#Cause everyone knew what Crown Prince Feanor was like
youareunbearable · 6 months
Tonight is a great night to think fondly on Haleth and Caranthir. I think they would make such a funny couple.
Imagine??? The Big Tall Broody Scowling Kinslayer Who Is Also The One Reason The Economy Is Functioning At All Between The Different Races/Elvish Factions Who Probably Is Dying To Tell King Thingol/His Cousins To Fuck Off At Any Given Moment and hes looming over this short human lady??
This short human lady that Can, Will, and Already Has told him to pull the stick out of his ass and bullies him into doing normal townsfolk chores??? Lord Carathir, Master Economist and a Weaver with the skill to rival his grandmother, sitting there and darning socks cause his tiny mortal wife told him too. His reward will be a kiss on the cheek but she'll scold him while he does it because he said a mean thing about his Cousin Finrod in his last letter to her while he KNEW Finrod was visiting her.
Only three things in the world keep Caranthir in check: His Eldest Brother, The Lord Himring, The Current Head of the Feanorian Faction of Noldor, and Former High King; the idea that if he didn't complete his brothers' tax paperwork and run the Trade Routes then the Nolofinweans and Arafinweans would become more economincally important And We Cant Have That; and his 4'11 wife he met bloodied and wrathful on a battlefield screaming at an orc over the corpse of her brother-- it was love at first sight
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daywillcomeagain · 5 years
I don’t understand the idea of finarfin choose peace? There is no peace to be had with Morgoth, he made that clear. Either he was gonna die or you were gonna be enslaved by him, if more people had followed finarfin’s lead it would have meant leaving men, dwarves, other elves to rot: I don’t think that’s peace I think that’s the same weak justification the Valar use to justify their gross inaction when it comes to beleriand and middle earth.
Oh man I have SO MANY FEELINGS. okay. (clears throat) 
(sorry for taking this as an ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY PROMPT i just. the feelings.)
So…. Finarfin has no way of knowing this. As far as he knew, that might be true, but it might also be true that all the elves and dwarves of Middle-Earth were already dead and Men wouldn’t exist for thousands of years–in which case the clearly right thing to do is “stay and build up strength until you can actually defeat Morgoth instead of just slowing him down”. They don’t know. None of the Noldor know! And it’s made pretty clear that the Noldor who do go to Middle-Earth are, by and large, not doing it from a motivation of “wanting to help Men” (the rousing speech that helps convince them to leave Valinor includes “No other race shall oust us!”, it’s remarked that both Fingon and Galadriel want to see the world and have a kingdom of their own, there’s the obvious motive of revenge and taking back what was stolen, etc.). The concern for the dwarves, other elves, and Men all comes later. I love reading and writing stories where that is a primary concern of the Noldor leaving Valinor, to be clear, but I just want to be clear that they are–not really on anyone’s minds, quite yet.
It’s also really relevant to me that the Valar disapproved and refused to help from the beginning. Finarfin wanted to help, he wanted to come, he wanted to join and do good.
And then he saw what people do for the sake of action and a worthy cause. He watched his neighbors fighting his family, his wife on one side and his brother on the other. None of them were Morgoth. He saw people say “let’s leave Valinor and fight Morgoth” and he said “yes, count me in”; he saw them stab innocents, and then he said “…wait, no, maybe not that, maybe let’s go with Plan B.” I understand and have argued on behalf of the Noldor, including Feanor, for making choices that were reasonable given their circumstances, but– “massacres are never okay actually, I am not going to follow people who claim they want to fight Morgoth but in fact have done nothing but kill civilians” is not a weak justification, IMO! It is a valid stance that makes a lot of sense! That is also a reasonable choice given the circumstances!
And… Finarfin didn’t choose inaction. He fought in the War of Wrath. Finarfin chose waiting. Finarfin chose to repair the peace of Valinor–alone, because he had a Telerin wife and his children left for Beleriand–rather than lead his people to what he knew would be their deaths. Repairing a community, comforting the grieving–this is not inaction. Fighting and war is not the only action that counts. You might argue that he shouldn’t be focusing on minor problems when there were bigger ones to hand, but that’s a fully general argument for never caring about any problems that aren’t the Worst Problem In The World. If my sibling were to massacre my town ~for a good cause~ and I were to build a memorial instead of volunteering for a charity that promotes the relevant cause, it would be a douche move to be like “oh but that’s the same weak justification that the government uses to not promote [good cause]!” 
