#Celeste has not listened to her request to NOT do certain things because Celeste tries really hard to
sayakas-dr-imagines · 4 years
Hello! Buuuut hajime, kazuichi and celestia being jealous of their s/o?
Hi! So, when I wrote this request, I didn’t know if you meant being jealous of their S/O, or being jealous over their S/O. That probably doesn’t make any sense.
If this isn’t what you were looking for then please, please, please, please, please tell me, and I’ll write another version! Okay? Deal.
- Mod Sayaka
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Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Souda and Celestia Ludenburg Getting Jealous Over Their S/O!
Hajime Hinata
- Hajime likes to think of himself as quite a relaxed and laid-back kind of guy. He doesn’t get too uptight in situations, but he’s just the right amount of logic you need to get you out of a situation when given the opportunity to help in any way possible.
- Jealousy has never really been an emotion he feels much. Sometimes he finds himself with a minor case of jealousy when people somehow stay calm in situations where even he is stressed out in. But it had never really gone beyond that sort of petty jealousy before.
-Yet as he looked on at you surrounded by guys, chatting with them and laughing with them, he couldn’t help but feel a pit in his stomach. He cursed himself for being so overprotective, since he knew it wasn’t a reasonable thing to get jealous over at first.
- But then he noticed one of the man’s advances. Most of the guy’s intentions with you were shown clearly through his body language and that certain twinkle in his eye that shows he’s up to no good.
- He has an inner argument with himself for a couple of moments. 
- It’s perfectly reasonable to get jealous when guys are flirting with your S/O, right? But then again... what if he wasn’t? They’re laughing. They might be jokes. But still...
- He let out a puff of air as he ran a hand through his spiked hair - conflicted beyond belief. He couldn’t help how he feels, but sometimes it isn’t right to feel a certain way about things. He could very well be in the wrong. Yet, as he looks at that guy casually wrap and arm around your shoulder...
- Now he feels anger. Anger that not only did he clearly have the intention of wooing you, but this man had the guts to touch you. He took one look at your face. You didn’t seem uncomfortable, but you did seem to try to step away from the man who put an arm around your shoulder.
- His body was moving on its own at this rate - as he casually walked over to the group. He couldn’t help but notice how your face lit up upon seeing him walk over. “Hajime! Come here, wanna hang out with us?”
- Honestly, Hajime had no response to that. He didn’t want to let you down or cause suspicion that he’s being possessive, but he also has no intention of speaking with any of these men who sparked something deep inside of him that he didn’t even know he had.
- Without thinking, he nodded his head in order to avoid the slim chance of you thinking he was being far too overprotective. Immediately after, you went back to chatting with the other guys. 
- He appreciated how to did your best to include him in the conversation, but he really wished you were psychic at the moment, so that you could know just how much he would pay or do to not be involved at all. This was the last thing he wanted to do - and he answered without thinking, which got him involved in the end.
- “Excuse me, guys,” you say as you take Hajime’s hand in yours. His heart stops for a moment. He hates that he does, but he takes pride in the look of fury and shock in the face of the man who was making moves on you. “I’m gonna leave now, ‘kay? See you later!”
- You pulled on his arm before he could register that you’d even started to walk away, and so he hastily walked after you as you led him around a corner or two. Somewhere, deep down, he was afraid of you telling him that he was being a terrible boyfriend by being jealous. But how would you even know exactly how he was feeling? He wasn’t that transparent, was he?
- You stopped abruptly, causing him to awkwardly bump into you. He mumbled an apology as he took a small step backwards. You turned around to face him, and you took a moment to even say a single word.
- “Hajime... is something wrong? You’ve been quieter than usual. Are you mad at me?” Panic flooded through his mind as soon as you said that. Did it really come off as if he was angry at you? He internally screamed at himself for letting you feel that way.
- He raised his hands. “No, no! N-not at all, I’m not mad at you, I swear!” He says this all too quickly to be believable, and be notices that, too. “Seriously, it isn’t you. I could never be mad at you.”
- “Then what’s up?” you asked frowning. Your gaze never left him for even a second - to the point where Hajime found it almost intimidating. He’d never felt like that before whenever your gaze was transfixed on him for another reason. Maybe it was the circumstances that made him feel intimidated.
- “I just... That guy, the one who wrapped his arm around your shoulder? Yeah. He clearly had alternative intentions with you - and... I was jealous.” It was almost painful for him to admit it, but relieving nonetheless.
- You didn’t look upset, or mad, like he thought you would. Instead, a big grin spread across your face. “Aw, Hajime! It’s fine. Next time just tell me, okay? I don’t actually like that guy, anyway. Too touchy-feely, y’know?
- The utter relief that he felt was overjoying, and he smiled back at you. “Yeah. Of course, I should’ve known there was no reason to be jealous.” 
- He was caught off guard as you pulled him down by his tie and kissed him, but he settled into it after a quick moment of realisation. 
- Now he realised how stupid it was to be jealous over something like that.
Kazuichi Souda
- Kazuichi was just wandering around through the halls, whistling to himself quietly when he turned a corner and was immediately stopped by his own shock. His thoughts were actually what brought him back to reality. 
- Around the corner, he saw you, being hit on by another guy. He had a typical jock aura to him, the type of one where they clearly aren’t to be messed with. He stood in shock for a moment, before deciding to get a good read on the situation before jumping to conclusions too early.
