#dr1 imagines
vrisrezis · 1 year
General Headcanons for the trigger happy havoc boys with an ultimate ruler S/O? (Essentially they are like Sonia being from the royal family of a far off nation but are constantly getting pressure from their family to at least start looking for a potential partner for when they do eventually take the throne. You don’t have to include this part if you don’t want to)
Leon is a little intimidated to be with somebody, for once in his life. What’s somebody like you doing dating a baseball player anyway? He thinks you’re weird for it, but man he’s grateful to whatever merciful god granted him this.
Mondo also doesn’t get why you’re dating him. Your lives couldn’t be anymore different. He doesn’t complain but he does ask you pretty often why you bother with him.
Kiyotaka doesn’t handle your situation well at first, given his complex with working hard = success, what did you do to earn your place? You two get along eventually.
Hifumi is in love!! Kinda acts around you like how he acts around Celeste but it’s clear there’s a difference because he’s in LOVE!
Hiro thinks it’s cool, I hc him being poor so he likes having you around lol, helps him with the money troubles. Kinda intimidated though, seriously.
Byakuya honestly can’t be surprised he would be interested in somebody like you, he deserves only the best after all. You both make quite the couple.
Makoto can’t fathom the idea of y’all dating sometimes, in his mind he’s undeserving. You wouldn’t know he thinks that though.
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ronpatrash · 1 year
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quick toko!
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dailymakotonaegi · 4 months
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kiyocuck · 7 months
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another post today bcuz i had to get this thought out of my head
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nabateaprodigy · 5 months
Hellooo!! Could I have headcanons of the dr1 and dr2 boys (you can choose whichever ones but pls add Makoto and Nagito) with an afab s/o who loves laying/hugging the boy's head on/into their chest when cuddling? (if you're comfortable with that ofc). They'll also love petting their hair a lot while doing it, too. Thank you!! Remember to take good care of yourself. <3
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, Nagito.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: afab.
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Let's get this out of the way first and foremost Makoto loves cuddling! Although I could see him being a little hesitant to ask he'll soon enough work up the nerve to ask to cuddle with you!
At first, I felt like Makoto would be pretty awkward with cuddling. He wasn't used to being held in such a romantic way before meeting you so this was all rather new to him. For the first few times, the both of you cuddled a blush could be seen on his face.
To put him more at ease you would play with his hair and it helped a lot! It was very relaxing for him to have you run your fingers through his hair. Careful though you might poke yourself on his ahoge!
When cuddling with you Makoto feels a sense of peace he's safe he's happy when he's cuddling with you. There's just no better comfort than being held by the one you love most.
You know Makoto gets flustered easily and you can't help but take advantage of it. By just laying his head on your chest you get to see his cute flustered face. It's almost as if he stops functioning no matter how many times you do it but you can't help yourself he's just so adorable!
Cuddling with Chihiro is something that happens a lot. Unlike Makoto, I don't think he would be afraid to ask for cuddles. He would mostly cuddle with you when he's finished programming.
Since he's tired he loves it when you play with his hair. It puts him at ease and makes him feel sleepy. Before you know he's fallen asleep right in your arms!
I can see Chihiro cuddling with you daily. He's tired from programming and you love cuddles. So both of you have worked it into your schedule.
While you cuddle he likes to ask you about your day and how it's been. In return, you ask the same if even a lot of that time is spent programming you don't mind.
When you lay his head on your chest he might be a little flustered but I don't think he would mind that much. He would find it too comfortable and he's just happy if it means being closer with you.
Hajime has always had doubts about himself and you've known this. Regardless the undeniable fact is that you deeply care for and love Hajime. Cuddling is something Hajime has always wanted to try especially with you.
However, he doesn't want to rush anything he doesn't want to make you feel overwhelmed. He goes back and forth if he should ask or not. When he's having these doubts you offer for him to cuddle with you.
You hold him in your arms telling him that it's okay to do this and there's no need to ask. Hajime loves you he loves you so much. How did end up with you someone so kind and caring?
