#Celine Newton & Dante Cunningham
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‘Where are we going, Niki?’ Cel asked, glancing around the corridor, trying to trace the path that her friend was dragging her down. Usually she’d have managed it, but not today. Not after her worries about Freddie had surfaced. Not after the little boy who was like a younger brother to her had all but shrunk away from her because of what some -
‘There was a noise,’ Niki said, cutting her thoughts off. She could hear the barest trace of fear behind his voice, snapping her attention to him in an instant. ‘Down here.’
‘And you want me to check it out?’
Nikolai shrugged. ‘You are the bravest -’
‘Flattery will literally get you nowhere, Holland,’ she assured him, but she was already slipping her wand out of her robes. Already trying to figure out if she should stun and then ask questions, or dare a moment to figure things out.
‘In there,’ he said, nodding towards what looked like little more than a broom closet.
‘If it’s Mrs Norris again -’
‘Cel!’ he whined.
Celine huffed, shook her head ever so slightly, and then hauled the door open.
The thing was barely open a crack before she felt hands on her back. She stumbled into the darkness, collided with something squidgy. Before she could round on the door again, she heard it click closed. Cutting off the sounds of Nikolai’s laughter.
Behind her, someone cursed in Spanish.
‘Dante?’ she asked, murmuring her wand alight.
His scowl filled her vision, but seemed to soften ever so slightly when he realised it was her. His dark eyes flicked to the door behind her. ‘How’d he get you here? Tell you there was free prank materials.’
Cel rolled her eyes. There was no point trying the door, it would only irritate Dante, and she couldn’t imagine that he hadn’t already attempted the same thing.
‘You know George owns a prank supplies shop, right Danny?’ she countered, a small smile curling her lips. It was only now that she realised he was the squidgy thing she’d collided with. In the small space of the cupboard they were practically nose-to-nose. She could feel his breath tickling the side of her face.
‘And you constantly take advantage of that?’ Danny’s voice was low, the barest hint of disbelief behind it.
‘Of course not, Dante,’ she said, trying to stand a little taller. She didn’t know why the comment had irked her, but she felt the need to defend herself. ‘Why would I do that?’
‘You wouldn’t.’
‘Why would I ruin…? What?’ Cel’s anger dissipated as his words finally got through to her, even though he had spoken softly.
Dante angled his head slightly, as if he were bowing it to her. She felt his breath on her cheek when he spoke. ‘You are many things, Celine Newton, but a person who takes advantage of others? That’s not one of them.’
Cel felt the heat rushing up her cheeks. She lowered her wand as if that might dim the light enough for him not to realise.
The small smirk on his lips gave away that her luck had run out.
Forcibly, she turned her attention away from him, away from his lips and the urge to finally step over that line of friendship that she had been dangerously tightrope walking for months now.
She shuffled around in the space so she could rest a hand on the wood of the door. ‘I guess you tried all the usual spells,’ she said, more statement than question. ‘I’m going to kill Niki when we get out of here.’
Dante chuckled softly, reached around her waist to try the handle. No such luck. ‘Not if I do it first.’
Once again, she tried to ignore the tickle of his breath, tried to focus on getting out of the enclosed space. Nikolai may have had good intentions with his little attempt to help them finally brave their feelings, but she wasn’t grateful for it. They would, eventually, figure things out for themselves. It was just a matter of being patient, and in this case, Cel was happy to wait for them both to be comfortable.
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A bang from another room startled Celine. Her attention snapped that way. Ghost stories in a supposedly haunted house had, in retrospect, been a pretty bad idea. But she couldn’t help it. There had been something so exciting about it all that she’d had to keep going. Now, however, she was beginning to wonder if it had really been such a good idea.
‘Probably just the house settling,’ suggested Teddy, though there was little sincerity behind his voice.
Perhaps they could have believed it, could have clung to the idea that it really was just their imagination. If the bang hadn’t happened again, this time followed by shattering glass.
Celine was up in an instant, and she heard the movement of the others. She only realised she’d taken a step when she felt someone tugging at her wrist.
‘Cel,’ murmured Dante softly. When she glanced back at him, his attention was on the ceiling, his eyes wide and for once fear contorted his features.
