as you laughed. So good… so good!
His cum sprayed all over himself, dirtying the hoodie as the tissues beside him went utterly forgotten. He rode his orgasm for as long as he could, melting back into his bed as he came down from his high.
He never had felt anything like that. Usually when he did this he imagined things more… manly.
Oh but he liked this. He liked this way a lot more. And he liked using you in his fantasies. Just what the hell had you done to him?
There you were again. Same class, same desk.
Usually Tenko would at least pay attention in the beginning of class before oogling at the unobtainable girls, but today his attention was on you completely.
He knew he was probably overreacting about the encounter, after all you probably had forgotten all about it.
But… whenever people talked to him, they whether intentionally or unintentionally treated him like a monster. Shaky voice, careful wording, hollow compliments, bullshit excuses to leave, all their confidence melting away as they prayed to make it out alive. Come out of interacting with him alive.
That, or their fight/flight instincts chose fight, and they tried to hurt him before he hurt them. Whether it be verbal or physical, he’s had some brave people stand up to him for no apparent reason. He got used to the insults. He stopped fighting them and accepted them like a wise, crazy old man once said.
They also gave up trying to hurt him, as he had not only the reflexes and pain tolerance of a god, but the protection of the hero business. He didn’t actually kill anyone since… that day… but instead the aforementioned hero scholarship program got the aggressors expelled and silenced so there wouldn’t be any controversy when he graduated. The kids weren’t seen again and despite any actual evidence, rumors spread.
So really, he was so used to being treated as a monster that he accepted his role as one. And all of these past experiences are what made him so baffled at how you treated him. You touched, no, fearlessly pressed yourself against him, your cheek touching his dry and cracked one. You spoke to him with no hesitance or anger or anything. You maintained eye contact with him that wasn’t a test of who would look away first.
You weren’t scared of him, and that’s what drew him to you.
He had to know more, get to know why you’re comfortable around him. See if he could, as cheesy as it sounds… be your friend.
Ugh, even thinking that made him cringe. He didn’t want to be your friend, you were hot and he wanted to fuck you. That’s it.
Look out world, he doesn’t have any knowledge of flirting or social interaction in general, but by god is he gonna try.
He looked at you, eyes squinting as he calculated his next moves like a chess game. He spent all night planning out these next few hours. He can do this. He can talk to you like a regular person.
You were humming to yourself, scribbling notes on a sheet of paper as the lesson continued, and he made his move.
Reaching into his hoodie, resting on top of ‘Father’, was the same gameboy that sparked your first, uh, he’s gonna say ‘conversation’.
He whipped it out with confidence, intentionally pulling it out on his visible side. He turned his head and looked at you. No reaction.
You noticed in your peripheral vision the way his head rotated towards you dramatically. His face was one of deep concentration and determination, and despite his intense gaze as he scanned your lack of reaction, he said nothing.
He slowly turned his head back towards his gameboy, and lifted the screen with an audible snap. The instant it made a noise he whipped his head and upper body towards you, once again, very dramatically.
You had to stop yourself from giggling. What was this guy doing? The way he turned made it seem like time and time again you some how pulled the last straw but his face was one of observation. He didn’t have to say it, it was painfully obvious he wanted your attention.
His eyes squinted again at your lack of reaction, and he turned slowly towards his game. With the screen up, he powered it on, giving you a powerful side glance this time instead, and turned the volume up just a little, so that you could obviously hear it, but the rest of the class couldn’t.
You gave him no response on the outside, but on the inside you were giggling from how cute this was. You wanted to see what else he would do if you kept ignoring him.
He booted up the game, slightly disturbed by your silence compared to yesterday, when you practically fell into his lap. He would have to try harder. Time for the next step.
“HmMmMm, mAn tHiS gAmE is sO fUn.” He said, robotically and slightly louder than he meant to. His head snapped towards you again and you had to stifle a giggle.
He sighed theatrically. “Oh, bUt tHiS lEvElS sOoOo HaRd! I wIsH tHeRe wAs SoMeBoDy wHo cOuLd hElP mE wItH iT.”
He snapped his head to you again, and you slowly raised your own to give him time to face forward again and pretend he wasn’t paying attention to you.
Despite being profile to you, you could see his eyes frantically moving back and forth from the white-board to you.
You played along, leaning in slightly to see what level he’s on. You almost lost it, he’s still at the title screen.
Tenko fought a smile. Yes, the plan was working! Alright, time for the next step.
With a strained straight face, you look him in the eye and break the news to him.
“Uh, you gotta press ‘A’ to start the game dude.”
His face paled in realization, and he looked down to see that he had forgotten to select a level. Shit.
“Uhh yeah so I do… silly me” he said, voice getting quieter near the end and trailing off. Despite working so hard to get you to look at him he couldn’t look you in the eye, staring off into the ceiling as he hoped to god you were still looking at his game.
You pressed the button for him, your thumb covering his as you smushed it into the plastic. A high pitched beep comes from the game in perfect sync to his heart skipping a beat.
You touched him! Again! You touched his hand!!! Aka, the most dangerous place to touch! He could feel his face heat up already and he had to repress some very intense emotions before he did something he’d regret.
You pulled away you hand, but leaned over and rested your chin on his shoulder. You could feel his shudder as your nose blew cold air into his ear. It was like every time you inhaled he doubted this was real, and every time you exhaled the soft breeze snapped him back and assured him you were, in fact, here with him.
You could see the tips of his ears reddening as he panted, and you looked down to his lap where the gameboy was. You tried, but it was hard to ignore the large erection he was sporting. You couldn’t help your eyes from widening. I guess the myth about gamers is true after all.
Tenko was so distracted by your chest pressing into his upper-arm that it took him a second to remember why you were looking over his shoulder in the first place. He looked down to the screen, ready to show you his epic gamer skillz… and made an utterly terrifying discovery.
Oh shit… OH SHIT!!!
Alarm bells were ringing in his head and he shoved you off in a panic.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck he could swear he tucked himself into his waistband before class! Oh god that’s so embarrassing he hoped you didn’t notice… he uh… where’d you go?
Coming back to reality he looked around and met your gaze as you rubbed your where your ass hit the floor. You gave him that same look, the one he was terrified of, and yet yearned for.
He wasn’t embarrassed anymore. Now, he was filled with nothing but dread. It was bad enough he couldn’t control himself, now he had just shoved the girl of his dreams away. literally.
You watched as he deeply exhaled, this sigh being for real. He laid his head on the table, accepting defeat and mentally preparing your for your next move.
He watched you rise and sit back in your chair. He couldn’t see your face, but could only assume it was one of disgust and anger.
What would it be this time? Insults about his appearance? Shrieking and running out of the classroom? A punch to the back of the head that would undoubtedly be the last time you made contact with him? He didn’t care. You couldn’t hurt him more than he has been. Please just do it already.
He saw out of the corner of his eye your hand reaching towards him. Looks like you’re gonna do this the physical way. He tensed up, preparing for a slap, a punch, a kick, hell even a harsh pinch.
. . . . .
You were touching him! You were touching touching him! What in the ever loving god was happening?! He was now completely sure his medication was backfiring or something but your firm cupping of his clothed balls sent shivers down his spine a way no hallucination ever could.
Your groping hand was sending waves of pleasure through his body with each little squeeze. His entire body was tense and rigid, a survival instinct perhaps that told him not to move or you might stop for some reason. It was irrational, but it made enough sense in his boggled mind to keep him perfectly still as you had your way with him.
And throughout the mind numbing lust and the shock of ever being in a situation like this, there was still one question that forced its way to the front of his thoughts.
Why him? Why now? Why after he had just shoved you? Why after you saw how perverted he was? Just… why?
Whatever, he didn’t care. He’d find out later, but for now he’d be dammed if he didn’t do every thing he could to enjoy this while it lasted.
Shyly, he turned his head to you, determined to see what you looked like through all this. I mean, you were jerking him off above his clothes during class, the least he could do is look at you.
Then, as he gazed into your eyes, your intentions became clear.
He hoped he would see a soft, inviting smile or something. But instead, you wore a malicious, grinch-like grin that made his heart drop.
Your fingers turned to claws as you squeezed his nuts harshly, making him let out a small squeak.
“You know baby boy~” you began, letting him know what it was like to be on the other side of an intense glaring session. You could feel his hips jerk at the nickname, giggling.
“I was going to apologize to you today. I felt so bad about how things left off… thought I may have been too harsh on you.”
As you talked, you kneaded his junk harshly between your fingers, and despite the uncomfortable sensation, he couldn’t get himself to fight back. As much as he was ashamed to admit it… you hurting him like this felt so good. So right. Like he had finally found his place in the world.
Being your bitch.
He trembled as you continued. “But after seeing what a perverted bastard you are, shoving me away from you even though I only wanted to help you with your, ah, ‘difficult level.’” You taunted, free hand making finger quotes for the last two words.
You leaned into his shoulder once again, and whispered.
“I guess you left me no choice but to punish you.” He had to clasp a hand over his mouth before he let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
You continued harshly pushing your palm against his sack, trying to flatten it against his thigh as he panted deliciously.
This was supposed to feel like a punishment.
But damn if it didn’t feel like a reward
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One of my favorite stories that showcases Dabi and Shig falling for each other is Floriography. I know that's a Shigadabihawks story, but I think the ShigaDabi in that fic is so strong, like they have great chemistry from the first scene in the bar and everything between the two of them that follows is just so achingly tender that it still makes my chest warm.
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xxlittle0birdxx · 9 months
WIP: Obi-Wan raising Luke
The ambient noise of the palace didn't penetrate this deeply underground.  Obi-wan had a hazy memory of Satine making a rough sketch of traditional Mandalorian homes, and the center chamber that would have been the site of a clan's last stand.  New Mandalorian architecture had eschewed this sort of feature.  Instead, they designed buildings that were the complete opposite of this round and windowless room.  Luke had fallen asleep almost as soon as their dinner plates had been cleared away, his head pillowed on Obi-wan's thigh.  Obi-wan didn't blame him.  He had struggled a little with acclimating to the press of so many people around them.  It seemed to overwhelm the boy at times.  But here, in the karyai, the thick walls muffled the presence of others.  The tension knotting Luke's shoulders eased almost from the moment Korkie closed the door behind them. 
Bo-Katan watched him stroke Luke's hair for a moment, then murmured, 'You could stay here, you know.'  She sipped her shig, without taking her eyes off him.  
Obi-wan picked up his own shig, inhaling the citrus-infused steam.  Dozens of past memories assaulted him, but he managed to sip it without betraying his inner turmoil by so much as a trembling hand.  'To what purpose?' he asked.  'Sell the boy and me to the Empire in order to take their attention away from you and your attempts to undermine and overthrow Gar Saxon?'
Bo-Katan snorted.  'Cynical, much?'  She shook her head.  'No.  You would become a member of clan Kryze.'  She looked down at her interlaced hands.  'It’s what she would want.'
Obi-wan blinked the sudden sting from his eyes.  'I thank you,' he replied in a hoarse voice, 'but I wouldn't want to bring the Empire down on your heads by hiding here.'  The corner of his mouth quirked up.  'I'm still wanted, you know.'
'Obi-wan Kenobi, maybe, but not Ben Kryze,' Korkie said.
Obi-wan's wry grin turned into a rueful smile.  'Yes, but I still have Obi-wan Kenobi's face.'