- He felt anger boiling up inside him as he heard him casually add in pickup lines to any decent conversation you two seemed to be having. They weren’t even that good - was this guy for real right now?
- This guy had the balls to hit on you when you clearly just wanted a casual conversation. It wasn’t as if he didn’t understand - like, you’re hot as hell, Kazuichi would honestly hit on you too. But he had the decency to have a conversation with you without completely ruining it with weak pickup lines.
- No, he’d ruin it with good pickup lines.
- But still. Even though he understood how the guy felt, that didn’t change how he felt. You’re his S/O, and by all rights, he should feel like this when guys are hitting on you. But what if he was joking around? What if he screwed something up while confronting you two about it?
- He was overthinking things. Which was never a good sign, no matter the circumstances. He gripped his beanie, distress, as different options ran through his mind.
- After seeing the guy give you a small punch to the shoulder, he snapped. He walked over - fully prepared for any conflict that may lie ahead of him. “Hey, man! The hell you doing?”
- The guy obviously didn’t want to see Kazuichi - because he previously confident and smug facial expression faltered and he looked almost disappointed. There was no response, but you turned to him with a look in your eyes that screamed “help me”.
- “Back off, dude. S/O doesn’t want you here.” Kazuichi pushed him back, standing next to you after saying that. The guy simply tried to regain his place next to you by shoving back.
- Kazuichi was fully ready to get physical with this guy - no matter what consequences were sure to follow. He stopped as soon as he felt your grip on his arm, pulling him back. “Stop it, Kazuichi. It’s fine, really, let’s just leave now. Okay?”
- He nodded, but ended up being shoved back again by the guy, who was clearly not just going to let him go without a fight. He stepped up to glare at him, but ultimately turned around and rushed out of the area with you trailing close behind him.
- He stopped when you two arrived at a bench. He practically collapsed down onto it, letting out a dramatic sigh as he did so. You were quick to follow, sitting down next to him. “You really didn’t have to do that, Kazuichi. But thanks - that guy was getting pretty forceful.”
- “I did have to do it, S/O! Listen - I know it sounds weird - but seeing guys treat you like that makes me real uncomfortable. You’re my S/O. Nobody else’s, right?” He looked at you, as if for confirmation, even though you both know nothing he just said needed any sort of confirmation from anybody, even if it was phrased that way.
- You smiled gently, leaned down, and kissed him. He seemed as if he was already prepared for this - kissing back almost immediately after.
- At least the worry he previously had was gone by now.
Celestia Ludenburg
- Celeste was normally a very calm and composed person. Even in times of crisis she was always able to stay level-headed and logical, which was a trait that many people admired. It was a trait of hers that she, herself, admired and found herself lucky to have.
- She was rather intimidating, too. Sometimes this was something she used to her advantage when people were being a thorn in her side - other times it was something that inconvenienced her when she needed people to trust her wholeheartedly.
- Yet as she walked into the library only to be met with a couple of guys making moves on you, she couldn’t help but feel like her calm and composed nature was faltering and deteriorating by the second.
- Her first instinct would usually be to walk right up there and confront the situation as it is. Tell the guy to go away so she could talk to you about it, and then the main problem would be solved. That has always been how she thought she would handle a situation like this.
- But when it happens in real life and she was faced with the decision for the first time, not in a hypothetical situation, it became much more difficult to work up the courage to bring herself to do anything at all.
- She was rooted to the spot, and she was left to unwillingly listen to what was happening between you two. What she heard only increased her rage by an amount she didn’t even believe was possible.
- This absolute imbecile was repeatedly telling you how much he “knows you want to go out with him”, and how much he’d “like to take you for a ride”. She couldn’t help but feel proud as you repeatedly told him to leave you alone without losing your composure completely.
- She finally regained control of her own body and forced herself to walk into the room - taking a good look at the situation ahead of her.
- Currently, you were sitting at a table with a book in front of you. Your struggle to keep focused was apparent in both your expression and how loudly the man was babbling on about himself.
- First, she walked over and took a seat near you. She saw your face light up, and felt her anger melt away slightly. “Good evening, dear. How are you today?” She rested her chin on her hands as she looked at you with the same deceitful smile on her face as always.
- “I’m doing great, Celeste. I’m trying to study, but-”
- “Excuse me, lolita girl, I’m having a nice conversation with this lovely person here.” Celeste looked up at the man, who had a smug look on his face. She gave him a smile.
- “Actually, I believe S/O here is attempting to study. They should not be having a conversation with anybody - unless it is one sided, yes?” Her passive-aggressive comment was not met kindly with the man it was directed towards. He slammed his hands down on the table in an attempt to be threatening.
- Celeste let her smile drop. She stood up, using her hands to lean over the table and be closer to the man. “I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave my dear S/O alone to study. A foul man such as yourself should be in the garbage dump - where you belong. Now do me a favour and get out - before your stench invades this entire library.”
- The man was either stunned into silence or embarrassed into silence - because his face turned red and he exited the room faster than a lightning bolt. Celeste turned back to face you.
- “Are you alright? Did that imbecile harm you in any way at all?”
- “No, I’m completely fine. Thanks for that, though. He was really overbearing.”
- “It was nothing.”
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