janasstuffsblog · 2 years
Call Center Productivity & Flexible Serviced Office Designs
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At this day and age, we have learned to acknowledge the fact that good design has enough power to influence the way we think and behave. And as today’s call center businesses finally see the value of employees truly engaged in their work – a good example of encouraging certain patterns of thought and behavior – they finally realized that maybe they should be paying more attention to their overall office design.
Environmental psychologists are mavens of design for the scientific world. They are the ones who concentrate their attention to sensory experiences, psychosocial factors, psychological drives, and how it influences the effects of being in one space or another. A large number of environmental psychologists are moving what early scientist have learned about how humans experience space into design practice where it can help make people’s lives better.
Among the factors that they focus on is how design affects one’s mood. Through a series of psychological chain reactions, mood influences worker engagement – meaning, a positive state of mind results in enhanced levels of engagement and productivity. So in order to create engaging environments, BPO organizations need to design a workplace that emits positive mood.
Call center employees who work in offices as such convey to their colleagues that their employers value their presence in the team and the contribution that they make to their company – and the good feeling they get from being respected enhances their engagement. Admittedly, it’s easy to come up with mission and vision statements that go on such great lengths to discuss how much professionals are prized by those handing them their paychecks; so instead of paying attention into these proclamations, they focus on interpreting the messages sent by the environment they are placed in. BPO organizations spend tons of their budget on their respective call center workspaces. Hence, it’s no surprise that what they are communicating to the members of the workforce carry more weight than easily generated passages.
Workspaces indicate respect for its users when it supports them as they do their jobs – employees want to do their work well and this creates a big influence in one’s self-identity.
Generally speaking, designers speak to the employees who will work in that space regarding their jobs and how it can be designed in such a way that would optimize their performance. Unfortunately, those offices built out of the said conversations often don’t align. More often than not, it gets designed to look good – to resemble that one workspace seen by the CEO from some magazine spread.
Instead of copying some other aesthetically pleasing space, the main aim of its design should be to be able to help workers do well in contributing to their respective companies. Most workers need acoustical focus in accomplishing certain tasks – a feature that’s hard to achieve in a field of cubicles or amongst a sea of faces sitting at long tables.
One good idea is harnessing the power of color. Whenever people are doing tasks that require a lot of mental work, their environment should be relaxing, and when work is relatively easy, energizing spaces are needed. Individuals feel relaxed around colors that aren’t very saturated but are relatively bright. A moderate visual complexity works best – meaning that space should only have few colors and patterns.
Another suggestion is for call center organizations to leave enough room for their employees to control both their environment and work day. Workers should have a say on the lighting and temperature of their workplace. In addition to this, professionals value companies that allows them to utilize a variety of workspaces depending on their needs.
The design has enough power to enhance an employee’s productivity. Moreover, sincere spaces that reflect their needs and concerns is something that today’s workforce values. One good example of this is the growing number of professionally managed offices such as call center seat leasing and flexible private offices. Though the movement admittedly has gained a lot of critics, there’s no denying that modern professionals lean towards work conditions that help them reach their goals. In addition to this, it gives ample room for recreational activities so that they can take good care of their personal lives too. These are the types of environments that keep them engaged.
And in case you’re in search of a new home that would be beneficial to your team, talk to us today, and we’ll show you a few engaging serviced offices.
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janasstuffsblog · 2 years
Overcoming Small Business Hurdles as an Entrepreneur
Making the big jump from a regular employee to a my-own-boss small business owner is gratifying. You’ve finally overpowered your biggest fear of taking risks, you’ve freed yourself of the usual 9-to-5 work hour, and you’re finally making your dreams come true, slowly but surely.
But another thing we need to remember about being an entrepreneur is that it is as fulfilling as challenging. With the prediction that within five years, half of all businesses will fail, and only thirty percent of them will make it for ten years, many small business owners like yourself face three challenges or business hurdles common among several startups of different niches and industries: funding, knowledge, and fear of failure.
