#Cairo Foster
slashdementia7734 · 11 days
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jungle-angel · 7 months
The One With The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Something happens at a Friday night rager but Rhett and his frat brothers decide they're not gonna get mad.....they're gonna get even
Warnings: Sexual harassment, grabbing of a boob, frat boy revenge etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman
The Delta Tau Epsilon house was alive with the booming of music, the hollers and shouts of the drunken college students filling every corner of the house and the shenanigans that had followed them there.
The basement was no less than noisy with everybody packed shoulder to shoulder, dancing to the 70s, 80s, 90s and Early 2000s throwback music that boomed from the speakers. Beer and drinks spilled from red solo cups and onto unsuspecting freshman while a few sang along noisily to Sly And The Family Stone's "Thank You" and showing off their best disco moves.
You were behind the bar in the basement helping Cairo make everyone's drinks and enjoying the shenanigans yourself.
"I swear to Jesus, if Kyle ends up emptying the whole keg I'm gonna have to cut him off," Cairo remarked.
"Cai c'mon they're a bunch of drunken frat boys, what else are they gonna do?" you laughed.
"Oh I'll tell ya'll what I'm gonna do," he answered, laughing a little and snapping his fingers. "Imma come up into his room with a garbage can lid and give him the rudest awakening of his life!"
You laughed as you cracked open a Long Drink and filled a red solo cup with it, handing it off to one of the football players.
"Need a refill!" Foster teased, slamming his cup onto the bar.
"Sorry Babes, bar's closed!" Cairo joked.
"It's not even midnight!"
The two of them bickered back and forth as more barflies began to make their way over. You laughed when you had to spray one of the Iota Nu boys with the keg nozzle to shoo him away, the others around you laughing in return.
"Hey pretty thing,"
You turned around thinking it was Rhett but no. To your horror it was Smithfield Green, the leader of the notorious Alpha Beta fraternity. You felt your heart jump into your chest and your throat going dry when you saw him.
"Sorry Smitty, bar's closed," you told him.
"Not by the looks of it around here," he sniffed. "Don't suppose you wanna get outta here and I could show you a really good time?"
"No thanks, I'm all set."
"Oh c'mon you know you wanna....."
You yelped a little when he tried to grab your boob which quickly caught Cairo's attention. "Hey!" he shouted. "The fuck do you think you are?"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Smitty retorted.
"I fuckin asked you first."
"Think you're so tough there huh?" Smitty questioned. "You sound like a fuckin girl."
"I might sound like a girl but I could easily have you on the ground and your balls dangling from the bumper of my car," Cairo hissed.
"Oh I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you?"
"Eat me pervert," Cairo sneered. "And if I ever catch you trying to touch (y/n) ever again, that just might happen."
Smitty laughed and sauntered away with Cairo flipping him off behind his back. "You ok hon?" he asked.
You nodded, still a little shaken by what had happened. "I think I need to go get some air for a minute," you told him.
"Go get some air, I'll finish up here," Cairo assured you, giving you a hug.
He waited until you disappeared before waving and snapping his fingers, motioning for Foster to come over to the bar.
"Yo what's up?" Foster asked him.
"Smitty tried to pull a fast one on the First Lady," Cairo answered.
"Are you fuckin serious?!" Foster exclaimed.
"No, I'm not......chain call, now!"
Foster nodded, slapping his palm on the bar before heading up the basement stairs to find someone to start the chain call. He quickly wrote down what had happened on a sticky note so that word wouldn't change going up, finding Bo and Kyle in the little room off the basement bar room, engaging in a rather intense game of Cards Against Humanity with a few other freshmen.
"Yo we've got a Code Red boys," Foster told them.
"Sup?" Bo asked.
Foster showed him the note and the two were off to find the next person. The message traveled to Ravi Sharma who then handed it off to two of the new pledges and then to Sammy Inoue. Up and up and up the chain it went until Rowdy Collins, the football team's new kicker, raced up the stairs to hand it off to Kayce.
"Kayce!" he announced, pounding on the door.
Kayce opened the door, zipping up his jeans. "Bro what the fuck?"
"We've got a Code Red, go get Rhett."
"What's the Code Red?"
Rowdy showed him the neon green sticky note that had been passed around. Kayce's eyes went wide, his jaw slack with shock. "You fuckin serious?"
"She's outside in the backyard," Rowdy explained.
Kayce hurried off to Rhett's room down the hall and pounded on the door. "Bro you're never gonna believe this," Kayce told him when he opened the door.
"What? Did somebody get beer up their nose again?" Rhett asked him.
"No it's (y/n)," Kayce answered, showing him the note.
Rhett read the message, his eyes going wide. "Where is she?"
"Out back."
Rhett hurried his way through the chaos of the rager with Kayce close behind him. The night air was still just a little bit chilly as he sat down beside you, pulling you close and kissing the side of your head.
"You ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you told him. "Just a little shaken that's all."
Rhett kissed the side of your head again, holding you as he kept his lips pressed to that spot. "It'll be ok darlin," he assured you. "Ain't nobody ever gonna do that ever again."
The clang of the old ship's bell in the kitchen roused everyone in the house from their sleep, the house's residents clambering down the stairs, some still in their shorts, others in their mismatched pjs or a few still in their clothes from the night before. All of them lined right up and stood straight at attention as Rhett strode silently up and down the line.
"Alright boys," he announced. "Last night, it seems there was a little incident regarding the First Lady. Anybody recall what happened?"
Foster was the first to raise his hand. "First Lady was groped by Smitty Green at 10:02 pm in the Delta Tau basement, no injuries or marks but the boob in question was indeed grabbed by said parasite......SIR!"
"And do we let slimy little Alpha Betas like that grope our other halves?" Rhett questioned.
"FUCK NO!!!!" the Deltas thundered.
"Men," he continued, pacing up and down the line. "When ya'll were pledges, ya'll took an oath to protect your lady or your other half with your life. I know every single one o' ya'll would never do that to a lady or to anybody else. But those slimy little tapeworms think they can just crawl on in here and take whatever they want. So what are we gonna do about it boys?!"
"That's what I wanna hear!" Rhett bellowed. "Now lets go get'em!"
The Deltas let out their loudest war yells in response, shaking the house down to the studs as they charged off.
The street was completely silent outside the Alpha Beta house with not a soul around, save for a sun tanner on the rooftop balcony.
Each of the boys in the Delta Tau fraternity marched across the street to the Alpha Beta house, the hoods on their sweatshirts pulled over their heads and an empty plastic binder in their hands. Their voices had become one as they chanted like monks walking towards holy ground.....or in this case, unholy ground.
“Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem,” they chanted, hitting their foreheads with the binders.
They repeated the little ritual with Rhett and Kayce leading them in the front, the two of them biting their lips as they tried not to laugh. As soon as they had reached the front of the Alpha Beta house, they faced their brothers who had halted on the other side of the street.
"KNEEL MY BROTHERS!!!" Rhett commanded.
All of them knelt and bowed their heads to the ground. Rhett and Kayce removed their hoods first before the others followed suit.
"Brother Kayce," Rhett announced.
"Bring forth the holy book of the Delta Taus."
Kayce pulled out the book that had been written by all the other Deltas who had come before them. "A reading from the book of Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one," Kayce announced, reading as loudly as he could. ""And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas..."
"Right, right, gotcha," Kayce snickered. "And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'"
The brothers all arose and pulled out the huge water balloons from the bags at their sides.
"Gentlemen!" Rhett ordered. "Ready your weapons!"
The Deltas made ready.
"Step to the edge!"
They stepped to the edge of the sidewalk.
"FIRE AT WILL!!!" Rhett ordered.
With a swing of their arms, the Deltas lobbed the entire house with the huge water balloons, startling the Alpha Betas who had come outside to see the commotion, only to be soaked with the freezing cold water, including Smitty himself.
"Whatcha think darlin?" Rhett asked.
You pulled your hood from your eyes and placed a kiss on Rhett's lips. "Best revenge plan ever," you chuckled.
Rhett helped you load a rather large water balloon into the slingshot the boys only really ever used at pool parties, sending it flying right onto Smitty who quickly ran back into the house. So far, this had been yours and Rhett's best plan ever.
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inell · 2 months
Possibly a dumb question but I saw you reblog a few leverage things recently and you're one of my favorite 9-1-1 writers so I was wondering what you think a 911 Leverage Fusion AU could look like if you were to think about it because their two of my favorite shows
Goodness! Thank you for the compliment. I thought about this during my commute home from work, and this is what I came up with.
