#Can't imagine my fbi agent liked the research I did here
chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Talon AU
Finally getting around to writing out some new AUs and verses. This one will focus on the Talon verse, which will be by request and plotted out only. TW for mentions of brainwashing below.
Lena was selected for the Slipstream project at 21, just as in the typical verse. She's sent off at 25, crashes, and is lost at 26.
This is where the verses start to split. Winston, with his hands tied with red tape, lack of funding, and lack of support, is trying and failing to establish an Time Isolation Chamber, and an accelerator. Due to the lack of support and "too much work to save one girl who is probably dead anyway", he can't get the chamber up in time.
Meanwhile, Sigma, whose research was used while creating the Slipstream, could feel the disturbance in the fabric that holds the universe together. It wasn't difficult for him to pluck her out of the timeline and engineer a chronal accelerator for her.
Lena, by this point, was driven half mad. Between trying to understand the world on a cosmic level, to being the witness to all of Time's tragedies and victories, watching her friends fall in love and move on, watched alternative timelines where people don't even join Overwatch. Terrible deaths and beautiful creations. The beginning and end, the ouroboros of everything. I'll touch a little bit more on that in another headcanon, but she was non-speaking, barely moving.
Talon had an opportunity. While the Slipstream wasn't exactly advertised, there was enough of a stir that they knew who she was and what had happened. Given her shattered status, it wasn't difficult to begin to feed her information.
Now, there are two different kinds of "brainwashing". There's mind control, which is where someone takes control of the person's body, typically through a mechanical or chemical process. The person doesn't typically want to be committing these acts, but are forced to by the process. Examples of these include the Winter Soldier and Widowmaker.
On the other hand, you have brainwashing as more of a manipulation tactic. This is what Talon used with her. They played the "good cop", providing food and a soft place for her to rest. They were careful to avoid exposing her to any of the headliners ( Doomfist, Max, etc. Reaper and Moira wouldn't be a part of Talon by now ). As they did so, they carefully sowed the seeds of rebellion against Overwatch through offhanded comments and selective news channels being 'left on' so she could hear it from her cell.
As Lena recovered physically, the rage she felt at Overwatch was compounded by the manipulation. She sought vengeance for "what they had done to her" ( even if it wasn't true. ) Talon continued this brainwashing as they allowed her to gain some independence.
Eventually, Lena walked freely around the Talon base. She was given the option of the accelerator, which she accepted without question. And after a while, she was able to start PT and working out again under the observation of some doctors that worked with Talon.
Her powers are similar as a Talon operative. The Blinks, Recalls, and physical prowess is the same. Her mission now is revenge, still general anger and rage at Overwatch as a whole rather than individual people, which makes accomplishing that revenge goal... difficult, at times.
Coming face to face with someone she once considered a friend would lead to a huge crisis of identity. Lena has the ability to stay her hand, to not kill someone, but that conflicts with her sense of self now. So say, if her and Genji came face to face, she can make the choice to kill or spare him, but act of fighting someone she considered close to her would likely send her into a spiral resulting in a necessary retreat.
Talon has methods of controlling if she gets out of hand. There's a killswitch in the accelerator if it's needed that is unknown to her. It can be set to disable or kill, depending on the needs of the situation. Additional corruption can take place, with Lena being sequestered Talon HQ and manipulated further if necessary.
Her codename for Talon is Spectre, known for being a silent and deadly killer. Her personality changes substantially, with Lena become withdrawn and angry. There's much less chatter on the battlefield and even around fellow Talon members, she's much quieter in the base verse.
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sixofpomegranates · 3 years
I was kissed by the imagination fairy and wanted to write this. As I made the moodboard I decided that this was a story with a black female reader. I don't know, smut is smut no matter your skin color. It just came to my mind and now it's canon, so... Also, Plus-Size or not, both fit here! 👍🏻
This is set between seasons 4 & 5!
- Love, Lynn
•{One Shot Masterlist}***{Requests/Feedback}***{Guidlines}•
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Black!Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is going to leave the country but her best friend Spencer can't stand to lose her.
CW: Smut - 18+ | Mentions of Academic Pressure/Hard Working Parents/Unhappy with Job/Past Toxic Relationship, Penetrative Sex (Protected, Mirror, Rough), Oral (F), Fingering, Hidden Feelings, Nickname for Reader (Honey/Hun, Good Girl)
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Academic achievement isn't everything.
I know, shocking. It took me long enough to figure it out myself, honestly.
All my life, I had searched for my parents' approval. Being the smartest in class, studying until I was no longer fueled by sleep but by coffee and energy drinks, crying, and putting myself down whenever I felt like I hadn't done my very best.
My family had never meant it to be like this but as the first person in my family to be accepted into an Ivy League College and before that in one of the most expensive and prestigious high schools, it wasn't like the pressure hadn't been there.
Every day I watched my parents work their butts off, putting every penny left to spare into my education fund. If I'd let them down, I'd singlehandedly ruin what they had worked for since my birth.
So I studied, and studied, and studied some more. Lived my youth in a library doing research on school papers and extracurricular work, instead of being young and enjoying life.
After college, I started working for the FBI. More detailed, I was the personal assistant to SES Erin Strauss, Section Chief of the BAU.
I had studied and worked all my life, to bring a woman who was making five times more than me her coffee, schedule her appointments, and do her dirty work. Don't get me wrong, she could be nice... when she wanted, but for all the effort I had put in, it simply wasn't as rewarding as I had expected it to be.
Trying to hold up my chipper spirit, I still tried seeing the good in everything. At least having me right next to her had swiftly earned me the nickname 'Honey' due to my soft nature next to her difficult one.
I did my work the best that I could, made sure I'd make at least one person a day smile, and tried to figure out if I had hobbies besides being the best in class.
One thing I quickly noticed, I didn't. I hadn't thought of anything other than studying and going to school all my life, so I was left with a very mild, yet lasting, existential crisis.
This crisis only increased as Erin Strauss, the kindhearted woman that she was, started having me eavesdrop on her subordinates. She hated almost everyone working in this Unit and to say that she wasn't disgruntled as I had not been able to find dirt on each one of them, would be an understatement the size of Nebraska.
But this mean task had led me to make friends... With exactly those people she had me spy on. Especially Spencer Reid.
He was sweet, considerate, and due to his intelligence, already an agent in the field although being only a few years older than I was. He was very introverted and reserved, which for some reason matched me extremely well.
I'd like to consider myself introverted, but this job had me to be an introvert in an extroverted disguise.
We would do all the things he loved together, reading, shopping for books, playing chess – which he had to teach me first – and watching foreign movies and old TV shows while eating Chinese food.