I think that it’s fair to say that the Valar had an obligation to help; Manwe positioned himself as King of all of Arda, and that comes with an obligation to all of Arda. They do have information, and they have reason to believe that they would be able to win or at least give a good fight (they did it before!). I don’t feel that anyone else, ever, has an obligation to go to war. (Similarly, I can be like “x government should go to war with y government” without supporting a draft; I feel like the Valar are more analogous to a government in this situation than an individual, and that if they do not want to do the things that being-the-government obligates them to do then they should step down.) Nobody ever has an obligation to do things that will almost certainly kill them for the sake of other people. It can be a brave thing and a beautiful thing to do voluntarily, but it should never, ever be the bare minimum Requirement To Be A Good Person. That’s something I feel very strongly about; I made a post about that here. He’s not King at this point; he’s a prince, and not even the Crown Prince. For most of his life, he’s expected to be–let me count this–fifteenth in line for the throne, in a land where nobody dies (this can be brought down to ‘fourth in line’, depending on who you count, but it’s still pretty far from ‘next in line’). He’s told, flat-out, in a prophecy from Mandos, that if he goes he and all of his people will die. His job, unlike the Valar’s, is not “protect everyone, promote good things in full generality”–it’s “protect my people and do what my conscience calls me to do”. He does that.
Also: the Valar have a lot more power than Finarfin in this situation, given that they can do things like “sink all of Beleriand” when they decide to help, whereas if he were to go help, he would’ve done–what? Held a territory, protected some elves, and almost certainly died. In the Bragollach? In the Nirnaeth? Before then, on the Ice, in the battle of the Lammoth, in the Aglareb, in the Fall of Nargothrond? It’s impossible to say–honestly, it’s hard to tell if those later battles would even have existed in the same form if Finarfin had come to Beleriand, politics in Beleriand were very fragile–but I’m pretty sure that he wouldn’t have single-handedly defeated Morgoth. (Though he could single-handedly unite the Noldor of Valinor and work out peace with the Teleri, such that the elves of Valinor are ready to come and help when the Valar decide to help defeat Morgoth. Comparative advantage is a thing!)
I also feel that it’s relevant that Finarfin has just had, like, five traumatic experiences in a row. His father dies; he joins a rebellion; he watches his family, I repeat, massacre his neighbors; his wife and children leave him. I judge decision-making under those circumstances significantly less harshly than I judge “a panel with much less intense personal connection debates for a while and comes to a conclusion”. People make mistakes in intense circumstances! I love characters who make mistakes like that! (gestures wildly at feanor & sons, at turin, at half the characters in this book)! “Finarfin made a mistake” is something I think is absolutely a valid argument, though I don’t personally agree. But I don’t think his choice reflects badly on him, or that it was selfish/cowardly/callous; I think that he made a hard choice in a painful situation, and that he was trying his hardest to do the right thing, and that there are lots of basically good and reasonable people who would do the same thing. (I am willing to defend this as a possible interpretation for every single character in the silmarillion except for outright villains such as Morgoth, incidentally.)
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blankdblank · 6 years
Crash Pt 2
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Pt 1
Posting what I got so far, to focus on the date fully, cuz it’s probably gonna take the whole part to get awkward Thorin into the right light for posting. New knowledge for Durins on OC, first bump in the road with a dash of fluff.
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @abiwim​, @jotink78, @evyiione, @deepestfirefun
Laying on your stomach your pen danced across the page causing you to once again repeat, “No peeking” to Bofur as he leaned over once again on his latest trip from the kitchen and back to the living room to claim the cushion beside yours.
He sighed and caught your eye with a soft chuckle after. “Where’s the fun in that? It’s been what, a year since your last book?”
“And my next one comes out in two weeks.”
His face lit up, “Really? Then why are you still writing?”
