#Carousel Pipette Stand
liquidhandlingproduct · 6 months
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Simplify Pipette Management with the Carousel Pipette Stand
Experience effortless pipette organization with Microlit's Carousel Pipette Stand. Our innovative stand boasts a rotating carousel design, providing convenient access to your pipettes whenever you need them. Say goodbye to cluttered workspaces and hello to streamlined efficiency. Revolutionize your lab's workflow with Microlit's Carousel Pipette Stand. Explore now for a hassle-free solution to pipette storage.
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stonylabchem · 2 years
StonyLab Lab Universal Pipette Holder
Round Shape
Try StonyLab pipette stand to get an easy access to pipettes with convenient storage and protection, keeping your bench well organized and saving space
Available in linear shape and carousel; accommodate most models of pipettes; please note: multichannel pipettes can use carousel only
Robust design with slot for each pipette securely holds and protects pipettes, ensuring stability
Featured a sturdy constructure and chemical resistant
Warranty: StonyLab 1-year limited warranty; if received damaged, please contact us immediately; we will solve it until satisfied
10% off first purchase
Free shipping in U.S.
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exi-dentally · 7 years
Chemistry - Moon Bin x Reader
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Title: Chemistry Author: Haru. Pairing: Moon Bin x MC Summary: “We have so much chemistry together!” “You mean the class, right?”
The set-up for the lab was a lot more.... complex than most of the labs they have done previously. "You have nice handwriting right?" Asked her teacher, walking up to her as the senior student walked into class, books - her notebook, textbook, pencil case with various office supplies galore and calculator - at her seat on the lab bench on the far right of the room. She placed her books down and nodded, "Yeah, kind of, yes." "Great," He then handed her a pad of lined paper and a black white board marker. He then walked over to a metal push cart piled with chemicals, various sides of beakers and gloves. He then fixed his red safety goggles on his face, straighten out his bright white lab coat - okay since when were lab coats this clean? Seriously! Everyone gets theirs dirty while the teacher's looks so pristine - and pushed his cart to the first station. "Label those beakers," He placed a white container with a lid on the table and looked over at the girl. "Label this one as waste bin," Which she complied as she popped the cap off the marker and, in her best handwriting, wrote what she was told to write on the lined paper. "And then, tape it with this," He handed her a roll of scotch tape and pushed his cart to the other stations as the girl followed and labelled what had to be labelled - chemicals and the waste bins. "Once you're finished, keep following me around the class so that we can label everything else." "This," He picked up a beaker which another student that had helped set up, place and looked down at the paper he had taped on the desk previous to the lab at the type of chemicals he needed to provide for the students. "Is hydrochloric acid, or HCl," he then grabbed some silver, metal ribbon and placed it into a smaller beaker along with some wire clippers which was laid to the left of the beaker. "Also label this as magnesium ribbon." And with that he pushed his cart to the next station. Since when did Science labs require this much work? "He said it was a carousel type of lab," The girl muttered under her breath as she uncapped the white board marker and labeled what she was told on the beakers and on separate lined pieces of paper. "I thought carousels were supposed to be fun." The senior student taped the paper to the desk and continued to follow her teacher like a lost puppy and obeyed his instructions. "Alright students!" The teacher stood in front of the class, standing behind his desk in front of the room. "Before we start the lab I need you all to grab safety equipment," The students eagerly stood up, making the professor in the front clear his throat. "After you clear your lab benches, tie up your long hair and take off your hoodies." "But it's cold," One of the students groaned as they hugged themselves to preserve their body heat. "Can't I keep it on, sir?" "If you'd rather risk your life and get chemicals on your hoodie," He popped the collar of his white lab coat to emphasize his point. "Which is probably the type of material which will allow liquid chemicals to seep into it and come in contact with your skin and severely injure, not only yourself, but someone else as well." The student, who was unable to refute against their teacher's argument - ah, since when did Chemistry class turn into Debate class? - stubbornly took off her hoodie and folded it messily before stuffing the damn thing into her lab bench cubby. The rest of the class laughed as they continued to follow the rules - tying back long hair with an elastic band and hoodies off their person - and walked over to the rightmost wall of the room where plastic, clear, rectangular organizing boxes were filled to the brim with safety goggles and lab aprons. "Make sure to grab the goggles which over around your eyes," He took off his bright red safety goggles and gestured to the grey silicon covering around it with his index finger. "So that nothing, and I mean nothing, gets into your goggles and contaminates or destroys your eyes. We are working with chemicals, and even though I know most of them aren't as harmful as some you might use in University, it's always good to be cautious!" Most of the class began to pair up with their friends for the group of two carousel lab, and since their class was an odd number of students, one of them was left out - Moonbin, one of five other boys who were the school's pride and joy, ASTRO, the school's award winning glee team... That is, if you actually cared about Glee. "Binnie-ah," The teacher leaned over his desk and rested his chin on his palm which was propped up by his elbow. "No partner?" "No," The boy politely replied, looking around at the other groups of two in the class. Why couldn't his friends take Chemistry with him? Oh, right, they signed him up for this class since his crush, the decently popular (Y/N), was in it. "I can do it alone." "Labs require you to have a partner," The teacher replied, trying to find a group who wouldn't mind another joining them. "How about you join them?" He then points to a group heating a small, wire  of copper over a bunsen burner with tongs - Station B. To his luck - he couldn't tell if the fates were trying to hint at something - the group consisted of his crush, the beautiful ball of stars herself and another student he swore he shares music class, 3rd period, with. "Sure." The boy held in his delight as he made his way - more like skipped - over to his assigned group.
