#Casuarina equisetifolia
sqb · 2 years
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bryofighting · 10 months
I must admit I am horrendous at tree ID. I’m practicing though! Today I met the BEACH SHEOAK!!!
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At a distance, it looks so soft and blankety in the wind! The needles/leaves look kind of like horsetail which is very beautiful. It has these tiny false cones about the size of a dime. Overall a very pleasant tree despite being a potential invasive in my area. For now I’ll enjoy its beauty, but you’re on thin ice buddy 👀
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thenatureetrail · 1 year
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Casuarina #equisetifolia, common names Coastal She-oak or Horsetail She-oak[1] (sometimes referred to as the Australian pine tree or whistling pine tree outside Australia), is a she-oak species of the genus Casuarina #whistlingpines #pinetrees #sheoak (at Guhagar-Chiplun) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7idDvJ-br/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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popgenpapers · 1 year
Characterization of HAK protein family in Casuarina equisetifolia and the positive regulatory role of CeqHAK6 and CeqHAK11 genes in response to salt tolerance
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Beach sheoak a species of
Also known as:
• Ironwood
• Australian pine tree
• Whistling pine tree
• Filao tree
• Beach pine
• Beach casuarina
• Agoho pine
• Horsetail beefwood
• Australian oak
• Coastal she oak
• Horsetail tree
• Horsetail she oak
• Polynesian ironwood
• Australlian oak
• Swamp oak
Botanical name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Beach sheoak (Casuarina equisetifolia) is a flowering evergreen tree that is considered invasive in some areas. Beach sheoak replaces native trees and disturbs their natural habitat. Beach sheoak produces a woody fruit that attract birds. It does not grow well in cold temperatures and is intolerant to frost. This species grows well in coastal areas and tolerates salty soil.
Казуарина хвощевидная (лат. Casuarina equisetifolia) — вид деревьев из рода Казуарина семейства Казуариновые. Родина — острова западной Океании, а также Австралийская область.
Порядок: Букоцветные
Семейство: Казуариновые
Род: Казуарина
Вид: Казуарина хвощевидная
Или: Casuarina cunninghamiana, commonly known as river oak, river sheoak or creek oak, is a species of flowering plant in the family Casuarinaceae and is native to Australia and New Guinea. It is a tree with fissured and scaly bark, sometimes drooping branchlets
North Shore, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630
7PMP+5RM Auckland
-36.7170470, 174.7370500
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standby88 · 2 years
Cemara udang
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Cemara udang - Tumbuhan dengan nama ilmiah casuarina equisetifolia ini sangat familiar di indonesia. Sangat lazim di sebut sebagai cemara udang karena gaya tumbuhnya yang cenderung meliuk meskipun sudah tumbuh bertahun-tahun lamanya. Ranting kecil dan daun nya yang berbentuk jarum menambah keindahan pohon ini. Warna batang yang gelap sangat menonjolkan kesan tua pada pohon ini.
Gaya tumbuh yang natural dari cemara udang ini membuat para penghobi banyak yang menyukai nya. Apalagi jika dipadankan dengan tumbuhan seperti katis kodok, lili paris, dan Miranda palm.
Cemara udang sebagai bonsai
Sebagai bonsai tentu saja tak perlu di ragukan lagi. Hampir sebagian besar bonsai-bonsai terkenal merupakan pohon cemara udang. Di banding dengan cemara udang yang diposisikan untuk taman, membentuk cemara udang yang akan dijadikan bonsai relatif lebih sulit. Banyak sekali treatment yang harus dilakukan yang pada intinya adalah menghasilkan bonsai cemara udang yang berkualitas tinggi. Sehingga tak heran bila harga bonsai cemara udang bisa mecapai angka yang fantastis dipasaran.
Cemara udang sebagai penghias taman
cemara udang selalu saja cocok di letakkan di taman apapun. Tak hanya taman-taman besar saja bahkan taman minimalis dengan cemara udang sebagai pohon yang dominan pun akan terlihat indah dipandang. Aura cemara udang yang khas akan keluar jika dipadankan dengan kolam ikan koi.
Perawatan cemara udang
Menanam cemara udang bisa dilakukan di dalam pot dan juga bisa langsung di dalam tanah. Menanam Cemara Udang langsung di dalam tanah akan lebih cepat tumbuh besar dan berkembang. Tanah harus cukup subur dan diberikan pupuk kandang terlebih dahulu. Sebelum tumbuh besar, sebaiknya tanaman Cemara udang diliarkan akar batang besar, baru dibentuk sesuai dengan yang dikehendaki.
Berikut beberapa langkah merawat Cemara Udang:
- Gunakan serutan kayu untuk media tnam Cemara Udang di dalam pot.
- Lakukan penyiraman air pada Pagi dan sore.
