#Carl Junghans
andquietrollsthedawn · 10 months
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Such Is Life (Carl Junghans, 1930)
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Listed: Buck Curran
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Steel strings course through Buck Curran’s blood: he is both a guitarist and a luthier. Rising to prominence in the northeastern American psychedelic folk scene, first with his band Arborea and then solo, Curran is steeped in his country’s blues-influenced folk heritage. Recently, he performed an about-face and released Delights and Dangers of Ambiguity, a collection of improvisations that he describes as “improvised dissertations on dissonance & sustain (experimental, drone and modal explorations for piano and guitar).” In his review of the album, Bryon Hayes noticed that “there is a tie that binds these tunes to Curran’s overall oeuvre: a focus on resonance. Throughout his career, [he] explores ways of extending a note’s sonic envelope via extended techniques.” Curran also recently compiled a 22-track tribute to Steffan-Basho Junghans, which Jennifer Kelly reviewed here.
For this Listed, Curran runs down some recordings and writings from which he draws inspiration for his sonic explorations.
Blind Willie Johnson — Dark Was the Night Cold Was the Ground (1927)
I believe this is one of the most important recordings ever made, and there is a great reason why this recording made it onboard the space probe Voyager 1. I imagine it now: Blind Willie Johnson's deep plaintive voice and haunting slide playing on an endless loop as it hurtles out into the open void of deep space; a memory carried on a tiny metal seed...used as a kind of beacon of hope and promise for all life on earth. For certain it represents (along with folk music from Japan, the Navajo tribe, Bach, Beethoven, etc.) significant music made by the human race. The recording echoes the eternal loneliness that is such a big part of human nature and of our thoughts towards the silence and darkness of the cosmos itself. But in its moaning sadness, I feel it yearns always as a steady glowing light of hope.
The Wikipedia entry says this about the song: In 1977, Carl Sagan and other researchers collected sounds and images from planet Earth to send on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. The Voyager Golden Record includes recordings of frogs, crickets, volcanoes, a human heartbeat, laughter, greetings in 55 languages, and 27 pieces of music. "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" was included, according to Timothy Ferris, because “Johnson’s song concerns a situation he faced many times: nightfall with no place to sleep. Since humans appeared on Earth, the shroud of night has yet to fall without touching a man or woman in the same plight.”
Sinead O'Connor — The Lion and The Cobra (1987)
Sinead has been an inspiration for most of my life. In the late 1990s, I was fortunate to see her perform outdoors in Portland, Oregon. I stood in the front next to the barricade and her voice was just otherworldly: intense, emotional, and visceral in a way I've never heard before. It was powerful and transformational, and the siren-like timbres physically penetrated my body. She wrote and recorded these songs as a young woman pregnant with her first child. Songs like “Jackie” and “Troy” embody the spirit of the album and sound the many internal and external struggles of life.
Camaron de la Isla — Seguiriyas (circa 1980s)
Camaron de la Isla is one of my very favorite singers. His work with both Paco Delucia and Tomatito is essential listening. This film of Camaron singing a Seguiriya is so incredibly emotive and beautiful and cuts straight to my heart giving me such joy. As described here, a “Seguiriya” is one of the oldest flamenco styles. The oldest evidence of this flamenco style is found in the late 18th century, even though its origin is still uncertain. “Seguiriya” derived from primitive “tonás,” being created between Seville and Cadiz, los Puertos, Jerez and Triana neighborhoods. As singing, it has a tragic and gloomy character, enclosing the main values of what is known as “cante hondo.” Lyrics are painful, tragic, about human relationships, love, and death.
Pandit Nikhil Banerjee — Raga Chandra Kaushiki: Live at Dover Lane Music Conference, Kolkata (1977)
This deeply passionate performance by sitarist Pandit Nikhil Banerjee simply transcends time and space, and shimmers with the radiance of the Cosmos. Banerjee is among the best musicians I have ever heard. His tone is sweet and incredibly emotive. His technique absolutely masterful. He is accompanied on tablas by the Great Ustad Zakir Hussain.
