#Morris x Warm
littlest-w01f · 26 days
Eris x Witch!OC (Anastasiya)
Summary: Rhysand betrays the female who thought he loved her, she leaves to find comfort in Autumn
Cw: Pregnancy, Rhys cheating
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part one
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Anastasiya was nearly bouncing on the seat she was sitting in all excited, Madja had taken her blood to test her, she felt it in her, but she wanted it to be confirmed by a healer. She'd asked Azriel to accompany her who watched her with a smile.
She'd been with Rhysand for a couple centuries, he'd asked her to marry her before he'd been held prisoner in Under the Mountain, and now that he'd been back for a couple of months. Anastasiya and Rhysand had resumed the wedding planning in full force, and she was excited to marry the male she loved.
As they waited anxiously for Madja's return with the results, Azriel reached over to gently squeeze Anastasiya's hand, offering comfort and reassurance. His hazel eyes sparkled with warmth and affection as he gazed at his oldest friend.
In the brief time since Rhysand's return, the Velaris court had buzzed with renewed energy and joy. The Night Court's High Lord and his bride-to-be were the epitome of star-crossed lovers, their bond stronger than any curse or darkness. Their upcoming nuptials promised to be a spectacular celebration, blending the elegance of Faerie with the passion of the mortal realm.
Anastasiya's mind wandered to the lavish preparations underway - the intricate lace adorning her wedding gown, the fragrant blooms that would adorn the ceremony space, and the delectable feasts planned for the reception.
In recent weeks, Rhysand had started to spend a lot of his time with Feyre, the female who had helped free them, Anastasiya was thankful to her for bringing her fiance back and she just hoped Rhysand would be as happy with the new development.
"It's positive, Ana," Madja smiled, walking into her room, "You're with child."
"I knew it." Anastasiya squealed, a wide smile full of happiness spread across her face, jumping up to hug Azriel, his wings and shadows wrapping around her in comfort and almost in protection, she rested her hand on her abdomen, stroking her soft stomach slightly, "Rhys would be so happy!"
The news brought a wave of euphoria to the usually composed female. Her heart swelled with joy, her future filled with hope and promise. A baby, a tiny piece of herself and Rhysand, growing inside her womb, it was both terrifying and exhilarating.
Azriel pulled her closer, his strong arms enveloping her as she leaned into him. He could see the love and fear flicker in her eyes, a reflection of the myriad emotions coursing through her veins. But he was there, steadfast and unyielding, a pillar of support.
"You will make a wonderful mother, my love," he murmured softly, his voice carrying a gentle undertow of pride. "I'm going to be an uncle." Azriel chuckled, hugging Anastasiya tight, chin resting on the top of her head, "Mother, that's amazing."
Madja smiled, handing Anastasiya the results she got from her blood, she was healthy and pregnant. Pregnant with the heir of the Night Court.
"Don't you have someone to tell, Stasiya?" Azriel smiled softly, watching her giddy with happiness.
"Rhysie! Gotta tell Rhys!" Anastasiya nodded, wearing her heels and rushing out
With a final reassuring pat on her back, Azriel watched as Anastasiya rushed off, her excitement palpable even from afar. It warmed his heart to see her so happy. Azriel turned to Madja to pay her.
Anastasiya's mind was filled with ways she could tell Rhysand as she looked everywhere for him. She reached close to the cabin by winnowing when she'd decided she would tell him face to face normally.
"Morri!" Anastasiya smiled seeing Mor, but when Mor smiled, it didn't reach her eye. "Do you know where Rhys is? Is he inside? He told me he'd be in Illyria... I've been everywhere." She spoke fast.
"Ana..." Mor looked at her with alarm in her eyes, "Come on, honey, Rhys is back in Velaris."
Anastasiya looked at her with confusion, "No, he's not...? I searched for him everywhere there, he's got to be around here."
Mor grabbed her hand to pull her away, not wanting to see what was happening inside the cabin, "Come now, Ana, let's go to the townhouse."
"Mor is something wrong?" Anastasiya tilted her head at the frown on Mor.
"Nothing, everything is fine, we should go." Mor tried to pull Anastasiya but it was futile, her body didn't move an inch.
All the joy the news of being pregnant had made her died the second she ignored Mor and looked through the cabin windows and saw them, Rysand was inside, cuddling Feyre from behind while Feyre was cooking.
Anastasiya stood frozen, her world shattering around her as she witnessed the intimate scene unfolding before her eyes. The man she loved, the father of her unborn child, cradling another female in his arms with such tenderness and affection. It was a sight that seared itself into her memory, each detail etched with agonizing clarity.
The once vibrant colours of the world seemed to fade, replaced by a dull, aching grey. The joyous news of her pregnancy now felt like a cruel joke, a mockery of the life she thought she had built with Rhysand.
Tears streamed down her face as she stumbled backwards, unable to tear her gaze away from the betrayal playing out before her. "What... What is that?"
The love and tenderness between Rhysand and Feyre, once a mere acquaintance, now blossomed into something deeper. A pang of betrayal and hurt coursed through Anastasiya's veins, threatening to consume her.
Her initial elation at at starting a family with the man she adored, crumbled beneath the weight of this revelation. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation.
Mor's attempts to guide her away only served to fuel Anastasiya's anguish. She couldn't tear her gaze from the window, transfixed by the sight of Rhysand's hands caressing Feyre's waist, his lips trailing kisses along her neck.
"Ana..." Mor began softly, still keeping a distance.
"What's that," She asked again, tears stinging her eyes, "Don't lie." Anastasiya's chest tightened, each breath becoming more laboured as she grappled with the reality of the situation. Her world seemed to tilt on its axis, the ground shifting beneath her feet.
She blinked away the tears welling in her eyes, trying to focus on Mor's concerned face. Her fingers clenched into fists at her sides, nails digging into her palms as she fought against the rising tide of despair.
"This isn't what it looks like, Ana," Mor said, her voice laced with empathy. "Feyre saved us all. We owe her our lives."
"But…" Anastasiya's voice trailed off, the word caught in her throat. She couldn't deny the evidence staring back at her. Rhysand's hands on Feyre, the way he looked at her, it was clear how he felt about the female, because it was exactly how he looked at her.
"They're mates..." Mor whispered softly, "Rhysand asked us to not say anything, I didn't want to hurt you."
The words hit Anastasiya like a physical blow, knocking the wind out of her lungs. Mates. The bond that transcended all others, the connection that bound two souls together for eternity. It explained the intimacy, the familiarity between Rhysand and Feyre.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips, tinged with a mixture of disbelief and pain. "Mates," she repeated, the word tasting like ashes on her tongue. "And here I thought I was his, that we were building a life together."
The realization that she had been nothing more than a placeholder, a temporary comfort until his true mate came along, cut deeper than any blade ever could. Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision as she stumbled backwards, away from the cabin and the shattering of her dreams. "I need to leave."
"Please, let him explain. Let me explain." Mor reached out for her but Anastasiya recoiled.
Anastasiya shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as she backed away from Mor. The very thought of listening to explanations, of hearing Rhysand justify his actions, was unbearable. "I don't want to hear it."
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The Night Court shook with the cry of the furious little witch that stood in the townhouse, Anastasiya sobbed, filled with anger more than sadness as she pushed her things into a bag, her mind racing to where she could go, she wanted to disappear, never see any of the people who had lied to her ever again.
Rhysand was currently cheating on her, cheating on her with Feyre, his mate. He hadn't told her he had found his mate. Anastasiya felt stupid, all his claims of love were fake, she shouldn't have believed him when he said he would love her if she wasn't his mate.
He'd been courting her behind everyone's back. Cassian and Amren knew too, she and Azriel had been kept out of the loop. The revelation that her closest friends had known about this secret, yet chose to keep it from her, only added salt to the wound.
With trembling hands, Anastasiya zipped up her bag, the sound echoing in the empty room. She cast one last glance around the space that had once been filled with laughter and love, now tainted by the bitterness of deception.
As she stepped out into the hallway, ready to leave this place behind forever, a sudden wave of dizziness overtook her. The room spun, and she reached out to steady herself against the wall, her free hand instinctively cradling her stomach. The reminder of the life growing within her, a product of her love for Rhysand, only intensified the ache in her heart.
"Stasiya..." Azriel moved from his shadows behind her, she'd always been able to tell where he was but this time she didn't have a clue this time.
"Why would he do this to me?" Anastasiya sniffed, turning on her heel to press her face into Azriel's chest, holding him tight.
"I'm so sorry, darling..." Azriel comforted her, hand stroking her hair, "How can I help?" he cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears away.
"I... I need to get out of here..." Anastasiya's lip quivered, feeling a sudden flip in her emotions. "I... Need to go to Autumn... I have friends there, I want them."
The Autumn witches, Anastasiya had been friends with them for a long time, and only Azriel was the one who knew that part of her life, the only one she had told she was a witch. He was the only one who knew her.
Azriel's heart broke seeing Anastasiya in such distress. He held her close, letting her cry into his chest as he stroked her hair soothingly. "Shh, it's alright, I've got you," he murmured. "We'll get through this together."
He understood her desire to escape, to surround herself with familiar faces and comforting memories. The Autumn Court held a special place in her heart, a sanctuary untouched by the recent revelations.
Azriel cupped her face tenderly, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. "Of course, darling. I'll take you there myself. You deserve to be surrounded by those who truly care for you." He picked her up, one arm under her knee and the other her neck to pick her up. His shadows supported her things in the air.
Azriel flew fast, court to court, over the waters till the Autumn trees came into sight, he landed between where Autumn met Spring, a quick loophole to avoid detection by either High Lords, in the time he'd been flying, Anastasiya had fallen asleep. He momentarily walked around the woods, trying to find the hut his friend had described plenty of times.
While he was looking for the hut a female appeared in front of him, "By the Cauldron, is that Anastasiya?"
Azriel watched the female, his shadows hissing at her power but not approaching her, he noted her unusual green eyes, bright red hair, and the way he could sense her power that his friend always talked of, "Are you Aradia? My friend need you, please."
"Yes," Aradia nodded, flashing before him, glowing red, sensing something that wasn't right, demanding. "What happened to her? WHO HURT HER?"
Azriel couldn't help but flinch at the powerful tone, he'd never actually felt a witch's power over him, "She'll tell you that herself, but she wished to be with you, please help her."
It was his genuine tone that softened Aradia, "Of course, I will." She took Anastasiya from him, "Do not tell anyone she is here now."
"I wasn't planning on it... Thank you." Azriel nodded in his farewell before he flew out.
Aradia cradled Anastasiya in her arms, her keen senses picking up on the faint aura of pregnancy surrounding the younger woman. A pang of protectiveness surged through her veins.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith @velarisnightsky444 @minnieoo}
{Eris Taglist- @fxckmiup @slut4acotar @secret-third-thing @shadowsingers-mate @fieldofdaisiies @st4r-girl-official}
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stardewremixed · 1 year
First Kiss with Shane
@hellhoundmaggie requested a first kiss scene with Shane. He was the first guy I romanced in SDV, mostly because it was easy to in the beginning and I wanted that first-year flower dance so badly. 😂 🌸
🎈 In case you missed it - First Kiss with Harvey. 🎈
While Harvey holds a special place in my heart and is generally my go-to husbando, I didn’t want to leave my “first SDV squeeze” in the lurch. I’m trying to expand my experience with writing romance in general. Hope you enjoy. It’s a freakin’ novella. Haha. I don’t do short, and I wanted to show how he fell in love with the Farmer, and she with him. 
This is female farmer x Shane = first kiss. This one might be a little more PG. 
Sweaty palms. Greasy hair. Chubby cheeks and legs. Is this what she sees in me?
Shane stared bleakly at his own reflection in the refrigerator door. It was quiet. Nearly noiseless in the back aisle of the stark JojaMart. A lull in the daily traffic around 4pm on the dot. When his shift ended.
Shane pressed his forehead against the glass, grumbling to himself about his infinite lack of progress on losing weight. Ever since he started going to therapy and quit drinking, he felt confident that his life would turn around. Like magic.
However, life outside the rehabilitation center was much harder than he remembered. He was still stuck in the same dead-end job. He was still bumming a room off his aunt with his piddly rent And he was still rather plump around his abdomen. 
Every time Morris ordered him around, in that pompous high London accent, Shane wanted to give up. To give in. To snatch a beer outta the cooler and gulp away his frustrations.
Instead, he settled for cussing under his breath, and resolving to keep his head down. At least until he could find another job. No one seemed to be hiring in this dying town. The recession was still hitting hard. And he knew he was lucky to get his old job back after nine months in detox and rehab.
It was worth it. It would be worth it. He convinced himself as he puffed a lazy strand of hair out of his eye and continued stocking cartons of overprocessed milk, nothing like his aunt’s fresh bottles or the farmer’s delicious cheeses. 
While he was still grossly underpaid, Shane worked out the math. In six more checks, he could repay her. The Jolly Rancher. Just thinking about his silly little nickname for the farmer lady to the north gave him a warm feeling. The kind that alcohol used to give him, only better, more real. Her smile was sweet.
When she first arrived in town, Shane genuinely disliked her. All her bubbly, bouncy, jolly persona encroaching on his flat, boring, grumpy existence. He had cultivated a philosophy of "me myself and I" and was perfectly content being alone, sulking into a pitcher of beer at the end of the night. But not really…
Her jovialty grew on him, especially when he would see her around town, helping people out. At first, he figured she was just another city do-gooder come to convert the backwater people to a more modern lifestyle. But her joy and kindness was genuine. Even when he yelled at her to go away, she still murmured a heartfelt apology for disturbing him and then brought him freshly grown peppers or tomatoes the next day like nothing had ever happened.
The Farmer purchased cows from Marnie so she could make her own specialty dairy products. He was seriously impressed. Because what city girl just ups and buys cattle? 
Sometimes when he was restlessly tossing and turning in bed (and if was honest, lonely), Shane would wander around in the wee pre-dawn hours. He always seemed to make his way to her ranch. Most of the time, she was out in the barn milking the cows and talking to them like they were her babies, with just a lantern illuminating her soft face. She was so beautiful. 
Raising cattle was no simple task. He knew this from watching his aunt. And Marnie had horses, pigs, goats, rabbits and chickens to think of too. He wasn't sure if the new rancher in town, with little to no experience (save her degree in veterinary medicine), was stupid or brave. Over time, he determined she was the latter.
Out searching for a lost cow in a thunderstorm. Not thinking about her own welfare. Only wanting to reunite a terrified animal with its herd. 
Fixing fences after wolves knocked down the back posts time and time again. Her fingers bleeding and scarred because of her lack of self-awareness sometimes. And chasing of “’dem there wolves” with sheer willpower... and... a big stick. 
Rebuilding the barn from scratch when a wildfire spread down from the mountains. She saved every single one of those animals. And needing treatment for smoke inhalation because she went back in for the tiniest frightened newborn. 
He remembered the time she got kicked in the head by one of the cows. Shane was so worried about her, even if he wouldn’t admit it when he carried her to the Clinic. Thankfully, it was only a minor concussion. (And it was an excuse for him to deliver Marnie's special basket of goodies to her twice daily so she didn't have to worry about feeding herself during her recovery). 
The rancher struggled for a whole year, after arriving in the Valley. But even when things went wrong, she was up and back at it the next morning with a lightness in her heart and step. It. Was. Admirable.
Shane resolved to do better. To be better. She made him think about how things could be different if he wasn't a self-sabotaging jerkwad. The number of times she dragged his sorry ass home after getting plastered at the Saloon was too high to count, even if it was out of her way, even if she said she didn't mind. She wanted him to be okay. To be safe. She said so.
And she half pushed, half dragged him to the Clinic the night things got really dark. When he faced the edge of the cliff and thought "No more!" When he thought death would be a welcome reprieve from his pathetic life. 
She never judged him. She didn't enable him like his aunt. She didn't fall apart into a puddle of tears like Jas. She didn't lecture him on the evils of his ways while twirling his moustache like Harvey. Okay. Shane chuckled to himself. Maybe that last part was an exaggeration and unfair to the good doctor.
She. Simply. Cared. 
Through her actions. 
In the beginning, it was little things. A happy hello. A robust handwave. Then she started pulling up a barstool next to him in the Stardrop. She would ask him about his day and he would always answer the same way. But "go away" somehow morphed into a sarcastic "just peachy" and then eventually a half-hearted "fine, you can sit there." Once she jokingly called him Peaches. 