We use season 7 of 911. Councilwoman Ortiz is obviously dirty, having used her power to force Gerrard into the 118, and to remove Mara from HenRen’s custody as well as revoking their foster status. That’s all canon.
We pick up with Toni, Hen’s mom, reaching out to these nice people she met when she lived in Portland years and years ago. They ran a gastropub but she also knew about their other business because Alec was a sweetheart who chatted way too much. She contacts the new Leverage HQ in New Orleans looking for Hardison, and she gets Parker. Who is very interested when she hears about the kid being removed and she shares it with the others, research is done, and, because it’s 911 (which tends to be racially cliche), Ortiz ties into the cartel subplot (her son died from illegal drugs, after all, and there’s also the people trafficking subplot that could be linked).
Cut to Leverage crew showing up in LA and meeting Toni, who hasn’t told Hen about her interference. Parker and Eliot fight over who gets to go undercover at the firehouse, because they need to get rid of Gerrard and figure out his connection to Ortiz. Eliot wins, obviously, simply by asking Parker to put on full gear and carry a 200lb weight.
Parker is Not Happy, but Eliot goes undercover as a new firefighter. He and Eddie hit it off with the whole military slash guilt slash PTSD slash dislike of firearms thing, and Buck is suspicious because they don’t have an opening for another member on their team and also why is this guy being so friendly with Eddie and who cares if he’s from Oklahoma which is next to Texas and they bond over TexMex and country music and Eliot tells Eddie he needs to keep his dog on a leash before it gets bit, and Buck really really hates this new guy who oddly has the same name as a character on Star Trek, according to Chim.
Meanwhile, Breana is sent to work at the city council as an intern who is assigned to Ortiz, while Sophie and Harry work on a cover to get closer to the whole drug slash trafficking thing, and Hardison is working on a project in Cairo but FaceTimes Toni and Parker a few times (showing off his muscles that he’s happened to get while geeking out and not because there’s a new movie role he’s filming in RL), and Parker annoys Eliot by being in his ear every shift, listening to everything and watching what he sees through his nifty camera lenses.
Parker loves Chimney, thinks he’s hilarious, and she doesn’t know why Eliot won’t tell Chim the dad jokes she keeps repeating in his earpiece because she wants to know if Chim thinks she’s funny. She’s also working on the whole foster revocation situation with help from Hardison, but bugging Eliot is a lot more fun. She especially likes to make popcorn for the times when he’s chilling in the loft with his new BFF and said BFF’s BFF. She might be neurodivergent, but she’s not even as fucked up as Buck and Eddie and their whole thing. Breana shares the popcorn when she isn’t working for free and trying to suck up to Ortiz.
In the end, they manage to catch Ortiz, the person on the foster system that did her dirty work, the main cartel players connected to her, and they link Gerrard to them. They give Toni the money they got from the deal, which she explains to Hen and Karen as a lucky lotto win when she gives it to them for Mara and Denny. Eliot quits the 118, but not before locking Buck and Eddie up in the supply closet and telling them work out their UST, damn it, and Bobby comes back as Captain.
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iceicewifey · 1 year
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shamelessly copied Sinner /j /lh and did one of those Araki style character sheets for Shay to see if i could share her info easier and I'll say it worked 😳
had to redo the template because I'm stupid and the layout kind of confused me plus I'll never pass up an opportunity to make my own version of whatever thing fjdnfjdgb but I hope it makes sense. alot of the info can be found in her mini bio, but it was still fun to fill this out. plain text under the cut because it's alot to read. thanks again to sinner for both posting theirs and providing the original template ♡
editing because this is so outdated already 😭
Name / Nicknames
Shayleigh Disa Malmsteen / Shay, Spanky (childhood nickname), Dee (from Hol Horse)
23 (SDC)
CIS Female
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
August 12th, 1965 / Leo
Blood Type
Miami, FL USA
5'4" / 162cm
~137lbs / 62kg
Sexual Orientation
Hair Color
Platinum blonde
Eye Color
Pale icy blue // Pink (Manga)
Eyesight / Colorblindness / Wears Glasses?
Slight myopia Not enough to warrant glasses.
Dominant Hand
Type of Voice
High pitched / "soprano" A bit scratchy from smoking
Medical History
Minor nerve damage from particularly deep scar in right forearm, partially perforated septum (corrected; from cocaine use) Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation — required surgery
Scars / Birthmarks / Tattoos
Numerous scars on hands, arms, torso, shoulders, back, legs, and left eyebrow // Barbed wire tat around right wrist, palm tree on left ankle, devil tail on lower back
Other Defining Physical Features: Nose, Eye Shape, Chest Size, Legs, Moles, etc.
Slightly downturned doe eyes, small slits in eyebrows (left has hair displaced by scars, right is shaved to match). Larger than average chest (~E cup)
Ancestral Background
½ Swedish on father's side
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Criminal Record / Education
Criminal record is extensive. Dropped out of high school during 11th grade but stopped attending long before then.
Formative Experiences as a Baby or Young Child
Grew up without birth mother (passed away soon after she and her twin sister were born), Father worked as motorcycle mechanic and would frequently bring his daughters to work; fostered her love of motorcycles at a young age. Dealt with abusive stepmother for ~7 years.
Sexual History / Lovers
Several boyfriends & a girlfriend during high school years, numerous ‘flings’ throughout mid 80’s. Not on good terms with any exes.
Thoughts Towards Romance / Marriage
Says she’s indifferent. Would like to get married, but wants it to be with “the right person.” Has trauma from parents about relationships.
People the Subject Looks Up To / Idolizes
Evel Knievel, Lemmy Kilmister
People the Subject Hates
Her father. Stepmother, Lydia. Stepbrother, Adam. Half brother, Viggo. Estefania, Jotaro Kujo, Polnareff, Nukesaku
Personality Traits / Habits / Fav. Sayings
Tends to hide her true emotions, acts apathetic. Cautious around new people, especially if they know who she is and she doesn’t recognize them. Her defense mechanism tends to make it so she comes off as rude or abrasive. // Honestly just enjoys telling people that annoy her to shut up.
Dreams for the Future
Wants to eventually return to Miami. Wants to build her own custom Harley, right down to the paint job. Wants “a buncha badass lookin’ tats” to cover her more prominent body scars.
Drowning, being strangled, seeing more of her friends die in front of her, upsetting DIO and having to face his wrath.
Most Traumatic Experiences
The years of emotional and verbal abuse from her stepmother and stepbrother. Her first night in jail. Witnessing the deaths of some of her closest friends at the hands of the gang they once belonged to.
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Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Neneh is the first best friend she’s ever had; loves her dearly and would kill for her if she asked. Misses her dearly while in Cairo. Gets along well with other Terence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Enya, and most other mansion residents. On DIO’s better side. Romantically involved with Vanilla Ice.
Familial Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Hasn’t seen her sister since 17, misses her. Got along very well with Swedish grandparents, used to visit every Christmas as a child; visits slowed and eventually stopped upon her father remarrying. Positive relationships with maternal aunt, Caroline and her daughter, Rita. Gets along well with ‘pseudo father’, Ozzy, misses him while in Cairo. The gloves she wears to hide her scarred hands were a gift from him.
Problematic Relationships
Relationship with father was good as a young child but has deteriorated. Misses how he used to be, hurt that he chose a new partner over his daughters. Never had positive relationships with stepmother or stepbrother. Never really got along with former “boss”, Estefania despite trying. Feels no remorse for her death. Her murder is the reason she ends up in Cairo.
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Education / Work History
John F. Kennedy Middle School (Miami, FL) Elizabeth Cobb Middle School (Tallahassee, FL) Lincoln High School (dropped out; Tallahassee) Has never been formally employed or had a ‘legal’ job.
Economic Class
Grew up middle class, struggled with money after being kicked out.
Pets / Plants
Never had pets. Had a monstera clipping that grew in the motel room she lived in.
STUBBORN. Hates being told what to do and will often do the opposite. Tends to clash with authority figures. Has a bit of a sharp tongue, she’s wary of strangers and tends to speak her mind freely, even if what she says isn’t exactly polite. Used to act out rudely for attention from a bad home life but grew out of that phase. Rarely rude to strangers without reason nowadays. Insanely devoted to friends and loved ones, likes going the extra mile to show that she loves and cares for them. Very outgoing, a bubbly ‘people person’ and a bit of a ‘party girl‘. She’s typically laid back and enjoys being surrounded by those she loves. ‘Bitchiness’ is a defense mechanism stemming from trauma; “If I don‘t care, I can’t get hurt.” She’s a spitfire with a feisty side and a terrible temper, never one to back down from a fight and will start one if she’s worked up.