-   Setiap hari pot diperiksa agar tidak dihuni rayap
-   Bersihkan daun-daun dari sarang laba-laba
-   Berikan pupuk NPK untuk menyuburkan pertumbuhan daun dan batang
-   Penyemprotan pestisida dilakukan seminggu sekali
-   Cegah serangan kutu daun dan batang dengan menyemprotkan pestisida sebulan sekali
-   Setiap bulan potong daunnya untuk meratakan pertumbuhannya
-     Pemberian pupuk kandang jangan berlebihan
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jarwoski · 2 years
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wicaksananggit · 3 years
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Casuarina equisetifolia
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regnum-plantae · 7 years
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Casuarina equisetifolia, Casuarinaceae
Second in the series of native and introduced plants of Lanzarote comes the Australian pine tree, which I hadn’t seen in probably ten years -since the last time I was in southern Italy- and that I found to be extensively used in the landscaping of the area I visited. After a first, quick look, the tree could indeed be taken for an exotic looking pine (Pinus), but despite the name and similarities Casuarinas are actually Angiosperms! Native to SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand, it is generally found in semi-arid situations, in well-draining, alkaline soils and often on sand dunes and beaches. Aside from being the reason why it is so successful on the seashores of Lanzarote, this resilience is also what gave the tree the characteristic conifer-like look. Green, thin and deciduous twigs perform the role of leaves and are peculiar in their segmentation reminiscent of horsetail (Equisetum), after which the species is named. This kind of structure is an adaptation to perform photosynthesis more efficiently in dry, windy and sunny conditions than a broad leaf might be able to. Like conifers, the tree is wind-pollinated, but the dry, woody structures it produces are not cones, they’re fruits. As they open, they release tiny winged seeds, quite easy to miss unless they fall in your cup (ahah!). If given the chance in the right place, the Australian pine tree can be rather invasive and smother native vegetation by shedding a thick layer of twigs -much like it happens in conifer forests- which also hinder germination with allelopathic biochemicals.
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If managed well, the tree can also do the opposite, and aid crop plants and smaller fruit trees: like species within the Fabaceae, it can fix nitrogen in the soil through the association with bacteria while it provides dappled shade when the sun radiation is too intense and acts as windbreak against drying hot air. In its native area it has been used as a medicinal plant to treat skin imperfections and gastrointestinal problems, but also as a tanning agent and widely as high-quality fire wood.     
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Casuarina equisetifolia and the Goat’s Foot  - the former introduced, the latter native, and both possessing great beauty - are the two most ubiquitous and successful plant species - quite apart from the coconut palm of course - on the  coastline of Andhra Pradesh.
Given the extraordinary ease with which Casuarina takes root on the Indian coastline, and flourishes, the fact that it is an introduced species surprises us. Clearly the species first arose in Australia - its native habitat - long after India had separated from Australia in its continental drift to the underbelly of Asia, the oceanic distance now simply too great for its seeds to make to India on their own via ocean currents or migratory bird droppings.
Sagar Nagar Beach, October 12, 2010, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
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rattyexplores · 3 years
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✥ Spodoptera litura, “Cluster Caterpillar”
Personal Observations When touched or frightened, the caterpillar will drop to the ground, and curl into a ball. The caterpillar also has about two sets of false eyes above the head, and in the 5th picture, you can see it curl its head down slightly, showing off those false eyes to its preditor. The caterpillar also has many false eyes running down both sides of the body.
I haven’t observed the moth too greatly, however the male moth has distinct blue colours.
Taxonomy Lepidoptera - Noctuoidea - Noctuidae - Acronictinae - Spodoptera
Known Foodplant/s Allium porrum “Leek”, Allium porrum “Lettuce”, Brassica oleracea “Cabbage”, Beta vulgaris conditiva “Beetroot”, Lycopersicum esculentum “Tomato”, Musa acuminata “Banana”, Fragaria ananassa “Strawberry”, Arachis hypogaea “Peanuts”, Elephant’s Ear, Casuarina equisetifolia “Horsetail She-oak”, Drosera species “Sundew”, Pelargonium x zonale “Geranium”, Gossypium hirsutum “Cotton”, Fuchsia, Bryophyta “Mosses”, Polypodiophyta “Ferns”, Begonia, Torenia...
* Many more foodplants exist, these are just the ones I’m aware of. The caterpillar is a terrible pest, and ate just about anything at the old nursery.
Territory Borneo, Fiji, Guam, India, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia
( Source ) this website has done more work in preserveing Lepidoptera information than I could ever dream of doing myself. Do support them ♥
Last edited 09/04/21
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phantom-z2-blog · 4 years
Hotels Yasawa Islands
The author
You can look forward to a restaurant and bar in the accommodation. The islands themselves are only insufficiently developed.