He didn't want to be bothered with her questions and idle chatter. He didn't want to listen to her ranching successes and woes, retold in a much-too-chipper voice. He didn't want to know about Bluebell and Daffodil and Daisy, how Mister Munster was nursing a hoof injury and how Mrs. Butters was expecting her second calf. Why did she think he cared about such details?
But it grew on him. Those rosy, ruddy cheeks, enjoying a hard-earned glass of whatever Gus had on tap. The way her eyes lit up and sparkled when she talked about her animal friends. The way her pale pink lips pouted when she lost a game of Journey of the Prairie King in the saloon arcade. Again. 
Shane found himself drawn to her energy. And he found himself missing her on the nights she didn't stop into the Saloon. Which was a rarity, but did happen.
Shane knew she was someone special when he would watch the entrance door, breath caught, hoping she would breeze through, and then she didn't. Two days in a row. He started to feel disappointed, but brushed it off. Three days. He started to get concerned. On the fourth night, he went looking for her. And that's when he learned she was sick.
He practically broke down her door when she didn’t answer. 
“Aww you were worried,” she laughed weakly, and coughed. 
She looked rather pitiful, bundled under the blankets, hair sticking to her cheek, eyes droopy and dark. She thought Marnie would have told him. His aunt had sent a few of her ranch hands to help their neighbor out while she was under the weather. so her cattle weren’t forgotten 
No, Marnie never did. He suspected it was because she didn't know it would matter to him. But it did matter. She. Did. Matter. 
Without a word, Shane went to the kitchen and returned with a cool towel. He didn't even think. He laid the back of his large hand against her delicate forehead. He could've sworn the little Miss Jolly Rancher blushed. Or maybe it was the slight fever she was running. She audibly sighed as he placed the wet cloth against her burning cheek, closing her eyes and mumbling her thanks.
He wanted to know the last time she ate. She grunted and said something about some cereal earlier that morning. She didn't know for sure. She had slept most of the day. He promised he would be right back. 
She told him not to bother, as she struggled to lift her body off the bed, propping up by a shaky elbow. He insisted she lie back down. She was a stubborn one. Her protestations didn't last long as her head was too foggy to think straight. He microwaved a bowl of soup. She tried to sit up again, and he fluffed her pillows so she could prop up.
Her grip on the spoon wasn't firm, her trembling hands an indication of just how weak she was. So he caught the escaping silverware and lifted the soup to her lips. She turned red as a hot pepper, but he eased her with a surprisingly tender words, "Please. Let me take care of you for once, Miss Jolly." His own face and ears were probably red too. But she accepted.
Since then, he began the habit of calling her "Miss Jolly." She flushed every time, but he enjoyed flustering her. It was nice… to care… about… someone.
She returned the “favor” and called him Peaches. At first, jokingly, just to annoy him. But over time, even the ridiculous fruity nickname grew on him. She was invading his thoughts and heart and he couldn’t stop her. 
He knew he had to change. He had to get better. Alcoholism was a disease that had ravaged his life and he was ready for something better. He couldn’t live like he had been any longer. She had changed everything for him. And he wanted to change in return. 
Disappointment smacked cold. He had researched so many places. But the one place that seemed to fit his needs and desired treatment plan was out of reach. Prohibitively expensive. He sold his dad’s watch. His car. He worked longer hours. Maybe in a few years he could make up the difference. 
She knew how much he wanted this... and how badly he needed this. Every glance at his savings account wanted to drive him to the bottle, the hopelessness of a solution just out of reach because of his crappy medical insurance. They wouldn’t cover it. Even though he was pretty sure Joja was the reason he drank so heavily. 
No, that wasn’t true. It was his own insurmountable guilt. Of surviving the accident. When they didn’t. Of leaving Jas without a respectable father figure. Or a mother. He didn’t even fight when the courts wanted to give him jail time. 
His aunt got a lawyer and gave him a place to stay when he got out. She helped him put together a resume and practically shoved the application for overnight backroom clerk in his hands. He had to face the music. He wasn’t cut out for any other job. And it was basically a glorified “stock boy.” 
Approaching middle-age, recently released from prison, and overwhelmed with a crushing lack of self worth, Shane interviewed and got the job. He should be grateful. But the hours were grueling and monotonous. Customers were rude. Employees were ruder. Except that Sam kid. He was a ball of sunshine. And his boss was sucking the life outta him. 
So he drank. He drank to forget. Because he couldn’t forgive himself. And every time he looked at Jas’ little pained expression, he drank more because he felt... so... damn... worthless. 
The Rancher changed things for him. He felt more positive. He got up earlier. He brushed his teeth. He combed his hair. He put on his uniform for the world’s lousiest low-paying job and went to work hoping things would be better. 
Faced with the inability to actually “get better” was... frankly... terrifying. What if he went back to being that same old pathetic blob of a human again? After ten agonizing days, he finally confided in the one person he knew he could trust. His “Miss Jolly.” 
He couldn’t believe he had been moved to tears. She surprised him... again. With her thoughtful generosity and selflessness. She promised to pay for the difference. Whatever he couldn’t afford. She told him it wasn’t a big deal. It was a VERY BIG deal! She still had some of the inheritance money from her grandfather. What she hadn’t spent on fixing up the farm. 
“So I don’t get those gingham curtains I’ve had my eyes on for the past month,” she quipped. 
It was serious. He couldn’t accept it. He wouldn’t accept it. It was too much. He didn’t like the idea of being indebted. He was stubborn. He could refuse. 
But she was more stubborn. She insisted it would be a loan, not a gift. He could pay it off over time. Without interest. Or he could work it off - sweat equity - on her ranch. Maybe with those chickens he liked so much. 
In the end, he caved. He packed up what little he could take with him. And she walked him to the bus stop. Kissed his cheek. Squeezed his hand. And said the words that simultaneously made him laugh and warmed his heart.
“Go get ‘em, Peaches.” 
That was a year ago now. When he came home, she threw a big surprise party for him. A few people from town, his aunt, Jas. And she never looked more beautiful. She even found chicken shaped balloons. Because... what guy doesn’t want balloon animals from the girl he’s crushing on? 
Crushing on? He smirked. I sound like a middle schooler. 
He split his time between the market and her ranch. Gradually spending more and more time on her farm. Gathering eggs before his shift. Feeding chickens on the way home from work. Sipping peach iced tea in the shade of her porch and thinking this life wasn’t half-bad. But he wanted more. 
She started bringing by lunches on his longer shift days. Homemade sandwiches and fresh-pressed juices and handpicked peppers. The kind that burst with sweetness or that spicy kick he needed to get through the rest of his day. 
She learned to roll her own dough. Once a week, on hot summer evenings, she would make him pizza with her own special spicy red sauce. Wearing that cute little red and white checkered apron around her jean shorts and just below the edge of her tank top. Too hot to be standing around the stovetop making pizza sauce or the oven to bake the dough. But she did it for him. Shane looked forward to it after a long and grueling Saturday shift. 
He still stopped at the Saloon most nights, but now it was just to drink soda and share a pepper poppers appetizer. Gus started bottling root beer, made from bark and flowers and herbs from around the Valley. It wasn’t alcoholic. And it was an acquired taste. Getting better with time. 
She would breeze in and offer suggestions and feedback. Shane enjoyed watching the two “play” squabble over the choice of leaves. The kindly saloon owner and the girl he liked collaborating to make him a refreshing drink became a welcome nicety. 
Most nights, they didn’t stay long. Heading out for long walks around town. Shoes scuffling along cobblestones. Kicking up dirt on wooded paths. Kicking off on the beach to feel the mushy sand. Talking about nothing important, but always special. Any time with her was special. 
He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have a friend like her. To have a woman of her rare caliber show him any attention at all. She got past his defenses and he welcomed it. And deep in his heart, Shane knew - this was love. 
With today’s paycheck, he could finally take her on a proper date. Somewhere out of the Valley. Someplace where they could have fun together. He felt the excitement and nervous anticipation rising in his chest. Somehow he fumbled through an “ask” on her front porch this morning, managing to invite her to join him... if she wanted... at the bus stop... around 5pm. He had tickets to see the Tunnelers play. 
Shane finished his shelf, glancing at his watch. Ten past four. Just enough time to get home, showered, and changed. He disposed of the empty boxes in the dumpster and delivered the cart to the back room. Opening his locker, he hung his apron on the hook. Instantly, he felt lighter. Like that thing was a noose around his neck. A ball and chain. He really needed a new job. And in fifty, no, forty-six minutes, he could see her... 
The shrill obnoxious tone pierced his moment of peace. The voice could only belong to one person - a holllow husk of a corporate shill, even more unlikeable than him, if that was even possible. Shane frowned, his eyes clamping on the store manager barreling toward him at full speed. 
“A whole second shipment came in just now,” the man grunted. “Like I need this when I’m short-staffed, as always,” he offered an exasperated sigh. 
I can’t imagine why... Shane thought to himself, bemused. The boss was insufferable. Always barking orders. Never praising his team. Paying peanuts. Polishing his baby - a silver Rolls Royce in mint condition - parked in the only covered spot in the entire Joja lot - every night - instead of doing paperwork like he should. How was he still employed? No one at corporate cared. 
“Not my problem, Morris,” Shane replied. 
“No, no, no,” Morris fluttered his short arms. “It is your problem. I need you to stay late and help Sam empty the truck.”
The man continued to ramble something about “this is why I pay you” and “you think you can do better somewhere else?” He badgered Shane about his “work ethic,” even if Shane had been a near model employee since returning from rehab. Even if his former colleagues actually welcomed him back, much to his shock. Shy little Claire even commented on how he was “different” than before.
Shane had been nominated for employee of the month, no doubt, angering Morris. The man had it out for him. Sticking him on graveyard shifts. Making him mop baby puke in the aisles. Forcing him to attend a “hospitality” seminar so he could learn to be nicer to, in Morris’ words, “bored housewives who somehow like your prickly personality.” 
Morris, a man who prided himself in appearance, with his neat little bow tie and perfectly ironed jacket, couldn’t believe how the ladies bought more after a rough encounter with Shane. It was good for business, of course, and Morris would take all the credit. That hospitality seminar wasn’t cheap, he constantly reminded Shane. Like rehab hadn’t made him a better person already. Or his relationship with little Miss Jolly. 
“They just fawn over your monotone delivery of the daily sales,” Morris droned on. “Yoba only knows why. You haven’t been educated at the finest university this side of the Pond with an impeccable taste in... well, everything.” Morris puffed his chest. 
“I just don’t understand why they giggle at the register about the ‘handsome’ stock boy when they could have me recite the daily sales in Shakespearean English for heavens sake. Well, no matter. I can use what I’ve got. You.” 
The man thinks I’m a frickin’ pack of meat. 
“Now in order to have sales, we must have stocked shelves. And in order to have stocked shelves, I need to have you stay longer. Because shelves don’t stock themselves... and what are you staring at?” 
Shane rubbed his jaw, catching his reflection in Morris’ little glasses. Could I really be that handsome? Morris wasn’t wrong. The market had been a little busier than usual in the mornings and around lunchtime. Shane came back from breaks early sometimes because customers “requested” him. He could reach the “tall” shelves. 
But he wasn’t that tall. And most times, he needed a ladder. Unlike Sam. But even Sam told him he had been relegated to “cute” because the female patrons wanted to check out the new guy (on the ladder) because Shane possessed a look of danger and mystery, and had that "hot dad bod."
Like that’s really a thing I wanted! Shane rolled his eyes. It's all a little disgusting. Being oogled. Because what? Dangerous? Dad bod? I’m just me. There was only one gal he wanted checking him out. And he needed to get going if he was going to meet her. 
“No can do, Boss,” Shane removed his Joja cap and hooked it alongside his apron. “Got plans tonight.” 
“No, no, no,” Morris’ voice grew tight, his eyes becoming tinier. “That won’t do. You must cancel your plans.” 
“Do I get overtime?” Shane asked, half-distracted by the photo occupying the inside of his locker. 
It was the only thing he had ever decorated with at work. A photo of him and Miss Jolly at the Moonlight Jellies festival about a month ago. It was the one time he actually thought he was photogenic. How could he not be happy? With a gorgeous gal by his side, smiling and laughing as the photo was taken, a woman who believed in him, rooted for him, and cared for him. Shane’s expression softened as he thought about how much she had impacted his life. 
“You know what?” Shane ripped the photo from his locker wall with gusto. “I quit.” 
“Are you even listening?” Morris was saying. “And no, I’m not going to approve overtime. You left early by one minute the other night. One minute!"
"And one time last week, you were late by three minutes. I will not approve overtime for someone who nearly runs over a flock of geese with his bicycle and is late to work."
"If you’re going to keep up with this lazy attitude of yours...” he huffed and straightened his jacket. “I may have to reconsider my decision to rehire you... even if you bring in the ladies... I mean... sales...” 
“What?” Morris’ eyes grew wide as saucers beneath his horn-rimmed glasses, and then his expression darkened, as if Shane poured bitter coffee all over the plates. “You cannot quit. Are you joking?” 
“Well I do, and I’m not,” Shane shoved the old rusty lock that never latched properly into the other man’s hand, a smile crossing his face. “With pleasure.”
Shane waltzed out of the soul-sucking store, leaving a dumbfounded former boss as the double doors whooshed behind him. He closed his eyes and took a big gulp of sea-salt air and sighed. He felt free. 
When she met him at the bus stop, his heart skipped a beat. She looked radiant in the setting sun. Her eyes sparkling like stars. And her sexy little denim skirt was a nice touch too. The way her hips swayed ever so slightly on approach. He forced his gaze upward. 
"Hiiii... Miss Jolly. I'm glad you decided to come," he greeted, his tone a bit stilted and formal. 
What am I doing? He rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course, Peaches. I'm excited," she grinned. "This will be my first game."
"You'll love it!" he replied, wrinkling his nose at her childish nickname for him. And I will too with you by my side.
"Is that cologne?" she asked when she reached his side. 
Her fingers curled around his hoodie strings as she closed her eyes and took a whiff. "I like it." She grinned and winked at him. "A bit spicy."
"Yeah yeah," he murmured and ushered her onto the bus, but he hopped up the step behind her, feeling a little lighter on his feet.
"You're in a good mood," she remarked as they wandered toward the back of the bus. 
The atmosphere was charged. Rowdy. Everyone seemed excited for the Tunnelers game. He nodded to a few familiar faces before settling in next to her seat. The back was better than the front. Cool kids sat in the back. What am I? In the sixth grade? 
Still he was relaxed. Smiling even. She repeated her statement as if he didn’t hear her the first time. Damn straight  I’m in a good mood.  Because I get to spend time with you… maybe even tell you how I feel tonight… He decided the overcrowded bus wasn't the best place for that confession. The vehicle lurched forward and so did the conversation. 
"I quit my job."
Her eyes widened and a slow smile played at her lips, drawing his attention to them. I bet they're juicy. He had fantasized about kissing her, ever since she planted one on him at this very bus stop twelve months ago when he shipped off to rehab. Out of respect for their “business arrangement” and friendship, he held off on the liplocking, but it didn’t mean he still didn’t wonder what it would be like if he had just turned his head to meet her mouth that night. 
“Good for you,” she laid a hand on his shoulder. 
Her gentle touch bringing him back to reality and away from his lustful la-la land. 
“I knew that place was killing the light in you. I just wish I could've seen Morris' smug face when you finally told him."
"Light in me?" he repeated, ignoring the statement about his ex-manager. 
"Yes," she slowly slid her hand up to his cheek, blushing a little while she moved. "You look better. Brighter."
"That's just the shower talkin'," he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"No, it's you, Shane," she replied, dropping her hand far too soon for his liking.
He wanted to beg her to keep it there, against his cheek. But present company dissuaded him, and he remained silent, nodding his thanks. The way she said his name... he bounced his leg a bit in nervousness as the bus bumped along the road... it made his knees weak and his head clouded. 
"Did I miss anything?"
Shane descended the last step, returning to their seats in the stadium, snacks in hand. The game was tied up, the teams neck and neck in their scoring with each other. It was one of the most thrilling games he had ever seen in person. Even more exciting because she was there. With her incessant questions about the rules. Her exuberance at the Tunnelers' first goal. Even the little wrinkle around her eyes when she didn’t understand what was happening. He loved every minute of it.
And he loved explaining things. Even if he worried about boring her to death with his encyclopedic knowledge of gridball, he couldn’t stop talking. This was something he loved and he was sharing it with the woman he loved... even if she didn’t know it yet. 
"Only the announcer making bad jokes," she smirked. “And that guy...” she pointed to one of the pros. “...doing a silly little dance for the fans.” 
