#Carlton and Hermann are twins
Prospecting Gold | Carlton Drake x Reader
(AKA The Chemical Husbands turning into relationship counselors)
Words: 3846
Crossover: Venom x The Sisters Brothers
A/N: Idk why I keep writing Carlton Drake stories that involves weddings or being engaged, but never married. One day! One day I will write reader getting married to Carlton. Just not yet. I hope the format isn’t too confusing. It’s a bit dialogue heavy and I kind of envisioned it in movie scene sequence, so feel free to leave feedback on how it is.
Chemical Husbands = Hermann Warm x John Morris
You packed the last luggage and flopped onto the bed while you waited for Carlton to finish in the bathroom. With his space venture launched, he proposed a vacation and an opportunity for you to meet his twin brother. He had mentioned his twin many times when he spoke about his childhood and while their interests were quite similar, they ended up going their separate ways, living different lives. While Carlton researched in biomedical engineering, Hermann researched in chemistry and sustainable science.
“Where exactly is his place?” you asked.
Carlton’s head popped out of the bathroom, shaving cream on his cheeks. “Dallas. Country side. He lives with a friend who inherited acres of land and an estate there,” he said before shuffling back in to finish shaving. You could hear the faint sound of the razor gliding across his skin, followed by tapping as he flicks off the excess foam into the sink. “He never liked the city life. I was surprised when he got in contact with me last year. I hadn’t spoken to him since… I don’t know. I don’t even remember why we stopped talking.”
“I mean, it sounded like you two were close growing up,” you said, kicking your feet in the air and started doing bicycles.
“Yeah, yeah we were,” Carlton said, walking out of the bathroom, wiping his face clean. He sat next to you. “You two will get along fast. I just know it. My brother… he’s the type to see the good in people- “
“While you’re the pessimistic one,” you added.
Carlton narrowed his eyes at you, pushing down your legs and hovered over you. “Anyways,” he punctuated as you giggled up at him, “Not sure about his friend, but I think you’ll like it there. He sent me pictures and everything. The house has an extension that connects to the main house by a covered walkway, so we have an area to ourselves.”
“That sounds nice,” you hummed, running your fingers along his smooth, freshly shaven jawline. “But why did he contact you all of a sudden?”
“He asked if I could invest in his new company,” he said with a shrug, “I thought why not. He never liked working with those large corporations. They often tried to steal his ideas anyways, so I understand why he’d do it. I wanted him to work with me, but it wasn’t his thing.”
“You’re probably too bossy that’s why.”
“I’m not. Why, did someone say that? Was it one of the research scientists?”
“Carlton, honey, I’m your assistant. You are bossy,” you said, poking between his eyebrows to stop his frowning, “And temperamental. And a workaholic. And from what I’ve gathered from your stories, he’s the patient, level-headed type that appreciates the simple things in life.”
“Yeah, you two are definitely going to get along just fine.”
Carlton insisted on carrying the luggage for you while you looped an arm around his. He was finally out of that black tracksuit, suit jacket and plain t-shirt ensemble, and in a more casual flannel and jeans attire. Breaking out from the crowd of the airport, you spotted a man that looked practically identical to your boyfriend, but instead of the groomed cut hair, his dark hair was windblown and curled at the ends, a small moustache trimmed over a friendly smile. He waved happily at the two of you, walking up to take the bags from Carlton despite his stubborn protests.
“You must be (Y/n),” he said, “I’m Hermann, Carlton’s brother… obviously. It’s a pleasure to meet the woman that melted my brother’s frozen heart.”
“Very funny, Herm,” Carlton muttered, fighting a smile with irritation.
A tall man with brown hair and blue eyes climbed out from the truck’s driver’s seat to help Hermann carry the bags into the trunk with ease. “Oh, uh, this is my fiancé, John Morris,” Hermann said, gesturing to the man with a wide smile and bright eyes. “John?”
The man, John, closed the trunk gate and turned to face the group. “Pleasure to meet you, (Y/n),” he said, taking your outstretched hand and kissed it with a wink. You laughed behind your other hand, risking a glance at Carlton whose eyes were slightly wide as his brother’s admission.
“Fiancé? Congratulations, you two!” you said.
“And you must be Carlton, Hermann’s brother.” John took his hand in a tight grip and shook it firmly with a forced smile as Carlton hid a wince.
“Uh, you never mentioned that you got engaged,” Carlton said to his brother once John released his hand.