Loyal to the end, skilled with knives and using her stand, won’t quit until the task is done or it kills her, can seemingly sense when someone is upset, can pick things up with her feet
Hedonistic, lower physical strength than muscular male opponents, argumentative, easy to anger, extensive criminal record, bottles feelings Deep down she’s scared and hurt, hiding behind a façade to escape any future pain
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Special Skills / Fighting Style(s)
Mostly accustomed to street fighting. Fights dirty; punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, hair pulling, nothing is off limits. Skilled with using switchblades. Likes to use her stand to trip non-stand user and see their confusion when they stumble.
Wields twin automatic “stiletto” switchblades, keeps them hidden in her boots
Driver's License / Vehicle of Choice / Driving Language
Obtained learner’s in 1981 and full license in 1983 but had been illegally driving since she was ~14 // Prefers motorcycles over cars. Favorite bike is the 1973 Harley Davidson FL Electra-Glide // Typical Florida Driver™. Has a lead foot and tends to speed. Tends to get a bit aggressive at times and will partake in road rage if provoked.
Hobbies / Recreations
Likes to draw things she thinks are cool; skulls, motorcycles, tigers, devils, playing cards. Tinkering with her bike, watching trash TV, riding motorcycles with friends, swimming, etc. Often upset she can’t do much of this in Cairo
Likes & Dislikes
Likes metal music, leather pants, motorcycles, billiards, chicken shawarma Dislikes formal clothing, being bossed around, running out of hairspray, driving in the rain, prudes
Food / Clothing / Shelter
Had a few outfits (a lot of them shoplifted) and mostly ate instant or microwaveable food while living in a motel paid for with money from ““odd jobs”” // Kept most of the same clothing upon moving to Cairo, despite her style clashing with local culture. Lives and works in DIO’s mansion
Motives / Passions
Self preservation, making “a shit ton of money”, has thought about killing her stepmother in the past but doesn’t want to deal with the consequences
Favorite Color / Locations / People
Dark teal, black, hot pink // South Miami Beach, Aunt Carol’s house // Neneh, Terence, Vanilla, and Enya
Fashion Style
Wears a lot of tight and overly revealing clothing after years of being forced to dress “like a proper girl” as a child. Likes wearing leather and wants to look like the girls in the metal magazines (i.e. Doro Pesch)
Used Substances
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana (formerly), cocaine (formerly addicted)
Perfume / Cologne?
Used to wear “City Girl” perfume, but prefers scented lotions.
Any Accessories?
Crescent moon earring worn only on her left ear (twin sister wears the other), two hoops on right ear // stud on left side of nose // black leather fingerless gloves to hide scars
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Supernatural Abilities / Attuned to Spirits?
Not necessarily sensitive to spirits but sometimes feels what she assumes is her mother’s presence when she sits on the beach alone at night. She can’t explain it, but it’s somewhat comforting and tends to happen when she’s stressed or upset.
Accent / Dialect
Miami accent; pronounces the ‘L’ in “salmon” // speaks in short form and slang often (i.e. wanna, gonna, ain’t) // drops the ‘g’ on words that end in ‘-ing’ (i.e. swimmin’ )
Anything Else?
Knows how to juggle. Allergic to shellfish. Not a serious reaction but the kind that makes her throat tingle. Used to think it happened to everyone, not just her.             ↓ “Everybody’s throat tingles after crab cakes. It’s part of the experience.”
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johnbierce · 1 year
People really liked the photos of my cats, so I guess I should officially should introduce them? Fair warning, some sad kitten stuff in the post. (More cute and happy stuff, though.)
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So we've got three cats: Seth, Cairo, and Hathor. They're all Vietnamese street cats we mostly adopted via fostering from a local shelter. (I live in Vietnam, I love it.)
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Seth, the ginger, is the oldest (1 year old) and biggest of the three. He is incredibly attached to the other two, and is an extremely protective, loyal big brother.
- Lets kittens nurse on him, will let the kittens steal his food.
- He's addicted to dried fish. ADDICTED. He will bite your fingers if you don't give him his dried fish fast enough. Will NOT share his dried fish with the kittens.
- Loves belly rubs to a ridiculous degree. I've given him 34 minute belly rubs before. (I timed it.) Just full on both direction belly rubs, to a level that would satisfy dogs.
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- Very smart cat. Stole the brain cells from all the other gingers.
- Handsome, kind gentleman. Very polite. Slow blinks whenever he sees us.
- Chatty.
- nose and toe beans are so pink that we constantly fear Anish Kapoor coming for them
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Hathor, the tortie, is the youngest and smallest. I doubt she weighs more than two kg, and doesn't seem to be growing any more.
- Very smart. TOO SMART. Opens drawers. Hunts everything. Commits crime. Loses her collar constantly. Possibly trading it for crime related tools?
- Loves being carried like a baby.
- Tolerates belly rubs.
- Sploots
- Bleps more than the vast majority of cats
- Follows Seth everywhere, nurses on him (pretty sure she thinks he's her mom?)
- Very chatty. Not afraid to yell when needed.
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- Grooms and is groomed by Cairo a lot
- Our only non-foster- adopted her from a lovely couple that rescued her mom and siblings off the street. (Street life is TOUGH for cats in Vietnam.)
- very shy around strangers
- likes high places, like atop the kitchen cabinets
- Did I mention the crime?
- murders more lizards and bugs than the others combined. Also birds. And a bat once.
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And then we have Cairo. The middle cat both by size and age. He is... a fuzzy little grumpy dumbass with a tragic backstory.
- When he and his brothers were discovered, two of the three were stuck in a concrete drain pipe and had to be rescued by a work crew with power tools. The third was stuck in a bush nearby, and could have easily escaped by simply backing up. Guess which one Cairo was?
- We only fostered two of them, the original foster intended to keep the third, who was a special needs kitty (back injury, would be months or years before he could have walked.) Tragically, all three were infected with FIV, and both of Cairo's brothers passed away from it. However, we managed to catch Cairo's symptoms in time, and the vets here in Vietnam have an actual functioning treatment for FIV, and Cairo pulled through just fine! (The treatment is NOT cheap, takes months, and is only effective if you catch the FIV in time, which we just barely did. Cairo had to spend two weeks staying at the vets in intensive kitten care.)
- We didn't originally intend to keep Cairo, but after losing his brother and almost losing him, yeah, we foster failed hard.
- Did I mention Cairo is NOT smart?
- Hyper food-motivated
- Has a raspy voice like a pack-a-day-smoker, even when he was a tiny kitten.
- Excellent at grooming himself, very classically handsome.
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- When play fighting the others, his only strategy is to open his mouth as wide as possible and lunge straight at the others. He, uh, never wins. Not even against Hathor, who is TINY.
- Our cuddliest kitten
- Spotty belly, which, sadly, he doesn't enjoy having rubbed
-Likes to nurse on my shorts. Very cute, but very painful, because he kneads his claws into my thighs. And I have, on multiple occasions, answered the door for deliveries with a big kitten drool patch on my shorts that looks just like I wet myself. And I don't speak Vietnamese (and even moreso not the local dialect), so I can't explain that it's just cat drool. 😥
- Always confused at how Hathor and Seth manage to climb tall things.
- Confused about most things, really.
- SCREAMS. Cairo hungry? Screams. Cairo wants in the office with the AC? Screams. Wants to nurse on my shorts? Screams. Very effective communicator.
- Grumpy little grumbler. Constantly complaining about something or other in his raspy little voice. Is he being picked up or pet when he didn't ask to be? IT'S THE WORST THING EVER DONE TO ANY CAT EVER
- Has never been fed. Ever. Not once in his life.
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You might have noticed that there are, in fact, FOUR cats in the top photo.
The fourth cat isn't ours, he's just a neighborhood cat that enjoys hanging out at our place and annoying us. We call him Vegemite, and he:
- Meows constantly, even at the other cats, to their confusion and annoyance. They don't like him, but tolerate his presence. (Except Hathor, who smacks him in the face ten times a day. Not hard, and no claws, but she doesn't want him right next to her.)
- Had to be trained not to steal our cats' food. (We feed him separately from them- dude was SKINNY when he first started coming around. Not our cat, but dude needed a good meal or three.)
- Un-neutered, and sprays our house sometimes. Has peed on my wife's laptop MULTIPLE times.