“Yeah, he’s known for that,” Shane laughed awkwardly, feeling a small twinge of jealousy that another man had caught her eye. 
“Not that he’s any good at it,” she laughed too. “Not like our little grooves in the Saloon.” 
“Oh?” he quirked a brow. “By the way, I got us some nachos. I asked the vendor to add some hot peppers… just like we like it."
"Like we both like it," she said in unison. "Thanks,” she snagged a chip and did a deep dip into the sauce. “You should've let me pay for snacks since you paid for tickets and the bus fare."
"Naw, we're on a date," he shrugged. "The guy pays. Plus, I wanted to."
Shane averted his eyes, suddenly self-conscious. "Did I tell you how much… I l…love…. Gridball?"
She stopped and looked at him as if surprised by his old-fashioned thought. I shouldn't have been so careless, he grimaced. Then he immediately wished his face wasn't so readable.
It was a date. A real date. But somehow they slid from acquaintances to friends to best friends and then... somehow something more, without ever defining the relationship.
Did she want parameters? Did he need a label? Were they... ever going to be what he hoped to be if he ever got his head out of his ass and asked her for real? 
"Yes, only the thousand or so times on the bus," she smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “And I knew you played in high school.” 
Just like that, she slipped back to a more neutral topic. And he mentally flogged himself for the missed opportunity. 
“Yeah, blowing out my knee pretty much killed my chances at playing pro,” he said. “Doesn’t stop me from enjoying the games though.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” she inquired. “Going back. Maybe the minors or even just a pick-up team. I bet you looked great in a uniform,” her eyes twinkled mischievously. “And I wouldn’t mind the view of you in those white pants.” 
Red flooded his cheeks. Is she messing with me? How does she do it? Go back and forth between friendzone topics and flirtation? She made it look effortless. She was toying with him. She had to be. Dancing around the subject. Hoping he would ask. Or was he imagining things? 
Her hand hovered dangerously close to his side. Brushing the hem of her skirt. Nearly touching his shorts. He gulped, feeling flattered, but strangely unprepared for her seductive little smirks. He handed her the soda he fetched, and she thanked him, gulping back the liquid as if it were a small instead of a large. Saying something about all the cheering making her thirsty. 
He was the thirsty one. Eyeing her up and down and wanting to close the distance between them. Taking it from flirty friends to... faithful lovers. He never wanted a woman more than he did right now. To devote all his love and passion and energy and goodwill into being there for her just like she had for him. 
For the whole second half of the game, he nursed his cola. Distracted by her every move. The way she would raise her heels in anticipation of a score and lower them back to the ground when they didn’t quite make it. The way she spoke with that happy voice of hers, the kind that could lull him to sleep or rally him to make his best efforts. The way she repeated back facts she was learning about the sport, that he had literally just taught to her that night. He was completely mesmerized... so much so... he forgot to actually watch the game. For once, he liked the distraction. 
When the Tunnelers scored again, she nearly flew off the ground, wildly cheering for their unexpected interception. He caught her hand as she was jumping back down. She squeezed it and continued whooping and shaking her fist victoriously in the air, never taking her eyes off the game. It was now or never.
"Hey," he said loudly to be heard over the stadium noise. "I've been meaning to tell you… thank you.” 
“For what, Peaches?” she said, teasingly. “Did you see that? How many yards was it? Seventy-five? Eighty?” 
“I mean it, really,” Shane cleared his throat, leaning closer to her ear. “ For sticking with me through everything."
She turned to face him, her expression growing more serious. 
"My… anxiety… depression… you know," he continued, fumbling over his words. "The alcoholism… I mean, I wasn't exactly the funnest person to be around back then."
Did I just use the word funnest? He rubbed the back of his head, hoping to read her expression, but for once, he couldn't.
“You do that... when you’re nervous,” she remarked. “That head rub thing...” she reached up and ruffled his hair. “It’s... cute.” 
“Uh...” Shane trailed off. She was not making this easy. But he needed to say the words aloud now or he never would. 
"You… uh… still helped me. You've been a really… good… friend to me," he shared, and then immediately regretted his word choice.
"Oh," she said, quietly.
Was that a flicker of disappointment in her eyes?
He hurried his words. "Anyway this is your first gridball game, huh? Well? What do you think?"
Smooth, Shane. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Changing the subject again, you frickin’ chicken.
"Oh…" she said, glancing back to the field, sounding a little confused. "Fun. I guess, Pelican Town seems pretty boring in comparison. Unless you count Sam's punk rock blaring at 11pm, breaking noise ordinances." She forced a chuckle.
Is she…? Am I imagining things?
"I'm surprised," he replied. "Didn't you move to the Valley to escape the noise of the city?"
She's looking at me again with those beautiful heart-melting eyes. He rushed through his words.
"I mean… don't get me wrong. I totally understand. My life in Pelican Town is pretty bland, you know. And now that I don't have a job, I gotta find something meaningful to do with my time again. A guy's gotta eat, right? Heh?"
"I was thinking about that," she replied, without looking at him. "I think it would be nice to have you around full-time."
"What?" he blinked.
"I've got one ranch hand now to help in the back pasture and one that helps out with the milking and all, but if I'm looking to expand, and if they ever take a sick day, I could use some extra hands," she continued. "Maybe your hands?"
I couldn't. Possibly. Was she blushing?
"You've already… done so much for me," he hated the hesitancy in his tone. "I… uh…"
She ignored his last comment. "This would be a business thing. We could do it temporarily to see if you like it. And if it's a good fit for both of us. I can be a bit of a…" she narrowed her eyes, mischievously. "Hard taskmaster."
"Oh? Yeah I've heard that from your current employees," he smirked. "But you are still a jolly one."
"Yeah…" she smiled, almost shyly, tucking a hair over her ear. “Your Miss Jolly.” 
The noise level in the stadium increased near ten-fold. All he could think about was how she said the words. She was begging him, wasn’t she? Walking right up to the brink and leaving him there? He reluctantly ripped his gaze away from the farmer to the field.
"Gah!" he screamed, his volume matching the crowd. "The Tunnelers are on the attack."
"Yes! Yes!" she shrieked. "Oh my Yoba! Final seconds. They're gonna…" she jumped up and down and clapped her hands. "They're gonna break the tie."
"GOAL!" they yelled in unison. 
He never felt so happy. He was going on six months sober. He quit his horrible job. The farmer was offering him another one so he could see her every day. And he got to watch his favorite team in the world in the closest game in history with his favorite person in the world. Sharing this moment together meant everything.
"Thank you Shane!" she said, trying to catch her breath. "This was the best evening ever with you!"
"I know, I know!" he exclaimed. "Probably one of the best moments of my life."
Before he could stop himself, his lips were against hers. Surprise flickered in her eyes. All he could hear was the thudding of his own heart. She was flushed. The warmth of her lips. The taste of root beer. The delight overwhelming the alarm bells. He took a step or two back, stumbling as he came to his senses.
"Oh?" he gasped for air. "Uh… um… sorry. I guess I got carried away there. Maybe I had one too many... sodas. All that sugar. Ha!" 
Shane reached up to rub his head like he always did when he was nervous, just like she had noticed. Except this time, she strutted toward him, confidence in her eyes as she grabbed that hand and tugged him down. As they kissed for the second time, he felt her melt into his arms as she offered a faint “finally,” barely audible amidst the roar of the crowd. 
Encouraged, Shane grinned, hoisting her off the ground. She giggled and kissed him more fervently. Maybe he didn’t need words. Maybe he only needed actions to show her how he felt. 
And she was reciprocating. A dream come true. Their eyes remained locked in a loving gaze as he pulled back from her lips. When he finally set her down, he breathed heavily. 
"You really do love the Tunnelers?" she teased, disentangling her hands from his hair. 
"No," he shook his head, determined not to let this moment go by. "I really do love you."
"Come on, we'll miss our bus outta here," she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the exiting crowds.
“Wait,” Shane pulled her back for one more greedy kiss. 
She happily accepted, but he felt a fleeting ping of sadness even as they kissed in the stairwell, people pushing around them. He wondered if she even heard his confession. Maybe it's too soon? We just had our first kiss. She probably didn't hear me.
When they reached the parking lot, the reality of what had just happened still sinking in, they were too late. The bus huffed away with a puff of smog. They had just missed their ride back to the Valley. And there wouldn’t be another one until morning. If he hadn’t been so carried away and enamored by his date, maybe they would’ve left the stadium sooner. 
“Guess we should call a taxi,” she broke the silence first. “Or... actually... find a hotel.” 
“A hotel?” he repeated, his ears perking at the thought of sharing space with her. 
"Yes," she replied, without skipping a beat. "I mean, if we're gonna be stuck together in Zuzu overnight, we should get a hotel. A taxi ride would be really expensive and I don't think we have enough time to get across town to catch the train."
"Oh right," he said softly. "Uh… I can't let you pay for a hotel too."
"It's no trouble," she pulled out her cell phone and started scouring the internet for places. "And a hot shower sounds nice after all the sweat and grime of us in there,” she nodded back toward the stadium. “...jammed in like sardines."
"Uhm…" he blinked rapidly. You're a grown man. Get it together.
"This place looks nice," she showed him a picture after a minute or two, while he awkwardly plopped on the edge of the sidewalk. "And it's got a 4-star rating." She sat next to him, dropping her hand on top of his. “Oh look it’s got an in-suite jacuzzi.” 
"Uh… sure," he shrugged, uncertain about what to do with his hands that so desperately wanted to kiss her again. "Well, that definitely was a good game."
"Yes, and it's going to be an even better night, because it doesn't have to end here," she smiled sweetly. “Since we’re getting a hotel,” she winked. 
“Oh yeah... and we won too,” he stammered. “The Tunnelers, ya know?” 
“No... no, I didn’t. Really? They did?" she smiled sarcastically, and leaned closer. “It doesn’t matter.” 
“What?” he gasped, feeling shocked as her blase attitude toward his favorite team. 
“I mean, it was great... and all... and their win was pretty spectacular,” she acknowledged. “But I feel like I won the lottery with you here.” She interlocked arms with him. “Did you mean it? Shane? When you said you loved me?” 
So she did hear me! And the way his name fell from his lips caused his heart to soar and he found his confidence. 
“Yes, I meant it. I love you,” Shane replied. “But I wanted it to be special. Better than this... stranded in a parking lot with trash all over the place.” 
“It is special,” she replied. 
“But it wasn’t perfect,” he grimaced. “I was planning on telling you when we got back... when I walked you back to your place tonight.” 
His head felt hazy with love and desire as she kissed him again. This time, she draped a leg over his, pressing against his chest. He audibly moaned, leaning into the kiss. His hand naturally slid down her back to help her balance, and he squeezed softly, like he had wanted to for a long time. She matched his intensity with a clutch of her own, and he groaned again, reluctantly breaking their touch. 
“I don’t need perfect, Shane. I just need you."
His heart leaped from his chest as she continued.
"I love you too. I want you.”  
“Ahhhh... then let’s get to that hotel,” he said, the heat of her breasts against his chest creating a near uncontrollable fire within him. 
“Fine,” she playfully pouted. “I’ll behave... Hot Stuff," she fanned herself. “...for now... since we’re in public.” 
“Believe me,” he replied with a heavy sigh, feeling a healthy growth between his legs. “I want you all to myself.” 
She giggled and tapped her phone. "Done. Got us booked.”
“That fast?” 
“Yes, It’s only a two and a half block walk. Now… shall we?" She jumped to her feet and darted away briskly. 
“Someone’s impatient!” he smirked. “What if I had said no?” 
“I wouldn’t take no for an answer.” 
“Oh really?” he liked teasing her as she brought out his confidence. He started into a jog away, passing her on the sidewalk. “Well, I’ll see you soon.” 
“Shane!” she laughed and chased after him. 
Of course, he let her catch him. She playfully punched his arm, but then lingered. She was beaming. And he was too. Shane took her hand, looking down at the woman he loved, and smiled, brighter than he ever had in his entire life.  She loved him and wanted him… just as he loved and wanted her. 
He wrapped an arm tightly around her shoulder. Tonight, he was going to make her fully his, and he would be fully hers. 
"Yes, my Miss Jolly.” 
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auspicious-manner · 1 year
maybe a little morris delancey x ballet dancer!reader and him getting all soft when he sees her perform up on the stage?
oh i am ALL for this. as an ex-dancer, this was a dream to write! i tried not to include too much terminology so it wouldn’t get confusing.
so sorry this took so long, life has gotten very busy being back at university. but i’m trying to keep up as much as possible!
fem reader x morris delancey
warnings: none
mike taglist: @diorgirl444
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“whaddya say to spendin’ the night with me, pretty girl?” your boyfriend, morris delancey, asked as you walked down the streets of new york city, hand in hand. the sun was just beginning to disappear behind the horizon, lighting the city up in an ethereal orange glow.
you leaned your body closer into his arm. “as lovely as that sounds, i got a show tonight.”
in order to make some extra cash to survive in new york, you got a job at medda’s theater performing three shows a week. when asked what special talents you had in your interview, you told medda that you had trained in ballet since you were young, but given that you barely had enough money to keep food on the table, you couldn’t afford pointe shoes despite being trained on them.
on the spot, she offered you a deal; typical performers performed one to two shows a week, but if you could handle it, she’d give you three shows a week and take the cost of the shoes out of your pay every other week. to you, that deal sounded like a dream come true.
morris never came to your shows, he always said he had “business to attend to” on the nights you performed. you weren’t really sure what that meant, but you could assume it had something to do with harassing those newsie boys that you felt a bit of sympathy for. he always claimed he was too tough to be seen watching a show in a theater.
morris threw his head back dramatically as you both walked. “you’re always at that theater. we never get to spend time together anymore.”
you smiled playfully. “you know, you could come to my show tonight since you keep avoidin’ it like the plague. what’s it gonna hurt you, morris?”
he thought about it briefly. “i could take a night off, come watch you do your little thing. how about that?” morris asked, half joking.
you immediately burst into a grin, ignoring the fact that he sounded a bit sarcastic with that proposal. all you’ve ever wanted was for your boyfriend to come watch you do what you do best. “that sounds perfect.”
unbeknownst to you, morris didn’t exactly want to see your show. sure, he loved you and would do pretty much anything you asked him to, but his idea of a fun night wasn’t going to a theater to watch a boring show with a bunch of old people. but seeing how you beamed at the idea of him finally coming to watch you made him feel like the only thing worse than going would be not going.
you stopped walking so you could stand in front of him, his tall stature standing over you. “the show starts at 7. you promise me you’ll be there?”
morris hesitated before nodding. “wouldn’t miss it for nothin’.”
you stood on your toes to reach up and give him a soft kiss. “i have to start getting ready. i’ll see you there?”
he put his hands on your hips, pulling you close. “of course.”
you whispered an okay before removing yourself from his grip, as much as you didn’t want to leave. you weren’t far from the theater, and when you got there, you found that you had approximately two hours to get fully ready and warmed up.
your dressing room was small and compact and below ground level. it was the only room medda could provide you, but you were thankful to even have a dressing room. there was one small window near the ceiling that provided a small look into the streets of new york city.
as you applied your stage makeup, you heard a light tapping coming from the window. you frowned, as hearing rhythmic noises directly against the glass was uncommon. you pulled your chair over to the wall, standing on it and further standing on your tip toes to pull the small curtains away to find a smiling morris on the other side of the glass. he was laying on his stomach so his head was level with the window.
you tried to contain laughter as you unlocked the window. “are you crazy?”
the window was far too small for him to climb in, so he just kept his head close to the opening as you looked up at him on top of the chair.
“i might be, but i’m just glad i finally found the right room. knocked on a few other windows, them ladies did not like me doin’ that.”
you giggled. “what are you even doing here? i told you to come for the show, not to my dressing room window.”
he shrugged before saying, “i wanted to wish you good luck, that’s all.”
you looked at him knowingly. you knew your boyfriend, and he didn’t go through all of this just to tell you about something you didn’t even really need.
“nice try. what’s the real reason you’re here?”
morris looked up, seemingly embarrassed. “where do i sit when the show starts?”
you paused. “i know sittin’ may be difficult for you, morris, but luckily for you there’s this new invention i think you’ll really love to try. it’s called a chair,” you said sarcastically.
he rolled his eyes playfully. “sweetheart, you know that’s not what i mean,” he said, his thick new york accent prominent. “where am i suppose’ to go? front row, back row, balcony? i don’t know how any of this stuff works.”