Korkie shared a pleading look with his aunt.  She sat back with a sigh and gave him a single reluctant nod.  'You can wear my great-great-grandfather's armor.  It belonged to my mother’s maternal grandfather.  You can reforge it.  Make it yours.  You would never have to remove your helmet outside the palace, should you choose.'  
His naked longing was almost too much to bear.  Obi-wan allowed himself a brief moment to consider it. He could come to know his son, a joyous reminder of Satine. Proof that she had once walked on this earth.  He could give Luke a family.  He would grow surrounded by love and affection.  He knew beyond all certainty that, should the occasion arise, Korkie would protect Luke. It was part of the Mandalorian Creed.  But Obi-wan had witnessed the lengths the Empire would go to in order to find him.   And if they found him, they would find Luke.  He couldn’t in good conscience subject Mandalore to the Empire’s tender mercies. They had suffered enough as it was.  'This is an extraordinarily generous offer.  If I only had to think of myself, I would accept it immediately.  As it is…'  He tilted his head toward Luke.
'You think we wouldn't care for your son as well?' Bo-Katan scoffed.  'He's a foundling.  No foundling ever goes neglected on Mandalore.'  A smirk twisted her mouth.  'This is the way.'
'It isn't that.'  Obi-wan tucked the edge of the blanket around Luke's shoulders.  'He may not be my biological son, but we do share a similar trait.'
'Jetii?' Korkie asked.
Obi-wan nodded  'Yes.  He will be.'
Bo-Katan snorted louder.  'You should let it die.  What has it done but brought anyone a lifetime of pain?'
'Auntie!' Korkie hissed.
'Satine and I…'  Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.  'We…'  He inhaled, and found a spot on the ceiling on which to focus until his emotions were once more under his control.  'We understood the consequences of our choices.'  He met Bo-Katan's disconcertingly direct gaze.  'Even until the very end.'  He  brushed a lock of Luke’s hair away from his forehead.  ‘Just as I’m fully aware of the consequences of this life. I won’t put anyone else in danger.’
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Captured! (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo everyone! This was requested by the wonderful @itchingtodecay! I've never written for Dustbunny before, but I really like the idea of them together so this was pretty fun! :D I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing, A dash of spiciness in the beginning (Nothing graphic, but felt like I should mention it)
Shigaraki didn’t care if Dabi was dating Hawks.
Sure, he occasionally gave the flame villain slack about his relationship with the Prohero. He’d poke fun occasionally at him whenever the two seemed sappy, but he never openly opposed the relationship or shamed them for it.
No, he didn’t care if Dabi was hooking up with a Prohero.
For all the attention on them meant there was little to none on his own.
“Now then…I’ve got you right where I want you.” Mirko’s amber eyes smiled down at him, her hand reaching out to gently push him against the bed. “Comfy, villain?”
Shigaraki wriggled against the sheets, humming in satisfaction. “Very.” He reached up and played with a strand of her hair, twirling it between his gloved fingers. “I should get captured more often. The view isn’t too bad.”
Mirko snorted, leaning down and taking his face gently. “That can be arranged.”
Their kisses always started out so gently. The ghost of warmth against his lips before her’s followed suit, tender and feather-like. It lasted only a few seconds before they grew rougher, his hands reaching up and grasping her arms as she yanked him up by his shirt. closing the distance between them. Her hands slid down his shirt to pull it off-
Mirko paused, leaning back and raising an eyebrow. “What was that?”
Shigaraki felt his face burn. “N-Nothing.”
The rabbit hero blinked, curiosity settling into her expression. She ran her fingers up his ribs-
“Knew it.” She grinned. Shigaraki wanted to die.
“Don’t you fucking dare-Ahhehehe!” He yelped when she touched him again, more deliberate this time. Her fingers traced along his sides, an endless pattern of swirls and twitches that easily left the villain in stitches. “Cooohohoohoohme ohoohohhohon! Buhuuhuuhuhnny stahahhahhahap ihihihit! Yohoohohohur kiihihihihihllinhg the mohohohohohod!”
“Oh I disagree! I think the mood got better!” Mirko grinned, delighting in the rare sight. She dropped her hands slowly, pinching along his waist as she went before grabbing his hips, massaging them with her thumbs. “Look at you, all giggly and squirmy! Aren’t you a cutie?”
“Shuuhuhuhuhut the fuuuhuhuhuck uuhuhuuhp-AH! AHheahhahahaha Bunny I’m sahhhahahhahharry!” Shigaraki was a mess beneath her, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as he weakly grabbed her wrists, arching when she found a particularly bad spot along the top of his thighs. “Gahahahhahahahha I’ihihihihihll duuhuhuhuuhuhuuhust you!”
“Mmhm. Sure you will.” She rolled her eyes affectionately, capturing one hand in her own as the other carried on it’s tickly torment. “You’re gonna dust me with these little ol’ hands? Hm?” She brought it up to her lips, pressing into the thin fabric coating his palm. Somehow even that tickled, earning a string of giggles from the other. “I’m soo scared!”
“Ahehahahahahahahha! Yoohohohoohu shoohooohould beehhehehehe! Ahehahaha! Wheehehn I geheheht ouhuuhut of thihihihs- *snort* Yohoohoohohu’re gonna gehehehehet it!” He threatened, his words lacking any real weight with the various squeaks and snorts he let out.
“Oo, I’m shaking! Whatcha gonna do to me, Shig?” Mirko shot her hands up to his upper ribs, going for his worst spot and making him howl. “You gonna dust me? Oh, are you gonna get revenge? Hm? Or do you have something else in mind? Come on- I’m all ears!”
Shigararki was a mess, flushed face and teary eyed- he could only laugh beneath his girlfriend as she found every tickle spot on him. Realizing he had no way out, he reached up and gently patted her knee- their signal that he was done.
Immediately she retracted her hands, smiling down at him as he gasped for air beneath her. “Aww, look how cute you are!” She teased, laughing when he flipped her off.
“Fuuhuhck…yohohohu are toohohoho much.” He groaned, lying back in the sheets as he composed himself. When he could breathe again, he found her leaning on her elbows, smiling at him sweetly. “What?”
“You love it and you know it.” She bopped his nose, grinning when he blushed.
Okay, maybe he did.
Now that he’d ever admit it.
I hope this was good!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob, @baby-tickles2022
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sugarakis-p2 · 1 year
Security: Mr. Compress Chapter 6
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[You are a security guard at a museum with a personal secret when you have the misfortune of crossing paths with the league of villains. Stain’s first surviving victim with amputee legs ex-hero called the Void (aka Void=reader x Mr. Compress) Origin chapter and previous chapter 5]
The heist went off without a hitch and now you are hitched! Yay!
Warning: Mentions of suicide, cheating, marriage, quirk kink, smutty smuts, cussing, cannon divergence
"Fuuuuuccccckkkk!" you wailed to the ceiling.
It was bad enough that you got lost in the Hall of Heroes. It's such bullshit. What is worse is you are lost in it with Shigaraki. He smirked like a ghoul watching your ass sway as you walked.
"Do you want to? I can try to make it quick," Shigaraki leered. You growled at him in disgust.
"I don't know what you're talking about?" your words dripping with venom, "Even if I did. I am sure there was an agreement that no one was going to talk about it again."
You hissed at him like a poisonous snake. He snickered like a smug asshole and followed you like an eager puppy. Only he was putting too much faith in your navigation. You stopped to get your bearings when you felt scrawny, worm-like limbs wrap around your waist. You made a strangled squeal and jolted in Shigaraki's arms.
"Hypothetically, I can still remember how tightly your wet pussy clutched at me, seeking comfort, sweetly offering me solace. How that body begged for more. It was only satisfied when it was drunk on cum from my cock. Like a good little slut that knew its proper place and was obedient to its leader," he whispered in your ear. Pressing the hard-on hidden by his jacket against your ass. You shudder in disgust while rolling your eyes.
"Ugh! Who talks like that? We're not in a hentai or a romance novel. Pathetic," you snarked, pulling away to the right. This is starting to look familiar. The map was up to date, and you are beginning to wonder if there is a quirk at work here. A harsh grip on your wrist brought you back to meet Shigaraki's cruel crimson eyes.  
"Fine then. I'll be blunt. Submit to me because we are sexually compatible, and I can take better care of you. I like Compress, but he is an assistant to the main act. He is always hiding during a real fight. Take my gracious offer and be mine," he rasps coldly. He removed the severed hand from his face to see his demanding expression pierce your soul. It sent chills down your spine.
"We're the ones taking care of you," you point out. You move to pull from his grip, only to have him press you against a wall to invade your mouth with his tongue. Shigaraki has become a nightmare and a good kisser, it made your heart flutter in fear and lust, and you hated it. He shoves his hand between your legs, rubbing his fingers over your clothed pussy and moaning in your mouth. You don't want to feel anything but contempt for Shigaraki. You have had enough of him toying with you.   
"You're getting wet for me," he breathed between kisses. You bit the tender flesh of his lip, and he jerked from you, a tint of red staining his lip. He touched your bite, pulling his fingers away and examining the blood. Rubbing his fingers together, unconcerned with your bite as he gets a whiff of you and combines your slick. He smirks and licks his fingers before putting Father back on his face. That made you shudder again, but at least he had let you go.
"You are such a brat. A cute one. But a dumb brat, nonetheless. When you are done playing with him, you'll run to me. I'll take you back. Nice and hard  the way you like. I don't run like others we know. Step aside. I'll take the lead like always. Hang back," he snarls, walking ahead.
Such an asshole, you think as you follow along. He decays a wall and creates an exit straight through the building.
"Shigs. I'm with Mister Compress. Get over it. I'm sure you'll be crawling with poon after the big revolution. We are already getting quite the reputation. Chicks dig power and scars. I think we make better friends than lovers," you sigh. He looks at you with his evil red eye around the fingers of Father, and you take a step away from him.
"I don't want some other chick or just be friends. Never say anything that cliché and disgusting to me again," he gravels through gritted teeth. He reaches out and touches the wall, making it crack and crumble. It was ominous and set you on edge. You don't want to talk about this anymore. You will be friendly and hope he gets the hint that's where you want him to stay, in the friend zone.
"You haven't been getting enough sleep or enough to eat since we have been fighting that giant callus. Let Mister marble you, and we'll pick up some food afterward. You're pushing yourself too hard. We didn't need you to be on this job," you tell him before a coughing fit from the dust in the air.
"If I weren't here, you would be lost and alone with him," Shigaraki seethed. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. Helping Shigaraki, has everyone exhausted. The doctor gave them some money, but the truth is they needed more, and they had been eating nothing but dried noodles.
"Fuck you are cranky. It would help if you ate something other than noodles and energy drinks. It's doing a number on our bodies. I've already gained weight, but you are losing weight. Plus, I want to see my Mom. It's been a while since I've seen her," you tell him. He crumbles another wall. You squeak in shock when he is in your face, pulling your hair and pressing against you, shoving his knee between your legs.
"I'm cranky because my ex-hero slut hasn't figured out how things are and made the  right  decision on who to pick. I loathe hearing you two fuck. You should be opening this yappy fucking mouth to catch my jizz and licking the cream from my tip. Not saying stupid things," He snarls. You are shaken at how he has trapped you again. He grinds his knee harder against your clit and threatens to lay all five fingers on your throat as he pulls Father off to kiss you. You giggle.
