#Canadian exporters and traders
palmoilnews · 2 days
ICE canola climbs on technical buying, hopes for strike to end 2024/09/25 02:29 Sept 24 (Reuters) - ICE canola futures jumped to three-week highs on Tuesday on technical buying and hopes for a resolution to a workers' strike that could disrupt crop exports at the Canadian port of Vancouver, traders said. Grain terminal workers at the port agreed to resume negotiations alongside federal mediators after going on strike, according to Canada's government. Talks between the Grain Workers Union and the Vancouver Terminal Elevators' Association broke down last week. November canola futures RSX4 were up $15.20 at $602.50 per metric ton by 1:10 p.m. CDT (1810 GMT) and touched the highest price since Sept. 3 at $603. January canola RSF5 was up $14.30 at $615 per ton and reached its highest level since Sept. 3 at $615.40. Technical buying kicked in as the January contract cleared its 50-day moving average, a trader said. Gains encouraged farmer selling, he said. On the Chicago Board of Trade, December soyoil BOZ24 was up 1.53 U.S. cents at 43.37 U.S. cents per pound by 1:10 p.m. CDT (1810 GMT) and touched its highest price since July 26. Malaysian palm oil FCPOc3 rose about 1.4% and Euronext November rapeseed futures COMX4 rose 0.9%. *All figures in Canadian dollars unless noted
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forex1425 · 1 month
The Impact of Global Economic Events on Forex Markets
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Being the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, the Forex market is very sensitive to global economic events. Such events can lead to tectonic price movements, which are at the same time opportunities and risks for traders. Therefore, everybody involved in Forex trading has to understand the events of the global economy and their impact on currency markets. In this blog post, we shall discuss major events across the world economy that shape the Forex markets and how one can effectively maneuver these changes as a trader. In case you need everything updated in real-time, expert analysis is going on, then Best Forex Telegram Channel is your way to stay ahead of market movements.
1. Central Bank decisions
Central banks make decisions that are important to the extent that they favor the value of a currency. One of the more critical concepts within the monetary policy decisions is in the strategy behind making adjustments to interest rates. Changes to actual interest rates directly encourage some engineering practices and other monetary policies that, in turn, impact currency price. For example, when the U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates, the U.S. dollar usually strengthens, as foreign investors pour capital into the country to profit on the higher returns. It is important to remain updated regarding such decisions and reports, as they create volumes of major volatility on the forex marketplace.
2. Economic Data Releases
Economic data is generated on a routine basis, which operates the GDP growth rates, data on the unemployment scenario, inflation reports, and data on retail sales. These aspects give evidence to the health of the economy. If the data is positive, then there is a possibility that the currency will ascend in value. If it is negative, then it is likely to depreciate in value. An example of this case is strong job developments in the United States that could be a factor in dollar increase, and the euro is going to be discouraged with lower retail sales within the Eurozone. Traders mostly use the economic calendars to follow these releases and accordingly plan their trades. Subscribing to the Best Forex Telegram Channel ensures you get timely updates and analysis of these critical data points.
3. Geopolitical Events
Geopolitical events—such as elections, trade wars, or international conflicts—create uncertainty. They can, therefore, provide sharp movements in currency markets. For instance, in the case of Brexit, the negotiations utterly changed the value of the British pound, and every development of these talks affected its value. Similarly, the rift between two key economies, the U.S. and China, can have an impact on global trade, and thus their currencies. A trader should be aware of geopolitical risks and learn to adapt his strategies to avoid such volatility.
4. Natural Disasters and Pandemics
Natural disasters and global health crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, can also cast a very long shadow across the Forex markets. This ongoing pandemic has resulted in huge geopolitical volatility in the market, events that government lockdowns and emergency money-printing by central banks likely caused and nobody had seen ever before. Natural disasters, like earthquakes or hurricanes, can also disrupt economic activity with the consequence of currency values being impacted. The knowledge of what is happening and the capability of understanding how it can impact something else are very crucial to forex traders.
5. Commodity Price Movements
For the countries that import or export commodities like oil or gold - a general tendency remains that the commodity price change impacts the concerned country's currency movement. For example, with a surge in oil prices, a country like Canada, where the prime economy is due to oil exports, would have a positive impact on the Canadian dollar. Conversely, a fall in gold prices might weaken the Australian dollar, considering that the country exports gold. Understanding price relationships of commodities to currency values will better organize the supply/demand scenarios for the trader.
Navigating Forex Markets During Global Events
In the Forex market, every global economic event, especially when they dangle in the balance between good news and bad news, offers an opportunity for a trader to speculate. But it requires that the trader be well informed and prepared to act promptly. Here are a few strategies for doing that:
Use a News Calendar. Monitor significant economic events and data releases to be ahead of the game on potential market movements.
- Diversify Your Portfolio: Diversify by investing in various currencies so as to avoid risks.
- Implement Risk Management: Use stop-loss orders and position sizing to ensure the security of your capital from sudden market movements.
- Join the Best Forex Telegram Channel: Be in touch with a community of the leading traders to get short-term insights, trading signals, and expert analysis of the market.
As global economic events deeply impact Forex markets, informed traders have great possibilities of making profits within the same. If one really needs to place themselves appropriately in the context of central bank policy decisions, economic data releases, geopolitical activities, natural disasters, and shifts in commodity prices, then this is the best e-book. The best Forex Telegram channel plays a key role in navigating through these extremely complex and dynamic markets, offering real-time updates and expert guidance.
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axelpvtmkt · 2 months
Navigating CAD and CHF Weakness in the Forex Market
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The latest Commitment of Traders (COT) report shows significant weakness in both the Canadian Dollar (CAD) and the Swiss Franc (CHF). This blog will explore the factors contributing to this weakness and what it means for traders and investors.
Analyzing CAD Weakness
The CAD has been showing notable weakness, primarily driven by several economic factors. Lower oil prices have impacted Canada’s economy, as oil is a major export. Additionally, trade issues and slower economic growth have contributed to the CAD’s decline. Traders should watch for further developments in Canada’s economic indicators and global oil prices to assess potential opportunities in CAD trading.
Understanding CHF Weakness
The Swiss Franc, traditionally seen as a safe-haven currency, is also experiencing weakness. Recent shifts in global risk sentiment and changes in investor preferences have led to a decline in demand for the CHF. The current market environment suggests that investors are seeking higher returns in riskier assets, moving away from safe-haven currencies like the CHF.
