#Car Accident in Massachusetts
feinsteinbarry · 1 year
At Law Offices of Barry Feinstein & Affiliates P.C., we understand the challenges you may face after a car accident. Our personal injury law firm is here to provide the guidance, advocacy, and support you need during this critical time. Call us today to get the legal help.
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the-bull-law-group · 3 months
Seven Common Causes of Massachusetts Car Accidents
Discover the seven common causes of car accidents in Massachusetts and how to prevent them. Stay informed about factors like distracted driving, speeding, and adverse weather conditions to enhance road safety. If you've been involved in a car accident, The Bull Law Group's experienced car accident lawyer in Massachusetts can provide the support and representation you need. Read our blog to learn more: https://thebulllawgroup.blogspot.com/2024/07/seven-common-causes-of-massachusetts.html
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lawwirenews · 7 months
Compensation for Pain and Suffering After a Springfield, MA Car Accident
Being involved in a car accident can result in not only physical injuries but also significant emotional and psychological trauma. In Massachusetts, victims of car accidents may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, in addition to reimbursement for medical expenses and lost wages. If you or a loved one was injured, an experienced Springfield, MA car accident attorney can help you…
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william-scofield · 2 years
Work injury and Personal injury lawyers
Experiencing a car accident can be both fear-inducing and confusing, leaving those involved feeling lost in the midst of its aftermath - especially if there were injuries. It’s not just the physical impacts that are worrisome; navigating through legal proceedings brings tremendous strain onto people's lives where they might feel overwhelmed by worries and questions with no clear answers in sight.
These questions can range anywhere from how you handle the claim, what legal rights, if any, you may have, and how to determine whether you are at fault for the accident or not. Receiving the proper information and guidance on how to correctly navigate this process can bring tremendous relief and security to ones life, which is why having a professional, experienced accident attorney on your side is crucial.
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What you can do after a car accident
Following a traumatic car accident that wasn't your fault, you may find yourself wondering how soon you can receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits all answer - settlement times will depend on individual cases and could take anywhere from months to several years before coming to fruition.
After a car accident, the severity and nature of injuries can have a huge impact on how quickly your claim is settled. If you’ve suffered serious trauma that requires long-term care or rehabilitation, it could take weeks to months until an accurate calculation for medical damages has been completed – something which will be critical in determining your final settlement figure. Your lawyer must work alongside doctors to ensure they are aware of both current and future treatments needed so they are able create this comprehensive assessment.
After a car accident, it's essential to stay organized and keep all relevant receipts. From medical bills to lost wages and property damage costs, maintaining records of these expenses is key for filing an effective claim or lawsuit. For additional advice on the best course of action, contact one of our lawyers at our law firm - we'll help you every step of the way. A personal injury attorney can be invaluable when it comes to navigating the tricky waters of settlements. Whether your claim is relatively straightforward or more complicated, an experienced lawyer will use their knowledge and resources to help move things along quickly - giving you peace of mind while they work diligently behind the scenes.
Why Choose A Car Accident Lawyer at Bellotti law group
Our ambition is to provide car accident victims with complete clarity throughout the entire process of their case, supporting them in any way necessary along the journey. We are dedicated to assisting individuals by giving them access to legal representation that could help bring successful outcomes and closure.
When it comes to car accidents, the right car accident lawyer can make all the difference. Timely consultations and interviews with clients are key - providing insight on what exactly happened while memories of details remain sharp makes sure that important questions get asked and could lead to a higher settlement in return.
Why you should hire a personal injury lawyer
When you're hurt and need help, don't go it alone. Instead, get an ally on your side with a personal injury attorney who can take the reins to ensure that you receive fair compensation in a timely manner.
A personal injury lawyer can provide an objective analysis of your accident to build the most compelling argument possible in order to get you the justice and compensation deserved.
Keeping track of paperwork can often be a daunting task, but ensuring that your insurance claims are up to date and taken care of is key. Personal injury lawyer strive to make sure all communication and negotiations with the insurance companies run smoothly so you don't have any unnecessary worries on your plate.
You don't have to shoulder the burden of an injury caused by someone else's negligence - legal action can lead to financial reparation that will help you on your road to recovery. Seeking help from a personal injury lawyer could be key in minimizing any consequences experienced due to the accident and restoring a sense of justice.
Work injury Lawyers
Work injury lawyers are savvy professionals who help those facing legal disputes, violations or claims tied to employment laws. Whether you call them personal injury attorneys, employment specialists -or- workplace accident gurus; these experts know the ins and outs of navigating complicated labor cases with positive outcomes for all involved! Workplace injury attorneys are devoted to protecting workers from unfair treatment and establishing justice in the workplace. They ensure employees can count on their rights being defended, as well championing worker relations between colleagues for a productive work environment. A workplace injury lawyer is the invaluable ally of workers who have suffered an on-the-job accident. Specialized in helping victims find justice and seek financial reparation, they are a staunch defender for those seeking to recover their rightful compensation after sustaining injuries while carrying out work duties.
When an employee is injured on the job, legal remedies are available to help cover medical bills and other related costs. This can include damage awards paid by employers or insurance potentially covering some of those damages. If necessary, workplace injury attorneys work hard in order to secure a suitable award for their client so they're able get back on their feet again post-injury.
What is a personal injury lawyer
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If you have been injured due to someone else's negligence or carelessness, the experienced professionals at Bellotti Law Group P.C. are here for you! For more than three decades they have served victims of accidents and injuries across Massachusetts – from Suffolk county to Cambridge to Quincy – providing justice in a timely manner, ensuring those responsible face their consequences. You don't have to suffer in silence - if you were injured and someone else is responsible, our exceptional Personal Injury Attorneys could take on the culpable party and fight for your due compensation. Don't let injustice prevail; make sure justice is served!
Why choose us?
Bellotti Law Group, P.C is where excellence meets experience - an unbeatable combination when you need results that matter! Our attorneys are committed to providing the highest level of service and expertise possible in pursuit of achieving outstanding outcomes for every client. We are a firm of skilled attorneys devoted to advocating for their clients in medical malpractice, personal injury and employment law cases. Since 1989, Peter V. Bellotti and his team have provided relentless support to thousands of injured victims through effective approaches tailored specifically around each case, the firm conducts a thorough assessment with each case to create personalized outcome-focused strategies that ensure clients are set up for success in court. When you choose Belloti Law Group: we fight hard so you can win bigger! At our firm, we prioritize the best interests of all clients above everything else. Our highly-experienced attorneys bring tremendous skill and unwavering commitment to each case they take on – allowing you peace of mind in knowing your situation is always in good hands.
Our commitment to transparency and honesty drives us to provide free case consultations, giving our clients the opportunity for an open dialogue with one of our experienced attorneys. At the start of your matter, we are here to listen and answer your questions.
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glittter-vamp · 2 years
E.R Visits | J.B
Warnings/AN: mention of accidents. mentions of injurires. minor adult language. mention of medications. This is pretty longgg. Fluffly joe w/ a bit of angsty reader. sorry if i missed any mistakes.
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You rode in the ambulance to the hospital after getting T-boned on your way back home from work. A guy in a pick up truck had ran the red light and unfortunately had hit you. You were still conscious but in so much pain in your chest, head and arm. "We're almost there honey!" The blonde EMT says to you. This was not how you wanted to spend your friday. You were eager to go home and watch your Fiancé Joe play the last preseason game before the kick off game here in cinncy was had for the 2023 NFL games next week. Now you were worried that you had internal bleeding, severe head injury and broken bones. The ambulance finally makes it to the hospital and the nurses immediately take over and take you into a room where they check you out. They do a bunch of tests, take X-Rays and MRI's leaving you in a room in the ER. After a while of just sitting there your sister and mom come in running.
"Oh my god! Honey! What- What happened?" Your mom asks with tears in her eyes. "Some asshole ran the red light." You scoff. "Oh my god...where are the doctors?" Your sister asks. "They just took me in for X-Rays and an MRI. I have broken ribs and a broken arm." You sigh. "Knock- Knock!" You hear someone say and you see a doctor and nurse walk in. "Hey doc, this is my mom and sister." You say to her. "Woah, you three could be triplets!" She jokes. "So, good news, no internal bleeding, just a minor concussion. We're going to wrap up your arm and rib though and keep you over night for observation okay?" She says writing away on her clipboard while the nurse prepares stuff for the cast. "Oh thank god." Your mom sighs in relief.
After a very painful process of getting wrapped up and put into a cast they take you upstairs to a proper room. You meet the nursing staff that's going to look after you and you ask your mom for the time. "It's 7:14" She says checking her phone. "It's almost kickoff, can you tune into the game?" You ask your mom but when she tries to turn on the TV, it doesn't do anything. "Sorry sweetie." Your mom pouts. You didn't have your phone because it got lost somewhere in the wreck. "Okay...so I was able to to reach someone in Bengals management, they were going to do their best to get a hold of Joe because I tried calling him and he wasn't answering." Your sister says. "Yeah he leaves his phone in his locker an hour before the game." You say. "This fucking sucks." You sigh. "It'll be okay honey, the important thing is that you're still here." My mom says getting emotional. "Let's... go get a coffee." Your sister says to your mom giving you a look of " I got this." They leave the room and at some point you fall asleep.
You feel the door of the room slowly open and your eyes open slowly wondering who was entering. You see blurry the first few blinks and can only make out a tall large figure but your eyes adjust and you almost gasp when you see who it was. "Joe?" You say trying to sit up but your were met with immediate pain making you wince. "Hey woah...stay how you are. Don't go hurting yourself even more now." Joe says softly coming over to sit next to you. You couldn't believe he was here. 'How hard did I hit my head?' You think to yourself.
What the hell are you doing here?" You ask clearly still drowsy from the pain medication. "Well I walked onto the field just to be told my Fiancé was in a car accident and left taking the next flight out of Massachusetts I could find." He says looking at you. His eyes were red and full of worry and stress. "Sorry I ruined your game." You say. "You're kidding right?" He asks looking at you in disbelief. "Y/N... you were in an accident. That game was the last thing I cared about, plus it's a preseason game many QB's sit out on them." He says. You knew that was lie, football always came before everything and anyone. It even came before him but you just remained quiet not wanting to turn this into a fight.
