saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Is Harry Chauncy Gardner?
Is Harry Chauncy Gardner? I faced some criticism on this forum last week for expressing the concern that Harry showed signs of what might be a learning disability. During his cross-examination, Harry showed signs of difficulty reading. Per the Mayo Clinic, dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). Also called a reading disability, dyslexia is a result of individual differences in areas of the brain that process language.Harry also showed signs of what might be a processing disorder. This article describes various kinds of learning disabilities and processing disorders. It describes dyslexia as a processing disorder. https://ift.tt/2SvyF6C group members have been at pains to tell me not to confuse learning disabilities and processing disorders with intellectual disability. I was not attempting to assert intellectual disability as the reason for Harry's difficulties reading. I was frankly surprised that I had to defend myself so vigorously.But the more I read about learning and processing disorders, the more Harry reminds me of Peter Sellers' role in a film called Being There, in which a man mistakenly believed to be a mysterious but persuasive political advisor, Chauncy Gardner, is revealed to be an intellectually disabled man named Chance who has spent his life working as a gardener. When people meet the well-dressed man, introduced by Washington DC insiders to one another, they are prepared to think of him as brilliant and worldly-wise. They are charmed by the analogies he appears to draw between political life and gardening. It is only because he is introduced to them by other people of prestige that they listen to him with great expectations, oblivious to his intellectual disability.Is Harry another Chauncy Gardner? Have people always deferred to him and taken his words at face value, without recognizing that, irrespective of his birth into the BRF, irrespective of the fact that he may also have a learning disability that makes it hard for him to read, Harry is intellectually disabled?Would an intellectual disability explain the fact that Harry did not seem to know how a court works? That as a litigant he was expected to prove his assertion that the press had hacked his phone in the specific instances which his team brought to court? Would it explain his bizarre belief that unless a newspaper has already admitted to hacking, they must be entirely innocent? And the flip side of the coin, that if they have admitted to a single instance of hacking, they must be hacking Harry's phone "on an industrial scale"?People are saying that Harry has been a useful tool for people like Hugh Grant and Elton John. Are they taking advantage of an intellectually disabled man? Is Meghan? And are we all overlooking that disability because we were prepared to see only the cheeky chappy? Dead convinced that he used to be a cheeky chappy? Impossible for him to be an arrogant, surly, mean-spirited, ill-natured intellectually disabled person instead?To all of you who want to tell me not to confuse learning disabilities with intellectual disabilities, I KNOWWWWW. But now you are making me wonder if he has both sorts of issues. Thank you for calling my attention to the possibility that he may not be dealing with dyslexia/ADHD/paranoia alone. Thanks for alerting me to the idea that he may be intellectually disabled as well. Submitted June 10, 2023 at 10:40PM by Cat_Woman_238 https://ift.tt/E9Cbmfd via /r/SaintMeghanMarkle
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Harry appears to be a learning-disabled individual with processing deficits who needs care
Harry appears to be a learning-disabled individual with processing deficits who needs care Harry appears to be, let's face it, a learning-disabled individual who became suspicious of friends, family, and reporters alike because he lacks basic reasoning abilities. Because no one has had the patience to sit him down and walk him through things step-by-step, he has been free to speculate about the origins of news stories, origins which would have been perfectly plain to any other thinking individual. It should not have required the KC to explain things to him in a court of law.Harry should have been described to the public as learning-disabled, and if he had been, perhaps he would not have been the prey of unscrupulous barristers and con-women. Harry himself should have been informed that he has learning and processing deficits which would recommend him to a different path in life. His family has always been able to afford the type of care which his condition requires. Had he been better informed, he might have accepted such care. As it is, he has been surrounded by security as "minders" all his life. No wonder The CLaw has had to guide his every step since Megxit. He needs guidance, as would any such learning-disabled individual.Without an honest assessment of his condition and capabilities, everyone has been pretending that Harry is normal and capable. He himself has the expectation that he is normal and capable. What a fiasco. Charles and Diana had a learning-disabled child! It's like watching someone with Down's or what we used to call mental retardation (a phrase discarded in recent decades) attempting to play prince without any real understanding of what that means beyond the superficial bowing, scraping, salutes, and snappy uniforms which are his due.(No slight to people with Down's and other such conditions. Down's kids are known to be the sweetest people.) Submitted June 07, 2023 at 06:30PM by Cat_Woman_238 https://ift.tt/ApKbdsn via /r/SaintMeghanMarkle
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Is there any way the judge could recommend Harry to be sectioned based on his conduct?