Market Implications
For traders, the weakness in CAD and CHF presents both risks and opportunities. It’s crucial to stay updated on economic data and geopolitical developments that could impact these currencies. By understanding the underlying factors driving currency movements, traders can better position themselves in the forex market.
The CAD and CHF’s current weakness highlights the need for traders to stay informed about global economic trends and market developments. Monitoring economic indicators and geopolitical events can help traders make more strategic decisions in the forex market.
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novumtimes · 4 months
Bank of Canada cuts interest rates: Read the official statement
Article content The Bank of Canada held interest rates on April 10, keeping its key policy rate at five per cent. Here’s the Bank of Canada’s official statement for its rate decision: The Bank of Canada today reduced its target for the overnight rate to 4.75 per cent, with the Bank Rate at 5 per cent and the deposit rate at 4.75 per cent. The Bank is continuing its policy of balance sheet normalization. Article content The global economy grew by about 3 per cent in the first quarter of 2024, broadly in line with the Bank’s April Monetary Policy Report (MPR) projection. In the United States, the economy expanded more slowly than was expected, as weakness in exports and inventories weighed on activity. Growth in private domestic demand remained strong but eased. In the euro area, activity picked up in the first quarter of 2024. China’s economy was also stronger in the first quarter, buoyed by exports and industrial production, although domestic demand remained weak. Inflation in most advanced economies continues to ease, although progress towards price stability is bumpy and is proceeding at different speeds across regions. Oil prices have averaged close to the MPR assumptions, and financial conditions are little changed since April. In Canada, economic growth resumed in the first quarter of 2024 after stalling in the second half of last year. At 1.7 per cent, first-quarter GDP growth was slower than forecast in the MPR. Weaker inventory investment dampened activity. Consumption growth was solid at about 3 per cent, and business investment and housing activity also increased. Labour market data show businesses continue to hire, although employment has been growing at a slower pace than the working-age population. Wage pressures remain but look to be moderating gradually. Overall, recent data suggest the economy is still operating in excess supply. Article content Recommended from Editorial Traders prep for weaker Canadian dollar Hoping Bank of Canada rate cut will spark housing boom? CPI inflation eased further in April, to 2.7 per cent. The Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation also slowed and three-month measures suggest continued downward momentum. Indicators of the breadth of price increases across components of the CPI have moved down further and are near their historical average. However, shelter price inflation remains high. With continued evidence that underlying inflation is easing, Governing Council agreed that monetary policy no longer needs to be as restrictive and reduced the policy interest rate by 25 basis points. Recent data has increased our confidence that inflation will continue to move towards the 2 per cent target. Nonetheless, risks to the inflation outlook remain. Governing Council is closely watching the evolution of core inflation and remains particularly focused on the balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth, and corporate pricing behaviour. The Bank remains resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians. Share this article in your social network Source link via The Novum Times
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mariacallous · 4 months
Pity the poor pickled herring. The small preserved fish sold in jars in the refrigerated section of most delis gets no respect. I am an unabashed fan. I love its sweet and salty taste, alone or in a herring salad. I know I’m not the only one. 
But I also know herring is a secret delight that some fans won’t even talk about in public. In many households, herring lovers are forced to sneak bites straight out of the jar by the light of the refrigerator when no one else is home. “My husband says it makes him gag,” confessed a herring lover who asked to remain anonymous. 
Pickled herring never really got the passionate declarations of love Ashkenazi Jews reserve for bagels, lox, deli sandwiches, or even chopped liver. Its pale gray color and watery (but delicious!) brine also does it no favors when it comes to attracting first-time diners. But once you get hooked, there’s no going back. 
Herring’s bad reputation among North American Jews is nothing new. In 1928, the Canadian Jewish Review bemoaned the younger generation’s disinterest in traditional observance and knew just where to place the blame. Noting that a Jewish girl’s club featured ice cream and ham sandwiches (thus breaking the laws of kashrut), editor F. F. Cooper wrote: “As to the ham sandwiches, well they are the logical downfall of a generation that knows not herring.” Cooper encouraged families to feed their children traditional Jewish dishes that “keep the stomach Jewish when the mind has wandered away.” 
The history of herring and Jews goes back hundreds of years. As Miriam Borden noted in her piece for The Canadian Jewish News, herring first came to Jewish markets as early as the 15th century, when the Dutch salted fresh fish to preserve it for export to cities across Europe. Food historians say the Renaissance diet of Austrian Jews was made up of milk, butter, black bread, eggs, cheese, soup, vegetables, sauerkraut, rice, and herring. 
The first Jewish fishmongers received the fish in barrels. They eventually became prominent herring traders, importing and transporting the fish to Germany, Poland, and Russia, then selling it in shops and from pushcarts. In the early 1900s, my uncle was one of those peddlers selling herring and other fish to Jewish families in Central Massachusetts. 
Hawking pickled fish from a pushcart was also how one of the most famous herring purveyors came to be: Russ and Daughters have been selling herring, lox, and other Jewish dairy delights on New York’s Lower East Side for over 100 years. In 2013, owner Mark Russ Federman told the Haaretz that the original herring customer was first-generation Yiddish speaking immigrants. Now, a century later, it’s a younger, more diverse clientele that includes hip foodies from all over the world. 
While, herring in wine or cream sauce are the traditional favorites, these days, new purveyors like The Rebbe’s Choice offer more contemporary flavors like jalapeño and honey-mustard Sriracha. 
Purists maintain that the best way to eat herring is straight out of the jar with a thick slice of rye bread and butter. But this far from the only traditional way to enjoy the fish. Chopped herring salad, once a mainstay of Shabbat dinners and Jewish celebrations, is difficult, if not impossible to find, but not hard at all to make at home. Herring is combined with chopped eggs, Granny Smith apples, challah, and a little sugar. This recipe is closest to what most consider a traditional herring salad. (Note: it’s perfectly fine to substitute a jar of herring for the herring filets.)
Jews from the former Soviet Union have their own herring dish delightfully called Herring Under a Fur Coat, nicknamed shuba, which means fur coat in Russian. It’s a festive dish, served at celebrations such as New Year’s Eve and Jewish holidays, made up of layers of herring, shredded potatoes, beets, carrots, and eggs in between layers of mayonnaise. 