"So, you're joining us?" The girl, his crush, spoke up as he neared her, sending a sweet smile his way. "Yes, is there a problem? Because I can join another--" "Oh, no it's fine!" The girl raised her hands in protest for a couple seconds before handing him the tongs which held the heated up iron wire. "Here, tell me what you see." "Wha--" "Just do it," She giggled and let the dark bluenette observe the wire much closer. "We need a 3rd observation point, and Haru and I only came up with three." "What do you have so far?" "Just that the iron changed color as it began heating up," Moonbin was trying so hard not to stare as the girl was glancing down at her observation table and reading what they had seen. "No carbon residue was made." "It turned green," Spoke Moonbin as he held it closer to his face, squinting a little. "I mean, it's really faint and hard to see, but it's there." "It's green?" The girl scooted over to Moonbin, making him almost... almost blush. The proximity of her face, seeing the roundness in her lips and how her cheeks looked soft and-- Oh, someone help before he kissed her and outed his crush on her. "Woah, that's so cool! I wonder why it's green!" "It's because when copper becomes oxidized, meaning it comes in contact with enough oxygen, it turns green," Their teacher explained as he made his rounds to the groups of students around the lab benches. The senior girl moved away from Moonbin and turned around as soon as she heard her teacher answering her question. Oh, thank the lords the teacher answered his silent plea. "The statue of Liberty, before it turned green, was made out of copper. The reason it's green now is because of oxidization." "Huh," The girl's eyes then travelled to the small stripe of green on the end of the copper wire. "Then why isn't it completely green where we applied heat?" "That depends on how much you heat it up." "Makes sense." Binnie placed the copper wire in the waste beaker and wrote down his observations using his pencil, occasionally glancing over at his crush.
The next station was about double displacements - where the most electronegative ion displaces with the least electronegative ion. "What's the first two elements that need mixing?" (Y/N) asked as she took out latex gloves from the freshly opened box and snapped them onto her hands. "Um," Moonbin glanced down at his sheet, making sure he was reading the right thing by underlining each word he was reading with his index finger. "Sodium Sulfate," The girl picked up the pipette which was placed in the liquid chemical named and squeezed some into the test tube in her hand. "And Barium Chloride." "It makes a cloudy liquid." "There's some white stuff at the top too." "That looks disgusting," The girl spoke as she carefully put the test tube on the wooden rack before grabbing another clean one. "Okay, next?" "Potassium Iodide and Lead (II) Nitrate." Once the two chemicals reacted, a yellow liquid started to form, making the three chemistry students gasp. "The tube's turning yellow too!" Moonbin quickly scribbled down observations as his angelic crush tilted the test tube around, watching as the yellow liquid tinted the sides of the tube. "Awesome!" "Next one is Sodium Carbonate and Calcium Chloride." "Comin' right up!" The girl laughed as she picked up another tube while placing the other one down on the rack. "Na2CO3," She sang as the pipette sucked up some of the liquid chemical and squeezing it into the test tube without touching the base of the tube as instructed. "And some CaCl2. That makes--" "Nothing." "Geeze, what a let down." "It's slightly cloudy." "But not as much as the first one." "Still kind of a let down." The class ended as soon as they finished that experiment, taking off their goggles and safety equipment, placing it in the right places - their teacher really adored organization - and packed up their things to head to second period. Luckily enough, Moonbin and the female student, which he liked with all his heart, shared a spare. "Goodbye, Sir." He heard the girl bid her professor farewell politely as she started to walk out of the classroom. Shit, move faster, Binnie! Bolting out of the room, he barely bumped into Sanha, another member in his Glee club group, ASTRO. "Binnie-hyung!" The elder sighed as he lost sight of his crush. Great, there goes his chance to talk to her. "Eunwoo-hyung said that there was a Glee club meeting during second." "But Eunwoo-ah has History in this period and there's a test--" "It's for nationals," Sanha explained as he swung an arm over his hyung and started to make their way to the dance room located on the first floor. "Apparently Jinwoo-hyung says that there's people scouting people to become idols!" "Idols?" Moonbin raised a brow at the brunette's claims. Idols? Them? It was a miracle they made it to nationals last year - since the other bands had spied on them, and stole their opening song aka... Cheating. "That's a pretty crazy thing, Sanha." "Ah, hyung, don't be like that," Sanha opened the door for Moonbin and allowed him to pass through before the younger male. "We can kick their butts! If we made it through Sectionals, we can make it through Nationals!" "That'll take a million miracles." The next day, the lab was to continue as soon as the students stepped into class - since the teacher had a lesson to finish up after the lab so that their test, which happened to sadly be next week, would feature both of the labs they had done this week. "Hey, partners!" The girl greeted with a grin as she pushed the goggles down from her forehead and covering her eyes. "Ready to finish the last few stations?" "Yeah!" Her other partner