"Where are my mom and sister?" You ask realizing they weren't here anymore. "They just left, met them downstairs. The security guy didn't want to let me in because it's after visiting hours, so your mom and sister went off on him. "Must be a browns fan." You say making Joe chuckle. "I'm so glad you're okay, I don't ever think I've felt that fear before after I was told you had been in an accident." Joe says and you look over to him. "You getting soft on me Burrow?" You tease him and he gives you a small smile. "You should go home and get some rest, I'll most likely get out of here in the morning anyway." You say. "I'm not leaving you." He scoffs. "Yeah you can't leave anyway..." you bite your lip and he raises his eyebrow at you. "I was in your car..." you say and he laughs. "I know, my insurance called me." He nods.
******************* "Okay... nice and easy..." Joe says as he helps you sit down on the couch. You were finally home. Your mom picked you guys up from the hospital and since you couldn't get up the stairs due to your broken ribs and aching body, Joe had set up the couch nicely for you with pillows and blankets. "Your sister should be here with the food any minute, I'm gonna run out to get her prescription. Do you guys need anything?" Your mom asks. "Can you bring oreos, double stuffed. Someone here ate them all last week." You say looking at Joe who just shrugged. "Sure thing honey, I'll be back." She says patting your shoulder.
"Don't you have practice today?" You ask Joe as he hands you the tv remote. "I told coach I'm going to be out all week." He says. "Joe, the season is about to officially start. You can't miss practice." You say looking at him. "You took off three weeks of work when I tore my ACL, what's the issue?" He shrugs. "Yeah my job that has two other people also doing my same job. You can't miss practice or the first game this week Joe. Yo have a whole team counting on you" You shake your head.
"Well, thankfully that's not your decision to make. Now just relax, I have to go call my lawyers and insurance company, apparently the guy was wasted so we're taking this to court." He says getting his phone out of his pocket. "You don't have to do all that, it's just a car- The hell I don't, Y/N. You could of been killed! This isn't about the damn car, now it's really making me upset how much you think I care more about football and the damn car than I do the woman I'm set to marry next summer." He says obviously upset and trying to maintain his voice down and not yell. He leaves you in the living room and you sigh.
You will admit you did feel like shit thinking this way about him now. You knew better than to think this way about him. You sit there channel surfing and you stop on a sports channel that was talking about Joe. They mentioned you and the accident and show a clip of the moment he gets told on the field about what happened to you. He immediately went pale in the face and you can tell by reading his lips that he said "don't fuck with me like that." And he ran off back into locker room.
"We've gotten word that he might be out this first game which could mean a possible bad start to the Bengals seas-" you shit off the tv and look down at your cast. "Hello, hello... I come with lunch." You hear your sister enter the house. "I'm in the living room!" You call out. Your sister makes her way in the living setting the bags of food and drinks on the coffee table. "Where is everyone?" She asks. "Moms at the pharmacy getting my pain meds and Joe's somewhere talking to his lawyers." You sigh. "Oh, good!" She says. "You're behind this lawsuit train too?" You ask as she hands you the burrito bowl you asked her to get. "Of course, you could of been killed? And not you definitely someone else. There was a group of high school kids walking to the football game at the intersection the asshole hit you." She shakes her head.
"Why are you so moody today?" She asks. " I don't know...I guess I feel guilty for fucking up Joe's start to the season. It's like he can't catch a break, every season something fucking happens. Plus I totaled his fucking Porsche..." you sigh. "Well you're being dramatic, shit happens it's life. We only care that you're here. We can replace a car & he'll have many other games." She says. "How kind of you." You shake your head. "I'm just being honest, you found a man that loves you and cares for you and you're gonna be mad at him for prioritizing his soon to be bride? Don't make me break your other arm." She says making you laugh.
Joe comes back into living room thanking your sister for the food and taking a seat at the other end of the couch. "No problem, I gotta get going. Mom duties call." She says. "I thought this was a dad weekend?" You ask confused. "It was but he has a business trip so I gotta go pick up the kids today." She sighs grabbing her purse. As she was leaving your mom comes in. "Damn mom, you went grocery shopping for them or something?" You sister says bidding you all goodbye before stepping out of the house. "Mom, what'd you buy?" You sigh hearing the many plastic bags in her hands as you see Joe shaking his head chuckling. He knew better than to so say anything to her about buying stuff for a house she doesn't even live in, mostly because his mom is the type to do it as well. You couldn't turn to look at her but you could kind of see her in the reflection of the turned or tv.
"I noticed you guys were running low on some stuff so I grabbed a few things. Now here are your meds, take them." Your mom comes to hand you the bag and you open it reading the bottle first. You take one pill out but realized you couldn't reach the drink your sister has left for you on the coffee table. Joe notices and he quickly stands up and hands it to you. "Thank you." You say taking the medication with a sip of the iced tea and hand it back to him. You could tell he was just a bit upset from earlier and you wanted to apologize but now while your mom is here because you knew she'd insert her two cents in.
"Okay, you guys are stocked up. Do you need anything else? I can do any laundry- mom we're fine. Thank you for helping us out but we're good, go get some rest because I know you haven't slept." You say. "You sure? What if you need help using the bathroom or bathing?" She asks. "Well, I'm sure Joe could assist me better with both those things than you can mom." Your chuckle since your mom was a very petite woman. "Okay... you put those football muscles to work when you help her! I don't want my baby falling in the shower or anything." Your mom says to Joe and you roll your eyes. "Yes ma'am, football muscles have been activated." He says making you shake your head. "Okay well, I'll see you guys later. I guess I'll call you on his phone right?" Your mom asks. You still hadn't gotten back your phone and wasn't sure when or if that was possible. "Yeah or I have my iPad and can FaceTime you there." You say to her and she nods giving you a kiss on top of the head. She bids you two a goodbye and leaves out the door.
"Sorry about her." You say to Joe finally eating your food. "You don't have to apologize for her, she's pretty tame compared to my mom." He chuckles taking a sip of his drink. "I don't know, her basically wanting to bathe me kind of hit it of out the park." You laugh but wince as the pain in your rib. "Are you forgetting how my mom acted when I tore my ACL. She literally WALKED in on me showering when I was able to use the shower chair and hop in and out of the shower by myself. She insisted on checking up on me every 5 minutes to insure that I hadn't fallen and cracked my skull open." He shakes his head. "Oh yeah... I remember telling her that you'd be fine & was sure you knew what you were doing and she replied with 'I know my son' and proceeded to head to the bathroom. Which basically means... she called you clumsy." You chuckle and he shakes his head.
Once you finish your food Joe takes the trash and throws it away from you. You decided to pick a movie to watch and settle on a thriller. Joe comes back to the spot he was at you look over to him. "Why are you sitting so far away?" You ask and he shrugs. You pat the cushion next to you and he makes his way over to you. "Can I?" He asks signaling to lay his head on your lap like always. You nod patting your thigh with your good arm. As soon as his head touched your thigh you winced and he immediately say up making you laugh but the laughing it self actually making you wince in pain because of your ribs. "That's not funny!" he says looking at you like a father would their kid when they do something they're not supposed too. "Oh so it's only funny when you do it?" You raise an eyebrow and he sits there with a serious face knowing he did the same to you when he tore his ACL. He then slowly lays back down in defeat.
"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting by the way." You say to Joe and he turns to look up at you. "It's okay, I wasn't all that nice at first either after I had my injury., it's tough being injured" he says. "Yeah but this is different, I was being a bitch because you were actually being a good partner like what type of shit is that?" You shake your head. "I over heard you and your sister about feeling guilty about ruining the start to my season. You have no reason to feel guilty Y/N, it's not like you intentionally got into an accident. Plus... I can admit that in the past I might of put football over both of us, so I can see why you think it's weird for me to actually stay home and care for you...that's my fault and I need to work on that because the reality is football isn't going to be forever but you are." he says and you couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed hearing say that. "When did you become so mushy and good with words?" You say wiping away tears. "When I felt like my whole world ended getting the news you were in an accident." Joe says sitting up. He gives you a sweet tender kiss and wipes your tears away. "Love you." he smiles. "Love you too...now can you use that love and get me some oreos and milk?" You say making him laugh. "Sure thing babe." He says giving you one more kiss and getting up from the couch.
The rest of the week Joe spent taking care of you, from cooking (and by cooking you meant calling his chef to make all your favorites) to helping you shower to getting dressed to getting upstairs and downstairs or in and out of bed. And it just made you realize you couldn't wait to spend forever with him. 
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smashing-teacups · 10 months
Thankless: Of Ruined Holidays and Changing Hearts
Canon-compliant, showverse, missing scene(s). Oneshot.
Thanksgiving 1960 and 1772 - Frank's POV, then Jamie's.
Two very different husbands, two very different family dynamics, the same unexpected wrench in the holiday plans.
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1960 - Boston, Massachusetts
The phone rang just as Brianna was setting the table.
I shot Claire a warning look that went completely unheeded as she shouldered past me in a swish of silk and clacking heels. The instinct to call after her still rose to my lips after all these years; the knowledge that the breath would be wasted kept it there.
“Hello, this is Doctor Randall…”
Our daughter froze instantly, the last salad fork hovering inches over the placemat. 
“How many? Nancy, slow down. How many wounded?”
Just like that, I watched the light drain from my twelve year old’s face. She masked it well, brave girl; unlike her mother, she had a talented poker face. Quietly and without fanfare, Brianna took the cutlery, plate and wine glass from the third place setting and returned them to the china cabinet.
I crossed the room slowly and laid a hand on her shoulder, heavy with unspoken understanding. It wasn’t the first holiday her mother had ruined with her selfishness, her pigheaded insistence upon putting career over family. Bree flashed me a wan smile and reached up to squeeze my fingers appreciatively.
