#Camille Bordey
thenorthernchild · 5 months
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thinking about them again i really don’t feel well
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old-deerstalker-hat · 8 months
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the-real-bruce-banner · 5 months
Camille looking at Richard a short thread:
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Carmy looking at Sydney a short thread:
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A.K.A. thread about “CB”s being I love with their partners
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doctorfriend79 · 2 months
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DS Camille Bordey & DI Richard Poole
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itsawritblr · 9 months
The scene where Richard tells Camille he loves her. Kinda.
I really hate that this takes place in Camille's imagination (because Richard is dead -- really REALLY pissed they killed him off because Ben Poole left the series; they could have kept him alive and have Poole return for cameos like other past cast members).
But it's Richard declaring his love to Camille, so I'll take it.
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diamondcitydarlin · 8 months
Doing my usual rewatches of the first two seasons of DiP (I literally watch both of them or an ep once a week, at least, I WISH I WAS JOKING) and I started internalizing this little detail in the premiere of season 2, when they're investigating the plantation murder during Erzulie week etc. It's, on the surface just this silly moment of Richard collapsing into a chair and putting a damp towel over his face
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HOWEVER, this time I actually took note of the fact that 1) he's not wearing his suit jacket for what I think is the FIRST time in the station, there may have been an exception or two in the first season but I don't think so, he keeps it on like armor at all times no matter how hot it is. 2) he's not even sitting his own desk as he so normally would have in season one, he just plops down into Camille's seat without a second thought from either her or him, despite seating arrangements being a bit of an issue for him in the first season.
And then later, when he has an epiphany about the trap door, he's so wrapped up in it that he just...initially forgets said jacket AND his briefcase, the two things he usually clings to. He does turn back to get them (from Camille, who had waited by them in anticipation that he would remember) but then doesn't even waste time to put the jacket on before running out the door again lol
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The point is, I think, that through these masterfully little, seemingly inconsequential details, we're starting to see Richard really acclimate and find comfort in his 'new' surroundings. If the suit jacket is part of his 'armor' that he wore regardless of how hot it was or his own personal comfort (which I think psychologically it is for him, still tying him to England and what he knows) then it says a great deal that Richard would finally be in a place to shuck it off without really thinking about it, that he's grown so comfortable with and trusting of Fidel, Dwayne and Camille that he wouldn't feel that subconscious impulse to keep it on at all times. Notice though, that it all DOES go back on when he's facing suspects he doesn't know.
And then there's Camille's chair. Again, it's not a big deal or anything anyone even notices in the actual scene, but it's a far cry for me from season one where he always made a point to sit at his OWN desk, in his OWN chair at all times, somewhat cut off and isolated from the rest of the group. Not here though. He sits in someone else's chair (again, without really thinking about it) in such a position that he's immersed in the main group while they discuss the case.
I can't help but wonder how this could have been taken further, if Richard had been on the show longer and they had kept up with this kind of subtle signaling. Maybe over time we'd see him regularly start to roll up his sleeves, even take off his tie and loosen his collar while working on cases at the station. Maybe even at some point, many seasons later, he starts slowly transitioning to more breathable Caribbean clothes, piece by piece. Maybe after a time a short sleeved, button down breathable shirt that resembles his English uniform, for instance. Pleated, but breathable khaki-colored trousers, maybe. (Could we get him to sandals?? Idk about that one but maybe lol)
It's honestly so sweet to me, to watch this very guarded character begin to unconsciously dismantle his own metaphorical walls in ways he never would have been able to even back home in England, and I think the fact that these moments ARE so subtle and go pretty much unnoticed by the main characters is what makes them significant and capable of happening. No one even thinks to remark on it, because it's just the natural thing to happen. It's where he's meant to be, one might say.
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vickys · 1 year
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Camille & Florence in Death in Paradise 10.06 (2021)
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skatingthinandice · 1 year
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ladies of paradise + bi pride colours
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grimdarknokia · 9 months
considering how death in paradise is getting all these spin offs, where’s our paris spin off?? (considering, according to my memory, camille, madeleine, and ruby all work in paris now?)
like, give us madeleine and ruby roommate chaos. give us camille as their boss/reluctant older sibling figure, i need it, i really do.
also bc madeleine dumas is my beloved and i’m heartbroken we didn’t get her character explored more
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oh-honey-its-maxine · 2 months
Camille Bordey, Fidel Best you mean the world to me
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Rewatching 'Death in Paradise', and am having thoughts about Ben Millers guest appearance in Series 12.
First time I saw it, I was thrown out of the moment. He was just wrong on a level I couldn't describe. A little thought and I decided that he looked different; he was older, his hair was longer. And he behaved different; he was sitting in the sand, he was more confident, more eloquent talking about emotions. This, I put down to writers who hadn't written DI Richard Poole, or who hadn't done so for ... nine years, so yeah, it would be difficult to hit the right notes on terms of character.
This time around I had the following epiphany:
Camille was probably remembering the last times she faced personal loss, the murder of her friend Amiee, when Richard made his awkward stumbling attempts to comfort her; and the murder of Richard himself.
So, on some level, she is associating the feelings of grief she is experiencing as she faces the possibility of her mothers death with Richard himself. She's already admitted to her mother that she thinks of Richard, "complaining about the weather, a cup of tea, telling me I was missing up a case". So it's only natural she would imagine Richard, trying to comfort her.
But it's been some time since she last saw Richard, since she last heard him speak. Memories fade, become blurred less distinct. We partially overwrite the reality with out own feelings, longings, wants and needs.
Richard is different because Camille is different, she doesn't quite remember clearly, because she needs Richard to be different, more relaxed, because that's what she had hoped would happen, how she had imagined their relationship progressing, without completely erasing the things that made Richard who Richard was.