Herring today isn’t stuck in the past, or on kiddush tables alone. Chefs and cookbook authors are creating new ways to enjoy herring that resonate with modern tastes. If the idea of creamed herring in a jar makes you nervous, why not whip up your own version with sour cream, Dijon mustard, and horseradish. New York Times food writer Melissa Clark updated herring for modern palates with her recipe for Pickled Herring and Apple Crostini with Dilled Ricotta — a deconstructed version of herring salad that’s perfect for entertaining friends. Clark and cookbook author Alison Roman both suggest serving herring as an hors d’oeuvre atop crunchy potato chips for a fresh variation on salt and vinegar flavored chips.
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quantumaicatrading · 7 months
Quantum AI Trading Strategies for the Canadian Market
Picture this: you have a super-smart trading assistant that never sleeps. It tirelessly analyzes stock prices, news, and global markets – all to help you make better investment decisions. That's the power of Quantum AI trading strategies in the Canadian market! These strategies use advanced computer programs to find hidden patterns and opportunities that you might miss on your own.
Think of it like having a team of financial analysts working for you around the clock. In this article, we'll uncover the secrets of the best Quantum AI trading strategies for Canadians. We'll explain how they work and help you choose the ones that can boost your portfolio. Ready to see how Quantum AI can make you a smarter investor? Let's dive in!
Understanding Quantum AI Trading Strategies
Let's get down to the basics. Quantum AI trading strategies are like special recipes that computers use to make investing decisions. These recipes look at tons of data – stock prices, news, even social media chatter – and search for patterns that could predict how a stock might move next.
The goal is simple: buy low, sell high, and do it faster and smarter than anyone could do on their own.
Popular Quantum AI Trading Strategies for Canada
Now, let's get into the good stuff – the specific types of AI strategies that work well in the Canadian market. Here's a breakdown of some of the most popular ones:
Trend Following: Think of this like riding a wave. These strategies aim to hop on board market trends and profit as a stock continues to go up (or down!).
Mean Reversion: This strategy is all about betting on things evening out. It looks for stocks that have swung far away from their average price, expecting them to bounce back.
Arbitrage: This one's like a super-fast bargain hunter. Arbitrage strategies search for tiny price differences for the same stock on different exchanges, aiming to make quick profits from the gap.
News Sentiment Analysis: Imagine your AI reading the news like a pro! These strategies analyze articles and social media, looking for clues about how a company or sector might be doing.
Sector-Specific Strategies: Canada has some unique strengths, like resources and energy. These strategies focus on those sectors, using AI to find the best players in the field.
Why These Strategies Work in Canada
The Canadian market has its unique flavour. Here's why the strategies we just talked about are a particularly good fit:
Resource-Rich: Canada is a major exporter of commodities like oil, minerals, and lumber. AI trend-following and sector-specific strategies can capitalize on price swings in these areas.
Global Connections: Canadian markets are closely linked to the US and other global economies. News sentiment analysis can help traders react quickly to events that might impact Canadian companies.
Stable Markets: Compared to some emerging markets, Canada has relatively stable and well-regulated exchanges. This makes technical strategies like mean reversion more reliable.
Choosing the Right Quantum AI Trading Strategy for You
Quantum AI trading isn't one-size-fits-all. The best strategy for you depends on a few key factors:
Your Risk Tolerance: Some strategies are riskier than others. Trend following can mean bigger wins, but also bigger losses if the trend breaks. Are you comfortable with that?
Your Goals: Are you focused on short-term gains or long-term growth? Different strategies fit different time horizons.
Your Experience: If you're new to investing, simpler strategies like trend following might be a good start. More seasoned traders could explore complex strategies like arbitrage.
Picking a good strategy is important, but it's not the whole story. You'll also need to consider:
The Platform: Is it user-friendly and does it offer the tools you need?
Data Quality: AI is only as good as the data it learns from. Make sure your platform uses reliable sources.
The Takeaway: The Quantum AI trading revolution is just getting started in Canada. It's an exciting time to be an investor!
The Importance of Risk Management with Quantum AI
Quantum AI trading is powerful. Here's why it's important to manage your risk:
Black Boxes: Some AI models are so complex that even their creators don't fully understand how they make decisions. This can lead to unexpected results.
Market Shifts: Markets can change rapidly, and an AI trained on past data might not adapt quickly enough.
Over-reliance: It's tempting to let the AI do all the work, but blind trust can be dangerous. Stay informed and don't be afraid to step in.
Tips for Responsible Quantum AI Trading:
Start Small: Don't bet your life savings on a brand-new strategy. Begin with small amounts of money to test the waters.
Monitor Closely: Keep a watchful eye on your AI trades, especially in the beginning.
Set Stop-Losses: These automatic tools help limit your losses if things go unexpectedly wrong.
Stay Educated: The AI trading landscape is always evolving. Keep learning and adapting your approach.
Should You Use Quantum AI Canada?
The decision to use Quantum AI Canada is a personal one. There's no single right answer. Weigh the potential benefits against the inherent risks and align any tools or services with your overall investment strategy.
Getting Started with Quantum AI Canada
Quantum AI trading is often surprisingly easy. Here are the basic steps:
Just Sign Up: Fill Your Information to the official website only and wait for the expert call to verify your and your dashboard access.
Deposit: Deposit the minimum required amount to start. $250 is best to start for.
Sit Back And Wait: After Running your Quantum Ai Canada, all you have to do is sit back and relax and count your profit every 1 hour, maximum profit comes within this time frame - $500 to more than $9500 even possible in 3 days with Quantum Ai Canada.
Monitor and Adjust: Don't just set it and forget it! Keep an eye on your Quantum AI's performance and tweak your strategy as needed.
The Future of Quantum AI
Quantum AI is still relatively new, but it has the potential to shake up how we think about investing. Here are a few exciting trends to watch:
Democratization of Investing: Quantum AI is making it easier for everyday people to get involved in the markets, even if they don't have loads of experience or financial knowledge.
More Sophisticated Strategies: As Quantum AI gets smarter, we can expect to see even more complex and adaptive trading strategies, potentially leading to better results.
Personalized Investing: Quantum AI could create tailored investment portfolios based on your individual goals, risk tolerance, and even your ethical preferences.
Increased Regulation: As Quantum AI trading becomes more mainstream, you'll likely see more government oversight in Canada to protect investors.
What Makes Quantum AI Canada So Good For Investing
This is the world’s first quantum computing machine; unlike your home PC, this computer is smart – it makes thousands of simultaneous ‘decisions’ at once. Your brain thinks one thought at a time, in a sequence. Imagine if you could have thousands of thoughts at once, each as clear as the other. That’s quantum computing.