You smirked at him, “Ideas for the next few.” His smirk grew, “I get swarms of ideas, sometimes it takes a year to figure out which go where and together, sometimes I mix and match until I get the right ones to fit, so no sharing. My agent’s bad enough with that, poured through dozens of my notes once, went into a whole frenzy trying to make sense of them.” He chuckled again and turned his head to the front door as your bell rang.
In a glance to the clock on your wall you mumbled, “Took longer than I thought.”
Bofur glanced at you then to the door again on his path to answer it. Once opened his brow rose at the tall blonde at the door who smiled brighter when you walked over behind Bofur, “Bunny!”
Bofur stepped aside mouthing the nickname as you giggled and accepted his tight hug as he lifted you off the ground before setting you down and following you inside saying, “Great place, Bilbo has great taste.”
You giggled again spotting Bofur following you back into the living room, taking your spot as the blonde gently claimed your braced hand while you told Bofur, “Bofur, this is Glorfindel. One of my Cousins.” Bofur’s smile eased and you met Glorfindel’s eyes, “Bofur is King Thorin’s Cousin, slash, my guard for the day, or, however long your shift is.”
Bofur smiled, “Bifur will be here at nightfall.”
You nodded and looked to Glorfindel as he smirked, “Second day and making friends already. With a King no less.” He looked at your wrist again before sliding his fingers over your still swollen shoulder before lifting you and moving you to his other side, “You’re going to have to stretch that Bunny.” Easing his fingers over it and holding your arm across his chest before asking, “So, how’d you meet?”
“I dented his car.”
You smiled at him as he caught your eye with a stunned expression, “This happened in a car accident?”
“Technically, yes.”
“I was walking and these guys on a scooter sort of slammed into me and I fell against his car.”
“Enough to dent it?” You nodded. “And the guards are for?”
“He asked me on a date.”
He raised his brow, “Impressive. You are adorable when you’re delirious.”
You giggled through your response, “Thank you for that compliment.”
Making him chuckle as he raised your arm behind your head earning a soft squeak from you, “I see you’re still protecting my sweater.” You giggled again, “You can keep it. It’s a bit too pale for my taste this year. Orange is my new power color.”
You giggled again, “Impressive. I see Lindir and his hobbies are rubbing off on you.”
Deepening his smile, “It makes his dimples come out.” After a low chuckle he asked, “So King Thorin, when’s the date?”
“Not sure yet. He’s checking his schedule.”
He nodded again, “Your Uncles will be glad to hear that he’s taking your protection seriously, especially with what Gwahir got up to.”
Your head turned to Bofur as he asked, “Gwahir?”
“My ex-fiance.” Bofur raised his brow, “It was arranged, he cheated.”
Bofur, “Oh.”
Glorfindel, “He’s been arrested.” Your eyes shot to him as your lips parted, “That woman he cheated with, he was drunk and went after her in a rage. You were nowhere to be found and they assumed you’d been done away with and made to appear you’d run off. But right away once they’d taken him in the swabs they took on him came back to more unsolved cases. No worries though, your message got through and we weren’t concerned at all, knew you’d be able to find a safe place little bunny.” You smiled again then gave a soft squeak at the soft squeak coming from your shoulder popping before he gave your shoulder a gentle massage after easing the sweater off your shoulder. “You always do.”
Bofur, “So, how long were you two together?”
“Officially, just over a month after the agreement was reached, but about a week of me in his guest room to try and learn each other.”
Glorfindel, “Even then either me or Haldir were there each day to ensure no lines were crossed.”
Bofur, “Lines?”
“Elven custom, consummation is marriage, license or not.”
Glorfindel, “Very important rule, especially for her as the last female descendant in her line, and it names the position of our next Prince Consort.”
Bofur’s brow rose before you said, “Ya, we haven’t gotten that far yet.”
Glorfindel snickered and lowered his eyes to your shoulder again as Bofur asked, “Prince Consort? You’re a Queen?”
Bofur, “Technically? How is it, technically?!”
“Women in my line for centuries haven’t been allowed to rule without being married. They’ve never had the trouble of only having a Daughter to pass it off to. So since my Ada, passed, my Uncle has been ruling as my Regent.”