“as a matter of fact, i actually let miss medda know you were comin’ for the show, so she has a box reserved just for you.”
morris was reluctant to come at first, but now he was simply curious to discover what occupies so much of his girlfriend’s time. he wanted to make sure he could get the best view possible.
he put his head through the window, and you stood on your tip toes to meet him with a kiss. “i’ll see you after the show?”
he nodded. “of course. break a leg,” morris started, going to stand up but turning around to the window again. “but not actually. don’t actually break a leg, please.”
you laughed, holding his hand briefly through the window as he began to leave “i won’t!”
after he left, you finished getting your makeup on and got into your costume. every week, medda throws together a new theme for your performances, and this week she went with a forest theme. you were wearing all forest green costume that made you look like a fairy. your makeup fit the occasion too, and jack kelly’s painted props and artwork set the backdrop for your show.
about ten minutes before showtime, you stood backstage once the first act finished and your props were being moved behind the curtain that separated the stage from the audience.
your performances never lasted long; they were apart of some other, bigger show within the theater. but you drew in lots of crowds as you were becoming a household name. critics raved about your performances, and people came to medda’s theater specifically for you.
normally, you were a pro at keeping your nerves in line. the build up to the shows didn’t make you nervous anymore after weeks of doing it. but tonight, knowing morris was somewhere out there watching your every move made you immensely nervous. you weren’t just performing for a crowd tonight, that you could handle. you were performing for someone. your someone.
“miss Y/N, you’re shaking,” medda said behind you as she put her hands on your shoulders. you turned around; you were too in your mind to notice the shaking.
“sorry medda, just nervous, that’s all.”
you turned around to meet her, seeing a confused and unbelieving expression on her face. “you? nervous? i don’t believe it.”
you shrugged in response. she tilted her head, still questioning you, then you could tell her expression changed in an instant. “oh, i know why you’re nervous.”
you shook your head. “no you don’t.”
she smiled playfully, hitting your shoulder lightly. “oh yes i do. it’s because that delancey boy is out in the audience getting ready to watch you, isn’t it?”
you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks now. you didn’t even have to say anything; medda knew.
her tone changed, and she leaned in close. “don’t get distracted, kid. believe me, i’ve had my fair share of men in my life. but don’t let any man get in the way of you doing what you were born to do. you’re a natural at this, you have nothing to be nervous about.”
you took a deep breath. she was right. you knew exactly what you had to do. you nodded, and she backed away.
she smiled. “let’s get this show moving!”
medda walked out on stage in front of the curtain blocking the set, and that was your cue to get in your place on the props.
morris sat out in the audience, waiting anxiously for your presence on the stage. he had the perfect view from where he was at in the audience, and he held his breath waiting for the show to start. he couldn’t care less about the speech medda was planning before you went on, he just wanted to see you up there.
“i know many of you have come from far and wide to watch this next performer do what she does best. i would rave about her, but i’ll just let her dancing do the talking. up next to take my stage is the one and the only, Y/N L/N.”
medda bowed and walked off stage, and morris watched as the curtains fell away and he saw your figure in the darkness laid on a prop that was painted to look like a tree stump.
the lights came on, and the music began. morris watched as you slowly and gracefully worked around the prop, acting as a mythical creature in a forest. his eyes stayed locked on you, not entirely sure what he was watching, but enthralled nonetheless.
you stood on top of the tree stump, going up en pointe and holding your balance in an arabesque, your arms stretched out to your sides.
you glanced into the audience, still holding your balance, searching for morris. you couldn’t find him, but you ignored your heart thumping erratically in your chest as you brought your other leg down to leap off of the prop, sending your legs soaring out.
morris watched in awe in the audience. he liked to think of himself as tough as nails, and he frowned upon himself showing emotion. but, it was becoming harder and harder to uphold that facade as you continued moving around the stage. he knew you must have been talented to have your own show like this, but never in a million years would he have guessed you would be like this.
the turn sequences were your least favorite part of your shows. you were more of a jumper, you loved the feeling of soaring through the air. along with that, you were flexible, and you had tremendous balance for kicks. you were able to hold your leg impossibly high like it was nothing. but turns were a different story.
you began your prep, and as you did, you spotted morris in the audience, right in front of your vision. your heart began to race even more, and you saw as he smiled, knowing that you had just seen him.
in order to prevent yourself from getting dizzy, you used morris as your spot during your turns. you were turning fast, but as you kept your eyes locked on him, you were able to hold your balance en pointe. it felt like you and him were the only ones in that theater.
morris kept his eyes on you as you spun around and around on the very tops of your toes, a small gasp escaping his mouth. he had never seen anyone do something so quick and difficult while simultaneously having so much grace and fluidity.
after nailing the turns and flowing seamlessly out of them into the next section, you forced your eyes to pull away from his.
not only was morris awestruck by your movement, he was drawn into your storytelling. anyone in that room could see you were on an adventure through the forest, and he felt as if you were taking him along for the ride.
after what felt like hours but somehow not enough time, morris watched as you retreated to the back of the stage, hitting one last pose on the faux tree stump before the lights went dim.
the crowd immediately erupted as the curtains drew to a close, but morris stayed in place. he couldn’t quite process exactly what he just saw, but he was upset that it ended so soon. he could have watched you up there for hours.
when the curtains closed, you got off your prop and headed backstage as medda announced the last act of the night. another successful show, you thought to yourself.
as you sat backstage taking sips of water, you felt a presence behind you. before you could turn to see who it was, a voice spoke in your ear. “well if it ain’t the most talented girl i’ve ever seen.”
you stood up from your chair, seeing a smiling morris who had a singular rose in his hand. before you could jump into his arms and give him a bone crushing hug, he got to you first, wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you up off the ground.
“you were amazin’ out there, Y/N.”
you pulled away, the biggest grin you've ever had on your face. "you really think so?"
"i know so."
you rolled your eyes. "you're a big softie and you know it."
he smiled sarcastically, setting you back on the ground and lightly pinching your cheek. "any more of that and we're done, silly girl."
you giggled, and only then did you remember the single rose in his hand. morris looked down, almost as if he had forgotten about it too.
"oh, yeah, uh… this is for you. for being so beautiful up there," morris said, immediately getting shy. you bit your lip, holding back a giddy grin.
you stepped closer to him and stood en pointe to give him a kiss on the lips. "it's lovely, morris. where did you get it? you didn’t have that earlier," you asked, taking his hand in your free one.
"i took it from the bouquet that the guy sittin' next to me had."
you blinked at him before sighing. "of course you did."
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wrightingdungeon · 5 days
Just a apple
I decided to write for my comfort ship, cus I'm depressed and fighting writer's block/imposter syndrome, this is essentially me making chicken noodle soup for my soul
Penny x Shane, fight me
Looking down at the apple in his hand, Shane let out a low groan. The fruit stared back at him, dull and unpolished—nothing like the shiny, wax-coated ones from Joja Mart. Some dirt still clung stubbornly to its skin as it had been plucked straight from the branch just yesterday, not washed yet. He turned it over, noticing a few scuff marks where it looked like Jas had dropped it a few times.
He recalled how Farmer had let Jas pick a few from their orchard the other day for her to feed the animals. But this apple wasn’t meant for them. Jas had cradled it in her small hands, determined to give it to her teacher, Penny. "So I won’t forget!" she’d declared proudly, placing it on the kitchen counter with a smile that made Shane’s heart ache a little less, knowing she would be a positive force on the world as she grew up.
Now, that same apple sat where she’d left it, a silent reminder of Jas’s disappointment. She had woken up with a fever, her cheeks flushed and forehead hot to the touch. Disappointment had flooded her eyes when she realized she wouldn’t be going to school. "But… but I wanted to… to give it to Miss Penny," she had murmured, her bottom lip trembling, her resolve crumbling in the face of illness.
Tossing the apple up once, then catching it in his calloused hand, Shane’s eyes narrowed. He could just leave it there, let Jas deliver it when she felt better. But something in him resisted that idea. Perhaps it was the gratitude he’d been nursing for a while, seeing how Penny took care of Jas—patient and kind—always ensuring she got the care and education he feared he couldn’t provide her.
“Fuck it…” Shane muttered under his breath, his resolve hardening as he gripped the apple tighter. He’d drop it off on his way to work; her house was on the route, after all. Just a simple gesture—a little thank you from an uncle who didn’t know how to say the words out loud.
Stepping outside, the cool morning air nipped at his skin. He set off down the familiar path, boots crunching softly against gravel. One of the few perks of being up early was the solitude—just Shane, the road, and the endless stretch of sky warming with the first hints of dawn. For a moment, he could almost convince himself the world was just his, silent and still, untouched.
Morning doves cooed from their perches, joined by the rhythmic buzz of cicadas hidden in the grass, their song rising and falling like the tide. Each step felt instinctive, every dip and curve of the road familiar. He could probably walk it blindfolded if he had to, honestly having walked home from the bar without releasing it a few times.
The apple grew warmer in his hand, grounding him, reminding him of the task ahead. What would he even say to Penny? ‘Hey, this is from Jas,’ and then just walk away? Or maybe try to say something more meaningful, and end up making a ass of himself.
He let out a heavy sigh, breath misting in the chilly air. It wasn’t like he was doing anything special—just delivering an apple. But it felt bigger, like it carried more weight than he understood. Maybe because Jas had put so much thought into this gesture, or because he felt he had so little to give in return.
As he approached the old trailer, Shane slowed his steps, taking in the sight of the once-vibrant home now dulled by years of wear, the shiny exterior was now rusting over. Empty beer bottles cluttered the ground around Pam's white plastic smoking chair, their glass glinting dully in the light. Shane let out a soft sigh, half-tempted to turn around and shove the apple in his locker at work, but he was already here. He’d even left earlier than usual, meaning he’d be standing outside Joja waiting for Morris to open the doors if he bailed now.
He leaned his head back, groaning softly, shaking it to summon the courage that always slipped through his fingers. Finally, he climbed the creaky steps, each one protesting under his weight. Lifting his free hand, he rapped quickly against the metal door and waited, telling himself he'd give it a minute—just sixty seconds—and then he’d be out of there.
As he began to step back, relieved by the lack of response, the door creaked open as if on cue to stop him. Shane paused, heart jolting as he saw Penny’s green eyes and bright red hair peek out, her expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity. “Shane?” she whispered, her voice barely cutting through the morning air as she stepped outside. He caught a glimpse of Pam passed out and snoring on the couch behind her before the door clicked shut, leaving the two of them outside on the small porch. “What can I do for you?”
For a moment, he stood there, awkward and unsure, the apple now feeling like a rock in his palm. “Uh,” he cleared his throat, embarrassment creeping up his neck. “Jas picked this for you. Said you were a good teacher or somethin’.” He held out the apple, trying to sound casual, as if it didn’t matter.
Penny’s expression softened as she reached out, her fingers brushing against his. “Oh,” she said, eyes brightening in a way that made Shane’s chest tighten with unexpected warmth. “Thank you. I’ll make sure to tell her how much I love it.”
Silence fell between them, and Shane shuffled his feet, searching for something else to say. “She, uh, wasn’t feelin’ great this morning,” he muttered, scratching the back of his head. “But she wanted you to have it.”
Penny nodded, her gaze warm and understanding. “I hope she feels better soon,” she said softly. “I know how much she looks forward to coming to school.”
“Yeah,” Shane replied, the weight of his words hanging in the air. He didn’t know how to articulate the mix of guilt and gratitude swirling inside him. “She really cares about you, you know? It’s nice to see someone look out for her.”
Penny’s smile deepened, and for a brief moment, it felt like the world around them had faded away. “Thank you, Shane. That means a lot,” she said, her voice steady but laced with sincerity. “It’s easy to forget how much these little things matter.”
Shane shrugged, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. “I don’t do much, but… I try to be there for her.” He could hear the slight tremor in his voice, an unfamiliar vulnerability surfacing as he spoke.
“You do more than you realize,” Penny replied, her tone gentle, as if she could sense the struggle behind his words. “Jas sees you as a role model, you know?”
The warmth of her words surprised him, a soft ember igniting in his chest. Shane shifted, feeling an unexpected swell of appreciation. “Yeah, well… don’t go spreadin’ that around… Got a reputation to maintain,” he shot back, attempting to mask the fluttering sensation in his chest.
“Your secret’s safe with me,” she replied, her playful tone laced with sincerity. For the first time in a long while, something inside Shane eased. He felt his mouth twitch, an involuntary smile threatening to break through, but he fought it back, maintaining his gruff exterior. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he grumbled, though there was no bite to his words.
“You’re not as scary as you think,” Penny teased, tilting her head, her hair catching the light. It wasn’t fair how easily she got under his skin. “Deep down, you’re just… kind.”
“Alright, now you’re just talkin’ nonsense,” he muttered, heat creeping up his neck. He shifted, feeling like a teenager caught in an awkward encounter. “It’s just an apple, Penny. Don’t make a big deal outta it.”
“But it is a big deal,” she insisted, her voice gentle but firm. “You didn’t have to, but you did. And that means something…”
For a moment, Shane didn’t know how to respond. The sincerity in her eyes made it impossible to brush off her words. “Yeah, well… someone’s gotta thank you. You work real hard,” he said quietly, the admission slipping past his defenses.
Penny’s expression softened further, her eyes shining with something deeper. “You’re the first to say that,” she murmured, fingers brushing anxiously against the apple’s smooth skin. “Sometimes, it feels like no one even notices.”
“Doesn’t mean you’re not doin’ a damn good job,” Shane replied quickly, surprising himself with his certainty. “Jas, Vincent—they look up to you. And I… I’m grateful for that. Don’t think I say it enough.”
There was a beat of silence, heavy with unspoken words. Penny’s cheeks flushed a faint pink as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re not as bad as you think you are, Shane,” she said, a teasing lilt underscored with belief.
He let out a soft, self-deprecating laugh. “If you say so.”
Penny smiled, lighting up her face. “I do say so,” she replied, winking as she reached back toward the door. “But you should really give yourself more credit. It’s okay to be kind, you know?”
He felt heat rise in his cheeks again, rubbing the back of his neck harder, as if to erase it. “Yeah, well… maybe I’ll think about it,” he replied, voice gruff but lacking real bite.
“Good,” she said, voice softening again. “I’ll see you around, Shane. And tell Jas I hope she feels better soon.”
“Will do,” he nodded, feeling strangely buoyed as he turned to leave, the weight of the morning feeling lighter.
As he walked down the steps, he glanced back one last time, catching Penny still standing there, watching him with that soft smile that felt like sunlight breaking through clouds.
He waved goodbye, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spreading through him, grounding him. With each step away from her porch, he realized that for the first time in a long while, he felt seen—not just the drunk who stumbled through life—but as someone worthy and capable of kindness and connection.
The world around him felt different, alive with possibilities he hadn’t noticed before. Perhaps it was true; maybe he was more than just a shadow in the background. He could be a part of something meaningful, all because of something as simple as an apple.
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Growing Fond
Shane x Reader
Class: SFW
Word Count: 1.6K
CW: Spoilers For Shane’s First Heart Event, This is Basically a more Detailed Version of the Heart Event, NB Reader, Alcohol, Extisential Dread, Reader is a bit Unhinged, Reader is refered to as Farmer, Mentions of Injuries
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For Shane it was a normal boring routine day, he got up, went to work, stocked shelves until his hands were numb and is now being screeched at by his phone that it’s finally his lunch break. He let out a groan as he stood up from his crouched position, his back cracking loudly when he stood up straight. He made a bee line for the door not bothering to acknowledge Morris as he sped past him. He walked all the way to the saloon to find it pretty much empty aside from Gus, Emily, Pam and you. Pam was already 3 drinks in and you seemed to be busy ordering something, so he just made his way to his usual spot against the wall and waited. As he sat down he didn’t notice when your eyes flitted over at him and returned back to Gus quickly adding one more item to your order. When you were done you took your time walking over to him, he looked up and saw a small smile on your face as you waved at him. “This seat taken?” you asked nodding your head at the empty stool. “Nope.” he said popping the p, he didn’t necessarily dislike you but he didnt want to spend his lunch break with you either. You sat down with a sigh leaning your head on your hand as you look at him “So how’s your day been so far Shane?” “Same as always, anyways what are you doing here? Don’t you have crops to take care of?” it came out much more annoyed and rough than he wanted but he’s too tired to correct it.