replied, sporting the same bright grin as the girl - damn her smile was cute and contagious. "Which ones do we have left?" "The teacher demo, which he advised to do last," Moonbin replied, scanning the sheet at the different stations they had to do. "And Station C." "Station C it is!" The girl grabbed ahold of the sleeve of Moonbin's lab coat and guided him to the station. Even if it was minimal contact - if only they didn't have to wear these stupid coat, his skin would come in contact with her smooth, small hands - it made him giddy and blush. Oh someone help this poor unfortunate soul. "So, do we put the Magnesium before we put in the acid, or after we put in the acid?" Asked (Y/N) as she measured a decent length of Magnesium ribbon with her thumb before using the wire cutters to cut the ribbon. "I think we put it before." "But it says to put it into the solution." "So then after?" "But when he showed us, he demonstrated putting the ribbon before--" "Oh screw it," The girl hastily threw the ribbon into the test tube and used the pipette to squeeze some water into the tube. "I'll do it my way. The stupid instructions aren't clear enough." Once the two reacted, she handed the tube over to the dark bluenette, who covered the opening of the tube with his finger. "You have to tell us when you feel pressure." "And how long will that take?" "Just hold it tight," The girl replied with a laugh, lifting up her hand and ruffling the front of his hair. "Be patient. Patience is key." "Being patient is boring." "Being patient means that when you finally get whatever the hell it is done," The girl side-stepped around Binne to pick up the lighter for the bunsen burner and tried making a spark with it to practice. "It'll be worth the wait. Makes sense?" Of course it does. He has tons of patience... When it comes to her.
Class ended without a hitch, nothing was burnt down and Moonbin gained a little bit of confidence to talk to his crush without making a complete fool out of himself - doubt she remembers, but he recalled in 6th grade that he made Jinjin invite her to play with them during recess just so he could try and talk to her... He ended up freaking out in the bathroom the whole time. "Uh, hey, partner!" Binnie called as he ran down the hall to catch up with her, making her turn as soon as she heard the little inside joke. "What's your next class?" Horrible conversation starter; you both share a spare and usually spend it in the library. "A spare," She replied with a smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with her free hand. "You?" "Ah, same!" He tried to play it cool, sending her his signature smile that made the ladies - who were into Gleeks - faint. "Do you... want to spend your spare with me?" The girl thought for a second, probably thinking of ways to reject his offer, but; "Sure, why not? I'm kinda done with studying for my math test, I already know I'm going to flunk it!" "Oh, c'mon don't say that," The two turned and started to make their way towards the library, laughing. "You're pretty smart." "Says the one who's on the honor roll!" "That was last year's honor roll, and that was, for your information, the first time I've ever gotten that award!" Chemistry. They sure had it. You could clearly see it. And yes, I meant the class.
A/N: I finally had the energy to write! I’ve been keeping this idea of mine in the vault of ideas since I didn’t really have any exciting labs ... but yesterday was the fated day! So here, have some Chemistry Partners au! Binnie.
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lucast0095 · 4 years
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MICROLIT FAVEO is a sleek pipette stand which allows the pipettes to be conveniently stored in style. The rotating nature of this carousel stand allows the user to place or remove the pipettes easily from the stand. This helps the user in accessing the desired pipette with much ease. For more information visit: https://scienceequip.com.au/collections/micro-pipettors/products/micro-pipette-stand
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liquidhandlingproduct · 6 months
Optimize Pipette Management with a Carousel Pipette Stand
Optimize your laboratory's pipette storage and accessibility with Microlit's Carousel Pipette Stand. Engineered for efficiency and convenience, our stand features a rotating carousel design for easy access to your pipettes. Say goodbye to disorganized workspaces and hello to streamlined pipette management. Improve workflow efficiency and ensure your pipettes are always within reach with Microlit's Carousel Pipette Stand. Explore our range now for a smarter solution to lab organization.
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stonylabchem · 2 years
StonyLab Chemical Resistant Lab Universal Pipette Holder for Single Channel Pipettes - L Shape
https://stonylab.com/products/b09t3f9vzj-m-pipette-stand Try StonyLab pipette stand to get an easy access to pipettes with convenient storage and protection, keeping your bench well organized and saving space
Available in linear shape and carousel; accommodate most models of pipettes;
please note: multichannel pipettes can use carousel only
Robust design with slot for each pipette securely holds and protects pipettes, ensuring stability
Featured a sturdy constructure and chemical resistant
Link to StonyLab Pipettors Single Channel/Multi-Channel:
10% off first purchase after sign-ups
Free shipping to all U.S. addresses with no minimum amount required
Official Website - to the world of science
Email us at [email protected] for all the questions and inquiries.
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