"Make that super cranky," You tease with a huge grin. He looks so enraged, and you know that expression all too well. He wants to ravage you and is about to when you both hear Twice calling for you. With a growl, he decays the wall you are pressed against and pulls you away, muttering and scratching himself. It's ok, you think. You would have used your quirk had he tried anything serious. These are just growing pains until Shigaraki is adjusted to his role.
"Ex-hero, dumb slut. Giving other men that look and your pussy. I hate that. Try to friend-zone me again. Forget about your Mom. We're your family now," He mumbled.
"Awwww, Shigs. Never knew you cared so much?" You chuckled when you met with the rest of the group. Leaping into Mr. Compress's arms. Whispering in his ear. He nods and uses his quirk on Shigaraki.
"Presto!" Compress says as threw him to Twice.
"You have three hours before Gigantomachia comes for him. The marble will pop in two. Void and I will get some food and meet you at campsite four," He tells them as you make your way to your SUV. Spinner has become good at boosting cars, so you're not worried about their ride situation. But you have remained untouched by the heroes and used your vehicle. The seats are plush and soft, with a faint scent of leather. Sako looked across the seat at you with intense desire in his eyes. You felt her heart beating faster as he reached out and cupped your face in his hands. He leaned in and softly brushed his lips against yours, sending a thrill through your body. 
"First big heist. I want to fuck on the treasure before we give it back," you gasped. You could feel Sako smile against your lips as his kiss deepened. His tongue ran along your lips, tasting you as if he wanted to savor every moment. The kiss grew more passionate as both lost yourselves in the moment, hands exploring each other's bodies, your hearts pounding with anticipation. By the time they finally pulled away, both of you were flushed and out of breath, their hearts still racing.
"Do you have loot? Everything that was on the list?" You asked between gasps for air.
"Of course I do. I'm not a low-brow amateur. I bought us some time so we can go to the love hotel and fool around," Sako purred. You couldn't help but giggle.
"Fool around, huh?" You teased and watched him blush. It made your heart flutter. When you hear a cough coming from your back seat, both of you cringe in astonishment when you remember giving Spinner your spare key. Toga was a surprise, though.
"Way to go, Mister," Toga giggled, hiding her blushing face behind her hands. You both pull apart, chagrin washing over you. You know it's not that simple, not with your quirk. The twin-size hole inside you, the one your Uncle warned you would only grow with each generation, looms large. You glance at Toga and her psychopathy and realize that perhaps it would be better for everyone if you never had kids. Spinner interrupted your thoughts.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we need a lot of supplies, and we figured you needed help mailing the items to the family. I ordered them online, and they are pay on pick up, so cash only. It would be better if we used a car that wasn't boosted. We are less likely to get caught," Spinner explained when a text came in. There go your plans to fornicate on gold, but this would be easier with help.
MOM: The carrots are on sale near Mike. Bring Hiro and visit your mother.   
You throw your car into gear and speed your way down the roadway to the screams of shock and terror of everyone in the vehicle.
"My love, I don't mean to question you! But getting the attention of the authorities by speeding might be counterintuitive to what Spinner suggested," Mr. Compress says, buckling his seat belt and holding his hat in terror as you weaved through traffic like a mad woman.
"MOM SAID CARROTS ARE ON SALE!" You screamed in utter terror. When they stared at you like you were insane, you briefly explained, "It's code for an emergency. Near mikes is the safe house."
Your heart is pounding. You are so scared of what you might find. Praying that Mom was ok and nothing terrible had happened. When you see the safe house at the docks, her car was still in the parked in front, the front door wide open of the warehouse, you panic. You barely parked when you jumped out, glad the SUV jerked to a stop on its own as you raced into the building.
You are going to kill anyone that hurt her. You burst in to see your Mom in heavy makeup talking to an ex-con cult leader like they were old friends. You know this guy. He was your Mom caught over twenty years ago. You are next to him in a split second, and your fifty-pound prosthetic metal leg swinging to cave in his head when you hear a gasp and look to see Tetsuo. A flawed man you felt so close to, he was like a brother, squeaked like a scared mouse. You can't let him see his masterpiece kill.
You push the kick higher at the last second. The priests smile and say, "My god, it has been forever. You have gotten so big." The equilibrium is thrown off, and you tumble head over heels into the wall. Sako and your Mom are helping you stand as you feel the need to fight instead of flight. You wobble on your feet when your Mom turns to hisses at Sako.
"I will take care of this. Get out of that damn cosplay now. It's your wedding day," Mom hissed to Sako, whose eyes darted between you in deep concern.
"Whaaaaaa?" you stagger on shaky legs and blurry vision. His wedding? Who the fuck is he gonna marry? You'll kick her ass too, is your hazy thought.
"She seems disoriented. I won't leave my wife like this," Sako said, steadying you. Mom shoved him away. It seemed rather aggressive for Mom to do that to her future son-in-law. She was so in love with him but now she seems angry and your not sure what to do. Is she angry your not married yet?
"The one taking your trouble child," I babbled incoherently at first, causing them both to knit their brows in concern. You flipped out, "Mom! How can you toss me away like this? Do you seriously think I'm that pathetic? You have to get rid of me right away like this and by that guy? What the hell, Mom? I get that the wrong kid died. But why can't you love me too?" Mom's face twisted into pure grief at your words.
"How are you here?" Sako hissed to Mom.
"Shut up! Get dressed. I need to talk to my daughter. We'll talk later alone," Mom hissed back. Shoving Sako towards Tetsuo, he smiled awkwardly and guided Sako to his tux.
"Nice jacket, man. Dude, you need to upgrade that arm." You could hear Tetsuo say as they walked away. Mom grabs your hand and drags you to an office turned into a changing room, where she grabs your face and holds your cheeks to make you look at her.
"Let's get something straight," she said, her voice heavy with grief. "I died the day your Father did and all over again when your Uncle killed himself. The only thing that kept me upright was my sweet girls. It's because I love you is why I worry. Do you think Voids are the only ones that hurt without the other? The bringers always want to make their other half happy. That's why we plaster a stupid smile and try our best. I'm scared without me, you'll try to take your life again. But having a husband to look out for you might give you a renewed purpose in life. Do you love him?" Mom asked, her voice trembling with emotion, tears streaming down her face and ruining her makeup. Puffy bruises, scratches, and mild burns showed under the tears.
The question hit you like a ton of bricks. Tears streaming down your face, you look at her in disbelief and asked, "What happened? Who did that to you?" Your voice was full of rage. You are ready to kill whoever dared to hurt your Mom. But then, you saw her face, twisted in love, and heard her words. 
"Baby, do you love him?" She asked again. You took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, "Yes, I do."
"Then marry him today," she said. "Life is short, and something big and scary is happening in this country. Look out for each other, be happy, and fill your heart with love instead of sorrow."
At that moment, you understood. No matter how hard the world was, Mom was still here to teach you how to live it. And you are ready to do just that.
"Ok, Mom. Since it seems you planned for this, what do you want me to do?" you asked nervously. Mom ran and showed you the dress she got. It was your grandmother's.
"Oh my, Mom…. that is a lot of slanted ruffles," you gasped in dread. She opened the backup, and it was a slutty hero costume with a veil and a butt ruffle, "I'll go with the first one. Grandma had some taste."
"Hey, your father loved this dress," Mom huffed.
"Oh yeah, I did all of Void's prosthetics. No offense, but what you have on is low-grade black-market trash. After the wedding, let me take a quick scan and mold. I'm even working on quirk tech that can make it so that not only can you feel your fingertips but use your quirk. It is easier if you have a spacial quirk like Void's. One that hovers above the body," Tet was saying.
"I'm quirkless," Mr. Compress lied. He was adjusting the sleeve on the Armani suit. Tet rolled his eyes and nodded to where Toga and Spinner were eating and talking to the cult leader, Promenade. That concerned Sako a little. Can't have everyone running off to a cult.
"Don't worry, man. Void's Mom told me what's up. We've been friends forever, bro. Just think of me as family. I'm here as a witness because those two will be no good for a legal wedding license. It's wild that the person most in the dark is Void. How could she not know her Mom knows everything," He was saying when he looked beyond Compress and gasped. 
Compress followed his eyes and looked down the path towards the bay's open doors. He can see the sun setting in the distance, bathing everything in a golden light that twinkles on the ocean. He takes a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He can feel the eyes of all the guests on him as he grips his heart and pants, but his attention is focused solely on you. You look absolutely stunning in your white gown and veil, your skin aglow from the light. He is overwhelmed with emotion, his eyes filling with tears of joy. He can't believe this beautiful woman is about to be his wife.
"She looks so pretty," Toga squealed.
As you slowly walk down the aisle with your Mom, Sako can't help but admire your beauty, which twists something in your gut. When you ran back and puked in a box, your mother held your veil back. Mom gives you a flask. You rinse your mouth, spit, and then drink the rest.
"I'm ok," you announce. Sako can't help but chuckle. He can't take his eyes off you as you compose yourself and approach him. When you finally reach him, you gaze into each other's eyes and share a moment of pure bliss. It's a moment he will never forget.
"You look devastating. My heart almost stopped. You are so beautiful," Sako said, taking your hands into his. You blush and smile, running your thumb over the metal of his fake hand.
"I vomited," you grimaced.
"I saw. I don't care. I still want to kiss you and be the one to hold your hair back the next time," he smiled.
"I love you, and I'm sorry my mom is crazy," you grinned back. Toga squeals, and then there's a hush in the room as the preacher Promenade steps up to the front, looking at the happy couple. The Prominade's voice is strong but gentle as he speaks. You wonder why it was this guy. Villain hero relationships happen but you never thought this guy would be back in your lives.
"Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." you look deeply into each other's eyes, the love between them palpable. The preacher continues, "These are the vows you have chosen to make to each other - to love, honor, and cherish, in sickness and health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part."
The preacher smiles, silently encouraging you to look to each other for strength and reassurance and exchange rings. You are surprised when he takes one from Tet and puts it on your fingers. This is your Mom's. Finally, Promenade raises his hands and ends with a blessing. 
"Bless you both and keep you in love. You may now kiss the bride."
Mr. Compress pulled you in and kissed you. Lips meet in a tender kiss. Everyone around cheers and claps, feeling the love radiating from the newlyweds. Toga bounced in pure excited joy. The kiss is slow and passionate, like a promise that you will be together forever. You are breathless when he finally pulls, and the room erupts in cheers and applause. You look into each other's eyes with pure love and devotion, knowing this is only the beginning of your incredible journey together. You really are not alone. Spinner starts playing. Could it have been me by the struts? Sako pulls you into a twirl.
"I wanna taste love and pain! I wanna feel pride and shame," You both shout during your first dance. Your mother takes the next dance with Sako, and you run to Tet to embrace him in a full-blown bear hug, "TET!" Sako ignores that and focuses on Mom.
"How the hell did you escape? Is Dabi all right?" He hisses. Mom scoffs.
"Bastard is just fine. After you left, so did his bedroom eyes. He said something about how he was giving me more of a chance than I ever did my daughter. Whatever the fuck that means. He hunted me like an animal in this area. I lost him and called in a lot of favors for my daughter," she said, almost breathless from the dance. Mom reaches into the pocket and hands him a vial. He looks at it and quickly makes it disappear.
"Was that a rape drug you find so vile?" Sako smirked. Mom's eyes narrowed.