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here. The coastal vegetation is interspersed with coconut trees. In the meantime, however, the casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) with robust grasses as undergrowth has become more common, a consequence of slash-and-burn clearing. The Sawailau Caves in the north are a must. This insider tip is characterised by limestone cliffs and a network of deep pools, ideal for swimming. The local people believe that this is the resting place of the ten-headed snake god Ulitini, which gives the remarkable landscape an even more mysterious aura.
>li>All because of the wide view over the island and to the neighbouring islands, where the fiery red sun melts with the Pacific Ocean.
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Meals are included in the price.is also a wide range of excursions and activities on offer. White sandy beaches, blue sea and impressive rock formations are perfect for active exploration. All 16 islands are of volcanic origin. Guests can choose from a wide variety of species and try to catch coral trout, barracuda and many other edible fish species. For the service of the holidaymakers there are classic water sports centres, which offer everything for diving and snorkeling. Apart from water entertainment, hiking is very popular with the island guests. During excursions you can admire the varied natural landscapes and the beautiful local flora and fauna. Yasawa Island is the largest of the microarchipelago. In the bathroom, however, there were ants and mould in the shower - a bit disgusting. But if you have less time, it is probably cheaper to arrange accommodation and transfer yourself. As we had three weeks time, the Bula Combo Pass was the best option for us in terms of price and performance. In the category "One coconut" the meals are included in the price.
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We have been travelling together since 2012 and have already visited over 65 countries. We blog here at One-Million-Places.com with passion about the countless adventures and stories we experience on our travels.
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mbimphblog · 4 years
The bark eating caterpillar, Indarbela quadrinotata is a serious pest of Casuarina equisetifolia in Tamil Nadu. There was only scanty information on the impact of the pest on growth of C. equisetifolia and hence the present study was undertaken by laying out protected (insecticide treated) and unprotected (allowed for natural infestation of the bark eating caterpillar) plots in a 2006 Casuarina equisetifolia plantation raised at T. S. Pettai, Cuddalore Forest Division, Tamil Nadu, wherein the pest attack occurs in an epidemic level. The studies revealed that there was 35.70 percent loss in diameter increment and 28.43 percent loss in height increment of trees due to the pest attack during two years period. A significant positive correlation between bark eating caterpillar infestation and loss in diameter increment was also noticed. The study has shown that the pest is capable of causing substantial yield loss, which may justify the need for intervention to manage the bark eating caterpillar infestation in Casuarina plantations. Please read full article - http://mbimph.com/index.php/UPJOZ/article/view/1466
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schubespost-blog · 6 years
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(via Casuarina equisetifolia)
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tovave · 3 years
Windbreaks and shelterbelts for Coastal zone
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With regard to potential of agroforestry systems for the coastal zone, shelter belt and Windbreaks are prominent agroforestry system to be promoted for the multiple benefits like i) reduced wind speed, ii) reduced evapo-transpiration, iii) reduction in soil erosion, iv) increased crop productivity and v) wood supply. A windbreak is a narrow row of trees planted in fields bordering a farm plot (IDF, 1981). Webster on-line dictionary defines windbreak as ‘Hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion’.
It is reported that the term “Windbreak” was first used in popular English literature sometime before 1886. It is more popular and more widely used in developed countries like USA, UK, USSR, Germany than in developing countries like India.
On the contrary, windbreak as an Agroforestry system has greater and more vital role to play in developing countries, more particularly with reference to increasing land area under Agroforestry with minimal sink in cultivation area under agriculture A shelter belt is defined as belt of trees and/or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from wind, sun, snowdrift etc. Shelter belts are generally more extensive than windbreaks and cover areas larger than a single farm and sometimes a whole region on a planned pattern (Dwivedi, 1992). However, ‘Windbreak’ has been used as a broad term to include both shelterbelts as well as any other vegetative environmental buffers (Tyndall and Wallace, 2011). ‘Windbreaks’ being broader term and is commonly used in the context of Agroforestry system, this chapter uses only ‘Windbreaks’ as a common term for both windbreaks and shelter belts. Benefits of Windbreaks reported in research studies
