#Catra has been summoned right out of hell and neither her nor Weaver are happy about it
nny11writes · 7 months
WiP Wednesday - Hunt Showdown AU because no one stopped me :)
Shadow Weaver was there, knelt in the turned soil. Various blooms surrounded her and a small sack of seeds lay by her side. Of course it was a bit hard to concentrate on that considering the man who was wrapped in barbed wire and half buried looked up at her and began to scream through his gag. Weaver cuffed his ear the way she’d hit Catra a thousand times as she stood and wiped her hands off on her dress.
“You hush while the living are speaking. Your chance was had.”
“Torturing for fun or profit these days?” Catra asked, mildly curious as she stepped over the man to follow her master into the shade of a large willow.
Shadow Weaver sighed heavily, shooting her a side eye as she pulled a canteen off a low branch and handed it to her. The water was blessedly cool as she spoke, “You always think the worst of me. That one there died and rose, not a grunt but not quite human either. Strange tides these days, not that you’d know having been lazing about.”
Catra snorted at that. 
“Oh yeah, nothing to do in hell all damned eternity but kick my feet up.” She screwed the cap back on and gave the canteen back. “Fine, what’s with all this nonsense then? Your hold?”
Weaver glared at her, eyes like ice. “No. But I know the mark, they call themselves infernals. I believe you had some dealings with them before you got sloppy. The Prodigal Daughter no doubt.”
Catra bit her tongue hard enough to taste blood. 
She had not been sloppy the day she died, she had been betrayed.
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