Cinder Well — Live at Abbeydale Picture House (Songs from the album 'No Summer' 2020)
Along with the Gillian Welch albums Hell Among the Yearlings and Time (The Revelator) as well as various albums by Sandy Denny, June Tabor, and Karen Dalton, Amelia Baker's album No Summer is listed among my very favorite contemporary folk albums. This plaintive and beautiful live session features songs from No Summer. This session was perfectly documented (audio as well as video) in a historic movie house in Sheffield, England. During the songs “Old Enough” and “From Behind the Curtain,” Amelia is subtly and beautifully accompanied by Jim Ghedi and GBH.
Robbie Basho — Zarthus (1974)
My favorite album made by Robbie Basho. Thematically, it was deeply influenced by his spiritual guru Meher Baba and his fascination and love for Persian culture. Highlights on this album include his playing on 12 string guitar and piano. “Kahlil Gibran” is among my favorite of Basho’s songs that features him singing. I also highly recommend listening to Basho’s “Lost Lagoon Suite” from Falconer's Arm II (1967) and the album Song of the Stallion (1971).
Dylan Thomas — Deaths and Entrances (1946)
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Deaths and Entrances is a volume of poetry by Dylan Thomas, first published in 1946. Many of the poems in this collection deal with the effects of World War II, which had ended only a year earlier. I first discovered Dylan Thomas’ poetry as a teenager when reading the anthology of poetry Immortal Poems. Along with the books Ariel by Sylvia Plath, and various poems by John Keats, Dylan’s poetry seems to transcend written word and takes me to another place.
Martin Simpson — Leaves of Life (1989)
The first acoustic guitar instrumental record that made a huge impact on me. Martin creates a dynamic world of sound with his virtuosity and the use of several unique and responsive hand-built acoustic guitars. Leaves of Life is an album of instrumental guitar arrangements of traditional ballads from the British Isles, many of which he learned from vocal airs. It’s an album that’s steeped in a dark, mysterious mood, and songs like “Green Fields of America” are otherworldly. His slide playing and command over the dynamics of single-note passages (and use of guitar overtones) are a great influence on my playing. The complex voices of the guitars he used on this album influenced me to build my own acoustic guitars.
Michael Hedges — The Naked Stalk (1991)
Michael Hedges was a true innovator of the acoustic guitar. “The Naked Stalk” is a deeply contemplative and beautiful piece of music, and along with his guitar instrumental “The Happy Couple” (from the Breakfast in the Field album, released in 1981), it is one of my very favorite guitar recordings.
Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham — Live (1971, filmed by Blanton Owen)
I love the primordial American folk music from Round Peak, North Carolina. I hear the roots of Scotland and Ireland in this music and it moves me deeply. Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham were among the finest players in this genre, and this intimate concert (filmed on Cockerham's front porch in Low Gap, North Carolina) is a vital and amazing archive. Also of interest is Cockerham’s fretless banjo made by fellow musician Kyle Creed. The fretless fretboard of this banjo was made with a sheet of Formica. This banjo now resides in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Neil Young — In Concert at BBC (1971)
I absolutely love Neil Young’s live solo recordings. This live BBC concert from 1971 is a perfect example of the magic that can be made with just a handful of songs, voice and acoustic guitar. Other brilliant recordings performed in this fashion include Live at Massey Hall 1971 and Carnegie Hall 1970. All are favorite recordings that are utterly perfect. Neil Young, along with Bert Jansch and Tim Buckley (especially Goodbye and Hellofrom 1967), exists artistically in a realm that has inspired and influenced my own music. “Don't Let it Bring You Down” is my favorite Neil Young song, and I love his performance of it in this session.
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gameraboy2 · 3 years
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Rainbow Bridge, Utah, by Carl Junghans for Arizona Highways, June 1947
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numeroxxii · 5 years
年がら年中物欲を弄んでいると (弄ばれていると) 分類整理したくなってくる時もある. 欲望の棚卸しとでも言うべきか.
(2019.09.24追記) 最新版は↓
Chopard L.U.C XPS 1860  Ref.168583-3001 Chopard L.U.C XPS  Ref.168591-3001 (マイクロローターを使用したシンプルで良コスパなフォーマルウォッチとして, L.U.Cの三針ステンレスモデルを一つ持っておきたい. 上記は現行品からとりあえずピックアップ. 機械の仕様から言えば前者だが, 文字盤デザインは後者が好みで悩ましい.)