Windbreaks on field boundaries effectively control injuries to the tender crops from sand blasting and hot wind. It reduces wind velocity by 20-46% and soil loss by 76% (Gupta et al. 1997). Windbreaks are an important tool for farming in semi-arid areas. In the western Rajasthan, 3-row windbreak (of Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek and C. siamea) is highly effective in reducing wind speed and loss of nutrients. Hodges et al. (2004) found the wind protection provided by shelterbelts (tree windbreaks) can increase pod yields of Phaseolus vulgaris both early and late in the seasons. In Egypt, it has been estimated that sheltered field of cotton, wheat, summer maize and rice increased yield by 36, 38, 47 and 10% respectively, over the unprotected fields. Besides crop protection and enhanced productivity, the windbreaks contribute to the organic matter content of the soil through leaf fall (Onuegbu, 2002). There are several outstanding examples of successful windbreaks around the world. Since 1949, a 3000 km long windbreak of Casuarina equisetifolia
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petfilho · 3 years
Conheça as árvores de 'espécies exóticas invasoras' com proibição de plantio em Santa Catarina
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Órgãos ambientais do estado trabalham para diminuir os impactos por conta da proliferação desenfreada e ameaças ao ecossistema local. Plantas consideradas ‘exóticas invasoras’ no Parque do Rio Vermelho Marcos Eugênio Maes/ IMA Onze espécies de árvores consideradas como “exóticas invasoras” deixam um rastro de prejuízos ambientais, sociais, econômicos ou à saúde em Santa Catarina. Órgãos ambientais do estado trabalham para diminuir os impactos por conta da proliferação desenfreada e ameaças ao ecossistema local. Com base em análise técnica estabelecida na Resolução do Consema nº 08/2012, as espécies passaram a fazer parte de uma lista que estabelece proibições de plantio (veja lista abaixo). O documento também cita outras plantas, animais e seres vivos que estão fora de sua região de origem e geram impactos. “As espécies exóticas invasoras são de fora da região da qual elas são originárias. Em geral, o principal impacto dessas espécies está relacionado a uma reprodução desenfreada”, explica o biólogo Marcos Eugênio Maes, que é coordenador de Conservação de Flora do Instituto do Meio Ambiente (IMA). Segundo o biólogo, o problema das espécies exóticas invasoras começou a receber mais atenção nos últimos 15 anos. “É considerado atualmente um problema bastante grave. A lista se estabeleceu a partir de uma base de dados que tem do Instituto Hórus, que tem algumas espécies monitoradas. A partir de análises de como a espécie está estabelecida no estado, se está no estágio de invasão, da quantidade de indivíduos e se já está provocando impactos, foi estabelecida a lista”, explicou. Corte da casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) Marcos Eugênio Maes/ IMA Maes explica que o volume de espécies é muito grande e muitas foram trazidas de fora, sendo que a principal via de entrada das “exóticas invasoras” é por meio da ornamentação. “As pessoas veem as plantas e acham bonitas e acabam pegando para embelezamento e paisagismo. Mas, também tem espécies que são associadas com o setor produtivo”, disse Maes. Na lista oficial de espécies exóticas invasoras de Santa Catarina aparecem algumas árvores que estão proibidas de plantio e manutenção, sendo necessário o corte e o controle por parte dos proprietários: Acácia-de-espigas (Acacia longifolia) Acácia-mimosa (Acacia podalyriifolia) Acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii) Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) Cheflera (Schefflera arboricola) Cheflera (Schefflera actinophylla) Cinamomo (Melia azedarach) Ipê-de-jardim (Tecoma stans) Pau-incenso (Pittosporum undulatum) Saboneteira (Aleurites moluccana) Sansão-do-campo (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) A lista também apresenta outras espécies “exóticas invasoras” como o pinheiro-americano (Pinus spp), que podem ser plantadas respeitando as determinações estabelecidas na resolução. Segundo o coordenador de Conservação de Flora do IMA, as ações de manejo das árvores da lista têm maior enfoque nas reservas e parques estaduais. “Nosso foco é tirar as ‘espécies exóticas invasoras’ das unidades de conservação, que são sete parques e três reservas”. Parque do Rio Vermelho é um dos locais que tem Pinus considerado espécie invasora Diorgenes Pandini/ NSC Vegetação invasora no Parque do Rio Vermelho em Florianópolis é ameaça e combustível para incêndios, dizem especialistas Outras restrições Apesar de não integrar a lista, também há restrições para o plantio da Espatódea (Spathodea campanulata), conhecida como bisnagueira. Diante do impacto para as abelhas nativas foi aprovada a Lei Estadual 17.694/2019, que proíbe a produção de mudas, o plantio da espécie e estabelece uma multa de R$ 1mil em caso de descumprimento. A planta possui uma mucilagem nas flores, que é tóxica para abelhas e pássaros. “No caso da Espatódea não integra a lista, ela foi introduzida porque ela é uma planta muito bonita e as pessoas começaram a usar para a ornamentação. Ela não foi avaliada [para entrar na lista] porque temos um volume muito grande de espécies e não foi possível avaliar todas. Essa espécie não se dissemina facilmente e não costuma apresentar reprodução descontrolada no estado”, afirma Maes. Além da lista e legislação estadual, as prefeituras também podem ter regras específicas para o plantio e manejo das espécies. Queimadas elevam risco de extinção de espécies no Parque da Serra do Tabuleiro Defensor do parque do Rio Vermelho, policial trabalha contra destruição da unidade por incêndios: ‘Quintal de casa’ VÍDEOS: Veja as reportagens mais assistidas da NSC TV no G1 Veja mais notícias do estado no G1 SC
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