- Still trying to figure out who his actual owner is? If he doesn't have one, we're going to get him neutered and get him shots. He was way too friendly to be a full-on stray, though, strays in Vietnam are NOT friendly. (The ones that are get stolen for the pet meat trade, which is a really fucked up industry that almost everyone in Vietnam hates, outside its small customer base. News reports of pet thieves being severely beaten are not uncommon here.)
Anyhow, kitties! They're very good, and we love them very much!
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authorangelita · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @lailuhhh!
So, I have a lot of WIPs, and I organize them in a couple of different folders. There's also a Limbo folder for things I don't think I'll finish, so I didn't include file names from that one.
WIP Folder
A Shot in the Dark
Cairo day 1 2024 collapse
casket is empty
don't be dead
grief out is through
Mac captive one year later
Mac tell me where it hurts food poisoning
ranch fic with cathy
writealong can't see take my hand home
writealong playing possum
Foster Mac Grief
Fics to Write Folder
POV of Nikki watching Jack Lake Como
Mac kidnapped Texas
Jack Regrets SAR Team
Frankie Comes to Town
who are you
BTHB Mac Throat Injury
Mac werewolf Jack hunter
grave danger fusion
Work has kept me so busy lately that I'm not sure who's been tagged. If you want to play and haven't been tagged, please consider this your tag and share your WIP file names! 😃
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doctornilaybailey · 4 months
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𓂀 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
Pregnancy, attack, coma, placenta previa, abandonment, adoption, bullying, implied abuse
𓂀 𝚋𝚒𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚢
No one truly knows when someone who’ll become legendary later on in life is born. How history and destiny already have their eyes set on a person. Certainly, no one had expected for little Nilay to become someone like that. Especially not Ceren and Adem Aksoy. After all, who were they? Living originally in Mardin, not having much in money, yet over time giving birth to fraternal twins. A set of twins that they couldn’t afford. It had barely been a few days when they gave up little Nilay; Leaving her on the steps of a foster care organization in Mardin before they left for Istanbul. The Aksoys hadn’t left any information about their baby girl: not her name, not her birthday, nothing about her biological parents or her twin; Absolutely nothing. It was as if the baby girl showed up out of thin air.
The social workers had done everything they could to ensure Nilay’s safety and that she was well-provided for. Situating her in a group home while trying to find her a forever home. For the longest time, they thought it would be easy; She was a brilliant little girl with young, yet soulful, wise eyes. She excelled at school and kept being put in higher grades. Unfortunately, that didn’t leave her with many friends, if any at all. The child remained focused on her studies. With no prospective family, no stable home and being moved from one group home to the other (some were great, making her believe that she would finally find her forever home; some were horrible, leaving her wishing and hoping that she would find her forever home and leave those wretched places forever), and no friends, it was easier that way. She liked it.
At least, she told herself that. For about nine years. The day she met Doctors Jasmine and Richard Bailey, she hadn’t realized that her entire world was about to change forever. That this Brazilian-British couple, who were one of the richest families in the entire world, were about to adopt her and give her the life she could’ve only ever imagined having in her dreams.
From the moment she left with them, her life was suddenly an adventure outside of her books and imagination. They held home bases in London, Salvador, multiple cities in Egypt, Chicago, and Jerusalem; Both due to their families and due to their careers. Richard, Jasmine, their son, and Nilay traveled the world together, the two children being taught by their parents while on the job and visiting the world. This ended up proving to be the best form of schooling for young Nilay, until she graduated high school at the age of twelve. With the family stationed in Chicago for two years, she got her Bachelors at the University of Chicago with triple majors in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Classics, and Archaeology before moving to Cairo. Where she stayed between the ages of fourteen through twenty-four, using that as her own home base and eventually even becoming an Egyptian citizen. It was there that she worked on her Masters and Doctorate at the American University of Cairo, while also working on online schooling for a handful of other universities within the Mediterranean and Near East so that she could better her knowledge of the histories, civilizations, cultures, and languages of the region that she grew up in and loved. Of the region that has captivated her since childhood.
Of course, attending university in Cairo as a young teenager hadn’t been easy for her. While she more than excelled in her studies and in her extracurricular activities, the only friends she had in her life were one family that lived in Cairo, her professors, mentors, and the staff at the Egyptian Museum where she worked at the gift shop. Other students at the uni, especially the older students who had been there for years yet were suddenly shown up by a pipsqueak who was shy and quiet, weren’t too happy about having her there and surpassing them. While there were some who were subtle in showing their distaste for the girl they viewed as a smartass, there were others who were more than vocal about it. Eventually causing things to become so bad that she had to move off campus and at her parents’ home, trying not to be on campus too much for too long aside from class and her extracurricular activities. And if she was there for longer than initially planned, she was always with one of her professors. Her mentors acted as a sanctuary for her without their knowledge over what she was going through.
After her final graduation at the age of eighteen, she began to work at the museum full time. Having been promoted to work on the conservation team, after spending years in the gift shop then as a tour guide, and to work with all kinds of artefacts. While she loved her years there, she eventually moved to London to be closer to her family and to work at the British Museum. Using that time to work on what she wanted her first dig to be while also writing articles for a variety of archaeology, anthropology, and history-based publications. Things had seemed to be looking up for her once she figured things out and was preparing for her first dig season that she was to curate herself. Though, one night, she had gone out to celebrate with some of her colleagues a week before she was to return to her home when she met someone. With them both drunk and her excitement for the future making her feel bold, she shared the night with the stranger. It wasn’t until the next morning when she was sober and hungover that her usual embarrassment and shyness came rushing back in. She hadn’t gotten a good look at the man before she quickly left the hotel room. Telling herself that she would never remember her drunken night ever again.
Moving back to Egypt, she remained focused on her work. Between being on the dig to doing further research at the museum or libraries, Nilay kept her mind focused on the task at hand. It hadn’t been until two months later when she fainted at the excavation site and was rushed to the hospital. With her mentor and most trusted friend by her side, her entire world was changed: she was pregnant. And she had no idea who the father was, having never gotten his name nor even seeing his face while sober.
For the days afterwards, she struggled over what to do concerning the baby. She felt like she wasn’t the best person to raise a child and to become a parent, especially not by herself while she tried to work on her career. Yet the idea of giving the child up for adoption and foster care like she had felt wrong. After all, Nilay had first hand experience with how awful some foster homes could be; Was it fair to risk putting her own child through what she went through? The longer she contemplated things and tried to use work as a distraction, the further along she went into her pregnancy. It hadn’t been until her fourth month when she began to experience agonizing pain that her fear was suddenly escalated. As it turned out, she had placenta previa. And it was possible that she could die if she had this baby.
But the Egyptologist couldn’t give her up. As much as she tried not to think about it for too long, she had begun to love her daughter. She had begun to want her. With the rest of her excavation being put on hold and her family moving to Cairo to take care of her, Nilay focused on bringing her daughter into the world. And while labour had resulted in extreme blood loss, her dying for a moment, and being in a coma for a few days, Nilay woke up. And she met her daughter, Hatshepsut Alexandria Bailey, for the first time. Born in March of 2017.
Nothing had prepared her for how much she loved her daughter. As soon as she was old enough, she began to bring her on her excavations, to all the historical sites and museums that she fell in love with over the course of her life. When Nilay discovered an underground secret temple full of scrolls and scientific equipment dating back to the time of the Library of Alexandria, Hattie had been there. When she would attend conferences all around the globe and do lectures at universities, Hattie was her little helper. When she was promoting her first book and had filmed her first documentary for CuriosityStream, Hattie had joined her along for the ride. Life in Cairo had been good for the little family. However, it was time for a change. And that change came in the form of Blue Harbour, Illinois, back in 2020.
Receiving a job offer to be the curator for one of the new halls at the Chambers Museum and to teach a couple of courses in the Archaeology, Classics, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures departments for the Blue Harbor University, the anthropologist couldn’t be more than thrilled for the chance of a new adventure. And Hattie had been ready to go with her as well. The mother-daughter team made their way to the States and began to work on their new life together. Though, the new job and new home wouldn’t be the biggest change in their life. No… No, that would come in the form of former Amethyst keyboardist and songwriter, Elijah Falvey.
For the longest time, she swore up and down to anyone and everyone that they were purely friends. Yet anyone could see that it was more than that. She fell in love with him, even though she wouldn’t admit that for the longest time. He had become her best friend and the person she trusted the most in her new home. Though, as fate would have it, the man had been falling in love with her in return. The two had been completely drawn together. Though, after Nilay had been attacked in the summer of 2021 and put in a coma, dying multiple times and being brought back, she knew that she needed to tell Eli the truth about her feelings for him. After some time to find the courage, and much inner struggling, they put away their stubbornness and fears to confess their feelings for each other in August 2021.