“More mashed potatoes for us, huh?” She tried for levity, and would have pulled it off had she been trying to fool anyone but me.
“We won’t leave a single bite,” I promised sotto vocce.
Drawing in a breath through her nose and releasing it in a sharp sigh, Bree clasped her hands together as she turned back to the table. “Shall we? Or do we wait for her to come back in and—”
“Darling, I’m so sorry…” Right on cue, Claire appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, already slinging her purse over one shoulder, the car keys jangling in her opposite hand. “There’s been a terrible accident on the Longfellow Bridge—”
“Yeah, I’m sure there was. It’s always something, right?” Even I was surprised by the venom in Bree’s voice; day by day, the little girl eager to defend her mother’s choices was yielding to the dark cynicism of an adolescent. Normally, I would have chided her for taking a tone — it was unbecoming of a young lady — but I couldn’t deny that a part of me had been anticipating the day when Brianna finally learned to stand up for herself. It had been far too long that she’d dutifully shouldered the burden of her mother’s negligence. 
Wounded, wide, golden eyes blinked twice before Claire took a half-step forward. “I understand,” she said with a physician’s practiced calm, “that it’s disappointing when I’m called away on the holidays. Trust me, this isn’t how I wanted to spend my Thanksgiving either.”
“So why are you?!” our daughter demanded, throwing her hands up and letting them flop back at her sides. “Why does it always have to be you? Why can’t the other surgeons take the call this time?”
Keep reading...
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postmodernbeliever · 6 months
Thoroughfare- Fox Mulder x Female Reader
Chapter Two: Piglet Takes A Plane
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^^ rip the gif quality ugh LOL
table of contents <3
if you’d prefer my ao3 | word count: 2,575
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
You were not well-acclimated to flying. You’d gone on one trip in your life by plane, and it was from Massachusetts to Disney World; you were five, and your father held your hand the whole ride, and you had not a worry in the world. But now you’re older, bigger, and positively terrified of all the possibilities. Even in taking this job with the FBI, you somehow failed to consider the chance you’d need to travel. All that time spent working in New York got you used to staying in one place because God knows there’s enough crime up there to keep you stationed at home. But now, you need to fly halfway across the country just to start your job. You were a nervous wreck; Fox could see that by how you sat hunched over in your seat, flipping through your copy of the case files like a fugitive, jumping at the fuzzy announcements every time they reminded the gate-goers of their departure times. 
“Not a frequent flier, huh?”
“Come on, it’ll be fine. I fly all the time, I’m a pro, I’ve got all the tips,” the man attempted to comfort you, but it came out more like teasing. He shifted gears with, “Did you know that you’d have to fly every single day for nearly 10,000 years to get in a plane crash? The likelihood of you dying in a plain old car accident is way higher than the plane going down.”
You frowned in aggravation and grumbled, “Not helping.”
“What will help, then?”
The attendant interjected, her grating voice in the PA system blaring the worst news: “Flight 128, Dulles to Kansas City, will begin boarding now. Groups one and two, please make your way to the gate.”
Fox stood up and took your bag for you, chuckling to himself. When he caught a glimpse of the color leaving your face, he said, “Oh, come on, Piglet, the plane won’t go down! You’re gonna be okay, promise.”
You followed the man towards the front of the gate, where a line of people itching to board stood. The odd nickname rang in your ears like an alarm, panicking you along with the feeling jolting through your arms; you wanted to say something, but the anxiety paralyzing your limbs was much more pressing than your objection. Ignoring the urge, you stood behind Fox so you could watch how he got through- the attendant took his boarding pass, scanned it, and checked his passport photo. He smiled charmingly at the woman, whose eyelashes fluttered as she passed his papers back. Then, he walked through the little turnstile and stood on the other side, giving you an encouraging nod. He mouthed to you: Relax. 
You attempted to mirror the ease with which he went about passing through, but as you flashed the lady a nervous grin, you fumbled the things in your hands and dropped your passport. You bent down to grab it and bumped into the man behind you on the way back up. You muttered an apology, and he simply huffed in response.
The attendant stared at your passport photo, which you knew was nearly expired, and she said, “Changed your hair?”
Mortified- and slightly pissed off by her tone- you responded, “Seven years ago.”
She passed your belongings back and you walked through the checkpoint to Fox, but not without bumping into the bars before she unlocked them, yet again making yourself look like an idiot in front of the line. Your partner was biting back the most innocent laugh when you finally passed through. He’d never tell you, but he admired the way your face did the talking- all it took was one look to know how you felt about that woman, and the sheepish color in your cheeks was endearing. You tried to take your duffle from him, but he swung it away and clicked his tongue, so instead you walked onto the jet bridge, and he followed. Every few seconds you looked back to find he was still there, and each time his kind eyes put you at ease. You let out a heavy breath as you reached the plane door., where you were greeted by two flight attendants who looked at your boarding pass and pointed you in the proper direction. You made sure your partner was right behind you and tried not to giggle at the way he had to hunch. You knew he was tall, but inside a plane, he almost towered… or maybe you just thought he did, since you felt relatively small all morning. Attentively, you followed the aisle numbers just above your head down the line until you reached the middle of the cabin. Row 29, you thought to yourself, this is it. You scooted into the window seat and watched Fox push both yours and his luggage into the overhead compartment. You would’ve never imagined he was strong, given the pleasing lankiness of his body, but he didn’t lug or haul- he simply lifted. You turned your attention to the seat before you when he moved to loosen his tie and sit in the aisle seat of the row. 
Fox watched as you leaned back against the headrest to settle, taking note of your features. He stole a few glances yesterday when you were filling out paperwork for your transition into the Bureau on his old desk; for the first time, he wished his office wasn’t so dark. He didn’t get much of a chance other than when he offered to walk you to your car at the end of the night, which you gratefully accepted. He thought your car suited you, being compact and black, but with pictures pinned to the inside roof- reserved, understated, hiding things beneath the surface. His analytic brain was so intrigued by you. Here, where the lights weren’t so low, he could see a lot more. Your jaw had less sharpness and more of a curvature, molding your face into something of a heart; your eyelashes were long, and they curled upwards, mirroring your button nose. It had a little bump on the bridge, which he thought might be from long-term glasses-wearing, but he couldn’t be sure. His eyes traveled along your plump cheeks, a nervous red, just like your lips; your chin protruded a bit, but not too much, just enough. There was a warm feeling between his lungs, an odd one, but he kept looking at how your chest rose and fell anxiously, and wondered how your face could look serene when you felt anything but. 
“Excuse me, you’re in my seat.”
Fox’s head snapped around to see an older woman, gray hair to her shoulders, staring down at him with frustration. You opened your eyes as he muttered, “Oh, sorry. I’ll move over.”
You pulled yourself in tight, tucking your elbows between the armrests stiffly so Fox could scooch over and sit beside you. He smiled at your awkward position and said, “Loosen up Piglet. Everyone is too small for economy, you don’t have to suck it in for me.” You blushed and readjusted, offering him a tight-lipped grin. Another stress you’d had was taking up too much room in the seat, but he didn’t seem to find you did. Fox crossed his own over his chest to give up the armrest. You continued to take long, deep breaths as the seatbelt lights flashed, and when they announced preparation for takeoff. You were doing fine- when Fox started talking about the case, you even paid him half attention. But it all went downhill when the airplane engine began to rev beneath your feet. You tensed up like you were in pain, drawing Fox’s attention away from his ramblings. 
“What’s the matter?”
“I told you, I- I don’t like flying,”
“I know you don’t,” Fox spoke softly, “We’re on the wing, you know. I changed our seats last night so we got the wing. It’s the steadiest part during the flight. Nothing to be scared of.”
You looked out the little window by your shoulder, seeing the plane’s wing stretching out for what looked like forever. You couldn’t see the tarmac, only the span of it, white and comforting. Turning back to him, you realized you’d never seen a face so sincere. “You did?”
“No reason to make you suffer, right?”
Just as you went to really smile at him, the plane began rolling- no, hurtling into takeoff. In a fit of fear, you seized the armrest and shut your eyes. You’d had nightmares about plane crashes. You’d refused any trips that were too long by car. Between when he told you about the case yesterday and this morning, you’d imagined every possible disaster and had reached the epitome of paranoia about it. Yet here you were, stuck in the center of your fear. It felt like your ribs were burning up from the inside out.
You felt rough skin against your knuckles and opened your eyes to see a familiar hand on your own. Your gaze trailed up the arm to the face it belonged to. 
“I’m right here,” Fox leaned in close, and you saw those golden rings again. They seemed to glow. “Nothing’s gonna happen to you.”
There were so many things you wanted to say, so many worries you wanted to voice, but you couldn’t. The sound of his comfort was a roadblock, and all your reckless thoughts smashed head-first into it, making it impossible to think in the pile-up. Instead, you nodded quickly and flipped your palm up, lacing your fingers with his. Pressing your head hard against the seat and swallowing butterflies that you couldn’t define as nervous or excited, you paid close attention to the way his thumb rubbed slow, deliberate circles into your hand. Through the rattling of the engine and the screaming whistle of the air curling around the wings, you felt his touch grounding you in mid-air. You forced yourself to get lost long enough that the plane was in flight for at least a minute or two before you opened your eyes again. 
Humiliated by what a sight you must’ve been, you loosened your deathly grip on Fox’s hand and apologized. “I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” he chuckled, flexing his palm. “You’re strong. Didn’t hurt me, though.”
As you settled into the seat, you felt the ghost of his thumb on your knuckle. The skin was cold. You thought of how hard his hands were. Oddly warm. Curiosity nearly got the better of you as you saw him looking from the corner of your eye, but you pivoted to something else that bugged you. “Where did Piglet come from?”
“Piglet. Before, at the gate, you called me Piglet.”
“Oh. That,” Fox giggled. You wondered how a guy could look so boyish and weathered all at once. “I don’t know, you’re just so… fretful.”