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roweicons · 4 months
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the-real-bruce-banner · 2 months
DIP Camille Bordey Meta
I realized the reason that I don’t like Camille/Humphrey in later season is because my girl loses the light in her eyes. Which there is a more obvious reason why, but I just missed when she was having fun and bringing the best out of Richard. Like, they really brought the best out of each other and were written in many ways to be the perfect partner for each other.
It’s nasty work that Camille hears Richard’s voice when she can’t figure something out because he rarely did that, if at all when they were together. They didn’t exactly agree on many things but they learned to listen to each other and try to connect their separate pieces together.
For example, in S2 E3 Camille is explaining to Richard how she heard that Mrs. Dupree might’ve been having a “lovers tiff” with one of the other guests, specially Paul Vincent, he asks her if she believes him. Almost as if, “what is your gut telling you” and you can tell that she’s thrown off by the question but he doesn’t say it in a negative way. Like, Richard has grown to trust her instincts and navigates it in a way if they should follow that lead any further.
Even in S2 E5 when Camille is clearly distraught by her friend’s death, she calls herself “useless” and is automatically reassured by Richard that she’s not. (I have so much more to say about this in terms of confirmation of Richard’s feelings but that’s a different post, if anybody even wants to read it).
TLDR; Richard and Camille were written to bring out the best in each other and when they tried to do the same with Humphrey, it made CamiChard all the more lovable.
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doctorfriend79 · 4 months
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Di Richard Poole & DA Camille Bordey
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hekate1308 · 11 months
If you don't stop now
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Prompt: "If you don't stop now -"
Fandom: Death in Paradise
Pairing: Camille/Richard
If she were to use Richard’s way with words, she would probably say that she just… snaps.
After all, Richard finally told them that he has decided to make his stay on Saint Marie “permanent” and that he will actually be looking for a house soon, so there should be time to discuss other things as well…
She half-expected it, she certainly wished for it, but it’s been three weeks and Richard has made no move to tell her that he considers to make other things permanent as well, or rather, to change some things.
So, Camille has decided to take matters into her own hands.
Now, she knows Richard well enough to know she can’t be too straightforward. That would probably make him run in the other direction as fast as he can, which is not something she is interested in, although she would have nothing against him chasing her the beach down once more, one of these days…
But first things first. When it comes to what she’ll be wearing… she would like to pick the dress from the Erzulie festival, but she’s chosen Sunday morning for her… attempt, and that would be a bit too much and probably only clue him in as to what is happening earlier than she would wish, so it will be one of her plainer dresses… yellow, she thinks; Richard always looks appreciative when she is wearing yellow.
Then, what her plan is going to be… normally, she likes to do things spontaneously, but this is Richard Poole, so it can hardly be a bad idea to make one.
Well, there is one thing she’s wanted to do for quite a long time (several things, if she is being honest, but those will have to wait).
And so, she arrives at the shack on this Sunday morning, determined as she’s ever been.
Richard is reading on the terrace – although she is pleasantly surprised to find that he’s actually rolled up his sleeves, and that there is no tie in sight. He even looks up and greets her with a smile, which is all the encouragement she needs.
“Is there news?” he asks when she arrives but she shakes her head.
“No, but I just remembered you still owe me something…”
He frowns and puts the book aside, because if you tell Richard Poole he has failed to do his duty, he will immediately jump into action. “I don’t know what you mean…”
“Sully’s wake” she reminds him, stepping into the shack and simply turning on the radio. “You just left me standing there when the music changed… there” finding a channel that plays appropriate music “That should be slow enough…”
“Camille, I really don’t think…”
She turns around. “Come on, Richard, there’s no one around to see us, it will be fine…”
He swallows and looks at her. Somehow, she has the feeling that they’re standing at the edge of a precipice, even though of course it’s not as dramatic as all of that.
“Camille” he suddenly declares “If you don’t stop now —”
And Camille knows that he means it. This is it, the moment she either chooses to do this or step back or never have the chance again.
It shouldn’t be this easy, and for Richard it probably isn’t, but Camille –
Well –
She did decide she was done with all this uncertainty, and she will be.
She steps up to him. “Alright then I won’t.”
He swallows again. “Camille –“
“Dance with me Richard” she tells him and finally, he takes her in his arms and does just that, looking rather shocked at his own daring.
It was a good idea to come here instead of dragging him to La Kaz – Richard, when they are alone, turns out to be an actual good dancer; she guesses he must have had ballroom dancing lessons at one point.
“Richard?” she eventually asks.
“Yes?” he manages to reply, looking rather like a deer caught in headlights, but she will soon fix that.
“You know” she allows her hand to slide from his shoulder to his breast “You said I should stop back then, and I didn’t, so…”
“We are definitely dancing” he agrees, which is probably all he is capable of at that moment.
“Yes we are” she confirms, and then she lets her hand glide up to cup his neck. He jumps ever so slightly at that, but makes no move to extradite himself from her embrace, or step away. “But I think right now we should be doing something else.”
She has to give him credit – he doesn’t ask what, or why, or even how, but his lips meet hers without any hesitation, and she feels a part of her that has never been touched before sing out and knows that all will be well.
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diamondcitydarlin · 8 months
man also that date mix-up at the end of season 2 ep 1. So, Catherine organizes a blind date for Camille AS WELL AS Richard babysitting for Fidel, has Richard wait for Fidel OUT ON THE PATIO, and then sends Camille out there with vague instructions to go 'find her date'. You cannot tell me Catherine didn't do that on purpose. You can't tell me she didn't know EXACTLY what she was doing there. She ABSOLUTELY wanted to see how they'd both react if she put them in that situation and, assuming I know Catherine's perceptiveness well enough, I'd guess the answer she got from that was 'o yea they're definitely in love smh'
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