Is there any way the judge could recommend Harry to be sectioned based on his conduct? I know how it works for my local area. A judge in a civil case would not be able to have a plaintiff committed. But I wonder what is possible under UK law. Harry does not know how to reason properly. He draws unwarranted conclusions. He makes inappropriate and baseless attributions of motive, consistent with the thoughts of a patient who suffers from paranoid delusions. If a judge in a civil case finds that the plaintiff suffers from paranoia or an inability to think straight, what is the next move? Submitted June 06, 2023 at 07:30PM by Cat_Woman_238 https://ift.tt/eXZRK5k via /r/SaintMeghanMarkle
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
TW has a "brand" she just doesn't know it yet by u/Cat_Woman_238
TW has a "brand," she just doesn't know it yet CDAN ENTY attorney really pegs TW as ambitious to the max... driven... ready to try anything to achieve success... hungry for fame, money, and power! He pegs TOS or "this one" as fine smoking weed all day, every day, without achieving anything. Isn't that what the landed gentry are brought up expecting to do? Yes, many aristocrats have to roll up their sleeves and work hard to save the family estate, but that is not the issue in his case. TOS was brought up to the life of leisure. ENTY pegs him as a "star-****er," a man amazed to think he is sleeping with a person he has seen on tv. That's where TOS went wrong. TW oversold herself and TOS bought her story, and then felt very fortunate to stick his **** in a woman he had seen on tv.Sure, she has drive and she is good at networking. But imagine a person with her drive who is also a woman of good taste, good breeding, good manners. Imagine a woman with that drive who gets a law or medical degree, works hard, shows humility, extends gratitude to those who help her, uses her good fortune to advance a cause we can all support, and networks like crazy - imagine what THAT woman could do! That is the woman TOS thought he was getting.Instead he got a woman with no manners, no taste, no breeding, and without the savvy to understand the importance of showing her gratitude to those who have elevated her. Even if she networks, hob-knobs, and sashays, she offends everyone she meets. People are repulsed by her ambition to be "famous" at any cost, and to make "billions" by lending her name to things other people do. People want to follow a leader, like the kind of leader who leads men into battle. He does not stand on the sidelines and say, "You go over there." No, he's the one out ahead of the others, going to battle. Catherine is a leader. She says, "Let's find out about early child development," and people follow her on that journey and accept what she learns as they learn with her. The fact that she is beautiful and charming make the journey more pleasant, but the fact is that she is leading the charge to understand the topic and to support good measures for child development. TW, on the other hand, cannot seem to understand that people like Catherine's genuine interest in things other than herself. She is like a gorgeous, athletic signpost, pointing to something of greater importance than herself - the nation's children. If she started to point towards herself, interest would wane. Michelle Obama pointed to the importance of exercise and healthy weight. Laura Bush pointed to the importance of reading and literacy. Jackie Kennedy pointed to the importance of the interior decor of the White House. Jane Goodall pointed to the importance of protecting primates. What has TW pointed towards? The importance of plastic surgery and Ozempic for the D-list actress?Instead of a savvy, intelligent, attractive, ambitious, clued-in partner, TOS got himself an ambitious but clueless woman who believes in nothing but herself. That's why she offended the most powerful woman in the world, and her heirs. That's why she failed to take any interest in the culture that offered her the biggest platform and opportunity she will ever have had. That's how she got someone like Bill Simmons publicly branding her a "f***ing grifter." And that's her brand now. Catherine's brand is "Early childhood development proponent," and TW's brand is GRIFTING. Passing herself off as someone she is not, as knowing things she does not know, as doing things she does not do, as caring for things she does not even notice, in order to take your money and become more powerful doing it - THAT is her brand.And she's going to have a very hard time shaking it.​ post link: https://ift.tt/bDwVYAy author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 25, 2023 at 05:50PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
Revolution? by u/Cat_Woman_238