The two became a couple where, eventually, they discovered that they were pregnant. In spite of having happy months there, full of adventures and love and the two even moving in together, the pregnancy had thrown them in a loop. For over a month, they struggled over what they were going to do. Yet, after a health scare that resulted in the discovery of her facing placenta previa once more, the fear of death and them having limited time together brought them back together. Taking on the rest of the pregnancy together as a team and, fortunately, without much complications, brought their daughter Rhiannon Nurbanu Falvey into the world in July 2022.
Over the years of living together and working on their family, life has proven to be beautiful for the couple. Along with supporting each other's in their endeavors, both concerning their personal, careers, and those together, Nilay's love for Eli has only grown more and more with each passing day. And, as they've began to get closer to their third year anniversary, she has thought more about the future and what it could entail for them. Such as, potentially, a certain matching pair of bands on a certain finger on their left hands and a fancy paper as another, final step to confirm their commitment and love for each other.
𓂀 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜 & 𝚝𝚒𝚍𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚜
📜When it comes to Nilay's career as a documentary hostess and author, her career claim is of historian Bettany Hughes. She has written these books:
Helen of Troy: Goddess, Princess, Whore (2017)
Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities (2019)
Venus and Aphrodite (2022)
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (2024)
And participated in these television programmes:
The Nile: Egypt's Great River (2019)
Egypt's Great Treasures (2019)
A Greek Odyssey (2020)
Secrets of Pompeii's Greatest Treasures (2020)
Egypt's Great Mummies: Unwrapped with Doctor Nilay Bailey - Also known as Top Ten Treasures: Egyptian Mummies (2021)
Pompeii: Secrets of the Dead - One-off documentary (2021)
Doctor Nilay Bailey's Treasures of the World - Three series (2021-2024)
From Paris to Rome with Doctor Nilay Bailey - Travel series (2022)
Exploring India's Treasures with Doctor Nilay Bailey - Two-part documentary (2023)
📜When it comes to her content creating, her career is like that of MoAnInc and Dig It With Raven. With this blog, she does reviews over books and movies that pertain to classical history, civilizations, and mythologies; She does reactions to movies and shows while also going in-depth about their historical accuracies and inaccuracies; She talks about history, civilizations, languages, and mythologies; And more. She started up the channel back in 2019 following the success of her four-part series The Nile: Egypt's Great River. While she hasn't reached one million subscribers yet, she still has a good amount of nearly five hundred thousand.
📜Her adoptive family, the Baileys, have been the owners of the Jade Palace hotelier since the late 1800s and the global fusion restaurant, the Silk Road, in the 1980s. Her parents started working on the JP location in Blue Harbor back in early 2021 before opening officially in April 2022, along with the Silk Road that's located at the hotel yet opened for the public as well as guests.
📜Her parents moved to Blue Harbor in July 2021, after her attack. Wanting to be closer to their daughter and granddaughter, not wanting to risk something happening again only for them to not be there to help them. Which would eventually end up being a good idea once news of Nilay's pregnancy with Rhiannon became known.
📜Nilay left the university after having Rhia. However, she still goes on campus to see her old coworkers and any remaining students she taught, along with occasional lectures, so her presence on campus can still be constant from time to time.
📜Since moving to Blue Harbor in 2020 and being a member of the Chambers Museum, she has joined the town's Historical Society to help protect historical locations and to help inform residents and tourists about Blue Harbor's rich history. She and her family have become avid donators concerning the upkeep for Laurel Village, which is Nilay's personal favourite neighbourhood in town.
📜About every few months, and with a group of others, Nilay goes to the local cemetery to help clean the tombstones. She started doing this not too long after her attack and her brush with death again. It helps scratch the itch whenever she's not excavation, while also helping her feel more grounded. She often forgets that she's alive still; Sometimes, she feels more like a ghost in purgatory. Going to the cemetery and cleaning the tombstones, tracking down the names of those who reside there so she can research them, and bringing flowers when she can helps to remind her that she's not a part of their world—yet.
📜While not necessarily ghost hunting, per se, she sometimes likes to go to abandoned and/or "haunted" historical places. Much like the tombstone cleaning, she does this whenever she feels more ghost than human, and needed to be reminded that she's still alive. While she has yet to catch a ghost, she has wondered a few times if there might've been someone else with her instead of those a part of her party.
📜She's a massive geek for historical reenactments. While she's more partial to ancient, medieval, and the Victorian and Edwardian historical movements, Nilay's more than ready to give anything a try. She has done some videos on her channel of her recreating ancient civilizations wardrobes. One of her most popular videos was her recreating an ancient Anatolian and an Minoan outfits, along with doing historically accurate clothing for Disney characters Megara, Jane Porter, Ariel, and Jasmine, Dreamworks character Marina from Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, and an ancient Anatolian-inspired redesign of Wonder Woman.
📜She's an avid video gamer, completely obsessed with playing games such as Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Civilizations, Catan, and other similar games. She has done some videos for her YouTube channel talking about the games, particularly Assassin's Creed: Origins, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, and Assassin's Creed: Mirage, and some subscribers have recommended she start up a Twitch channel as well so that she could play those games with her audience there.
𓂀 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
📜Nilay's Adoptive Parents - Jasmine and Richard Bailey
📜Nilay's Childhood Best Friend from Egypt
📜Nilay's Short-Term Ex-Partner
📜Nilay's Academic Rival
📜Nilay's Personal Assistants (0/2)
📜Nilay's YouTube Editor
📜Nilay's Former University Coworkers
📜Nilay's Current Museum Coworkers
📜Nilay's Friends
📜Nilay's Fans (YouTube, books, broadcasts, et cetera)
📜Fans of Elijah/Amethyst
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royaliabilities · 6 months
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Zar al Ghul is an Egyptian diplomat, philanthropist and international model who currently serves as chargée d'affaires at the Egyptian Embassy in London, UK.
Upbringing ›
Born on November 1st, 1991, in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, Zar al Ghul (Egyptian Arabic: زار الغول) is the sole offspring of retired diplomat Ra's al Ghul, a native of the Bedouin nomadic tribes dwelling in the Rub' al-Khali desert of the southern Arabian Peninsula, whose ancestors traversed from Sub-Saharan Africa to Saudi Arabia. Drawn to politics from an early age, Ra's left his tribe, settling in Riyadh to pursue his education. Upon becoming chargé d'affaires for his nation in Gift of the Nile, he wed Zar’s mother, Anat al-Durr—an Egyptian-Palestinian prosecutor whose ancestral ties can be traced to Shajarat al-Durr, the first female sultana to rule since Cleopatra VII. Regrettably, Anat perished during childbirth.
Background & Career ›
Following in her father’s footsteps, Zar holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the American University in Cairo (AUC) (2012). During her undergraduate years, she showcased her burgeoning leadership skills through active involvement in various student organizations and diplomatic societies, including the Model UN and the International Relations Student Association (IRSA). Furthermore, she immersed herself in internships and residencies, honing her diplomatic prowess in real-world contexts, where she gained invaluable insights into multilateral diplomacy and global governance.
Zar completed her Master’s in International Law at the University of Cambridge (2014). Showcasing consistent commitment and exceptional academic performance, she subsequently obtained a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)’s Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies (2018).
Simultaneously, Zar initiated her professional career as a foreign affairs officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Her diligence and dedication gained her extensive experience and a deep understanding of her homeland’s diplomatic complexities, ultimately leading to her promotion as the Deputy Head of the Human Rights Department.
In 2020, Zar achieved a noteworthy milestone in her career upon becoming an advisor on human rights issues at the Egyptian Diplomatic Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York, US. She passionately led initiatives aimed at combating human trafficking and improving refugee living conditions, which garnered recognition and acclaim from both her superiors and peers.
Presently, Zar serves as a chargée d'affaires at the Egyptian Embassy in London, diligently working to strengthen Egypt’s bilateral relations with the UK and promote cultural exchange between the two countries. With steadfast commitment to diplomacy and fostering cross-cultural goodwill, she tirelessly drives her country’s foreign policy goals while cultivating ties with her host nation.
Philanthropy ›
Zar is involved with her own charity organization Help From Your Heart; since 2013. The project distributes donations to families and children in orphanages in Cairo. Additionally, the foundation supports the Paws for a Cause, which provides aid and shelter to street animals, further extending its impact within the community.
