dioraddictbabe · 2 years
while i go cry over avatar the way of water
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Story #1- Temporary Epiphany
Group: Highlight- Junhyung 
Theme: Epiphany 
A moment of sudden revelation 
Type: series- angst 
Plot: You and Junhyung go out for dinner to celebrate your four year wedding anniversary and you decide to let him in on the some big news but once he finds out, you realize what this ‘big news’ would really mean. 
It is a gleaming Saturday evening at a gorgeous home in a small and quaint town in the quiet state of Maine. You are getting ready to go for dinner at Portland with your husband to celebrate your anniversary and you have some news to share but yet, something feels off- something wrong.
“Y/N, you ready to go?” Junhyung says with a smile as he fixes a button on his suit.
“ Yea I am, I just gotta give Ellie her dinner then we can head out,” you say, already treading out the room towards your boxer.
“Oh wait!” he calls out, sticking his head out after you. “I already fed her earlier and we went out for a little stroll this morning as well.”
“Oh ok, thanks for doing that. Well, it looks like I’m ready to go now,” you sigh as you sit on  your leather loveseat and put on your heels.
“It’s our anniversary today you know, happy anniversary Y/N,” Junhyung says causally.
“Haha yes silly, I know,” you say. “Thank you Junhyung, happy anniversary to you.”
“I can’t believe we made it four years already. Where’d all those years go? Well, it’s better not to dwell on that I suppose… Ok, I’m ready myself now so let’s head off,” Junhyung says, offering his arm.
You link your arm into his and smile to him but you both know that all the smiles and affection is just for show. It’s your wedding anniversary, fourth anniversary to be exact like Junhyung mentioned, but you still feel nothing for this man you have to call your husband. And he doesn’t either.
That’s how it’s always been.
From the first day you met to today, you and Junhyung still feel absolutely nothing. And it’s likely to always stay that way. Whether it’s three more years or thirty, you will never love Junhyung. And that’s exactly how you intend to keep it. It’s not that you hate him, he’s your husband after all. You’ve grown to care about him through the years and you know everything there is to know about each him. From what he likes in bed to how he takes his coffee.
To clarify, your marriage to him isn’t to look good to those around you ‘cuz quite frankly no one in the small town of Cape Elizabeth gives a damn. You two will never admit it but you need each other. The idea of living and loving alone scares you so here you are- enjoying the bonuses of a married couple but still having the freedom to do so as you please since you two aren’t in love. It’s nice to know Junhyung is always home at 5:15pm right on the dot, every afternoon and enjoys a glass of red wine in his recliner with a novel of some sort, mostly mystery, nearly every evening. You get a certain joy from this, it feels as though you two really are a couple. If you close your eyes and replace his name and face with that of your beloved then it’s almost too much to bare but you do it anyways. And that’s why you’re always miserable but that’s a different story for another day, one you won’t be reading about today.
“It’s a beautiful place isn’t it?” Junhyung beams, holding your hand as you stand on a hill that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and the lively, sparkling city.
You nod as a small smile stretches on your face, “Mhmh it’s remarkable. I’m really glad to be able to live here with you.”
“Mhmh, I mean it. We’ve moved a lot these past few years but I think this is the best place to settle down. There’s fresh seafood, lush trees, great people, and it’s cozy so it feels like home but it just lacks a bit of our culture that’s all,” you reassure as you lean into Junhyung’s chest.
He smiles genuinely which is something he hasn’t done in a very long time but he finally feels at peace being here with you and in a place you two both adore. “Hey, I think we should head into the restaurant, it’s nearly time for our reservation.”
You look up and smile, almost tempted to kiss him but you stop yourself since it wouldn’t mean anything but he brings his face down to peck your cheeks lightly, which takes you by surprise.
He retracts then gently holds your arm with his and guides you into the fancy, 5 star restaurant that was just a few feet away. Junhyung opens the door for you and you walk in and wait by the reception area while Junhyung talks to the greeting hostess. You walk up to join Junhyung and he holds your hand as the hostess guides you two towards your private table in the lounge where the city lights from outside stunningly illuminates the chandelier above your table.
The hostess leaves after setting the menus on the table and Junhyung helps you to your seat.
“Junhyung, you really outdone yourself this year. This is absolutely gorgeous, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be sitting in an exquisite restaurant like this under a beautifully lit chandelier. Gosh, I’m at a loss right now, thank you,” you thank, admiring his effort in making this a memorable night but you smile to yourself, knowing that you gunna steal Junhyung’s attempt with just a phrase.
“But it’s really nothing compared to how you look. Y/N, you look absolutely stunning tonight. You really took my breath away and I was so speechless that I started muttering randomly,” Junhyung confesses.
He nods and holds your hand until a young waiter came to your table, “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Yong, I’ll be your waiter this evening. May I start you off with some sparkling champagne until we get our orders?”
“Uhh, um actually I’ll pass tonight,” you decline politely.
“Oh, ok. I’ll pass as well. I’ll just take water with lemon and she’ll have a Shirley Temple, thank you,” Junhyung says with a polite smile to the waiter.
“Ok, they’ll be right up,” the waiter confirms with a smile.
When the waiter walks away, Junhyung turns his attention by to you and asks, “If you don’t mind me asking why didn’t want to drink the champagne, I thought it was your favorite, is it not?”