Revolution? I suspect that Harry, like the late queen's uncle David, is amoral. All his life, he must have been observing the behavior of everyone around him as if they were perfect idiots. "We must show interest in the people." Idiocy. "We must be compassionate to the poor." Idiocy. "We must never take advantage of our position to abuse or defraud those less fortunate." Utter idiocy. He has gone along with the charade for the perks, and because he didn't want to see granny upset, but he never bought into it at all. When granny's idiocy meant any inconvenience, he skirted the rules, and because he laughed about it, everyone laughed with him. But he got his way.He wants what he wants, whether that is hurling girls into fountains, or doing drugs (which may be the reason he began hurling the girls into the fountain), or collecting lots and lots of perks for no work whatsoever. It's all a show, a charade, a senseless pantomime to him. He does not understand the point of any of it. He understands, like a dog taught to do tricks, that he gets a reward for performing the tricks, and someone pats him on the head and says, "Good boy." But he is a dog whose intelligence prompts him to think, "Idiocy."Once H met M, he was done with the idiocy. An American woman with a mean streak in her and no appreciation for British tradition asked questions such as, "Why do they wear those silly hats?" And, "Why should we speak about the weather?" And "Why do I need to wear this when I look so hot in that?" She must have said many of the things he had been thinking all his life. His response to her questions would have been a gleefully expressed, "Idiocy!!! It's all utter madness!!! But we can't tell them because they take it all so seriously!!!!"And her answer was: "Wanna bet?"How many hours of fun they must have shared. He seems to be the kind of person who enjoys taunting people. He would think it a great prank to practice for some royal engagement, and to almost get it right, time after time, unless everyone else concerned is exhausted with exasperation. Does he still get to do that? Surely he does. Now that they have had their fun, what does TOS want? Does he want to be done with all that posturing to live an "authentic" life instead? Does that mean living a life of leisure free of obligations and routines? Does it mean all the drugs he wants, any day, every day? Does it mean giving speeches in which (for his own private laugh and a hefty fee) he says the exact opposite of what he really means of thinks? Does it mean private efforts, of which we know very little, to increase public surveillance and curtail free speech? Or does that mean ignoring the LOS and taking what he wants when he wants it? I can't make up my mind whether he's a complete wastrel or a sneaky devil with a plan. I'll tell you one thing, if anyone still believes in the divine right of kings, it's TOS. We are peasants, he is above that, he deserves things. He can't imagine a situation in which his life ends as abruptly and ignominiously as did the lives of his cousins the Romanovs. But he certainly has the mindset which would drive peasants anywhere to revolution. post link: https://ift.tt/WkdJ7Iq author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 28, 2023 at 08:06PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
What if the family was asking whether Harry had discussed HIS health issues not hers? by u/Cat_Woman_238
What if the family was asking whether Harry had discussed HIS health issues, not hers? Royal Commentator USA @barristerlawusa It was a question asked “have you discussed what your children will look like and also any health issues between you” That’s the question that caused the offense.https://twitter.com/barristerlawusa/status/1730625732328530175Having been told second-hand by Harry about a conversation he had with family members at the time they first began dating, TW understood the family to be raising questions of skin tone and was offended that anyone might ask about the color of any prospective children the dastardly duo might conceive between them.We cannot know whether the family members referred to skin tone or not. But let's imagine for a moment that they did. Is it possible they asked because they were concerned that Harry might be the one to reject a child who appeared different from himself? Did they want to be sure that he understood his children might not look like him, and to ensure that he would not reject a child whose ethnicity appeared to differ from his? Given some of his past comments, they might wonder if Harry has it in him to be inclusive in his home life.Now let's consider the possibility that the BRF were concerned about the appearance of Harry's children beyond skin tone. What if Harry has a genetic condition which could result in an abnormal appearance in his children? There are many genetic conditions which cause facial dysmorphias - obvious abnormalities of the features which are signs of the condition. Is it possible "what your children will look like" refers to the possibility of a facial dysmorphia arising from a particular kind of genetic defect? Or to other signs of genetic conditions which might affect the limbs, spine, hands, feet, eyes, etc.?What if Harry has a serious genetic defect, perhaps recessive, perhaps only one