Funding and managing one’s finances is – and will always be – a newbie’s number one challenge from the day they decided to walk away from their desk job. Whether you started the business as a means of gaining financial independence, wanting to be your own boss, or realizing your dream of turning your passion into a full-time career, all startups need good funding and financing for it to be established and to maintain sustainable growth, regardless of its nature.
A quarter of a thousand young entrepreneurs admit that money remains one of their biggest challenges, and most of the time, these new business owners turn to their family or friends for help. Luckily, there are now other alternatives aside from asking for the hand of those close to us. Crowdfunding has become a powerful tool for startups, and specific local governments have started offering grants for micro-entrepreneurs who qualify for their requirements. If you think your startup could use a little help to stabilize your operations further and overcome small business hurdles, you can get in touch with your municipal government for any grants. Moreover, in terms of financing, there are also several ways you can ensure that your limited resource is being put into sound investments. For example, instead of spending a lot on a new office, you have the option to settle for a serviced office depending on what you think your business needs. If you simply want to give your startup a proper business address, you can also try virtual offices, and should you believe that it’s time to give your brainchild a space of your own, you can lease a small private office.
Know-how comes as the second most common hurdle that young entrepreneurs face. Admittedly, most SMEs today are led by people following their passions, not by those with business expertise. And because of this, owners – and yourself included – can’t help but feel insecure that they don’t exactly have what it takes to ensure the success of their own business.
But with the growing number of professionals carving their own career paths, it’s now easier for your kind to share knowledge and stories among one another.  Serviced offices, like Sales Rain, cultivate creative and supportive communities of freelancers and young entrepreneurs, wherein they are free to mentor and support one another as they go through the different business hurdles of independent working.
Fear of Failure
Lastly, and perhaps a challenge that every one of us goes through each day, is the fear of failure. With the growing high cost of living and increasing pressure amongst millennials to have successful careers, the stakes became higher, leaving small business owners more afraid of making mistakes than before. But as you go through the journey of maintaining your startup, you’ll soon realize that failure poses an opportunity for improvement. Not just for your business, but your personal skills as well. Having a community or peer group like the one we mentioned above helps you see the silver lining of challenging times.
Today’s work landscape has opened further for those who want to pave their own roads towards a fulfilling career. By continuously expanding your network and finding new solutions to the hurdles you face, you’ll earn a new tool every day in your journey.
Talk to Sales Rain today, and we’ll help you find new ways to overcome all these business hurdles!
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kennethqt · 2 years
Let's spread the joy of this day and celebrate the beginning of hope. May your homes be filled with happiness, peace, and abundance as we receive God's divine grace. Have an eggs-tra special #Easter!
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kennethqt · 3 years
Millions of employees began working from home when the COVID19 pandemic hit the globe in March 2020. Series of community lockdowns and restrictions have been imposed demanding nearly every individual to stay at home for months. From businesses closing down to people losing their jobs, this health crisis has clearly caused the most serious disruption to workplaces while continuously putting pressure on the global economy.
Alongside efforts to address the ongoing pandemic, country leaders have altered their way of working to ensure safety among its members and thrive amid the current circumstances. Business owners were forced to innovate and get creative in formulating solutions to accommodate a whole new set of requirements from its employees and clients. The year-long upheaval due to the COVID19 crisis made working from home the ‘new norm’ for many companies and professionals.
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kennethqt · 3 years
Valentine's Day 2022 | Sales Rain May your heart be at peace no matter what your relationship status is and give yourself the love you deserve every day. Happy Hearts Day! 💗💓💖 Let's have a little fun with these Valentine sweets and try to pause the video on the "LOVED" candy. 🍬🍭 Screenshot and comment your attempts below. #ValentinesDay2022
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kennethqt · 3 years
Valentine's Day 2022 | Sales Rain May your heart be at peace no matter what your relationship status is and give yourself the love you deserve every day. Happy Hearts Day! 💗💓💖 Let's have a little fun with these Valentine sweets and try to pause the video on the "LOVED" candy. 🍬🍭 Screenshot and comment your attempts below. #ValentinesDay2022
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kennethqt · 3 years
Chinese New Year 2022 | Sales Rain
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Let’s welcome the Lunar Year with great happiness, good fortune, and lasting prosperity! Catch the Water Tiger as we all ROAR to abundant luck and new beginnings! 🧧 🧨🐅 #HappyCNY2022 #KungHeiFatChoi #YearoftheWaterTiger #LunarNewYear #GongXiFaCai
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kennethqt · 3 years
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Let’s welcome the Lunar Year with great happiness, good fortune, and lasting prosperity! Catch the Water Tiger as we all ROAR to abundant luck and new beginnings! 🧧 🧨🐅 #HappyCNY2022 #KungHeiFatChoi #YearoftheWaterTiger #LunarNewYear #GongXiFaCai
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kennethqt · 3 years
It is a well-known fact that the Filipino people, together with its beloved homeland, went through several bleak circumstances the past year. With the rampant war on drugs and the various political disputes that they have witnessed firsthand, one would assume that these individuals would be pessimistic about the coming year.