I feel like Hajime would prefer to be the big spoon just to hold you in his arms knowing you are safe with him. I feel like he's pretty warm all the time so it's easy to fall asleep while cuddling him.
As for when you decided to rest his head in your chest well I'm afraid our deer Hajime almost stopped functioning. His face was so red the first time you rested his head on your chest. He wouldn't admit but it was very comfortable.
Even though this man is your boyfriend he feels like he doesn't deserve cuddles. Why? No idea but that's Nagito logic for you.
It's not that he doesn't want to Nagito is more than happy to cuddle with you! But he just feels like his luck could hurt you in some way.
You love running your fingers through Nagito's hair it's just so fluffy and soft! You ask him how he has his hair like that but he doesn't seem to have an answer.
He loves cuddling with you it makes him feel so warm and relaxed. He loves cuddles when the both of you come home from school just too tired to do anything else.
About you resting his head in your chest I don't think he would be all that flustered or shy about it. Although he may feel like it may make you uncomfortable resting his head there. But you a sure him that's no issue and who is he to no to his beloved?
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yawujin · 19 days
Hi! Hope you don’t mind, but could I ask for Byakuya Togami, Teruteru Hanamura, Byakuya (Imposter) and Ryoma Hoshi with an S/O who has misophonia? Feel free to adjust it if this is too much- thank you!
request | byakuya, teruteru, ultimate imposter & ryoma x S/O with misophonia
type | light hearted , non killing game , gender neutral reader
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byakuya togami ♡
at first, he thought you were just slightly bothered by certain noises
"it's a good thing we don't have to hear this all day, now isn't it?" he remarked turning a page in his book
you two had gone on an outdoor date, sitting on the poolside of a resort
it was amazing, but loud
you brought up your misophonia to him, with byakuya researching it later on when you two were about ready to settle down for the night
during the weekend, he had taken you to buy top quality noise cancelling headphones
then, the next day, he took you to a very nice restaurant that he knew had a quieter atmosphere
whenever you get triggered by a noise, he'll squeeze your hand without a word until you feel better
teruteru hanamura ♡
you get especially irrate when you hear the clanging of pots and pans in the kitchen and the light clinking of silverware
"whatever is the matter sweetie?" teruteru places his hand on the small of your back. you hadn't realized he noticed
you explain your misophonia to him and how the noises he makes affects you
he looks troubled, but then has an idea
he hands over a speaker to you and tells you to play your favorite songs "play it all as loud as you want, i'll be here~"
he works as quiet as he can in the kitchen, eventually calling you over to the table for dinner
ultimate imposter ♡
his house is rather quiet, but it's next to a street that's busy very often
holds you tight when you start feeling panicked because of the loud noises coming from outside
he'll cup your ears and stroke your hair until you feel okay enough to sit up
he usually eats crunchy things, such as chips, away from you to prevent you getting triggered by his eating noises
ryoma hoshi ♡
he's usually quiet anyway so being with him goes smoothly most of the time
if you get triggered by any noises outside, he'll instantly put on some relaxing music
"wanna go lay down by the cat and listen to him purr?"
ryoma lets you cuddle him while you intently listen to your cat meow and purr quietly
"see?" ryoma yawns, the calm atmosphere making you both sleepy "you're alright." he reassures you
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doodlboy · 9 months
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Man I can't imagine being mondo in the middle of case 2,
Because like the entire first half is unrelated red herrings to the murder HE committed, and no one has even fathomed that he's involved. Everyone is too busy accusing byakuya, then toko, then finding out toko is a serial killer, THEN finding out she wasn't involved at all and it was just byakuya's shitty copycat of serial killer toko in an attempt to make the case more "interesting."
And the only reason Mondo gets found out is because he made a slip of the tongue. If he hadn't said "blue tracksuit," he might not have gotten caught or at least postponed them finding out it was him. The guilt might've gotten to him if they kept going back and forth for a while, and he would have just confessed like he did at the end of the trial, but like...damn.
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hermespie · 4 months
If you write for her, may I request some Mukuro Ikusaba romantic headcanons?