copy, which could mean serious health issues for a child if his wife should carry a defect on the same gene? What if he were a muscular dystrophy carrier or a Tay Sachs carrier? If Harry took a serious romantic interest in a woman, it would be only fair for Harry to tell her about his genetic issues and to suggest that they could do some testing. More importantly, if he carries a dominant genetic defect which his children can inherit no matter his wife's DNA, it would be only fair to tell her that as well.Prince John died in 1919 of intractable seizures. https://ift.tt/7pithxM and Katherine Bowes-Lyons, first cousins of the late queen, were institutionalized for life due to intellectual impairments. https://ift.tt/YpykRiA it possible Harry's family, knowing him well, might think that he could be just impulsive enough to rush into marriage with a woman thinking "it would all work out somehow," rather than telling her up front about serious health concerns? Would it not make sense that they have all had genetic testing to determine what afflicted their late family members? So that perhaps they know that Harry has a genetic profile that puts his children at risk?If so, is it possible that TW, in her determination to find some defect of character in her husband's family, has completely overlooked his genetic issues and missed the point which Harry's family were trying to raise?​ post link: https://ift.tt/vNCzySZ author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: December 03, 2023 at 12:19AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
What's up Buttercup? by u/Cat_Woman_238
What's up, Buttercup? https://ift.tt/q5Z8eBc that place TOS works for? Butter Up? Buttercup? Bitter Cup?Button up,Buttercup,the shake-upat Better Upis coming down.Don't butter upat Better Up.The bitter cupof not enoughwill bite your buttand you will belet down.Cough 'em up!Chew 'em up!Give it up!Don't wait for the shut down.Your start upwill wind upas a shake upand you will be the clown.Your cover-upWill undercutYour world corruptand end upyour takedown.In the run upto your break up,you should look upevery hidey-hole in town.You will drown.If you don't sit upand clean upand act likea grown-up,they'll clamp down.Just hold upyour wind upor end upin a line upwhere you won't havethe counselto the crown.Better Upis going down.Buttercup,you're going down. post link: https://ift.tt/6rKwfbY author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 27, 2023 at 10:29PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
The Wife's use of "H" to name her husband is a textbook vulgarism by u/Cat_Woman_238
The Wife's use of "H" to name her husband is a textbook vulgarism ​Mr. and Mrs. Elton in Emma​I am surprised that no one has noticed that the way "that woman" calls her husband 'H" mimics a vulgarism highlighted in Emma, the Jane Austen story made into a 1996 film starring Gwynneth Paltrow. In this story, the local vicar, Mr. Elton (Alan Cumming), selects as his wife an extraordinarily pretentious woman whom he introduces to Emma over tea. In this first meeting with Emma Woodhouse, Mrs. Elton (Juliet Stevenson) refers to her new husband not as Mr. Elton but as "Mr. E." Jane Austen wrote books to teach her nieces how to distinguish good people from bad. One of the vulgarisms a well-bred Englishwoman was taught to avoid was referring to a man by his surname alone or by his initial. It was a mark of respect to refer to him, in the presence of others, by his correct name. For a wife to refer to her husband by his initial would have marked the wife as a person of low-class origins, so Emma immediately knew that Mrs. Elton had not been raised with correct manners. Isn't it ironic that the nameless one has adopted exactly the vulgar way of referring to her husband that was highlighted by Austen? To be sure, she is not reading English literature. But it was IN A FILM featuring her GOOP idol! Emma describes this odious behavior to her friend, Harriett, as shockingly ill-bred. Believe me, William and Catherine will have understood these markers of incorrect behavior just as clearly as Jane Austen or Jane Austen's Emma. TW betrayed herself as vulgar the moment she called her fiance or husband "H." It is textbook.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py-f6vhrvYk post link: https://ift.tt/mXla402 author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 21, 2023 at 06:12PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
TW's first attempt at a film project? by u/Cat_Woman_238