With forks, since he couldn't wrap his head around how to use chopsticks.
Next to him and the rest of the people of the BAU, I was able to develop some real interests and enjoy my early twenties.
While I worked out with Morgan, shopped for baby clothes with JJ, dined with Aaron and Rossi, and read books with Reid, Emily would go out with me and Penelope and we'd get drunk, living through the funniest of situations.
For instance, one time, Penelope had been sat into an empty shopping cart by Emily and she began pushing it down the road, causing her to actually get caught by a speed camera.
In one of those funny coincidences you never believe to exist outside of books and movies, I had then met a young man, I fell for head over heels. It caused some issues between me and Spencer I couldn't understand and refused to believe him when he told me that Daniel was bad news.
For months Spencer and I didn't talk. He refused to, while I was in a relationship with Daniel. Not even during the case of The Reaper. The women of the BAU, my friends, tried to explain it as Reid being jealous, being in love with me.
And they were right, I knew that this was what it was, but as much as I noticed me feeling the same for him, I was still in the midst of finding out who I was and wanted to be.
It wasn't the right time for us. And frankly, I didn't know if there would ever be a right time for us. Especially with my heart starting to get called far away from America.
Still, he was there in a heartbeat when I broke up with Daniel and I had called the boy genius crying. We had made up the same evening, of course, under the disguise of him simply not having liked Daniel.
This very first, very serious relationship had ended in toxic flames as Daniel – who really wanted to become an artist – had realized that I was better at his craft than him. Yet, it had left me with a love for drawing, especially digital art became a quickly perfected love of mine.
And the more I fell in love with it and noticed how happy it made me, the more I realized that the FBI didn't.
And therefore, for the first time in my life, I chose that I was no longer seeking success but rather would go out into the world and seek happiness.
My parents weren't happy, couldn't understand why I had started an online business selling my digital art as posters, stickers, buttons, and even more merchandise. Less they could understand when I decided to 'throw away' this secure job at the FBI and instead chose to leave America in my pursuit of happiness.
Thankfully, my friends understood it. Emily even more so than the others. She had lived in so many parts of the world, that she offered me to help me find work through her connections.
"Pick a place and we'll get you a job," she had said. And she had kept her word.
I had chosen England and she had set me up with a nice, decently paid office job for Interpol. And once more, I had lost Spencer. He hadn't thought I would make my decision so quickly after my breakup and since he handled change very badly, I had broken his heart with this.
It was what it was. Things changed, that was how the world worked. And if I had to lose Spencer to find myself, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. No matter how much it hurt.
When my days at the BAU now came to an end and I officially was done transitioning my entire life onto another continent, the team – minus Spencer – surprised me with a beautiful 'Goodbye' party that had me in tears and promise that we'd always stay in touch, even if the Atlantic Ocean was separating us.
After dinner and drinks, we said our goodbyes, Penelope staining my top with her makeup fueled tears, and I hailed a cap.
I no longer had an apartment in DC, and since I was leaving tomorrow, I lived in a hotel next to the airport. All I owned in the States was currently a suitcase filled with three books – one for each reading mood I could have – and a bunch of different clothes I tried their styles of out. The ruffles, sweaters, and cottage core definitely started to become my favorite.
Just as I was about to go to bed, it knocked on my hotel room door. Opening it without thinking twice, my eyes met the gaze of Spencer, standing there with a plastic bag.
"Spence," I whispered surprised, him scratching the back of his head.
"You- You should always check who's at the door first. You didn't know who was coming to see you-" Stopping himself, he scowled. "I'm sorry. Were you expecting someone?" His voice had held the same tone it had when talking about Daniel for a second.
Shaking my head, I giggled, "Nope. Just living dangerously." He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, not as amused by my joke as I was.
"Can I come in?" He asked, making me quickly step aside and then close the door behind him. "You're leaving tomorrow," he said, not facing me but looking around the room.
"Yeah," I mumbled, sitting down on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked boldly since he hadn't even made an appearance at my party.
"I don't want you to leave," he said, after swallowing hard.
A frown appeared on my face. "A little too late for that. But it's not a goodbye forever-"
Interrupting me, Spencer exclaimed loudly, "Of course it is. I have experienced this often enough. Gideon, Elle, my father. They all said 'We'll keep in touch' and then I never heard from them again. I lost them and now I'll lose you just because you decided to move to Britain."
"Because I am unhappy here, Spencer," I told him, noting the tears in his eyes. "And I know you've been left before but this is not the same."
With a sarcastic smile on his face, he whispered, "Awfully feels like it though."
"But it isn't," I cried out, unable to keep my own emotions on track.
He was the person I was the closest to, the one that had influenced me and my personality the most, and he hadn't talked to me in weeks, and that only shortly after ignoring me for months.
"I am miserable, Spencer, and it kills me living a life that is only to fulfill the expectations of my parents. If I don't change my life now, I will get stuck here and stay like this until I pull a Virginia Woolf, just that my pocket will not only hold stones but also all my hopes and dreams."
Wiping tears from my face, I began looking onto the floor. I had been ready for this new chapter of my life, had been so excited. But now that I saw Spencer and got reminded that I had to leave him and my uncertain, romantic feelings for him on this continent, I started to feel homesick before even entering the airport.
"Honey, I just ..." He started, taking a deep breath. "I don't like imagining a life without you."
"I don't like it either," I said, smiling bitterly. "But it's not like I am completely gone, I swear. I'll just move from being a main character to being a side character with special appearances. But I really need to know that you won't just ignore me again when I get into that plane tomorrow."
Spencer cackled, blinking away some of the tears in his eyes. "After all the drama I made because I don't wanna lose you, you should rather be careful that I don't try climbing into your suitcase and leave with you."
We both smiled at each other, and after it started to feel like we were right back where we had left our friendship weeks ago, I pointed at the bag he was holding. "What's that?" I asked, making him sit next to me on the bed and handing it to me.
"Just some souvenir so you won't forget home," he said.
Reaching into the bag, I pulled out a pink teddy bear having 'I <3 DC' embroidered on it.
"Spence," I whispered, feeling tears running down my cheeks while I hugged the bear. "God, that's cute."
Smiling his arms went up to gesture while he explained, "I plan on sending you a souvenir every year until you come back."
Shaking my head, laughing, I looked between him and my bear. "I'm gonna call him 'Travel-Size Spence'," I snickered.
"The teddy is pink!" Spencer exclaimed, making me nod. "I know. It's not like colors have genders."
We both started laughing while I flung the plastic bag onto the floor and the teddy on my bed. "We should become pen-pals," I announced grinning, and he rose his eyebrows.