“Yeah. You worry about everything. Yesterday you were practically pulling hair out over those stupid processing papers. This whole plane thing has been a nightmare for you. I don’t blame you, I can be anxious myself… but it just seems like everything drives you crazy. I can imagine you just stressing out, running all around the woods rambling like Piglet does. Y’know, pacing, complaining, bugging Pooh.”
“Oh, and what, are you Pooh in this scenario?”
Fox feigned offense. “What, am I not carefree and- and honey-loving enough for you?”
“If you’re anybody, you’re Eeyore. Maybe some weird amalgamation of Eeyore and Tigger, since you think you’re so funny.”
“I can’t believe this!” Fox gasped jokingly, splaying his hand over his heart and wincing. “You’re brutal, Piglet. So brutal.”
You couldn’t help the smile that overtook your face, so you looked down to hide what you could of it. And in a stroke of confidence, you said, “If you’re gonna nickname me, can I at least suggest something?”
Fox craned his neck down playfully, searching for the eye contact that you were purposefully refusing him. You felt your cheeks heating up once again, and he must’ve seen it because his eyes twinkled. “Sure. Whatcha got?”
“Rosaline. Maybe Rosie. Something like that.” “Rosaline? Why?” 
When you did raise your head to meet his gaze, there was a genuine look of interest. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips pouted in some gentle way, and he rested his chin in his hand like he was a student behind a desk, soaking up every second of a lecture. You blinked, suddenly embarrassed for speaking up. “Like Romeo’s Rosaline. She’s my favorite Shakespeare character. I, uh…”
Fox was fixed on you. When you trailed off, he insisted, “What about her?”
“Well, I had to do a project on her back in middle school. I had to come up with a new end scene, sort of like a “What if Romeo went back to Rosaline in the end?” type of deal. I- I got in her head a little, tried to understand what it must’ve felt like to be left by a lover out of nowhere… I don’t know, I guess I just resonated with her. I always thought she deserved better cards. I do love Romeo and Juliet, but I think how she disappears into their story is almost more tragic than how the play really ends sometimes… a-and after that, I always wished I had her name,” you gushed. As you realized how much you’d spoken, you mumbled, “Sorry. Dorky, I know.”
The agent ogled you like some specimen he’d never seen before. He knew he was making a face, but he couldn’t help it. You were like a curveball, just flying by and catching him off guard every chance you got. You thought about things in a way that made him want to think like you. Before you said anything, he hadn’t remembered who Rosaline was; his extent of knowledge was how hot the actress who played Juliet was in the 1968 adaptation he saw in school. But the way you looked when you explained it somehow made the man feel guilty for ever forgetting her, for just letting her be lost in time like everyone who suffered the whiplash of Romeo and Juliet’s love. For you to resonate with her, you must see yourself in her, and he wanted so desperately to understand why. Somewhere in the part of his brain where he stifles his thoughts, he knew he could never forget her name now- because by doing so, he’d be forgetting you. And that was not something he was prepared for.
Despite the churning in his stomach, Fox slapped on a smirk and joked, “Good job, you just reminded me of how much I hated Shakespeare when I was fourteen.”
“Oh, shut up!”
“Well, we’ll see,” he teased, tipping his head back against his headrest and smiling. “Maybe I’ll go for it. But every time you freak out, we’re going straight to Piglet.”
“Yeah, fine… Eeyore.”
“What’d you call me?”
You playfully fell silent and turned towards the window, which you swiftly shut because you didn’t want to know how high up the plane was flying. From a seat over, Fox watched you close your eyes and zone out, and he thought to himself that if you happened to fall asleep in your seat, and your head lolled onto his shoulder, that he would let you rest on him, even if it meant holding his pee until landing. 
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clarascuro · 3 months
driving back from massachusetts this morning I almost got run off the road by a pickup who started to merge lanes WHILE RIGHT NEXT TO ME. Then two seconds later he sped around into oncoming traffic to pass the cars in front of him and almost caused an accident. Like, the guy coming towards us had to slam on his brakes and pull over onto the side of the road to avoid being hit
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buiralplot · 13 days
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( TWENTY-FOUR. NON-BINARY. HE/THEY. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( BRYCE ARCHER ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( THEIR WHOLE LIFE. ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( ASSOCIATE AT THE RECORD STORE ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( WATCHING RERUNS OF GLEE AND BEING ANNOYING, GOLD STAR METAPHORS EXCEPT YOU’RE NOT CRINGE ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY DO IT – IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS THOUGH, LAUGHING TOO HARD AT A JOKE NO ONE BUT YOU THOUGHT WAS FUNNY ( GUYS - IT WAS FUNNY. GUYS. GUYS???? —) . ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( CREATIVE, HARDWORKING & OVERBEARING, HYPERACTIVE . ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( REDACTED ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE THEATRE NERD. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they��re putting on a facade!
FULL NAME            bryce alexander archer.
BIRTHDAY              april 1st ( 24 ) . 
BIRTHPLACE          hollowcreek , massachusetts.
GENDER                 non-binary.
OCCUPATION     record store worker / public menance.
BUILD                     slim. like a baby dear.
HAIR COLOR         brown .
EYE COLOR           brown.
HEIGHT                  6’1
PARENTS              nicholas ( fc tbd ) + faith ( fc tbd ) , step mother.
SIBLINGS        1 sibling , 1 step sibling .
PETS                    zodiac ( dog ) .
warnings for cheating, divorce, hearing loss, injury, car accident , drug dealing ( ???? ) . please note that the hearing loss portion is based off mun's own experience. i'm not a doctor, but i did try to get the technical mumbo jumbo as correct as i could ( i'm just a thirl ) so if there's any concern regarding portrayal, please reach out privately. <3 mun is autistic & takes forever to respond back to dms. don’t be alarmed by this and after a while if i haven’t gotten back to you, feel free to nudge.
beginnings  are  easy  ----  girl  meets  boy,  boy  meets  girl,  they  fall  in  love  and  do  what  all  high  school  sweethearts  think  they  have  to  do:  get  married,  have  kids,  live  a  little  picket  fence  life  after  that.  and  they  did  ..  kind  of.  nicholas  and  faith  met  in  freshman  english  and  as  luck  would  have,  at  that  point,  the  rest  was  history.  they'd  never  spent  more  than  two  weeks  apart  and  when  they  graduated,  faith  followed  him  to  a  large  school  to  play  football  —  and  by  the  time  they  graduated,  she  was  pregnant  with  their  first  child:  esme.  when  nicholas  got  an  office  job  and  spent  …  possibly  more  time  than  necessary  at  the  office,  there  wasn't  much  she  could  do.  he  was  actively  disinterested  in  her  and  their  daughter  ----  cue  bryce,  the  fix  it  baby.  kind  of  (  not  really  )  .
his  essential  purpose  was  to  save  a  dying  marriage.  and  it  worked,  for  a  time.  nicholas  was  spending  more  time  at  home  with  the  new  baby  around.  all  was  well.  until  it  wasn't  —  receipts  to  dinners  she  never  went  to,  emails  on  their  shared  computer,  hair  ties  in  his  car  that  weren't  hers.  and  faith  was  livid  ----  who  wouldn't  be,  after  all?  she  divorced  him.  and  naturally,  with  two  kids,  there's  a  custody  battle:  it's  nasty.  she's  upset,  he's  worse  because  he's  hotheaded  as  hell.  eventually,  the  idea  is  for  them  to  split  half  the  year  in  california  (  where  nicholas  lives,  his  company  is,  etc  )  and  new  york  (  where  faith  has  family  and  eventually  returns  to  )  .  it  worked,  kind  of.
the  thing  is,  faith  never  got  over  it.  eventually  it  turned  into  disinterest  into  her  own  kids,  as  bad  as  that  sounds.  by  the  time  bryce  was  4,  nicholas  was  granted  custody  full  time  after  faith  all  but  relinquished  her  rights.  he  didn’t  understand  it  at  the  time,  but  he  was  closer  to  his  father  anyway,  so  it  was  fine.  they  were  attached  at  the  hip.  bryce  would  scream  and  cry  during  kindergarten  dorp  off,  and  be  a  wreck  by  the  time  he  came  to  pick  him  up  during  the  day.  it  was  bad  lowkey.  however,  it  was  also  his  own  foreshadowing  for  the  future  …. 
all  things  considered,  their  childhood  was  great  —  thanks  to  the  wealth  nicholas’  job  brought  and  moving  up  the  ranks  within  the  company,  constant  trips  to  disney  and  doing  things.  was  spoiled,  though  his  sister  took  advantage  of  it  more  than  bryce  ever  did.  an  adhd  kid  and  diagnosed  at  age  11,  he  likes  the  way  he  can  expend  all  his  energy  into  his  after  school  programs  and  things,  and  be  able  to  fall  asleep  at  night  with  only  slight  melatonin.  was  lowkey  kind  of  a  hobby  -  hopper  -—  a  try  everything  once  kind  of  kid,  and  bryce  knows  what  he  likes,  and  they  stick  with  it.  from  little  league  baseball  to  soccer  to  pottery  to  coding,  he  literally  tried  everything  —  then  came  theatre.  the  idea  of  slipping  into  another  mindset  and  playing  essential  pretend  was  more  than  enough  for  him  to  thrive  within  their  small  community  and  then  some. 
high  school  was  …  well.  high  school.  went  to  a  charter school,  one  focused  on  the  arts  and  sciences  more  than  an  actual  curriculum.  it  was  where  bryce  thrived.  socially,  academically,  semi  -  professionally - ISH.
CAR  ACCIDENT   +  INJURY   +   HEARING  LOSS      /      bryce  was  16  when  they  finally  got  their  driver's  liscence,  and  thus,  a  car  (  thanks,  nepotism  money!  )  .  he  was  returning  home  from  a  later  than  usual  football  practice  when  he  was  t-boned  by  a  car  who  wasn't  pay  attention.  bryce's  own  car  was  flipped  onto  it's  side  and  pushed  several  feet  when  the  other  car  wouldn't  stop  —  air  bags  deployed,  though  that  didn't  stop  his  own  head  from  impact.  if  you'd  asked  him,  as  soon  as  he  was  out  of  the  car,  he  was  all  fine  and  dandy.  reality  check:  he  wasn't  —  concussion,  temporal  bone  fracture,  post  concussion  syndrome.  it  wasn't  a  fun  time. 