PEQUIGNET MANUFACTURE ROYALE SAPHIR   Ref.9010843 (元々ペキニエは文字盤の雰囲気のよさ, 機械の面白さから一つ持っておきたかったところ, 先日伊勢丹新宿で目にしたこいつは一段突き抜けた魅力があった. サファイヤクリスタル製の文字盤がうっすらと光を湛える中でビッグデイト表示部のスケルトンがアクセントとして働き, 全体として上品なクリア感を生んでいる. 卑しくなりすぎていないスケルトンモデルと言うべきか.)
ARNOLD & SON ROYAL COLLECTION / Eight-Day Royal Navy   Ref.1EDAS.U01A.D136A (『波彫りの文字盤』『近年流行の灰色系の金属で組み立てられた手巻きムーブメントをシースルーバックでじっくり見せてくれる』を実現してくれるモデルを捜索した結果行き着いた. 非常に美しいが, 特にケースや針はポリッシュ仕上げで本当に光を反射しまくるので結果として些細なチリやホコリの付着すら目立ってしまうのは気になる. なおリューズは良い意味でゆったりとしており巻き上げの感触が心地よい. 明らかにマニア向けの少量生産高級品でありながら, OHは国内でシチズンがわりと安価にやってくれる (コールセンターで確認したが価格は忘れた......) のも魅力的.)
ROLEX GMT-MASTER II   Ref.116710BLNR (完全に買い時を逃したやつ. 並行で130万円台の頃に無理して買っておけばよかった. 結果的にはあれですら安かったということになる. バブル崩壊を待っているが, 今のスポロレに起きているのはバブルというよりも多分世界経済全体の緩やかな成長による余剰資金の流入なので当面はこのままの傾向だろうし, 市場価格の下落が起きるときは自分自身の家計も無傷ではいられないと思う. ちなみに新作の126710BLNRではないのはあえて. 新しい機械は魅力的だがジュビリーブレスは外観的に気が引ける.) (余談だが腕時計のモデル名, なんちゃらマスターが多すぎやしないか. 数十年来の伝統とはいえネーミングセンスが幼稚園~小学校男児向けバトル物コンテンツの水準である. その年頃の気持ちを失っていないおっさん向けおもちゃだからといえばそうかも.)
▼数年中には何か入手したいが, 特定のモデルというよりもブランドやラインそのものへの欲望を漠然と弄んでる枠
Grand Seiko (十分に作り込まれた外装目当て. これ以上の高価格化が進む前に程々のところで確保しておきたい. 出来れば金属ブレスレットでないやつ.)
ORIS (普段使いの一品として. こちらもブランド戦略の見直しが進んでいるので高価格化の進む前に. DIVERS 65の三針モデルが候補だが, 先日のHODINKEE限定モデルで採用された手巻きムーブメントをぜひ通常ラインナップにも水平展開してほしいところ. とはいえ現行品はいずれも革ベルトだといかにもヴィンテージ感あって超絶カッコいいのに三連ブレスになった途端......な雰囲気なので悩ましい. 梅雨~夏季のことを考慮すると純正の金属ブレス付きはマストなんだが.) (なおBig Crown Bronze Pointer Dateも一時期検討した. ブロンズケースに黒板を思わせるグリーンカラーのダイヤルに惹かれたが, 実物は針がどうも安っぽくて見送りとなった. 価格帯を考えればやむなしだが.)
NOMOS (これも典型的にブランドへの欲望先行型. 素晴らしいブランドと思うものの着けたいモデルがなかなか見当たらない. Zurich World Timerが文字盤デザインにおいても機能面においても完璧に思えて一時期検討したが, 約70万円という価格設定のわりにタイムゾーン変更のプッシュボタンの操作感がガチ, ガチッとした硬さでコレジャナイとなり見送り.)
Girard-Perregaux (数ヶ月スパンで欲しくなっては興味を無くすことを繰り返している. 現行Laureatoの購入を検討した時期もあったが......Ref.49xxx系のクラシカルなデザインのクロノグラフは一本押さえておきたい.)
Sinn (まあ一本欲しいよねと. 103ラインの全体としては無骨な作りでありながらヴィンテージ感ある曲面ガラス周りに光が溜まってぐっと艶めかしい雰囲気を湛えるところはいかにも魅力的. ただ自分自身は外装厨の中でも特にケースの仕上げ・磨きの美しさ厨なのでツールウォッチの実用一辺倒な仕上がりにはいまいち惹かれないところもあるんだな, というのが最近DAMASKO買った感想です. 曲面ガラスのヴィンテージ感を愉しむだけならBell & Rossの三針モデルでもよい気はする.)