"Wouldn't be using the phone be faster? You're already going to be 3674 miles away from me."
"You don't like using your phone," I remembered him, feeling butterflies in my stomach by the thought that he'd said 'away from me' as if I belonged to him. "Also is nobody writing letters anymore. So it would be something really special every time we hear from each other."
He nodded. "I like that idea. You're right, it would be something special just for us."
Sitting back further onto my bed, I just wanted to ask Spencer if he'd be up for some 'goodbye' pizza, but his deep sigh interrupted my plan.
"I should've talked to you sooner. Now those are our last moments together," he said clearly annoyed at himself.
I smiled, poking his melodramatic shoulder, "What would you've wanted them to be instead? Technically, everything we do before you leave is our last moment together."
Turning to me and looking me up and down, I watched him licking his lips nervously. It wasn't like he was checking me out, no, not Spencer. Especially not since I sat there without makeup, in my leggings and baggy, washed-out shirt with Batman print on it.
As our eyes met, it felt like everything started to move in slow motion while at the same time moving in lightspeed. Cupping my cheeks, he practically threw himself at me, his lips crashing onto mine.
The kiss was as wanton as it was gentle, a combination I had never expected to even exist.
Spencer's lips, however, felt just like I had caught myself imagining them in lonely nights, that had left me longing for somebody, but only let me imagine him.
Losing our breaths, his hands started leaving my cheeks, wandering down my sides, and grabbed my thighs. Pulling on them with more swift elegance than I'd imagined him to possess, he had me lay on my back while moving over me.
As we finally parted to let some oxygen into our lungs, he backed away, his face looking as red as mine felt hot.
"Sorry," he whispered, brushing his hair behind his ear. "I- I shouldn't have done that."
Jumping up from bed and straightening his clothes, he couldn't hide the bulge between his legs. Solely a men-problem I hadn't to fear since he couldn't see how wet this view made me.
As I just continued to stare, he looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Then he walked to the door.
As his hand rose to the handle, I asked, "Are you leaving?" He nodded. "It's not like I could stay after this."
I wasn't sure what I was thinking about this, but if he left now, we would never talk to each other again. We'd be too embarrassed to do so. This kiss had been filled with suppressed lust and we both had felt it.
Maybe we could afford one last mistake before I left and things would become completely different altogether.
"Why not?" I asked blatantly, him turning to me mortified. "Because you're my best friend, hun." I nodded. "So?"
"I don't wanna ruin our friendship," he said, making me lick my lips which still held his taste.
"It's not ruining it, if we don't read anything into it," I mumbled sheepishly, fully aware of how horny I must've sounded, suggesting my best friend to stay and fuck my brains out before I left the country tomorrow.
"What should we read into this, then?" Spencer asked, letting go of the door and stepping closer to the bed again. He clearly was as interested in this stupid idea as I was, else he would've already left.
"Nothing. We're just two friends having a last 'conversation' before I leave," he let a hand run through his light brown hair, looking at me like he wasn't sure if I was just playing with him.
"And you want this... conversation?" He finally asked, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.
I nodded, thinking any of my emotions holding onto the 'what ifs' of this would leave after it. "Really badly. And you?" "Even more," he said, voice having become deeper. "So, just tonight and it won't change a thing?"
"It's just a conversation," I whispered as he stepped closer to the bed, stalking me with his hazel eyes so dark I couldn't make out their color anymore. "Nothing more, nothing less."
Crawling back onto the bed, he kicked off his shoes. The closer he came, the more I backed back onto the bed. When my head ungracefully hit the headboard, I stopped.
Spencer climbed between my legs, a dark grin on his face. "You're so beautiful, always were. It was the first thing I noticed about you," he whispered, hands gliding up my sides.
My hand rose to his pale cheek, showing me the contrast between us. I pressed my lips on his again, my hands first moving up into his hair then down to his tie.
While I was busy popping the buttons of his dress shirt, his hands began to roughly grope my breasts. We gasped into each other's mouths, both noting how much we loved touching the other in such an un-friendlike manner.
Spencer started rhythmically rocking himself against me. His hard cock pressed directly against my clit, and the clothes between us caused a wonderful friction merely his cock inside me could surpass.
As I grew impatient with the shirt and simply ripped it open, sending the last three buttons flying. Breaking our kiss, I let myself fall back into the pillows, a moan coming from my lips.
"Fuck..." Spencer growled, grinding himself harder against me. "That sounded hot."
With a quick peck on my lips, he set back on his heels. As he looked down on me, for the first time he wasn't the sweet guy I loved to spend my time with but definitely the hottest man I had ever seen, and couldn't wait to feel inside me.
Spencer grabbed the band of my leggings and with one strong pull, pulled them including my panties down. After throwing the tangled in itself piece of clothing across the room, he spread my legs, shamelessly looking at my wet cunt.
"Are you still okay with this?" He asked with this rasp in his voice that made me nod frantically.
"So okay," I answered. "You?" He smiled. "Even more than before."
His hands slight down my inner thighs, making me shiver. Spreading them further for him, he gave me the dirtiest grin I had ever seen.
"So, so beautiful. And tonight, you're mine."
I whimpered. Honest to God, whimpered. It was this slight amount of unusual dominance, the cold air against my wet core, and how his head slowly started moving down towards it.
The last inches, his movements seemed painfully slow. As impatient as I was, I grabbed his hair, trying to make him go down on me sooner.
Thankfully he obliged, grinning before running his tongue flat over my clit. At my groan, he chuckled before beginning to suck on my clit. His tongue ever so often licking through my folds tasting my wetness.
"Good. Fuck, Spencer. So good," he had me begging in no time, having me evaluate my former belief that he was pretty inexperienced.
My head was too often thrown back into the pillows to notice it but when I felt his fingers at my entrance, I looked down at him.
Our eyes met and he lifted his mouth off my clit. As he carefully insert a finger in me, he waited for my high-pitched moan before his mouth went back to work on me.
Pumping his finger in and out of me with a gentle speed, his eyes were still focused on me, his mouth growling against my flesh whenever I moaned.
Through my bliss, I somehow noted how he moved his hips against the mattress to relieve himself of some of the pressure he was feeling. Especially after adding another finger into me.
Knowing that he was just as turned on as I was, did unspeakable things to me. I needed Spencer, I needed more than just his mouth and fingers.
"Spence, please," I moaned, nails digging into his skull. "Please, I need more."
Propping himself up on his elbows, he looked at me with his big puppy eyes. "I just want to make you feel good, [y/n]."
