#DS Camille Bordey
doctorfriend79 · 9 months
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DI Richard Poole & DS Camille Bordey
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slow-burn-sally · 2 years
How to successfully hide the fact that you’re a mess over your coworker, while simultaneously being a stuffy loser with no game.
When she asks you “do you have any plans for tonight?” in her soft, sensual voice, while she leans flirtatiously against the door frame of your domicile, tell her you have a date with your telescope. Then introduce her to your telescope. Make sure she knows you named it, and that you had a pathetic childhood. 
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When you ask her what she’s doing tonight, and she says “nothing much” and gazes at you with eyes like this:
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It might seem like the perfect opportunity to ask her out. Her eyes are all soft and glowy. The beach is beautiful at sunset. She’s looking at you like you invented romance, but DO NOT ask her out. Instead, wax philosophical about the nature of having nothing to do, ask her some stupid question about what the word ‘nothing’ might mean on a existential level, and then give her this face:
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 She’ll say “I’m not sure I understand the question.” But she’s still standing there, still giving you ‘I want to know what’s going on under that tie’ eyes, so you have to shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY.
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Make absolutely sure you break the simmering eye contact and bring the focus of the convo back around to your telescope in order to kill the romantic mood entirely. 
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proceed to be incredibly awkward and wish her a good night. Watch as she loses her lady-boner and remembers that you’re a socially inept grump with nothing in your life but crime solving, a telescope named Lucy, and a small, green lizard named Harry. Watch her walk away, probably to bang some rippling-ab island guy, whilst you and your girlfriend Lucy the telescope have a romantic evening alone, without her.
eh voila!! Congratulations on being a stuffy loser with no game! You’ve won a night completely devoid of sex and another 3/4 a season worth of pining! 
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diamondcitydarlin · 1 year
Rewatching Death in Paradise and I had a bit of an epiphany about the hotel room scene in s1ep2 where Camille confronts Richard about him being dismissive towards her.
I had to think for a bit about why he'd be dismissive towards her in the first place, but I think it comes less from an assumption about Camille's abilities as it does about her intent. As we know from Richard's history, he is accustomed to being bullied, othered and disrespected in his line of work by his colleagues. I would say at the point in which he comes to Saint Marie, a completely new environment in which he is totally out of his element, he is on the defense and expecting it. I'm sure it doesn't help that his first professional 'friend' ends up being someone just trying to charm him into not noticing her homicide.
So yeah at this point I think Richard is assuming, particularly from the way she's teased him already that he doesn't yet know how to interpret, that Camille is out to get him like the others, so he does what I would assume he always does with colleagues that intentionally try to dismiss and invalidate him (which he doesn't realize Camille isn't and has never tried to do unless he's directly challenged her)
So when he asks about the 'cleaning in progress' label on the door, Camille is already feeling quite defensive herself from the way he's treated her (he doesn't realize this) and rallies back, "Do you really think that's important?" and Richard, assuming she's doing what other colleagues have, snaps back, "Well I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was, would I?". They're both being reactionary because they're feeling defensive.
But I don't think Richard gathers this until she forces him into a room and tells him EXACTLY what she's capable of, EXACTLY what she's accomplished, "I could almost certainly beat you in a fist fight", and that because of it he'd better learn to respect her. And he doesn't correct her. He shuts up. Does as he's been asked and treats her with due respect from then on. But for someone who was feeling defensive beforehand and assuming his partner was trying to invalidate him, this is a very quick emotional heel turn to take.
And I realized it's because that confrontation makes him understand he and Camille aren't all that different, and he realizes that by already being defensive with her he's inadvertently done what so many other bullies have done to him as a very possibly ND-coded character who doesn't think or act in allistic/neurotypical terms. Perhaps it's because her confrontational speech is entirely composed of reminding him of her accolades, and he's like why is she doing this, I KNOW she's capable, I'M the one who's intimidated by her! Why is- OH.
