#hunt showdown AU
nny11writes · 7 months
WiP Wednesday - Hunt Showdown AU because no one stopped me :)
Shadow Weaver was there, knelt in the turned soil. Various blooms surrounded her and a small sack of seeds lay by her side. Of course it was a bit hard to concentrate on that considering the man who was wrapped in barbed wire and half buried looked up at her and began to scream through his gag. Weaver cuffed his ear the way she’d hit Catra a thousand times as she stood and wiped her hands off on her dress.
“You hush while the living are speaking. Your chance was had.”
“Torturing for fun or profit these days?” Catra asked, mildly curious as she stepped over the man to follow her master into the shade of a large willow.
Shadow Weaver sighed heavily, shooting her a side eye as she pulled a canteen off a low branch and handed it to her. The water was blessedly cool as she spoke, “You always think the worst of me. That one there died and rose, not a grunt but not quite human either. Strange tides these days, not that you’d know having been lazing about.”
Catra snorted at that. 
“Oh yeah, nothing to do in hell all damned eternity but kick my feet up.” She screwed the cap back on and gave the canteen back. “Fine, what’s with all this nonsense then? Your hold?”
Weaver glared at her, eyes like ice. “No. But I know the mark, they call themselves infernals. I believe you had some dealings with them before you got sloppy. The Prodigal Daughter no doubt.”
Catra bit her tongue hard enough to taste blood. 
She had not been sloppy the day she died, she had been betrayed.
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harpywitharobot · 8 months
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Hannibal let out an unpleasant laughter, looking at the few remains of the mighty creature. "Dragons are sentimental by nature-” he commented, a small root that served as an arm curled around a bloody scale. “His wyrmling was the one used for your contract. He probably recognized his own blood in you.” 
I've been wondering about how the original dragon Chase turns into would look like. Assuming that it looked like Dojo and not a danger noodle like the Sapphire dragon. Then my brain went to "What if the reason that Chase's dragon form looks so different is because his "contract" soup was made out of a baby dragon instead of the big, adult thing?" It would have been quite a family reunion.
I think I will call the species "Weeping dragons" for the black "tears" they have in their eyes.
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spiritfoxarts · 2 years
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HuSh Modern AU - Dead pun
I’ve said it before and I will say again - I’m shitty at making jokes.
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fornaxter · 6 months
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She'll get along well with Dreemurr Reborn
[Undertale Yellow Spoilers underneath]
This idea was originally from this Twitter thread by JayTheTaco about a scenario where Kanako did absorb Clover's soul and was successfully revived. The idea has promise and I love it when I see fix-it AUs.
The Vetterli rifle felt like a good pick though there were some runnerups like the Arisaka and the Winchester. I picked that because it is a balanced weapon in Hunt Showdown, and definitely an upgrade over the revolver.
It's definitely worth exploring this more.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 41
Part 1 Part 40
Eddie’s twitchier than usual all throughout the school day. He sits through shop and history and band, rocking back and forth in his seat, staring at the door. He wants to bolt out the classroom door and hunt Steve down.
He doesn’t even know Steve’s school schedule.
It’s too soon for him to be back. Medically and maybe emotionally if that showdown with Hagan and Perkins was anything to go by.
Eddie didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. He’d been picturing Steve slinking back into the shell of King Steve, curling all that jagged edges tight enough to cut himself.
But, no. King Steve had rather publicly and spectacularly abdicated his throne.
Eddie wants to be happy. That was one of the most public declarations of possession Eddie’s ever seen. Steve Harrington had scorned his friends, and walked away, with Eddie.
But Perkin had looked hurt, and Steve’s eyes had gone dead and cold, and that lifeless gaze had stayed all the way through Eddie dropping him off at his classroom like he was a kindergartener and Eddie was his parent.
So, Eddie is stressed, buzzing with useless adrenaline as he speeds through the cafeteria, grabbing his usual droll lunch, and dropping down at his seat.
Gareth plops down beside him and says, “so, I heard a rumor.”
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, eyes flitting around the cafeteria, barely listening.
Steve’s not in his usual seat, center-stage at the jock table. What if he doesn’t show up for lunch at all? Will Eddie have to search the entire school to find him and make sure the asshole is alive and eating?
“I heard Harrington showed up to school in your van.”
Eddie snaps his gaze up, only just noticing that Jeff is sitting across from him, staring him down with furrowed brows. “So?” Eddie asks, like it’s not a big deal at all.
“So?!” Gareth replies, leaning toward Eddie, bringing their faces alarmingly close together so he can glare right into Eddie’s eyes. “So, you’re sick for a week.” He pauses here to emphasize the little finger quotations he puts around the word sick. “And come back to school with the jock of all jocks?”
“Shut up,” Eddie says. He has no rebuttal, can’t say much else without finding himself chained to another chair in that same cold, windowless room. “He’s just going through some stuff.”
“And that’s your problem because?” Jeff asks, biting into his shitty school-lunch lasagna and scrapping his teeth against his fork just because he knows it bugs the shit out of Eddie.
Eddie sighs, running his fingers through his bangs vigorously. It’s been thirty seconds and he’s already frazzled beyond repair.
“Just be nice,” he hisses, glaring between his two friends even as Doug sits down beside Jeff and starts eating his burger like he doesn’t care about anything that’s happening. He’s now Eddie’s favorite.
“Are you serious?” Gareth asks. “You’re asking us to be nice to fucking Steve Harrington of all people? When would we even see him?” He throws his hands in the air; palms open like he wants to slap the shit out of Eddie but he’s hanging on by a thread. Eddie echoes the sentiment.
“Look—” Eddie starts.
But then there’s a lunch tray placed beside his own, and the subject of their conversation takes a seat by Eddie’s side without even a by your leave. Jeff and Gareth are both gawping, lunches forgotten. Even Doug stops eating to look between Eddie and Steve with a raised eyebrow before clearly deciding it’s none of his business.
Steve’s opted for the same over-cooked hockey puck hamburger with fries, but he doesn’t seem interested in eating it. Eddie resists the urge to cram it into his mouth. Just like the doctor ordered.
“What is happening?” Jeff asks, but he, too picks up his fork and begins eating.
“Lunch?” Eddie says. Beside him, Steve snorts, and Eddie’s insides flutter alarmingly.
“And you can’t sit with your friends over there because?” Gareth asks snidely, gesturing rudely over to Steve’s usual table.
“Dude,” Steve says. “My only friends are a twelve-year-old and this guy.” He points at Eddie like he’s something he scraped off his shoe, smirking like he knows he’s making everything worse.
“Stevie,” Eddie says, giving him his most devastating kicked-puppy eyes; the ones that always melted Uncle Wayne when he pulled them out of his arsenal. “Barb would cry if she heard you say that.”
“I would cry if Steve said what?” Barb asks, shoving him gently sideways so she can squish herself into the open spot at his side.
“Stevie here said you two aren’t friends,” Eddie tattles gleefully.
Barb looks over at Steve, eyebrow raised as she looks him up and down, smiling at the wardrobe change that was one of Eddie’s worn-out band T-shirts. “You’ll do, I guess,” Barb says, before turning to glare across the cafeteria. “Besides, I’m going to need some new friends at this rate.”