Using that power, our quantum computing machine will help you make smarter trades and make more money than you thought possible. Even better, it’s designed so that you can make money and help others while you profit!
It finds trades by analysing differentials between stock prices every nano-second that stock markets are live (and makes predictions even when the markets are closed, so you’ll know what’s likely to happen when they re-open). Your current computer (and everyone else’s) can’t match the decision speeds of this new system.
Sign up, and be one of the exclusive few using this technology (before everyone else gets wind of it!)
Quantum AI trading strategies have the potential to transform how Canadians invest. By harnessing the power of data analysis and lightning-fast execution, AI can unlock new opportunities, streamline your trading process, and help you reach your financial goals.
Understanding the Canadian market, selecting the right strategies for your needs, and adopting smart risk management practices are key to success. As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for Canadian investors will only grow. If you're ready to embrace the future of finance, exploring Quantum AI trading in Canada could be your smartest investment yet.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Is Quantum AI trading right for beginners? A: It can be! Some strategies are simpler to understand, and many platforms offer beginner-friendly tools. Start with education, small amounts of money, and thorough platform research.
Q2: Can I replace my financial advisor with AI? A: AI is a powerful tool, but it likely shouldn't completely replace human expertise. Consider AI as a valuable assistant rather than a full replacement for personalized advice.
Q3: How much does AI trading cost? A: Costs vary depending on the platform, the complexity of your strategies, and data fees. Factor these costs into your overall investment plan.
Q4: Is AI trading guaranteed to make me rich? A: Unfortunately, no. All trading carries risk. AI can improve your odds, but it's not a magic money machine.
If you want to know other articles similar to Quantum AI Trading Strategies for the Canadian Market you can visit the Quantum Ai Canada category.
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rupalic · 8 months
Soil Amendments Market: Key Factors behind Market’s Rapid Growth
The soil amendments market refers to the industry involved in the production, distribution, and sale of products that are used to improve soil quality and fertility. Soil amendments are substances added to soil to enhance its physical, chemical, and biological properties, thereby creating a more favorable environment for plant growth.
The soil amendments market is poised for tremendous growth, with a predicted value of USD 6.0 billion by 2027 and a CAGR of 11.0%. The global market was assessed at USD 3.6 billion in 2022, indicating a growing need for sustainable agricultural solutions and providing multiple chances for enterprises and stakeholders to innovate and have a positive effect.
The selection of soil amendments is determined by the soil's individual needs, such as pH, nitrogen levels, and physical structure. The growing demand for soil amendments reflects growing knowledge of the benefits of organic farming practises and sustainable agriculture, as well as a desire to lessen the environmental effect of traditional farming methods.Farmers may contribute to improve soil health, minimise the use of synthetic and conventional fertilisers, and encourage more sustainable and environmentally responsible agriculture by employing soil amendments. The expansion of the market for soil amendments also represents an opportunity for firms and innovators to create new goods and technology that may assist satisfy the growing need for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practises.
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The US witnesses the presence of many mines, which are associated with hard rock mining, coal mining, smelting & refining sites, and construction & refining sites. Mines not only contribute to air pollution but also to land degradation and leave the soil less fertile and vulnerable to erosion. The abandoned mines are generally present in the forest areas, reducing the overall forest productivity and timber harvest potential. Some of these are also present in rural areas with rugged terrains and limited access.
Market Drivers: Easier availability of humic substances as raw materials
Humic substances are widely distributed organic carbon-containing materials in terrestrial and aquatic environments. The availability of humic substances boosts the growth of the market. In terms of consumption of humic substances, Europe leads the market, followed by the Asia Pacific due to its easy and cheap availability in countries such as China and India. Asian countries account for a large agricultural area due to the greater availability of humic substances in this region.
The key players in this market include BASF SE (Germany), UPL Limited (India), FMC Corporation (US), Adama (Israel), Bayer (Germany), Novozymes (Denmark), Lallemand Inc (Canada), and T Stanes & Company, Evonik Industries (Germany), and Nufarm (Australia).
Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=129654227
Target Audience:
Fertilizer manufacturers, formulators, and blenders
Agrochemical traders, suppliers, distributors, importers, and exporters
Raw material suppliers and technology providers to soil amendment/soil conditioner manufacturers
Agricultural co-operative societies
Fertilizer associations and industry bodies:
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFIA)
International Fertilizer Association (IFA)
European Consortium of the Organic-Based Fertilizer Industry (ECOFI)
Government agricultural departments and regulatory bodies:
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
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yaso711 · 1 year
Currency Exchange Today
The RMB index fell across the board, the yen fell below the important index line, and the dollar rose sharply
Raw Trading Ltd
On August 14, the central parity rate of RMB against the US dollar was lowered by 99 basis points to 7.1686. On August 11, the CFETS RMB exchange rate index was 97.47, up 0.01 on a weekly basis.
The People's Bank of China authorized the China Foreign Exchange Trade System to announce that the central parity rate of the RMB exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on August 14, 2023 is: 1 US dollar to RMB 7.1686, 1 euro to RMB 7.8988, 100 yen to RMB 4.9992, and 1 Hong Kong dollar RMB 0.91701, GBP 9.1756, Australian dollar 4.6973, New Zealand 4.3323, Singapore dollar 5.3454, Swiss franc 8.2447, Canadian dollar 5.3883 Yuan, 1 yuan to 0.63687 Malaysian ringgit, 1 yuan to 13.7208 Russian ruble, 1 yuan to 2.6171 South African rand, 1 yuan to 183.44 Korean won, 1 yuan to 0.50803 United Arab Emirates dirham, 1 yuan to 0.51897 Saudi Riyal, RMB 1 to 48.3990 Hungarian Forint, RMB 1 to 0.56081 Polish Zloty, RMB 1 to 0.9419 Danish Krone, RMB 1 to 1.4974 Swedish Krona, RMB 1 to Norwegian Krone 1.4422, RMB 1 yuan to 3.74259 Turkish lira, 1 yuan to 2.3510 Mexican pesos, 1 yuan to 4.8507 baht.
IC Markets
The yen fell to its lowest level this year against the dollar on Monday, breaching the key 145 level, before regaining some ground as traders cautiously looked for cues on possible intervention, while the greenback rallied to a more than one-month peak.