TW's first attempt at a film project? https://youtu.be/x4Zkezjc6Js?si=202qcOjNk_QX7eUFIn another post, Zealousidea_Head728 shared the video above, in which TW, about to head off to Northwestern, spends a day with her friend. They pass the shops on Rodeo Drive. They remark on the upscale cars available at Budget. They drive to an audition. And they look at a collection of photographs in a garage apartment which TW presents as her own. I looked up the address and found the location, 1072 1/2 N Alma Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90063. (I am not doxxing anyone. TW said she lived there in 1999.)Below is a shot of the driveway the girls turned into. Behind the building on the left is the garage apartment. The question that intrigues me is who rented this apartment? TW appears to have no job and presumably had no credit history, so did her father rent it for her? Did she live there with her mother? Or did she live there at all? I would love to know who owned the building in 1999 and who rented it. Is it possible this was just a location for a student film shoot? This looks to me a lot like a film I made in college, where we borrowed other people's homes, cars, clothes, furniture, etc. to make a realistic sequence of shots. Location selection was really quite fun. TW's might have learned a lot about location shooting from her dad. Is this her first attempt at a film project? For the purpose of making a video as part of a film class, did she stage a friend's apartment to look like hers by placing family photos there? Is the possible that they drove to the location, filmed the outdoor shots in the parking lot, and left the view to assume that TW lived at the address, and then filmed the indoor shots at another location entirely?Or did someone in her family actually rent the garage apartment or one of the apartments in the house on the street? https://ift.tt/7dzw5r6 post link: https://ift.tt/2mOAChe author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 04, 2023 at 09:29PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Returned? She returned to the concert? I don't get it. Please advise. All I know is that this is not the same top she wore with the silver skirt in the box next to H in the Ladies' jacket. by u/Cat_Woman_238
Returned? She returned to the concert? I don't get it. Please advise. All I know is that this is not the same top she wore with the silver skirt in the box next to H in the Ladies' jacket. https://archive.ph/tEQ7i​ post link: https://ift.tt/4mpuTlK author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: September 06, 2023 at 05:29AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Could Harry possibly share a genetic illness with Kaiser Wilhelm II? Harry initiated his war against the press because he believes they are out to destroy him and Kaiser Wilhem II initiated war against England France and Russia because he believed they had conspired to annihilate Germany. by u/Cat_Woman_238
Could Harry possibly share a genetic illness with Kaiser Wilhelm II? Harry initiated his war against the press because he believes they are out to destroy him, and Kaiser Wilhem II initiated war against England, France, and Russia because he believed they had conspired to annihilate Germany. I see parallels in some of Harry's behavior to the personality portraits of his cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last emperor of Germany and king of Prussia. Each of them is descended from Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria's eldest daughter, Victoria, was Wilhelm's mother. Queen Victoria's son, Edward VII, was the great-grandfather of HLMTQ, Queen Elizabeth II, making Harry and Kaiser Wilhelm II cousins. Doctors attributed all of Kaiser Wilhelm's personality flaws to his very difficult breech delivery which left one arm disabled. However, is it possible that even without the injury and his hypoxia immediately following the delivery, the Kaiser suffered from a genetic weakness from which Harry also suffers?Thomas Nipperdey, a German historian, describes Kaiser Wilhelm's personality this way:"...gifted, with a quick understanding, sometimes brilliant, with a taste for the modern,—technology, industry, science—but at the same time superficial, hasty, restless, unable to relax, without any deeper level of seriousness, without any desire for hard work or drive to see things through to the end, without any sense of sobriety, for balance and boundaries, or even for reality and real problems, uncontrollable and scarcely capable of learning from experience, desperate for applause and success,—as Bismarck said early on in his life, he wanted every day to be his birthday—romantic, sentimental and theatrical, unsure and arrogant, with an immeasurably exaggerated self-confidence and desire to show off, a juvenile cadet, who never took the tone of the officers' mess out of his voice, and brashly wanted to play the part of the supreme warlord, full of panicky fear of a monotonous life without any diversions, and yet aimless, pathological in his hatred against his English mother."[30]In Harry's case, perhaps we could substitute English grandmother?British historians found that Kaiser Wilhelm wrote, "Ruthlessness and weakness will start the most terrifying war of the world, whose purpose is to destroy Germany. Because there can no longer be any doubts, England, France and Russia have conspired themselves together to fight an annihilation war against us".[73] Some people would call that paranoia on a grand scale, a paranoia which unfortunately resided in the mind of a man with a world-class army and navy.During the war, Kaiser Wilhelm II had no power. They kept him busy with military parades, speeches, and awards - does that sound familiar?Harry's power on the world-stage cannot compare to Kaiser Wilhelm's. But can his paranoia compare?Is it possible there is a genetic condition which causes these symptoms?​Kaiser Wilhelm II at 18 - he resembles HLMTQ Elizabeth II at the same age post link: https://ift.tt/MtSkVhN author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: July 30, 2023 at 07:05PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