None of this is exactly spelled out, it's more subtext I think, but I was so touched to kind of happen on this realization finally, this earliest point when Richard, at least, sees their kinship and how they've had to deal with similar invalidation (not the same, but similar) and is able to recognize the part he inadvertently played in making her feel defensive. He doesn't argue, he doesn't try to downplay things he said or did, he just changes his behavior as she asks him to do from then on and, though not as fully as he will later, starts to understand that Camille isn't out to invalidate him either.
But I think that interaction is more meaningful to the both of them than they realize in the moment, because they're both meeting each other where they are. Camille tells Richard exactly what he did wrong and exactly what needs to happen to make things better rather than using it against him later; Richard respects her boundaries without question, things both of them need to feel safe and are able to offer to each other. THEM. THEM.
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encyclop3dia · 16 days
when 2 characters are so perfect for each other it's physically painful to watch them
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greygullhaven · 11 months
Solving Your Own Murder
New Chapter Up! :D Summary-Richard Poole cannot die! I won't allow it so this is a fix it fic to make sure our favorite DI can continue living and continue working with his team on the island he loves to hate.
Chapter- When Richard Poole finally awakens after the attack, what does he remember? What shape will he be in? Who will still be there by his side? New chapter is up now!
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vickys · 1 year
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sara martins as ds camille bordey in death in paradise 10.06 (2021)
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effyeahrichardpoole · 2 years
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DI Richard Poole & DS Camille Bordey
DiP S01 Ep07
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modusmumbles · 1 year
Round 1a
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Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey (UK/France - Death In Paradise)
Camille is the original girlboss in my mind. She's a exceptional detective and a loyal friend but most importantly, isn't afraid to say the truth, and in turn will learn from other people. She's somehow aggressive and humble at the same time <3
Theo Coste (France - Astrid et Raphaelle)
Theo is Raphaelles son and a good friend of Astrid. He's autistic (my theory is he's not diagnosed cos Raph doesn't know a lot abt autism at the start of the show but Theo himself refers to people with autism as "we") and apart from getting beat up by his schoolmates for being "too clever" we see a lot of his autistic joy in the show when he teaches his mum about stuff connected to the cases and his homework.
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ainews · 1 year
The Saint Marie police station was the site of a peculiar incident recently, when a thundering bat was discovered by DS Camille Bordey to be potentially sipping a mean plane.
The bat was reportedly spotted in the early afternoon, perched atop the back of a parked police vehicle. Bordey, a detective sergeant in the station, immediately recognised the bat as being out of place and began to investigate.
Upon closer inspection, Bordey quickly realised the bat was consuming an old plane in the station’s courtyard. It was the same plane that had been reported missing several days prior, and Bordey quickly deduced that the bat must have been responsible for its disappearance.
The bat was quickly captured and taken to the station’s animal control unit, where it was identified as a rare species of thundering bat. The bat was subsequently released back into the wild, where it will hopefully not cause any more trouble.
The incident has left many at the station baffled, as it’s the first time a thundering bat has been seen in the area. It’s also the first time a thundering bat has been seen sipping a plane, and the exact reason for its behaviour remains a mystery.
It’s not known if the bat will be charged for stealing the plane, but the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting local wildlife.
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itsawritblr · 3 years
The scene where Richard finally tells Camille he loves her -- in his characteristic roundabout way.
I Ship Detective Inspector Richard Poole and Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey from Death in Paradise, the British-French mystery series.
The show is about Poole, a stuffy British detective, who’s assigned to the (fictional) Caribbean island of Saint Marie with free-spirited French Detective Sargent Bordey.  At first they drive each other crazy.  But of course they start falling for each other.  It was so slow burn.  The characters had GREAT chemistry!
I was really, REALLY pissed when they killed off Richard at the beginning of season 3.  The actor, Ben Miller, left to spend more time with his family back in the U.K.  They didn’t have to kill his character!  I was hoping they’d bring him back for a cameo, for him to finally declare his love for Camille.