Hermann scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Yeah, it happened recently. I wanted to surprise you, being that you’re the closest family I have, so…”
“I’m very surprised. Uh, congratulations! Perhaps we should get something to eat as a celebration? I’m paying, of course,” Carlton suggested as he wrapped an arm around you.
Hermann grinned, “That’s very generous of you. What do you say, John?”
“Well, if the man is paying…,” John said with a shrug.
Carlton helped you into the large truck and climbed in after you, glancing back as his brother and John were discussing something. “I don’t think he likes me,” he muttered next to your ear.
“He’s probably being cautious,” you assured him, patting his thigh. “He’ll like you, or at least tolerate you, eventually.”
“Engaged, huh?” he mumbled under his breath as Hermann and John made their way back into the truck.
“You guys are going to love it there!” Hermann said excitedly as he clambered up the passenger’s seat.
Throughout the rest of the drive, Hermann and Carlton shared stories from their childhood, inputting from how they remembered it and sometimes arguing on past events, much to your amusement, the carefree laugh that bubbled out of him made your heart swell. Carlton pointed out how Hermann used to be bullied in school because he was easy to walk over, so he had to stand up for him even if came to throwing punches before notifying the nearest teacher. It was so frequent that Carlton ran for class president so no one could touch either of them. Not to mention that they were two of the teachers’ favorite students. Then, they moved on to what they had been up to since they went their separate ways. Hermann dropped out of college, travelling a lot and learned about the world and how he could help people and the environment while Carlton went to an ivy league university and made a few breakthrough discoveries in the medicine field.
“So, what do you do, John?” Carlton asked, wanting to know the man that his brother fell in love with.
John’s blue eyes flickered to Carlton through the rearview mirror. “I’m a writer,” he said, “freelancing here and there. Wrote a novel or two.”
Your brain scanned through all the books you’ve seen at bookstores and gasped. “You wrote The Prospectors, didn’t you? You’re that John Morris?” you asked, leaning against his seat.
John chuckled. “Indeed, I did. Now, give me your honest opinion… how boring was it?”
“No! It was amazing!” you said, leaning back in your chair, “I read that book in one sitting. Although, it did have a bittersweet ending. While Elizabeth and Charlotte Brothers finally made it home, I really wanted Joan and Hera to have a happy ending, but their demise were left open ended. What really happened?”
“While that I’m glad that you’re invested in my characters, what happens to Joan and Hera is open to speculations. You can think of all the theories you want, and I will be glad to hear about them.”
“I bet there’s a lot of fanfiction for this book,” you muttered, knowing that if there was a dissatisfying ending to any story, there will be fans out there to rectify it.
Hermann nodded. “There is, I’ve read some. They’re quite good, too,” he said. “Have you read it, Car?”
Carlton shook his head. “No, I’m afraid I haven’t.”
“Well, I imagine you’re quite busy running an entire company of that scale,” Hermann said. “You deserve a break from all of that. I’m sure (Y/n) would appreciate the opportunity to spend time together. There’s so much sights to see. Look out the window.”
You leaned to the side and watched as the truck continued a long stretch of road lined by trees as they neared the country side. John took a turn, showing a glimpse of a lake below the cliffside, the sunlight glimmering off the smooth surface. You felt Carlton’s warm hands slide into yours and squeezed affectionately. It had been months since the two of you had time to relax, what with running a huge groundbreaking research facility. Although you were his assistant, he barely left the lab or his office, buried in paperwork.
After dinner at the fanciest restaurant Hermann could think of that was within miles of their estate, John drove the group to the estate, off the main road and in a clearing overlooking a lake. A gate blocked the driveway, which swung open after Hermann pressed a large white button that was clipped to the sun visor. Even Carlton couldn’t hide how impressed he was at the sight of the luxurious two story, four bed room, with a housing extension, estate. While Carlton built his facility and his home near a cliffside overlooking the ocean, there was something about the seclusion and the calm of nature that took his breath away.
Hermann showed you and Carlton your living area for the time being and went to leave the two of you to unpack. Carlton had offered to walk Hermann to the front door and left. You squealed in excitement and ran to the wide balcony, taking a deep breath of fresh air and allowing the cool wind envelope you. As much as you loved San Francisco and the ocean, you needed to get away from all that pollution and noise.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” John asked from behind you.
You opened your eyes and nodded. “And all of this belongs to you,” you said.
“On paper, yes. But it’s strange to say that a section of land belongs to anyone,” he said, leaning against the railing next to you. “We’re glad that you’re here. Both of you. Hermann hadn’t spoke about his brother until later in our relationship, but he admitted that he missed him. It’s strange to see someone identical to him and yet feel so different.”