Slowly, she looked up. Blood was seeping across it, blossoming out from the light fitting.
Dante’s hand tightened around her wrist. ‘Celine, don’t -’
Without hesitating, Celine pulled herself free and hurried up the stairs, eager to find out what exactly they were currently in the house with, and to work out if there was anything they could do about it.
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My Harry Potter: Next Generation OCs are: Celine Newton; Belinda ‘Linda’ Woodward; Evelyn ‘Eve’ Munro; Faye Taylor; Isa McKenna; Dante ‘Danny’ Cunningham; Liam Wells; Nikoli ‘Niki; Holland; Josh Desilva
Celine Newton is the perspective character for the story. Her parents died in the Battle of Hogwarts and her paternal grandparents looked after her – they were Muggles, and her maternal grandparents had cut ties with her mother after she married a Muggleborn.
When she was four years old, her grandparents died and she was taken in by her maternal aunt simply because the Pureblood side of her family wondered if perhaps they couldn’t use her for something. Celine hated it, and ran away not long after having moved in with her aunt and her aunt’s boyfriend. Celine ended up Diagon Alley and sat outside Weasleys Wizard Wheezes where she met George. There was something about her that endeared her to him; however, her aunt came to collect her and Celine had to return home – even if she stated that she wanted to stay with him.
Over time, Celine managed to spend more time with George and his family – growing to see them as a surrogate family – and tried to spend as little time as possible at home. In their eyes, Celine is pretty much a Weasley; she’s like an older sister to Fred and Roxanne. She’s also best friends with Teddy Lupin – who she met while at a Weasley-Potter family party.
Celine is a bit of a prankster with a good heart – she only targets people that are mean to other, or who she knows will take everything in good humour. She’s on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team as a Beater. Celine has a large group of friends at school but while they know there is darkness in her past, the truth of who exactly her family are is something she’s cagey about. There are some in the school who know her heritage, and are more than willing to hold the truth of this over her head.
Celine isn’t specifically in a ship, but there are some flirtatious moments between her and Dante Cunningham.
Belinda ‘Linda’ Woodward is the youngest of five (one sister is the eldest, then two brothers, then a sister, then Linda), but she grew up feeling kind of alone. Her parents are Half-Bloods who tried to help rebuilding the Wizarding World, even though they were raising their family. Her eldest sister helped to bring up the younger ones. It’s possibly because of how much was going on in their house that Linda started pulling pranks to get attention – positive or negative, she doesn’t really mind which – but through that she learnt how much she enjoys making people laugh. Linda is a chatterbox and enjoys being the centre of attention.
Linda is well known in the school, and will pretty much speak to everybody. She has a close-knit group of friends – her dormmates and some of the boys they know through Celine’s links to Teddy are included in this – but is happy to chat with almost everyone. She’s one of the friendliest Ravenclaws in the school. There are a few people that she doesn’t get along with, but usually because they have done something she thinks is wrong previously.
Linda is a lesbian and finds herself falling for a girl in another dormitory. She did have a crush on Eve early on, but realised nothing would happen; she’s glad that the crush didn’t ruin their chances of friendship because she doesn’t know what she’d do without Eve around sometimes.
Evelyn ‘Eve’ Munro is an only child and the only grandchild on one side of her family; for that reason she was a little spoilt, something she actually grew to resent. Her family appear to have played the long, if dangerous, game of not picking a definitive side, and instead being on the outskirts during the Wizarding Wars. She grew up catching the odd bit of Muggle life, and that was how she fell in love with music. When she was nine she saved up pocket money, converted it to Muggle money, and bought herself a violin and song book. She taught herself, despite the confusion of her family. Her greatest ambition is to become a musician, though not many people know that about her. The only reason she didn’t buy a magical instrument was because she wanted something with a history that wasn’t shrouded in magic.
Eve gets on with her dormmates, but does get a little infuriated with Celine, Linda and Faye sometimes. She is also the Slytherin prefect in their year. She is fiercely protective of her friends, and a little scary to any who would want to cross them. She knows the boys in passing though, and tends to speak with other people outside of this little clique – mainly those who have the same academic focus as her, and desire for doing more.