HEARING  LOSS      /      due  to  the  impact  and  fracture  within  his  right  ear,  bryce  was  diagnosed  with  hearing  loss  (  sudden  sensorineural  hearing  loss  in  particular,  in  his  right  ear  )  .  for  lack  of  better  words  and  ease  of  understanding,  he  has  about  40%  left  of  his  hearing  in  his  right  ear  thanks  to  the  fracture  and  damage  of  the  nerve  cells  within  the  ear  canal.  despite  this,  bryce  tries  to  continue  his  life  as  normal.  normal  school  (  or  –  as  normal  as  it  can  be  with  your  siblings  hovering  over  you  )  ,  normal  activities,  no  need  for  adjustments.  you  tell  your  family  you've  got  this,  not  to  worry,  and  don't  look  to  meet  them  in  the  eye.  tries  his  best  and  in  a  fuck  you  rachel  berry  moment  —  applies  to his  dream  school,  nyu  tisch.  it’s  a  big  jump.  less  than  a  year  and  a  half  out  from  his  accident  (  "the"  accident,  as  bryce  continues  to  refer  to  it  )  and  he’s  already  talking  like  he’s  going  to  move  states  (  and  wants to  )  .  it's  not  like  new  york  is  unfamiliar  to  him,  but  in  a  different  realm,  he'd  never  been  there  by  himself,  for  extended  periods  of  time.  bryce  argued  that  this  is  how  an  artist  grows,  this  is  how  he  becomes  who  he  is,  or  whatever  lindsay  lohan's  character  in  confession's  says.  his  parents  disagreed,  but  bryce  is  stubborn,  and  there  was  no  changing  his  mind. 
he  doesn’t  get  in  ----  but  that’s  how  legends  are  made,  after  all,  so  he  moves  to  new  york  city  anyway.  and  the  change  is  astronomical.  maybe  not  to  some,  but  for  someone  who  is  still  adjusting  to  how  he  is  now?  it  was,  indeed,  a  bad  idea.  he  had  a  year  lease,  and  within  that  time?  a  legend  dies  rather  than  is  born.  as  stubborn  as  he  is,  he  came  eventually  relented  to  his  father’s  pleas  to  return  home to hollowcreek.
as friendly as he is, he’s very afraid of … just about everything. he’s skittish and kind of like a stray cat. though, if he likes you, he truly never shuts the fuck up. genuinely a kind guy, though he tends to have foot - in - mouth disease and says the wrong thing all the fuckin’ time. doesn’t think before he speaks, and rarely thinks at all.
a bit too empathetic. tends to try not to look at one person a specific way, and is way too open minded to relationships with people who are bad news. tends to look at the world in rose colored glasses, though if you cut him just the right way, they’re going to cut you off.
definitely favors his left ear, and will turn to face whoever it is speaking in that direction, even if it is a bit odd looking. he’s not completely deaf in his right ear, but the tinnitus often wins out, and bryce doesn’t bother to fight it anymore. has been working on learning sign language and isn’t totally fluent — but he’s working on it. but the adhd demons. to be clear, bryce is open to all forms of communication, but which he prefers depends on the situation. in a crowded area, he’s going to rely more on written or sign language. i understand most muses don’t know sign, and that’s totally fine! in that case, we’ll work with what we have. when he’s signing, it will be in italics like this and have a descriptor of signage.
due to the intense focusing that having vocal conversations can have, he, unfortunately often experiences overstimulation and burnout. concentration is hard tenfold since this happened and they’re exactly great at managing emotions. lashing out and having attitudes will occur. usually apologizes, but sometimes not.
intense hyperfocus when he likes something, or is invested. can, will and has tuned everyone in a crowded room completely out until it’s done. has that adhd rage, i’m afraid. he’s come a long way to control it, but sometimes it’s just too much. tends to switch to different topics all within one conversation, and lowkey has a motor mouth.
has been doing theatre since middle school, really. both local and school productions, but mostly high school once he began attending that charter school. he excelled and tended to be quite the little show off, evne if he didn’t mean to be. was the lead in .. quite a few of his school productions. i’ll make a list eventually.
his family is .. rich. but he definitely doesn’t act like it. outside of the whole school + family trips thing, he doesn’t seem like it. will spoil his friends and loved ones anyway, bc his mom tries to shove money onto him all the time and he doesn’t know what to do with it. will jokingly buy you a new car, send you on a trip to cabos or pay for 10 packages of those fancy packaged strawberries.   speaking of money ---- bryce hasn’t spoken to his mom in years, but that doesn’t stop her from sending checks upon checks of money, thanks to her own career in the fashion industry. 
constantly on that damn zoom … wants to be an actor, so he’s been auditioning for literally everything. even things he doesn’t fit. he gets into the zoom and they’re like hello? and he’s just like hii ^.^ and they close the room or something.
a gleek and a swiftie. like pick a struggle? he’s an evermore guy but also 1989.  is the guy in the room to be like “they played this on glee..” like i’m sure! get a hobby! get a job do something!
has no filter, whatsoever. tends to say out of pocket things without meaning too, and doesn’t entirely convey when he’s joking. more often than not, he’s being entirely sincere. he’s funny, but he can be a little bit of a try hard. laugh please.
has not driven since the accident. if anyone asks, he just says he ‘prefers to support the economy by using uber’ (?????) or public transport. has nightmares about the accident, constantly, and doesn't tell anyone about them. he’s embarrassed, lowkey, and doesn’t quite remember them — so it’s like. what would i even say? he’s a tad bit afraid to admit his hearing is getting worse. he’s been asking others to repeat themselves more often , his tinnitus is getting noticeably bad , migraines are starting to occur far more often. this is going by silently on his own part and won’t admit it to anyone.
uses theatre as a way to cope with his trauma ---- he delves into other people to see new perspective and coping skills, though they're not always the healthiest nor do they make the most sense. it's what he knows, it's what he's good at, and he doesn't see a reason to stop – only a reason to adapt, even if he isn't happy about it.
wanted connections ..
sibling !! this person would be a graduate student at the very least ---- in my head they’re total opposites and it’s so funny. he was lowkey encouraged to go to golden state because they could keep an eye out on him for … many aforemented reasons above, and he tends to annoy them quite a bit. also i’d love for this to be taken up by rachel sennott or molly gordon but alas anyone wld be beloved by me.
step - sibling !! in a lore reveal, nicholas remarries around the time bryce enters high school. this person is the same age as him, and they don’t get along at all. it isn’t until recent that they’ve stopped butting heads and can be in a room without a fight breaking out. this is on the main ! this is a step sister to me.
perhaps another half sibling on his moms side? cousins?
i love dynamics that are like sunshine x grumpy so perhaps he’s the kid they “can’t stand” but like deep down? an annoyance you’d kill for.
best friends!! a cute little squad maybe? wrecking the town. can’t find one without the others type beat.
his old roommate from new york for that singular year could be cool.
maybe. a fling. or two. probably just one.
former classmates ..
people who knew / know his parents? family friends?? 
people who hate him? people who want him dead bc he’s annoying as shit? yeah
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morbidology · 8 months
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It was the 23rd of July, 1995, and Janet Downing had just pulled into the drive of her Somerville, Massachusetts, home when her son, Ryan, and his best friend and neighbor, 15-year-old Edward O’Brien Jr., rushed to the vehicle to carry the grocery bags inside. Standing at 6 feet 4 inches and weighing 260 pounds, Edward was described by the locals as a gentle giant. He was a former altar boy that loved sports.
It started out as a typical Sunday. It was a scorching hot summer’s afternoon and Janet had done the grocery shopping and stopped to chat to her neighbor. They spoke of the shock of the recent unsolved murder of 17-year-old Deanna Cremin.
Little did they know that in just several hours, another murder would take place in their city.
Janet decided to take a nap after putting the groceries away. Ryan and Edward had planned on going to the local swimming pool that afternoon. “Why is your mother sleeping?” Edward inquired as he stood staring at Janet. Ryan shrugged and said “Let’s go swimming.” Edward decided against going swimming and the duo went their separate ways.
Some peculiar occurrences had been happening in Janet’s home over the past several months. Items appeared and then disappeared including her favorite Christmas decorations and her daughter’s house keys. Someone put perfume in her coffee, put windshield wiper fluid in her car and left a bag of clothing in her closet.
It wouldn’t be until 10PM later on that night that Ryan came home from swimming and hanging out with his friends. He was met by an unforgettable scene.
At some point between Ryan leaving the house and returning, somebody had entered their family home and brutally murdered his mother. Janet had been slashed and stabbed over 90 times. Blood was spattered all across the room and across the family photographs.
Ryan ran across the street to Edward’s home and told his parents to call the police. Edward O’Brien Sr. ran to the Downing family home after calling the police, assuming that some kind of accident had taken place. He realized straight away that he was in the middle of a gruesome crime scene and that this certainly was no accident.
Who could do such a thing, he wondered? Within days, however, his own son would be charged with the murder....
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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faiirybread · 1 year
undercover martyn︴ln4
⏳ in which..a girl streams to help her mom get better
❝and she spoke words that would melt in your hands ❞
march 03, 2023
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📍massachusetts institute of technology
“thats all for today everyone, we’re gonna end a bit early, if you have any questions about the assignment email me after class.” the teacher said, wrapping up his lecture. y/n sighed, putting her laptop away, and gathering her pencils.
“y/n! wanna work together on the project?” her classmate, isabelle, asked. “yeah, sure! i have like, no ideas for it so that would be great.” y/n says with a smile. “awesome! i’ll text you.”
y/n finished packing up and walked out of the class, heading to the parking lot so she could go home, when she got a call from an unknown number. normally she would decline them, but something in her mind was telling her that she needed to pick it up.
so she did. she answered the call with a “hello?”
“hello, is this y/n y/ln?”
“yes, this is she. may i ask who’s calling?”