“They’re like the sun and moon.”
As the two brothers reached the kitchen of the main house, Hermann turned and crossed his arms, leaning against the granite counter.
“Come now, brother, I’m sure you hadn’t walked me back here out of courtesy,” Hermann teased, raising an eyebrow.
Carlton chuckled. “Well… I just wanted to talk with my own brother alone, that’s all.” Hermann looked unconvinced, making the forced smile drop from his face. He sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face as he started to pace.
Hermann sighed at his brother’s distress. “Coffee?”
“You didn’t seem to like Carlton when you first met him,” you commented, facing John.
John grimaced. “Sorry about that. It’s just, from what Hermann had told me, the last time they spoke, before Hermann reached out to him last year, they were in a huge argument. His brother wanted him to work under his company, but Hermann disagreed with the way he was running things.” John crossed his arms, leaning his back against the cool rail. “Hermann was too soft, apparently, too naïve, and was told that he will always get run over if he continues to act that way. Hermann said he rather be soft and naïve instead of cold and arrogant and controlling like him. More insults were thrown that landed in the other’s weak spot and they never spoke again. I was just being protective of Hermann when I heard that he invited his brother and his other half over to the estate.”
“But, I’m okay, right?” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
The corner of John’s lips turned up. “You are more than okay in my books. How did you end up with a guy like him? No offence.”
You shrugged. “Cold, arrogant, controlling, that sounds like Carlton. Of course, being his assistant for a while, having to remind him about things from business meetings to making sure he ate, running errands for him, and seeing him in his working environment, I’ve come to see what kind of person he was and when he went too far, I wasn’t afraid to voice my opinion. He had worked the scientists to the ground. We were so close, he said, and they couldn’t stop to rest. I told him it was cruel, and nothing would get done if they are working in exhaustion. He had also run himself down, told me not to tell anyone when he almost collapsed in his office from dehydration and exhaustion. I told him he was being ridiculous, and he told me to just do as I was told.”
You shook your head at the memory of his stubbornness and the scare that it gave you when you saw him stumble against his desk. When he snapped at you, you slapped him before you even realized what you were doing. You honestly thought he was going to fire you right there and then. It was unprofessional of you. Bosses were bound to snap at some point, and as an assistant, you just had to take it in stride. What possessed you to do such a thing, you weren’t sure at the time.
“And how did he win your affection? Was it his dedication and recklessness? If so, it may be a shared trait of theirs.” You both laughed fondly at your respective boyfriend’s charm.
“That sounds about right,” you agreed, “and he also… he actually listened to me. He became kinder, more thoughtful, slightly humbler. Slightly. He can only change so much, right? But, working for him so closely, and for him to actually value my help and opinion, I grew to care for him deeply. It was honestly a shock when he asked me out on a date.”
“How so?”
“He never seemed to be the relationship type. Married to his work and all that.”
Carlton sighed for the hundredth time as he stared down at the swirling dark liquid in his mug, his twin sitting across from him at the kitchen table. Hermann rolled his eyes, taking a sip of own coffee, then wiped the remnants from his moustache. He studied his brother’s face, trying to discern what was giving him grief.
“You know, twin telepathy doesn’t work if you don’t look at me,” Hermann spoke up, snapping Carlton out of his daze. “You seem troubled.”
Carlton went to open his mouth and sighed again. “I just… I’m scared, Herm.”
Hermann’s brows furrowed, his body leaning forward and ready to listen. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”
“I was going to wait to talk to you about this, but hearing that you and John got engaged, it got me thinking…,” Carlton trailed off, but the implication was there. He raised his head, his brown eyes showing a swirl of excitement and anxiety.
Hermann’s own brown eyes widened. “Whoa, Car, are you serious? This is a big commitment- “
“I know.”
He raised a hand as if to pause him. “Are you sure you’re ready for this, though? There’s no doubt that you two love each other, but marriage is a whole other thing. Even if you work together, there’s many things to consider- “
“Well,” Carlton shrugged, lifting his hands slightly, “how did you and John know when you were ready?”
“When we know that we can work things out, worked on our communication, showing each other respect and consideration,” Hermann listed. “I mean, for me, I just knew, you know? When I first met him, spoke to him for only a day, I felt like I knew him my whole life. It’s different for others.” Hermann then smiled, tilting his head to the side. “How did you know (Y/n) was the one?”