My heart skipped a beat, leaving me breathless. I lifted myself, making Spencer back away and sit back on his heels.
Jumping on my knees, I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. He moaned surprised, I almost had knocked him off the bed in my eager state.
"Careful, Honey," he chuckled into the kiss, while I pushed his dress shirt off his shoulders and at the same time onto the floor.
"Need you. Now," I mumbled, unable to leave my lips from his.
Gently pushing me away and pulling my shirt over my head, he whispered, "I'd give you everything."
I grabbed his belt, opening his pants, while my lips wandered down his neck, sucking hickeys into his creamy white skin that would stay with him even when I was long gone.
Happy with my work, I pecked his lips again and he got off the bed, taking off his pants and socks. Pulling him back onto me by the waistband of his boxers, our lips met again.
By now they were red, swollen, and sore but we still couldn't help ourselves to not be indulging in the aphrodisiac that was our kisses.
When we, once more, had to part to breathe, he looked at me with a frown. "I don't have condoms with me," he mumbled, the word 'condoms' actually making him blush.
God, this man was an enigma.
He let me get up and watched me dig around in my suitcase. When I finally found one, I lifted it with a victorious smile. I was gonna get something tonight.
Spencer chuckled, while I jumped back onto the bed enthusiastically, hands instantly all over him. Enough waiting, I wanted him right now.
Taking the condom from me, he looked over to the mirror wall across from the right side of the bed. Following his gaze, I immediately knew what he was thinking. I laid onto my stomach, facing the mirror and watching us both through it.
Spencer's eyes went from surprised to hungry, he quickly got up, taking off his boxers and flashing me with his - impressive - length.
Okay, my best friend was packing. Holy shit.
"Close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies," he snickered, pulling the condom over his erection.
"S-Sorry. I just... Fuck me," I stuttered surprised, making him laugh as he climbed behind me, holding my gaze through the mirror.
"I'm working on it," he said cockily, lifting my hips while my upper body still laid flush on the mattress.
I gasped excitedly as he began moving his tip up and down my wet slit, coating himself with my natural lubricant.
As he came to a hold, cock at the entrance of my cunt, he searched for my eyes. "Ready?" He asked, making me nod.
"Yes." My answer had been merely a whisper, the moan following as he entered me with one solid thrust wasn't.
My eyes rolled back and my head fell into the sheets. God, he was big, stretching and filling me more than I could be ever hoped for.
"Fuck, you're tight," he breathed behind me, leaving me to almost inaudible giggle as I looked back at him. Sure, I was the one outperforming probabilities.
"You feel so good," I moaned already intoxicated by the sex we were going to have, rocking back against him. "Yeah?" He asked me, thrusting his hips forward with this cocky grin.
My answer stayed a nodding and desperate whimpers. Spencer began pounding into me, slow but so rough, I literally wanted to use the phrase 'rearranging my guts' to describe it.
Though, he smiled down at me sweetly while doing so, seeming to get drunk on the fact that he made me feel good.
My brain was quickly brought into overload. I was getting fucked by Spencer, my best friend, while he obtained both his sweetness and a rough dominance over my body. I came quicker than I had been ready to, it felt like getting hit by a bus while he fucked me through my orgasm.
I had been used to helping out the guy I was with until now, rubbing my clit, hoping to come. Most of the time Daniel had come quickly when I did and that was it. But Spencer only seemed to get started, having seen my first orgasm as warming up.
He smiled at me, pressing a kiss on my cheek, and then pointed forward towards the mirror with a wink. Propping myself on my elbows, I watched him mercilessly starting to thrust into me, every now and then taking in the view of him fucking me in the mirror.
This guy inside me and my cute, shy colleague couldn't be the same person. Hell, he had blushed when asking for a condom, and now was smacking my ass and clawing into my skin with his nails, all while watching my face through the mirror as he fucked me stupid.
"Sp-Spencer," I whimpered with a grin, making him lean over me and force me to look at him. "Does that feel good?" He asked me softly, moaning into my ear. I nodded, cries leaving my mouth instead of words.
"You're so perfect," he chuckled, and I could feel my legs start to brutally tremble and another orgasm rip through me.
I never came more than once.
"Really not?" Spencer asked, and I realized I had thought out loud. I shook my head, still pulsing around him like crazy.
"That guy really was a loser," he mumbled with possessive pride, making me look into the mirror again. His face next to mine, he glowed. Right now, he was pure sex, no shyness, only desire.
Two orgasms from a man who continued to fuck you really left you feeling sore. I had not known that until now. But this soreness was delicious. Yes, I was overstimulated, and every thrust felt like he was carving his initial deep inside my womb but it also made me feel so special and loved for.
By now he cradled my face like I was a little bird. Delicate. Like I would turn to dust should he touch me too roughly. He moaned my name like a prayer, hips beginning to roll and reach depths inside me nobody else ever had or probably ever would.
Our reflection showed wanton passion but also an uncanny affection. An affection that made me getting pounded by Spencer from behind almost look romantic, almost like we were making love instead of fucking our brains out.
The thought made me smile, looking to my side and meeting Spencer's lips. This was a great mistake to end my time in America with. This was a mistake I would carry with me across the Atlantic Ocean and think of whenever I was going to talk to another man ever again.
I felt Spencer's hand sneak under me, between my legs, and slowly starting to rub my clit. While his thrusts became irregular, it still seemed like he put my enjoyment first.
I focused on the picture of love in the mirror. We were both a mess, tears streaming down my face, love-drunk smiles plastered across both our faces.
I wanted to come again, do as Spencer had planned to, so I began rocking back against him. I was so close, a breeze of air would've probably made me come.
But lastly, it was Spencer's last moaned words before coming that made me fall into the depths of bliss for the third time. "Fuck, [y/n], that's it. I- Good girl."
I came crying out his name, while he did the same with mine on his lips. My face collapsed onto the sheets, Spencer on top of me. I still gasped every time I felt myself pulsing around him, while he would instinctively thrust deeper into me.
A few seconds passed, and pressing a kiss on my sweaty temple. He pulled out of me, leaving for the bathroom.
I took this time to roll on my back, still feeling his touches and tight grip on me. Hopefully, he had left bruises. Even if not dark enough to show, I would still be able to feel them, remembering this night when I was falling asleep on the other end of the ocean dividing us.
I needed to take a shower before my flight tomorrow morning but for now, all I wanted to do was to take a nap. Closing my eyes, I heard the shower turn on and Spencer come out of the bathroom.
"I turned on the shower so the water would turn warm," he told me softly, as I felt the mattress sink in next to me. "If we shower now, you don't have to stress yourself tomorrow."