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Prompt: Romantic headcanons
Pairings: Mukuro Ikusaba
A/N: Of course anon! I hope you enjoy it! And I really hope this doesn't feel serious, my writing I meant🙈
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The fact that she and you could become a couple must have taken a long journey on building trusts between each other, so I think communication wouldn't be a problem for the both of you. Mukuro is a person that would really care for you if she trusts you enough so the entire relationship with her would not only be comfortable but overwhelming with small affection as well.
I feel like she wouldn't be the type to show her affection publicly, rather than showing them in small details on her actions towards you.
Like remembering your favourites and hates, knowing how you like your coffee for the morning, knowing what time your favourite show would come out so she could watch with you together.
Or maybe even during conversations, she would know if you crave for something just by how you talk. She would make you feel loved without using words.
I also feel like she'd be up to any kind of physical affection if you're comfortable with it, she'd be the type that would be willing to do anything for her partner to feel happy and comfortable.
Although she's not good with words, she would try her best to tell you what she feels and how much she loves you in any other way possible.
It's really hard to see her get embarrassed, but she does quite often when you simply just smile at her or show her affection, she would just make it hard for you to notice.
And at the same time she loves to see your reaction to her while she shows you affection as well.
She appreciates you that chose to love her even though she's flawed, and promises to always protect you, her love.
"When you look at me, when I feel your hand in mine... I know that... I'm real."
-from the official game( school mode)
S/O anxious about their appearance , looking at the mirror as they slide their fingers around their face, frowning.
"another one of those days?"
Mukuro said, as she placed the tray onto the bedside table. Two matching coffee mugs sat quietly on top of the tray, the aroma of it swims around the room.
S/O nodded, as they let out a helpless sigh.
" hey now,"
Mukuro held onto both of s/O's hands tightly as she slowly moved them towards her, leaving a small peck on top of it.
" I don't know if it could help, but to me you're the most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life.."
She left out a soft chuckle afterwards.
"cheesy I know, but hey, I'm not lying. Everything.."
She fidgets your hand as she brings your finger towards yourself, sliding every part of your face
"this here, your eyes..."
She then slides your finger to your nose, and gives a gentle Boop on top.
"your beautiful nose"
And as soon as she brings your finger towards your lip, she slowly leans in forward.
"and your beautiful lips"
She said, before leaning in for a short, sweet kiss.
" You're beautiful, please never doubt that, even for a day."
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flakytartart · 1 year
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The Ultimate Comfort Character
Thank you, Kiyotaka
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roseluwakcoffee · 7 months
Kirigiri's profile says she hates coriander
Do you think she just really hates the flavor or is she one of those people with a genetic disposition that causes cilantro and the like to taste like soap?
Could see it either way. She lived in L.A. for a while when she was little, and considering how much cilantro is in Latino cooking...
I always forget about that fact, my real question about it has been what they’re technically referring to. Because coriander could also be the spice, which is used on curry, stews, and meats so she could find that in L.A. too. But it would be hilarious if she did think cilantro tastes like soap so I’d be 100% for that
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
kyoko realizing that she's in literally the same position in oafc that she was in oaei and proceeding to then compare makoto and junko with the conclusion being "i could always trust makoto to want something good, but i could not trust makoto to actually have a plan i can follow" and "i can always trust junko to have left breadcrumbs for me to follow and have a logical plan in place, but i cannot trust junko to want something good" and then going with "yeah, but you know what, i like junko better, and so i'm not mad at her" is not what i expected, but here we are.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Hiii can I request a Nagito and Makoto x reader (separate)? The reader is just randomly tackling them, how will they react?
Nagito is usually expecting of it, if he sees you coming that is. Nagito pays close attention to all your face expressions and is able to recognize when you’re up to something. If it’s a sneak attack though, he probably doesn’t notice and you can catch him by surprise. “Ah … is something wrong my hope? Surely there must be if you’re willing to touch scum like me”
Makoto is always caught by surprise when you do it without fail. He gets red by any physical contact you two make, so he’s pretty red in the face by you suddenly tackling him, and he’s completely confused everytime you do it. He doesn’t hate it, it’s just always unexpected.