The yen fell to as low as 145.22 per dollar in early Asian trade, its weakest since Nov. 10, before quickly reversing course amid a choppy start to the week. It was last at 144.92, up 0.03%.
Low yields in Japan make the yen an easy target for short sellers and financing deals, while widening interest rate differentials between Japan and the U.S. have contributed to persistent yen weakness.
Japan intervened in currency markets last September when the dollar rose above 145 yen, prompting the Ministry of Finance (MOF) to buy yen and push the yen back to around 140 yen. The yen has fallen nearly 10 percent against the dollar this year.
ANZ analysts said the resilience of the US consumer will be in focus following the release of retail sales data for July, with higher fuel prices and tighter credit conditions expected to have an impact.
The U.S. dollar index , which measures the greenback against six currencies, rose 0.097% to 102.95, after touching a more than one-month high of 103.02
The euro was down 0.12% at $1.0931 and the pound was down 0.15% at $1.2675.
The Australian dollar was down 0.42% at $0.6470 and the New Zealand dollar was down 0.36% at $0.5963. Earlier in the session, both Australian currencies fell to their lowest levels since November. The currencies were weakened by disappointing trade and inflation data from China, the biggest buyer of its resource exports.
Chris Weston, head of research at Pepperstone, said that while sentiment towards China has eased, this week's high-frequency Chinese data may only need a small move to elicit a strong upward reaction in Chinese indicators.
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auvoriaprime · 1 year
What Are the Most Important Details for Trading NZDCAD?
Trading NZDCAD, which represents the exchange rate between the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD), requires careful consideration of various factors. While trading always involves inherent risks, here are some of the most important details to take into account when trading NZDCAD:
Economic Indicators: Keep a close eye on economic indicators from both New Zealand and Canada. Key indicators include GDP growth, employment data, inflation rates, interest rates, and trade balances. Positive economic indicators often strengthen a country's currency, while negative indicators may weaken it.
Central Bank Policies: Monitor the monetary policies of both the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) and the Bank of Canada (BoC). Central bank decisions on interest rates and their outlook on the economy can significantly impact the exchange rate.
Commodity Prices: Both New Zealand and Canada are commodity-driven economies, with New Zealand being a major exporter of dairy products and Canada a significant producer of oil and natural resources. Changes in commodity prices can influence the currencies' values.
Market Sentiment: Pay attention to market sentiment and trader positioning. Sentiment can have a significant impact on short-term price movements and can provide valuable insights into market expectations.
Political Stability: Political stability in both countries is crucial for a stable currency. Political events, elections, and policy changes can affect the exchange rate.
Global Economic Events: Global events, such as trade wars, geopolitical tensions, and economic crises, can cause volatility in currency pairs, including NZDCAD.
Technical Analysis: Employ technical analysis tools to identify trends, support and resistance levels, and potential entry and exit points. Popular technical indicators include moving averages, RSI (Relative Strength Index), and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence).
Risk Management: Always implement proper risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and position sizing, to protect your capital from significant losses.
Liquidity: Ensure that there is sufficient liquidity in the NZDCAD market. High liquidity reduces the risk of significant price gaps and slippage during trading.
Correlations: Be aware of any correlations between NZDCAD and other currency pairs, commodities, or equity markets. Understanding these relationships can help you make more informed trading decisions.
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9 Tips For Managing Your Customer Receivables
While car ownership brings comfort and comfort, there are further expenses past the purchase price. In 2019, the typical Canadian household spent $5,707 on total car working prices, like maintenance, fuel, insurance coverage and registration. Why should Canadian investors pay attention to worldwide inventory markets? Improvements in internet expertise has made it potential Invoice factoring for maintenance companies for traders to research, analyze, and commerce securities on-line. Online brokerages are well-liked with “do-it-yourself” traders who choose their own shares and don’t want to pay a full-service broker for these services. Fees at on-line brokerages vary from about $4.95 to $8.00, relying on the variety of trades a client makes and the dimensions of a client’s account.
Provided a revolver to a company for basic working capital functions. Submit your invoices to us and we’ll instantly advance you funds and deal with assortment out of your shopper, liberating you up to do what you do best – develop your corporation. One notably essential way this may help is that it makes it straightforward to comply with regulations that apply to cross-border transactions. Companies can handle maintenance company factoring their customs types, payments of lading, shipping manifests, certificates of origin, and NAFTA certificates from a single, streamlined platform. Anyone who needs access to those documents and has the suitable authorization to view them can achieve this – whether that’s from a warehouse, a transport dock, or a receiving bay. This is a straightforward way for companies to get through the export clearance process extra rapidly.
Our advice and TCO calculations are free of cost and so we are at all times pleased to run comparisons for purchasers and prospects to permit them to make their very own true evaluation on prices. The new UPS system was right-sized to guard the precise maintenance factoring load and because it was a modular system it provided the benefits of N+1 redundancy and scope for future ‘pay as you grow’ growth as required. We reviewed the total price of ownership (TCO) of the brand new system compared with the old UPS.
Marketing managers want a lot of finished goods available so buyer orders may be crammed quickly. Techniques for reducing the funding in inventory are inventory administration, the just-in-time (JIT) system, and supplies requirement planning. Magna’s money and money equivalents encompass demand deposits plus financial institution time period deposits and bankers’ acceptances with maturities of three months or much less at acquisition. These investments are uncovered to minimal interest rate risk and credit score risk due to their brief maturity and financial institution guarantee. All securities are rated as funding grade and are properly diversified across multiple financial institutions and governments.
An instance is estimating the price of a processing unit, which is simply a half of the total capital cost. “Through the light and to the right.” This is a favourite catchphrase among BK planners who're on the lookout factoring maintenance companies for a promising spot for a new restaurant (at least in the United States). In Europe, the place public transportation is much more frequent, planners concentrate on subway, train, bus, and trolley stops.
That’s when Montgomery turned to laptop know-how for help and commenced using a computer-aided design (CAD) software bundle to design not only the engine but also the board itself and lots of of its components. The CAD program enabled Montgomery and his staff of engineers to test the product digitally and work out design problems earlier than moving to the prototype stage. Getting the solutions to those questions and making the proper choices—a course of known as provider selection—is a key duty of operations management. Allows managers to view compa-ratios, goals, pointers and other determining factors so they can finest evaluate compensation allocations.