I chuckled, opening my eyes. "Hey there," I mumbled, noticing that he was blushing again. "Everything okay?"
He nodded, trying to keep his eyes from wandering to my boobs. "Y-Yeah. Are you okay?"
"Uh-huh," I answered, yawning. "Do we like... shower together or...?"
Looking at me like he had asked himself the same, he shrugged, "Technically, did the things to be nervous or flustered about already happen. But if you want your privacy..."
I shook my head. "Give me two minutes ahead to freshen up, kay?"
Getting up, Spencer had been a gentleman and looked away. I was quick to do the necessary to avoid a UTI and got under the shower, hair stuffed into one of those cheap hotel shower caps that I hoped would actually be waterproof.
As Spencer knocked, I told him to come in, and although the silence was first filled with embarrassment, it quickly resolved by him making fun of me and my shower cap.
"Bitch," I muttered, throwing the little shampoo bottle at him since I was an idiot and had sent all my products to London without me.
He chuckled, soaping his body in the overly perfumed shampoo. "I'm just teasing you, Honey. You look cute with that cap. Almost like you wrapped your head into cling wrap."
I rolled my eyes, stepped into the warm shower water, and washed the bubbles off my body. A cold shiver ran down my spine, followed by goosebumps as I felt Spencer kiss my shoulder.
"I'm going to miss you," he whispered, forehead resting against my skin. "Especially now."
I smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. This had not resolved the long felt feelings towards Spencer. No, it had made them worse. Real.
"See it from the good side, I'm going to write you on Hello Kitty stationary. That means every week you'll have a pink envelope waiting for you from your best friend," I giggled.
I could not show him that I felt like staying with him now. Sex and feelings for my best friend weren't enough to keep me here. I needed to find my place in the world and that without it relying on being with a man.
Biting his bottom lip, Spencer chuckled. "I don't know if I should be excited about that or dreading."
I nudged his side at that, nudged him even harder as he tried to steal my shower cap off my head. There were giggles and our typical behavior. Spencer seemed to be on the same page with me.
We were best friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if we wanted something else.
The next morning, he helped me carry my suitcase to the airport, I checked in and we said our tearful goodbyes.
In the letter, I received from him a week later, he wrote that he had waited until the plane was in the air, staring out of the window and watching it take off. Actually, he admitted, he had still stood there long after I was gone.
He also asked me to send him a little teddy bear from London, so he too would have the little teddy version of his best friend sitting at home on his bed.
At the very bottom was a quote of French novelist & poet Victor Hugo, saying, "Life is the flower for which love is the Honey."
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Supernatural / Lucifer Headcanons
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I don't know if this has been done before but I can't get this out of my head so I wrote it down... 😈
If during Chuck's destruction of universes the Winchesters and their beloved angel were to be thrown into Lucifer's universe.... I can see this happening
Dan would call Chloe over at a crime scene, telling her that the FBI are here to take over the case. Confused - because this is nothing more special than other strange devil related cases she's worked on - she meets up with the FBI agents present.
One has a strangely cheap suit on (which she only knows because Lucfier comments on it) and one has a trenchcoat on. They don't look like FBI...
But they have badges (although one of them did show his upside down - apparently he's new)
She gets their supervisor's number but - oops - it doesn't work.
So... eventually... they have to come clean - especially when Castiel reveals that this 'Lucifer Morningstar' character in fact is an angel...
How they all get along:
Lucifer and Dean would hit it off right away
I mean, there would be some strange “this dude is so pretentious and self centered” vibes at first from Dean, but Lucifer’s jokes will reel Dean in. The two would consistently make fun of cases and people
They might even bond a bit over music. Not that I think Lucifer is into Dean’s music, but I think Lucifer would give the space for Dean to listen to his music on full blast at Lux (when it’s not open)
And I even think Lucifer and Dean would have a moment of singing together whilst Lucifer plays the piano 🤭😂 much to Sam’s embarrassment
Speaking of Sam…
Lucifer and Sam do not hit it off
I don’t know about you, but having been Lucifer’s vessel for the apocalypse and having spent who knows how long down in Hell being tortured in the cage, I wouldn't be super comfy around Lucifer either. Sam isn't keen on befriending the Devil.
Lucifer, however, takes this personally – of course – because yay, yet another human who believes him to be nothing but evil
So after a few cases and a lot of Sam brooding and being a little mean, Lucifer confronts the guy to defend his own image
And Sam yells tells him about it all; About the pain he suffered in the cage, about Lucifer using his body, about the consistent damage that has been done to Sam’s mind and soul since then – I mean, he lost his soul even.
And Lucifer, very sincerely because this guy is capable of the most genuine affection I’ve ever seen, apologises.
And Sam finally accepts the guy. Key word: Accept. He still doesn’t really like him. A bit like how Dan doesn’t, but also does – you know?
Sam and Dan become best buddies. They share their woes about having betrayed family and done bad things in their past whilst still being insanely devoted to doing the best they can for their family.
“I once slept with a demon and started the apocalypse” “lol, I once slept with all the angels’ mother” “that's rough, buddy” That sorta vibe.
Not to mention that I can truly see Dan and Sam pouring their hearts out over research. Chloe will help too, but she’ll be too distracted trying to keep Lucifer safe to stay too long in one spot XD
Dan would make an amazing Men of Letters initiate
Dean would consistently flirt with Chloe, earning Lucifer’s annoyance but considering the woman only reacts positively when it comes from Lucifer, he doesn’t mind – though there is definitely a therapy session with Linda at one point where he has to deal with his jealousy 😂
Chloe adopts Castiel into the family.
Trixie loves talking to Castiel who is a sweetheart to the little girl, and considering Castiel’s innocence, Chloe is quick to take him in too. She finds herself making snacks for both when Castiel is having a tea party with Trixie (Lucifer secretly adores this - mainly because he can make fun of his new sibling)
Castiel does not understand tea parties and wonders why he can’t taste the tea Trixie can taste – “there’s nothing in the cups” “you’re meant to imagine it” “oh… but why?”
Castiel and Lucifer become the cutest pair of siblings in the world – Lucifer makes fun of Castiel’s lack of human awareness (“Even Amenadiel knows not to mention angel blades around humans... mainly because it's an awful innuendo although I will, in fact, steal that for my next 'meeting' with the Britneys”).