Modeling ›
Throughout her diplomatic missions, Zar’s alluring beauty garnered significant attention. Her tall, slender frame, perfectly complemented by her polished onyx eyes and lustrous black hair, quickly caught the eye of the fashion industry.
While initially hesitant to step into the limelight, she soon recognized the opportunity to use her platform to promote her values and champion humanitarian causes. Balancing her ambassadorial responsibilities with the modeling career, Zar has covered more than 50 magazine in Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, France, Italy and four times on the cover of Elle Middle East and Marie Claire Arabia, Vogue Arabia & Italy.
Affiliations ›
Ra's al Ghul (father), Anat al-Durr (mother), Zain Javadd Malik (husband), Cattleya al Ghul Malik (daughter), Yahya Abdul-Malik II (son)
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Hello! First of all: love this blog! Second: I read a lot of queer books and as it turns out a lot of them weren’t already on your spreadsheet so uh. Sorry in advance for what I’m about to do to your inbox/queue 😅
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders
The Time Slip Girl by Elizabeth Andre
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
The Queen of Cups by Ren Basel
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
This Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron
Werecockroach by Polenth Blake
In the Vanishers’ Palace by Aliette de Bodard
Wain: LGBT Reimaginings of Scottish Folktales by Helene Boppert and Rachel Plummer
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Tremontaine: The Complete Season One by Patty Bryant, Malinda Lo, Racheline Maltese, Joel Derfner, Ellen Kushner, Paul Witcover, and Alaya Dawn Johnson
This Other World by AC Buchanan
In Memoriam by Nathan Burgoine
The Dark Beneath the Ice by Amelinda Bérubé
Felix Ever After by Karen Callender
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
Once & Future by AR Capetta and Cory McCarthy
The Brilliant Death by AR Capetta
XX by Angela Chadwick
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
The Vela by Becky Chambers, Rivers Solomon, Yoon Ha Lee, and SL Huang
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
The True Queen by Zen Cho
The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho
The Water that Falls on You From Nowhere by John Chu
The Shape of My Name by Nino Cipri
A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djèlí Clark
Girlhood by Cat Clarke
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova
Dreadnought by April Daniels
Sovereign by April Daniels
Thornfruit by Felicia Davin
Nightvine by Felicia Davin
Shadebloom by Felicia Davin
Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Stay Another Day by Juno Dawson
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Bitter by Akwaeke Emezi
The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster
Bingo Love by Tee Franklin
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez
We Go Around in the Night and Are Consumed by Fire by Jules Grant
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
The One Hundred Nights of Hero by Isabel Greenberg
Keeper of the Dawn by Dianna Gunn
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
The Outside by Ada Hoffman
The Fallen by Ada Hoffman
The Infinite by Ada Hoffman
Mindtouch by MCA Hogarth
Sing the Four Quarters by Tanya Huff
The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson
The City of Woven Streets by Emmi Itäranta
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann
The Beast of Callaire by Saruuh Kelsey
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy
An Excess Male by Maggie Shen King
Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
Crimson by Niviaq Korneliussen
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
The Faerie Godmother’s Apprentice Wore Green by Nicky Kyle
Avi Cantor Has Six Months to Live by Sacha Lamb
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
Goldie Vance Vol. 1 by Hope Larson
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie
Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
Not Your Sidekick by CB Lee
Not Your Villain by CB Lee
Not Your Backup by CB Lee
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
The Fox’s Tower and Other Tales by Yoon Ha Lee
Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Adaptation by Malinda Lo
Inheritance by Malinda Lo
Natural Selection by Malinda Lo
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
The Hand, the Eye, and the Heart by Zoë Marriott
Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald
Luna: Wolf Moon by Ian McDonald
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Forbid the Sea by Seanan McGuire
In Sea-Salt Tears by Seanan McGuire
The Unbinding of Mary Reade by Miriam McNamara
An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows
A Tyranny of Queens by Foz Meadows
All Out: The No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages ed. Saundra Mitchell
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott
Princess Princess Ever After by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Festival by K. O’Neill
The Tea Dragon Tapestry by K. O’Neill
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Stormsong by CL Polk
Soulstar by CL Polk
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Tiger’s Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera
The Phoenix Empress by K Arsenault Rivera
The Warrior Moon by K Arsenault Rivera
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland
Birthday by Meredith Russo
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Dying for a Living by Kory M. Shrum
Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver
History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding
The Traitor’s Tunnel by CM Spivey
Nimona by ND Stevenson
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver
Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time by KM Szpara
As I Descended by Robin Talley
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Drowned Country by Emily Tesh
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull
Crier’s War by Nina Varela
Iron Heart by Nina Varela
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
System Collapse by Martha Wells
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
The Red Threads of Fortune by Neon Yang
The Descent of Monsters by Neon Yang
The Ascent to Godhood by Neon Yang
Waiting on a Bright Moon by Neon Yang
Taproot by Keezy Young
Phew! Finally got all of these queued! Thank you so much for the list, and for arranging them so neatly, which definitely made it easier to transfer over to a spreadsheet!
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sgcairo · 2 years
cairo i am begging you to write reader and irnes babysitting anastasiy
reader has younger siblings (right?) so they’re probably good with children and irnes is essentially all the clones’ big brother so
idk i think it be really sweet if anastasiy told reader that ‘big brother is really happy when you’re around’ or something
Ask and ye shall receive!
(And I have not decided if reader has siblings or not, that's up to you guys! They do hang around the kids back home though, so they wrangle gremlins all the time.)
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With some turmoil going on overseas, Pantalone and Dottore have been called away to deal with a threat, leaving Irnes in charge of keeping the child alive. Which he's done before, it's easy enough!
Anastasiy is probably one of the most tame children ever fostered within the Fatui ranks. Quiet, always eats his vegetables, usually keeps to himself and is very agreeable to anything you ask of him (without reason, which Irnes does feel bad about). You find it a little peculiar, that he's not as rambunctious as the boys back home, especially given that the clones are straight up nutjobs and he's been around them so much. But he's cute, and when Irnes pulls you aside to come babysit with him... your superior officer can't exactly say no.
That's how you got here, sitting on the floor of the Regrator's office, the fire crackling merrily as Anastasiy sits across from you, doodling in a little notebook, one of the Doctor's journals open to a page on aranaras. You can't tell if he's copying from it or not until you notice the scribbles that are supposed to be handwriting. It's kind of cute, minus the fact that he's taking after the absolutely deranged Doctor, but hey- Irnes is also a byproduct of the deranged Doctor in question, so you can't really complain. In fact, when he hands you a sheet of paper and pushes some of his pencils over encouragingly, you're compelled to do your own drawing, glancing over at Irnes, who is currently occupying one of Pantalone's velvetine chairs, his cane propped up beside him and focus on the report that's piled in his lap, the pages close to falling over and scattering everywhere.
It's peaceful, and you can now say that you've been in the Regrator's office, which isn't an accomplishment you expected to claim.
You're fairly decent at drawing (at least that's what you tell yourself), so you decide to pick the most beautiful thing in the room to draw: Irnes. Today in particular, he's wearing an embroidered suit, which only adds to his charm, if you do say so yourself. Sketching him is easy enough- you don't have to worry about uneven or misshapen eyes, the mask more than covers it, and he's not moving around, capturing his wider shoulders and tapered waist the best you can. You even find yourself shading in the scars on his neck and cheek, trailing down his jaw and disappearing inside his collar. It's easy to get lost in such a rhythmic and relaxing activity, and you don't even realize Irnes is leaned over to look at your drawing until he chuckles, startling you out of your trance.
"You didn't tell me you were an artist, my dear."
"I'm not, really. It's a side hobby, at best."
"I must disagree! It's quite accurate, if I do say so myself... And a bit flattering, my dear."
"Surely you don't think I'm that attractive."
"...Irnes please."
"I'm joking, I'm joking, my dear!"
The rest of the afternoon is relatively quiet. Irnes eventually joins the two of you on the floor, claiming that his brain is leaking out of his ears (which gets a laugh from you), and lays down next to you, occasionally glancing over at you with the glee of a child seeing toys at the market. The child continues to draw, until he has a few pages of scribbles and aranaras (which are green blobs with hats, but it's too cute for you to laugh at), eventually putting it aside and instead wandering off to the bookshelf, pulling out his favorite book and flopping down next to Irnes.
It's weirdly relaxing, this domesticity.
"My dear, what's your opinion on hydraulics?"
"Sounds awfully pretentious."