Bofur blinked a few times through his shock, “Which lands do you rule over?”
“Southern Greenwood, Grey Havens and Lindon.”
His lips parted, “Finwe’s line?!” You nodded. “Wow.”
“Yup.” You glanced at his hand moving to his pocket, “You’re going to text Thorin about it aren’t you?”
He nodded and left the room, “This, can’t wait.”
“Great. Can’t wait to hear the backlash from this one.”
Glorfindel, “What’s wrong with it?”
“His other Cousin’s probably told him about my breaking with Gwahir, now he’s going to hear one of his people injured a Queen and that he’s probably going to think that I’m using him for my crown.”
Bofur’s head popped around the corner and he added with a smirk, “Not what I’m passing on, Queen Jaqi.”
“Ya, you don’t have to call me that.”
With a chuckle he replied, “Yes I do.” You sighed leaning back against Glorfindel’s chest, “Technically Thorin’s got ten years left to wed before we count him as barren and Fili takes the throne. So Dis’ just as eager to marry Thorin off as well.” You nodded again as he stepped outside, “Dwalin! You are not going to guess what I learned about our Dear Queen.”
The door clicked and you stated, “Great.”
Glorfindel chuckled, “He’s what, still quite young right?” You nodded, “You’ve got at least twenty before yours is forfeit. Must be true about Dwarves and their low child count.”
“Can’t be much lower than ours. Well, not counting our line at least.”
“See, reason enough for him to pick you. Finwe had five children, Feanor had seven, had your parents lived longer you would have had countless siblings, and Maglor’s twins are growing nicely, both girls, so no worries on him having a challenger to you. Not that anyone would ever choose any of your Cousins over you. You’re the oldest and you’ve managed to keep our people in line even from across borders.”
“I’m not concerned about that.”
His smirk grew, “You like him?”
“He’s really sweet, and caring. Made sure I was taken care of, and he’s absurdly awkward at speaking to people without his crown it appears.” Making him chuckle again, “And you just swept in and dented your way into his heart.” You giggled as he pecked your cheek, “Well done little bunny. But your Uncles will be expecting to meet him at some point coming up.”
“I know.”
“At least with their watch Thranduil can relax on his offer to send a full set of guards to monitor you round clock.”
“Just what I need Elven guards peering over my shoulder trying to read my notes. At least the Dwarves should understand it’s a surprise.”
After a few hours of relaxing his alarm went off and he left for his flight back to Rivendell, stealing yet another peck on the cheek before stating he would pass on the news to your relatives leaving you back alone with Bofur who smirked at you and asked, “Aunt Diaa loves you already.”
“Aunt Diaa?”
“Thorin’s Amad.”
He chuckled waving his hand, “Don’t be like that. She can’t be anything close to rude to you, you’re the first one to snap Thorin out of his scowl.”
“I doubt that.”
Bofur chuckled again, “You’ve met Gloin right?” You nodded, “Stern, stoic, quiet around you until he learned you were Thorin’s guest. Well that’s how he is, at least with everyone but kin and you, but that’s another Durin trait. Find the right smile or set of eyes, or even just a giggle and we’re a giant puddle of goo.”
“Well I’ll keep an eye on that.”
Deep under your covers your hand slipped free to grab your phone you pulled under the covers you refused to pull back just yet knowing the sun was up. Blinking through the blinding light of the screen your finger found the talk button and you raised the phone to your ear after eyeing the unknown number, “Good Morning stranger.”
A familiar chuckle sounded through your phone at your adorably drowsy voice, “Did I wake you?”
“Sort of.”
“Well I do apologize, I was just calling to see if you needed me to have any food sent over to your place.”
“No, I can always shop later. There were some chips I spotted I wanted to try.”
“You do know I can send a shopper out for you.”
“I know. Thank you, but I enjoy my browsing.”
He chuckled softly, “Of course Your Majesty.”
You sighed softly, “You got Bofur’s message?”
“Technically, he told Dwalin who was overheard by my Amad and Grandmother who told me. They love you already by the way, you have quite a reputation.”
“The hard to barter with part or the notoriously reclusive part. And does it always take that long to get messages to you?”