In contrast, if someone dares to make fun of his baby sibling Castiel, Lucifer will freak out. He's a protective older brother. No touchie
(Dean and Lucifer bond over their overprotective nature... Oh, and Lucifer ships Destiel)
Amenadiel adores Castiel too. Obviously mainly because he finally isn’t the only angel (aside from Luci) to be down on Earth struggling to keep up with all their technology and new ways. But also because Amenadiel and Castiel bond over heavenly stuff :3
Sam starts therapy with Linda, who has to untangle the insane lore of the Winchesters’ universe. She’s the one that advices Sam to try and speak to Lucifer to get over his past trauma – because “Lucifer really isn’t so bad here… maybe it will help you” “I doubt it, doctor but… thanks.”
Dean point blank refuses therapy from Linda, though whenever she’s over for a drink or to help on a case, she’s always picking at his brain – “I’ve never met someone, aside from Lucifer, who needs therapy more than you” “Yeah, I’m special that way”
Lucifer and Amenadiel are both highly disturbed by the idea of possessing a body in order to walk the Earth. Of course, their mum did it, but they themselves would never want to. Maze is equally as disgusted and keeps prodding Castiel with questions about it – which at first are highly sexual
Oh, and btw, Maze and Castiel totally have a fling
Why? Idk. Same reason Meg and Cass did?
I probably have more thoughts but these were the first that came to mind – I would love nothing more but to write little snippets here and there… We’ll see if I ever do 👀 if you have any thoughts on these, or any more to add, my ask box is open!
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hotchley · 3 years
i saw your reblog of the Spencer giving Aaron a father's day card thing and i can't stop thinking about how Aaron is the father figure to the entire team now.
(yes I'm also especially thinking about that one scene of Spencer and Derek stuck in the malfunctioning lift shrieking for Aaron just because. 🥴 dad!Hotch ftw!!!!!)
i know this concept has probably been done hundreds of times already but imagine: (SORRY THIS IS GOING TO BE A REALLY LONG ASK, I deeply apologise in advance)
[tw food/eating habits, some references to murder cases because you know this is Criminal Minds, some slight spoilers for people who haven't really watched the show and also reference & mention of autism & a character on the autism spectrum -> just a heads up, a disclaimer, I'm in no way diagnosed with autism, so if i have misrepresented autism, or made any mistakes, i apologise, it wasn't my intention, and i welcome all feedback & criticism — i genuinely want to learn]
a year after Spencer joins the BAU, Aaron notices & becomes very concerned over Spencer's (super bad) eating habits aka him only drinking coffee and forgetting to eat actual proper food when he gets absorbed in cases or research or reading etc -> which results in Aaron absolutely being like "hey Spencer let's grab lunch together" almost everyday just so Spencer eats (healthy, full meals)
(also Spencer picking up on this after Aaron "casually" gets him lunch/treats him to dinner/invites him over for meals for almost every day of the week and he was initially almost irritated/offended until he realised he could use Aaron's habit to make Aaron himself eat properly too because this hypocritical bastard doesn't eat properly himself either so every alternate day you can see Spencer purposely not going for lunch breaks while sneaking glances at Aaron's office just waiting for him to notice and drag them both to lunch together 😌)
also I really think Spencer is on the autistic spectrum (high functioning, imo, but I'm not really sure how this works, and I'd have to do more research) so I'd like to imagine Aaron knows that too because he's noticed Spencer's behaviors + Spencer got an official diagnosis and told him about it maybe 6-7 months into joining the BAU so I really think Aaron lets Spencer stim (physically, his hand gestures) on their lunch break because he knows that Spencer can't really do that in front of the others, so even when they're on cases, he would take Spencer out either for a private lunch or dinner or something, just the two of them, and he'd let Spencer stim & talk about any subject of his fancy as much as he wants to (I'm pretty sure someone wrote a fic like this and I absolutely can't remember the name or the author but I really LOVED the idea too)
initially Spencer was really taken aback too, because you know, this isn't something you do with your boss, of all people, but Hotch had always meant what he says and his facial expression and body language suggested that he was being absolutely sincere and serious about this, so Spencer tentatively started talking, and as their meal progressed, he eventually got comfortable enough to just go on, and not once did Aaron cut him off rudely, until the end of their meal, when Aaron couldn't continue to pretend to drink his soup because he'd finished it somehow with those incredibly small spoonfuls, and he'd had to gently tell Spencer that they had to go back, but Spencer wasn't upset, because he'd just got over an hour to talk about this recent seminar about the connection of ancient Greek mythology to the developments of the society in ancient Greece which no one had ever done for him before and he's full, satisfied and beyond elated because Hotch really didn't have to do this, but he did anyways
at first it was just something between them but eventually Derek noticed & like in the end I think it's a kind of open secret between Aaron, Spencer & Derek and now when Derek notices Aaron doing it he gives Aaron a small nod and he wards off & deals with the questions that the others have when they inevitably notices the private meals Aaron & Spencer has
speaking of Derek, Aaron definitely has 1 on 1 time with Derek too, but doing different things. Derek's thing is sports & home renovations, and he repairs/maintains cars & bikes when he can, and I like to imagine Aaron knowing about his hobbies and casually asking Derek about the home renovation he's working on one time (before or early S1) Derek came into his office to submit a case file, and Derek being kind of shocked/caught by surprised initially (because he knows Hotch has a soft spot for the kid because he's much younger and much, much more inexperienced but Derek's older and should know better, so Hotch won't do the whole private lunch thing with him, right?) but then he grins and starts telling Aaron about how "I got that place absolutely shining right now, man" and then he invites Aaron over to take a look at the place out of courtesy/habit (his mama raised him as a good, polite young man, and no way Hotch would even say yes right?) and to his surprise once again, Aaron does accept his invitation
after that one time, Aaron begins casually asking him about his projects and even starts offering to help him do some of the painting and decorating (to be fair, it calms Aaron too, to have a getaway from Haley and initially from the crying baby, because while he absolutely loved Haley and Jack with all his heart, some days, some days he just couldn't take it, all the stress from Strauss and from trying to be a good father unlike his own, and he had to take some time off to himself, and painting walls is calming and therapeutic to him in some sense) & Derek and Aaron start bonding over hotdogs while sitting out on the front porch of some halfway remodelled house, talking about the latest sports news (they support different baseball teams but that's okay, because Derek gets to grin at Hotch and ask him to pay up when Hotch's team loses to his, and Aaron gets to raise his eyebrows with that small knowing smirk of his and ask Derek to "complete this by the next weekend, will you" when Derek's team loses to his)