STOWA (明らかにaffordableなポジションでありながら国内代理店問題があるためなかなか手を出しにくいブランド. ANTEAのwindup watch shop限定モデルを買っておけばよかったと後悔中. PRODIVERも一見して明らかに異形と映るチタン製のケースデザインとポップなベゼル・ダイヤルデザインの組み合わせには唯一無二の印象があって惹かれるが, 現行はラバーベルトモデルしか無い模様. 金属ブレスモデルを探しているがダイバーズウォッチであるためか中古良品にはなかなか巡り会えない.)
JAEGER LE COULTE REVERSO (モデルが多すぎてわけわかしまづ.)
PANERAI RADIOMIR BLACK SEAL 8 DAYS - 45MM   Ref.PAM00609 PANERAI RADIOMIR - 42MM   Ref.PAM00574 (こちらもモデルが多すぎて以下略, だが以前に多少本気で検討した際に『ケースのデザイン (LUMINORのリューズガードはお気に召さないらしい) 』『スモセコの位置 (9時表示を潰さずにその右側に配置されるのはバランスを欠いて見える) 』『ケース径が大きすぎない』『手巻き』『シースルーバック』『価格』で絞り込んだ結果こ��二つに至った. 前者は8日巻でパネライらしいサイズ感, ラグとリューズのヴィンテージ感あるフォルムに惹かれる. 後者は3日巻とやや劣るが十分に長いし (そもそも自分の使い方からすれば3日だって巻き上げるとは思えない) , パステルカラーの革ベルトが目を引く (まあどのモデルだろうと交換すればいいのだが) . というところまで来たのだが, 街で通行人の腕に見かけたり, あるいは自ら試着してみると何か違うんですよね. ムーブメントを筆頭に細部の仕上げが相当な水準にある点に惹かれたものの, 装着すれば結局はその大ぶりな存在感で魅せるのがパネライというブランドで, 自分はそのスタイルに今のところ同意できないということか. いつかはこういう時計も愉しんで着けられるようになりたい.)
CARL F. BUCHERER MANERO FLYBACK   Ref.00.10919.08.93.01 (常に『いま3番目~4番目くらいに欲しい時計』にポジショニングしているので購入機会が永遠に来なさそう. グレー側にくすんだ緑系の色使いがスタイリッシュで美しいがそれだけに自分に似合うと思えない点もマイナスに働いている. もっともこれは時計の方になんら非のないこと.)
Zeitwinkel 273° (デカくて頑丈でそれなりにフォーマルっぽい時計が欲しいときにIWC Portuguese辺りと並んでランクインしてくる. 国内修理担当があのゼンマイワークスという点には安心感. なお273° saphir fumeのグレースケルトンダイヤルも前記のペキニエと近い魅力を感じるが, そのために通常モデル+50万円 (税抜) は看過できないかな.)
▼次に欲しいaffordable watches枠
Halios Universa (pastel blue) Halios Seaforth Bronze Halios Seaforth (Universaはパステルブルーのモデルが欲しいが, 次回バッチに回るとのことなので, 初回バッチのいずれかに申し込むかもしれない. Seaforth Bronzeは抽選漏れ. デザイン的なことだけ言えば以前に頒布されたSeaforthの黒ベゼルモデルを押さえておきたかった. ebayでもこの仕様は出品が少ない気がする.)
Lundis Bleus Essentielles   Ref.1120-01   Ref.1120-06 (正直affordableな価格帯をとっくに超過してしまっているが, 一応ここに. MiyotaからSellitaに置き換わったりなんやかんやの末に価格が当初の2倍以上ってどういうこっちゃねん. 一昨年末に買ったContemporaines Ref.1120.EU.BR (Miyota)よりも高いわ. 当初は出血価格の値付けだったとしても違和感はないし (特にエナメルダイヤルモデルは) , 昨年から増えてきた取扱店の中間利益等との兼ね合いもあることは想像できるが......まあでもMiyotaモデルならまだギリギリ許容範囲の価格なので年末にでも買いたいところ. 中の人らの取り組みを応援したいという気持ちもある.)