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palmoilnews · 2 days
GRAINS-Soybeans ease on forecast of improved South American weather 2024/09/25 08:22 SINGAPORE, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chicago soybean futures slid for the first time in three sessions on Wednesday, as an outlook for much-needed rains in Brazil eased worries about dry weather delaying planting in the world's biggest exporter of the oilseed. Wheat and corn prices fell. FUNDAMENTALS The most-active soybean contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Sv1 lost 0.3% to $10.38-3/4 a bushel as of 0013 GMT, having risen on Tuesday to $10.58, its highest level since July 25. Wheat Wv1 lost 0.4% to $5.76 a bushel and corn Cv1 gave up 0.4% to $4.10 a bushel. The soybean market rallied on Tuesday after the central bank of China, the world's top soybean buyer, announced broad monetary stimulus and property market support measures to revive its economy. However, prices are coming under pressure as forecast models predict much-needed rains in Brazil next week that could bolster soybean planting and crop prospects. The U.S. corn and soybean harvest is progressing although rains crossed the central Midwest on Tuesday, interrupting fieldwork in some areas. In a weekly report released after Monday's market close, the USDA pegged the soybean harvest as 13% complete and the corn harvest as 14% done, both ahead of their respective five-year averages. In Argentina, grains and oilseed output could reach up to 143 million metric tons in the 2024/25 season under normal weather conditions, which could boost exports to their highest volume in four years, the Rosario grains exchange said on Tuesday. Agricultural markets are awaiting quarterly U.S. grain stocks report on Monday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The average estimate for Sept. 1 corn stocks, at 1.844 billion bushels, would represent a four-year high, up 35.6% from a year earlier. For soybeans, the average estimate of 351 million bushels would also be a four-year high, up 32.9% from the prior year. Workers at the six main grain terminals located in the Canadian port of Vancouver went on strike on Tuesday, a move that could disrupt exports of canola and other crops, government and industry officials said. Commodity funds were net buyers of CBOT soybean and soyoil futures contracts on Tuesday and net sellers of corn, wheat and soymeal futures, traders said. MARKET NEWS A widely followed global stock index rose to a record high and copper prices hit their strongest level in 10 weeks on Tuesday after China unveiled stimulus measures to support its economy.
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Trade Binary Options Like an Olympic Athlete
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As much of you may understand, heavy as well as precise binary alternative method is an "alma-mater" behind rewarding trading. Not just this regulation puts on Forex and also Stock Exchanges, however also to binary choices, despite just how simple as well as user-friendly it makes every effort to be.It goes without claiming that every effective binary option investor must spend little effort and time to learn the standard structures of economic markets and also only after that wage embracing a method fully tailored to his or her demands. Some individuals tend to inspect this facet of trading continually sorting via lots of websites searching for instructional material, as well as ultimately sink under the heap of incoherent and unnecessary expertise, while others take it simple as well as find out the fundamental foundations whereupon the market is standing as well as finally bring it to their benefit. As an example, some market possessions are inversely correlated with each other. It indicates that when one property is rising, the various other is decreasing, or vice versa. The brightest instance of such connection is the relationship of U.S. buck and gold. Both possessions have been hostiles for as lengthy as the marketplace exists as well as share a huge history of frustration and delight. To claim it in straightforward words, Gold is increasing when USD if falling. Gold has constantly been a hedge in times of recession and also raised economic uncertainty. One might keep in mind the times of Global Financial Collapse of 2008-2009. No matter how devastating it was for the international economic climate, it saw the most significant surge in Gold ever before recorded - Gold rose from $680 to $930 in a matter of 4 months from October 2008 to February 2009, and heightened its upside march over the following 2.5 years until satisfying its all -time high at 1920.740 in September 2011. Right here comes the question exactly how an average binary alternative trader can benefit from all this? The solution is easy - by using market pull method. brigette lundy-paine This concept is grounded on statistical assumption that directional movement of one property exerts influence on the activity of another one. For example, some products are greatly dependent on currencies. Gold depends on buck acting as steady defense against inflation. When, for instance, Federal Reserve guesses about more easing of financial plan, it prompts rally in Gold because financial alleviating cheapens the money by supplying even more cash available in the circulation. An additional example is Canadian Dollar (CAD). It is extremely based on Oil. When oil is on the surge, so does the Canadian Dollar or Vice Versa. The very same occurs with various other assets priced in certain currencies such as Australian Dollar, which has a tendency to get an increase when cost of Gold is rising. The afore-mentioned makes for the development of reputable binary options trading strategy which has made hundreds of binary options end in the cash. For instance, you see that the rate of Gold is 1.550. You want to acquire a $100 binary option with 1.5 hr expiration time. In advance, you check out the financial calendar and also see that there are some events originating from the United States which have actually shown to have a decent influence on the currency evaluation. This may be U.S. Non-Farm pay-roll, an indication which shows how many brand-new tasks were developed in the United States within the last month. Or trade equilibrium, which shows the difference in between imported and exported goods. As the results are published, you purchase one OPTION on Gold, and also one more on any USD-related money set, such as USD/CAD or USD/CHF. Most of instances, if time and worths are chosen properly - both options will certainly expire in the money granting a double earnings to the investor. With $100 preliminary investment and also 85% benefit on each of the choices you get $170 revenue, which means $85 for each successful setting. As several of you may know, precise and also weighted binary alternative technique is an "alma-mater" behind successful trading. Not only this regulation uses to Forex as well as Stock Exchanges, yet as well to binary options, no matter how simple as well as user-friendly it makes every effort to be.It goes without claiming that every effective binary alternative investor ought to invest little time as well as initiative to discover the fundamental structures of economic markets and also just then continue with adopting a strategy fully customized to his or her requirements. Below comes the question just how a typical binary option investor can benefit from all this? The afore-mentioned makes for the development of reliable binary alternatives trading strategy which has made thousands of binary options end in the money. You want to buy a $100 binary alternative with 1.5 hour expiration time.