when Aaron recruits Penelope, he's read her file, or what little the FBI's cyberteam got on her anyways. he knows the Black Queen's reputation, and he knows that the cyberteam really don't trust her and recommended high levels of surveillance, but the moment he saw her through the glass of the interrogation room and her resume & application on pink paper, he knew that she's not just what the file said she is. initially, she sticks to the "bureau regulated office attire" because you know, Penelope knows she's lucky, she should've been jailed for what she did, she was jailed, until this Aaron Hotchner guy decided, somehow, that she was deserving to be on his team, even after looking at her resume, which she had written on pink paper out of pure spite (because nothing in the FBI rulebooks said anything about submitting your application on specialized coloured paper anyways) but she was moody and unhappy because she's stuck in this tiny office having to answer the phone whenever agents called to ask for details on icky, gruesome murders and disgusting, vile murderers so she decides that hey, since no one ever comes in here anyways, she might as well do some re-decorating right? so she starts bringing in her own soft toys and figurines and starts amassing a whole collection of soft, plushy, and colourful toys in because it's her office and if she has to deal with all these yucky stuff on a daily basis she's going to make it at least bearable to be in here
one day, some tall, stern looking guy just comes into her office with this Tupperware in his hands saying "hey, Garcia right? my wife made some extra cupcakes for the team, you want some?" and she asks "do i know you?" and he blinks, stands there for one, two seconds before- "sorry, i forgot we haven't actually met. Special Supervisory Agent Aaron Hotchner, assistant unit chief of BAU Team 1, nice to meet you," [i like to headcannon that before Boston & all, Hotch was Gideon's assistant, some kind of assistant unit chief probably, but while he wasn't yet the unit chief he was definitely taking care of most, if not all of the administration matters i.e. hiring new agents etc already because let's be real Gideon is caring & capable but really hands off sometimes (also in S1E1 Derek referred to Gideon as their Unit Chief so I assumed Hotch took over the position full time, officially somewhere between S1E1 and S1E2 or 3)]
and then Garcia's brain kind of short-circuits because holy shit this is her BOSS, aka the guy who somehow, crazily looked at her resume and decided to HIRE her and she just asked him if she knew him OH GOD ALL THOSE FIGURINES- and she tries to explain because she really didn't mean to break any rules with them and they aren't, are they? and she can remove them but just, please, she can't go back to prison.
but then Agent Hotchner just goes "hey, hey, Penelope. it's fine. I understand. this is your office, and you have the right to decorate it. I'm not going to fire you over.... My Little Ponies? and uh, some unicorns?" and Penelope can't help but laugh because he genuinely looks baffled by her collection on her desk, and did he just call her Penelope?
and after that, once, after a bad case that Aaron knew affected Penelope (it involved murdered parents & their only child left orphaned and it just hit too close to home for Penelope), he stopped by a local toy shop and bought the brightest, most sparkly, most colourful thing he could find in there (it ended up being a small figurine of a princess on a small, detachable throne that could light up and play some really funky pop music. Aaron cringed internally as he brought it over to the counter, and awkwardly nodded as the cashier asked, "buying this for your daughter, sir? she's going to love it, it's the latest in a collectable series" and he pretended to not see the questioning eyebrow that Derek gave him after seeing the package) and when he presented it to Penelope when they got back, he got the biggest and most bone crushing hug ever from Penelope because "aw that's so sweet, thank you! and you got me the latest in the collection! it's limited edition!" and it just ended up becoming a tradition — Penelope always looks forward to the end of a case now, not only because that means her people are coming home, safe, in one piece (sometimes debatable but still, they're coming home, to her) but it also means that Hotch has brought her yet another tiny figurine or souvenir to add to her collection and she can't wait to see what it is, and Hotch always, always, finds the time after they've wrapped up the case, before the jet leaves, to pop by a local toy shop to get both Penelope and later, when he's older, Jack some toys or souvenir from wherever state he's in, because he wants both of them to know, that despite all the bad out there, there is still good in the world, and they should never forget that
OKAY this ask is SUPER LONG already i apologise skfjsk i have ideas for JJ & Emily but idk if you'd even wanna continue reading them... (maybe.... give me a sign and I'll send another ask and write it? 🥴)
anyways this was just something that came up and i had to write it out 🥺 sorry for spamming you, i hope you're having a great day/night ahead.
- 🌙
Hi so I'm putting everything below the cut for scrolling purposes x
He is!!
Oh my god, I love that scene. It came up in a TikTok about ships, because Person A and Person B are both very smart when they're alone, but put them together and it cancels out, and it made me laugh.
I also love Dad Hotch. Like I love him as much as I love "fighting to keep his emotions in check because he needs to be a leader, but you can tell from the slight change in tone, or the slight glaze of his eyes that he's seconds away from crying" Hotch. Which is saying something.
DON'T APOLOGISE FOR LONG ASKS!! That's what the keep reading on posts is for :))
Oh I love how much Hotch cares about Reid, and of course Reid uses it to his advantage to get Hotch to do the same, because they're similar in that way. Also, he would definitely start grinning when Hotch looks down at his empty plate like: oh. Platonic Hotchreid is everything to me, because it's these two people that have been caretakers their entire life trying to look after another person that wouldn't let anyone do that and it's just... the HOTCH ANGST POTENTIAL THAT IS SO UNTAPPED!!!
Also, not a criticism of you, but from what I've heard from people is that functioning labels are harmful and shouldn't be used because it misrepresents the situation!
I love that idea though!! And Derek being protective over them so he's just like: no, you won't interrupt them, and I will take control of the situation for a few hours AAH!!
OH I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT MORGAN AND HOTCH BONDING!! It's so perfect!! I love the idea of Morgan teaching Hotch to do things, and Hotch realising how relaxing he finds it to do these things.
And because we can't have nice things: he refuses to go after Foyet breaks into his apartment because he doesn't deserve peace, but then Morgan just uses his key, drags him out, takes him to a house and presses a brush into his hand because he's not going to let his friend self destruct like this.
EVERYTHING ABOUT GARCIA!! OH MY GOD!! I need to get some work done, so I'm going to finish up there, but seriously!! Amazing!! I love the idea of Hotch getting her little figurines and stuff <33
(shameless self promo, she does the same for him in "and he will come back home" hehe)
I would love to hear the Emily and JJ ones!! I hope that's the sign you need :)
Don't apologise for spamming I was having a dull day, and I hope you have a good day too!
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Supernatural Novel: Heart of the Dragon
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Welcome to my not-quite review of the fourth Supernatural novel, Heart of the Dragon.
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido
Timeline: Set after Episode 5.08 Changing Channels
Location: San Francisco, California (Chinatown)
Synopsis: An old foe has come back to terrorize San Francisco, but what is the connection between the Campbells, John Winchester and Sam and Dean? Read to find out!
Warning: Spoilers abound!