"No!" She spat, her voice rising with each syllable. "It's a fertility drug for you. Take it! Knock her up tonight, dammit! Don't be so naïve. The hero world is about to erupt into chaos. Do you want your wife caught in the crossfire? If she's pregnant, you have an excuse to keep her safe from the madness. Give me the grandbabies you promised, and do it NOW!"
As Mom walked away Sako, he spots you signing the marriage certificate. Sako was hoping against hope that she'd fixed the problem of his legal name or the marriage date. But now, should he be caught, he realizes the consequences could be dire for you. It has became clear to him that Mom was right. He had wanted to keep his beloved wife away from the chaos of war. As you convinced Spinner to dance with you, this was the first time you had seen a guy so awkward to walk in a circle for a slow dance stiffly, Sako approached Tet and Promenade.
"Ahh, hello there. I'm Promenade," the preacher greeted Sako with a sad sigh, looking fondly at you, "It seems like only yesterday she was a little girl, and now she's married and in love! How time flies..." A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"My wife said her Mom captured you?" Sako asked.
"Yes. Then I escaped, feverishly plotting my revenge. I tracked her family like a bloodhound, and soon enough, I had captured Void's twin sister. Little did I know that it would eventually lead to my mental breakdown. But, alas, I was rescued by the Bringer, who provided me with the help I needed. Anyhoo, all that remains is for you to sign here and here and your seal here. We backdated for when you were performing in Vegas. You both got drunk and only tracked her down recently. That's the story. Please, stick to it. We did a lot of research for this story. If you are caught, she can say whatever she needs and maintain spousal rights if she wishes," Promenade explained.
Tonight, you and Sako will be bound together forever. Nothing else matters more than this momentous occasion. The moment when you become his wife is when your life together truly begins. You'll be giving him the greatest gift of all, a legacy. This will be the ultimate proof of your undying loyalty and devotion to him, a promise that you will never part. You and Sako could not be more different than his ex. You are brave, strong and have a creative spark that she could never match.
The woman was shy and dumb as a box of rocks. But more than that, your moral compass is free and flexible, never leaving him feeling restricted or suffocated. Tonight, you forge a bond that cannot be broken. It is a vow of unyielding loyalty and unconditional love that will last an eternity. He will fight with all his might, use any means necessary, and keep you in his arms forever. All is fair in love and war, and he will not hesitate to go to battle for you. He will stop at nothing to ensure that the ties that bind you to him are unbreakable.
Sako was giddy, dancing, sharing cake, and having an overwhelming sense of relief. He was sure he would be able to fulfill your needs. His favorite part was lifting your skirts and rustling underneath, where he licked the tender flesh of your inner thigh, marking his territory, while he locked your new legs place, A wedding gift from Tetsuo. Sako slowly slid a garter belt added as part of the wrapping and tossed it. It landed on Dabi's head, who was calmly eating cake. You squealed in delight, wiggling each individual toe, and showed off your amazing dance skills as you flipped and twirled. Right to Dabi, who licked frosting off his fork.
"Dabi, what are you doing here?!" You exclaimed, frantically searching the room for your Mom. With his distinct look, you knew that if your Mom spotted Dabi, she'd immediately recognize them as members of the League and would be horrified to learn that her daughter had married a villain. You had been filled with a mixture of fear and excitement on your wedding day, but now you were just filled with dread. You finally found happiness again after losing your sister and were determined to keep it.
Dabi's voice was as casual as ever, but when he uttered, "I was looking for your mom," anger and paranoia flared inside you. You became a fortress, a shield of protection that would not let anyone through to your Mom. You were ready to fight for her with all you had to.
"Why are you looking for her?" you ask.
"I don't see her, so it's safe to enjoy the party, right? Besides, I think you give her too little credit," Dabi said.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? What the hell do you know about my Mom and our relationship?" You sneered when Sako appeared and guided you away from Dabi, "Get him out of here before my Mom sees him." You hissed, gesturing sharply at Dabi. He grinned wryly and continued to eat his cake, seemingly unfazed by your anger. Sako was conversing with all the other members here when Tetsuo handed you an envelope.
He took your hand, and with a gentle squeeze of your finger, his eyes widened with a mix of fear, love, and hope for you. His sincerity was unspoken, but the message was loud and clear. "Your Mom said it was your wedding present. She needed to get Promanade home and couldn't say goodbye. I'm so happy for you, Void. You look gorgeous, and I've never seen you more radiant. I'll get your husband's measurements and get started on his arm right away. Here's my number, and if you ever find yourself in trouble, call me, and I'll come running. You and your sister have saved me countless times, and I want you to know that you can always rely on me."
The heat of shame swells within you. You can't bring yourself to reach out to Tetsuo, the one person who has always looked up to you and your sister with admiration. Your pride has always been a wall between you and the one person who would never judge you. You didn't want your Mom or Tetsuo to be dirtied by you. You had desperately hoped that your beloved Mom and Tetsuo would remain untouched by your crimes. But when Stain came after your sister, thinking that your crimes were hers. He left no mercy in his wake, brutally severing your legs as a warning and crushing your heart when he murdered your sister. You didn't want the same to happen now that you're in the League of Villains.
"Hey, do you think my mom was banging Promenade?" You ask. Tetsuo chuckled. 
You slowly slide your finger along the envelope's seal, your heart pounding in anticipation. With a deep breath, you tear it open, and inside, you find a card key to a luxurious love hotel. I paid for two days. You carefully pull out the letter behind it, and your heart stops as you read the words. It's a job interview acceptance letter from AU.
Your mind reeling as you stare at your husband. Sako had always been attractive, but lately, he had transformed into something truly divine. His body was a perfect combination of strength and grace, his muscles toned and defined. He moved with an air of confidence and power, every gesture a masterpiece of effortless beauty. He was a vision of perfection, and it was impossible to look away.
Your Mom had applied you to that Hero school without you even knowing. You feel the weight of the job offer in your hand, and you know that Mom wants what's best for you. But when Sako appears, you quickly stuff it back in the envelope, only showing him the key card, and you can't help but feel a thrill as he sweeps you away when you go to the love hotel.
Sako's  hunger was insatiable as he stepped into the room. His strong hand caressed your breasts as the other encircled your waist, lifting you off the ground and carrying you to the bed. He laid you down, ready to satisfy his craving. His eyes widened with a desperate hunger when you were in the hall. He snatched the vial from his pocket, and with a single gulp, he swallowed its contents. 
The vial vanished as if it had been nothing more than an illusion. He was ravenous for you, and nothing could quench his desire. That little quirk drug might have had a touch of aphrodisiac. He grabbed your hand and slid the card with you. The tension made him unable to hold back longer. You both had been so reserved on the drive here, on the elevator up, your heartbeats thundered in your ears the entire time. A part of him wanted to pop you in his mouth and roll on his tongue. The relief of knowing you can't get away and that you are utterly his was overwhelming, like a hungry beast. The quiet anticipation pushed him to the edge.
"Sako!" you exclaimed, flopping on the softest bed ever. "Let's go take a shower. We've been dancing all night, and it's time to wash away all the sweat." You paused, your gaze shifting to the menu with all the amenities here. "Oh, look!" You squealed, your eyes widening in delight. "They have a lover's tub for two!"
"No! I need you now, baby girl. My desire for you is so fierce. I can barely contain it. I feel feral. I want to ravish my wife in her frilly wedding dress. I don't think I've ever seen you so cute," he teased, "I love you so much. I need you now. Legs on, I enjoy the sound of metal on metal. Be a good assistant, follow my directions, open your legs, and let me work my magic." He orders.
His eyes blaze with lust, and you can't help but tremble with anticipation. You've never seen Sako look so predatory before, and it sends a thrill of excitement through your body. You bend your knees and spread yourself so wide they touch the bed. Sako's eyes smolder with desire as he seizes you, taking you in his arms, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss that roughly presses you into the bed. His hands gently caress your breast with a sharp tweak of your hardening nipple. 
Sako moves down, leaving a trail of nips along your neck, soft hair has been getting longer because of your camping, and it tickles your cheeks. He moves lower, yanking down the front of your dress in one swift movement. His tongue traced circles around your nipples before continuing down her body with his hands. His hands rummaged under the layers of your skirt, his fingers lightly brushed against your inner thigh, his touch sending a shiver of pleasure through your body.
He moved his metal fingers higher, tracing circles around your most sensitive area over her panties. You gasped as his fingers found the edge of your panties and ripped them away. Before you could react, the metal hand scraped your skin. It had been falling apart for a while, sending a jolt of pain. You yelped in surprise, your quirk activating in self-defense. It opens. All the objects that had been placed inside you had never moved or wiggled.
"Pull it out! Pull it out!" You screech with hysterical giggles. You had never felt anything like it before; it tickled through your center like a lightning bolt deep inside your body. Sako grips you still.
"I've witnessed bullets enter your quirk," he said, his mischievous grin widening. "So, I know I'm not doing any harm. But when I touch you here, I can feel how aroused you become. You are so damn wet from a little fingering here."
As his fingers began to explore the inner depths of your quirk, his touch gentle yet firm, you squirm uncontrollably. Sako's metal fingers teased and tantalized, pushing you to the brink of ecstasy and agony. His touch was electric, sending sparks of pleasure through your body, in arts, you didn't know existed as he explored every inch of you. She moaned in pleasure, terrified you were about to piss yourself or kick him across the room, as his fingers moved deeper, pushing you closer and closer to the edge that plummets into the unknown. Finally, his fingers found your sweet spot, and you let out a loud cry of bliss, tears ruining your makeup.
"SAKO! No more. I think I'm going to pee," you whine pitifully. He grinned, his fingers dipping in and out, faster and faster, pushing you over the edge into a blissful state.
"Go ahead. I'm not stopping. You are a wet mess, and I've never been this hard for anyone. Your cute expression is driving me wild. Your quirk opens an inch above your skin, so thrash as much as you want, dear. I can't feel anything, but there is a light resistance; when I try to pull away, something is trying to draw me in. Do you feel anything when I put you in my mouth as a marble?" He chuckled.
"Please, slow down. It's like you're reaching through my center, and your fingers are tickling me from the inside," you beg. Clinging to him desperately, the waves of pleasure washed over you, body shaking, toes digging into the mattress, the overwhelming newly added sensation.
"I am a villain, the love of my life. Those lewd sounds are only making me want to tease you more. Your desperate plea has my heart beating wildly with delight. You have given me exactly what I have been craving all my life, the perfect assistant, an acknowledgment of our passion that burns like wildfire. You are mine, and I want you to feel it with every ounce of your being. Proclaim your desire, give voice to the love that blooms between us, and I will treat you with tenderness and devotion. Say it! Tell me you need me, that I am all you have ever wanted. Tell me you love me, scream my name when you cum, and I will enfold you in my arms, never letting go," Sako grinned. He used his other hand to plunge into your sopping-wet pussy; you immediately came from his fingers.
"Sako! I'm cumming!" You scream, your breath coming in short gasps. Your hips jerk, and your body quivers as intense pleasure spreads from your center and floods your entire body. Your legs are trembling, and your hands are tightly clenched into fists as your body is overcome with waves of intense pleasure. You groan as your entire body shakes in rapture, back arching up to meet Sako's talented hands, experiencing the most powerful orgasm of your life. He pulled his fingers out, and you lay there, still shaking with bliss. You had never experienced anything like it before, leaving you completely satisfied.