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mutineerbay · 3 years
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This is what the pirates where always after. Read some real history below and leave a comment! Pieces of Eight One of the most famous phrases in pirate lore, the term “pieces of eight” is the phrase uttered by Long John Silver’s parrot, the first real proof that Silver is really a pirate. But the coin is not only piratical, it is the basis of the American dollar, the Canadian dollar, the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan. It was the first “world currency” starting in the late 18th century. It’s definitely the most famous Spanish coin. Although Spanish gold is a byword for the riches of the Caribbean, Spain was also looting the Americas of vast quantities of silver. While much gold was found already refined and in use by the natives, silver was mined by the conquerors. In 1554 a Spanish merchant named Bartolomé de Medina developed a method of refining low-quality silver ore using mercury and sea brine. The concept of a large silver coin with high purity (sometimes known as "specie" coinage) had become popular throughout Europe. In the 16th century, Count Hieronymus Schlick of Bohemia had begun minting coins known as Joachimsthalers (from German thal, or valley), named for the areas where the silver was produced. Joachimstaler was later shortened to taler. So successful were these coins that similar thalers were minted in Burgundy and France. After 1575, the Dutch used currency with a daalder depicting a lion, hence its Dutch name leeuwendaalder. (Many traders did not think the picture of the lion was very good, and traders, especially in the Caribbean, gave the coin the name “dog dollar.”) Specifically to facilitate export trade, the leeuwendaalder was lighter than the large denomination coins then in circulation. Thus, it became the coin of choice for foreign trade. Dutch traders were traveling all over the world, and the coin became popular in the Middle East, and colonies in the east and west. Money in Spain was based on a system of reales (pronounced re-al-es’). Spain was commonly using an 8-real coin of very high quality in 1497. In 1537 the Spanish escudo gold coin was introduced, which was worth 16 reales. The later Gold Doubloon was worth 32 re https://www.instagram.com/p/CRGoFwrDTIY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mariacallous · 7 months
The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has filed a claim with the Sverdlovsk region Court of Arbitration to seize shares in three Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (CHEMK) industrial enterprises due to their illegal “seizure” in the 1990s, according to Kommersant. Seizure of the shares would mean nationalization, in essence. (The Prosecutor General’s Office called CHEMK the country’s largest producers of ferroalloys used in the manufacturing of steel for military equipment, aircraft engines, and ammunition. The plant’s website says its ferroalloy and electrode products are supplied to major steel companies around the world.)
The request concerns the Serov Ferroalloy Plant, the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, and the Kuznetsk Ferroalloy Plant. Currently, they belong to the company Etalon.
The prosecutor’s office claims that regional committees and property funds “clearly acted in excess of their authority” from 1993 to 1999 when approving the privatization of the facilities and distributing 100% of the shares “which did not belong to them,” thus the assets were obtained illegally.
Additionally, the Prosecutor General’s Office claims in the lawsuit that CHEMK’s products, intended for the production of weapons and ammunition, are exported to the United States, France, and the United Kingdom at an undervalued price and “to the detriment of national interests.” In February 2023, one of the owners, Yuriy Antipov, registered the plants’ assets to the company Etalon, meaning they would fall “under the control of residents of unfriendly states” and would then be eligible for seizure. In particular, the lawsuit refers to Canadian-Swiss RFA International, which acts as a trader of CHEMK.
CHEMK said that similar privatization schemes were used “in absolutely every region of Russia,” but “mistakes” were found only in a few enterprises. The owners also claim that their enterprises are not part of the military-industrial complex but that their products are supplied to metallurgical companies, and then those companies send steel to defense plants.
Kommersant also notes that violations during privatization have served as the basis for similar lawsuits filed by the Prosecutor General’s Office against two other enterprises: Volzhsky Orgsintez and Metafrax Chemicals.
As part of the case, the court seized the shares, as well as the movable and immovable property of the three CHEMK plants. A final decision in the lawsuit has not yet been made.
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billehrman · 5 years
Think As an Investor
We were thrilled to hear the experts/pundits speak on Friday as well as Barron’s most recent roundtable of 10 experts write on Saturday about how cautious/pessimistic they are about the prospects for the financial markets in 2020. There clearly is no over exuberance or froth in the marketplace yet. Just the start of a rotation back into equities, which have been liquidated over the last few years, such that its allocation is well below their historical norm, while reducing bonds and cash positions, which have been the preferred asset classes, and are now over-weighted well above  their historic norms in most portfolios.
While we acknowledge that there could be a correction in the marketplace any time, we see substantial gains for investors over the next year and possibly longer especially if you are correctly positioned. Think as an investor rather than as a trader. Think like Buffett whose record for successful investing longer term is unparalleled. How many rich traders do you know?  Does it make sense to sell positions that you like longer term if you are only looking for a small correction short term? Hell no!
It was very important that tensions between the United States and Iran subsided somewhat last week. We were surprised and pleased that Iranian officials reached out to Iraq and American counterparts warning them of their missile strikes in Iraq beforehand such that no one would be killed. Since no American was killed in the attack, which is Trump’s red line, he did not retaliate. Rather he spoke in a somewhat conciliatory manner about both sides lowering tensions in the region. Trump also asked our NATO partners to work with us against terrorism which is something that we mentioned last week.  NATO’s Secretary General Stoltenberg responded favorably and said that he was pleased with the formation of such an alliance. It did not hurt Trump’s position against Iran/terrorism when Iran took full responsibility yesterday for bringing down a Ukrainian airplane killing 176 innocent people including many Canadians.
Let’s go back and look, once again, at the key variables impacting stock prices today
Monetary policy: It is crystal clear that virtually all of the major monetary bodies—BOJ, Bank of China, ECB and our Fed—have overly accommodative policies that will not reverse anytime soon and that means at least for 2020. Again, if more money is being created than needed by the real economy, the excess funds finds its way into financial/risk assets including stocks, bonds and commodities. Basically, it is risk on!  Remember that our stock market multiple is priced off of bond yields, normally 10-year treasuries, plus some risk premium. Bond yields are incredibly low as there is no inflation and risk premiums are down as there is so much excess liquidity/capital in the system as evidenced by low bond yield spreads. We continue to be surprised that all the experts think that the market is fully valued at 18-19 times earnings which was the high end of the historic range when interest rates were at least 300-500 basis points higher than now. Beside keeping all short-term interest rates down, most monetary bodies, including our Fed, are increasing their balance sheets, too, which keeps downward pressure on longer term rates. We see no reason that our stock market multiple cannot reach 20 times earnings even if the 10-year treasury yields increase to 2.5% from slightly under 2% today.
Trade: It is hard to believe that Phase 1 of a trade deal between the U.S and China will finally be signed this week in D.C. with the Chinese delegation led by Vice Premier Liu. We continue to be surprised by the positive rhetoric out of Beijing and DC about Phase 2 of a trade deal which talks will commence shortly; China state media touts the trade deal as a sign of coexistence; and the U.S and China agreed yesterday to hold semi-annual talks on reforms. Maybe it is true that China would rather negotiate trade deals with Trump than running the risk of dealing with a Democrat President who would take a much harder line, especially on pollution. Finally, the Senate Finance Committee voted 25 to 3 to back the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. We fully expect global trade to improve as we move through 2020 into 2021 boosting global growth.
