#Cat rambles
mushroomjar · 1 day
Do you guys wanna see my birthday cake this year
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[Image Description: A photo of a white cake with pink frosting at the top, bottom and sides. On the top of the cake is a printed photo of a meme that reads: "I love my boyfriend". The word "love" is replaced with a heart, and inside of the heart is an image of Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil 4 remake. End Image Description]
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catherinerabbit · 11 months
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stormwarnings · 4 months
hot take: the platonic polyamorous relationship of athena/bobby/michael/david
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miragethecat · 10 days
in Hunter Knight Tsurugi’s design he doesn’t have any visible eyes. is that because “justice” is blind? is he blinded with the rage of planet Arb(?) ?
i mean like compare the two designs
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I know the left one is armor. But it’s very interesting as a storytelling device that he loses his basically sense of self. His eyes are covered, his color timer is covered, his star marks are covered. he looks like a robot in that armor and i think that’s the point.
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radiowallet · 1 month
I know I’ve been scarce around these parts for a while and for that I’m so sorry. I miss clowning with you all and yearning for Pedro boys. Please know I think about you all so fondly and I’m going to try to be better about posting here more regularly.
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Guys guys guys. Hear me out.
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The Captain and Havers.
That is all.
Thank you for listening.
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eideticallys · 1 year
one of the funniest scenes on criminal minds was when the bau had to have the mandatory sexual harassment in the workplace talk and the examples used were snippets from garcia & morgan’s conversations and garcia’s first reaction was “who blabbed?” as if they weren’t blatantly flirting everywhere even on speakerphone and everyone within a hundred mile radius hearing 😭
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cat-dragron · 24 days
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:] @coderiderr
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catwouthats · 2 months
I can’t believe Bart and Kon are the only ones who really remember Young Justice (98)…
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mushroomjar · 2 months
White USAmerican voice: global southerners are so mean 😭 don't they understand we deal with [thing that is also an issue in the global south]
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catsafari25 · 8 months
My housemate (who thinks that I only (attempt to) write original stuff) (albeit slowly) walked in on me flicking through PHM (for fanfic research purposes) and assumed I was re-reading it, and I haven't had the heart to admit the speed at which I fall down the fanfic rabbit hole
(Also, not what I was looking for, but it looks like Stratt calls Grace "Dr Grace" at all times, all but for two exceptations: 1) when the research lab blows up and she's calling for him and 2) just as he's hustled off to isolation before the launch ("Just think of the kids, Grace"))
(In their very last conversation, she doesn't call him by any name at all)
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desertfangs · 1 month
Just wanted to say how much I love the heart locket piece -- I can't be the only person who wants a whole series just of marius and daniel shopping in paris!!!!!! I would read 1,000 pages of that, your drabble was just so good!!!!!!
AAAAAH thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed that little ficlet! Honestly Marius and Daniel shopping in Paris could be amazing. Adds that to the long list of fic ideas I need to write. ☑️
The thing about Marius and Daniel that gets me is that like with Armand, Daniel treats Marius like a guy.
Yes, he's an ancient and powerful vampire, and when they meet, he's something of a mythical figure to Daniel: he's someone who acted as a mentor to Lestat as outlined in Lestat's little autobiography, and he's Armand's maker. So there's probably a bit of awe when he gets to meet him person, but there's never really that hero worship he has with Lestat and he doesn't have the fraught relationship with him he has with Armand (and Armand has with Marius... generational something something).
Anyhow, the point is, Daniel strikes me as someone who's generally very straight forward. Maybe not as blunt as Armand, but he says what he thinks, he can be wry or sarcastic, and he's not afraid to tell things like he sees them. Which is probably good for Marius, who needs that person who will be honest with him and call him on things when, say, he's being stubborn or unreasonable. And Marius in turn respects Daniel and knows Daniel doesn't mean things in a malicious way, and he's more willing to listen to them than he might be to others. (I mean I think he listens to Pandora, too, though he might be able to dismiss some more of her criticism in his head.)
But also, Daniel enjoys being dressed and pampered and taken care of, and Marius enjoys doing those things for people.
So basically this my long essay on why I love their dynamic and think they're great. Which is not at all what you asked for but sometimes this is what happens when I'm just spewing VC thoughts after a long week.
Thank you again for the compliment and amazing fic idea!! I always adore messages like this. I'm giving you a mini bundt cake and a handshake! 💖
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stormwarnings · 4 months
there was no need for eddie to be so territorial in front of abby (during the train crash in 3x18). the show writers were really just like eddie is going to be sooo unwell about buck and ryan guzman said ok!!! :)
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miragethecat · 1 month
y’all ever think about how gently an ultra would hold you?
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sillygayoscfan · 3 months
beanrotaircorn headcanons because the autism is still going strong baby
first it was aircorn. now ive expanded. take the headcanons ya filthy animals
hcs under cut
popcorn is such a spider monkey to me
always clinging onto one of them. Holding onto rotten apple’s arm as they walk, wrapping her limbs around them while cuddling, gets airy to give her piggyback rides everywhere, etc
the sleeping situation is very confusing. sometimes they sleep in one big pile on the bed, sometimes someone will be on the couch, someone is on the floor and two of them are sleepily battling for territory on the bed.
beanie and popcorn have almost broken up because of giant arguments about whos the best lps popular character.
adding onto that they get into the stupidest fights all the time
from a badly timed joke to the best mcdonalds mascot they will take any excuse to fight
Rotten apple usually has to break these up
popcorn has made them all in The Sims and keeps putting them through these bizarre scenarios and everyone is mildly disturbed
airy and rotten apple are both hardcore warrior cats fans and will infodump about it to each other at random times
popcorn and beanie are getting sick of it
*in the middle of the night* R.A.: “hey.. you awake?? what did you think about spottedleafs heart?? I finally read it..” airy: “i-“ popcorn: “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
beanie and airy are the designated drivers (mostly airy depending on the situation)
beanie and airy can drive and will, rotten apple technically has a license but hates driving and will do anything to avoid it, and popcorn is legally not allowed to drive
airy and beanie both have mild road rage problems though. beanies more of a spam the horn for a few minutes muttering under his breath and flip them off when he passes guy and airys more of a trail behind them a little too close for a while and give them the death glare when they finally pass kinda guy
none of them can cook, but airys probably the best (but thats not saying much), beanie is the only one that can bake and refuses to do it with any of them because they always ruin it
popcorn likes full on makeouts, rotten apple likes kisses all around on the face, beanie prefers just little pecks on the lips, and airy likes those fancy kisses on the top of the hand (and maybe forehead kisses too. yeah i think so)
ermmm thats all i got for now sooooo yeah. hope i convinced you all to like my shitty polycule byeeee <333
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I bring news to The Wind in the Willows fans.
In the books, several characters refer to others as their “particular friends” - the narrator explains that the other animals say Mole is Rat’s particular friend, and Badger tells them that Toad’s father was his particular friend. Well, “particular friend” was used, mostly in nunneries, to describe nuns who grew particularly close to other nuns. Sometimes this was just genuine friendship, but I’d argue that it was also used to describe lesbian nuns.
So, in conclusion, yeah these animals gay.
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