She’s never really thought about relationships and things, so wouldn’t know where to begin with talking about attraction. That doesn’t mean she can’t appreciate good looks or personality, it’s just never really been her thing either way.
Faye Taylor was brought up by her maternal grandparents following the death of her parents in a car accident. She lived in a small village where she was always the youngest (by a long way) person there. She loved all things magical, and found herself getting lost in those worlds. While she has never been diagnosed with ADHD, there is the strong possibility that she has it to some degree - her school reports were always full of teachers saying she needed to focus more. Only her year 3 teacher ever tried to do something to help her cope, but they were unable to get any plans in place because there were others who needed to be prioritised and they had found ways to help Faye cope to some degree. When she got her Hogwarts letter her grandparents were stunned, but they were happy for her in a way because it meant her biggest dreams had come true.
Faye is close to her dormmates but always worries that she will annoy them; she is grateful for Celine who lets her ramble as much as she wants. She is on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as a Chaser, meaning she is close to Liam. She gets on with the other boys, and is reasonably close to others in her house, including younger years.
She has a crush on Liam and has done for a while; she is pansexual.
Isa McKenna grew up by the sea and adored it - especially when she and her older brother would go surfing in the freezing cold water. She is very close to her family, her mother is a Half-Blood and her father a Muggle; and her brother also went to Hogwarts. While she was excited to learn more about magic she was worried about missing the sea, thus she spent time at the Black Lake. She is an avid reader, and even more inclined to do research than read fiction sometimes. She loves the outdoors and hates it when people insist on being cooped up inside.
She is very close to the girls in her dormitory, however they don’t really have a lot in common. She butts heads with Linda a lot due to how contrasting they are. She is relatively shy, and it tends to be Eve who helps her with social things. She is reasonably close to the boys, but has her own little friendship group too where she spends a lot of time. She becomes the head girl during their seventh year, much to the excitement of her friends (Celine jokes that it means they can get away with more, much to Isa’s horror).
Isa is heterosexual but tends to be too shy to flirt with people. Nik flirts with her, but then he flirts with everyone. She had a crush on a boy in her brother’s year, but didn’t say anything while he was at Hogwarts. Luckily, Malachai ‘Mal’ Clearview works in Hogsmeade.
Dante ‘Danny’ Cunningham is the only child of Pureblood parents who love him dearly. He is also close to his extended family, with some of his uncles being well known within the Wizarding community for potions (both good and bad ones). He grew up in Spain but his parents, especially his father, wanted him to go to Hogwarts because of its reputation. They moved to England a short while after his tenth birthday. He doesn’t like it as much as home but is making the most of it. His Dad used to take him on business trips when he was younger, meaning he mixed with some of the other prestigious Wizarding families.
When he arrived at Hogwarts he knew some people, and there were a few scared of his family. To some, he is Slytherin royalty, and therefore those with ties to the darker side of magic - in all houses - try to get him on side. Celine was one of the first people to reach out to him, along with Teddy, and they have been friends ever since. Dante is also close to the other boys in his dormitory, even if he scares the final member of their room.
Dante has trouble opening up to people, always being on his guard, but there is the occasional flirting between him and Celine Newton He is heterosexual, but is always worried about making a move, or reciprocating to flirting, due to how many people might just be trying to use him.
Liam wells is a Muggleborn who grew up as the middle sibling of two sisters. He loved spending time with his family - though, he and his older sister had blazing rows occasionally. He is in fact the only one in his immediate family that’s magical. He also went to a lot of sports games with his dad and uncle growing up, and was on most sports teams.
Liam gets on well with the boys in his dorm, enjoying the fact he and Teddy are two Hufflepuffs. He gets on well with the girls too, especially Faye. He has, on occasion, helped Isa with hairstyles, making sure he looks them up in the holidays for her. As soon as he was allowed to try out for the Quidditch team, Liam did and joined as a Beater.
He is a bit of a romantic, not that people think that of him. He is demiromantic and has a massive crush on Faye but is scared to ruin things with her by doing anything about it.