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kotaerukoto · 25 days
Thinking more abt DR1. The tragedy of the DR1 characters has a unique strength to me, precisely because we know that absent of Junko's Mutual Killing, they all eventually end up getting along pretty decently! Probably one of the most relevant examples for my muse is Makoto's relationship with Maizono-- in settings without the Mutual Killing such as Development Mode and Talent Development Plan, their interactions are nothing but friendly, supportive, and even sometimes a little intimate. It's not difficult to infer that during the single regular year at Hope's Peak, they got along just as well or were moving towards that. And all of that just makes what happens during the main game to the whole cast, not just Makoto and Maizono, even more of a bitter pill to swallow since along with their memories Junko stole even intangible things like relationships. Another example of this is Oowada and Fujisaki: that picture Monokuma (Junko) "dropped" really says it all...
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monomonomagines · 2 years
Hai :3
I saw your "dr 2 boys realizing their in love with their s/o for the first time" And I really liked it ^^ It was so cute ( ╹▽╹ )
So could I request it with Kyoko, Mukuro Maki,Komaru,Mikan, Shuichi , Toko And Byakuya ?
Sure thing Anon! I had a lot of fun with that particular prompt back when we started the blog so I’m very honored to be able to write more with that subject for other characters. I hope that you’ll enjoy this as much as I did writing it for you. 
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Kyoko admired your wit and confidence but the moment that really made her take notice of you (as well as catch feelings for you) would be when the two of you got into a debate and you were able to correct her. 
It may seem small or inconsequential especially given how intelligent Kyoko is herself but even she’s human.
She made a mistake and you weren’t afraid to correct her and that would be the moment that she realizes that she enjoys your company. 
After that there’d be no way she could stop thinking about you and how dependable you can be. 
Mukuro despite not seeming soft with a title like the Ultimate Soldier really is rather sensitive in her own way.
She craves approval and love enough to do anything she can for her sister, even setting aside the things she loves to get this.
That’s why she fell hard and fast as soon as you tried to ask her to hangout and when she mentioned that you should ask her sister told her that you liked her more.
No one had ever liked her “more” or often saw her as more than a package deal with Junko so hearing those words would be enough to secure her affections for you. 
Despite telling you to stay back Maki is normally someone you have to push to get through to as you would have to in order to get her to open up at all. 
She lashes out at your insistence and persistence even to get close to her but this technique would ironically be what gets to her. 
However the exact moment that would seal the deal would be the one time she breaks down actually. 
Maki doesn’t necessarily have huge outbursts but for you to put your arms around her and assure her that “everything’s ok” she can’t help but to fall for you. 
The way you never ran away from her threats, or dismissed her because of her coldness at first warmed her heart up to you and you only. 
Komaru is a bit of a romantic in her own way with all the strange shoujo manga she’s read but overall she’s really a simple gal.
She’d fall rather quickly for you given all the time she’d want to spend together but the exact moment that really did it would have to be when you came over to return some manga she had lent you.
She had high hopes that once you finished it the two of you could discuss it and she was elated when you agreed since it made her happy.
You had so much care for her interests and gave her all the time you could and that in and of itself made her fall then and there. 
She’s rather bashful when she notices her heart skip a beat and her mind stuck on you but she’ll do her best to woo you over when she works up the courage.
Mikan’s biggest desire is to be loved and secure so she’d be rather close to you even before she had fallen for you.
Like a little duckling following its mother, Mikan would try to do whatever she could to remain by your side including doing whatever you wanted to.
However this was amplified when she had come over one particular day and you insisted on actually doing what she liked.
Sure it came off as a huge surprise but the fact that you would try to do anything she wanted and always took the time to assure her that you can accommodate for her as well made her smitten for you.
She’s shy until she warms up but once you earn her heart she gets so distracted and clingy that she can’t help but throw herself at you anyway she knows how to.
Shuichi is rather perceptive so he would already be fairly aware of you before he would catch feelings for you.
However, the moment that would earn his heart would have to be when you’d stand up for him.
Shuichi and his friends were in a bit of a debate but even despite his point being correct decided as usual thanks to his lack of confidence to accept that he was wrong.