“this is charlotte, from florida hospital, we’re calling to inform you that sophie y/ln is here, you are on her form as an emergency contact.”
when she heard that, y/n gasped, “oh my gosh, is she ok?”
“she is being given medicine right now, but she requested that you come.”
“of course, thank you so much, ill be there asap.” she said, turning on her car and driving to the airport.
“thank you, have a nice day.”
“you too.” she hung up and kept driving, scenarios of what might’ve happened to her mom running through her head, until she pulled over.
head in her hands and gasping for breath, y/n started crying. crying because she was scared of her mom leaving her, just like her dad had, just like her friends had, but her mom never had.
and she needed to make sure she wouldn’t.
so, y/n pulled the car back on the road and drove to the airport, rushing in to find a kiosk that would sell her a ticket. she went to tsa, and upon seeing the extra security mark on her ticket, they pulled her aside for further screening.
after about 10 minutes of uncomfortable questions and searches, y/n finally got to her gate. which meant she had 20 more minutes of worrying before she could get on the plane. in the meantime, she pulled out her phone and started emailing her professors, explaining that she had a family emergency and would be absent for at least that day. as she had gotten a ticket so last minute, she was in the back of the line and had to squeeze into a middle seat.
after an hour squeezed in between two people in quite possibly the smallest seat ever, y/n got off the plane and called an uber to take her to the hospital. it pulled up quickly, and she got in.
“so, headed to the hospital?” the driver checked, looking at her in his mirror.
“yes, please.” she smiled to the driver and put on her seatbelt. “can you go fast, please? its my mom, i want to make sure she’s ok.”
he nodded and started driving, weaving in between traffic and quite possibly speeding at some points, but y/n didn’t mind. she needed to get to her mom, even if it meant she was in a bed next to her.
as soon as he pulled up to the drop-off area, she jumped out, and waved to him as a thank you. running into the hospital, she got in line to the front desk.
time seemed to pass slowly, seconds lasting minutes, minutes lasting hours, all the while her mind was running with possibilities.
what if she got in an accident? maybe she fell down the stairs? or burned herself cooking?
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welcome to undercover martyn! i hope you all enjoy (: im so sorry about the ending lmao, they have never been my strong suit. hopefully throughout this they get better though!
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Pollution from East Palestine train derailment rained down in 16 states, study says. (Washington Post)
On Feb. 3, 2023, a train carrying toxic chemicals crashed in northeastern Ohio, sending up a large black cloud over Ohio and Pennsylvania after officials decided to burn off the hazardous materials. As the chemicals lofted into the air, the pollution spread as far as 16 states, according to a new study.
“I didn’t expect to see an impact this far out,” said David Gay, lead author of the study. “There’s more going on here than most people would have guessed, including me.”
Toxic chemicals rained down from South Carolina to Wisconsin to New England following the accident, according to the new analysis in the Environmental Research Letters journal. Overall, the pollution spread over 540,000 square miles, or 14 percent of U.S. land area.
People closer to the accident reported rashes, nausea and headaches — but Gay said the low chemical concentrations farther away from the accident weren’t “toxic, but are pretty unusual at a lot of places.” Many of those pollutants can run off and affect marine and plant life.
The accident occurred around 9 p.m. on Feb. 3 near East Palestine, a town of almost 5,000 residents on the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. The train, operated by Norfolk Southern, experienced a mechanical issue that caused more than 50 cars to derail. Some of the trains were carrying hazardous materials, including a known human carcinogen called vinyl chloride.
In an emergency decision, officials authorized a controlled burn of the hazardous chemicals to prevent a catastrophic explosion. But as the vinyl chloride burned, it broke into separate chloride and hydrogen ions in the atmosphere that got carried by the wind to other locations.
When it began to rain in various places, the pollutants were pushed from the air and deposited on the ground. The National Atmospheric Deposition Program, at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, collects these ground depositions weekly across 260 sites across North America. Gay, who serves as coordinator of the program, routinely analyzes the data to monitor air pollutants.
He and his team analyzed ground depositions from the week of and following the train accident (Jan. 31 to Feb. 14), and then compared them to the previous decade or so. Many samples taken during the week of the accident in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and New York were flagged for contamination, showing soot, ash and dirt.
Initially, Gay expected to see only a few abnormally high chloride signals nearby in Pennsylvania, but the impact was much higher than he anticipated. High chloride concentrations spanned as far as Virginia, South Carolina and Wisconsin. The highest concentrations were located near the Canada-New York border, which was downwind of East Palestine.
The pollutants disappeared within two to three weeks after the accident.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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In New York, drivers with a clean driving record but a low credit score are quoted $1,367 more for car insurance, on average, than otherwise identical drivers with excellent credit, according to a new analysis of tens of thousands of car insurance quotes.
For drivers in ZIP codes with predominantly Black residents, the gap yawns even wider: The cost of poor credit in those areas is $3,411 a year, on average.
These disparities were uncovered in a study of nearly 100,000 insurance quotes from 10 major New York car insurance companies. It was conducted by the Consumer Federation of America, a nonprofit advocacy organization.
The findings show just how much car insurance premiums can be inflated by factors that aren’t directly related to how safely a driver behaves on the road. They also reveal how a driver’s credit score can combine with their ZIP code to raise the cost of car insurance, which is mandatory for drivers in nearly every state.
“We’re talking about experienced drivers with no history of accidents or tickets facing premiums that are hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars more, simply because of what shows up in their credit reports,” says Douglas Heller, the CFA insurance expert who led the new study. “This is unmistakably harmful to the people of New York.”
The same dynamic plays out across the country. Only California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts bar insurers from using drivers’ credit scores to set premiums. Everywhere else, a low credit score will likely raise your car insurance price, and your ZIP code could multiply the damage. (Insurers use a special “credit-based insurance score” for pricing, but it’s calculated in a very similar way to your normal credit score.)
By law, insurers aren’t allowed to use race and income to set car insurance premiums or decide whom to insure. But critics say factors like credit scores and ZIP codes can have a particularly significant effect on certain racial groups.
For example, Black, Latino, and Indigenous Americans are much more likely to have poor credit than white Americans, a reflection of decades of discriminatory policies including redlining that have limited opportunities for communities of color to build wealth.
This sets up a double whammy for drivers of color. “When you marry credit and territorial pricing, you get a disastrous result,” Heller says. “There’s an amplification of the credit penalty in majority nonwhite ZIP codes.”
(continue reading)
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heavenlyhoundoom · 7 months
Cuphead charcter parents.(head cannon)
.Brewster Porcelain.
Species: Mug person.
Color: Red.
Age: 32
Date of birth: 3/16/1900
Birthplace: Inkwell. (Isle one)
Occupation: Cab driver.
Kids: Cuphead Porcelain and Mugman Porcelain.
.Matteo Carbone
Species: Human.
Race: European.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Blue.
Age: 60
Date of birth: 5/23/1872
Birthplace: New York City.
Occupation: Artist.
Kids: Sebastian Web and Walter Web.
.Richard Lightbug
Species: Firefly.
Color: Purple.
Hair color: Blonde.
Eye color: Brown.
Age: 44 at death.
Date of birth: 6/20/1867
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California.
Date of death: 8/25/1911
Cause of death: Car accident.
Occupation: None.(he lived off of his parents' wealth)
Kids: Mildred Lightbug, Bertha Lightbug, Elizabeth Lightbug, Oliver Lightbug, Anges Lightbug, Rose Lightbug, and Lucy Lightbug.
.Alfred Anteater
Species: Anteater.
Fur color: Gray.
Eye color: Purple.
Age: 62
Date of birth: 1/29/1870
Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey.
Occupation: Wrestler
Kids: Albert Anteater, Abigail Anteater, Alice Anteater, Allen Anteater, Anna Anteater, and Anthony Anteater.
.Foka Petrov
Species: Snail.
Color: Green.
Eye color: Brown.
Age: 58
Date of birth: 6/17/1874
Birthplace: Inkwell. (Isle four)
Occupation: Mob boss.(retired)
Kid: Sheldon Petrov.
.Philippe Lavigne
Species: Pepper shaker.
Age: 59
Date of birth: 1/24/1873
Birthplace: Paris, France.
Occupation: Orchardist.
Kid: Saltbaker Shaker.
.Brown bull
Species: Bull
.Age: 48
Date of birth: 4/7/1884
Birthplace: Inkwell Meatfarms.
Occupation: None.
Kids: Esther Winchester, five other girl calves and three boy calves.
.Comet Saluki
Species: Saluki.
Fur color: Tan and black.
Age: 50
Date of birth: 9/15/1882
Occupation: Pilot.
Kids: Penelope Saluki, and Angel Saluki.
.Brutus Giant
Species: Giant.
Race: European.
Hair color: Ginger.
Age: 55
Date of birth: 2/9/1877
Birthplace: Inkwell. (Isle four)
Occupation: Security guard.
Kids: Helga Giant and Glumstone Giant.
.Otto Buzzman
Species: House fly
Color: Black.
Age: 34 at death.
Date of birth: 7/30/1880
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts.
Date of death: 10/5/1914
Cause of death: Eaten by a spider.(not related to Walter in any way)
Occupation: Electrician.
Kids: Garry Buzzman, Larry Buzzman, and Jerry Buzzman.
Mocha Porcelain
Species: Cup person.
Color: Blue.
Age: 32
Date of birth: 6/27/1900
Birthplace: Ottawa, Canada.
Occupation: Kindergarten teacher.
Kids: Cuphead Porcelain and Mugman Porcelain.
.Edna Web
Species: Spider.
Fur color: Gray.
Hair color: Orange.
Eye color: Yellow.
Age: 60.
Date of birth: 2/6/1872
Birthplace: New York City.
Occupation: Construction worker.
Kids: Sebastian Web and Walter Web.
.Hannah Lightbug
Species: Firefly.
Color: Black.
Hair color: Red.
Eye color: Green.
Age: 44 at death.
Date of birth: 4/13/1867
Birthplace: Malibu, California.