Oh, where do I start? Heart of the Dragon has a very different feel to it, one that I'm not entirely on board with. Basically, it's a flashback book that spends the first third on Samuel, Deanna, and Mary Campbell, the second third on John Winchester and the last quarter on Sam and Dean. In fact, out of 28 chapters, Sam and Dean were only featured in about 7 of them. It leaves the book feeling hollow and me, a little meh. But, there are some additional insights into the Winchester family history which I'll try and parse out.
One more thought, I'm glad this is the last book from this particular author. Once again he has utilized a culture/race to tell the story, and not well. When the story is in 1969, he utilizes the world Orientals to explain Japanese and Chinese characters. He might have been trying to use the wording of the day, and that's fine if it's in dialogue, but to use it as a descriptor is problematic, at best. He also plays up multiple stereotypes from the Chinese mob to the Japanese Samurai. I'm hoping this book is the Route 666 of the novels and that they can only get better.
I decided to sort my thoughts within the different timelines, so here we go:
1969: Samuel, Deanna, and Mary Campbell
We open with the family hunting a vampire and Samuel using 15-year-old Mary as willing bait. It turns out to be a nest, but they quickly dispatch them without casualties. Deanna appears to be quite the hunter in her own right (her skill with a Claymore outstanding.) Within this hunt we learn a few things about Mary and the Campbell family.
The Campbells have a strong link to their Scottish heritage.
Samuel hates Christmas
Mary is willful, annoying, and disrespectful, but an amazing hunter who was raised practically from birth to how to hunt and defend herself. (Sam parallels, perhaps?)
Mary learned about monsters at 11 when she saw her parents dispatch an avenging spirit.
Samuel hates the idea of Mary hanging out with any boys, though she has a particular fondness for a John Winchester who works as a local auto-mechanic.
Samuel owns a dry-cleaning business and Deanna substitute teaches to help maintain some kind of income.
Mary often wondered about having a normal life, but would dismiss it knowing she couldn't have that and still know monsters are out there. (Seems like a combination of Sam and Dean here).
Other than that, the hunt they go to San Francisco for seems fairly perfunctory. They do a bunch of research, talk to a few locals. Samuel dons his FBI agent schtick, they locate the source of the problem, and quickly dispatch it. There's nothing too dramatic there, just a lot of backstory.
1989: John Winchester
There's a bit more insight here because now we're getting some insight into Dad John, as well as 6-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Dean. I'll touch on a few points.
Leaving his boys with others: We open with John returning to his kids whom he left at Bobby's while he took care of a hunt. He left them long enough that they were enrolled in school and he planned on keeping them there for the fall semester. He felt bad about using Bobby's hospitality for so long.
Training his boys: "John knew his boys would need to be able to defend themselves against whatever was out there - he'd already started that process with Dean... Dean was a crack shot with John's M1911 and could load the shotgun with iron rounds and fire them off in one smooth motion. Eventually he'd need to train Sammy too. But not yet."
Loving his boys: When he arrives at Bobby's, Sam runs out to meet him and wraps his arms around John's legs as he walks in. Sam also tattles on Dean for eating the last donut.
There are also some fun moments between young Sam and Dean, mostly sibling bickering.
Dean and Sam enjoy playing hide-and-seek among Bobby's car on the weekends and Sam enjoys going to school during the week. Dean, not so much.
Sam proudly shares that he's doing 3rd grade work in 1st grade and then teases Dean about also doing 3rd grade work even though he's in 5th grade (Dean then sticks his tongue out at Sam and says "Screw you, Sammy.") At this John calls them out and both boys are chagrined.
Later on, when John calls Bobby for more information, we find Dean holding a pen out of Sam's reach and teasing him with it.
Of course, that call means we also get this heartbreaking line moment from Dean, who wants to talk to his Dad, but can't before John hangs up. Bobby tries to explain: "'Sorry, Dean, he, uh, was on his way out the door. But he told me to tell you both to behave yourselves and do what I tell you. And that he loves you.' Dean: 'Did he really say that?'"
When Bobby presents the next case, John is torn between wanting to spend time with his kids, but going after something that could cause people to burn spontaneously, in the hopes that it might lead him to the demon who killed Mary. I think the book did a good job of capturing John's struggle between revenge and caring for his boys. He's not the abusive, neglectful father people tend to think he is. He's someone struggling to make things right.
"John didn't answer at first. Instead, he looked over at Sam and Dean in the dining room, playing that oh-so-common game of 'I touched you last.'
Christmas was coming up and he did want to spend it with the boys..."
Finally, when John returns and Bobby and the boys meet him at the airport, we get some additional insight into 10-year-old Dean's thoughts regarding his father and his place in the family.
"Waiting there in the airport, he understood how important it was for Dad to be away so much - more than Sammy ever could. Sammy hadn't really known Mom, since he was just a baby when she died. Dean couldn't imagine that his baby brother would ever truly understand what had happened to her.
If he was honest with himself, he didn't really understand it, either. There were some days - though he'd never admit this to anyone - when he couldn't even remember what she looked like.
Some kind of monster had killed Mom, and Dad wouldn't rest until he found that monster and killed it. Along the way, he'd kill any other monsters who tried to kill other people's moms...
Dad still fought the bad guys and saved people, but he also cared about his sons.
Because Dad was a hero, and that was what heroes did."
2009 - Sam and Dean
There isn't much to write about here, because they weren't featured in the book. I will just add a couple of notes.
Dean recognizes Samuel Campbell in a newspaper article about the killings. (He'd already been sent back in time and met his grandfather).
It's seems reasonable to Sam that Mary and her parents were hunters. What freaks him out is that he and Dean were named after their grandparents and John never told them.
Sam's been a nerd about the American Interstate system since he was 10 and loved poring over maps.
Sam feels more guilt from trusting Ruby over Dean than starting the apocalypse.
Final notes:
This book introduces Castiel who brings the case to the boys attention. We get the same stuff in here that you see on screen, he has issues with personal space, comes and goes at will, and Bobby's still mad at him for not being able to heal his paralysis. He's only there for a few pages, and then disappears again.
Bobby gets a bit more screen time, as a pseudo-dad to young Sam and Dean, and later as their resource when researching the case and it's history. Favorite quote: "As he went into the fridge for butter to spread onto the pan, Bobby decided it was the entire Winchester family that was making him bald."
We briefly get Hurt Sam who is punched repeatedly by a hulk of a man, but with no lasting consequences and very little caring Dean.
We find out at the end that Zachariah orchestrated the whole thing by planting the idea in Castiel's head.
So, like I said at the beginning, not my favorite, but hopefully I was able to share some of the more interesting parts. Read at your own risk!
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