 Before you could answer Gus came up with 4 cups of a coffee and a small pizza, before Shane could ask Gus for the usual the man sped off to the other side of the bar where Pam is. He raised an eyebrow at your...questionable lunch, although he doesn’t have any room to speak regarding your diet since his looked frighteningly similar. “Ah, well, I’m heading to the mine after this and-” you said pulling a plain silver thermos out of your bag “-I don’t want to run out of energy immediately so...” you opened the bottle and started pouring the coffee into it not spilling a drop from any of the cups. He could feel the terror that flashed on his face before he tried to go back to the usual RBF he has. “That can’t be healthy…well at least you’re getting some solid food in.” He eyed the personal pizza that sat in front of you, “Oh! Uhh…” You looked away from him with a soft chuckle “I actually got the pizza for you.” A nervous smile forced it’s way to face as you try to figure out what to say next. “I know today’s your birthday so I thought I’d get ya lunch…” His head cocked the side slightly “Oh, is it my birthday today?” He looked down at his phone to see Spring 20 on the lock screen “I guess it is, thanks.” He looked up at you with a small smile “This is nice.” “Well I’m glad you like it!” You slide the box in front of him and after he takes a couple bites from the pizza you got him you turn towards him, “I should probably get going-” you hop off the stool next to his with ease “Bye Shane, have a happy birthday!” Your smile makes him almost sad to be alone again…almost. “See ya, Farmer.”
He watched you walk out the Saloon door, he finished the pizza in a few minutes and let out a sigh as he looked at the time. Sliding off the stool he walked out of the Saloon back to his miserable job. The day blurred by restocking the same shelves that he wished he could watch burn to the ground, when his shift ended he picked up a pack of beers before heading home. The night air was crisp and the temperature was not…uncomfortably warm, so he walked out to the pier on the property and plopped down with his pack next to him. He was about 2 cans in when he heard the creak of the old wood planks behind him and footsteps approaching, stopping when they reached him. When he looked to his side he saw grimy boots covered in mud, slime and…insect remains, well there was worst company to have than you. “Up late, huh?” “Actually just got back from the mines.” Letting out a tired chuckle as if it was hilarious that you spent 10 hours underground. As he turned up to halfheartedly scold you for your life decisions, he got a glimpse of the arm and hand closest to him. Cuts ranging from little scratches to a freshly stitched up gash on your bicep, large welts that resemble…bug bites, and bruises of all colors are splattered across it. He no longer had the will to tell you off, “Here, have a cold one.” He extended the can to you, feeling your calloused fingers brush against his as you grabbed it.
Taking the beer as an invite to stay for awhile you take a seat next to him. You’re much closer than either of you expected, shoulders pressing against each other. He watched you a bit as you fiddled with the little metal tab, after a couple minutes of insect chirps he lets out a sigh. You tilted your head at him and he just responds with a bitter “Buh…life.” Maybe it was the beer or the comfortably uncomfortable silence that made him speak without thinking, “You ever feel like…no matter what you do, you’re gonna fail? …Like you’re stuck in some miserable abyss and you’re so deep you can’t even see the light of day?” He could feel your eyes burrowing into the side of his head, but he kept staring straight into the darkness of the lake beneath you both. “I just feel like no matter how hard I try…I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole.” He can see your head turn forward in his peripheral, taking the opportunity to actually look at you. Your body was tense and face wearing an expression he knows all too well, a mixture of existential dread and tiredness. In the silence that settled over you two the crack of the tab finally breaking the aluminum can was heard. He watched as you brought it up to your lips and tilt your head back, hearing your big gulps of the icy beer until you finally crush the can in your hand. Maybe it’s the beer buzzing in his system but the way you’re lightly panting and the expert chugging had him feeling…funny. You looked over at him and mumbled a little “Sorry.” 
He felt the corners of his mouth curl up a bit “Heh…fast drinker, huh? A person after my own heart.” You could feel your face warm up a bit at his flirty joke. “Just don’t make it a habit…you got a future ahead of you still.” There was such a soft undertone of sincerity that it caught you a bit off guard, you watched as he finished his can of beer placing it next to your crushed one. “Welp…my liver is beggin’ me to stop. Better call it a night.” You got up wobbling a bit, man are your legs and arms sore from today. Shane grabbed the empty cans placing them in the plastic bag the pack came from, you watch as he grunted to get up on his knees, without hesitation you extended a hand to help him up. He stared at it for a few moments before taking it, you pulled him up towards you with ease, his hands were warm and a bit sweaty along with his his now slightly red cheeks it was something that nestled into your brain without realization. You reluctantly let go of his hand opting to shove them in your pockets, “I’ll walk you to your house…it’s on the way to mine.” Despite the fact the house he shared was visible from the dock he wasn’t opposed to having your company a little while longer. The grass crunched under your shoes as you walked with him, reaching the trash can that sat right outside the front door he dumped the bag with the empty cans. 
“This was nice, thanks for the beer and the company.” Your smile was well visible due to the house lights shining right outside the front door. “I’m heading home now, I’ll see you tomorrow, Shane!” You waved as you started walking off, “See you around, Farmer.” Returning the wave as he walked into the house, without thinking he stood by the window and watched you dissapear down the path that connects the two properties. He slowly walks to his room attempting not to wake anyone else in the house, sliding into his room he softly closed the door and let out a sigh. He faceplanted onto his bed feeling the effects of the day and beers crash on him, his mind drifted from the shelves of the market, the few ‘Happy Birthdays’ he recieved and finally landed on you. He let his thoughts linger, marinating in the details his slightly hazey brain grasped onto. The callouses developing on your hands, the scars forming on your arms and the way that you lifted him like he was a feather...he could feel his face heating up again like before, ‘I need to stop...but I guess there are worst ways to spend my birthday?’ Getting up he kicked off his shoes, lazily changing into a T-shirt and shorts. Crawling back into bed he closed his eyes and let himself indulge the thoughts his sober brain would’ve shot down immediately. The best gift he’s getting today is from himself and it’s a good night’s sleep.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this! Remember to drink water, eat something and get plenty of rest! Feel free to return whenever you want traveler, take care!💜
~Love Patient 0
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tokischaaaaa · 3 months
corny pt.2
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!hamzah x !poc reader
summary: hamzah meets reader in curaçao , reader works at a vets clinic on the island, hamzah meets reader on the island due to him driving carelessly and hurting a liter of kittens. (hamzah’s a little dumb in dis one :P)
warning! : fluff!! little bit of smut <3
word count!: 1.3k
   broken hearted - brandy ft. wanya morris
⇄              ◁◁  I I  ▷▷          ↻
00:26 ━━●━━━━━━━━ 04:51
as they arrived to the clinic, she took out her keys from her pocket, unlocked the door and went into vet mode. she gently grabbed the mother cat from hamzah and moved her to the desk to see where she had gotten hurt.
the mother cat had been slightly injured by hamzah’s tires twisting due to the force of him stopping the car. thankfully, the other kittens weren’t hurt and the mother only needed a few stitches. “you seem very dedicated to helping cats.” hamzah scoffed. “very, obviously you aren’t.” she teased raising an eyebrow at him. hamzah rolled his eyes in return.
as she finished her work with the cats she gave hamzah the thumbs up, “what are you gonna do with them now?” he asked. “probably put them back into nature, they obviously aren’t anybody’s.” she sighed taking off her gloves. “oh,” hamzah said looking down. “why? you wanted one of the kittens.” she sneered, hamzah pointed to the one he wanted. the same black cat that she was playing with in the car.
“you sly corny dog.” she said biting her lip. “but actually i’ll have to keep them here overnight just to make sure that there aren’t anything else going on with the family.” she sighed. 
as she put them into their crates, she turned and looked to hamzah to let him know they could now leave. 
hamzah’s eyes turned darker as soon as she gave that signal to him something abrupted in hamzah, maybe it was the late hour of the night, maybe the slight flirting in the car, or the way she approached him. her aura, her presence was something that was foreign to him but just pulled him in more into who she was. 
he grabbed her hand and ran with her to the car, hamzah looked to the sky quickly, ‘there’s still time.’ he said smiling to himself. “what are you smiling about pretty boy?” she asked, “dont you worry about it.” he smirked. 
as soon as both of them were in the car, hamzah went towards the toto beach he was originally trying to get to in the start of his trip. as he was driving, he looked to his right and saw her head outside the window. hamzah’s breath was taken away, this beautiful sight of the curaçao local gave him more motivation to get to the beach quicker. 
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as hamzah pulled up to the empty parking lot, he ran to open her door. as she was going to walk out she was taken by surprise, her legs had been placed around hamzah’s waist. and her head was gently held onto facing his shoulder.
as he carried her to the beach, she couldn't help but pull out a joint and a the smallest lighter ever. she waited until she was put down to light up the za. “whats that smell?” hamzah asked, oblivious to what she had in her hands. “maria juana,” she said before placing her lips onto his juicy lips. a moan escaped hamzah’s mouth as he was still in shock. he was touch starved for too long, he waited, and waited, just for this special moment. 
hamzah gently lay her on her back, she felt the smooth warm sand on her back with also the feeling of hamzah undoing her bikini top. “go faster boy,” she said in a darker tone.
he nodded and proceed to go faster, he threw the bikini topp off and began to kiss her neck, each kiss diving deeper into her sunkissed skin. each kiss getting lower and lower, getting to her naked breasts hamzah didnt stop.
once he appraoced her breasts he began slowly and softly kissing her nipples, her nipples becoming more erectd after every kiss. she grabbed the blunt and lighter once again and lit the blunt. as she took the first hit, hamzah started licking her nipples in circles. loud moans escaped her lips, she couldnt help but place her free hand behind his neck, inching his whole mouth closer to her nipples so he could suck her whole tit. she couldnt help but be impatient, she hadnt felt so much pleasure by someone's actions in so long, she didnt want anymore teasing she wanted this fine stranger with her now!
as the night progressed, the makeout session between the two strangers advanced to them touching all over, and one the two had became high they couldnt get their hands off of eachother. as the sun was making its final appearance on the earth, they both took time off of their nonstop makeout session to look at this priceless moment that is a once in a lifetime opportunity. as they saw the sun finally lower, she passed him the blunt once again, as he was about to take a hit, his phone began to ring.
“hello?” hamzah said in a groggy voice.
“dude! its dark out!” martin yelled on the other side.
hamzah stood up and walked a few feet away to finish his call, he turned around to catch a glance at the stranger, however she was gone. 
“you are just as unfamiliar as i am with this island as everyone else! come home bro!” martin said continuing his lecture to hamzah. 
“martin i get it. ill be home soon.” hamzah said then hung up the phone. 
he was in shock, the girl he had just met had left in just moments. she didnt even leave anything behind, from what he could tell. all that lay from where she laid was a antillean guilder (curaçao currency). as he bent down to grab the paper, on the back read a message. 
xxx-xxx-xxxx. pretty boy hamzah, let me know what day youre leaving the island, and where you stayin → pretty gyall
hamzah laughed at how messy her hand writing was, but was grateful not all hope had been lost in this remarkable stranger he met tonight.
before hamzah made his journey back home, he texted her his address and what day he’d be leaving. he was planning on talking to her through text or to try to know more about her but he was already at the point of his high where all he wanted to do was sleep. 
later, hamzah arrived back to the rented condo and was met by martin’s disappointment. hamzah shrugged it off and knocked right out on the couch. 
the next morning, hamzah was shooken awake by small hands. he slowly opened his eyes and saw the same black kitten from last night, the one that she played with in the car. on the kittens neck was a collar that had a note attached to it. 
oh pretty boy, last night was fun but oh how funny time flies when youre having fun. i hoped you enjoyed my island, my home. i decied i wanted to gift you with the kitten you had your eyes on, her name is ‘e ta stima’, it means lover. we may not meet or talk again, but youll always have the kitten as a part of me to look after your corny yet kind soul.  thank you, island gyal.
hamzah couldnt help but be confused about the last part, ‘we wont talk again?’ hamzah asked himself. he opened his phone and tried to text the phone number she had given him last night however as he sent a text his message became green. ‘shit!’ he hissed. hamzah looked at the note once again and the kitten. he felt a tear fall off of his cheek and onto the kittens head. “oh im sorry poor guy,” hamzah chuckled before looking down, “shit, i mean poor girl.” hamzah cleared his throat and laid back down and e ta stima cuddled next to the crook of hamzah’s neck. 
“so where’d the black cat come from hamzah?” martin said as he entered hamzah’s apartment to record a video (i know they dont normally record at hamzahs place)
“dont worry about it, lets get started.” hamzah said clearing his throat.
tokischaaa talks: why i get lowkey emotional wrtiing dis??? bruuuhh i jus be like that, sometimes i even cry to ice spice. anyway yeah, hope dis cool for yall
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hunt Athalar x reader
A/n: I think Hunt is in my top 5 book bfs. Enjoy this lil blurb!
Warnings: none
Tonight was one of those rare nights where you and Hunt could just sit at home and enjoy each other. He might be the Umbra Morris, but with you he’s a big softy.
The microwave beeping pulled you from your thoughts. You could hear Hunt humming to himself from the living room. It warmed your heart to see him like this. Relaxed and happy.
He deserved happiness after everything he’d been through. With his job being so draining you were glad you could give him comfort.
Hunt walks in with a large bowl of popcorn, smiling as he sees you eyeing him. “Enjoying the view?” a cocky smirk gracing his lips. “Yup. All those muscles and those pretty wings! Mmhh mmhh.” You laugh.
A blush creeps up his cheeks making you laugh harder. He takes his spot next to you on the couch, draping his arm around your shoulder. Hunt adjusts his wings. You sigh at the soft feeling of them.
You snuggle into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. Hunt brings a piece of popcorn up to your lips and you happily take it. As the movie plays you feel your eyelids getting heavy.
Hunt was just so comfy you couldn't help but fall asleep on him. You just felt so safe with him.
Hunt commented on the movie and waited for your response. When you didn't say anything he looked down. He saw your closed eyes and relaxed face.
He smiled to himself, thinking about how lucky he is to have you to come home to. Hunt pulls the blanket off the back of the couch to cover you with it. Hunt kisses the top of your head, whispering, “I love you, sweetheart.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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diejager · 2 years
Idia and rook(seperately ) x female reader who is oblivious to them liking her
Fluff plz
They could make it so obvious and she only gets it once they make is super obvious
Hope you like it!
Idia Shroud
He knows obliviousness, he, himself, was victim to it on a few occasions, but you took yours to a whole other level. You missed the many attempts he made to hold your hand, the closeness of him when he walked with you, the soft words he spoke to you, and the many invites to his dorm - one reserved solely for Ignihyde students.
Ortho, his younger brother, made a few tries to direct you toward the right thought process and help you understand the small hints Idia left here and there, scattered through the many exchanges you'd had.
Yet, you're doe-eyed stare at them and others that pitied Idia made their attempts seem pathetic - almost a lost cause. The way you'd tilt your head and preen at every praise you received from Idia and others, but never understanding the underlying feelings that they tried to show. You were as thick as a brick wall, Morris so than the poor prefect.
Idia tried to find ways of showing his crush on you, verbally and physically, though you never seem to catch on. Saying the words I love you would make him blush, probably so much that you might be repulsed or worried, that he would forget how to breathe or move or talk; but you wouldn't understand him otherwise! Unless he pushed his embarrassment down and told you his feelings with a forwardness that even a babe could get, you wouldn't be able to understand the torment of love and adoration he has for you.
"Hey, (Name)," he caught your hand, his skin warming up against your warm one. "Can I- uh... tell you something?"
You hummed, and the inquisitive tilt of your head to the left encouraged him to continue with his words, forgetting his violent thoughts.
"I um... I-I love you," he almost whispered the last part, ears burning and face flushing crimson, the heat of his confession made him feel faint.
"I love you too!" you keened, jumping to wrap your arms around his shoulder and press a chaste kiss on his burning cheek.
He didn't know whether his head was spinning from delight and mirth or the rapid rush of blood to his head, but all he knew, was that you finally understand him, exchanged your feelings, and embraced him fully.
He couldn't be any happier, all the trouble paid up in the end; the weeks of self-confession in front of his mirror and the gentle slaps he gave himself when he felt the motivation slip. It was worth all the trouble.
Rook Hunt
Rook had an ease of showing his adoration and love towards people he fancies, to show how much care and devotion he had for them; soft touches, loving caresses, and kisses, teasing and solicitous words and smiles, everything he knew would make your knees buckle and weak to his advances. He knew how to woo people and work them towards his intended goal - usually.