Everyone’s eyes track the movement, following her line of sight to where Nancy and Jonathan are cozied up next to each other. They both look as studious and serious as ever, but Eddie can see their thighs touching beneath the table. He glances over at Steve, feels relieved when Steve’s little face isn’t scrunched up in heartbreak. If anything, he looks confused.
“Ouch,” Eddie says, nudging her shoulder. “Tough break.”
“I don’t get it,” Steve says, still squinting in confusion over at the pair.
Barb sighs, picking at the seams of the peanut butter and jelly she pulls from her backpack. “All Nancy cares about right now is Jonathan.” Her shoulders slump as she nibbles around her sandwich, only eating the crust like a weirdo. “At least with you, I knew it wouldn’t last.” She keeps talking over Steve’s little, offended, “hey!” “Now, when am I going to get my best friend back?”
Steve’s staring at Barb like he wants to burrow into her skull and root around. “She’s right there.” He points at Nancy rudely. Luckily, Nancy doesn’t seem to notice; too wrapped up in her nerdy little version of a honeymoon phase. “Can’t you just go hang out with both of them?”
“Dude,” Jeff says, staring at Steve like he’s an especially weird bug. Even Gareth is too baffled to seem all that hostile anymore. Eddie feels smug. How Steve passed for a suave, cool jock for so long is a mystery.
Barb groans, biting her sandwich in half viciously. “It’s not the same,” she says. “They’re all wrapped up in each other.”
“Didn’t Hagan and Perkins go through a honeymoon phase?” Eddie asks. “What did you used to do when they’d go on their romantic dates?”
If anything, Steve looks more confused. “Go with them?”
“You’re shitting me,” Gareth says aggressively, like this is some weird hazing ritual.
“Wait, no. Let’s let this play out,” Eddie says, turning his back on Gareth so he can watch Steve. “So, let’s set the stage. It’s valentine’s day, 1982. Tommy Hagan has set up a candlelit dinner with Miss Perkins to celebrate their eternal love. Where are you in this scenario?”
Steve’s still got his brows furrowed like he doesn’t understand the assignment. “Have you been like, stalking me?” The little freak sounds almost flattered at the accusation.
“Are you serious, Stevie?” Eddie asks, unsurprised when Steve nods.
“So, you, Steve Harrington, showed up at your best friend’s valentine’s date last year and that was just fine?” Barb asks, deadpan.
“Usually, I help Carol do her make-up before,” Steve replies, blessedly finally picking up his burger and taking a bite. He looks over at the jock table, something small and forlorn twisting his mouth even as he bites savagely into his burger like he’s trying to kill it. “She’s not good at doing her own eye shadow without looking like a hooker.”
Everyone’s just staring at Steve while he eats his burger, oblivious.
“What the fuck?” Gareth asks.
Eddie looks over to the jock table. Tommy and Carol are both seated, glaring at the back of Steve’s head with poorly concealed jealousy. “You know,” Eddie says, looking away quickly before he accidentally meets either of the wonder twin’s eyes, “this actually explains so much.”
Barb sweeps her empty sandwich baggy into the trash like the middle-class girl she is and says, almost like she’s thinking about it, “I don’t think I can go on Nancy and Jonathan’s dates.”
Jeff, having finished his lasagna in silence, says, “Okay, they’re both freaks.”
“Here that Stevie?” Eddie asks, wrapping his arm around Steve’s shoulder and shaking him as he tries to swallow his bite of hamburger without choking. “You can stay!”
Steve takes another bite and talk around the mouthful like the heathen he is. “I was never going anywhere.”
Eddie smiles down at Steve, not dropping him as he takes a bite of his own lasagna. He lets the warmth in.
Part 42
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar
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ratwithhands · 1 year
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Burst AU concept sketches!!
I'm about to head into culminatings at school so I'm not going to have very much time to draw until mid/late June. I figured I'd drop off some of the different concept sketches I've been doing in the meantime. Here are 9 of the burst designs made so far for Ingo, Emmet, and Volo.
These designs are mostly set to different timelines/parts of the story; Chandelure, Haxorus, Durant, and Galvantula are all bursts that the twins have when they're in Unova, with Chandelure and Galvantula being their "starter" burst hearts. When Ingo gets eebied he loses his burst hearts (which Emmet holds onto while he's away) and ends up finding a Gliscor burst heart hiding in the dirt of the highlands.
Now, depending on the good or bad ending of the story, Emmet either makes friends with Celebi and gets permission to use its burst, or Emmet goes hunting for burst hearts worldwide until he finds Nihilego and keeps it to make wormholes.
As for Volo, he got a little present from a "friend" and that's how he got his burst hearts. Though, much like the twins, the fact that he has them is a secret that most people don't know.
Anyways it was really fun to design these!! I think my faves from this batch are Durant, Nihilego, and Chandelure. What are yours? Also, semi related, but I tried running some battles in Showdown just for fun and to say the least I found some *interesting* results. Definitely going to make for some funny battles later in the story.
Alright that's all, hope you like the art and tell me what you think! Have a good night, see you guys later ^^
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ciipun · 7 months
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Idk why, but I really wanted to draw Valorant characters in gear from Hunt Showdown
actually, I just like western AU
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 25 - Rough Sex]
Pairing: Domish!Jimin x f.Reader
Kinks: sex in nature (by a river), rough!! sex, Bratty Switching, hair pulling, scratching, muscle kink, strength kink, he rips her clothes, degradation, dirty talk, some spanking, clothed pussy rubbing, standing doggy against some rocks, creampies, orgasm denial, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (m.receiving), squirting, cuddly aftercare, this is also make up sex btw
Wordcount: 5.1k
a/n: so uhm surprise besties hahahah this is a zombie apocalypse story. listen, i don’t know why this request inspired this setting but it did. i'm having so much fun exploring different aus which i wasn’t really brave enough to post about on here yet and a zombie apocalypse story has been on my mind since the dawn of day. have fun besties jfadsjf ❤
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Jungkook turns upon hearing your voice. He sharpened his axe before, but stops when he sees you.
“Hey”, he answers you, watching you stand over him.
“You uhm”, you clear your throat, “did you see where he went?”
“Yeah, he went down to the river to train”, Jungkook answers you.
“Thanks. I’ll uhm, try to talk to him.”
“Yeah do that”, Jungkook says and gives you a little smile.
“Mhm”, you acknowledge him, turning to leave.
“And boss?”
“Yeah?” you stop, looking over your shoulder.
“You were right. Last night I mean. You were right.”
You give him a smile, “thank you Kook, that means a lot.”
Jungkook gives you a nod of his head and finally continues sharpening his axe. You turn to leave for the river.
Ten years ago, you all lived a different life. You and Jimin were planning to get married. Your shared best friend Jungkook was an upcoming singer, while your other friends Namjoon and Yoongi already produced music. Seokjin was planning to start a career in acting while Taehyung already was a very popular actor. And Hoseok was quite busy choreographing dances for the biggest stars in the world. Stuff like stars, celebrities and normal everyday life long stopped existing after an incurable outbreak of what is known as “The Zombie Disease” these days. Very creative name, yes yes we all know, but it at least gets straight to the point.