CASIO A700W-1A CASIO A700WMG-9AVT (明らかにチープカシオブームを受けて投入されてきたっぽい新作. 後者のモデルの肌理細かい仕上げは一昔前の携帯ラジオのボデイの質感を思い出す. 国外モデルっぽいので逆輸入待ち.)
Bulova Joseph Bulova Collection BRETON (バーゼル2019発表の新作. 発売は秋予定らしい. アールデコ調?の文字盤デザインと角型ケースに惹かれる. クリームホワイト文字盤の (多分疑似) 9連金属ブレスモデルか, サーモンピンク文字盤の革ベルトモデルが候補. 価格帯が全然わからないので, 発表後に見送りも十分ありうる.) (追記: 厳密にどのモデルがいくらかは不詳だがSellita入りで995ドル~1495ドルらしい. affordableには違いないが非常に悩ましい価格帯というか, クォーツかMiyotaの自動巻きで構わなかったよと言うべきか. 限定品なのでひとまず見送りという反応もできないし. )
▼affordable watches枠 (そのうち欲しい)
AUTODROMO Group B Series 2 Automatic - White (ケースの仕上げが期待できそう.)
UNIMATIC Modello Uno U1-EM (実物を見ようと都内各地の店舗を回っているがそのたびに店舗リニューアルだの何だので巡り会えていない. NH35A積んどいてこの価格設定はどうかと思うが (特に日本代理店の上乗せ価格) , 他に代えがたいデザインであることは間違いない. なお同モデルは現時点で完売っぽいので中古の出物を待つか, 他のモデルにするか......)
JUNGHANS Max Bill by Junghans Quartz   Ref.041 4818 00 JUNGHANS Max Bill by Junghans Hand Wind   Ref.027 3602 00 (最近また欲しくなったが防水機能が防汗程度なのでひとまず今秋以降へ見送っている. マックスビルもまたやたらにモデル数の多いラインであるが, 絞り込み要素としては『夏に着けられるスペックの時計ではないので相対的に安価な革ベルトモデルで構わない』『機械が魅力になるモデルではないしメーカーOHのつどプレキシガラスの交換必須とのことなのでクォーツモデル』『前記の条件から並行品または中古良品を4,5万円で捜索』とした. ただ悩ましいのはクォーツモデルはケース径38mmとなってしまうことで, 勿論これでも十分に小ぶりだがせっかくこういうミニマリズムの時計なら36mm以下に持っていきたい, となると手巻きの34mmモデルということになってしまう. デザインも手巻きモデルの方が懐古的なオシャレ感のある配色で魅力的.)
NEZUMI CORBEAU   Ref. CQ1.102 (このミリタリー感はたまに欲しくなるが結局買ってないのは宣材写真のマジックを強めに利かせているブランドと推測されること, 加えてブランド名がねずみ小僧由来でガクッと来てしまうことによる. ストックホルムを拠点にする設立者に言わせれば『日本のロビンフッド』らしいが, 自文化の有名キャラクターをモチーフに取られるとこれほどしょっぱく感じるとは......)
SEIKO PRESAGE SARY085 (ダイヤルの青いグラデーションが美しい. 発売時横目でスルーしておいて欲しくなった頃にはプレミア価格となっており後の祭りパターン. どうも自分は機を見るに敏でない. スポロレもそうだが, 現代の市場においては, 人気品や限定品に対しては『ちょっとでも欲望がうずいたらとりあえず買う. 後のことは未来の自分が考えるでしょ』が最適解なのだが (倫理のことは一旦脇に措く) , 種々のコストが気にかかってなかなかそう振る舞えない.)
SEIKO PROSPEX SRPC49K1 (いわゆる黒亀. 経緯はほぼ同上.)
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neueuhren · 5 years
Elegante Uhren für die Fest- und Feiertage
Die Saison der Bälle, Fest- und Feiertage nähert sich unaufhaltsam. Für Uhrenliebhaber stellt sich oft die Frage: welche Uhr trage ich zu welchem Anlass?