Carlton snorted. “She slapped me and calls me out on my bullshit.” Hermann nodded matter-of-factly, impressed by her potential sister-in-law. Of course, Carlton would fall for someone like that. “She checks in on me, not just reminding me to eat and drink, but my mental state, and she knows when I’m upset or when I’m tired. Sometimes she surprises me with her wit and makes me smile. She just… she’s so intelligent. So beautiful.”
“Ah, the Belle to your Beast,” Hermann mused. “Have you talked about it to her yet?”
Carlton shook his head. “No, I… well, she brought it up a couple of times. Just mentioned things here and there, especially when her friends got married. And I’d just…” He dropped his head.
“You brushed it off,” Hermann finished. He took another sip of coffee and readied himself if his brother wanted to argue. “You know, the longer you drag this, the more she’s going to question the state of your relationship. I’m sure she might wait, but if you keep dismissing the subject- “
“I know.”
“Carlton is probably just not ready,” you reasoned, “I mean, he’s so busy right now. Sure, we work and live together, but marriage is another thing, right?”
“I’m afraid it’s not my place to say,” John said, “but I do know that you need to talk to him if it’s bothering you that much. You have the rest of your vacation to discuss it.”
“Right. Of course.”
John lead you back inside as the temperature dropped along with the sun. You plopped yourself on the soft plushie couch in the living room downstairs and hugged the nearest pillow. John sat at the other end with one foot on the floor and the other leg bent on the sofa to accommodate the space. He watched as you sorted through your thoughts, your frown deepening the longer you took.
Eddie and Anne were one of the first of your closest friends to get married. You were so happy for them, happy that they found their way back to each other. You had joked to Carlton that day that you wanted your wedding with him to be bigger and you were sure he can afford it, but he nodded stiffly and looked away. When Tony and Pepper got married, their wedding was extravagant, of course. Tony was a diva and Pepper deserved it for having to put up with Tony as his assistant turned girlfriend and CEO of Start Industries. Tony pointed at Carlton and questioned why he wasn’t marrying his own assistant yet, for which he sneered that it wasn’t any of his business before walking briskly away and leaving you in an awkward position. Tony being Tony tried to make light of the situation while Pepper looked at you sympathetically.
“I guess marriage isn’t for everyone,” you found yourself saying, “maybe he’s fine with the way things are. I mean, we don’t necessarily have to get married. It’s something that’s on a piece of paper. We’re technically under a common law marriage by living together and what not… Right?”
John shrugged. “Again, I can’t say for you, (Y/n).”
Carlton ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “What if she says no?”
His brother gave an indignant laugh. “And what if she says yes? Carlton, it’s been almost a whole day since I’ve met (Y/n) and the way she looks at you, the way she talks about you… she’s crazy about you. And,” he emphasized, pointing at him, “she’s crazy to even be with you.”
Carlton smiled at this, then frowned. “She deserved better,” he muttered.
Hermann sputtered at the sudden change. “Are you serious? What happened to my confident and arrogant brother?”
“This is different! I’ve… I’ve never been in this deep before! I’m scared,” he repeated his earlier confession. “You know how it was, right? We were looked down for so long and I wanted my visions to be put into action and show the world what I can do. I didn’t have anything to lose when I rose from nothing.”
Hermann leaned his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his palm. “This is more than just fear that she’ll say no,” he realized.
Carlton stared at his hands. “What if I can’t give her everything?”
“Well, what does the word ‘everything’ mean to her?”
You tightened your hold on the pillow and looked up at John who was watching you carefully. “What if I’m not enough for him?” you asked softly.
John’s eyebrows turned up at the hint of sadness in your tone. “If you’re not enough for him, then nothing else will ever be,” he said firmly, resting a comforting hand on your knee. “Then, if that’s the case, he is not good enough for you.”
“It’s just that…,” you took a moment to gather your thoughts again, tracing patterns on the pillow, “he never really talks much about being fully content with anything.”
Carlton shrugged. “She always seemed to be okay with a lot of things. It’s not to say she doesn’t voice her opinions, it’s just… no matter what gift I give her, no matter where I take her, she always seemed so… happy. What if one day she’s not? What am I to do then?”
John suddenly stands up. “It’s getting late and you had a long day. We should get some rest,” he suggested, helping you up. “And I think you know what you should talk about with Carlton.”
You nodded. “Yeah. Thank you for listening, by the way. I don’t think you invited us here to talk about our relationship problems,” you said sheepishly.
“It’s no problem, (Y/n).”
John headed back to the main house while you trudged up the stairs to the bedroom, changing into your pajamas before climbing into bed.