Date of death: 8/25/1911
Cause of death: Car accident.
Occupation: House wife.
Kids: Mildred Lightbug, Bertha Lightbug, Elizabeth Lightbug, Oliver Lightbug, Agnes Lightbug, Rose Lightbug, and Lucy Lightbug.
.Amber Anteater
Species: Anteater.
Fur color: Brown.
Eye color: Orange.
Age: 62
Date of birth: 9/4/1870
Birthplace: Inkwell.(Isle three)
Occupation: Waitress.
Kids: Albert Anteater, Abigail Anteater, Alice Anteater, Allen Anteater, Anna Anteater, and Anthony Anteater.
.Jennifer Petrov.
Species: Snail
Color: Yellow.
Eye color: Light blue.
Age: 58
Date of birth: 7/2/1874
Birthplace: New York City.
Occupation: House wife.
Kid: Sheldon Petrov.
.Mary Shaker
Species: Pepper shaker.
Age: 59
Date of birth: 5/16/1873
Birthplace: Inkwell.(Isle four)
Occupation: Baker.
Kid: Saltbaker Shaker.
.Black cow
Species: Cow.
Age: 48
Date of birth: 11/12/1884
Birthplace: Scotland meat farms.
Occupation: None.
Kids: Esther Winchester, five more girl calves, and three boy calves.
.Rita Saluki
Species: Saluki.
Fur color: White and Black.
Age: 50
Date of birth: 3/21/1882
Birthplace: Edgewood, Florida.
Occupation: Hair stylist.
Kids: Penelope Saluki and Angel Saluki.
.Rhonda Giant
Species: Giant.
Race: European.
Hair color: White.
Age: 55
Date of birth: 6/25/1877
Birthplace: Pembroke, Wales.
Occupation: Optician.
Kids: Helga Giant and Glumstone Giant.
.Gale Buzzman
Species: House fly.
Color: Green
Age: 52
Date of birth: 1/6/1880
Birthplace: Calabash, North Carolina.
Occupation: Nurse.
Kids: Garry Buzzman, Larry Buzzman, and Jerry Buzzman.
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deeploretv · 5 months
Did the Hawaiian Jungle Swallow Stephen & Jenny Reisburg?
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Stephen Reisberg, 34, and his wife Jenny Sun-Reisberg, 28, were a Boston couple who enjoyed hiking and traveling. In late August 1990, they left Massachusetts for a trip that included hiking in the Tetons before visiting friends in San Francisco and then flying to Kauai, Hawaii.
Their plans were to hike the challenging Mount Waialeale in Kauai's Kokee State Park in early September, though they were expected back in Massachusetts around September 9th. However, witnesses reported seeing the couple in Kauai after that date, which wasn't unusual since they were known to change travel plans spontaneously.
The last known person to see the Reisbergs was the former program director of the Kokee Museum of Natural History. He met them on or around September 9th as they studied maps of Mount Waialeale, determined to hike it despite his warnings about the difficult terrain and lack of trails. They set off against his advice.
Around September 24th, Jenny's status as a doctoral candidate at Harvard raised flags when she didn't return as scheduled. Two weeks later, their rental car was found at the Pu'u O Kila lookout in Kokee State Park, packed with their belongings for the flight home.
An extensive four-day search of the park starting September 27th turned up only a scarf that may or may not have belonged to Jenny. A male hiker also reported hearing a woman's moans in the area 10 days earlier, potentially connected to the case.
While authorities didn't outwardly suspect foul play, the complete disappearance of two experienced hikers was perplexing. One possibility raised was the couple crossing paths with marijuana growers who had killed hikers in that region in 1990.
Local rumors circulated that Stephen faked their disappearance because he was unhappy being a doctor, though family dismissed this speculation. After 34 years, their whereabouts remain unknown.
Were the Reisbergs victims of a tragic hiking accident on Mount Waialeale? Or did they have a deadly run-in with criminals protecting a grow operation in Kokee State Park? With no bodies ever found, authorities have few answers. A memorial was held in 1990, but their disappearance remains an unsolved mystery haunting those who knew them.
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Code Blue- Ch. 4 "The Car"
Summary: Lee tells Josie about what happened to Jacob. His tale is heart wrenching. Wounds are equally tended to, both physical and emotional, deepening an already preeminent connection. The visit is cut short but leads to a happy ending as the two bond over a similar interest.
*Major Warning!!* This chapter is very dark. Mentions of descriptive child death, angst, domestic violence, language, car accident, grief, loss
Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 3, 2023- 11 am.
"Lee. No, you do not have to tell me about it, or anyone else for that matter. You're right, Britt did tell me and she had no right to. I even begged her not to but she blurted it out anyways, well some of it. This is extremely personal and you owe no one an explanation of anything. I am sorry about anyone speculating about your life and thinking they know how you should and should not be grieving. I mean, if you wanna drink, or work crazy hours, or whatever else you need to do to help you deal with things, then that's your prerogative and it's your business, not theirs."
The last thing you expected to hear was what he said next accompanied by a sweet smile.
"Fuck em."
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You released a hearty laugh. "Ok...fuck em. But right now, can I please get you into a chair and clean off your face?"
"Only if you let me tend to your hand."
Your eyes dropped in confusion to your bandaged hand. You had forgotten all about the blistering burns you received from idiotically picking up a scalding pan off the stove.
"It's...nothing really, just a minor burn."
"Who's the doctor again?"
"Yeah, yeah. Ok, you win doctor know it all. Come on, let's get you up."
You moved up against him and took his arm, wrapping it around your shoulder, then placed your arms around his waist, hooking your hands together behind his back.
"1...2...3." you counted as he pushed with his feet, helping you lift him.
"Ok, I'm good." he said as he peered down into your eyes.
Your 5'7 frame was literally standing flat against him with his arm over your shoulder and your arms clasped around his 6'5 body, your head arched back while your eyes were locked into the blue beholders of his soul. Oh how you could see it too...
The top of your head barely reached his chin making you feel so incredibly vulnerable. If he wanted you right now, he would have you. You knew right there in that moment, you were done for, for he already had you. He had you at just breathe.
You slowly lowered him into a kitchen chair, then reluctantly released him to go get the paper towels you saw on the counter. You soaked the sheets under some lukewarm water, rang them out and then sat before him.
As you softly and gently blotted and stroked his upper lip area, you could feel his eyes upon you, studying your face. You worked your way through his intimidating gaze and finally removed all the dried blood from his beard and mustache.
"There. Good as new."
You got up to then pour him a large glass of ice water as you had found some ice in the freezer.
"Here you go. Drink it all, you need it."
What Lee needed....wanted, was your body against his again but he would keep that to himself, for...to him...he knew you were something special after everything you had just done for him. Actually, he knew it from the first time he ever saw your face.....and he knew your lips had been on his because he had tasted your cherry lip gloss when he awoke, and he would also keep that to himself...but what he didn't want to keep to himself was his story of his son. He never spoke about Jacob to anyone, not even his best friend Orlando... but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why he wanted to tell you. Maybe it was just to release the pent up knowledge, or maybe it was because he felt he could trust you with the depths of his very soul that held the darkened parts of him no one cared for....except you.
Lee chugged the water down in a mere three seconds and then watched you in awe as you got up to get him another glass without him even asking or saying a word.
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He was the healer. He was the one who tended to everyone else. No one ever bothered to help him... unconditionally anyways. The relationships he had were never a give and take, but just a take on their end until they depleted him of his ability to care anymore. That's why he had fended off ever being involved with someone again. His last one, Jacob's mother Elizabeth, did a doozy on him, and he was about to tell you all about it.
"Thank you." he softy said as he took the newly filled glass of ice water from you. "Now it my turn to fix your hand up."
He held out his hand with a slanted smile, wanting you to give him your hand. You reached out and slid your trembling hand into his.
"You...are shaking?" His head tilted and his brows furrowed. "Do...I frighten you?"
"Oh god no...I'm sorry...it's...it's just nerves...you know? My anxiety?" There you were, completely fibbing again as it was him causing all your nerves to misfire, but not in a bad way.
His eyes were skeptical as he unraveled your makeshift bandage.
"Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to be sorry about?"
"I...I don't know. I guess because my anxiety is a constant thorn in everyone's side?"
"It's not in mine?" He angled your hand back and forth as he assessed the degree of the burns. "Good news. You are going to live."
You giggled. He sure could make you laugh like no other.
"Well, I don't know if that is good news really." you sarcastically relayed.
"Why do you say such a thing about yourself? and also apologizing for things that are not your fault?" He got up and opened a cupboard, pulling out some more gauze and a tube of ointment, then a steak knife from the drawer and smirked. "There's no scissors."
He sat back down and began working on your hand. "So...are you going to tell me why you seem to think your existence is not important? Because I'll tell you right now, I like and enjoy your existence very much Jo March....funny, my birthday is in March."
His face was all cutely scrunched in seriousness as he applied the antibiotic gel to your palm. Oh lord, the way his baby soft finger moved over your skin was doing things to your core that you never deemed possible. Unlike him, you were extremely reticent about telling him of your past. Not because you didn't trust him, but it was just shameful.
Your silence mad him stop as he sweetly looked at you. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to and I apologize if I have made you feel uncomfortable in any way." His deep succulent voice was so damn sincere, that you folded.
"No, please. Do not be sorry. It's...no big deal really. I...I have just always felt to be a burden with my issues. An embarrassment even, like if I would have an attack in public when I was with my friends or family. I could see it on their faces and then I would find myself always saying I'm sorry. Old habits die hard I guess."
"That seems like a big deal to me. Maybe you need different friends? and they say you can't pick your family, but I tend to disagree. Family isn't always blood. I have a best friend whom I call a brother. I am sorry that you have to go through that." He finished wrapping you hand and tied the ends of the gauze together in a tiny knot.
"I couldn't agree more. The friends I spoke of are no longer in my life anyways....Britt, she's like a sister to me since I can't fucking stand the one I have....thank you...for what you said, and for tending to my hand."
"No problem. I'll send you the bill."