Damit Sie diese gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Höhepunkte stilsicher bewältigen, haben wir für Sie eine Auswahl passender Uhren-Neuheiten des Jahres 2019 zusammengestellt:
  A.Lange & Söhne 1815 AUF/AB Sondermodell 25 Jahre…
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cysnews · 5 years
Po pěti úspěšných ročnících se výstava hodinek Salon Exceptional Watches přesouvá do Prahy. Honosné prostory Moravské galerie v Brně vystřídají novorenesanční sály Paláce Žofín na Slovanském ostrově v centru metropole. Dvoudenní výstava, která se bude konat od 19. do 20. října, je se 44 expozicemi největší svého druhu ve střední Evropě. Její průběh doprovodí přednášky, semináře a soutěž pro návštěvníky, již budou hlasovat o nejzajímavější hodinky roku.
Už šestý ročník výstavy hodinek Salon Exceptional Watches (SEW) se bude konat předposlední říjnový víkend, tedy 19. a 20. října, v pražském Paláci Žofín. Neorenesanční prostory zpestří 44 expozic prestižních hodinářských značek z celého světa, chybět ale nebudou ani ty tuzemské či s Českou republikou historicky spjaté. Největší zastoupení vystavovatelů bude patřit přirozeně Švýcarsku následovanému Německem, které se ve světě hodinařiny stává stále populárnějším pro svůj puristicky čistý design. Návštěvníci uvidí rovněž reprezentanty z Japonska, Francie, Ruska či sousedního Slovenska.
“Cílem naší výstavy je především zvednout povědomí o mechanických hodinkách a podpořit tak celý trh, a to na té nejvyšší úrovni,” říká Jan Pokorný, organizátor výstavy SEW. “Navštívili jsme mnohokrát většinu evropských výstav i různé akce jednotlivých prodejců nebo značek. Myslím si, že máme co porovnávat, a vzali jsme si ze všeho podle nás to nejlepší,” dodává.
SEW je tak výstava více otevřená veřejnosti, milovníkům a sběratelům hodinek. Od svého počátku nebyla koncipována jako typ akce, kde se návštěvníci mohou jen dívat do vitrín. V pražském Paláci Žofín se fanoušci hodinek z řad veřejnosti můžou setkat většinou přímo s někým z vedení značky nebo dokonce s hodinářem, sednout si s nimi a vyzkoušet si hodinky na svém zápěstí. “Spojujeme mainstreamové značky s nezávislými a malými ateliéry, se kterými se můžete poprvé potkat právě na SEW. Důležitá je pro nás právě celková atmosféra,” dodává Pokorný.
Po boku švýcarských zvučných jmen, jako je Breitling, TAG Heuer, Omega či Perrelet, vystaví svá unikátní díla také uznávané legendy oboru zastoupené takovými ikonami, jako je například Breguet. “Výstavu SEW mohu jenom doporučit. Její návštěvníci mají velké znalosti o trhu i konkrétních značkách, jako je třeba právě ta naše. Jsem opravdu nadšený, že zde uvidím tolik lidí zajímajících se o jemnou mechaniku,” nechal se slyšet zástupce značky Breitling Tobias Mayer.
Své zástupce haute horlogerie přivezou také manufaktury Carl F. Bucherer, Jaeger-LeCoultre, H. Moser & Cie., Ulysse Nardin, Zenith nebo Girard-Perregaux, jejíž historie sahá až do roku 1791. Ze svého zámku na břehu Ženevského jezera zaslal své typické soudkovité hodinky i Franck Muller, očekávané jsou rovněž skvosty vysoce exkluzivního ateliéru Parmigiani ze švýcarského Fleurier či Armin Strom z Bielu. Zemi helvetského kříže podpoří také privátně vlastněné značky Edox, Oris, Fortis a Raymond Weil, ale také další, jako je Alpina, Delma, Frederique Constant, Maurice Lacroix nebo keramikou se vyznačující Rado. Pozvání přijal také Yvan Arpa se svou značkou extravagantních časomír ArtyA a zástupci manufaktury Armin Strom, slavící deset let existence. Opravdu exkluzivní výrobce Karoshi, produkující jen několik kusů hodinek ročně, bude navíc vystavovat ve střední Evropě vůbec poprvé.