Nikoli ‘Niki’ Holland is the only child of a Half-Blood mother and Pureblood father. His paternal Wizarding family actually sided with Voldemort, and Nikoli is always trying to make up for this because it doesn’t sit right with him - even when his family tell him stories of the grandeur of the Dark Lord. They themselves are trying to make people forget they were on that side, but in private they discuss it. His mum brought him up as his father couldn’t cope in the Muggle world (he tried because he truly did love his wife and child, and he also didn’t agree with everything his family did) and abandoned them when Nikoli was six. When he was accepted into Hogwarts he was nervous to leave his mum but also excited to go there.
Nikoli is close to his dormmates, even if there are occasional contentions between him and Dante sometimes. Occasionally he will spend time with his Gryffindor Housemates, but Nikoli is a very sociable person and tends to move around different groups of people in general. He gets on well with the girls and enjoys pranking people with Celine, Linda and Teddy.
He is bisexual and will flirt with pretty much anyone. In the beginning he had a crush on Teddy but it faded pretty quickly. He does have a crush on Toby Wood though, who is a year below him.
Josh Desilva is the only child of Muggleborns who went to Ilvermorny but moved to Wales after graduating. His parents were in hiding for some of the Wizarding War because of their blood status, but tried their best to help Muggles and other Muggleborns in the surrounding area. Josh grew up in Wales, and has only visited America a handful of times to meet his family over there.
From a young age, Josh experienced gender dysmorphia, and while his parents helped him as best they could with it, it wasn’t until he started Hogwarts and found people that were more accepting of him than those in the little village he’d grown up in, that Josh gained confidence with his identity. His friends were supportive during his transition, and it was Teddy’s dormitory that ensured there was room for Josh with them.
Josh is a Ravenclaw and is possibly the most anxious out of the friendship group, constantly trying to make sure the others don’t get into too much trouble. He’s a Prefect for their year group as well, which occasionally puts him into difficult situations with the pranks he knows they are planning.
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Full name: Celine Helena Newton.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Demiromantic heterosexual.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Family: Celine’s parents died in the Battle of Hogwarts and she was raised by her Muggle paternal grandparents. Following their death she was taken in by her maternal aunt Adhara and her boyfriend Julius, but not before she met George Weasley. She sees the Weasleys as more her family than her aunt, and does everything she can to spend time with them over Adhara.
Birthplace: Kent, England.
Job: Student.
Phobias: Her family; popping balloons; pigeons.
Guilty pleasures: Terrible dancing; ice cream; star gazing.
Morality alignment?: Chaotic good.
Sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath: Pride and wrath.
Virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice: Kindness and justice.
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert/extrovert: Extroverted - Celine is a very outgoing person and loves talking to new people.
Organised/disorganised: Organised - though mostly through necessity than choice.
Close minded/open-minded: Open-minded - despite the influence of her aunt, Celine has always tried to be open-minded.
Calm/anxious: Anxious - Celine puts up a façade of calmness, however there are a lot of things that worry her.
Disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable - for the most part she doesn’t rock the boat, unless she disagrees completely and then there’s no holding her back.
Cautious/reckless: Reckless - Celine is very good at acting first and thinking later.
Patient/impatient: Depends on the circumstances, but mostly patient - considering herself the older sibling to Freddie and Roxy, Celine learnt to be patient because of them.
Outspoken/reserved: Mostly outspoken - that being said, she’s learnt to be more reserved when with her aunt.
Leader/follower: Leader - Celine is more than capable of being a leader, she just doesn’t like the thought of all that responsibility most of the time.
Empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic - even if her aunt is one of the least empathetic people she knows.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic - even with all the things that have happened to her, Celine still does her best to look on the better side of things.
Traditional/modern: Modern - if anything, Celine kind of shuns tradition because it’s what her aunt seems to fall back on most of the time.
Hard-working/lazy: Hard-working - Celine always tries her best to do what she can, though sometimes she needs reminding to take a moment to breathe.
OTP: Dante ‘Danny’ Cunningham.
OT3: Celine, Belinda ‘Linda’ Woodward and Josh Desilva.
BROTP: Celine and Teddy Lupin.
NOTP: Celine and Kian Zabini.
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