Yet it seems that this is not the case at all.
According to the Gallup’s annual global End of Year Survey, the Philippines ranked third as the happiest country in the world following Fiji and Columbia – a completely stark contrast to the results of the 2017 World Happiness Report wherein the Philippines found itself all the way down to the 72nd place.
Orchestrating an opinion poll amongst 55 countries, the aforementioned research covered the overall optimism of the participating countries for the coming 2018. The Philippines garnered a net rate of +84 in the study’s happiness index and a net rate of +40 in its hope index, classifying it as the 9th optimistic country in the world.
Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said in a conference last Wednesday, January 3rd that the current administration would see to it that the Filipino people’s happiness will have a strong foundation by ensuring improvement of the economy and of the government as well.
Economic Optimism, Hope, and Happiness
Going further, the study reported a decline in economic optimism over the last months. Results showed that though 28% of the world now possess a confident outlook towards the year 2017, economic pessimism remain to be 2 points higher. A downward trend has been observed since the end of 2015 down to the end of 2017.
As for hope, a bit less than 40% of the surveyed population believe that 2018 will surely be better than 2017 – 13 points down compared to last 2016. An alarming 23% expect an even worse year and 32% believe that things will remain to be the same as 2017.
Lastly, over two-thirds or 59% of the participating communities claim that they are happy – almost 10 points lower in contrast to twelve months ago. And though the past year was deemed to be a tough one with numerous terrorist attacks around the world, majority of all the respondents are happy.
Third Happiest Country
Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque says that the country’s ranking didn’t surprise him. In a statement to Inquirer, Roque said that Filipinos are known to be happy, resilient people who manage to smile amid difficulties. Hence, it’s not much a surprise to him that the Philippines ranked 3rd in the global happiness index.
The Filipino people’s inborn nature of hospitality is one of the major characteristics that attract foreigners besides its beautiful beaches and scenery. Digital nomads is sure to have an easy time settling in with the help of its friendly locals. In addition to this, plenty of coworking spaces can now be found scattered among the islands. These shared offices is home to several passionate resident professionals always ready to welcome new members with open arms – another crucial factor that captivated the hearts of remote workers.
Freelancers and entrepreneurs fell in love with the country’s happy nature for it helps them overcome loneliness that is often felt by independent workers. According to a 2010 YouGov poll, a vast majority of homeworkers suffer loneliness and isolation as they don’t have the presence and support of colleagues and workmates.
Recently, an alarming increase of the number of affected workers have been observed, resulting to psychologists and scholars highlighting the potential danger it possess. A study from the University of North Carolina reports that loneliness can elevate an individual’s risk of heart disease, stroke as well as cancer – making it as menacing to your health as the lack of physical activity. Majority of us have undermined loneliness and isolation for years, unaware of how treacherous it could actually be.
Experts says that in order to alleviate this, collaborating with other fellow professionals is suggested rather than isolating oneself. By doing so, it gives them the opportunity to have a helping hand in terms of tasks and even someone to confide during bleak days.
Nowadays it’s become one of the most contributing factors as to why the coworking movement continues to rapidly grow. The Philippines’ contagious happiness and relentless hospitality have made it even a more desirable country to cowork in.
Want to catch a dose of the happy virus? Talk to us today on how to find the perfect spot in the third happiest country in the word!
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