Rostoucí zájem o německou hodinařinu se rozhodly vytěžit nejenom saské značky Tutima, Union Glashütte a Mühle-Glashütte, ale také Schaumburg Watch, Sinn či Junghans z Černého lesa. Ruský rukopis bude reprezentovat Alexander Shorokhoff, tvořící taktéž v Německu, nebo značka Vostok. Francouzskou nonšalantnost budou hájit kultovní Herm?s a Bell & Ross, jež se vyrábějí ve Švýcarsku. Tam vznikají i tikající klenoty Cuervo y Sobrinos, jejichž historie se začala psát v Havaně už v roce 1882. Jediným zástupcem země vycházejícího slunce budou hodinky Grand Seiko, patřící k modlám japonské kultury.
Zatímco Slovensko zastoupí Biatec a slavný ateliér Molnar Fabry, Českou republiku budou reprezentovat věhlasný ateliér Prokop & Brož či výstava novoměstské značky Prim Manufacture 1949. S naší zemí je ale propojena velmi úzce také značka Bulova, kterou založil český emigrant v Americe, či nedávno vzkříšené jméno Czapek Gen?ve. To totiž náleží rodákovi z východočeské Jaroměře, jehož osud jej spojil například s Antonim Norbertem Patekem, se kterým kdysi založil značku Patek Czapek. Právě hodinky studia Czapek Gen?ve získaly loni ocenění Hodinky roku. Jednalo se o sport-chic chronograf Faubourg De Cracovie vyhotovený v oceli.
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Největší výstava hodinek ve střední Evropě zavítá do Prahy Po pěti úspěšných ročnících se výstava hodinek Salon Exceptional Watches přesouvá do Prahy. Honosné prostory Moravské galerie v Brně vystřídají novorenesanční sály Paláce Žofín na Slovanském ostrově v centru metropole.
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Telluride 2017: Angelina Jolie, Francis Ford Coppola, Ken Burns Films Make the Cut
Telluride 2017: Angelina Jolie, Francis Ford Coppola, Ken Burns Films Make the Cut
Actor Christian Bale and cinematographer Ed Lachman will receive special tributes at the Rocky Mountain festival that kicks off Friday.
As the metaphoric curtain rises on the 44th Telluride Film Festival, which is set to run Friday through Monday, the lineup of world premieres that will be unveiled in the Rocky Mountain town includes Angelina Jolie’s First They Killed My Father, which re-creates life under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during the 1970s; Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris’ Battle of the Sexes, which stars Emma Stone and Steve Carell as tennis rivals Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs; Scott Cooper’s Western Hostiles, starring Christian Bale as an Army captain escorting a Cheyenne chief; Joe Wright’s Darkest Hour, in which Gary Oldman steps into the shoes of Winston Churchill: and Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird, with Saoirse Ronan in the title role.
Additionally, such high-profile titles as Alexander Payne’s satirical Downsizing, starring Matt Damon; Guillermo del Toro’s spooky The Shape of Water; and Andrew Haigh’s Lean on Pete, in which Steve Buscemi plays a washed-up horse trainer, will be dashing to Colorado after debuting at the Venice Film Festival.
Francis Ford Coppola is also bringing a new cut of his Harlem-set The Cotton Club, which will be titled Cotton Club Encore, that includes footage he was forced to cut from the 1984 release version of the film. “It’s a wonderfully restored vision,” says festival executive director Julie Huntsinger. “It’s what everybody should have seen. Nobody should have seen the version he was required to release years ago. There are minutes that have been added back in — Lonette McKee singing ‘Stormy Weather’ — things the world was robbed of.”
The fest will present its Silver Medallion Awards, which include onstage tributes to Bale, who will be accompanying Hostiles to the event, and also to cinematographer Ed Lachman, whose two tribute sessions will be accompanied by, first, director Todd Haynes’ 2002 Far From Heaven and, then, Haynes and Lachman’s new film Wonderstruck. A Special Medallion also will be given to Katriel Schory, director of the Israeli Film Fund.
And what other festival has an Oscar winner curating its shorts program? But that’s just what Barry Jenkins, a long-standing member of the Telluride family, will be doing this year. After debuting Moonlight at 2016’s fest — the film, of course, went on to win the best picture Oscar, while Jenkins earned the best adapted screenplay trophy — the filmmaker has assembled the shorts program that first screens Friday evening, and, says Huntsinger, “He’s such a great human being — he’s as enthusiastic, organized and exceptional as ever.”