He chuckled again, “You have my private cell number now, so no. Your reclusive nature seems to have served your people well. Touché on the secret throne detail, you win this round.”
You playfully quipped back, “Oh don’t even. I am not the one who let you find out by stumbling across a giant portrait of me in my palace.”
“You fell asleep.”
“You could have gotten the address from the hospital papers in my bag.”
“That would be an invasion of your privacy.”
With parted lips you inhaled and fired back, “Don’t you dare go being adorably disciplined, we were having a disagreement and you being adorable right now is not playing fair.”
He chuckled again biting his lip, “I will remember that for next time. I simply wanted to make sure you’re eating and got enough sleep. Plus I was able to secure Wednesday for our date, is that good?”
“My schedule’s clear. Oh, but um I’m going to have to send you a few dates later to see if you can make it,” he shifted in his chair with curiously furrowed brows, “My Uncle’s want me to bring you by for a family get together.”
His finger rose to hold his Cousin Balin off for a few moments when he entered, before he would start his morning report reading, “You would like me to go to all of them?”
“Well, there’s quite a few, but the list is to see which you could go to, if any.”
A smirk eased on his mouth signaling Balin to smile softly knowing who his Cousin was speaking with, “I’m going to at least one of them. Just um, send the list over through, I believe Nori is on your watch this morning and I’ll have it gone through against my schedule to fit as many as we can in. You’ve met a few of my family, with more to meet soon enough I’m sure, only fitting I should meet yours.” After a quiet pause he asked in a slightly cautious tone, “Are they pleased? I know Bofur mentioned something about your brief arranged match ending badly.”
“My Cousin is, he said he’d let me know what the others think later today after lunch with his Partner. I will let you know about it. You’ve got someone waiting for you don’t you?”
He glanced at Balin curiously, “How’d you know that?”
“Someone’s clicking a pen lid, you should be working, don’t worry about me.”
“Oh but I will be, especially if I don’t get an answer to my next question.”
“And what would that be?”
“I’m headed out to the mines in the outer rings and I’ll be back to late for dinner but I was thinking I could pick up some ice cream or something and drop by?”
You chuckled weakly, “It just so happens I was planning on making a cake.”
“I will bring the ice cream. Send the list through Nori and, and I will see you tonight.”
“Ok, now get to work, and no scowling!”
He chuckled again, “Doubt I could, bye.”
“Bye.” A sigh left you after you hung up and got out of bed with a grumble, having a quick shower and drying off before you dressed and joined your latest guard in the kitchen for your breakfast. Once you’d rinsed off your dishes you followed Nori out to his car. A short drive later you led him through nearly every aisle as he peppered you with questions about your series claiming that you’d already had enough of your life delved into already by his various Cousins.
Soon enough it was nearing midnight and you caught Dwalin’s eye as he caught your eye after you’d finished unloading the dishwasher from your third round of cakes and cookies you’d made as your meatloaf you had been craving was nearly cooked in the oven. His face once again slipped into a remorseful gaze at his Cousin clearly not making it tonight that soon shifted at your asking, “How difficult would it be for you to sneak me into the palace?”
A smirk grew on his face as he answered, “Not difficult at all. Going to throw his things all over the floor?”
You shook your head, “Nope, I’m going to leave him dinner, and one of these cakes, I cannot keep them all or I’ll eat them all myself.”
His smirk deepened, “Trying to show him up?”
“Not at all. If I don’t do this then he’ll be so tightly wound he’ll end up trying to make up for it on Wednesday and just melt down trying to be perfect.” Dwalin raised a brow, “He’s a King, I get it, work runs late, he sent a message to warn me. If things go well and we end up together then he’s going to have to come home sometime, and I don’t want him believing I’m the sort to make him find somewhere else to sleep. Ice cream and cake are easily portable, same as dinner, he’ll most likely be hungry when he is finished.”
Dwalin chuckled again, “Oh Thorin is in for a surprise.”
“Clearly he’s spending so much time concerned about my safety and eating habits he’s forgotten about himself.”
“Even before you he was missing meals.”