You, sadly, remained blind to all, from sweet and gentlemanly gestures to more physical ones that would usually make others bashful. When he bends down and kiss your cheek, lips brushing yours, you'd smile and peck his cheeks, unfazed by his kiss and the burn of his cheeks.
He figured you'd understand if he gave you gifts, small sugary treats, and trinkets he knew you'd like, given by hand before or after classes. He thought you'd understand, get the love and reciprocate, but you still didn't, you thanked him and gave him hugs, gifts, and candies. When he promised to walk you to and from classes, you still didn't get it.
Whatever he did, however obvious he was or how others offered to help him, you never caught on, you never saw the signs of pure love and adoration he had for you. The arduous months he spent trying to convey his feelings went unnoticed, and the near desperation of others at your thick skull for you to finally understand the meaning of Rook's words and actions.
His confidence in his skills was stumped when you kept giving back without understanding, it made him want to rip his hair out. Perhaps outright confessing would do a better job than whatever he's been doing for the past months.
He'd have to dress prettier, iron his clothes and straighten his hair, make sure the placement of his hat would make his eyes pop out, make him handsome for the moment he'd say the promising words.
He lead you out, under a tree in the many courtyards around the NRC to confess, hands in yours and body overshadowing, your doe-eyed stare captured his.
"(Name), " Rook started, lips curling upwards in a soft smile. "I love you."
You gasped, fingers leaving his hands as you jumped into his open and confused arms. He instinctively held you tightly against his, his face warm from the warm breaths on his neck and mumbles of the words you returned.
"I love you too!" you spoke into his neck, face hidden under his chin. "I love you too!"
His heart swelled, eyes squinting in joy. With the guidance of his hand, he raked his fingers through your hair and pulled your head back, to pepper your face with kisses. A few brushed your lips without actually placing them on yours, he wanted you to take the initiative, and give him a taste of something forbidden, something he'd crave.
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his-writing-blog · 9 months
Crazy for you, oh boy | Shane x Harvey
Quick tags not in tags: suicidal thoughts mentioned, getting together, mostly fluff, bit of dark humor, they were friends before that, ooc sewers
Shane stood by the Saloon's bar in his usual spot. Also as usual, he was holding a pint of beer in his arm. And in his usual manner, Shane took a sip of his drink. Usually, his mind would be plauged by the visions (getting to work at jojamarkt next day).
Yoba, how he hated that place. He wouldn't work there anymore if he had any say in it. Sadly, he needed that money. Plus, he can't just leave poor Sam alone within the land of Tartarus under the lead of Krotos (Morris).
What was unusuall tonight, was the lack of thoughts regarding his little hell. Tonight his mind was stuck in the purgatory of longing after a feeling. A feeling that he wished for harder with each gramm of the alcohol in his blood.
Shane wasn't prone to those soul minglings before being brought back from the dead at The Clinic. The sight of his momentary guardian asleep on the fucking plastic stool, leaned agains the wall, legs curled to his chest and prepped against Shane's bed frame, made the ex-alcocholic stirr something deep inside of his chest and reset in his brain. He didn't think he could go back to looking at the man the same way he did before. In seconds, Harvey got promoted from being this mystical doctor seen by Shane once when he was running late to his job, to a real person that Shane wanted to get closer to.
Shane wouldn't have known what to call his current feeling if it wasn't for the new farmer, Laura. For someone so disorganised as him, Laura could muster up some good advice when coherent enough.
"The desire to be desired. And the desire to desire that thing the same way." Laura told Shane. He stopped in his track after hearing that. And then he burst out laughing. "What? If I didn't desire to pass down my legacy and Guiliermo didn't desire to be owned by me specifically, we wouldn't have each other!" She picked up her cat up to Shane's face. The orange cat looked at him right in the eye, as if challenging him. To what, Shane had no idea. But the devil's youngling must have sensed his lack of defense and meowed loudly in victory. Shane just turned around and went back to Marnie after loosing the one sided battle. He heard the farmer's laughter goes quiet as he walked.
Closing his eyes, Shane could almost see Harvey's face staring at him fondly. His mind tried to imagine his expression change to more passionate one. Shane tried not to let his mind take control. The more thoughts of this calliber, the most likely he was to send his addictions to the bottom of the cliffs alongside with him.
He looked down at his glass, half full with a beer. It was supposed to be his first and only one tonight. But with how things were going, Shane was tempted to throw the glass across the whole local and preach the words of his soul. How he felt because of the booze. How the will feel because of the booze. How it could ruin their life as hard as it ruined his. How one drink led to another to another to another to another to another to another to anot-
Warm chocolate eyes blinked at him right before his face. Shane relaxed his grip on the glass. He pushed it towards Gus, dropped some coins on the counter and left. He ignored the looks given by the townfolks and let himself fall into the fresh breeze outside. He stood in front of the darkness that loomed over the town at the edge of the forest. Without any more thought, he let himself be swallowed by it. It wasn't long before his eyes got used to the lack of the warm radiation of laps lit up around the town. The sky was truely one of the main reasons why Shane didn't get with his plans. Constelations of unwandered paths streched right above his small and meaningless life. Glittering and saying that maybe it was worth being there even if just to marvel at their beauty for a fleeting moment.
Shane wandered around the forest, his gaze lost in the stars, mind still by the fond eyes it couldn't bare to leave behind. He didn't know how long he was out there untill he saw the edge of the cliffs. Instead of heading acrossthe grass, Shane followed the overgrown path. It led to a narrow stairs that led to the large pipe that finished (or started?) the maze of sewer canals spread under the town. Drunk Shane liked to joked that it was an underground mirror reflecting the spiralls and labirynths made by stars. As if an artist scribbled down the unseen paths between stars and the pages landed on the desk of a rough engineer who tried and failed to recreate their grace.
As Shane marveled upon the genius of the cosmic blueprint, a quiet song was to be heard. He looked around, trying to find its source. After seeing nobody at the forest's clearing and no soul on the beach below, Shane was sure that it was coming from inside the pipe. His body tensed up, ready to initiate a fight or flight revalation at whatever might come from the sewer. The thing is, Shane would be nothing wothout his brain. And his brain, soothed by the strange melody, didn't want to response accordingly. So he sat at the top of the stairs, entranced by how sweet the sounds were. He was almost lulled to sleep by it when he started to sway to the rythm lightly. He got startled when he heart someone sing along the tune. What shocked him more was the fact that the voice was coming from his mouth. The words to the song came to him with a blink of an eye. Shane let himself be taken by the melody's current. And with a small smile on his lips, he sang.
"Harvey, nobody knows what I see."
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heyyy i saw that you’re taking sv and sve requests 👀👀👀 do you happen to write hc’s with a sv/sve character x farmer?
Hey hey, dear anon! 👋 Thanks for your ask)
I don't know if I can call it headcanons, in fact - these are small stories of a farmer and their partner, pure fluff and love. Still, I hope, you like it 😊
Btw, I only wrote about bachelors here, so if you want HC on bachelorette too (or you want something specific), then feel free to ask again!
Some random SVE headcanon: Farmer x bachelor
Alex takes a beach ball with him every time he and the Farmer go on vacation to Ginger Island. He believes that on such a beautiful, sunny and hot day, there is nothing better than having fun and playing volleyball with his partner/spouse. And if Sam, Abigail and other active youth come to the island with them, then you can even arrange a small competition! "You'll be on my team, right Farmer?" Of course, how could it be otherwise! Everyone had a great time, and if Alex and the Farmer also won, Alex will remember it all day long, calling his partner a "lucky talisman" and praising their physical abilities and dexterity. After this, there is nothing better than sitting on the sand and watching the sunset in an embrace with your loved one.
Sam has been emotionally tired of working at Joja lately, Morris assigned him an extra job that left him with rubbery arms and legs, and Sam himself is not in the good mood. So when he and the Farmer are sitting under the tree while Sam is telling what "kind of devil he got instead of the boss", the Farmer playfully pokes their finger into Sam's ribs, causing an immediate reaction - Sam's tirade abruptly stopped, and the corners of his lips involuntarily twitched into a smile. Sam and Farmer looked at each other with playful sparks in their eyes that meant one thing: the tickle war had begun! You two rolled around on the grass, trying to tickle each other, until after 10 minutes of playful wrestling, you both lay exhausted on the grass, and agreed to a draw. Sam sat up a little and kissed Farmer on the lips, thanking them for distracting him from bad thoughts.
The duet of piano and mini harp is a rather unusual combination, but Farmer and Elliott were able to combine these two instruments into a single harmony. Farmer found a certain charm and cosiness in the cabin of the long-haired writer. Especially when Elliott, having learned about the musical abilities of his partner, offered to play a duet together. Sometimes, on rainy days, when drops hit the roof in a crazy rhythm, the house is filled with the aroma of cooked lobster, and gentle music of harp and piano soars in the air, making Elliott's seemingly small and lonely beach house so cozy and alive that these wonderful emotions cannot be described in any book of the world.
Shane still can't believe that his partner talked him into helping Emily color the eggs for the Egg Festival. Of course, Shane loves everything to do with chickens, but he usually left the coloring to Emily and others, considering himself completely untalented in this. Well, until the Farmer insisted on painting the eggs together. The painted eggs turned out quite nice and neat. Some were either funny or a little ugly, as the Farmer and Shane started fooling around and poking paintbrushes at each other. Well, the eggs are ready, Shane and the Farmer have paint all over their hands and faces, Jas and Marnie are giggling softly. Shane turns to Farmer with a warm smile and says they should do it again next year.
For Sebastian, the Anphibian exhibition in the Zuzu city is perhaps the perfect excuse to ride a motorcycle with his partner/spouse. The feeling of a cool breeze on the skin, delicious street snacks and coffee with conversations about various topics, an exhibition of the most diverse and incredible species of frogs, salamanders, toads and others. A beautiful frog keychain bought by the Farmer for Sebastian as a gift. Slightly flushed Sebastian, who accepted the gift and now always wears it on the keys. If after the exhibition they return home late at night, when houses and billboards light up the highway, such a trip is especially dear to Sebastian's heart. "I know you're not a fan of big cities, but we should be doing this sort of thing more often, don't you think?" The Farmer cannot but agree with the wonderful proposal of their soulmate.
Honestly, neither Harvey nor the Farmer understood when they managed to spin in a slow dance to light jazz. A minute ago, these two were sitting in the Saloon on a winter evening, drinking spiced mulled wine, laughing and chatting. And in an instant - pleasant calm music sounds in the jukebox, they holding hands and slowly dance, not paying attention to other people present. Harvey was a little nervous and embarrassed at first, but after a couple of sips of a hot drink and a gentle look from his loved one, Harvey forgot about the existence of the whole world. Just him, his partner, the music and their dance. They finished the dance and people began to applaud them (some even whistled). The Farmer gave Harvey a light kiss, and they both returned to their table, ordering two more mugs of mulled wine from Gus. "On the house," Gus said quietly, winking at them both.
Victor's attempts to talk to the Castle Village adventurer during Spirit's Eve failed when a cloaked warrior with a scar rudely dismissed him and simply ignored him further. Victor, of course, guessed that the adventurers might not be too friendly and accommodating, but the insult addressed to him was clearly superfluous. When the Farmer came out of the maze and found out the reason for their partner's depressed mood, they turned towards the adventurer and barked something so vulgar that the scarred warrior's face twisted in anger. The Farmer immediately went to Victor, kissing him on the cheek and promising that "not a single arrogant will dare to offend a person dear to them." Later, the Farmer was offered to tell Victor his questions about adventures and monsters. Victor just looked at them with adoration and love, noting more than once how brave and wonderful his partner is.
A few days of relaxation in a house on Ginger Island, surrounded by beautiful sea views, sand, tropical plants and wildlife... Lance never thought that he would even have such a thing as "free time" and "weekends", and even more so - the concept of "partner", "spouse" and "love". The life of an adventurer is dangerous, usually no time for a peaceful life. Lance stands under a palm tree, listening to the sea breeze and the call of tropical parrots, enjoying the beautiful sunrise. The gallant adventurer turns around at the call of his partner, who with a smile invites him to breakfast. The cabin is filled with the scent of tropical curry made from freshly grown produce on this small piece of land. The Farmer kisses Lance and teases playfully about the fact that Lance flies faster than a bullet when he smells curry. Lance just laughs softly in response and looks at his love so tenderly that the Farmer, as if reading the magician’s mind, blushes a little and smiles even wider. Lance mentally thanked Yoba and his Guild leader for the opportunity to patrol Ginger Island. After all, it was thanks to this that two adventurers met and found their happiness in each other.
If someone told Magnus that he would put on a wreath of autumn leaves and throw the same fallen leaves at someone during the game, the old wizard would say that his interlocutor had gone cuckoo. He doesn't remember doing this even in his youth, much less now. But it happened: the Farmer offered Magnus a joint similar to the forest for mushrooms and plants for elixirs. After the successful collection, the Farmer, in view of their love and energy, began to shower Magnus's head with small pieces of leaves, invoking the "leaf rain magic". Magnus didn't really get the joke at first, but catching his young partner's playful attitude, the corners of Magnus' lips curled into a smile as he quickly raised his hand, whispering an air elemental spell, lifting a bunch of leaves into the air and raining them down on the Farmer. He hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. This went on until evening, when they both decided to return to the farm, take a bath and clean their hair and clothes from fallen leaves, both tired and in good spirits. Just don't forget your basket with mushrooms, you're two dorks!
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legacygirlingreen · 11 months
November 1892 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 9)
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Part 9, full master list and description here
Warnings: teen angst
Word count: 3,500
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'Til you do, 'til it's true
As she started her third year in school, Sebastian began his last at Hogwarts. The two grew impossibly close, despite having less time to actually converse, and more distance. Her brother had gotten his Hogwarts letter, and started in September. When she wrote to him, he did say that Sebastian cheered the loudest when the boy had been placed into Hufflepuff. 
When one of her professors came with a collaborative research opportunity to study abroad for a few months, she was eager to prove herself. Not even caring where such an endeavor might lead, she signed up to go with the beasts professor to work with other students around her age on a project concerning a new healing potion. It wasn’t until after she’d agreed to go for a full month at another school that she realized it was Hogwarts she’d be traveling to with her professor for a few weeks. 
Deciding to not tell Sebastian, she figured she would surprise him, as well as her younger brother. The journey amongst the skies in a unicorn pulled carriage had been lovely. Seeing the highlands as they traveled made her feel homesick. She felt giddy when they arrived, house elfs collecting their things. 
Their group included some of her fellow classmates - 3 to be exact - as well as her beasts professor Ms. Morris. The woman had easily become her favorite professor despite the subject not being the most applicable. Ms. Morris had studied at Hogwarts herself before relocating to Paris to work with the embassy there for a few years, before going to teach at Beauxbatons. She was much younger than most of the professors, and commanded class with a much friendly approach.
As they exited the carriage, she watched as Ms. Morris greeted the headmaster, Phineas Black. The man seemed well groomed and in a perfectly tailored green suit. His age only shows in the slight gray stripe in his hair. 
“Ah Ms. Morris, students from Beauxbatons, I would like to introduce you to Professor Sharp, he is our potions professor and will be helping to lead your research team.” Headmaster Black informed them. 
“What happened to Professor Lawerence?” Ms. Morris spoke and Black bluntly commented 
“Early retirement. Aesop Sharp is a former Auror. I assure you he is competent.” Black said leaving without much word.
“Ms. Morris, lovely to meet you Professor -“ she started to introduce herself to the man when he interrupted her, scooping her hand in his own and doing the best bow he could manage despite his leg. The girl noticed immediately how he limped and it showed when he attempted to bow slightly in respect. 
“Call me Aesop. The pleasure is all mine…?“
“Rebecca,” the woman responded with a smile. 
Y/n couldn’t help but want to be reunited with Sebastian or her brother. Unfortunately they had other plans as they were given a brief tour of the school by the groundskeeper who arrived shortly - Mr. Moon.
Finally when they made it outside the great hall she could hear through the large doors as the headmaster introduced the guests, before Mr. Moon allowed them entrance by pushing back the doors. 
“Welcome the traveling team from the esteemed Beauxbatons academy. Please do your best to make them feel welcome as they are here to learn in your classes and around the school grounds” Black commented as they started their dramatic walk to the front of the hall. 
She could feel her cheeks warm, feeling the eyes of the entire school on her as her soft blue uniform swayed elegantly like her classmates. She took the lead, walking ahead of the other three students: boys named Michelangelo and Pierre, as well as a girl named Camille. All three being at least 2 years ahead of her. She felt confident being allowed such an honor much earlier than her peers. 