“No, you’re right, it is. It’s just that I.. I re-. Um I can’t drink alcohol anymore, well at least not for a while,” your voice falters as you blush and avert your eyes away from Junhyung.
“Why? Are you trying another diet or cleanse? It’s ok, you can tell me. I’m open to trying these sorts of things,” Junhyung reassures.
“I’m not but I will have to get on a new diet, one I don’t think you’ll really want to do this time,” you hint.
“Oh? Why not? What’s so special about this one?” Junhyung asks curiously as he leans on his hands and knitting his eyebrows in puzzlement.
“Well to start, I’m gunna have to drink lots and lots of milk and I gotta have double the amount of protein and iron,” you emphasis on the word ‘double’ hoping he’ll get it.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with this diet, in fact it sounds like exactly what we should be consuming,” he comments, clueless as ever.
You let out a shaky breath before holding his hands and announcing, “Junhyung. I’m pregnant.”
He drops your hands and his eyes widen. Everything in the room seems to stop and suddenly you wonder if this was a mistake.
“What?” he whispers in a deathly calm voice.
“I’m.. I’m pregnant. We’re gunna have a baby,” you whisper with a hint of fear, feeling less confident than earlier.
“Oh, ok. Um are you ready to look at the menu,” he asks, grabbing a menu.
Your heart drops and you grab a menu to hide your face behind. You look over the options but your vision gets clouded by warm tears desperately wanting to fall. You see the silhouette of the waiter coming back so you wipe away the lone tear that managed to escape before turning to face the waiter.
“Here we go, a Shirley Temple for you ma’am and a lemon water for you sir. I see we have the menus out, are we ready to order?” the waiter asks, taking out his notepad and pen.
“Yea, I’ll take the garlic-glazed lobster with the parmesan penne,” Junhyung orders, setting down his menu.
“Okey, and for you ma’am?” the waiter turns to you with a smile.
“Oh I’ll take the smoked salmon with the side of Mediterranean salad,” you reply.
“Ok, I’ll put them in right now then your orders should be out momentarily. In the meantime I hope you two enjoy the fresh-baked bread and caviar,” he smiles, setting the appetizers and plates before you.
“I’m sure we will thank you,” you say with a feign smile you’re so used to giving then he leaves once again.
You get up to go use the bathroom but Junhyung stops you. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gunna go get rid of the baby,” you say sarcastically, taking on a particularly bitter tone. “I’m going to the bathroom, where else? If you’d excuse me.”
Junhyung slumps back in his seat, his heart beating erratically. His breathing was becoming choppy and he knew he was getting a panic attack and he would’ve ran to the bathroom but he knew he couldn’t leave the table unattended. So he got nice and comfy in his seat as his mind went to dangerous places. He knew he shouldn’t fell silent like that but this territory was still sensitive to him so he drifts away…
“Junhyung? Junhyung?” you ask worriedly, shaking your husband’s shoulders.
His eyes flutter open and he looks at you with horror then he leans forward quickly and just holds you, feeling his tears hitting your shoulder.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I don’t know why I fell silent cuz I’m happy! I’m so happy Y/N! We’re gunna have a baby! Oh, I’ve waited for this for so long I forgot how good it felt. And please don’t say that again. Please don’t say that you’re gunna get rid of the baby. I can’t go through this again,” Junhyung cries, holding you tighter and tighter.
“It’s ok, it’s gunna be ok Junhyung. I’m sorry I said that, it was really stupid. But I promise you that no matter what happens between you and me, but you’ll have your baby. Even though it won’t be yours and Diane’s baby but it’s still your baby,” you promise.
“No, I know it’s not Diane’s but it’s ours, me and you. We have to be honest to our kid, we owe it that much don’t we?” Junhyung worries.
“Junhyung, let’s not worry about that right now but I don’t think we should tell it anything yet. The truth is pretty gruesome and I don’t want our kid hating us so soon. I mean how you tell your kid that its parents are just pretending to be love with each when really they love people who are dead. I’m sorry… I’ve said too much. Uhh, I’ll go get the food to go so we just eat at home. I’m sorry,” you whisper then getting up to find the waiter.
“How are you feeling Junhyung? Do you need me to grab your meds?” you asks concernedly as you enter the dining room while throwing your head in a bun.
“No, it’s ok. I feel alright. Come sit down, I warmed up your dinner,” Junhyung points out with his fork.
“Can I have some of your pasta?” you ask gently as you take your seat across him.
“Go ahead. I’ll take a little bit of salad if that’s alright,” Junhyung says, already reaching for your salad.
“Haha that’s fine. I can’t believe we’re still acting like newlyweds after 4 years. It’s almost ridiculous but-”
“- it makes sense”
“Exactly. Oh god, how are we gunna explain this to our kid?”
“I still think we should be honest when it’s ready. But let’s make a deal, we can only share 4 stories each to help explain our situation to our kid.”
“Ok, but wait. Do you mean four stories each or four in total because I don’t know if that’s gunna be enough.”
“Good point, hmm let’s do four each then. And nothing’s off limits. It’s all on the table, whatever we think is most important for our kid or kids to understand why we did what we did and who we really love.”
“Ok, I’ll go first,” you perk up. 
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*well here it is after a year in the making, this series finally surfaced so questions or comments are highly appreciated and just lemme know your thoughts on it 
* so can you can tell the next story will pick up with the flashback of Y/N’s first story so I hope you stay tuned for the second story tomorrow! 
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