He looked deep into your eyes as he spoke, his voice low and husky, "That's a good little assistant, stunning reactions, my sensitive baby girl. Pulling pleasure from you is like pulling a rabbit from a hat." He licked his fingers and his lips hungrily as he continued. "You squirted my tasty girl, and now I'm about to show you a trick you've never seen before. It's so hot, and it will make you sweat and moan for me. You ready?" He asked. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close. His hands trailed up your body, sending shivers down your spine. You felt his breath on your neck as he whispered, "It's time to take my cock. Stand, place your hands on the wall, and stick out your ass for me. Let's make some magic together."
"You already know how to strip me bare, including my heart, Sako," you murmured over your shoulder. Sako pauses, trying to cover the blush creeping over his face with his hand. You can almost hear his sexy scolding as he blushes.
 "My cute naive girl. I have so much more to teach you. Hold still, and you  
"Yes, please," you moaned
Sako bends down, his lips finding the back of your neck and shoulders, biting and sucking, marking what is his. He pulled away, and before you could react, he grabbed your hands to keep them on them up against the wall.
"I am going to fuck you so hard. It would help if you had support. Don't move," he growled, forcing himself in all at once. You gasped with pleasure as he entered you, pushing himself deeper and deeper with each thrust. His thrusts were hard and fast, and your moans became louder with every passing moment. He continued to move his body against yours, his hand gripping your hip and wrist tightly as he moved. You clawed the wall as you felt your orgasm approach, and he moved faster and faster, pushing you over the edge and into pure bliss. You are so sensitive from the first crazy experience; no one has ever played with your quirk like that; you don't know how you can last. Your legs are shaking, and your entire being has never felt so full and vulnerable. You feel him in sharp sensation as his cock slides in and out, over your sweet spots, making you mewl and drool. Sako is ruthless in his pounding of your pussy. Grinding deep, shivers of ecstasy rocked your body. You gasped when you felt his cock swell inside, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through your body. He pulled your hair to look up at him, back arching in painful ecstasy.
"That is a beautiful face. You feel so good. The best I ever had," he groaned before kissing you.
His hips bucked harder. You could barely breathe; you closed your eyes, tears streaming down, your body trembling beneath him as the intensity of the pleasure increased.
"You like that? I can feel you clenching on me when I. Hit. This. Spot. Right. Here," he moans. He moves his hand from your hair to your jaw, shoving his fingers in your mouth, which you suck on immediately like an infant. He thrust harder, and you moaned; he had never been this feral. His movements became faster, more urgent, and soon your orgasm was building up to an unbearable level. Your chest presses hard against the wall. You screamed his name around his fingers as the waves of pleasure crashed over you. An intense heat fills your center, spreading as you moan like a bitch in heat for him.
"Ahh! So good. I'm cumming," Sako growled. Your eyes open to watch through blurry tears. His face twisted in a lewd loving expression of pain. Your entire body shakes with satisfaction, and a rush of hot liquid runs down your thighs. His thrusts became slower and softer until, finally, he stilled. His cock is still twitching deep in you. Your head slumps against the wall. He hugs your middle as if he might lose you. His hot body dripped sweat over your quivering body, creating a cooling river on your goose-bumped flesh.
The odd sensation of feeling in your metal legs is not the same while you stand in a pool of hot cum mixed with your own. You wiggle your toes, hearing a squelching, and shudder. How can you forget something like this but always feel your heel itching? Both our breaths came in ragged pants, your body still trembling with bliss. You felt his lips on your neck as he whispered your name. His hug became tighter as he pulled you back onto the bed. You lay together, connected, before handing you the room service menu as he wiped you down first with a warm towel. He was so considerate and devoted. You felt love radiating throughout your being. You didn't notice when he trapped you in his arms.
Sako leans close as he whispers, "I want you to stop taking birth control. I want you to have my babies." His metal fingers trace over your belly, where he had planted his seed. You can feel yourself melting under his touch, shivering as you succumb to the pleasure he brings. His sack tightens at the thought of making you look so slutty. No one else can make you look like that, not even Shigaraki. The way he turned you into a mess, wet and pliable for him, the thought of it makes him hard all over again. The screech of metal on metal brings you out of your shock. He lifted your leg under your knee.
"Wait! Sako, ah!" You groaned as he sank his cock back into your overstimulated sex, "I can't think like this. I'm lightheaded! This is a bad time."
He ran his fingers along your jawline, then turned your face to him over your shoulder. Sako looked into your eyes, his fingertips lightly pressed into your cheek. "That's the problem, my love," he said softly, his voice like a gentle caress. "You think too much. We both want children, and there will never be the right time."
The clink of metal and the light scrapping sounds filled the room as he inched himself into your quivering pussy, gradually holding you open for him. Sako's gaze was so intense it made your heart race. His lips were so close you could feel his breath graze your lips.
"Let's make the time," he said tenderly, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You looked into his eyes and knew then that nothing else mattered. You were lost in the moment and almost obeyed without argument.
"We talked about this. After we change things," You groan. Sako bottomed out, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. He held you close and kissed you with passion.
"My dearest, my love, my life. You have seen what is coming. A real change is upon us, and I'm afraid we may not survive it. After meeting your mother, I have been filled with doubt that I am the right companion for you. I cannot bear the thought of not being able to protect you." his voice quivered with emotion, his expression desperate and pleading. In contrast, you pursed your lips in annoyance.
"You once said that my quirk had endless potential. Let me protect you because that's what I want to and can do," your voice trembling with rage, pulling away when his eyes darted to your legs. You swing them over the edge of the bed. Your voice broke as your vision blurred with tears, "You don't think I can protect you because I failed to protect my sister."
"No," he says. Sako tenderly brings his hands up to cup your face, his metal-clad thumbs wiping away the tears that have stained your cheeks. He looks deep into your eyes. The love you see there melts your heart. "It's because I know you will recklessly throw yourself in front of me. I will fail to protect you as you will protect me, and that is not partnership. I want a piece of you. One piece of you that I can protect." His words were like cold water dowsing the flames of rage that had flared in you. You feel a wave of shame washes over you, threatening to draw more tears. You had wanted kids. You had promised Sako, and it wasn't about quirks. It was about love, and you don't want to fight, but things keep needling at you. The timing could have been better.
"Ok. You're right. Like always. But I want to try after I talk to the doctor ok," Your voice quivers as you take a deep breath, your eyes pleading with him as you say this. You reach out to him, your hands trembling, as you wait for his response.
"As you wish. I understand your point, and I'm glad you want to be sure there are no complications before deciding. It's important to talk to the doctor first, and then we can discuss further after our honeymoon. Let's try and keep the peace between us and move forward together," he says. He wraps himself around you as he joins you at the edge of the bed. Sako pulls you onto his lap, his length abruptly entering you. He caresses your lips with his, and at that moment, you know that he truly loves you and he will do whatever it takes to make you happy. His free hand trails up your body, sending tingles of pleasure through your veins. He begins to bounce you up and down on his length.
"Yes," you whimper in agreement, your breath heavy with emotion. He trembles as he holds you close, your bodies united passionately. You feel his heart beating against yours. You know he will stand by your side no matter what. His thrusts become more demanding as if he can't get enough of you.
"Let's make our dreams come true," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. His hands grip your waist firmly as you both reach the crescendo of your pleasure. You moan in ecstatic bliss as the sensation of pure lust washes over you both. You nod, tears streaming down your cheeks, and he wipes them away tenderly.
"Yes," you whisper, "Let's make it happen."
Y ou lay in bed together. Sako looks so handsome and innocent when he is asleep, a hint of a five-o-clock shadow only making him more rugged and attractive. His toned body, a product of the grueling battles against Machia, is silhouetted in the dim light. You hold your breath as your phone pings with a text message; you snatch it up, hoping against hope it's your mother explaining why she had to leave your wedding early. Your heart sinks as you read the words, and you feel the tears forming in your eyes. You turn to Sako, wanting to wake him and take comfort in his embrace, but you can't bring yourself to wake him. You take a deep breath and settle back into the sheets, resigning to face Shigaraki's wrath alone, biting your lip in worry.
CrustySIDS : Congratulations on your wedding. Welcome to the family. We are so excited to have you join us. I bet Compress is overjoyed to have you in their life forever. You are really going to crush his heart with the weight of your lies. I look forward to it.
You stare at the screen, your heart racing. No matter how hard you try, you can't shake the dread that has settled in your stomach, twisting and threatening to vomit up your ordered meal. You can imagine it now—a tired, worn-out Shigaraki looking up to see a happy Toga gushing about the wedding they were at. Spinner tries to avoid Shigaraki's icy glare by busying himself with heating the leftovers when Shigaraki finally asks if this is true. Toga shoved a plate of food in his face, her expression overly joyful.
"We even saved a slice of cake for you. Void was beautiful, like a twirling cake," Toga chirped eagerly.
Shigaraki stared at the cake contemptuously, his mouth curling into a sneer. He slowly took a bite, swallowing the lump of dough, but the sweetness of the frosting couldn't mask the bitterness that lingered on his tongue. He takes his time and measures his words before he texts you. Toga had said you were beautiful, and it made him want to vomit. He was certain Compress was staring at your lewd face as if you were some whore who would take any cock that came your way. The way you looked when you came on his cock. He slams his finger down on the send button, the sound echoing through his mind like a thunderclap. His eyes flash with pure hatred, and his body vibrates with anger. He stands there, his fists balled and his jaw clenched, radiating an aura of pure, unbridled loathing.
"Twice. Let's find the big baby. I feel like I can destroy the world," Shigaraki sneers.
Yeah, you can imagine the whole thing. When you are with the League, Shigaraki steals glances but treats you and Sako no different than before, alone he is a snarling beast who wants to hump you to death. You can't wait until some villain fan girl comes along and lets him get his teen angst out. He always came off as sheltered, and All for one, did that poor boy any favors.
You stand and run to the bathroom. Puking, praying Sako didn’t hear you. A dreadful feeling started to sink into your middle. You peek out the door at Sak, a line of light falling on his face. Still asleep. You brush your teeth and rinse out your mouth. You text Shigaraki back, on the verge of being sick again.
Me:  We'll be back in a few days with more supplies. OFC, I'm happy to stay with the family forever. Don't just drink energy drinks, have some real food too.
You crawl into bed, your new legs unlatched and set aside. They are lightweight, and the interface with your neural link works great, but the end caps still burn with a dull ache. You gritted your teeth and tried to ignore the pain, taking a deep breath before curling up in a ball and closing your eyes. You felt the familiar warmth of Sako, but something was different. You are different. You're a wife and maybe a mother soon. You are no longer the same person who had crawled into bed just moments ago. You had been transformed, and the future suddenly seemed uncertain and filled with possibilities.
"Are you ok, baby girl?" Sako stirred and mumbled. His broken metal arm was set aside. The intensity of your embrace was palpable, and you felt your bodies becoming one as your lips met.
"Go back to bed," before kissing his forehead. You felt his heart beating faster as you caressed his face and whispered, but he resisted, holding you tight in his embrace and refusing to let go. You looked into his eyes and saw the fire that burned within him, the desire that he had to be with you. You felt the same way, so you pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, your bodies becoming more intertwined. You moved together in a passionate dance, your mouths exploring as your hands caressed each other's skin. Seconds felt like hours as you explored one another, time standing still in that moment. 
