#Can I convince Selûne to adopt Durge and protect them from Bhaal if they agree to put the knife down?
y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
"Shar's besetting weakness is her overconfidence, which blinds her to the faults in her plans, or leads her always to the conclusion (often justified) that failures in those plans are due to the fallibility of her human followers. Selûne starts [her plans] from the assumption that mortals are fallible, and have their own rights (they are not, and should never be, mere tools)."
I do like Selûne. She's not perfect, as none of the pantheon are, but still. "I tore part of my own soul out and injured myself irreparably to ensure that this world and the beings that live on it could exist, and I want you to live lives that make you happy and fulfilled, and love and respect each other's infinite variety and look out for those who are lost and unloved. Yes, that includes the monsters. I am your mother, also if you're one of my priests then make sure you call me at least once a month. I worry."
Meanwhile: "Loss and destruction and chaos and mortal despair are all "wins" to Shar."
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