The virus infects the brain and turns whatever living organism it latched onto into a flesh-hungry, braindead and rotting zombie. Animals and humans alike. The humans fought the monsters at first, but soon the fighting began between them as well. Food became scarce, different morals came up and greed for power rose in a few heads.
You and your friends were lucky, escaping the big cities before the military bombed them in an attempt to stop the civil wars. It resulted in two thirds of the still healthy population dying in fires and explosions and for the military to lose its last spark of respect. They are hunted these days. By everyone. 
You lived in the forests since two winters, hidden from remaining civilization and avoiding the hoards of zombies in your tree house fortresses with fifty other survivors. The eight of you were the real deal however, the ones who've been through it all. The leaders of the whole pack so to speak. You’ve been here since day one and will always be here until something out there kills you. 
You were the leader of your little group. You weren’t the oldest and maybe also not the strongest, but you were a survivor. Your left arm still carried the marks of where you had to burn off bite marks an especially friendly zombie family left just three days into the outbreak. Your right eye still saw worse after a showdown with five heavily armed soldiers. And your nights were still plagued by nightmares of when you had to shoot your own brother in the head after zombies got him right in the throat. You knew what was out there. You actually knew. And that’s why you were their leader. Why they listen to you, follow your guidance and respect your decisions. Everyone except your stubborn partner of course.
Contrary to what Jungkook told you, the training spot next to the reeds is empty. You look around for a moment. There are footsteps in the fine gravel, they look fresh, the depth and length of them fit perfectly to Jimin’s bare feet. You follow them with your eyes. They are leading over to the high rocks just twenty feet to your left. That’s where your washing spot was. So Jimin must be cleaning himself right now.
You walk to the hidden spot. Soon the splashing of water and a clear singing voice can be heard. You stop. It’s been ages since you last heard him sing. He sounds beautiful. This song. You recognize the melody. It’s Your Song. The song you always listened to when the world was still okay.
You gulp, biting the inside of your cheek in order not to get emotional. God, you stupid woman. You feel awful for last night.
You and Jimin had a pretty big fight last night over whether or not you should expand your lands or not. You said that it would be beneficial for growing more crops, while Jimin insisted that extending the borders would ask for too much trouble. The others were present during your fight, trying to diffuse the situation as best as possible, but you still ended up going to bed angry at each other.
The rocks are shielding most of his singing, making it appear quiet to your ears. You want to hear more of it. You need to see him.
You cross the corner. There he is. Standing in the stream and with his back turned to you and his naked butt on full display. You are too immersed in staring at his behind that you don’t notice the stick lying on the ground right in front of your feet. You take a step. 
Jimin snaps around, instantly getting into position to fight despite his naked state. His eyes are dark, filled with the desire to kill. His clenched fists shield his face, his strong feet standing broad on the gravel ground. 
You stop, tensing up yourself, ready to defend yourself should Jimin in his shock decide to jump you. To your luck however, he relaxes again, lowering his fists and releasing the tension in his muscles. He studies you from head to toe, eyes filled with both sad yearning and slight annoyance.
“You know not to sneak up on me. I could have punched you”, he says, sliding his hand down to cover his exposed dick, “what are you even doing here? Are you watching me bathe? That’s creepy”, he raises one of his eyebrows in judgment. 
You snort, “first of all, I’ve seen your dick a million times before and second of all, no I didn’t, I was actually trying to look for you. I didn’t expect you to be naked.”
“That’s our washing spot. What else did you expect me to do here? Squats?” he asks and cracks up at his own joke.
“Very funny”, you roll your eyes at him, trying your hardest not to snicker at his stupid joke. You sneak a glance at his dick again.
Jimin notices, lips curling into a little smirk.
“So you did want to watch me. Damn, I even didn’t know that you had a thing for voyeurism”, he teases, relaxing his hands around his dick just to show it off. 
“Oh shut up, you know exactly that I do”, you throw back, eyes focused on his crotch.
His hands are opening further and further, exciting you more and more. 
“I know you do” his left hand slips away, “besides, I think we both know that there is still some making-up to do”, his right hand slips away, exposing him completely. 
“Jimin, what are you insinuating?” you ask, staring at his fingers around his cock. 
“An apology. Isn’t that obvious?” he states nonchalantly, before he takes a step forward, closer to you. 
“An apology?"
“Yeah”, he nods his head, “you were right. We should think about how we can feed ourselves. Especially now that Charley and Kate are pregnant and we got those five new recruits. Our encampment is growing and we need more space for crops and ultimatively for housing too. You were right.”
“Yes, but I can see your point too. Growing our borders is risky and we need to make sure the areas we claim are clean. We lost too many guys last July trying to claim this fucking sawmill. I get that you’re weary.”
Jimin nods his head.
“I just”, he steps closer, “I just don’t wanna fucking lose you. You know?”
“Lose me? Why me?” you ask in a laugh.
“Because you’re reckless, that’s why. And I know that you would be dumb enough to throw yourself into danger for the sake of the others and I can’t fucking let you do that”, he says, placing his hand on your arm right where your burn scar stretches. You took those bites in Jimin’s stead ten years ago and then ordered him to use a blowtorch to burn them off. Jimin can still hear your screams at night.
You feel every ounce of anger you still had left for him crumble like a cookie. You smile fondly, reaching out to poke his tummy.
“You old sap”, you say.
Jimin laughs, eyes crinkling up and cheeks puffing out.
“So? I’m an old sap and I’m proud of it.”
“Yeah”, you chuckle, “and I love you for it.”
“I love you too, you know?” he says.
“Yeah, I know”, you assure him, sneaking a glance down at his body, “I can’t believe you had this whole conversation with your dick out”, you say in a chuckle.
“I know”, he grins, “do you like the view?” he taunts, wiggling his hips a little.
“Jimin, behave.”
“No”, he throws back, wiggling even more.
“What if someone sees us?” 
Jimin chuckles, inching closer to you. He is a mere step away from touching you. Your skin tingles in anticipation, your stomach tightens in excitement. 
“As if you would mind”, he rasps. 
You clench your jaw in a last attempt to stop yourself from giving in to your urges. You look up from his crotch to stare into his eyes instead. They are glimmering in arousal, watching you through hooded lids. 
“So? Do you wanna accept my apology and let me fuck it okay again?” he asks, giving you sweet puppy eyes.
You gulp, hands landing on his pecs and body drawing closer. He smirks triumphantly, knowing already that he had won you over. He just needed to take that last step separating the two of you. Just one more step and you would be his’.
“Come closer and find out”, you challenge, accepting your fate. Not that it was hard to accept of course. Oh how you want him. Fighting with him always makes you crave him especially hard.
“Yeah? How hard do you want it?”
“As hard as you can give it to me, baby.”
“Fuck baby…”
Having your consent, Jimin charges forward. He grabs your face, pulling you onto his mouth. His kiss is rough, all teeth and tongue. He sucks and bites your lower lip until desperate moans escape your throat. Your fingers are entangled in his wet hair, pulling at them in vigor. He groans, the pain of your rough handling spurring him on even more. You both need it, need to remind the other that you were a fucking team. It’s the hottest pain, leaving the both of you whining and moaning in despair, but it is all the more addicting, filling you up with the desire to fuck the other like a wild animal.