There was that sly, cute as hell grin again on his heart shaped lips.
"So....do you mind if I tell you my story now?"
His eyes were that of a puppy, how could you tell him no even if you wanted to? It was obvious he desperately needed to talk to someone and for some crazy unbeknownst reason, he was trusting you, a complete stranger per se, with his most personal and painful moments. Denying him that was not an option. No wonder he was drinking himself into oblivion. You had been there. Not for the same reasons but you still understood and sympathized his need to wash it all away.
"Of course, if that is what you want and need to do. I will listen." Your smile to him was so naturally offered and it eased his own anxiety. Something you recognized so well since you were cursed with the debilitating emotion.
"This house...it is mine. But it was mine, Jacob's and his mother's once. Elizabeth is her name. We weren't married...I don't know why...I just never asked her...I...I didn't really feel that way towards her...you know, the forever thing? We just kind of did what we were supposed to do when she got pregnant. Things had already been rough between us anyways before all that. Her getting pregnant was not planned, but I wanted to take responsibility, so I bought this place and we moved in just a few months before she gave birth. I toughed it out with her for Jacob's sake, but I enjoyed every minute here with him."
He smiled as he spoke the last half of that sentence and closed his eyes. You could see glistening in his eyelashes from the tears he was holding back and it was making you tear up as well. Opening his eyes, he continued.
"Over the years, it got harder and harder with her. She was cold to me...and to Jacob. I don't know if she resented him but I suspected it, or maybe it was just me she resented. She was wild when I met her and that only seemed to intensify after being tied here with us. Like now, I worked all the time while she stayed home and cared for him. One night, we had a huge blow up on a drive home from her sister's house. I was driving. She wouldn't let it go and kept screaming at me while Jacob cried in the back seat. It was raining and dark out. She started hitting me and I tried to stop her with my right arm by pushing it down on her while I kept my other hand on the wheel. It only infuriated her more and that's when she grabbed the wheel. The car jerked so hard and I spun out on the wet pavement. I..I couldn't control it and slammed sideways into a tree....Jacob...flew from his car seat and hit his head on the window....she never buckled him in...."
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My god...you wanted to hold him so bad as you saw him close his tear ridden eyes and drop his head but didin't know if it was welcomed, so you kept your distance and let him go on.
"She never buckled the fucking seatbelt...and do you know how I know this? Because she told me...the day of his funeral, right after we buried him. We were fighting and she blurted it out...and do you know what else she told me? That it was my fault because I was driving too fast....which you don't know how many times I have blamed myself for that exact reason, still do....and then she saved the best for last....she told me that...that I....wasn't his biological father....and that she was glad.....4 years ago, as of yesterday, I buried my son."
"Oh my god...Lee...she...she really told you something so viciously cruel?? and at his funeral of all places?"
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Tears permeated your eyes. Was this woman even human? You knew what he would tell you was going to be sad, but this, this had to be the saddest thing you ever heard.
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You took in a deep breath and then released it hard and heavy. Words couldn't be found and so you just did it. You stepped forward and tenderly pulled him down into your arms.
"I am soooo sorry." you whispered against his ear.
Lee's hands hovered a few inches over your back, almost afraid to touch you as he was in shock by your unexpected embrace. He then let his arms fold around you as he closed his eyes. He couldn't even remember the last time he was ever held like this, probably because it never happened. Everything was messed up, and yet everything was so perfect.
Your exceedingly long affectionate hug was suddenly interrupted by your phone ringing. You both slowly withdrew the cuddle with a most intense stare at each other...until.
"You uh...gonna get that?" Lee asked, still locked in your eyes.
Finally you blinked, breaking the trance you both were in. "Oh, yeah. yes."
It was your mom.
"Mom? Is everything all right?"
"Well it is now that I know you are alive?!"
"Mom...calm down.."
"Don't tell me to calm down young lady. You left yesterday without a peep from you since then."
"Mom, I told you I was leav..."
"You do remember, we have a funeral to plan, or are you to busy traipsing after your new doctor friend? That's right, Britt told me everything, you know she will not lie to me."
Margaret was speaking so loud, you knew Lee was hearing every single word judging by his scrutinizing look.
"Ok, Mom? I'll be home soon. Love you. Bye!" You hung up as fast as you could, feeling utterly embarrassed.
When went to find Lee's, he was already looking at you with a sly grin. Yep, he heard every....fucking...humiliating...word.
"I'm sorry...Britt told her where I was..."
"There you go again, apologizing when you shouldn't be.....How's your mom doing? Losing a child, no matter their age or how, is never easy."
That compassionate side of him just kept blowing you away. How kind was he to ask about her, someone he had never even met, even after hearing her theatrics. He understood her grief all too well.
"Well, as you heard...not well."
"You should probably get going. She's obviously worried about you." His eyes were so caring but you could also see the part in them that dreaded your absence.
"I don't feel right just leaving...not when you literally just told me about Jacob, something you have obviously been keeping inside for some time if you were willing to tell a complete stranger."
You wanted to tell him that you didn't WANT to leave, and you wanted to hear him tell you he didn't want you to either.
"Well, let's see. I have carried you in my arms, sat and talked to you for over an hour to make you feel better, let you hold my hand. You came all the way here to bring me back my bracelet and nursed me back to health. I fixed your injured hand and told you the deepest darkest tale of my life. I'd say were are past the strangers stage. Acquaintances now? Maybe we could work our way up to...friends?"
You were absolutely melting as you jellied knees threatened to give out. "Yes...I...I would really like that....Lee."
"Alright, it's settled then Jo March. So...let me walk you out." His smile was soft and his touch softer as he placed his hand on the small of your back, seeming that he didn't want to come on to strong.
"Hollllly shit!" Lee exclaimed as you both walked onto the porch. "Is that...your car??" His eyes were excited like a kid in a candy store as he went jogging over to it.
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"87 Monte Carlo Super Sport.... and mint to boot." he reeled in wonder as he circled the vehicle with his fingertips lightly tracing over it. "May I?" He pointed to the door, his eyes asking to look inside.
"Sure." you giggled. Seeing him perk up like this after the horror story he just told you, made you happy. He lived with that hell every single day and something as simple as a car, temporarily fixed him....like a band aid until it lost it's stickiness.
"How did you know all that?" you asked him as he sat behind the wheel, taking in the view of your sound system.
"Well I suppose if we are going to soon work towards being friends, you should know that I absolutely love classic cars and trucks, and this here....is a beauty." His eyes danced all over the dash but then had glanced at you after he said that last word.
"I can see that judging by the 75 Doge Dart Swinger sitting in your driveway."
His stunned eyes popped up over the steering wheel.
"I can't believe it..." His gaze was frozen on you.
"What?" you half laughed, feeling awkward from his incredulous stare.
"You...I...I mean...a woman after my own heart. I think we are going to be great friends." His grin was superb and radiant, matching his dreamy eyes. What he really wanted to say was that he hoped to be much more although he had been doing everything in his power to fend off women. You loved something he loved on a whole 'nother plain, what were the odds of that?
"And we could start by firing this baby up. Could I hear her run? and possibly....the kick ass stereo you have in here?"
The fact that he referred to the car as a she absolutely amazed you. His love for these works of art was truly genuine.
You fumbled through your bag and tossed him the keys in which he caught effortlessly in his left hand, although you noticed him to be right handed. He then turned her over.
"Oh wow...listen to her purr. You do know now that our new friendship will require you giving me a ride in her sometime." he chuckled.
"Sure. I'll even let you drive her."
His mouth uncontrollably dropped open as he gazed at you.
"No way. Get the fuck outta here...ok no, not really but you know what I mean."
"But only if I can ride in yours too sometime, maybe even drive her as well?"
"Oh I see. You're playing the "I'll let you if you let me" thing like what occurred earlier." The side of his lip curled up, forming his mouth into the cutest smirk. And to think that you had your lips on that mouth for a split second made your butterflies go wild.
"Of course." you smirked back.
"You don't gotta twist my arm sweetheart. it's a done deal. Where do I sign?" he chuckled and turned in the radio.
"Well, what do ya know? It's my theme song unknowingly written for me."
He cranked up the song that was playing.
"Listen to that bass, holy fucking hell! Girl, I am sure gonna miss you when you leave." he laughed. You could hear it in his laugh that he truly meant it.
He started singing for a minute as he tapped his hand on the steering wheel.
"It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy cause every now and then I kick the living shit outta me......"
He shut it off and got out chuckling.
"You must think that is an understatement after what you walked in on here today huh?" he said as he dangled your keys out in front of you.
He knew he should have just left it running, but subconsciously, he didn't want you to leave. He had never desired a woman's presence so much in his entire 43 years.
"No, Lee, not at all. You're going through a terrible time. Here, let me give you my number so you can text me..or call..whichever...I..I mean just in case you need to talk or something. I feel absolutely awful for having to leave. Will...you be alright? You did collapse earlier."
The fact you even cared about him boggled his mind.
"Only if you take mine." he grinned like the cheshire cat.
"I can see this game will be of prominence in our newly found friendship." You laughed and handed him your phone. "Here, put your number in and call your phone, then we'll be even."
"There. All done." he said as he handed you your phone back. "You don't need to worry, my best friend will be around. I've talked your ear off enough. I don't want to bother you with all that you have going on."
"Nonsense. You are in no way a bother. Remember, I like your voice?"
He flashed back to the hospital in your room as you had grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving and asking him to please stay and talk you as you liked the sound of his voice.
"How could I forget?" His eyes were alluring in his statement, making your already wild butterflies spin out of control.
You smiled and went to get in your car.
He rushed over and opened your door for you. Oh damn, he was killing you with kindness and you were eating it right up. You got in and rolled your window down.
"Take care of yourself Lee."
He smiled. You to Jo march."
He went to walk away, then turned around. "Oh....and I like the taste of your cherry chapstick."
He winked and trotted off with his hands in his pockets while singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it", and then disappeared into the house.
If anything was an understatement, it was the ghost face expression you had from the movie Scream. From this moment on, you knew your world would be forever changed.
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