Hermann stood up, grabbing the now empty mugs and headed towards the kitchen sink. He spotted his fiancé making his back through the walkway and said, “It’s getting late. You should head back and rest.”
Carlton silently agreed, hoisting himself up slowly. “Thanks for listening, Herm.”
“And you know what you need to talk about to (Y/n)?”
Carlton nodded.
Carlton passed John on his way back, muttering a goodnight to each other before heading towards their respective partners. When he turned to close the door to the extension, he spotted John enveloping Hermann into a warm hug, kissing the top of his head while they spoke softly. Carlton looked away and made his way to the bedroom where he spotted you curled up under the sheets. He climbed in slowly as to not disturb you and wrapped an arm around your form. You hummed, grabbing his hand and fell back asleep.
You had a whole vacation to talk things through and he wasn’t going to miss up the opportunity.
43 notes · View notes
Carlton Drake x Reader (Venom)
Apples and Cinnamon - You were convinced that you and Carlton had the perfect relationship that many envied until he starts choosing work over you. The happiness that your friends show when they announce their engagement reminds you that your own relationship isn’t as strong as it used to be. You try to hold onto what was left of it, only to accept that things weren’t so simple anymore. Angst, fluff, mentions of anxiety FINISHED
The Start - The Rope - The Excuses - The Calm - The Storm
Sequel Coming Soon
Prospecting Gold - AU, The Sister Brothers crossover. Your boyfriend, Carlton, takes you on a vacation to meet his twin, Hermann, for the first time at Hermann’s country home in Dallas. During the vacation, you and Carlton learn through Hermann and his fiance, John, whether either of you are ready for marriage. Fluff, Hermann and John being relationship counselors lol
Chapter One - ?
Horror’s Ultimate - Inspired by The Brain that Wouldn’t Die (1962). You and your fiance Carlton Drake were on your way home when a storm hit, causing the car to veer off the road. When you come to, you were the most injured, unable to move your body. Carlton swears he’ll do anything to make you better again, and you fear he’ll do exactly what you warned him not to do. Car crash, swearing, some dark themes, angst
Take My Hand... -  AU. You attend your best friends’ wedding with your boyfriend, Carlton, and came up with a plan to get him to dance with you. FLUFF, friends to lovers mentioned
Just a Friend - College AU. You’re late for a study session with your best friend, Carlton, only for him to find that you’ve fallen ill. Visibly irritated, but internally concerned, he spends the rest of the day to take care of you. Fluff, mutual pining
Tommy Akhtar x Reader (City of Tiny Lights)
Partners - You require the services of a private detective called Tommy Akhtar to track down the people who are after your family, but you are not going to stand by and let him do all the work. You weren’t asking permission to take part, but only acknowledgement in your skills. As the two of you delve deeper into the illegal trade market, family secrets are revealed, bridges will be burnt, and the past comes back to haunt you. Slow-burn, angst, mentions of abuse/trauma, hurt/comfort, fluff
Chapter I - Chapter II - Chapter III - Chapter IV - Chapter V - Chapter VI - Chapter VII - Chapter VIII - Chapter IX - Chapter X - Chapter XI - Chapter XII - Chapter XIII - Chapter XIV 
Bodhi Rook x Reader (Rogue One)
The Kyber Soldier - AU, The Avengers/Captain America crossover. After escaping an Imperial augmentation lab, you were found frozen by the Resistance and awaken to find that the Empire, along with your best friend, Bodhi Rook, is gone, but another dark force had taken its place. Now an intelligence officer working under General Leia, you were to meet an informant when a mysterious figure known as the Kyber Soldier intercepts. Slow-burn, mentions of torture/trauma, angst?, hurt/comfort, why do I do this to myself?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapters 3 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18
Cassian Andor x Reader (Rogue One)
Somewhere Only We Know - You’re a mechanic for the resistance who has a massive crush on a certain captain and everyone knows it but him. One restless night leads to many outings of simple stargazing with said captain. Slow-burn, fluff, hints of depression
Is That Bibinka? - Filipina!Reader. Your best friend and neighbor decides to try and bake your favorite Filipino dessert for your birthday while your friends create a silly plan to make him confess his feelings for you. FLUFF, friends to lovers, mutual pining
Poe Dameron x Reader (Star Wars)
Spoiled - You end up eating spoiled food and got sent straight to the medbay. Your boyfriend, Poe, rushes to your side to comfort you. Fluff, mentions of vomiting
Updated: 4/16/2019
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