You pull away, a bundle of his hair sits securely in your fingers so you can tolt his head back.
His puffy lips part, releasing shaky breaths. His dark eyes watch you with cocky confidence glistening in them. 
“I fucking want you like nothing else”, you growl, pulling at his hair. 
He groans deeply, letting his head get pulled back. It exposes his thick neck. Oh  how you would love to bury your teeth in his skin, make him whine and squirm in your hands. 
“I want you more”, Jimin retorts, tightening his fingers on your jaw until it stings. 
You both fall silent, your heavy pants and the rushing of the river the only thing hanging in the air. You are staring at each other. Both of you are desperate, aching for the other’s touch, but your pride holds you back. You will not be the one losing today, not this time. 
“Stop lying”, you growl, traveling your free hand over his chest. 
It is cold under your touch, the water having cooled it down. Jimin takes a shaky inhale, eyelids fluttering in desperation. Your touch feels like fire on his skin, leaving him aching for more.
“I’m not lying. I want you more than you do me”, he insists, earning himself a twist of his hair. He moans, cock growing harder.
“Be quiet”, you grumble, dancing your hand further down his torso to trace every inch of his toned stomach. The years of fighting and training really paid of. His stomach is rock hard, his abs looking as if they were sculpted by gods. They must have been cruel gods, judging by the state they abandoned the world in.
“I’ll fuck you like a goddess”, he rasps, earning himself scratch marks down his happy trail.
“I’d like to see you try”, you challenge.
“Let go of my hair and I’ll show you”, he retorts. His voice sounds confident. One might think that your teasing touch doesn’t affect him if it weren’t for his ragged breathing and rapidly growing boner. 
“Jimin”, you breathe, making your voice sound pitying, “we both know that’s not possible”, you stop your hand on his hips right next to his hardened cock. You feel him tense up, his lips part and a shaky moan manages to escape his throat. 
You smirk triumphantly, relaxing the grip on his hair now that he had surrendered to you. Or so you thought. The moment his hair is free from your touch, Jimin launches forward, attaching his lips to your neck and sucking hard. It surprises you, making you nearly fall backwards, if it wasn’t for his strong arm holding you by the small of your back. 
“What, what are you? Jimin, fuck- let me, let me-”, you stutter in a last attempt to keep the upper hand, but to no avail. Jimin has won, “fuck baby, you sneaky bastard…” you sigh, tilting your head back gladly.
His arms are wrapped around your body tightly, holding you safely. His soft lips worship your neck with hungry kisses, painting spots of sensitivity all over your skin. Your eyes flutter shut, your knees nearly giving up on you. He makes you so goddamn weak.
Jimin doesn’t mind your loss in strength, using your wobbly feet to his advantage to pull you even closer to his body. 
His dick is pressed against our body, grinding over your clothed stomach. He moans, stopping his kisses for a moment to catch his breath. 
“Undress, I don’t wanna ruin your shirt”, he mumbles against your neck, pulling at the hem of your tanktop. 
“Do it yourself”, you challenge. He may have won, but this doesn’t mean you will obey his every word.
“You are making this so much worse for you. You do know that, don’t you?” he challenges, looking at you with warning eyes. He looks scary, having this distinct gleam in his eyes, which he only gets when he is either in the midst of killing someone or when someone dares to question his leadership. You know not to be scared of it, on the contrary, it turns you on like nothing else.
“You won’t hurt me”, you challenge, feeling up his sculpted pecs.
Jimin chuckles deeply. 
“No”, he states. He hooks his fingers in your shirt before he rips it at the front. You whine loudly, not having expected it, but loving the utter shit out of it. Your tits fall out of the ruined shirt, getting pressed against his chest. “but I can still make you whine like a little bitch”, he spits, turning your brain into a horny mess.
He leans closer to press a loving kiss to your nose before he makes it his task to suck on your tits. His hands grab both of them, massaging the flesh roughly. 
“Ah, shit”, you moan, holding onto his shoulders so you wouldn’t fall. His touch leaves you weak, needy, aching for more. You want him, crave him, need him. You need him to force you to the ground and fuck you until you are crying his name. Even if he doesn’t let you cum, you don’t care, you just need to feel him inside of you, “don’t stop, please don’t stop”, you beg, arching your back.
Jimin’s plumb lips wrap around your left nipple after having left a trail of bite marks all over your chest. He sucks hard, pinching your right nipple while he is at it.
You gasp, arching your back and digging your fingernails into his shoulders. You are sure they will leave marks, judging by the sounds it draws out of Jimin. 
“Baby”, the nickname you give each other every time you are intimate rolls of your tongue without regret.
He pulls you closer, flicking his tongue over your swollen nipple.
“Fucking fuck me”, you moan, shivering as just this moment his left hand grabbed your ass, squeezing it roughly. 
He stops, moving his head away from your chest. 
“Say it”, his voice is raspy and deep, making you to part your legs in reaction. 
“Say what?” 
He lifts his head to look at you. He squeezes your ass, before he slaps it so hard you fall forward into his chest with a quiet whimper leaving your lips. Fuck, you are dizzy.
“You know exactly what”, his hand travels further down your ass, closer to your clothed pussy. 
Your legs part even more. You can feel the arousal soaking your panties. It’s embarrassing really, how easily Jimin manages to make you wet. 
Of course you know what he wants to hear from you, this magical six-letter word which would mean your complete submission. Do you really want that? Is the humiliation of finally giving up worth the pleasure?
Jimin’s fingers brush over your pussy. Your body jolts into his touch, muscles tensing needily. Another touch, more confident than before. His finger glides over your clothed folds a few times before finally stopping at your clit. He doesn’t move, pressing it against your swollen bundle of nerves. Your legs are shaking, you feel dizzy, everything hurts. He needs to move or else you’ll lose it. 
“Plea-Please”, you whisper, instantly regretting it because of the evil smirk it causes to appear on his face.
“See? That wasn’t hard at all”, he taunts, cupping your cheek. He strokes his thumb over your skin, the touch is gentle and soft. If you didn’t know Jimin any better, you would have believed this is your reward for being so obedient. In some way it is, but more so it is your reminder that despite all the rough stuff he'll do to you now, he loves you. New arousal drips out of you, ruining your panties and soaking his fingers, which are still pressed against your pussy. 
His finger starts moving. The first wave of pleasure feels so intense that your knees give up on you. You almost fall down, clutching onto Jimin’s shoulders, his neck, his arm, anything your desperate hands can grasp. Your forehead is pressed against his sculpted chest, your eyes are shut tight. It feels so good, so fucking good.
“Someone’s eager to get fucked already”, Jimin chuckles, holding you by your waist and not once stopping his fingers from circling your clothed clit. 
“Jimin, baby, please”, you whimper, circling your hips to get more friction. 
“Mhm? What is it baby? You want me to stop?” he asks teasingly, stopping his movements. 
“No!” you blurt out, snapping your head up to look at him in panic, “don’t stop, please don’t stop I need you”, your eyes tear up, your lip trembling, “fucking undress me you bastard and fuck me.”