"If you do not do as I say..." by u/Cat_Woman_238
"If you do not do as I say..." I have asked myself more than once how Harry could possibly rationalize making money by conspiring with Moehringer against his family. After much thought, I think perhaps I know the answer. Harry expected "Pa" to pay his bills indefinitely. He may have led his wife to expect as much. But when Charles saw the bill for the wife's clothing, which exceeded the combined annual expenditures of a number of royal ladies, he said, "I can't afford to support your wife. You will have to come up with something." Not long after, spurred perhaps by some decisive words from HMTLQ, or perhaps by the need to hide something about that baby, or those charities, or those already negotiated Oprah, Netflix, and Spotify deals, TW took off for Canada, followed by Harry. In the ensuing negotiations, it transpired that Pa was not planning to resume paying all those bills. And then Harry told his friends, "One way or another, Pa is going to pay my expenses. I told him it's his choice how he does it. He can do it the easy way, or he can do it the hard way. But either way, he's going to do it." Sounds like textbook coercion and intimidation to me.I imagine Harry may have left a series of messages that went like this. "Pa, I should reproach myself if I were unable to support my wife.""Pa, if you're not going to pay my bills, I will forced to work.""Pa, I cannot work. I will have to resort to dishonorable means." "Pa, you will be forcing me to support my wife through dishonorable means.""Pa, if you do not continue to pay my bills, I will not be responsible for the outcome." "Pa, if you force me to resort to dishonorable means of supporting my wife, I will not be responsible for the stories I will be forced to tell the ghost-writer with whom I now have a contractual agreement.""Pa, among other things, I will be forced to discuss Teddy.""Pa...!"​https://ift.tt/gMhnPd8 post link: https://ift.tt/gk3Al8M author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: July 19, 2023 at 07:46PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Folks at a pub in Bray were speaking of a video... by u/Cat_Woman_238
Folks at a pub in Bray were speaking of a video... I am not sure what I am allowed to say in this forum and what I ought to avoid, so I will be cryptic until you set me straight. On a site whose name begins with a Q, a person name Agueda Sanchez wrote Monday of a trip to Bray, near Windsor. She said she went to a pub where everyone was speaking of a single topic. That topic was a video made years ago, a film of "a delicate nature" in which TW had a starring role. According to the report, the film was quite "revealing." It was quite the hot topic in Bray. Has anyone else heard of this? post link: https://ift.tt/yqEJexj author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: November 16, 2023 at 11:04AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Cruise line cruise line cruise line! by u/Cat_Woman_238
Cruise line, cruise line, cruise line! I have proposed this idea in a couple of comments today, but I think it's such a good one that I am creating a whole post for it. Somehow it came to me - this vision of H&M in their perfect role. I think they should take up residence on board a cruise ship.Imagine it. The guests, dressed for dinner, are awaiting the arrival of the captain. Their is an orchestra playing light music. A festive atmosphere. Suddenly the doors swing open. The band breaks into a suitably British, patriotic tune such as Rule, Britannia, and in strides the captain with H&M! H is dressed in his tux with a few chosen medals, cutting a dashing figure. TW is dressed in the gown of the day, and oodles of jewelry. Everyone applauds. They are cruising with a real prince! The captain escorts the couple to his table. They shake hands with a handful of waiting guests. And then everyone dines knowing that they are breathing the same air as royalty. After dinner, the captain leads TW onto the dance floor and she shows off some of her signature moves. If H&M want to interact with specially chosen guests, suitable party rooms are set aside for that. People can purchase photos of the royal couple. They can hold forth on politics. But the couple retires early as part of their "health regimen."Throughout the cruise, the guests are suitably impressed when they are blocked by security