Finally, spent, you both fell asleep in each other's embrace.
The  tension in the air was palpable as you entered the League of Villains' camp. Shigaraki couldn't take his eyes off of you. He is a menacing figure, eager to get you alone to overpower you with his intensity. You shake your head. You already talked to Sako about helping Shigaraki, and you agree that staying is the best hope for the changes you both wanted. It was clear that his upbringing had not been kind, and as a result, his emotions were constantly bubbling to the surface, taking a physical toll too. So, he will get the chance to vent all his bullshit today. You unwrap a hot plate of food for Shigraki and set it next to him while Sako kisses you on top of his head.
"I'll try and distract Machia with Twice while you grab something to eat," Sako said behind his mask.
"Be careful and be sure you don't use my car. I love not having to pay for parking, but not if I toss it. Machia will rip through it like tissue," You shouted at Sako's retreating figures.
"I'm not that basic, sweet waifu!" Sako shouted back. You smirk to yourself. You are a terrible influence on him with your bad mouth. You give Shigaraki a pointed look, noting that he has yet to touch his food. His expression is one of intense concentration, and you can tell he's thoroughly considering the situation. You wait patiently, watching as he shifts his gaze from the food to you, his mouth quirking slightly at the corners.
"I am too weak to lift the plate. I need my energy. How about you feed me?" The corners of his mouth curved up, a quirk of joy in his eyes that made you feel like you were standing on the edge of a cliff.
You felt the air around you suddenly become thick and heavy, as if the atmosphere was trying to tell you something. He uttered the words, and you felt like the force of his gaze was pulling you in. His smile was almost mesmerizing, and it made you reconsider your perception of him- Shigaraki, normally so spiteful, anti-social, and deviant, yet here he was, with the eyes of a man reaching for his dream. You felt a chill run down your spine and a shiver of anticipation as you realized you were standing in the presence of something greater than yourself. He is a fundamental change. The ripples of his actions can already be felt throughout Japan.
"Of course, little brother. Anything for my Shig-chan. But we need a spoon. Pull one from me," you smirked back. His eyes widened in surprise, quickly recovering as he slowly reached out his hand and hovered it over your chest. His face contorted with a mix of emotions - rage, desire, confusion - before he called out for a spoon, obviously taken aback by his own actions. He stood there, still and silent, as if frozen in time, his eyes still searching yours for answers from you, when a spoon appeared, "Good job, little brother. After all, I'm so happy to be a part of a family. Although I'm here to help you, let me feed you as you asked."
He grunted and ate like an infant for a long awkward moment.
"Don't call me brother. We will never be that. I am your leader and the next king. Know your place, which should be under me. But since you are a member of the League, you can do what you want," He growled. You chuckle. A strange leading tactic that allows him to recruit any whacko. Some day you can imagine it being an issue, but for today you are going to take it. You can hear the snapping of branches. Machia was coming. You hold your breath, your heart pounding in your chest. Time has stopped as you watch them size each other up. Every inch of you is on edge, waiting for one of them to break through. Since your wedding night, you have waited for this moment. Shigaraki shifts to fight.
You place a hand on his shoulder, "Finish your dinner. Let me try." Shigaraki's eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold before him, shoveling food into his mouth at lightning speed. You activated your quirk, spreading it wide like a shield to protect you and Shigaraki. Machia stomped on you with all his might, sending shockwaves through the air and the ground. The force of his blow made you feel like you were being crushed under a mountain. You gritted your teeth and held your ground, protecting Shigaraki from the onslaught.
"It does not feel there," Machia growled. You grinned. Nothing alive can enter your quirk. It causes a force field effect that causes the other to feel numbness in their limbs. You stood a little straighter, feeling the triumph course through you. But then he lifted his foot again, and you felt the impact of his stomp through your quirk. You were sent crashing into the ground, your endcaps screeching in agonized pain. You felt a surge of panic as you realized you were entirely at his mercy. Stomping on you is something that you felt through your quirk, making your endcaps screech in utter agony; raw power can beat you. It is something you hand never experienced before. You tried to keep your composure, even as you felt a cold chill of fear creep up your spine. You forced a grin, hoping Shigaraki wouldn't notice your unease.
"Can't feel. Does not mean it is not there," Machia scoffed menacingly, his eyes narrowing. Ignoring her husband and swatting away Twice's Shigaraki doubles, his gaze was fixed on Shigaraki. Suddenly Machia starts to burrow. Your heart races in a panic. Under your feet is a weak spot you have been unable to resolve. You are not immune to your own quirk. You lose it mentally and cringe in fear. Shigaraki, who finally finished and reached out to grab you around the waist. Your training kicked in, and you captured him back, using your new legs to leap at heights the others couldn't reach. You panted heavily, your face a mask of shock, when you saw Shigaraki grinning manically.
"Thanks," Shigaraki graveled.
You can see the rage and joy in Shigaraki's eyes as he fights, jumping off the ledge and flying toward Machia. He's determined to prove to Machia that he is the next king and will never be his equal. You can only watch helplessly as the fight escalates, feeling powerless to do anything but slump, rest, and be tossed aside. You can only hope that neither of them will be seriously injured. The last time you felt this was Shiketsu High. Suddenly, Machia lunges forward, his fist flying toward Shigaraki's face. He quickly twists mid-air from Machia's attack, smacking the fist and decaying a portion of Machia's fingers that quickly regenerate. Machia retaliates with a powerful kick, sending him flying across the clearing. Shigaraki quickly recovers, landing on his feet like a sleek cat, and charges towards him, throwing a flurry of slaps, each narrowly missing him. Until Shigaraki sets both hands on the ground, decaying the ground. Sako is popping rocks to appear and help keep the rest of the League in the air. It was a ballet of violence you missed. How did he move like that? The soft Shigaraki you knew wouldn't have been able to pull off a move like that a week ago. You barely heard Toga. She asked you if you were ok, but you didn't care about anything but the dance. You grip Toga with a mad laugh. 
"I didn't think I could fall in love again. Don't be afraid! The dance of death is as old as time, and we all have to waltz at some point. Trust your heart!" You said this as you jumped too.
Opening your quirk at your bent knees, you unleash a powerful force that slams into Machia's face, sending him staggering backward. Compress throws a rock covered with living moss at your feet, providing you with a perfect launch pad. With your false legs, you could sink into your quirk and pass out from the intense vibration of pain coursing through your body, but with Sako's help, you all can remain air born. 
The fight is quick and hard, and you feel a thrill you haven't felt in a long time. You have the most experience of everyone in a real fight, but even you are learning new things with this new family. You never felt more in love as you embrace the adrenaline coursing through your veins. This is precisely what you've been missing, a real fight. You honestly love every part of this and hoped it would go on forever.
You are panting from your last fight with Machia, your quirk growing stronger, and learning new ways to use it that you can only find with an enemy like Machia. Your husband keeps Machia off you while you rest when some asshole bops you on the head with some paper. You quickly open your quirk, and you're ready to punch off the head of whoever dared to touch you. You freeze in shock as you realize it's Shigaraki. He shoves an AU interview letter and a positive pregnancy test in your face, causing your stomach to drop and the water you were guzzling to come up in a puke. You can barely comprehend the words coming out of his mouth, but you know one thing for certain. Your life is about to change drastically.
"We need to talk," Shigaraki rasps with an evil grin. An hour later, you are hugging everyone goodbye. The sun is setting as you say your final goodbyes. Sako takes your hand and leads you to the road, where he will return the road to give you your SUV. You can feel his eyes searching for answers, but you don't have the strength to meet his gaze. You can feel the tension between you, the unasked questions, the unspoken words. You both stand in silence for a moment before he finally speaks.
"You told everyone that you had an opportunity to be a spy. That is greatly needed since those UA brats have been poking their nose in our business. But I suspect there is more than that. I wish you would tell me why you're leaving," he says softly. You turn away, not wanting him to see the tears in your eyes.
"I can't," you whisper. "I know you're curious, but this is something I have to do," I reply. "There's more to this than meets the eye. It's a chance to make a real difference, and I can't pass it up. I can't tell you why I'm leaving, but I promise you it's for the best."
He takes your hands in his and holds them tightly. "Please," he pleads. You swallow hard, struggling to find the words.
"It's just something I have to do," you finally manage, your voice trembling. He looks at you for a long, tense moment, his eyes searching your face for answers. You can feel his hands trembling in yours, his grip gradually tightening. You know he can sense something is wrong, and the thought of it terrifies you. You are a coward. You cannot even bring yourself to tell him the truth. That you are pregnant, most likely with twins, your quirk always makes it twins. You wanted to be sure before you came to him with that news. The conversation with Shigaraki was ominous. Remembering it made your mouth snap shut with a shudder of fear. He releases your hands in disbelief that you are really not going to tell him, and you can see the hurt in his eyes. You know he can feel it too. The distance between you grows further and further apart with every passing moment.
"I understand," he says. The tears that you've been fighting finally spill over. You force a smile and take a deep breath.
"Thank you," you whisper. Sako pulls you into a tight embrace, and you let yourself cry. After a few moments, he pulls away and looks down at you.
"You know I'm here for you, no matter what," he says. You nod, taking his words to heart and feeling deeply guilty. You look into his eyes and give him a small smile.
"I know," you say.
"You can do whatever you need to with your mouth. Prison and spy rules are similar," He smiles back, takes your hand, and kisses your wedding ring with love, "Go." He says. You take one last look at him before getting into your car. He stands in the fading light, watching you drive away.
You  parked in the driveway and cried. No one else may forgive you. The whole League may end up despising you for crushing Sako or Shigaraki's heart or for driving a wedge through them. But your mother will never turn her back on you. She will hold you close as you spill your heart out. Every. Single. Thing. How it was your fault, your sister was murdered, how you profited from villains and the galleries, how you became part of the villains. How you cheated on Sako, now you are expecting and don't know who the Father is, how you must take the UA job so maybe, just maybe, you can keep Sako's love and keep him safe. Her eyes fill with tears as she realizes the weight of your confession, and she pulls you closer, whispering: "It's going to be alright. I'm here for you, and I always will be. You're not alone. I will always love you. But I am disappointed in you." The only way a mother can. Your heart may break, but she will not reject you.
You are thrown off. Your Mom didn't come running out. You find the hidden key and slowly walk up the driveway, feeling a sense of dread wash over you. You reached the door, your hands trembling as you tried to fit the key into the lock. Tears streaming down your face, you finally opened the door. You expected your Mom to be there to greet you with a hug, but instead, the house was silent. You stood in the entryway, disappointment and sadness overwhelming you.
Tears streamed down your face as you quickly realized the magnitude of your mistake. You walked into the house and froze in surprise. Everywhere you looked, the décor had changed. Your mother and Father's belongings were no longer in the main bedroom. Pictures of you and your sister were scrapbooked and incomplete on the dining room table. When you walked into the room you shared with your sister, the one that held her ashes, you were met with a nursery. Your heart sinks.
Things started to click into place like clockwork slowly. How could you have been so stupid? Dabi. Dabi had smirked and been looking for her. (snap) The villain preacher at your wedding. Sako smiled and said not to worry. (snap) Your trustful floating feeling between Sako that first night. That same feeling with Shigaraki when he handed you the drug. (SNAP!) Those fuckers! 
You have had plenty of trauma with your Mom. She can get away with being fucked up. Those two drugged and fucked you under the influence. You gasp. Looking at the room. (snap) Your Mom was in on it. (Snap) the birth control. Shigaraki was sneering about quirk breeding! 