Jimin smiles, resting his hands on your hips. 
“You look so beautiful begging for me”, he breathes, dancing his hands to the front of your pants to unbutton them. He tugs them over your butt, letting you take over afterwards. You are stepped out of them instantly, looking at him with your body completely bared and your pussy covered in your juices.
“You’re so sexy”, he says, eyes lingering on your cunt. His eyes turn dark again afterwards, the soft expression from before gone, “on all fours now”, he points at the ground. 
“But the gravel. It will hurt”, you protest. 
“You want me to fuck you or not?” he sounds impatient, probably wanting to feel you just as much as you want him right now. 
“Yeah. But I’m not letting my knees get destroyed just because of some dick, you doofus”, you retort. The angry gleam glistening in Jimin’s eyes makes you swallow. You rub your legs together, the desire to get fucked feels even stronger than before. 
“Fine”, he says sighs dramatically, before he grabs your wrists and pulls you to the rocks. 
You follow happily, staring at his butt the entire time. 
He turns and grabs your shoulders, placing you right in front of them. With a strong push, he forces you to bend against them. One of his hands is on your back while the other is holding you by your hip. The stone feels warm on your skin. The sun must be getting stronger, now that midday nears. 
“Is that better?” he asks, giving your ass a soft slap afterwards.
“Yeah, it’s fucking hot”, you moan, chasing his touch.
“Good”, he says as he lets his hand slip between your legs to part them, “do you really want this?”
“Yes, I really do. You?”
“It’s all I’m thinking about, baby.”
Excitement fills your body. You hold your breath, parting your legs even more. You wiggle your butt for him, earning a content groan from him. He is enjoying this just as much as you are. Good. You sure hope he does.
“You have the prettiest pussy, baby”, he praises, dragging his heavy cock through your folds, “can’t wait to pound her.”
“Just do it already, will you?”
“Oh trust me, I will”, he says, pushing his cock into you without warning.
“Fuck yes”, you groan, throwing your head back, “fucking fill me up, that’s so fucking good.”
He is slipping right in, stretching you out inch by inch. It feels amazing, sparks of hot pleasure course through your veins, your walls swallow him hungrily. A moan escapes both of you when he finally bottoms out, followed by a shaky inhale. 
“You are so wet baby. Fuck, it’s driving me crazy”, Jimin moans, tightening the grip on your hips. 
“Jimin”, too overwhelmed with the feeling of him finally inside of you to say anything other than his sweet name. 
“Yes?” his voice is shaky, filled with desire. 
“Please”, you really want to say more, tell him to fuck you senseless, but it would be too much work. Your mind is too hazy, your body shaking in the desire to get fucked. 
Jimin understands, grasping your hips even tighter before he finally begins to move. He doesn’t give you time to adjust to his movements. There are no gentle rocks of his hips or soothing words, only the ruthless rutting of his hips against yours and animalistic grunts. 
You didn’t need them anyways, you craved this feeling like lungs crave air. The slight burn that comes with getting handled so roughly and the sinful noises coming from where your bodies meet, his strong grip and girthy cock plugging  your pussy. You want to feel it, want to get fucked until tears stream down your face. It’s what you deserve. Being leader is goddamn fucking hard and you deserve to get railed like an animal for it.
“Keep going! Yes! Fuck! So good!” you scream. Yes, you deserve this, you deserve to be fucked until you can’t talk anymore.
Jimin moans deeply, his movements falter for a moment before he finds his rhythm again. His arm snakes around your body, pulling you into his sweat covered chest. The new position drives his dick into you even deeper. He speeds up, grunting and groaning at the way your walls clench around him. Your head falls back against his chest, your fingernails digging into his forearm.
“You drive me fucking insane”, he growls, “your pussy’s my fucking drug.”
“Fuck Jimin, baby”, you squeal. You can feel the first tear roll down your cheek. It feels hot, collecting on your chin before falling onto your chest. That’s it, that’s exactly what you needed. The short outburst of hot pleasure every time his dick crazes against your g-spot, the shortage of breath his fast movements let you experience and the rough feeling of his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. 
Fuck. You didn’t even notice his hand traveling down to your pussy until you could feel his slick-covered fingers on your clit. You scream out his name in surprise, wanting to fall forwards if it weren’t for Jimin holding you close and pressing you right against those rocks. You reach behind yourself, grabbing a bundle of his dark hair just to pull him closer. He rests his chin on your shoulder, burying his face in the nape of your exposed neck. His lips are pressed up against your skin, his deep growls tickle you every time it you fuck them out of him. 
“Don’t stop please, please”, you sob, pulling at his hair and arching your body into his fuck. 
“Fuck baby, you are clenching so hard”, he growls, pressing a kiss to your neck afterwards. His movements falter for a moment, getting slower, “you’re making it so fucking hard. My cock’s so sensitive, baby. So fucking sensitive”, he moans, speeding up the movements of his thumb to make up for his slowed-down hips. 
“S-same”, you choke out, “cock’s so good. Y-your cock’s so…good.”
Your eyes are pressed shut, your breath held. Just a few more thrust of his hips and you will explode. So close you are so close, just a few more. Please. 
Jimin lets out a guttural moan all of a sudden, stilling all of his movements. He whimpers, his voice high-pitched and his arms tightening, “I’m cumming”, he squeaks out, trembling behind you.
You can feel the hot spurts of his cum shoot out of him. No, no, no this is not happening. You will not be left hanging, not when you were that close. Not when you are aching that much. 
“Please Jimin, please, please, please don’t. Please I want to cum please, please”, you beg desperately, pulling at his hair.
Tears are streaming down your face at this point, your breath comes out as panicked wheezes. 
Jimin lets out a shaky breath, loosening his arms around your waist. 
“Baby please, please touch me, please I want to cum, please”, you beg, holding his hand still pressed to your core so he wouldn’t be able to move it away. 
You circle your hips in an attempt to get some sort of friction. It’s faint, just a gentle touch against your aching pussy, but it’s enough to leave you sighing. 
“Baby it’s too much, ah fuck”, he whimpers, burying his face deeper in your neck. He is sensitive, wanting nothing more than to pull out of you and free his pulsating dick, but your clenching walls keep him trapped, forcing him to endure the torture that is you bringing yourself to orgasm. He should leave you hanging because he’s evil like that and he loves edging you just to completely annihilate you at night. But you have enchanted him. He wants to please you, wants to hear his name fall from your lips when you reach your high and wants you to force a second orgasm out of him. He knows he can cum again, he desires you so much, he wants to fill you up until you have enough. 
“Make me cum please make me cum”, you choke out, pulling at his hair. You need him to move his fingers again, the friction his palm provides is not enough. You want more. 
Jimin takes a shaky breath to brace himself before he starts moving again.
“You’ve got me fucking pussy high”, he lulls, pressing you so hard against the stones that you feel dizzy for a moment. He slams into you harshly, holding your trembling body while his fingers rub your throbbing clit.
A surprised yelp escapes your lips, your hand falling from his arm to instead scratch down the stone. 
“Fuck, oh fuck, Jimin, fuck, baby”, your desperate screams mix with Jimin’s high-pitched moans and you are sure the whole camp knows exactly what is up by now. Not that you give a shit about that. Let them hear who fucks you that good. You're proud of it. 
