#Carsein la rass & Allendis de Verita
vampire207343 · 2 years
Empress Castina
What if... the night before Athanasia's excution she escape. Jieun dosen't exist and Aristia never went back in time.
Athanasia de alger obelia was frame of poisoning the first princess of Obelia and her beloved father who she did everything to even gain some of his love but whatever she did to gained her father's acceptance never work. The night before her excution the God Vita saved the forgotten Princess of Obelia, Athanasia who end up falling infront of of the Emperor Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina the moment the Emperor saw Athanasia he was already captivated by her beauty something not even Aristia la Monique who is his wife has ever catch his eyes even if he never like her her to begin with he has only married Aristia because it was said she was the one bless Girl of vita but he never loved her like she dose him. Athanasia catch the Emperor's attention.
The temple interpreted the arrival of Athanasia as the true bless Girl of Vita and see her as the new Empress while Emperor's wife Aristia La Monique who was formerly the Empress became a Queen. But for the time beging the Emperor Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina to get to knew the woman who has mesmerized him,  after knowing each other for 5 months they both unknowing fell in love with one another. And it wadn't long before they marry and Athanasia de alger obelia offically became Empress of Castina Empire. Which she has no problem adjusting to be the new Empress after all she has train herself all her life to be the perfect Empress that her father would one day be proud of to take the golden throne of Obelia which would never come to pass since he has never favor her.
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 At First Aristia La Monique thought that Athanasia would have problems of beging an Empress she was mistaken. It didn't take Athanasia long to adjust  well of beging an Empress she's even do better than Aristia ever did when she was Empress, which made the queen seeth with jealousy even more than she already has. And it didn't help Aristia's jealousy when the Emperor Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina made a blood vow of Love to the Empress which is something he never did with Aristia when they first got married since unknown to Aristia that the Emperor hate her very much or that she just in denial of the Emperor never loved her.
In Obelia Empire....
It was found by everyone that the forgotten princess Athanasia de alger obelia was not infact the one who poison the Crown Princess but Princess Jennette's own Aunt which the Princess has to beg his majesty the Emperor Claude de alger Obelia to spare her Aunt Rosalia Judith's life something she didn't do with her sister when his majesty declared princess Athanasia's excution not many Noble took well to save the one who poison her while letting her sister take the blame until it was found out who really poison her and Empeor was about to Excute her Aunt. The nobles would not accept Jennette as their Future Empress for it would be a suprise to them if she take the throne the Empire wouldn't survive a year under her rule.
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Lilian York was horrified to find out that her princess was innocent of the crimes she was accuse of and she didn't believe her and turn her back on her Princess now she dosen't even know where she is now or that she's still alive at all.
Athanasia's oldest friend Lucas who taught her magic just return from the World tree only to find Athanasia's no where to found. He discover athanasia was frame of poisoning that Chimera the so call imperial princess of Obelia Jennette Maragrita. But she escape from the  look of things with Vita's help so she wouldn't be found until Vita allow it. So even if he search with his mana he wouldn't be able to find Athanasia so long as vita is hiding her.
Lucas arrange an accident to happen to Countess Rosalia Judith the one responsible for the framing of his bestfriend and sister figure. Since the so call Imperial Princess Jennette saved her from excution for poisoning her while she didn't even help Athanasia so their is a huge possiblity she plan the poison along side her aunt. So when the Countess was to return to the courty side she has a huge accident and died which devested Jennette at the lost of her favorite Aunt.
It wasn't long before Emperor Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina assign her own personal knight who happen to be
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Carsein de Rass the secound son of Duke Arkint de Rass. He also happen to be sword genius. He taught the Empress how to weild a sword as away to protect herself when he can not which the Emperor gaved his permission since he want nothing to happen to his beloved Empress. Carsein also happen to be the cousin of the Emperor himself so he trust him above all else to protect his Empress
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Athanasia the new Empress of Castina Empire has learn her lesson on helping someone else before her own life with Jennette no matter how much she pity the Queen she would never put her life on the line for her that she could be possibly frame once more this time she would put her life first before someone else unless it's her own child.  And if Aristia has to surffer for it just so she could live and her future children then so be it.
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doomed-prophetess · 4 years
I haven’t finished the manhwa but here are some better ending suggestions:
- Aristia kills Ruve (the ending we all deserved but didn’t get)
- Queen Aristia who needs no man
- Knight Aristia who needs no man
- Heir!Aristia with a man that isn’t Ruve, because a woman can be strong and powerful, but also soft and loving!
- Aristia who lives with the husband of her choice peacefully in a cottage in the woods, safely tucked away from all the royal drama, meanwhile Ruve dies lonely, old and wrinkly from all the stress
- Allendis goes yandere!, murders Ruve, and he and Tia rule the country from the shadows
- Someone kills Ruve or he dies of mysterious illness idk maybe he got bitten by a racoon, and Carsein becomes heir by default since he is Ruve’s cousin
- Aristia is a lesbian and she elopes with Jieun to the neighbouring country AFTER they took turns beating Ruve’s dead body
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miyuskye · 4 years
yandere mode off
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scaip · 4 years
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Raw tsundere power
Carsein might be annoyed by Allendis, but he doesn't desire ill things for him. Carsein even saw how sad Aristia was when both noticed Allendis was leaving for good.
He may be a bit dense, but definitely not a bad person. If he just learned to control his temper, Carsein could have been a good match for Aristia.
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miyuskye · 4 years
me: no i don't like yandere characters
allendis: *exists*
me: nvm i stand corrected
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