#Can't believe im adding a new smp to my list
ep2nd · 1 year
What I think about the new Witchsmp
1. All the players picks are so cool and I just noticed a few things
1- Scott got necromancy and Cleo has time, isn't it weird that Scott maybe have picked up on death from Cleo in Double life and Cleo was teamed with bdubd(Time King) in 3rd life
2- Joey is having some kind of mix of esmp1 Scott and Xornoth and I'm kinda digging it
3- Lauren is B R E A D, no more words needed
4- Love how Shubble took the fact her esmp2! Character says "she brings the rain from the swamp wherever she goes" and took that as her new characters power. Well done
5- Prisma character is basically a mer/fishfolk/ sea creature. Her being the water witch was no surprise, but I love it!
2. I kinda want Cleo to still be a zombie, even if she's the time witch, just because she and Scott are like death buddies. Yes I miss double life mean girls.
3. I like Prisma being here! She has come so far to even being on an smp with content creators! Well done Prisma you deserve it.
4. Shubble IMMEDIATELY wanted a toad familiar. I swear esmp2 is a big influence. But if she somehow finds a white toad and names it Turtle ib be down for that.
5. I feel like with Prisma being the water witch, she also coul be esmp1!Lizzies twin sister or cousin, they look very similar and the water theme isn't just a coincidence.
6. So, Eloise is the Illusion witch, and for some reason that reminds me of Hypno and a drama or theater kid.
7. This isn't the first time these people have been witches. Shubble and Joey were witches in One Life SMP, Shubble is a witch from Esmp2- it's like they've been planning this forever.
8. I want Cupcake to meet esmp1!Katherine, I think they get along.
9. Scott can never go two seconds without calling something cute, Shubble always has a bubbly fun personality, Lauren has a bread addiction, and Joey can't be in any smp without being the mean popular girl.
10. Alright, here's the idea, they have magic users, so if they get some type of animal to worship or used for worship, find a cult religion, blow something up, and get a villain, it's basically One Life, Empires season one and two again!!
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