Your name falls from his lips like a mantra, it sounds addicting to your ears, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. The movements of his thumb are rough, spiked with desperation. It’s so hot, so so hot and exactly what you needed. You can feel the knot in your stomach tightening. It’s getting close to unbearable, your whole body tensing up and your legs shaking. 
“Close, so close”, you sob, pulling him closer by his hair. 
“Let go, I got you baby”, he grunts. His hips are faltering again, he must be close as well. 
With the encouragement you needed, your orgasm overtakes you. Warmth fills your entire body as mind numbing pleasure squirts out of your pussy. His name leaves your lips like your own personal prayer, sounding clear at first until it turn into grateful sobs.
“Yes fuck, squirt for me baby. Fucking squirt for me”, he growls, fucking you hard and rough to make sure you can feel your high as intensely as possible.
He doesn’t last long, your pulsating walls are enough to drive him over the edge a second time, even more intense than the first. For a good second, he swears that he might actually break you from how strongly he cradles you. This is the best apology sex ever, he thinks as he pumps you full of his hot cum only to for you to squirt it right out again.
You are holding each other once you come down, both panting heavily and feeling too tired to break away. Quite frankly, the only thing still keeping you standing is the rock against which Jimin presses you. Your skin glistens in sweat, sticking to each other and your fingers are entangled, not wanting to let the other go. 
“That was intense”, Jimin is the first one to speak. He chuckles breathily, kissing your shoulder afterwards, “fuck baby, you’re incredible.”
“It was, you are”, you murmur, turning your head so you would be able to look into his eyes. The faux anger from before is gone from his eyes, now nothing but the warmest fondness is burning in them. 
“Was I able to get you to forgive me?” he asks, sounding nervous.
“Of course you were, baby. Gosh you are adorable”, you say, craning your neck to kiss his lips.
Jimin sighs into the kiss, hugging you against him.
“Loveyou”, his confession is muffled by the kiss.
“Loveyoutoo”, you answer him just as muffled, giggling with him now that those feel good emotions are setting in.
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
I wonder how victim learns that Alan is now a stick figure? Probably from footage of the showdown, and victim somehow recognizes that the purple stick is Alan. Anyways, the mercs would probably be ordered to hunt him down and bring him to the base. This could be really interesting, especially if Alan and King have already met.
YEAH.... the hunt for c!alan throughly interests me in this au, especially since victim also could have just noticed the artstyle. like, alan's sticks have a very particular look
they could probably mistake alan for a creation MADE BY alan instead, which brings up a very interesting topic: what happens if ALAN gets captured and victim doesn't immediately realize it's him????
this could also go into the ending of The Box if victim assumed it was Chosen and SC that were the only other hollowheads, and then discovered that there was one more. instead of hunting yellow they might end up accidentally going straight to the source, which means that everyone else has to be as prepared as possible to defend alan, because even if they've probably taught him some self-defense he is not going to be strong enough to beat them, much LESS able to actually think in the middle of combat
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snaccy-time · 6 months
So, we all know the idea of Grian being one of the Watchers that helped make the games, right? And that Scott sacrifices himself for his allies?
What if Scott learned that Grian helped make the eternal hell that were the games? He would be furious that he had repeatedly killed himself just for this- this THING to treat it all as a game. For fun.
And what if Ren played a crucial part in it all?
I hc Ren as the guy that just KNOWS things, yk? And the whole premise of the Watcher, Listeners, and Speakers? He knows about all of that.
So, when Ren is mildly distracted with something and Scott starts asking him questions, he doesn't think too much about it.
He regrets that later. Scott and Grian are the final two standing. The spectators are watching the final showdown, when everyone suddenly disappears...except him and Jimmy (I see Jimmy as a Listener, and therefore, the Watchers have no power over the connection). They watch as Scott confronts Grian about his part in the games. Watch as Scott swears to hunt his friend down for as long as they both live. Then, he shoots. Grian falls. Scott is once again the winner.
Ren has just condemned his friend to die. All because he couldn't pay attention to a few questions.
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nny11writes · 7 months
Sometimes drawing is part of the writing process. :)
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riftclaw · 8 months
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Gonna fill out this questionaire for Curie's upcoming appearance in the @sonic-oc-showdown round starting this weekend! Let me introduce you to my beloved flying radioactive puppy!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Curie is named after the radioactive measurement of the curie, and also Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Their name is actually older than this particular iteration of the character, who was originally not a sonic oc and was named Curie as an intentional callback to the name of a character in Homestuck. "The Radiant" is because he glows in the dark, playing on a rarer sonic character naming convention (Fang the Sniper/Hunter).
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Developmentally and physically, Curie would be roughly in their early to mid twenties. However, they were born in 1923, making them about 86 in their AU's current day (2009). They spent most of their life locked in isolation in a military facility, though, and were only freed and started living life outside a box again in 1995.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's part of a 5 person polycule including my other characters Agent VX, Caprice Amaranth, David Valke and Luka Mosaic. He has different relationships with all of them, having fallen for V, Caprice and Valke while adapting to modern life, and becoming involved with Luka later after they bonded over being giant nerds.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Candy, pretty much any type. Crunchy sweets like rock are their favourite.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Curie runs a nuclear power plant and waste disposal business, which is largely a front for making sure he has enough to eat-- because as much as he enjoys candy, his body will only properly digest radioactive materials. Since his business is really only there to keep him fed, he sells power at a loss-- which means it's very affordable and in high demand, giving him the ability to expand his power network and thus bring in more nuclear waste to eat later. He's not in it to make money, though-- outside of his personal R&D efforts, he sinks practically all his profits into charity. His main reactor base and the surrounding city of Bloodwood Grove was built on the Painted-Rocks clan's abandoned land, specifically to help camouflage the habitats of the last living mobosaur herds that the clan once hunted and protected.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
They collect plushies, radioactive knick knacks like uranium glass and watches with radium paint, and Godzilla merchandise, and they love to tinker with technology and study space.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Nuclear physics, probably-- it's something that started out of necessity (because of his unusual diet) but he developed an aptitude for it and genuinely enjoys working on nuclear powered inventions. It's not unusual for him to build experimental reactors for fun.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
They love to watch Godzilla movies and play around with unusual tech. They hate being confined to boring meeting rooms or made to deal with unnecessary beauracracy.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time he rolled in the grass after he was freed from the facility he was imprisoned in. The grass wasn't even on Earth/Mobius, but it was grass, and he'd all but forgotten it existed after being locked away for 60+ years.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
They don't currently have many-- a lot of their most traumatic experiences will occur in the future, such as when the forces/zombot plot occurs. That's not fun for anyone, but especially Curie.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
The very first proto-Curie was actually just a heavily au Jade Harley-- who had changed so drastically I "filed off the serial numbers" and made into their own character. His first ever original design was human! He still ate nuclear waste, though. This current iteration of Curie was developed when I was initially setting up my Amalgam au, drawing more on his initial prototype's personality and history than Cain Einley, the other character I split off the same prototype several years back.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Related to the question above, they spawned from a particularly ridiculous homestuck fanfic that never made it past a disjointed first draft back in the early 10s. If i sink enough development into a canon character that they stop looking/sounding like that character, I split them off, give them a fursona and a new name, and carry on writing my new oc, and Curie is just another in a long line of similar characters who occupy my brainspace.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Science fiction for sure.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
They are agender with a side of transmasc*, and use he or they pronouns interchangeably. Curie is also demisexual-- they need to form an emotional bond with someone before they can develop romantic feelings for them. *My friends and I often refer to them as "none gender with left boy"
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He had four, but none of them are alive today, and he doesn't remember them anymore. :(
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They don't remember either of their parents, either, but considering that the guy who made them what they are now was their father, at least one of those relationships was pretty unhealthy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
On a purely aesthetic level the fact that he glows in the dark will always delight me. It's such a fun trait to play with!