As for the overall shape of this year’s Telluride program, which per tradition was not released until Thursday as the weekend’s attendees were already heading to the mountains, Huntsinger says: “I love it. I think it’s eclectic and that’s how it should be. We have something for everyone — massive, imaginative, audacious films right next to tiny little glorious gems that you need to take time to absorb. There’s such a diverse selection from the wildly surreal like Downsizing to the quiet, majestic Western that is Hostiles. You really see the panorama of humanity, for sure.”
Asked what might be the biggest surprise for this year’s festivalgoers, Huntsinger cites Jolie’s First They Killed My Father, which is based on Loung Ung’s 2000 memoir: “It’s set in Cambodia, nobody speaks English, it is a tremendous accomplishment, a fantastic film.” Huntsinger explains that she watched the film with festival co-director Tom Luddy, “and we were thinking, ‘Wouldn’t it be so interesting to have people see this film and not tell them who the director is and have their reaction be whatever it would be?’ I wish so much there was a way that could happen, but it won’t. But I think there will be a lot of emotional reactions to this stunning achievement.”
Among the other films that she predicts will have audiences talking, Huntsinger cites: Darkest Hour, saying, “People, having seen The Crown, may have thought John Lithgow delivered a Winston Churchill that was spectacular, but Gary Oldman — I don’t know how to find the right hyperbolic words to describe his performance, such magnificence”; Paul McGuigan’s Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, in which Jamie Bell plays a young man who becomes enamored of film star Gloria Grahame, played by Annette Bening; and Lady Bird, in which Ronan plays a Sacramento high school student looking to escape her life.
There are films that wrestle with weighty subjects: Paul Schrader’s First Reformed stars Ethan Hawke and Amanda Seyfried as churchgoers who have each lost family members. And Barbet Schroeder’s documentary The Venerable W. looks at the tensions between Muslims and Buddhists. “It’s a frightful, awful subject, but he tells the story in a solemn, quiet way that devastates you over time,” Huntsinger says.
Other documentaries include a sampling of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s upcoming PBS series The Vietnam War — the fest is screening episode nine — and the filmmakers will take part in a conversation with Coppola. Also on the docket are all six episodes of Errol Morris’ new true-crime series Wormwood that is heading to Netflix and Lisa Immordino Vreeland’s Love, Cecil, a portrait of British photographer and designer Cecil Beaton.
As for animation, filmmakers Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman are bringing Loving, Vincent, which is animated to look like a painting by Vincent Van Gogh, whose life it recounts.
Rounding out the main lineup are: Arthur Miller: Writer, directed by his daughter, Rebecca Miller; Christopher Quinn’s doc Eating Animals, based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer; the legendary Agnes Varda’s latest film, Faces Places; Sebastian Lelio’s A Fantastic Woman; Samuel Maoz’s Foxtrot; Rezo Gigineishvili’s Hostages; Ai Weiwei’s Human Flow; Ziad Doueiri’s The Insult; Camille Magid’s Land of the Free; Andrey Zvyagintsev’s Loveless; Mohammad Rasoulof’s A Man of Integrity; Aki Kaurismaki’s The Other Side of Hope; Chloe Zhao’s The Rider; and Kantemir Balagov’s Tenota.
Documentary filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer (The Act of Killing) is serving as guest director and has selected the following titles: Werner Herzog’s Even Dwarfs Started Small; Jon Bang Carlsen’s Hotel of the Stars; Charles Laughton’s The Night of the Hunter; Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s Salam Cinema; Frederick Wiseman’s Titicut Follies; and Jacques Demy’s The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.
In addition to Cotton Club Encore, other restorations and revivals will include Marcel Pagnol’s The Baker’s Wife, Aleksander Volkoff’s Kean, or Disorder and Genius and Carl Junghan’s Such Is Life.
The fest’s Backlot sidebar, which focuses on films about movie and artists, includes: Sophie Bassaler’s Cinema Through the Eye of Magnum, Tony Zierra’s Filmworker, Rudiger Suchsland’s Hitler’s Hollywood, Michael Weatherly’s Jamaica Man, Volker Schlondorff’s Portrait of Valeska Gert, Stacey Steers’ Edge of Alchemy, Anthony Wall’s Slim Gaillard’s Civilisation and Goran Hugo Olsson’s That Summer.
#2017 #Angelina #Burns #Coppola #Cut #Films #Ford #Francis #Jolie #Ken #Telluride
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afternoonbreezes · 1 year
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angstasia · 10 years
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takový je život (1929)
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