"Oh, my god. How dumb," you cry and laugh hysterically. What you felt was utter betrayal and then….freedom. All your stress was tied to a red balloon. It was a brick stress, and you did not think the balloon could handle it. But it turns out the balloon is as fucked up as you. A wave of relief as you laughed harder. You don't have to feel guilty. Re-heating leftovers and re-watching Tootsie until your Mom came home.
"This does not age well," you said to the empty room. Your heart pounded as the seconds dragged by, and your mother still hadn't come home. You had tried calling her and texting her, but no response. Panic began to set in, and desperation drove you to send frantic messages to Sako, Dabi, Shigaraki, Toga, and Twice throughout the night, yet none responded. You were utterly exhausted from the sleepless night of worry and fear but couldn't give in. You had to maintain your composure and plaster a smile on your face as you sat in front of Principal Nezu, the most intelligent creature on the planet. Your heart raced in fear that he might be able to see through your façade and discover your deceit. The rest of the committee was nothing to be impressed by. Midnight was a vapid harlot, All Might was a himbo of the highest degree, and Gun Quirk was a skill any bored American could master.
In comparison, they were mere pebbles, gravel that paved to Nezu, only meant to be stepped on. As soon as he stepped into the room, it seemed like the air was sucked out, and all that was left was a paralyzing fear. Just one glance from him made you weak in the knees and filled your stomach with dread. Nezu was a force to be reckoned with. He could see through you. The greatest risk factor was Nezu.
"Tell us? How did you mentally cope with Stain cutting off your legs?" Nezu asked. Your smile twitched, but it did not falter.
"Oh, Nezu! You almost sound like an American! So blunt, if only I were older," you grinned, pretending to like tea. Nezu's chuckle echoed through the room as if charmed, but you cannot rely on that. Suddenly, a ping from your cell pierced the awkward silence, sending a shiver of dread down your spine. You could feel your hands shaking as you reluctantly reached for your phone; your entire body tensed with anxiety. It took all your strength not to look at the message and silence your phone. 
"Sorry for that. Well!" you began, stress mounting more that the text came from Dabi of all people.
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shig-a-shig-ah · 6 months
bestie i have so many so lemme get right to it *cracks knuckles*
first of all i still think about the fic u wrote for me for shig having sex with a trans!reader while they’re having a high sex drive that was chefs fucking KISS.
Literally ANY dc fic you’ve written of shig has my whole heart and pussy
that series you wrote of shig with a reader that he took in that i can NEVER remember the name of for the life of me 💔 but it’s like the softest shig thing i’ve ever read. like even the smut was so tender and sweet it makes me wanna fucking CRY. and shig taking care of reader’s wounds 💔 bye because im gonna sob
okay sorry for throwing up in ur ask box ilyyyyy 🫶🏻💖
Lmaooooo bestie that fic is Paper Skin. And also thank you bestie ily 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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morgana-ren · 4 years
Here's a sappy idea: that tidbit where Tomura is sitting on the bathroom floor, talking to you while you're in the shower, bored and missing you already (even though you've only been 10 minutes) might as well invite him in and wash his hair and watch him try to hide his blush from all the nice, gentle affection.
Remember how I always say I’m bad at answering asks? This is from like well over a year ago.
I’M SORRY BATHY TOMURA ANON. and every other anon in the graveyard. I love you all.
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Anyway, clingy boyfriend Tomura who sits on the bathroom shower and plays his switch because he just doesn’t like to be away from you. It’s just automatic for him; you get up, grab your towel and a new set of jammies and he just gets up and follows you in there. Plops down on the tile right outside the bathtub and goes right back to playing whatever it was on his handheld.
You can sit and relax under the hot water for as long as you’d like, but no matter how long it takes, you can always count on your companion sitting cross legged just outside the rim of the tub, occasionally wiping away the steam from his screen with the sleeve of his shirt. Even as his skin gets damp and he starts to sweat, he never leaves. Most he will do is crack the door to the bathroom a tad, and proceed to immediately kick it shut with his foot when he thinks he hears someone coming.
Most of the time, he’ll just play patiently while he waits for you to finish, but sometimes, sometimes if you’re gentle, you can coax him into the water with you. It takes a bit of effort. Soft coos of affection and maybe even a little begging, but eventually he’ll shyly shuck his clothes off and force you to turn around as he slips into the water behind you.
When he lets you turn and look at him, his cheeks are ruddy and not because of the hot water. No matter what dynamic you two have in the bedroom, he’s not used to the soft, loving affection you offer him, and baring his entire body before another person in a non-sexual manner is still very uncomfortable for him. His bony arms try to hide his shame, and he lets the water slop off in droplets from his hair and onto his face as his bangs slick down around his cheeks.
His muscles are still tensed as you bring the shampoo bottle to his head and apply a liberal amount before rubbing your fingers gently through his wintery hair. He might quietly scold you once or twice for letting the bubbles drip down into his eyes, but it’s mainly just his defense mechanism. He quiets down when you lather it into his hair, massaging his scalp with your nails and rubbing your thumbs onto his temples.
When he relaxes enough, he won’t fight you as you slick his hair back and pull him into the water to rinse it out. Stroke his back and work on his shoulder muscles as you put the conditioner in his hair and eventually he becomes a big pile of jelly.
He’ll kick the stopper down with his feet and turn the shower off, pulling you down into the bath with him, your back against his chest. Maybe you’ll nuzzle into him as he gently kisses the top of your head, or maybe he’ll twirl your wet tresses between four of his fingers. Maybe he’ll just quietly sit there as you trace your nails along his wet arm and soggy fingers, eventually interlocking with him. He won’t talk, not much anyway, so the soundtrack to your romantic moment will be whatever music beeps from the pause screen of his switch, but it doesn’t impact the moment. Between your vulnerability and his, neither one of you are thinking too hard about it.
He gets the towel first, though.
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kovffeee · 3 years
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bakatenshii · 2 years
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lordofevildreams-a · 4 years
tender-esper replied to your post: ((I now got over 450 icons of my pretty boi.
)) not enough. More. Always more. ((
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((Don’t worry, I ordered 60$ worth of icons from one friend, and I am getting 50 icons from my bestie. And I am ordering more Tenko icons from another friend.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
I just finished the Hanahaki fic and HOLY CRAP, it was so good! 11/10, will be adding it to my re-reading roster.
Just... My goodness, Dabi's developing relationships with Hawks and Shig, and the fact that HAWKS got Hanahaki too. I genuinely didn't see that coming, but it actually makes so much sense and fit them so well...
And Tomura, of course, just trying to love and support Dabi in whatever way he's allowed will never not make me melt.
I'd have tried to include some of my favorite parts/lines but honestly I enjoyed it all so much that this would probably get way too long if I did. The way everything flowed and played into one another was amazing, and Tomura and Hawks ending up together (for the first time) because they were fighting about Dabi is just too perfect for them in this fic.
They both love this idiot so much and it was so clear even before their confessions, in their own little ways, and it makes my heart so, so happy. Of course, Dabi being Dabi and both refusing to acknowledge feelings while doing everything he can for the LOV is so perfect and the way you wrote it was so amazing.
And Toga absolutely telling on him has the perfect balance of "concerned, caring friend" and "tattling little sister" energy that she has, especially given how much she cares for Dabi.
Just... Ugh, thank you so much for this masterpiece!
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Thank you so, so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and so many of the different elements jumped out to you! My favorite part of writing it was definitely lavishing over the tenderness and care that the three showed each other as their relationships grew, so I'm thrilled that resonated! Thank you so much for your kind words, Anon!
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writingsbymo-mo · 5 years
*I'm the one who asked for the shiggy/mothman body worship request* That's ok hun! Thank you so much for even considering to fill my request! Please don't pressure yourself; I'm so happy that you're even doing it and I am more than happy to wait. Thank you SO MUCH!!! *Sprinkles all of the love I have in my body over your precious head*
*takes in all the love* thank you anon!!!💕💕
I think I'll need more time to finish it 😅 but it is in progress right now. I do love wanting to give shig/mothman shig all the love they could ever receive! It's what he deserves!!!
I hope work is better the next time you go. If things get bad, just think of kissing all of Shiggy's fingers and scars and just tell him how much you love every part of him. He just loves all the praises and compliments that leave your lips. It makes him feel loved. You might even get a few quiet moans out of him the moment you start!!!!!💕💕
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peachesandmilktea · 2 years
hi wro! i was wondering (i know you write every stupid thing i ask you, but since your requests are open i was wondering if you have time ) could you write a little drabble about Shigs with a so that bite their nails and the skin of her fingers until she bleeds? :C My fingers are hurting so bad after i...ate them :| I you are bussy don't mind me! you already do a lot for me <3
I don't have anything else to post for our husband's birthday so I'm posting your present, darling wro ❤
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Her fingers were crimson red.
Wet and sticky with blood, they stained his hands when he took hers in his. The skin there was in tatters, torn raw, pinkened by the violence of the act. It looked like it hurt, and he could only imagine the stings of pain running beneath the tiny little wounds. She hadn’t been merciful with her own skin, hadn’t been the tiniest bit tender when she’d destroyed it with her teeth, biting and cutting and tearing until there was nothing left.
He frowned, lips thinned as he held back the scolding burning through his tongue.
He understood, now. As he took her hands, careful and gentle like he knew how to be, and softly washed them free of blood, the fluffy cotton reddening between his fingers and hers, he understood the concerns of others, Kurogiri, Spinner, her, whenever he tore through the skin of his throat while anger, anxiety, frustration filled his mind whole, swallowing every other thought.
He knew all about it, knew all about the mechanical pain that was somehow soothing, knew all about the taste of copper on his tongue that somehow felt sweet, knew all about the weird looks at the damage done once it was over, trails of blood and tiny wounds in the shape of nails or teeth, scarlet red marks not deep enough to be deadly but just shallow enough to be some kind of remedy to his tortured mind.
He supposed it was the same for her, too.
That she did it without even thinking about it. Consequences be damned when her teeth sunk into her own skin, the bitter taste of blood coating her lips then, pain not strong enough for her to stop and yet somehow powerful in the way that it had become addictive. That she was a slave to her own bad habits, unable to stop no matter how many times he glared at her when she did so.
But did he have any right to scold her, though, when he couldn’t even remember how his own skin felt when it wasn’t covered in scratch marks?
No matter how right it felt for him, it filled him with a sense of dread when it came to her. Because they were different, after all. When his own hands simply served their purpose by hurting and tearing and wounding, his body just another vessel to hurt and destroy, hers were different.
He killed, and she created.
Art. Things birthed from the delicate movements of her fingers, soft little gestures that always had him mesmerized whenever he sat next to her as she worked, relentlessly, on a piece or another. Sketches, paintings, tattoos, even. Simple ink became something else beneath her hands, what used to be lifeless somehow felt like it breathed life when she was done with each canvas.
He’d let her doodle on his own skin whenever she’d asked, taking hours and hours marveling at the ink adorning the pale white and its blue veins running underneath, crimson gaze never leaving the art even after she’d put her pen down. The sight of his own body didn’t feel as sickening as it did when her hands had touched it and cared for it and remade it in her own way, and in those moments, he couldn’t help but let a soft little smile pull at his chapped lips.