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I draw them decently often, although a lot of what I draw in general doesn't get published. I write about them a lot more, but nothing that's in a state to be shared. They're the secondary main character of Amalgam's whole main storyline!
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
He does die in the future. Not for a good long while-- mobians in his universe live for 150 years on average, and his peculiar metabolism means he's going to outlive that many times over, but eventually he will power down and fade away. He's got a lot to accomplish on the way there though!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Claustrophobia for sure.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
In the future he'll be taking the rookie's place in Amalgam's version of the forces/zombot plot (they are combined!), and will be facing up against their version of Infinite. His radioactive blood means he can't get infected by the zombot virus, which puts him in a position of being the best person for a lot of problem solving in this particular plotline.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
As "Curie the Radiant", since early 2019. Here's the first ever picture I posted of them, before their personality had finished solidifying!
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🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
In 2019 I was 29! Although as I said earlier, he has roots in fanfiction/original fiction from before Amalgam became my primary worldbuild, and his prototype form would date to when I was about 23.
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spiritfoxarts · 2 years
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HuSh Modern AU - Tweets
So if you wondered what I’ve been doing for past 2 months well... been making Hunt: Showdown headcanons with my friend, because apparently, that’s all I’m good at. :]
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knizuu · 8 months
Chimera the Binturong (Propaganda for @sonic-oc-showdown!!!)
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For starters, she is originally from my Plethora AU (AUs being dimensions in the big Gaiaverse @im-just-a-dumb-gay made)
Her Age: 18 Gender: Female
Sexuality: Omnisexual
She lived her life living in Emerald Falls, growing up with Kosher (basically father figure). And everything goes well in Plethora until random mobians or people start spawning out of no where, none of them understand their past and it happens more and more. Chimera, in fear, decides to leave her universe with a Fatal Fassaite to figure out what’s happening. Sonic from this universe is obsessed with balance, and so he tries to hunt down her along with the lost gem.
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^ the Fatal Fassaite Chimera stole. ^ Sonic in a calmer state
Chimera travels through many dimensions until she finds one that is too busy for anyone to come find her in. This is the main AU I work on and her design changes to fit the environment
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*her last name is Recital btw
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^ some drawings of her from art trades! (NOT MY ART)
So in summary, a spunky traveler just wanting to stay safe!
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krikeymate · 1 year
What if (in the AU where Richie and Amber succeed) Sam survives and after spending weeks in a coma, she hunts Amber and Tara down (while the police is looking for Sam as well, bc they believed the story of the two remaining survivors - two weak girls who went through hell - that Sam is Ghostface). Tara kept her promise and left with Amber who more or less kidnapped her.
So, Sam finally finds them and tries to convince Tara that they should run away together.
Showdown: Amber is so manipulative and intelligent that she basically convinces Tara that she herself would go on another killing spree if Tara leaves bc she is the only thing (literally a possession) who keeps her sane. Sam starts arguing and Tara screams back at her that she wouldn’t be able to live with the knowledge that she is responsible for more death and pain.
Amber stares at her with a confused and shocked expression. “Who are you talking to?” She asked. “There is no one there, baby.”
Tara thinks she lost it and that she is hallucinating. She breaks down and Sam runs up to Amber to prove that she is very much alive but this little shit is fast and knocks her out before Tara can realize what is happening.
Amber grabs her pet and drags her to their car without a second thought about the immense pain Tara must be in right now.
Sam wakes up and the first the she sees is Tara’s inhaler. She needs to be fast and drives after them with a stolen car (she never forgot about the times she was forced to sleep in a foreigner’s car in order to not die while being homeless).
Showdown II: She finds them and this time Tara realizes that her sister is still alive. Amber is furious and threatens to kill Tara. The police shows up and wants to arrest Sam but after taking in the situation and Tara finally telling the truth about her crazy ex with a gun pressed against her temple, they change their minds.
But we’re talking about Amber fucking Freeman, a teenager who has nothing left to lose after failing her community of movie obsessed freaks. She pulls the trigger.
Sam’s screaming and running to her sister. Everything seems to happen in slow motion: the police tackling Amber down and putting her in hand cuffs while the girl is laughing like the manic she is and basically confessing to everything; the blood painting the dirty ground red; her sister’s desperate attempt to get air in her lungs.
But, it turns out that Amber couldn’t kill Tara and the bullet only brushed her temple.
After recovering, Tara wants to confront Amber. She wants to know if she really loved her at some point or if she was just a pawn in her game. Amber refuses to talk to her but demands a meeting with Sam in secret.
Sam visits her and Amber tells her why she couldn’t kill Tara: This naive girl with abandonment, mommy, daddy issues and no self-respect made her feel something for the first time in her life. She’s unable to be empathetic but when it comes to Tara she feels the need to protect her. She was always so jealous of Sam and that was the main reason behind the killings -no stupid movie, what a pathetic idea-. Amber couldn’t understand why Tara was still so attached to Sam and it made her angry. Sam was the only person who (as long as she is alive) would always be a threat to their twisted relationship; to Tara being entirely hers.
Previous. BaileyRhapsody would like you to know they're sending you kisses. And me also, for seeing me kill Sam and deciding that I'm wrong actually and Sam should be alive, 'cause you're so right. I love where you took this, I have a few suggestions. Also, props to Bailey who was my soundboard, so their influence is here too (it always is).
Sam spends weeks in a coma from the blood loss. But she wakes up, and when she does, she's handcuffed to a bed in a prison hospital. Nobody will listen to her when she says she didn't do it, when she tells the truth. Then one day she gets a visitor. He introduces himself as Mark Kincaid and says "they say you're the one who killed my wife."
She doesn't bother trying to convince him otherwise, she just begs him for information on her sister.
Miraculously, he tells her what he knows, he tells her anything she asks. He tells her she'll see him again. On the day she's officially sentenced, she thinks. On the day she's released from the hospital, it turns out.
He believes her. He believes her.
She's shuffled away into the back of an FBI van and reintroduced to Kirby Reed. Together the three of them make a plan.
At first, Tara finds herself unable to talk. The words simply won't escape her mouth, and then she finds she doesn't want to. What's the point. Sam's gone. Sam's gone and it was her and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
She's stuck in the hospital, her mother unreachable. She spends all her time in that room, stuck in her head. With no one to visit her - they're all dead she keeps remembering - except Amber.