Walking through the hall she searched for the Slytherin table, attempting to scan the faces to find Sebastian and regretfully coming up empty. She soon switched her gaze to the hufflepuff table and found her brother's shocked face staring as she waved sweetly. 
Eventually they joined Black at the front who escorted her professor to join the other teachers before telling them to feel free to mingle wherever they’d like with the other students. She turned, moving towards her brother when she heard it. 
She turned around immediately and saw Sebastian standing up, from a portion of the Slytherin table that had been difficult to see earlier. He leapt from the bench and ran towards her. 
“You’re here? But how?” He asked to come closer, looking down at her with a smile as he saw her uniform. 
“Collaborative research project between our schools… but you’d know that if you paid attention.” She giggled as he scooped her up for a hug in front of her gawking peers and his classmates. She disregarded it, allowing his strong arms to surround her again as she laid a peck to each of his freckle filled cheeks. 
Suddenly she felt hands from behind reaching her and she knew her brother would also want a greeting so she regretfully let go of the farm boy to hug her younger brother. 
“une lettre aurait été bien” her brother said with a laugh and she shrugged while ruffling his now slightly overgrown hair. Her brother didn’t give her much time to respond before he ran off abruptly and rejoined his friends. 
“Come sit with me?” Sebastian offered and she smiled, allowing him to lead her over to the Slytherin table. Turning around her classmates looked at her pleading and she motioned they could follow her if they’d like. When they approached the Slytherin table, a few students moved over to accommodate the 4 students, one of those being a familiar head of dirty blonde hair. 
“Oh hello Ominis, wonderful to see you again” she told him when she sat down across from the boy she’d met on occasion due to his presence in Feldcroft. 
“I thought that Sebastian was simply happy to eat dinner shouting about cabbages. Although Black’s comment did contextualize it more now that I think about it… I assume your trip was pleasant?” Ominis asked her and she assured him. 
“I still can’t believe you’re here” Sebastian said in disbelief as a small smile graced his full lips as he started helping her by telling her which foods on the table were his favorite. 
As they ate and caught up she couldn’t help but steal glances at him. While her crush had dwindled with time, knowing she truly did enjoy being in his life as a friend and knowing he only saw her as such, it never fully went away. The older - and more handsome - he got it occasionally resurfaced. He’d grown taller, and wider at the shoulders, with his arms seeming to fill out. Gone were all traces of his baby fat in his face, replaced with a stronger jaw and higher cheekbones. Along the edges of his chin was the appearance of stubble from the last time he’d shaved and he’d allowed his sideburns to grow much further down than he used to. Regardless he still maintained a more boyish charm, despite now being a man. 
Suddenly she felt eyes on her, and when she looked past Sebastian she saw a girl glaring at them. Sebastian followed her eyes and rolled his own before asking the girl: 
“Got a problem Reyes?” with his dark eyes angrily pointed at her. 
“Isn’t she a little young for you Sallow?” the girl returned his glare with her own in defiance. 
“Whatever do you mean Imelda?” he asked with an eye roll. 
“I didn’t figure you of all people would be going for such a young sweetheart. Whenever you mentioned your friend from Beauxbatons I always imagined well… someone in our age group.  Not a child.” Imelda explained harshly. At this she sucked in a shaky breath, watching as Sebastian’s face twisted into a grimace, almost as if he rejected the Slytherin girl’s words immediately. 
“I don’t know what delusions you are operating under Imelda, but y/n and I are exclusively friends, companions, partners in crime, confidants. Merlin, she’s like a little sister to me. I’d never actually consider courting her.” He replied with a disgusted tone.
“Ah so your little cabbage has a name, how cute. Although you might want to let her know that, because the poor thing looks like she’s fit to burst out in tears any second” Imedla laughed and Sebastian looked over. 
Reyes was far from lying. She was about to cry. She understood the boy didn’t see her in that manner, and it had been a pill she’d been neglecting to swallow for years, but now that sad reality forced its way down her throat in the form of a tight lump. 
I’d never actually consider courting her. The words rang in her head. She stared at the wood grain in the table, hoping more than anything she could go back in time and simply not have come to Hogwarts. If she had, she’d be able to continue operating under the delusions that maybe someday he’d love her as more than just a friend… or at the very least not find her so utterly repulsive he felt the need to save his reputation and deny it so openly and rudely. 
Standing up without warning, she started to head for anywhere other than the Great Hall. As supper had dragged on, students had begun to file out and go back to their common rooms. At her hasty standing Ms. Morris noticed her attempt to flee, as did her 3 classmates who sat there shocked.  
Not even caring where she was going to hurried out of the hall and pushed her way out the doors that led to the courtyard. She knew Sebastian was likely not far behind her so she cast disillusionment around her to conceal herself from the boy and started off down the stairs that the grounds keeper said would lead to the lake. 
She could hear footsteps and Sebastian calling her name but she didn’t care. She just kept going hoping to escape him and have just a moment to herself to process the way such a deep friend and someone she trusted, could be so repulsed by her. 
Eventually she found herself at the edge of the lake near the boathouse and sat down on the dock, pulling her knees to her chest and burying her face as she tried not to cry. She wasn’t sure how much time went on, but eventually tears did start falling as she laid there silently. Somewhere along the way her charm had dropped as well, leaving anyone who wanted to look, a clear view of a sad girl crying in the dark by the lake. 
When she heard the footsteps approaching, she tried to ignore them, but when they got to be right next to her she quickly spoke.
“Go away Sebastian, I don’t feel like speaking right now.” she said bluntly, not looking up.
“What if I am not Sebastian?” a feminine voice asked and she looked up, seeing her professor, taking a seat next to her. 
“I am sorry professor, I shouldn’t have run out like that. We are guests here and I -” she started to explain but the woman kindly held up her open palm stopping her. 
“It’s alright, you’re not in trouble. Pierre told me what happened when you ran off, and I came to check on you. Are you alright?” she asked gently and the girl shook her head. 
“I know - I know he doesn’t like me in that way, but It hurt hearing him so revolted by the thought of it, as if I am not worthy of anyone’s time…” she explained sadly. 
Ms. Morris thought for a moment and softened her expression before replying: “Do you know why you are here?” 
“Because I was stupid enough to sign up to come here” she said bluntly, wiping her face of tears. At this the woman laughed before shaking her head. 
“Far from it actually. You are here because I wanted you to be. I thought you were capable. More capable than most of your peers and even some older than you. You are very knowledgeable in many areas. My class, potions and herbology. You are one of the brightest witches I’ve had the privilege of educating. Don’t let anyone make you feel less valuable than you are… especially not a Slytherin boy of all people.” the woman joked and it received a small snort from the girl.
“What’s wrong with Slytherin boys?” she inquired
“Nothing… inherently… but it's always a smart idea to watch out with them. They can often be more charming initially and then harsher than you anticipated.” she explained with a distant look in her eye. 
“Like Professor Sharp?” the girl asked, recalling the way the man had so openly flirted with her teacher, and the woman blushed at the memory. 
“Exactly like Professor Sharp. We should both focus on our task here and steer clear as much as possible from the serpents alright?” the woman replied while she stood, offering hand as the two of them walked back to the castle. 
As they approached the Great Hall again they were intercepted by the man in question, who’s hand was currently clamped down over the shoulder of a very guilty looking Sebastian.
“Miss y/l/n, I believe this one would like to apologize for making you feel less than welcome” the man said gruffly while pushing Sebastian forward. 
“Chou-” he started and she interrupted him.
“Y/n.” she said bluntly and at this, his face fell and his lips moved into a tight line. 
“Y/n. I am sorry for what I said, I had no right to be so rude. You're wonderful-” once again she interrupted him.
“It’s fine Sebastian. No need for apologies and certainly no need for lies to comfort my feelings. If you don’t mind, it’s been a long journey and I wish to retire with my classmates and professor to our accommodations,” she told Sebastian formally, as if they were strangers before turning to Professor Sharp and saying “I apologize sir for my childish actions, I promise they are not a reflection upon my capability to perform in the classroom”
With that, Ms. Morris came forward wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulder, before escorting her off with the other students. As Sebastian was pushed in the direction of the Dungeons he kept looking back, over his shoulder, hoping she would be trying to catch his eyes. When the girl kept looking forward his heart sank and he realized the extent of his mistakes… 
The Beauxbatons students spent most of their time at Hogwarts in classes with the 5th year students. Since all of her peers were in their fifth year themselves it made sense to place them all with the students at their host school to maintain their education over the time abroad. 
When they weren’t in classes or working on the research project with Professor Sharp, they were allowed to mingle and explore the grounds like any other students. She had been so excited to show her friends from France Hogsmeade and introduce them to her younger brother. 
Ever since that first night she’d ignored all of Sebastian’s attempts to apologize, avoiding him like the plague. He’d sent notes, letters, he tried the mirror, even waiting outside near where the carriage they enchanted to be quarters but she always managed to slip past him. 
In her classes she’d made some friends with Hogwarts students, namely a boy from Gryffindor named Lucan. His excited and infectious energy was hard not to be drawn into. The boy had approached her, asking how she’d known Sebastian and after a brief explanation she also realized he ran the dueling club Sebastian was so proud to be a part of. They bonded over their knowledge of the boy and knowing how occasionally hot headed he could be- as well as the art of dueling. 
Despite spending free time with Lucan, she continually denied his requests for her to come watch crossed wands out of fear of crossing paths with Sebastian. She did worry that eventually the boy might wear her down due to the way she was slowly growing fond of his extremely curly hair and hazel eyes…
“Ah, just the girl I was looking for…” speak of the devil. She rolled her eyes before turning around, prepared for yet another onslaught of him begging her to go to crossed wands, despite knowing her aversion to being in the same room as her long time friend right now. 
She was surprised when instead she saw him standing there, single rose in hand, with a nervous expression gracing his face. Raising an eyebrow she stepped forward, just for him to practically shove the flower into her hand without warning. 
“This is for you” Lucan said, a smile on his face as he looked down at her. 
“Any particular reason for gifting me random flora or…?” She asked him suspiciously, prepared for more begging about the dueling club. 
“Well, sort of… I was wondering if you would go to the -“ she nearly fumed at his never ending attempts to push her boundaries but she’s glad she didn’t interrupt him as his request shocked her “Yule Ball with me?” 
“The what?” She asked shocked and he looked nervous before he tried to explain.
“The Yule ball. It’s a ball, held every 4 years here and it is right before the Yule holiday begins and when you return home… if you’re worried about not being allowed since you don’t technically attend the school I already asked professor Weasley and she said that your peers and professor were already invited. I just really hoped you’d want to go with me.” He said and she absorbed his words the best she could. 
“Lucan-“ she started and the boy looked down dejected, prepared for her to say no.
“It’s alright, I wasn’t sure if you had made up with Sebastian, and if you prefer he escort you I understand as you’ve known him longer and I heard him tell Natsi he wanted to take you, I just thought-“ by this point the poor boy was nearly rambling. 
“Lucan, I would love to go with you.” She said with a smile.
“But what about Sebastian?” He asked surprised, now worried he might upset the older student for stealing the girl he wished to take. 
“What about him? Last I heard he found me nearly repulsive… I’d much rather go with you and have a good time… besides I think you’d look quite handsome in your dress robes'' she said blushing and he mirrored her expression.
“Well then, I look forward to escorting you m’lady” 
The night of the ball, she got ready with Ms. Morris and Camille. Her classmate had been so kind as to go with her to Hogsmead to find a dress for the ball, and they’d settled on a beautiful gown. 
The three finished getting ready, a feat that was impressive considering all the layers they had to put on, before her professor escorted them all towards the castle. As she walked towards the great hall to find Lucan she bumped into someone and when she moved to apologize, her words died on her tongue. 
She had done a fantastic job evading him since she’d traveled here, but it had all gone to waste as Sebastian stood in front of her now, green dress robes pristine with the exception of his tie, which had been removed in his attempt to redo the knot in it. He looked as if he always had, so incredibly handsome with seemingly no effort and yet… 
“You cut your hair” she said breathlessly as their eyes made contact. It had been far too long since his beautiful brown eyes had looked at her, but right now they seemed to be gazing at her in a way they never had. She couldn’t quite place what they meant but he eventually responded to her verbal olive branch. 
“I did. It was getting outrageous… In a few months the long and overgrown bush I previously called hair, won’t be acceptable to go to work, so I decided to cut it now so I could get used to it” he explained as she stared at him. It looked so much more mature on him despite not being that different. He’d merely cleaned up the edges a little but it somehow completely changed his overall appearance. 
“It looks good.” She said bluntly before suddenly finding his polished dress shoes more interesting. 
“You look-“ he started but was interrupted.
“Ah Sebastian, here to try and steal my date? I surely hope not” Lucan’s cheerful voice rang in the air as she turned to see him standing next to her. His dress robes are a bit loose, as he hasn’t quite filled out as nicely as Sebastian had…. Stop. She nearly yelled at herself. She came with Lucan, the kind boy who had made her feel welcome, not the neighbor who had broken her heart. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Lucan. You all have fun at the ball. And Lucan-“ Sebastian said, turning on his heel to leave as the Gryffindor boy’s eyes grew wide. 
“Nothing untoward. Be respectful, after all my lovely neighbor is a lady…” Sebastian didn’t give anyone a chance to respond before he slipped into the crowd and disappeared.  “Well that was odd. Shall we go in?” Lucan asked, offering a hand for her and she placed her gloved hand into his. Before he carefully helped her move about the great hall together for a night of fun, well mannered frivolity…
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
“I must not publish the whole of this.”
At some points in this letter1 H’s words have been crossed out so that it is impossible to decipher them; and at the top of the first page, a penciled note, which was presumably written by J. C. Hamilton, reads: “I must not publish the whole of this.”
Hamilton's correspondence has been altered and butchered by several hands a number of times. We know after Hamilton's death all of his letters were put through the filters of his friends and family. Gouverneur Morris was requested by Eliza and son James to go through Hamilton's correspondence to; “examine and select such as ought not to fall into the hands of those who might publish them.” [x], and not to mention Eliza herself or the many biographers she hired (Also like JCH and Allan McLane), Hamilton's will executors, etc. A few letters are noted by LOC to have been accidentally damaged by Henry Cabot Lodge when he made copies in the 20th century. Additionally, then there is the matter of the letters Hamilton sent to others that were then placed in other's hands - vulnerable for alterations - and were then subsequently returned to the Hamiltons', or could have found their way into other collections. Which has evidently affected the surviving correspondence we have from Hamilton, as there have been added dates, numbers, cuts, censors, and notes, that others have added onto the letters repeatedly.
With this being said, Hamilton's surviving correspondence has been butchered by the hands of other's alteration multiple times. One of Hamilton's most explicit and homoerotic letters was also censored considerably, and while there have been several posts trying to uncover the original print—I was more curious to see if John C. Hamilton was the actual culprit of censorship. Throughout the April 1779 letter, there are plenty of sentences that are blotted out. And in pencil, there is a faded message at the top that supposedly reads; “I must not publish the whole of this.” As I mentioned, several people have gone through Hamilton's correspondence so we - for the most part - cannot be solidly certain who it was. After receiving an ask of someone wondering if it could have been Eliza, or the other Hamilton children, maybe even Gouverneur Morris like all the other possible candidates previously mentioned. It made me realize we aren't actually sure who was the one to stumble upon the April 1779 letter and censor through it. Some have even claimed it wasn't JCH, due to the ink blotting in the 6th of September, 1780, letter from Hamilton to Eliza - that Harold C. Syrett said was JCH's - not resembling the same pencil marks made in the April 1779 letter.
In fact, when John C. published the April 1779 letter in Volume 1 of Life of Alexander Hamilton, he included everything from “Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships...” to “There is a total stagnation of news here...” but swiftly cuts out all the other paragraphs until “Fleury shall be taken care of. All the family send their love.”, but publishes the postscript. And does the same in The Works of Alexander Hamilton. So, this has made many believe he was guilty of censoring the April 1779 letter, but again, he was just the one to publish it. How do we know Eliza didn't make the notes or censors? Or Morris? Or any of the other Hamilton kids? (Since whoever used the pencil is different from who used the ink in Hamilton's and Eliza's letter)
So, I thought to try and compare the pencil handwriting to that of John Church's to try and decipher if it was actually his or not. The pencil message is faded, and the other half is relatively inconsprehensible beyond “publish the”;
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Using John's correspondence with Martin Van Buren for examples—John Church writes his I's pretty similarly to the note on the letter, even having a bit of a twirl at the end which is slightly apparent on the message.