It didn’t feel right then, to destroy what she’d created. How could he be worthy of it, after all? Her creations were infinitely more exquisite than his destruction. Damaging them, erasing them, washing them away felt as powerfully threatening as tilting the world on one side until it all fell apart, crumbling on itself, shattering to its core.
That time she’d tattooed above his collarbone, he’d found it harder to abandon himself to his usual skin-lacerating rage. His fingers had stopped just short of his throat, nails barely brushing against the muscles that pulsed underneath at each of his breaths, because what if he touched her art? What if the blood stained it? What if his nails went through it and destroyed it like he did anything and everything else?
He’d let his hands fall then, let his anger die down instead of trying to tear it out of his own body by himself, instead of coating his fingers with blood while hoping it would drown any other feeling than the mind-numbing pain that came with the act.
But she’d kept doing it to herself, and seeing her pull at the skin of her hands felt like blasphemy.
Stop, he’d tell her sometimes, and it was hypocritical in some way, but now, he understood, he understood, he understood. Understood that there was no her tearing her own skin without his feeling like it broke under her touch, no matter that she hadn’t even brushed at him. Understood that he couldn’t do the same to soothe this pain because he was fully hers now that she’d made life birth over his skin, and what right had he to damage something that so rightfully belonged to her?
He wished she’d understand, too.
But he couldn’t create life over her palms, couldn’t adorn her phalanges with masterpieces like she did. Instead, he took her hands in his, let his lips brush against her fingertips as he kissed them, soft and tender, a wishful gesture, a prayer to some kind of higher force that could stop the blood from running over her knuckles, a pleading to her, for her to soothe his worried, blackened, tortured little heart that beat for her and her only.
A kiss on her palm. On her wrist. Over each of her phalanges. Butterfly-light, barely felt and gone so soon. Little tokens of his love, as ghostly as they were gut-wrenchingly true, fleeting and yet as heavy as his heart sinking in his chest whenever he saw the blood coating her fingers.
He could only hope that, like him, she wouldn’t want to destroy what he’d touched.
What so rightfully belonged to him.
He kissed, and kissed, and kissed again.
Until the pain went away and only lingered the feel of his scarred lips brushing against her fingertips.
hi!!! this was a christmas present for my dear geri (and yes i'm posting it a thousand years later BUT IT'S TOMURA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!) sadly as I'm drowning in assignments bcs my school year ends in two weeks, i didn't have time to write anything else for my king </3
please tell me your thoughts ❤
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shig-a-shig-ah · 2 years
okay so my favorite things about your writing? That's easy bestie. My favorite thing has to be how easily everything flows and there will be times where you are unsure about a wording and ask me for some advice and I'm just sitting there trying to find something wrong because i literally cannot lmao I am genuinely jealous of how you write and the style of your writing. How you write is so special and particular to you alone that it always has me waiting impatiently for when you'll write next.
Like how you describe things? Especially emotions like tenderness and pleasure is just wow mind blowing. You are literally my fav shig writer tbh so like i'll leave it at that bc i will be talking for awhile if i don't lol love you bestie <3
Oh bestie, you and your sweet nothings gonna make me cry, seriously. And don't undersell yourself because you're so helpful to bounce ideas and stuff off of bestie, idk what I'd do without you *smooches*
tell me something you love about my writing?
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fungusfangs · 3 years
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Still thinkin' about Shigs hit with some motion sickness based quirk and Dabi getting him through it since he's been there. I find that having both the caretaker and whumpee being snarky assholes in the situation rather than tender makes for a more cozy chill scenario tbh.
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morgana-ren · 3 years
If you fancy a really degenerate request from a monster trucker here is one: trying to convince siren shig to not eat you by seducing him
Ooh, what a strategy.
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You slipped up big time and dipped your lil’ toes in the water cause you trusted him when he said he wouldn’t hurt ya. Of course he got his big, webbed hands on you and now he’s bearing down on you with a carnivorous grin that has enough sharp teeth to send your head spinnin’ and a slippery tail coiling around your legs and rendering you helpless.
He’s studying you with those slitted red eyes wondering which part of you looks the most appetizing and you get an inkling that if you wanna survive, you better start thinkin’ the same way.
So when he’s running his tongue along your neck for reasons that are completely nonsexual, maybe you make it sexual.
Maybe you moan a little and take your chances craning your head to offer up more to him a bit. Maybe you squirm in a way that says ‘being scared gets me wet and not just because a big, scary sea creature has me in his clutches beneath the waves.’ Maybe you blink big and pretty at him with a helpless pout that makes him feel powerful and in control.
You don’t know what he’s packing, but you know you’ll figure out a way to let him fuck you with it however he wants if he lets you live.
Let’s say he catches the drift you’re sending his way.
He’s a sour bastard, so he’s going to tell you he could fuck you if he wanted and there isn’t a damn thing you couldn’t stop him. If he wanted to burrow himself in your warm human guts, he would. He doesn’t need your permission.
Of course he doesn’t. You know that, and you tell him as much. But has he ever had a human who isn’t steadily bleeding out into the water? Has he ever had someone who still has control of their bodily functions and can still clench and squeeze on him, working their body against his in earnest? Has he ever had someone when he hasn’t had to do all the work to be able to cum?
There’s a flash of interest there. Fleeting but noticeable and that’s enough to work with. Maybe it’s at your offer, or maybe it’s at the sheer audacity of you, but it’s there, and where there’s kindling, you can light a fire.
He’s a predator- a big, scary, terrifying apex predator and you’re completely at his mercy. You say it in the whiniest, wheedling voice you can manage and watch his fins bristle with pride. He outsmarted you, you say, he’s better than you and he deserves the reward. If that’s sinking his fangs into your tender flesh, so be it. But maybe he wants to sink something into somewhere else.
Maybe you guide his hand up to your neckline and trace his claws down the thin fabric of your shirt and watch it slice open in the wake of those devastatingly sharp nails. Perhaps he takes the initiative to flick his talon where your bra bridges between your breasts and stares a little too long to be able to pretend he’s not interested at all. 
What if that otherworldly prehensile tongue slips a little lower than your throat in his daze and he wonders what’s the harm in playing with your little human body before you bite it (or, if you want to get technical, before he does.)
His hands are so large that he can jiggle your tits in his palms and his claws still reach to the top of your damned shoulders. He could make you a bitch-kabob if he wanted to, and maybe you don’t want those poking around between your legs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it for him. So while he’s busying himself squeezing and rolling your nipples between his cool fingers and marveling at the way they peak, you reach down to try to get an idea of what exactly you’re working with here. 
He doesn’t offer up much- Just a lean, muscles torso that scales out into his sleek, powerful tail. He doesn’t stop the way your hand rubs at him, but it’s not to much avail. Look, you didn’t major in siren biology and it doesn’t help that you don’t know what it is that you’re looking for or where it’s supposed to even be. 
After a moment, he giggles. It’s clear you have no idea what you’re doing, and frankly, he enjoys making you work for it. Still, he’s got to give a little to get a little and he thinks that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
“Looking for my cock, human? Is that what you want?”
If you think he’s going to give it up without you begging though, you’ve got another thing coming. And it’s him either way.
He stares at you all sharp teeth and sharper grin, waiting for you ask for it.
You oblige him, because it’s either your pride or your neck and only one of the two bleeds. You beg him as sticky sweet and humiliating as you can, and he never could resist a human debasing themselves for his pleasure.
Something unsheathes from the thick of his tail- something slick and smooth and large. It’s insistent and hot against your belly, demanding your attention. Your hand manages to slip around it and your first thought is probably somewhere along the lines of ‘Oh Gods, how is this going to fit inside of me?’
He knows. He tells you so with a melodic laugh that spears dread through your stomach. He is going to rip you in half. 
You’re staring down into the black waters between you with a look on your face that gives away your horror, and maybe he finds that adorable. He does so love a good ego stroke. He knows he’s big, but it’s so sweet of you to remind him.
So he’ll tip your chin with one of his long, pale fingers that he manages to pry away from your tits for an instant and offer you a kiss, which of course you have to take-- you have no choice.
His lips are cold and salt chapped and his taste is tinged metallic, which you try very hard not to think about. That absurdly long tongue shoves past your teeth and into your mouth like his aim is to choke you with it. You can try to return his fervor but his essence is suffocating and leaves little room for any of your own. It’s not so much a kiss as it is him consuming you. 
And those teeth-- sharp and terrible and designed to shred little humans like you with ease-- play at your bottom lip, teasing you with terror. All he need do is push down just a little and he’d sink right into the plush flesh. 
Did you really think he could resist? When you go to pull away for air, he leans forward and nips-- just the littlest bit-- enough to draw a poppy of blood from the swell of your lower lip. He slides his tongue across the wound, humming in contentment at the taste of it. 
“You’d better hope your cunt is sweeter than your taste-” He says, smiling far too wide, all sharp fangs and lechery. “-because I’m passing up a delectable meal just to fuck you instead.” 
It’s a compliment... but a terrifying one. You stare at him, gulping down a fresh wave of terror as the situation sinks in yet again. 
“Well? What are you waiting for?” He arches a pale brow, eyes flicking down to where his monstrous cock pulses arousal against your tummy. 
He wants you to do something, so you do. 
Swallowing the obvious fear, you clench your hand tighter around his shaft and start to work your hand firmly up and down his heavy length, trying very, very hard not to think about how he’s going to stuff that deep inside of you soon. You feel him throb as he hums quietly in the low of his throat, eyes rolling and fluttering shut.  “Faster.”
You obey, stroking him in a quicker rhythm as he starts to lightly buck into your hand. Apparently men, no matter the species, are mostly the same. He practically purrs in pleasure as your rub your thumb over the tip, squeezing and rubbing him until he starts panting and groaning. He puffs air through his chapped, parted lips, reveling in the feel of your soft, warm skin against his cock. 
“There’s a good little human girl- harder-” 
It would seem keeping a modicum of decorum or dignity about the whole affair  isn’t something he particularly cares about, as he starts unabashedly moaning as you jerk him. The surreal nature of the situation isn’t lost on you as you watch his blissed out face contort, head falling back and long, silver hair haloing out in the water. He bats his tail just enough to stay above the surface, which only serves to drive him closer to you, and for several minutes, you give what definitely takes the cake as the strangest handjob of your life.
He does though, eventually, reach down and wrap his big hand around your wrist, slowing your movements to a halt. 
“Get on it.” He demands, glowing crimson eyes hooded in need. “I want to feel between your legs now.”  Another gulp, as cradling him in your hand has only impressed upon you exactly just how large he really is.  “Oh- Um- now? Like now? What if I-”  “Now.” 
He isn’t asking. You made him a deal, and he expects you to hold up your end. You do not know how he expects you to work that massive thing inside of yourself, but you had better figure it out, and fast. He didn’t seem like the patient type to begin with, but now that he’s had a sample, he wants the full experience. 
You obviously hesitate, and he cranes his head back in a malicious cackle. “Aw, are you scared? Too much for you? Want to back out now?”  You have a feeling he wouldn’t let you back out even if you said yes.  “I can take it.” You insist, a look of sheer determination comes over your face, though to be frank, you’re not entirely certain. You are going to taste him in your throat. “Good. I’ll not be gentle on your account.” He hisses through a predatory grin, practically sparking with anticipation. ”Go on then, pretty prey. Hop on. Give me a good reason to spare you.” 
Just what have you gotten yourself into? 
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