You however, weren’t having any of that, hopping into the conversation and standing up for him even if you didn’t have to.
After that there was no way Shuichi could meet your gaze without feeling his cheeks burn and heart race but maybe just maybe he could work up the courage to actually ask you out.
Getting through to Toko of all people is near impossible. She only has her eyes set on certain types and is hard to budge.
However, like Mikan she needs love and security more than anything else in the world so once you get past her barriers you could sneak your way through.
The exact moment Toko fell for you was when you overheard someone’s plan to play badger games with the poor girl as the intended target. 
Before they could land any blows to Toko’s already fragile ego however, you stepped in letting her know what was happening and reporting the group question even when she told you didn’t have to.
Soon enough though her eyes would be drifting away from Byakuya and towards you, the person who actually stood up for her. 
To earn Byakuya’s affections would be a high honor for sure but also a difficult task.
Even if he had taken notice of you previously he looked down on everyone that he assumed to be below him.
But you would find a moment that would make it so that you could escape from his ‘pathetic commoner’ lenses that he oh so often adorned himself with.
And who knew all it’d take is to know more than the poor bastard. Byakuya may not be able to stand being wrong but if you can really prove that he is he has to respect you and see you as a cut above the rest.
He can’t deny you intellect and therefore grant you permission to interact with him openly. 
However, the exact moment that gets him to fall for you is when you genuinely allow him to talk about his life one night without diminishing his struggles or immediately assuming that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
He finds your company genuinely enjoyable and would realize that whether you meant to or not you had successfully penetrated his walls and made him of all people feel butterflies when he was next to you.
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fujisakistan · 1 year
Mukuro Ikusaba x male!reader romantic headcanons?
Mukuro Ikusaba x male!reader headcanons
After a while of letting her warm up to you, you'd have to be the one to ask her out
When she's with you, she's very protective and always makes sure you're safe
Big spoon but will be little if you wanted
She'd love to go on romantic walks through a park
Stay-in dates would be cuddles on the couch or bed, watching an action movie, she loves those
She's very flustered and constantly blushing
The longer you're with her, the more open she is
Will get a pet dog
She's just very enamored of you, very wholesome couple <3
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nabateaprodigy · 5 months
HII so I wondering if you could do Leon Kuwata x ultimate cheerleader reader dating head cannons??
Cheerleader Star
Series: Danganronpa.
Character: Leon.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
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I feel at first Leon wouldn't notice you. okay well, it would be hard not to with the cheering and dancing BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! Leon knows his skill is great so why need a cheerleader to remind him of his skill? Or get him pumped up for the upcoming game?
But game after game the cheerleaders would be there for him and his team. Because of this Leon began to recognize the faces of everyone. Especially you oh yes especially you. He isn't sure why he just felt drawn to you.
Maybe it's your smile as you cheer for him and his team it feels more genuine than others. Or maybe it's the look in your eye he couldn't help but see a sparkle in them.
And well he just couldn't help end up falling in love with you. Your beauty and talent he both appreciated and loved. Leon was sure you felt the same he saw the longing glances you gave his way. Don't pretend like you didn't because you did!
Of course, he began to see you around school as well. After some time during lunch, he decided to approach you with his ✨charming smile. ✨ The both of you spoke a little bit about yourselves and your talents!
The conversation went smoothly and better than he expected because, by the of it, he ended up with a cute cheerleader for a partner!
You would be a pretty popular couple in school! I mean a cheerleader and amazing baseball player?!? That's like 100 popularity points right there!
But of course, if you didn't want your relationship to be a public thing that would be fine as well!
After a while, Leon started to attend your cheerleader practice! It made you incredibly happy and it meant a lot to you. That Leon supported you just as you have been supporting him.
Dating you changed his view on cheerleaders at first he didn't think much of them. But after meeting you? Oh well, his opinion changed quite a lot.
What did he think now? Well, he was happy to have a cheerleading team at his games especially you. As soon as he saw you he had a goofy grin but it's one you loved very much. With you there cheering him on Leon knew he could win any game.
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