Amber likes to visit, to stroke her hair and whisper to her softly and kiss her, and act as if nothing ever happened, as if she didn't do this, didn't do it all.
Amber's story is the one that gets told, the one that gets believed. Tara's too traumatised for them to even try to listen to her. Just the poor little victim, brutalised by her own sister. She watches the news, listens to every filthy lie they say about her sister. It makes her blood boil.
After weeks, she's released... into Amber's care. Her mother still hasn't come home and she doesn't understand why she has to go with Amber. Tara's an adult, she doesn't need- this shouldn't... this shouldn't be happening. But it is. And Amber whispers in her ear, reminds her to behave, that she won't be able to control herself if Tara makes her angry. She's seen what she's capable of.
Tara agrees to go with her.
The night before she's set to be released, she gets a visitor from a ghost. And it is a ghost, no matter how real the hand against her cheek or the lips on her forehead feel. It whispers that things are going to be ok, that they're going to fix things, that she just has to keep quiet and wait.
Tara's been doing a lot of that recently.
Ghostface attacks start again. It makes Amber agitated. She looks at Tara accusingly sometimes. Tara just stays quiet, sits at her desk and doodles. Amber doesn't let her use the internet anymore, so she entertains herself the old-fashioned way, with paper and a pen. Mostly she draws her sister, lines shaky and weak, pen barely gripped in her still bandaged hand.
It's one of the rare times Amber's out when she turns at a noise and finds Ghostface standing in the doorway. She should be scared, she thinks. Instead, she just feels relief as they walk up to her.
But instead of a knife in the gut, it's a hand on her cheek and gloved fingers stroking behind her ear the way her sister used to do when she was young.
Ghostface whispers about plans.
"I have plans too," Tara chokes out, voice hoarse with disuse.
Tara starts to talk to Sam a lot once she's alone, regardless of whether the apparition is there or not.
One day, Amber catches her, demands to know who she's talking to. She only gets angry when Tara responds Sam. She rips the drawing from her hands, tears it into pieces and throws the remains in Tara's upset face. She screams that Sam is dead, that Tara killed her and that she's never coming back. That she has to get over it.
Amber never expects to hear the modulated voice from behind her.
"I think you're the one that has trouble letting go, aren't you Amber."
Amber lashes out, pushing Ghostface back. She grabs Tara's arm and yanks her from the room. They make it down the stairs, but the door is locked. It won't open. Why won't it open?
"I think the time for games is over, don't you agree?"
Amber can't believe this is happening; who the fuck is this, what do they want? She tries the back door. Locked. Tara stands right where she left her, unconcerned. She has something to do with this, doesn't she? Of course she couldn't trust her. She should have just killed her in the first place. She would always be Amber's forever, then.
Amber retrieves one of the guns she keeps hidden in the house as Ghostface descends the stairs. Amber pulls Tara behind her.
"It's over, Amber. Did you really think you would get away with it?"
"Fuck you asshole, you don't know who you're messing with," she screams. She doesn't miss the sound of the doors unlocking, the sight of two figures with their guns raised entering from each exit.
She looks between the two of them, outraged. "What the fuck is this?" Nothing is going according to plan, this is all going wrong. She wasn't prepared for this.
Ghostface removes their mask.
She wasn't prepared for this.
Sam fucking Carpenter stands before her, still alive.
"It's over, Amber," she repeats.
"Like fuck it is," she responds, enraged. She grabs Tara's shoulder, pushing her forward and digging the gun into the side of her head. She ignores the detectives as they speak to her, her eyes never leave Sam's furious ones. This is between them. It's always been between them.
"There's no way for you to win this," Sam quietly declares. "Maybe not," Amber answers, "but I can make sure you don't win either."
She spins Tara around, Amber wants to be the last thing she sees. Not Sam. Amber.
She doesn't recognise the eyes staring back at her. They're empty, no emotion. Tara used to adore her. Where is that now?
Amber clenches her jaw and pulls the trigger.
She feels bullets tear into her body, no bulletproof vest this time to protect her. The last thing she sees before she closes her eyes is Sam's distraught face, crying.
"Was it worth it?" Sam asks her from the other side of the window. "Is this the future you dreamed of?"
Amber scoffs. Sam knows her answer. She's only here to torment her.
"I don't recall inviting you."
"Yeah, well, who else was gonna come? Tara? You know that's never gonna happen."
"What are you doing here, Sam?"
"I want to know why. Why Tara? Why not someone else, anyone else."
Amber laughs into the com. "Because it was easy," she declares. "She was so pathetic. Begging for attention, for someone to love her." She delights in the way Sam's fists clench, how her jaw twitches. "She was mine."
"Then why would you hurt her?"
"What are you, my therapist? I didn't want to share her, it's as simple as that."
"Now you don't have her at all."
Amber glares back at her, but she doesn't respond. Sam wants a response, she won't give it to her.
"I do have a message from her though," Sam says, standing up and preparing to leave. Amber watches her cautiously, she can't let her know how desperate she is to hear what she has to say.
"She says get over it."
Sam walks away. She doesn't need to see Amber to know her reaction. She can hear the banging on the window, the way she screams her name. It's satisfying, she wishes she could stay longer, to rip apart every notion that girl has about her sister, but Tara's due to be released today, and Sam can't keep her waiting.
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wylldebee · 4 months
Dragon!Havenfall MC AU Ideas
Just random ideas I have for this AU I made. — Poly route with Havenfall's Finest + Vanessa and Antonio. Cue JD making jokes about them being MC's hoard/real treasures. Vanessa NO this isn't like a harem anime JD Antonio stop encouraging her. — Grace is kidnapped and that sparks the awakening of HF!MC's dragon blood, because dragons are very Clan oriented and god help you if you fuck with a dragon's Clan. — That being said, nobody actually knows what MC is because the magic has only just started awakening. She experiences on-and-off heightened senses, and only in moments of intense emotion does she experience claws, slitted pupils, fangs, and the occasional spark of magic.
— Dragons haven't been seen nor heard from in a long, long, long time. It's got to the point that the supernatural world believes they've gone extinct. So when it's revealed MC is a dragon, it's a very big shock. — Turns out dragons have the ability to take a human form, and have taken plenty of human lovers over the years. And maybe a god or two. Probably. Cue Alex realising just why one of their siblings keeps smirking when asked why they called their jewellery store The Treasure Hoard when they (Alex) visits Havenfall. — There's a cult of Dragon Hunters who hunt down dragons for their blood, bone, scales, and organs for their rituals, and to also sell them as they're the most sought-after alchemy/potion ingredients. — MC would be partially awakened, meaning she'll only have access to some of her dragon traits. Come a showdown with the hunters who kidnapped her sister, she finally awakens it fully. I'm talking shimmering scales covering parts of her body, and slitted pupils and sharp fangs and claws, sweeping horns and even wings, and is able to tap into magic that's been lying dormant in her veins for years. — Afterwards MC needs a special magical necklace to help suppress her dragon traits until she gets control over it. However, dragon magic is quite strong so occasionally MC will have a trait if she's stressed enough. — It's only just the beginning, however. The cult has finally found a dragon at long last, and they're not about to give up on getting their hands on MC for their most important ritual yet...
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