"Exactly! Those Fontainians are obsessed with them, I will never understand the excitement around them. Electrical circuits are so much more effective when paired with high caliber pistons!"
"High caliber pistons, huh?"
"Well, backed by some well oiled motors, but yes! I'll have to show you sometime, my dear, it's rather mesmerizing to watch..."
Irnes continues to rant about Fontainian hydraulics, the child getting up again and instead coming to sit by you, still reading. He's still weirdly quiet, but Irnes is more than happy to fill the silence with an in depth explanation of how electrical circuits function, even scribbling a little diagram on a piece of paper nearby.
"Big brother really likes you."
"Big brother talks about you a lot. He likes you lots."
"Does he?"
"Whatever are you two talking about over there?"
Irnes chuckled, noticing that you'd gotten distracted, not to mention that your face was a little pink.
"Nothing important- Keep talking!"
"Fine, fine! But I'll find out some day..."
Irnes is about to speak again when Anastasiy speaks up.
"You two should kiss."
Oh no.
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amllfareed598 · 25 days
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo is a cutting-edge residential development located in the heart of New Cairo, one of Egypt’s most sought-after areas, This project, developed by Minka Development, offers an exceptional living experience by combining modern architectural designs with luxurious amenities, making it an attractive choice for those who desire a contemporary lifestyle.
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo  was developed by Capital Hills Real Estate Development Company, a prominent name in the Egyptian real estate market known for its innovative and high-quality developments, Minka Development is committed to delivering projects that meet international standards of design and construction, ensuring that Morfo New Cairo is a first-class residential community, The developer's reputation for excellence and timely delivery makes Morfo New Cairo a reliable investment for homebuyers.
Features of the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo stands out with its unique and innovative design, emphasizing sustainable living and eco-friendly architecture, The project is characterized by its green spaces, beautifully landscaped gardens, and tree-lined avenues, creating a serene and tranquil environment for residents.
One of the key highlights of Morfo New Cairo is its focus on community living, with a wide range of shared amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports courts, The development also includes dedicated spaces for social gatherings, including outdoor lounges, barbecue areas, and community centers, fostering a sense of community among residents, Additionally, Morfo New Cairo offers advanced security systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment, You can find out more information about the project by visiting the newcairo website
Types of units in the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo offers a diverse range of residential units to cater to different preferences and family sizes, The project includes stylish apartments, townhouses, and duplexes, each designed with a modern aesthetic and high-quality finishes, Apartments are available in various configurations, ranging from one to three-bedroom units, while townhouses and duplexes offer more spacious living options with three to five bedrooms, Each unit is designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Morfo New Cairo project unit prices
In terms of prices, Morfo New Cairo project offers competitive prices for the level of luxury and quality provided, A one-bedroom apartment starting from 65 square meters at a price starting from 3,375,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the unit’s area and features, The developer offers flexible payment plans, making it easier for buyers to invest in the property they desire.
The Morfo New Cairo project is one of the distinctive projects that you can benefit from by reserving a unit in the project at the lowest prices and with a convenient installment system, Hurry now.
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jungle-angel · 7 months
Play On Player (Frat!Rhett x Reader)
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Summary: After the big game you and Rhett decide to have some fun in the locker room and at his place
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Warnings apply to all
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia @callmemana
The stadium was as loud as ever with the cheering crowds, the shrill blow of a whistle and the clattering of helmets as the two teams went toe to toe against each other. It was late, almost ten thirty as the game went into overtime, everyone a tired and sweaty mess, wanting nothing more than to go home.
"Think imma throw up," Bo Andreola groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Puke bucket's behind ya if ya'll need it," Coach Harris chuckled.
"Ain't nobody pukin yet," Coach Carter told him. "Still got two minutes left."
The whistle blew again and sure enough the teams went at it, scrambling to tackle, defend or grab the ball in whatever way they saw fit. Either one more touchdown or running out the clock would've done them good. It would be a close game, a butt-clencher of epic proportions. The whistle blew again and just in the nick of time. The smallest member of the team and a pledge to the Delta Tau Epsilon Fraternity, Rhett's own, had managed to earn the team a field goal kick.
"Alright, Abbott, Dutton, Andreola, get your asses in their and give'em hell!" Coach Harris ordered.
Rhett, Kayce and Bo grabbed their helmets and charged right in there, ready to kick some ass and take names before the night was over. Rhett looked up at the jumbotron and could see you in the crowd with some of the Phi Gamma girls as well as a few of his brothers. Foster and Cairo were both huddled together under Foster's big Montana State blanket, pulling you in as you waved to everyone.
Rhett could feel himself coming alive, a fire burning deep inside as he crouched behind several of the players. Rowdy Collins, the smallest member of the team, lined himself up and kicked the ball right through the goal, the crowd roaring with glee as the points went to the Bobcats.
"And the ball goes to Rhett Abbott of Montana State, he's got it, he's got it, just another yard and TOUCHDOWN!!!!!"
Rhett skidded into the endzone, rolling right on his back and landing with the ball right where he needed to be. He jumped right up as the rest of the team scrambled towards him, lifting Rhett up onto their shoulders.
The crowd went absolutely bonkers, the two head coaches in complete disbelief. Never in the entirety of John Carter and Kurt Harris's careers had they seen such a sudden victory. Proud as they were, they hadn't expected to have a cooler full of purple Gatorade dumped all over them once the team came back.
Family, friends, frat brothers and sorority sisters rushed the fields, yourself included, in the heat of their own ecstasy. Rhett saw you coming and caught you right in his arms, planting a heated kiss right on your lips. You didn't care that he was a sweaty, disgusting mess or that his gear was all covered in grass stains and dirt. All that mattered to you both was the moment at hand.
Rhett and several members of the team gave a few words to the reporters who had showed up, but you could tell that all he wanted was to get the hell out of there and go home.
"You ok Rhett?" you asked as he buried his face in the curve of your neck.
"Wanna go home," he mumbled. "Want you so bad."
You felt his sweaty, stubbly chin grazing a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. The two of you moved your way away from the crowd, sneaking away unnoticed into the locker room where Rhett completely stripped himself of his gear, taking only his jersey to be thrown in the washer later.
You waited for him and finally he returned, completely showered off and feeling much better. He kissed your cheek first and then your jaw, finally trailing to your lips, humming into the kiss as you returned it.
"Wanna go back home?" he asked.
You nodded. You yourself were dead tired but thankfully there were no classes tomorrow and that it was already the start of spring break.
Rhett kissed you again, backing you up just ever so slightly until you felt the cool concrete against your back and Rhett's denim clad hips against yours. You felt him rutting into you just a little bit, that noticeable bulge in his jeans giving you just enough friction to know that you needed him......now.
"Wait, wait," you said, breaking away from the kiss just a little. "Home first."
"Why?" he asked, attacking your neck. "S'matter with here?"
"Showers are super gross," you answered. "Don't know what or who's been washed off in there."
"Oh yeah, right, right," Rhett said, suddenly pulling away and making a face at the thought.
You hurried out of the locker room and out to the parking lot to Rhett's truck, hurrying back down the road towards the Delta Tau house. No one was home yet and probably wouldn't be until the afterparty was over.
Rhett ran his jersey through the wash and set it on power dry before you came upstairs. God it felt so good to lay back in his own bed again after a game. He was still sore, but hopefully, he'd be able to take two Aleve and get a rubdown with the liquid heat in the morning.
"Rhett you up here?" you asked.
"C'mon in sweetpea," he answered.
And oh did you. Rhett's eyes went wide, almost black with lust when he saw you walking in wearing his dark blue and gold jersey......and nothing else.
"C'mere," he said, his voice deep and gravely.
You gladly went to him, straddling his waist before he sat upright and pulled you close to him. Your kissing was sloppy, open mouthed and filthy as Rhett whispered dirty, dirty words right in your ear, the tickling of his breath making that tingling feeling between your legs grow along with the wetness.
"Oh my God," he groaned. "Look so good wearin my jersey......and no panties underneath."
You moaned as he attacked your neck again, reaching onto his dresser for the condom, biting off the wrapper and getting it slipped on quicker than you could blink. You moaned when he entered you, having not realized how big his cock actually was. Sure, you had seen it through those football tights he wore, but to feel it this close was a bit of a shock.
It was a blur of heavy breaths, intense thrusting of hips and filthy groaning before you and Rhett both came together, your heads resting against each other from exhaustion.
"You.......you're ......you're fuckin amazing," he panted.
You laughed, moaning a little bit when he finally pulled out of you to go and run the bath in the joint bathroom. The both of you relaxed and let the hot water run over the both of you.