guards who are protecting the duchess while she uses the sauna or other facilities. They would feel honored to know that later they can use the same sauna used by royalty. The guests spend their cruise trying to catch a glimpse of the elusive couple, wishing they could be among the elite few who get to speak to them. They vie for the privilege. At each port, H&M disembark, with a suitable display of security and cruisewear. TW could even develop her own cruise clothing line. Sometimes they re-embark via helicopter! The couple's display of their elite lifestyle becomes a draw for the cruiseline, and H&M get paid for just being there. After all, isn't that where their value lies? In their presence?Please help me to list all the advantages to both them and to the well-heeled public in the advancement of such an idea! post link: https://ift.tt/xzwpQV3 author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: November 11, 2023 at 04:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Bargaining by u/Cat_Woman_238
Bargaining I have a cousin who is a narcissist. I mean the kind who is clinically insane. Broke. Too good to work. Well-qualified, of course, as her ego required a bunch of letters behind her name. But living on welfare. Complaining constantly. And Bargaining.If you invite her to visit, the negotiations begin. A switch flips in her brain and she starts thinking, "They want me. Good. How can I leverage this to my advantage? I bet I can get a condo out of this!" And not just any condo, but a penthouse condo in an exclusive building with all the perks. The negotiations for what she will get if she comes to a family event go on and on and on. And on. And on.If you don't invite her, she is furious, and she repeatedly demands to speak to you in order to resume "the negotiations." It gives her even more leverage to appear "wounded" by the way you have ignored her.It is all about manipulating people into giving her things for free. Once you see it, you know that you can't possibly have a relationship with her because you see that she will always be on the other side of the bargaining table, trying to wrest "concessions" from your little pea brain. She just wants to pry open your hands and your bank account. There is no other form of interaction with any human being. She cannot conceive of any other interaction, nor would she want to. I mean, what would be in it for her, just to talk to people? Talking to someone has an end goal or she won't waste her time on it. Oh, she will pretend to, but that's all part of softening them up and working the angles. I know. She has told me. She's very proud of her ability to manipulate people and trick them into giving her things for free. And she will put on whatever act, and give whatever speech is required, in order to force open your hands and your bank account, and then she will turn around and laugh in your face when she has what she wants.Perhaps that is a particular kind of narcissist. Perhaps that is TW.Perhaps, like my cousin, she is truly unapproachable on a human level because she has no interest in people as people, only as a sort of puzzle box in which resides the treasure she wants. An ATM is a kind of puzzle box. Push the right buttons and money comes out. People are like that, to a narcissist.So when you hear stories of TW's demands, think of a woman with all the grandeur of Cleopatra scheming to bring Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony to their knees, relishing her triumph, cackling with delight, and imperiously refusing to go to the Waldorf unless they paint it Dufy blue. Think of her putting on any act, giving any speech or performance, to get what she wants, whether she appears wounded, fragile, sensitive, or sadistic. Imagine her laughing over her own performance once she has what she wants. This is what she thinks of as "achievement." This is a real fruitcake.PS - my cousin has never gotten any condo. post link: https://ift.tt/zZxw9V5 author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: August 20, 2023 at 07:27PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Some of you have mentioned reading about the similarity between the history and personalities of "David" with Wallis Simpson and Harold with TW - here's a portrait of the arrested development of the man who gave up the throne for a woman - that woman. by u/Cat_Woman_238
Some of you have mentioned reading about the similarity between the history and personalities of "David" with Wallis Simpson and Harold with TW - here's a portrait of the arrested development of the man who gave up the throne for a woman - that woman. Bear in mind that the king who abdicated, Edward VIII, also called "David," was uncle to HMTLQ, great- uncle to Andrew, and great-great-uncle to Haznobrains.https://ift.tt/p7fOwCE post link: https://ift.tt/sR0BJM5 author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: August 16, 2023 at 05:47AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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