Although the T at the end of ‘Must’ is a bit odd. It's separated from the rest of the word which I've never seen JCH do before, but it also is noticably missing the intertwining line, yet still has the curl at the end that he does.
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The ‘Not’ almost completely matches his own, even with the omitted line through the T often missing when he wrote ‘Not’.
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Although the ‘The’ is less tightly knit as John usually wrote his, and it doesn't appear to have the small downward line his always began with.
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Overall thoughts; it definitely isn't Eliza's or Gouverneur Morris's. Way too loose and less formal to be Morris's, and Eliza's penmanship has a lot more twirls and small details, even in older age her writing doesn't resemble this one. But I'll also try comparing it to James's (Also using his correspondence to MVB) since he also seems to have had a role in altering Hamilton's letters if he was part of the request that Gouverneur Morris do it. And his writing is a bit similar to John's.
His I's are taller and slimmer than the one of the note, making it more similar to John's.
John's ‘Not’s are of closer resemblance, James's are usually smaller in comparison to the rest of his words.
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James's Th's are sharper in his ‘The’s, but they are closer to the ‘The’ in the letter compared to John's that usually turn down in the beginning.
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TL;DR, it's either James's or John's, most likely John's. And if it is John's, he wasn't the only one censoring Hamilton's letters since there are several different censoring techniques that were used when filtering through Hamilton's correspondence (I.e. ink blotting, pencil marking, cutting out pieces, etc).
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dustedandsocial · 4 months
Dusted&Social EP #23 (5-26-24)
Pictured: Norms
Jug - My Bodies Doomed X - Waiting Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo Van Luijk - Ça Tourne ! Action ! Moteur ! Skyjelly - Yaslemle Workers Comp - Shoot Earth Ball - Hollowgramma Container - SPRITZER NORMS - Idegen ösztön Tožibabe - Ko Boš Prišel Christians - Forgive Me, that Cruelty was Inexcusable Anne Gillis, Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo van Luijk - Avec les Oiseaux ALIAN II - Language Program Disc Nine - E pierna talu - CAGE YOUR TORNADO Guilhem All - B4 Guests - A Veneer, A Promise, Whatever R.J.F. - Warm Alone Bongo Frontier - Vibrating Frequencies Ilia Belorukov & Marina Džukljev - Mermer i graniti chereshenkaa - summer camp Double Morris - Easy Love or or - anamnèse Nový Svět - Torbellinos Demeters Döttrar - Synger Mens Jag Sover WILTED WOMAN - YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW Nights Templar - Lonely Like The Devil
Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/dustedandsocial/dustedsocial-ep-23-5-26-24/
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loveshydorky · 3 months
Olivia Morris like your girlfriend
SFW and NSFW (18+)
and I’m writing through a translator, I don’t know english well..
peiring: olivia morris x fem!reader
I'm not writing about a male reader, sorry.
present: jealousy, sexual themes, ridicule.
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olivia herself confessed her feelings to you, she was blushing and embarrassed.. girl slowly said: “I like you” and looked away. fortunately for her, you accepted her feelings
at first girl was embarrassed by your relationship with her, she was afraid to show it in public.. olivia was afraid that might judge you both, but after a while.. she gained courage and openly shows your relationship with her, and if someone says something, she will shut them up
olivia is quite possessive and hates it when people flirt with you or try to get your attention. mostly it's always guys.. but olivia will say sarcastic words and leave hugging your waist and rolling her eyes
olivia especially hates it when robbie tries to flirt with you, she can clearly see that he does it on purpose... just to tease olivia. although the girl understands that he is not doing this seriously
this girl is very pleasant to kiss. she is literally a professional in kissing.. kissing with her is filled with passion and love, also olivia loves to touch your breasts while kissing or she will try to embarrass you somehow
olivia knows all the gossip at school, she often starts it herself and mostly she tries to shame the bitchy girls
she also likes to talk to you about gossip, inviting you to her home in the evening. you both sit on her bed and she tells you new gossip at school
she also has a lot of photos of you, or you and her. she has a separate box for photos, and some decorate her dressing table, and her mood always improves when she sees your face while sitting at the table
olivia is definitely a cheerleader, she loves to look at you during performances. her skirt rises up when she bounces, she will definitely remind you of these moments and call you a pervert because you looked at her
olivia also likes to wear revealing clothes in front of you just to tease you and make you blush
she keeps you away from all these killings, she is inside, she worries but tries to be strong around you, but she always protects you
NSFW (18+)
this girl is crazy.. she will tease you constantly, she likes to call you a pervert during the whole process and also insult you
she will definitely be on top and make you suffer, she will just mock your pussy and tease it with her fingers or a vibrator
speaking of vibrators... she has two of them and hides them under her bed in a box with other toys. she has a lot of toys, but she loves vibrators more
she's obsessed with your breasts. she loves to bite your nipples, loves to knead them and squeeze them in her hands
during sex, she always ties your hands and doesn't allow you to touch her. she also loves to fuck you from behind and spank your beautiful ass
she will compliment you when you deserve it. she likes to call you: good girl. but she loves to insult you
she has a high sex drive and can last 3-4 rounds
before, she loved to please herself. but now she has you and she loves making you eat her pussy
she'll never admit it, but she likes it when you're on top. but such moments... are very rare
when you finish, olivia will say: that was good. and after that, it will help you and you will continue to rest in her warm embrace
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superstarlightt · 2 years
⋆ mood lighting → b. barnes ⋆
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main masterlist ⋆ marvel cinematic universe masterlist
pairing - 1930s!bucky barnes x fem!wheelchair-user!reader
word count - 1.6k
key - y/e/c - your eye colour
summary - you never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did
warnings - MINORS DNI, fluff, so much fluff, little plot, just fluff, brief mention of abandonment
author's note - when i say that the headcanon behind this has been living rent-free in my head for over a year, i just knew i had to make this my very first fic on here - it's truly a self-indulgent fic and i don't care
please don't copy, repost or translate this !
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You locked gazes with him in the low lighting as soon as you entered the room before you quickly looked away in embarrassment. He was stood to the side like he usually was when these things were starting up, welcoming conversations with the other residents with a broad smile and a listening ear, though his eyes kept flickering back to you whenever you managed to glance at him, making you blush and look away every time. James Buchanan Barnes. That was what Miss Morris told you all to call him. James or Mr Barnes. But, when Miss Morris wasn’t listening, he always insisted that you were to call him Bucky. It was what his friends called him and he wanted you and your friends to feel like he was your friend too, not some random man who was a volunteer at your own home. Because he was a friend. 
He came to the home at least twice a week. Always Mondays and Fridays. Sometimes, he’d bring Steve too but, most of the time, it’d be just him. And... What was special about him was the fact that he had never treated anyone in there like children. Even the children. You’d seen him before, talking to the younger residents as if they were miniature adults as he played with them, and it warmed your heart. He was a sweet man. And he definitely made all of the girls swoon. 
The usual fluorescent white lights were replaced with what your friends called ‘mood lighting’ and you could almost feel the music float around the room as it played from the record player in the corner. Not too loud, not too soft. Just... Perfect. As you looked around the room, you noticed a few of your friends were already dotted around, swaying around the makeshift dance floor mindlessly with absent smiles, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Nights like these were always your favourites. So full of laughter and conversation that you wished every night could be like this but, at the same time, you knew that not having these nights all of the time made them even more special. 
But Bucky... God, Bucky Barnes. He was undoubtedly the highlight of these nights. He never missed them, always taking time out of his own life to attend and help out, and you could never understand why. Was there nothing better he could do with his evenings? Not that you or anyone else were complaining, of course. You were always excited to see him. Him with his eyes and his smile and his chuckles that, more often than not, turned into uproarious laughter... 
It was safe to say that you had a crush on the apparently-famous heartbreaker of Brooklyn. You and all of the other girls at the resident home. Some of them did prefer Steve when he tagged along and the poor boy would always be so flustered around them but you... You never looked at anyone else. Besides Steve, no-one else had ever treated you in the way Bucky had, not even your own parents when they visited, God bless them though. While everyone else babied you and tended you to help you with every little thing, Bucky liked to challenge you and treated you as who you were - a girl his age - and, when Miss Morris wasn’t looking, he’d flirt with you too. You were certain he did it with everyone but it still made you feel special. 
“Hey there, doll.” 
Finding yourself at the refreshments table, you jumped in your wheelchair at the sudden voice and turned your head in the direction towards it, only to be greeted with Bucky and his adorable apologetic smile, his blue eyes sparkling in the low light. Your heart thundered as your y/e/c eyes met his. You hadn’t even realised he walked over to you until he spoke up, you were far too busy daydreaming about him. Flustered, you smiled too.  
“H-Hi, Bucky,” you stammered and cursed under your breath as you did so but he just chuckled. 
He leant across the table to pluck two cups from the stack, retrieving a paper straw for you, and you watched him pour punch into them before looking out at the room, noticing how loud your surroundings had become as more of your fellow residents arrived. You didn’t even know what you were celebrating tonight but you loved seeing everyone happy. 
“Here you are, sweetheart,” Bucky said, pulling your attention back to him, as he sat on a chair beside you and held out your drink. 
“Thanks, Bucky,” you replied and took a sip before he placed it aside for you. “No Steve tonight?” 
Bucky shook his head. “He wanted to come but his ma took a turn for the worst so he’s lookin’ after her.” 
You frowned and watched as Bucky sipped his drink, his eyes wandering over the growing crowd with a content smile on his face. You loved how much he cared about the people no-one else seemed to think twice about, especially the little kids who had been abandoned by their parents because they’d been born with something that made them different. To everyone in the resident home, he was the older brother they needed, he gave them the love and care that they deserved and, in that moment, when you were staring at him in the low light, you realised that that was why you’d fallen for him. No-one you’d ever known was as kind-hearted and loving as he was. 
You both lost track of time as you sat together, talking about anything and everything you could think about, even though you both knew everything about each other already, when you noticed that the record player had stopped playing the generic jazz tunes that these nights were usually full of and instead was playing a sweet, soft tune. You turned to look back at Bucky, going to ask him if he knew what the song was, but he was already stood in front of you with his arm outstretched for you. Your face turned bright red under his stare. This wasn’t an unfamiliar position you found yourself in, you and Bucky danced together every time these nights happened. He danced with every girl in the resident home to make them feel special and you loved that about him.  
But this time was different. 
The way he stared at you was different. There was a gleam in his blue eyes that you didn’t recognise, something behind his boyish smile you found hard to decipher. Normally, the two of you would crack a joke as he asked you to dance but it didn’t seem to be the right time tonight. 
“How ‘bout a dance, doll?” he asked as the singer started singing above the music. 
You found yourself at a loss for words so you nodded and his smile grew twice its size as he bent down to help you to your feet. You smiled at him and reached up to brush his hair from his eyes but shrieked out laughing as he spun you off of your feet, fluidly situating you both onto the dance floor before he set you back on the ground. Your face burned scarlet and your heart was singing along to the song as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands holding your waist delicately as you swayed to the music together. Bucky started to hum along as you stared into each other’s eyes in the low light. Your heart sped up. You didn’t know what he was doing, what lurked behind everything he did tonight, but you did know one thing as you danced and danced. 
You were falling deeper and deeper for Bucky Barnes. 
“Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm. And your cheeks so soft,” he sung softly, moving to rest his forehead on yours, and you felt your breath catch in your throat. “There is nothing for me but to love you... And the way you look tonight.” 
“Bucky...” you whispered. 
It felt like a dream. You could’ve sworn you’ve had this dream before. Since you first met him, you’ve wanted this, so why were you scared at the prospect of it finally coming true? 
Were you scared though? Scared didn’t feel like the right word for how you felt but you couldn’t think of what you meant, not with him taking over all of your senses. Everything within you screamed for you to do something, to do the thing that was in every one of your favourite novels. You felt almost as if you would never survive the night if you didn’t. But you were frozen. You couldn’t do it. 
So he did it instead. 
For a moment, it was just you two on the dance floor, it was just you two in the room, swaying to the sweet song that played from the record player, as Bucky’s blue eyes pierced into your own y/e/c eyes. Then they darted to your lips for a brief second and your heart sped up. You hoped he couldn’t hear its thumping as he leaned in closer and pressed his lips onto yours. 
You were surprised that your lips knew how to respond when they had never been kissed before but you weren’t complaining, especially when he pulled you in closer. You felt lightheaded in the best way possible during the kiss, you found yourself wanting more and more as the seconds passed and a frown fell upon your lips as he pulled away, which made him chuckle. He kissed your forehead before placing his on it again and, as you stared into his eyes in the mood lighting, you knew everything he was thinking. He didn’t have to utter a single word. 
It didn’t matter what Miss Morris thought. You were Bucky’s girl now. 
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bucky barnes taglist - @honeybloomss
join my taglist here!
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years
Jar of Hearts ( Zack Morris x fem!reader )
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Description : the reader is in a domestic violence relation ship in which she is keeping it a secret, but that is until Zack Morris intervened...
Pairing: Zack Morris x reader
Warnings : mentions of sexual abuse, a short dialogue of the situation, mentions of domestic abuse, mention of the word slut, stay safe in any kind of relationship girls!
*smack* was all it took, it took all of my energy to smack the boy that I once loved, the man that I recalled a future with straight out of high school.
I may walk around bayside with a warm smile, but what really goes on is a dark cloud that forms into my heart that takes up my emotions.
“What did I say about wearing a top that’s provocative?!”
“What wrong with it?” You asked “Lisa said it was cute on me besides... I’m not showing much.”
You back up into a wall, he was now hovering over you, you squirm under his touch as you tried to keep your cries silent.
“You are mine! And only mine!”
And with that he smacked you, you looked at his face as you held your own. You regained yourself before responding
“So I was thinking that maybe we could meet the boys at the Max after school,” said your friend Jessie
“That’s a great idea!” Exclaimed Kelly
“I’m in.” Said Lisa “what about you y/n?”
You on the other hand zoned out, that was until Kelly snapped you back into place
“Is everything alright y/n?” Asked Kelly
“Yeah, your acting strange,” said Jessie
“I’m fine,” you said as you opened your lockers, you took your jacket off without thought that your bruises were evident.
“Oh my gosh what happened?” Asked Kelly as she looked at your arm
“Oh... I just fell on the stairs I’m fine,” you said as you closed your locker “see you after school.”
And with that you zoomed away, that was until you bumped into your best friend Zack Morris
You and Zack have been best friends since you two were in kindergarten, you could say that he was always there for you.
“Hey y/n!” Said Zack “it’s been a while, how are things with you and Matthew?”
“Everything’s great,” you said with a smile, you tried to walk away but that was until Zack spotted your arm
“What’s that on your arm?” asked Zack as he stopped you with a worried gaze “If there’s something that you’re not telling me then you better tell me now.” 
“Zack... I don’t want to talk about it.” you said as you zoomed passed zack, speed walking away tucking a hair behind your ear, meanwhile your ‘Boyfriend’ saw the whole thing with clutched teeth 
You were walking out of bayside with your books clutched you your chest, looking down. You were interrupted when someone slammed your back against the brick wall.
“What did I tell you about talking to that Morris kid?” Asked your boyfriend through gritted teeth
“Matthew, please let go of me!” You said as you were on the verge of crying, you were pretty sure that you’re head was bleeding at this point.
“No you listen, what did I tell you about walking around looking like this?”
“Matthew! I’m practically covered up!”
“I don’t care!” Said your boyfriend, that was before he slapped you
“Hey y-“ said a voice “hey man back off!”
You looked behind your boyfriends shoulder to be met with Zack Morris.
“Stay out of this!”
“I will not if it involves my best friend,” said Zack as he crossed his arms
Your boyfriend looked at you, before looking at Zack.
“This does not concern you so if you would please, leave us alone!” Said your boyfriend through gritted teeth “she needs to know her place, I will not tolerate her dressed as a slut!”
At this point, you were holding back tears. You dropped your head low before breaking out into sobs.
“Y/n, come on I am taking you home.” Softly said Zack as he held his arm out, but at this point, you were scared.
“If you go with him then we’re done,”
You looked at your boyfriend, and then back at Zack. With hesitation, you took Zack hand giving him a big hug.
“You can have her, she’s nothing but a slut!” Said your boyfriend before walking away
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Asked Zack, at this point his shirt was wet from your tears
“He threatened to kill me if I did.” You said as you cried harder “please, get him away from me.”
“Don’t worry, your safe with me.”
And with that, Zack hugged you close.
Saved by the bell masterlist
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