"Sleepin in tomorrow?" Rhett asked.
"You have no idea," you chuckled.
Rhett laughed a little too as you both relaxed against each other, staring at the jersey that was hung on the door hook. Sure the game had been a nice win, but as far as you both were concerned, you were each other's greatest win.
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nouurr569 · 25 days
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo is a cutting-edge residential development located in the heart of New Cairo, one of Egypt’s most sought-after areas, This project, developed by Minka Development, offers an exceptional living experience by combining modern architectural designs with luxurious amenities, making it an attractive choice for those who desire a contemporary lifestyle.
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo  was developed by Capital Hills Real Estate Development Company, a prominent name in the Egyptian real estate market known for its innovative and high-quality developments, Minka Development is committed to delivering projects that meet international standards of design and construction, ensuring that Morfo New Cairo is a first-class residential community, The developer's reputation for excellence and timely delivery makes Morfo New Cairo a reliable investment for homebuyers.
Features of the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo stands out with its unique and innovative design, emphasizing sustainable living and eco-friendly architecture, The project is characterized by its green spaces, beautifully landscaped gardens, and tree-lined avenues, creating a serene and tranquil environment for residents.
One of the key highlights of Morfo New Cairo is its focus on community living, with a wide range of shared amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports courts, The development also includes dedicated spaces for social gatherings, including outdoor lounges, barbecue areas, and community centers, fostering a sense of community among residents, Additionally, Morfo New Cairo offers advanced security systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment, You can find out more information about the project by visiting the newcairo website
Types of units in the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo offers a diverse range of residential units to cater to different preferences and family sizes, The project includes stylish apartments, townhouses, and duplexes, each designed with a modern aesthetic and high-quality finishes, Apartments are available in various configurations, ranging from one to three-bedroom units, while townhouses and duplexes offer more spacious living options with three to five bedrooms, Each unit is designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Morfo New Cairo project unit prices
In terms of prices, Morfo New Cairo project offers competitive prices for the level of luxury and quality provided, A one-bedroom apartment starting from 65 square meters at a price starting from 3,375,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the unit’s area and features, The developer offers flexible payment plans, making it easier for buyers to invest in the property they desire.
The Morfo New Cairo project is one of the distinctive projects that you can benefit from by reserving a unit in the project at the lowest prices and with a convenient installment system, Hurry now.
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bassantllleeem · 25 days
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo is a cutting-edge residential development located in the heart of New Cairo, one of Egypt’s most sought-after areas, This project, developed by Minka Development, offers an exceptional living experience by combining modern architectural designs with luxurious amenities, making it an attractive choice for those who desire a contemporary lifestyle.
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo  was developed by Capital Hills Real Estate Development Company, a prominent name in the Egyptian real estate market known for its innovative and high-quality developments, Minka Development is committed to delivering projects that meet international standards of design and construction, ensuring that Morfo New Cairo is a first-class residential community, The developer's reputation for excellence and timely delivery makes Morfo New Cairo a reliable investment for homebuyers.
Features of the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo stands out with its unique and innovative design, emphasizing sustainable living and eco-friendly architecture, The project is characterized by its green spaces, beautifully landscaped gardens, and tree-lined avenues, creating a serene and tranquil environment for residents.
One of the key highlights of Morfo New Cairo is its focus on community living, with a wide range of shared amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports courts, The development also includes dedicated spaces for social gatherings, including outdoor lounges, barbecue areas, and community centers, fostering a sense of community among residents, Additionally, Morfo New Cairo offers advanced security systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment, You can find out more information about the project by visiting the newcairo website
Types of units in the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo offers a diverse range of residential units to cater to different preferences and family sizes, The project includes stylish apartments, townhouses, and duplexes, each designed with a modern aesthetic and high-quality finishes, Apartments are available in various configurations, ranging from one to three-bedroom units, while townhouses and duplexes offer more spacious living options with three to five bedrooms, Each unit is designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Morfo New Cairo project unit prices
In terms of prices, Morfo New Cairo project offers competitive prices for the level of luxury and quality provided, A one-bedroom apartment starting from 65 square meters at a price starting from 3,375,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the unit’s area and features, The developer offers flexible payment plans, making it easier for buyers to invest in the property they desire.
The Morfo New Cairo project is one of the distinctive projects that you can benefit from by reserving a unit in the project at the lowest prices and with a convenient installment system, Hurry now.
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amllp369 · 25 days
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo is a cutting-edge residential development located in the heart of New Cairo, one of Egypt’s most sought-after areas, This project, developed by Minka Development, offers an exceptional living experience by combining modern architectural designs with luxurious amenities, making it an attractive choice for those who desire a contemporary lifestyle.
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo  was developed by Capital Hills Real Estate Development Company, a prominent name in the Egyptian real estate market known for its innovative and high-quality developments, Minka Development is committed to delivering projects that meet international standards of design and construction, ensuring that Morfo New Cairo is a first-class residential community, The developer's reputation for excellence and timely delivery makes Morfo New Cairo a reliable investment for homebuyers.
Features of the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo stands out with its unique and innovative design, emphasizing sustainable living and eco-friendly architecture, The project is characterized by its green spaces, beautifully landscaped gardens, and tree-lined avenues, creating a serene and tranquil environment for residents.
One of the key highlights of Morfo New Cairo is its focus on community living, with a wide range of shared amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports courts, The development also includes dedicated spaces for social gatherings, including outdoor lounges, barbecue areas, and community centers, fostering a sense of community among residents, Additionally, Morfo New Cairo offers advanced security systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment, You can find out more information about the project by visiting the newcairo website
Types of units in the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo offers a diverse range of residential units to cater to different preferences and family sizes, The project includes stylish apartments, townhouses, and duplexes, each designed with a modern aesthetic and high-quality finishes, Apartments are available in various configurations, ranging from one to three-bedroom units, while townhouses and duplexes offer more spacious living options with three to five bedrooms, Each unit is designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Morfo New Cairo project unit prices
In terms of prices, Morfo New Cairo project offers competitive prices for the level of luxury and quality provided, A one-bedroom apartment starting from 65 square meters at a price starting from 3,375,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the unit’s area and features, The developer offers flexible payment plans, making it easier for buyers to invest in the property they desire.
The Morfo New Cairo project is one of the distinctive projects that you can benefit from by reserving a unit in the project at the lowest prices and with a convenient installment system, Hurry now.
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lollafareed-blog · 25 days
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo is a cutting-edge residential development located in the heart of New Cairo, one of Egypt’s most sought-after areas, This project, developed by Minka Development, offers an exceptional living experience by combining modern architectural designs with luxurious amenities, making it an attractive choice for those who desire a contemporary lifestyle.
Morfo New Cairo
Morfo New Cairo  was developed by Capital Hills Real Estate Development Company, a prominent name in the Egyptian real estate market known for its innovative and high-quality developments, Minka Development is committed to delivering projects that meet international standards of design and construction, ensuring that Morfo New Cairo is a first-class residential community, The developer's reputation for excellence and timely delivery makes Morfo New Cairo a reliable investment for homebuyers.
Features of the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo stands out with its unique and innovative design, emphasizing sustainable living and eco-friendly architecture, The project is characterized by its green spaces, beautifully landscaped gardens, and tree-lined avenues, creating a serene and tranquil environment for residents.
One of the key highlights of Morfo New Cairo is its focus on community living, with a wide range of shared amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports courts, The development also includes dedicated spaces for social gatherings, including outdoor lounges, barbecue areas, and community centers, fostering a sense of community among residents, Additionally, Morfo New Cairo offers advanced security systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment, You can find out more information about the project by visiting the newcairo website
Types of units in the Morfo New Cairo project
Morfo New Cairo offers a diverse range of residential units to cater to different preferences and family sizes, The project includes stylish apartments, townhouses, and duplexes, each designed with a modern aesthetic and high-quality finishes, Apartments are available in various configurations, ranging from one to three-bedroom units, while townhouses and duplexes offer more spacious living options with three to five bedrooms, Each unit is designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Morfo New Cairo project unit prices
In terms of prices, Morfo New Cairo project offers competitive prices for the level of luxury and quality provided, A one-bedroom apartment starting from 65 square meters at a price starting from 3,375,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the unit’s area and features, The developer offers flexible payment plans, making it easier for buyers to invest in the property they desire.
The Morfo New Cairo project is one of the distinctive projects that you can benefit from by reserving a unit in the project at the lowest prices and with a convenient installment system, Hurry now.
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