“Not any more.” Dwalin chuckled again and helped you load everything up into the basket you pulled form your pantry and drove you over. Earning more than a few curious glances from the guards and maids on your path beside Dwalin who simply chuckled at their eager bows and bright smiles once they realized who you must be. Trailing your path straight to the King’s quarters with a mouthwatering meal stirring more than a few growing stomachs when you left the room. 
An adoring smile and gaze poured from the Dwarf aiding you in setting the table and leaving the meal in the oven and the cake in the covered tray you’d transferred it there in the center of the table beside a set of notes you left for him only deepening Dwalin’s smile as he sat with you on the couch. For a whole ten minutes he held in his chuckles before your inevitable head droop against his shoulder. 
Chuckling softly he raised you in his arms and carried you into Thorin’s spare room in his apartment. The same one you’d stayed in the other day and tucked you into bed, smiling at the fact you’d made the trip in your pajama bottoms under another tank top and cardigan at the clear bruise he knew you were trying to hide on your right leg. Leaving your sneakers at the foot of the bed he slipped out and reclaimed his spot on the couch to finish the movie you’d started.
Biting back yet another growl Thorin felt his face tighten as the concerned glances from Balin grew more worrisome as the time drug on. The outer rim stop had grown well past the original two hour mark, but these other counselors all drug their feet and just had to bring up each and every regulation to be rechecked in the King’s presence. Each point and law only stabbing deeper that he could have been curled up with you by now after tasting what he only imagined to be the best cake he’d ever tasted. Each form of cake he could imagine flashed in his mind as his scowl deepened through his inability to know just what you had chosen for him, leaving him with only one decision to make Wednesday the most incredible day after spending as much of the next day after the few hours he could manage groveling for another chance.
The ride to the Palace seemed to grow three times longer as he longingly eyed the exit for your home, only to turn his head away at the stab in his chest at his first failure in your still fragile courtship. Struggling against his urge to collapse from the pain of it all he strolled as casually as he could through the halls with furrowing brows at the hushed whispers growing around him between the few workers still on their rounds. Exhaling slowly he turned his head back to the familiar path, finding his door and entering, slowly unbuttoning his jacket buttons and those along his sleeve on his path to his bedroom that halted as he reached the living room. Turning his head he spotted his Cousin, now on his feet clearing his throat only to hear, “You’re supposed to be with Jaqi.”
Dwalin nodded, “That I am.” Thorin inhaled sharply and nearly let out a growl before he followed after his Cousin, “Try giving the dining room a glance before you start shouting.” A curious gaze split through his scowl only to melt away at the set up as Dwalin leaned in to whisper, “Oh and I’m telling her you were scowling.”
A smirk eased onto his face as he eyed the cake tray and snuck a peak under the lid melting his smirk to a smile at the impressively iced chocolate cake with white chocolate drizzled zigzags across the top. Lowering the lid again he raised the note and chuckled softly, “Ice cream and cake are shocking portable you know. Supper is in the oven. I know you haven’t eaten, and I know you’ve been scowling too.”
He chuckled and glanced at Dwalin asking, “She made me supper?”
Dwalin nodded, “Something about you not trying to be perfect, work is work, and she knew you’d forget to eat.” Thorin’s smile deepened through another chuckle, “She is a Queen you know, not some Duchess or Princess expecting to be pampered.” He patted Thorin on the back, “Found yourself a partner there. She’s in your guest bed, fell asleep bit after we got here. Keeps insisting she’s not sore but I swear she’s got a bruise hidden under those pjs.”
Thorin nodded, “I’ll have Oin drop by in the morning with some more herbs for her.”
Dwalin chuckled, “Better start eating, it’s in the oven.” Thorin nodded watching his Cousin return to the couch as he ate your meal and tried the piece of cake you’d already pre cut for him, putting everything up before making a quick stop into your room to leave a gentle peck on your forehead then went to his own bed to try and get some sleep.
When he woke he hoped to sneak another but you’d once again snuck out, but had left a breakfast for him at your need to meet with your agent with Bofur once again in tow. Leading the next few days of trading calls and messages between the flowers and small treats he’d had sent to your home to surprise you.
Pt 3
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