Well, last night I saw that they did do that -- sort of.  Camille (and the actress who played her) had left the series after season 4.  But in season 10 they brought her back for one episode.  In it, she is distraught because her mother is in hospital, seriously injured.  In her imagination deceased Richard appears to give her advice.  And, in talking about Camille’s mother, he declares his love to Camille.  Oh, his expression as he says it!
I don’t care that this happens in Camille’s mind.  As far as I’m concerned, it was Richard’s ghost who came to her!
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doctorfriend79 · 28 days
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Di Richard Poole & DA Camille Bordey
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anliafail · 3 years
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I trust you’ve been making friends, establishing your contacts...Well... Yes! Actually the Inspector has just been talking to our host(!) 
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
yall keep liking my death in paradise gifs and i keep getting feelings again so I want to talk about Richard and Camille bc I have never stopped thinking about them ever
I've always been a HUGE sucker for an accidental love story. Like, the kind that is written right as they are. The kind where the two characters are absolutely thrown together against their will, circumstances demanding, are absolutely worlds apart (seemingly) in terms of everything, and yet in each other they find what they both need and may have been unwittingly looking for. The process of falling in love is so unexpected from both of them that they don't even realize it's happening until they're already there and far too gone to pretend it could be anything else.
I love how Camille pulls Richard out of the various defense mechanisms he's had to use to this point just to get an ounce of respect and human decency from others. She teases him, sure, but these things he does to protect himself are unnecessary with her; she respects him and he respects her and that's all there is to it and maybe that's why Richard can start playing along after awhile; chasing her down the beach when she sets his TV to French programming, for example. Richard learned quickly that Camille's teasing of him came from a place of affection and friendliness and not an attempt to undermine or disrespect him as he's accustomed to, and so finally, he has friends. He has people he can joke with. Let his guard down around without worrying how they might use it against him. Dwayne, Fidel and Camille don't do that shit.
But that isn't to say Camille doesn't have her own trust issues, that which Richard supersedes because he doesn't use manipulation tactics or smoke and mirrors; Richard says exactly how he feels about any situation and I think for as much as that irritates her I think she also finds it admirable. He may stumble over them at times, but every word Richard says is honest. When she tells him enough is enough, he listens , sees the error of his ways, and changes how he addresses her from then on. Sure that exchange in the hotel room was heated, but I think it set a precedent of trust between them that only grew stronger. Camille learned that Richard would respect her boundaries without question; Richard learned that Camille would tell him honestly when he's overstepping, not use it against him.
And I mean yes of course there is something inescapably romantic about her keeping his spirit with her all this time, but they were sO CLOSE to having everything together and his death was such an unnecessary thing when we get down to it (WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE GONE BACK TO WORK IN THE UK, IT WAS LITERALLY DROPPED AS A POSSIBILITY IN BOTH SEASONS) that I really can't do anything but make my own version of the story where they're still working together, maybe married now. Maybe instead of DYING Richard yknow did what was foreshadowed and had to move back to the UK for work or his parents and in the meantime he and Camille continued talking through emails and phone calls until their paths crossed again. Camille's departure from Saint Marie COULD HAVE been her going to the UK to work with/be with Richard, and then we'd see them again later as a duo.
Anyway. I love them. They deserved so much better. It's sometimes hard for me to believe they didn't get it in canon.
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merelygifted · 4 years
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Death in Paradise S04E01
tumblr, that's a candle - just a plain ol' everyday pillar candle. Please don't block this post. I assume you disappeared my original post of this, since I can't find it.
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itselyserebecca · 5 years
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Death in Paradise 2x01 "A Murder on the Plantation" ★★★★★★★★★★
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rookheeya · 6 years
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Death in Paradise
S01ep08  "Amongst Us"
Camille & Richard- the best of :)
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