Brexit: We remain confident that U.K Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the EU will finally reach a deal on Brexit this year. The cost of not reaching is deal is so punitive to both sides such that we expect cooler heads to prevail and a deal to be finalized. IF the economic cost of Brexit has already hit Britain by $170 billion and counting, we could only imagine the penalty borne by the EU so far, too.
Trump: Since strength in the U.S economy and stock market appear to be the key factors boosting Trump’s chances for re-election, we are confident that he will do all in his power as incumbent President to increase his odds for victory. That will include introducing new tax legislation to lower taxes on the middle to lower classes while penalizing the wealthy; new healthcare legislation to reduce costs, especially for medicine; an infrastructure bill and further reducing regulations/red tape holding back our economy. Protecting our country and trade policy will remain at the forefront of his legislative agenda, too.
The bottom line is that we remain confident/optimistic that the global economy will do better in 2020/2021 than 2019. We were amused that the World Bank trimmed its global growth forecast last week for 2019 and 2020 basically looking in the rearview mirror rather than through the windshield. They had no idea that Phase I of a trade deal between the U.S and China would finally be signed, nor the completion of the USMCA, as well as Johnson winning his election in Britain.  We expect global growth to build sequentially as we move through 2020. We do not expect a growth spurt at the beginning of the year. After all, trade deals are just being finalized; fiscal stimulus is just beginning to be implemented in many nations; and finally, it takes at least 6 to 8 months for monetary ease to kick in. Also, it will take time for business/consumer confidence to build until reality/certainty sets in that all of this is for real.  But it will as the year progresses.
Here are some brief comments on the most recent data points by country:
United States: We fully expect fourth quarter real GNP to exceed 2% and growth in 2020 to build sequentially bolstered by continued strength in strong consumer spending and a slow but steady improvement in manufacturing/capital spending as the year progresses as global trade improves. The employment data reported Friday was just fine as 145,000 new jobs were created while hourly earnings slowed to a 2.9% year over year gain which still exceeds the inflation rate by a wide margin.  Our economy created over 2.11 million new jobs in 2019 which is nothing to sneeze in spite of slowing global growth. We were pleased that Trump reversed his position and now supports the U.S. Export-Import Bank which is helpful to U.S manufacturers.
China: Fourth quarter GNP was apparently stronger than anticipated such that economic growth for 2019 will fall well within the government target of 6-6.5% growth. We now believe that China may even exceed 6% growth in 2020 as it benefits from the U.S trade deal, fiscal stimulus and aggressive monetary ease. China will easily be the fastest growing major industrialized country in 2020. And inflation will moderate as U.S exports of ag products finally begin arriving in size.
Europe/Britain: There is nothing reported that looks good economically in Europe/Britain. One can only hope that global trade will improve as 2020 progresses which will benefit Europe and that Brexit is reached reducing corporate/consumer uncertainty. Europe is clearly the problem child region of the world.
Japan: We expect the Japanese economy to pick up sequentially through 2020 too, as global trade improves and fiscal stimulus kicks in supported by continued monetary ease.
Investment Conclusions
We expect global growth to pick up sequentially as we move through 2020 benefitting from increased trade, fiscal stimulus and continued monetary ease.  The U.S will certainly benefit disproportionately as we institute Phase 1 of a trade deal with China boosting our exports big time over the next few years; the USMCA is finally passed supporting trade growth between our neighbors; additional fiscal stimulus kicks in federally as well as locally; monetary policy remains very easy (let it rip!) including the Fed injecting billions into the financial system; regulatory relief; and Trump doing whatever else he can do to boost the economy and our stock market.
While we have already discussed why a 20-market multiple is supported even if 10-year treasuries rise in yield. We have not discussed our forecast for S & P earnings which we still estimate at $170 per share for 2020, vs. an estimated $163/share in 2019, but with a run rate closer to $180 p/s by the end of the year. Don’t forget that the huge equity shrink continues at amazingly high levels that boosts reported eps. Just ask Apple owners what it has meant to them!
The bottom line is that our market could easily exceed 3400 this year with the potential of hitting 3600 which is not our forecast at this time. The key to outperformance will be stock selection. While technology, especially semis, has remained the largest portion of our portfolios, we have reduced the more defensive sectors adding to the more economically sensitive sectors such as financials, expecting the yield curve to steepen and loan growth to accelerate; global industrial, capital goods and machinery companies which will benefit from accelerating global growth and increased capital spending; low cost, free cash generating industrial commodity companies as expect both volume and pricing to improve; defense companies for obvious reasons; some retailers who have adapted to a changing marketplace and are gaining market share; agricultural companies who will benefit from recent trade deals; and many special situations selling well beneath intrinsic value. We own no bonds and expect the dollar to weaken over time.
Unfortunately, we are unable to hold our weekly investment webinar this week due to a prior commitment but feel free to email us questions which we will respond to as promptly as possible.
Remember to review all the facts; pause, reflect and consider mindset shifts; be open to shift your asset mix with risk controls as necessitated by the environment; listen to the upcoming earnings calls focusing on the future rather than the past; do independent research and …
Invest Accordingly!
Bill Ehrman
Paix et Prospérité LLC
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flayote · 5 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you did business with Canadians? Our laws here are often confusing so a lot of USA businesses don't sell to us, so it's been difficult to find good quality, well priced furs/skins from homegrown businesses :(
the main reason US sellers can’t sell to Canada is due to our laws; we can’t legally ship any wild animal parts outside of the US without an export permit. we can ship domesticated species (rabbit, goat, cow, etc) without a permit but some sellers aren’t willing to ship any furs/animal parts at all internationally, just in case. i do sell domestic species worldwide, but it’s not often that i have any. 
the best small Canadian business i can think of off the top of my head is Wylder Taxidermy. Jackie often has a variety of furs available, many of which she tans herself.
if there is something in particular you really want from a US seller and they’re willing, it is possible to go through a licensed exporter middleman. Fur Traders of Manitoba i believe provides this service. however it is very expensive due to the inspection fees you need to pay (i think it’s $100-150USD per box, regardless of the value of the item(s)). 
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